FROM elixir:1.6-alpine env MIX_HOME /mix env MIX_ARCHIVES /mix-archives # Prepare system RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build alpine-sdk git rsync # Perform a clone that can be cached WORKDIR /pleroma RUN git clone --progress . # Bust the cache with a build arg # that is different on every build ARG __BUST_CACHE ENV __BUST_CACHE $__BUST_CACHE # Update pleroma ARG PLEROMA_VERSION RUN \ git checkout $PLEROMA_VERSION && \ git pull --rebase --autostash # Inject config ADD ./docker-config.exs /docker-config.exs RUN \ ln -s /docker-config.exs config/prod.secret.exs && \ ln -s /docker-config.exs config/dev.secret.exs # Correct paths WORKDIR / VOLUME /custom.d # Register entrypoint ADD ./entrypoint.ash / RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.ash CMD ["/entrypoint.ash"] # Call entrypoint to precompile pleroma RUN /entrypoint.ash onbuild EXPOSE 4000