use Mix.Config # pleroma/pleroma/pleroma are the default credentials for the # managed database container. "db" is the default interlinked hostname. # You shouldn't need to change this unless you modifed .env config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, username: "pleroma", password: "pleroma", database: "pleroma", hostname: "db", pool_size: 10 # Listening to is required in a container # Do not change this config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, http: [ ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}, port: 4000 ] config :pleroma, :gopher, ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}, port: 9999 # vvv Your awesome config options go here vvv ### # Here are some example values. # Uncomment what you need or delete it all. # # Want to use pleroma's config generator instead? # Try `./pleroma mix pleroma.instance gen` and then `./pleroma cp /home/pleroma/pleroma/config/generated_config.exs config.exs`. # # Need some inspiration? # Take a look at ### # config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, # url: [host: "", scheme: "https", port: 443], # secret_key_base: "" # config :pleroma, :instance, # name: "example instance", # email: "", # limit: 5000, # registrations_open: true, # dedupe_media: false # config :pleroma, :media_proxy, # enabled: false, # redirect_on_failure: true # base_url: "" # Configure web push notifications # config :web_push_encryption, :vapid_details, # subject: "", # public_key: "", # private_key: "" # Enable Strict-Transport-Security once SSL is working: # config :pleroma, :http_security, # sts: true # Configure S3 support if desired. # The public S3 endpoint is different depending on region and provider, # consult your S3 provider's documentation for details on what to use. # # config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.S3, # bucket: "some-bucket", # public_endpoint: "" # # Configure S3 credentials: # config :ex_aws, :s3, # access_key_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", # secret_access_key: "yyyyyyyyyyyy", # region: "us-east-1", # scheme: "https://" # # For using third-party S3 clones like wasabi, also do: # config :ex_aws, :s3, # host: "" # Configure Openstack Swift support if desired. # # Many openstack deployments are different, so config is left very open with # no assumptions made on which provider you're using. This should allow very # wide support without needing separate handlers for OVH, Rackspace, etc. # # config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Swift, # container: "some-container", # username: "api-username-yyyy", # password: "api-key-xxxx", # tenant_id: "", # auth_url: "", # storage_url: "", # object_url: "" #