Update docs and add mnesia

This commit is contained in:
sn0w 2019-08-25 23:59:29 +02:00
parent 2f283393e5
commit 7234cee371
2 changed files with 29 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ RUN \
apk add --no-cache --virtual .runtime \
imagemagick \
elixir erlang erlang-runtime-tools \
erlang-xmerl erlang-ssl erlang-ssh erlang-eldap
erlang-xmerl erlang-ssl erlang-ssh erlang-eldap erlang-mnesia
# Add entrypoint
COPY ./entrypoint.sh /

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ For other problems related to this script, contact me or open an issue :)
### Prerequisites
- ~500mb of free HDD space
- ~1GB of free HDD space
- `git` if you want smart build caches
- `curl`, `jq`, and `dialog` if you want to use `./pleroma.sh mod`
- Bash 4+
@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ Hint:<br>
You can also use normal `docker-compose` commands to maintain your setup.<br>
The only command that you cannot use is `docker-compose build` due to build caching.
### Configuration
All the pleroma options that you usually put into your `*.secret.exs` now go into `config.exs`.
`.env` stores config values that need to be known at orchestration/build time.<br>
Documentation for the possible values is inside of that file.
### Updates
Run `./pleroma.sh build` again and start the updated image with `./pleroma.sh up`.
@ -69,11 +76,31 @@ You don't need to stop your pleroma server for either of those commands.
### Maintenance
Pleroma maintenance is usually done with mix tasks.
You can run these tasks in your running pleroma server using `./pleroma.sh mix [task] [arguments...]`.
If you need to fix some bigger issues you can also spawn a shell with `./pleroma.sh enter`.
For example: `/pleroma.sh mix pleroma.user new sn0w ...`
### Customization
Add your customizations (and their folder structure) to `custom.d/`.<br>
They will be copied into the right place when the container starts.<br>
You can even replace/patch pleromas code with this,
because the project is recompiled at startup if needed.
In general: Prepending `custom.d/` to pleromas customization guides should work all the time.<br>
Check them out in the official pleroma wiki.
For example: A custom thumbnail now goes into `custom.d/` + `priv/static/instance/thumbnail.jpeg`.
### Patches
Works exactly like customization, but we have a neat little helper here.
Use `./pleroma.sh mod [regex]` to mod any file that ships with pleroma, without having to type the complete path.
### My instance is up, how do I reach it?
To reach Gopher or SSH, just uncomment the port-forward in your `docker-compose.yml`.
@ -116,31 +143,6 @@ Something that cofe.rocks uses is simple port-forwarding of the `server` contain
From there on, the natively installed nginx server acts as a proxy to the open internet.
You can take a look at [this file](https://glitch.sh/hosted/pleroma/src/commit/4e88d93276f0bb2ef62d7f18477b156318924325/docker-compose.m4#L93) and [cofe's proxy config](https://glitch.sh/hosted/pleroma/src/commit/4e88d93276f0bb2ef62d7f18477b156318924325/proxy.xconf) if that setup sounds interesting.
### Customization
Add your customizations (and their folder structure) to `custom.d/`.<br>
They will be copied into the right place when the container starts.<br>
You can even replace/patch pleromas code with this,
because the project is recompiled at startup if needed.
In general: Prepending `custom.d/` to pleromas customization guides should work all the time.<br>
Check them out in the official pleroma wiki.
For example: A custom thumbnail now goes into `custom.d/` + `priv/static/instance/thumbnail.jpeg`.
### Patches
Works exactly like customization, but we have a neat little helper here.
Use `./pleroma.sh mod [regex]` to mod any file that ships with pleroma, without having to type the complete path.
### Configuration
All the pleroma options that you usually put into your `*.secret.exs` now go into `config.exs`.
`.env` stores config values that need to be known at orchestration/build time.<br>
Documentation for the possible values is inside of that file.
### Attribution
Thanks to [Angristan](https://github.com/Angristan/dockerfiles/tree/master/pleroma) and [RX14](https://github.com/RX14/kurisu.rx14.co.uk/blob/master/services/iscute.moe/pleroma/Dockerfile) for their dockerfiles, which served as an inspiration for the early versions of this script.