package com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.comics; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.comictypes.ArchivedComic; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Bound; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Downloader; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Strip; public class CtrlAltDelSillies extends ArchivedComic { private static final int mFirstYr = 2008; private int mCurrYr; private static final String mArchiveYr = ""; @Override public String getComicWebPageUrl() { return ""; } @Override protected String[] getAllComicUrls(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { ArrayList m_com = new ArrayList(); String str, str_temp; String search = "/sillies/" + mCurrYr; int i; while((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { i = str.indexOf(search); if (i != -1) { str_temp = str; str_temp=str_temp.replaceAll(".*?href=\"","");; str_temp=str_temp.replaceAll("\".*$", ""); str_temp=""+str_temp; m_com.add(str_temp); } } String[] m_com_urls = new String[m_com.size()]; m_com.toArray(m_com_urls); return m_com_urls; } @Override protected void fetchAllComicUrls() { if(mComicUrls == null) { try { ArrayList all_yrs = new ArrayList(); // get for all years Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int f = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); for(mCurrYr=mFirstYr;mCurrYr<=f;mCurrYr++) { URI u = null; try { u = new URI(mArchiveYr+mCurrYr); } catch(Exception e) {} // This should never occur!! BufferedReader reader = Downloader.openConnection(u); String[] urls = getAllComicUrls(reader); for(int i=urls.length-1;i>=0;i--) { all_yrs.add(urls[i]); } reader.close(); } mComicUrls = new String[all_yrs.size()]; all_yrs.toArray(mComicUrls); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } mBound = new Bound(0, (long) (mComicUrls.length - 1)); } @Override protected String getLatestStripUrl() { fetchAllComicUrls(); return getStripUrlFromId(mComicUrls.length - 1); } @Override protected String getArchiveUrl() { return ""; } @Override protected boolean htmlNeeded() { return true; } @Override protected String parse(String url, BufferedReader reader, Strip strip) throws IOException { boolean comic_found = true; String str; String final_str = null; String final_title = null; while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { if(str.indexOf("Comic could not be found.") != -1) { comic_found = false; } if(!comic_found) { continue; } int index1 = str.indexOf("/comics/sillies-"); if (index1 != -1) { final_str = str; final_title = str; } } /* if(!comic_found) { String msg = "Failed to find the comic for URL="+url; ComicNotFoundException cnf = new ComicNotFoundException(msg); throw cnf; } if((final_str == null) || (final_title == null)) { String msg = "Failed to find the stripURL for URL="+url; msg += " final_str="+final_str+" final_title="+final_title; ComicParseException cpe = new ComicParseException(msg); throw cpe; } */ final_str = final_str.replaceAll(".*src=\"",""); final_str = final_str.replaceAll("\".*",""); final_title = final_title.replaceAll(".*title=\"",""); final_title = final_title.replaceAll("\".*",""); strip.setTitle("CAD-Sillies"); strip.setText("-NA-"); return final_str; } }