mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 20:50:20 -05:00
202 lines
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202 lines
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "../gcn64.h"
#include "../gcn64lib.h"
#include "../../requests.h"
gtk_builder_get_object(app->builder, #ELEMENT);
struct application {
GtkBuilder *builder;
gcn64_hdl_t current_adapter_handle;
static void updateGuiFromAdapter(struct application *app)
unsigned char buf[32];
int n;
GtkSpinButton *pollInterval0 = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON( gtk_builder_get_object(app->builder, "pollInterval0") );
n = gcn64lib_getConfig(app->current_adapter_handle, CFG_PARAM_POLL_INTERVAL0, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (n == 1) {
printf("poll interval: %d\n", buf[0]);
gtk_spin_button_set_value(pollInterval0, (gdouble)buf[0]);
G_MODULE_EXPORT void pollIntervalChanged(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data)
struct application *app = data;
GET_UI_ELEMENT(GtkSpinButton, pollInterval0);
gdouble value;
int n;
unsigned char buf;
value = gtk_spin_button_get_value(pollInterval0);
printf("Value: %d\n", (int)value);
buf = (int)value;
n = gcn64lib_setConfig(app->current_adapter_handle, CFG_PARAM_POLL_INTERVAL0, &buf, 1);
G_MODULE_EXPORT void config_checkbox_changed(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data)
struct application *app = data;
struct {
unsigned char cfg_param;
GtkCheckButton *chkbtn;
} configurable_bits[] = {
{ CFG_PARAM_N64_SQUARE, GET_UI_ELEMENT(GtkCheckButton, chkbtn_n64_square) },
{ CFG_PARAM_GC_MAIN_SQUARE, GET_UI_ELEMENT(GtkCheckButton, chkbtn_gc_main_square) },
{ CFG_PARAM_GC_CSTICK_SQUARE, GET_UI_ELEMENT(GtkCheckButton, chkbtn_gc_cstick_square) },
{ CFG_PARAM_FULL_SLIDERS, GET_UI_ELEMENT(GtkCheckButton, chkbtn_gc_full_sliders) },
{ CFG_PARAM_INVERT_TRIG, GET_UI_ELEMENT(GtkCheckButton, chkbtn_gc_invert_trig) },
{ },
int i;
unsigned char buf;
for (i=0; configurable_bits[i].chkbtn; i++) {
buf = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(configurable_bits[i].chkbtn);
gcn64lib_setConfig(app->current_adapter_handle, configurable_bits[i], &buf, 1);
G_MODULE_EXPORT void onMainWindowShow(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data)
int res;
struct gcn64_list_ctx *listctx;
struct gcn64_info info;
struct application *app = data;
GtkListStore *list_store;
res = gcn64_init(1);
if (res) {
GtkWidget *d = GTK_WIDGET( gtk_builder_get_object(app->builder, "internalError") );
gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(d), "gcn64_init failed (returned %d)", res);
list_store = GTK_LIST_STORE( gtk_builder_get_object(app->builder, "adaptersList") );
printf("Listing device...\n");
listctx = gcn64_allocListCtx();
while (gcn64_listDevices(&info, listctx)) {
GtkTreeIter iter;
printf("Device '%ls'\n", info.str_prodname);
gtk_list_store_append(list_store, &iter);
if (sizeof(wchar_t)==4) {
gtk_list_store_set(list_store, &iter,
0, g_ucs4_to_utf8((void*)info.str_serial, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
1, g_ucs4_to_utf8((void*)info.str_prodname, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
3, g_memdup(&info, sizeof(struct gcn64_info)),
} else {
gtk_list_store_set(list_store, &iter,
0, g_utf16_to_utf8((void*)info.str_serial, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
1, g_utf16_to_utf8((void*)info.str_prodname, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
3, g_memdup(&info, sizeof(struct gcn64_info)),
// gtk_list_store_set(list_store, &iter, 1, "asfasdfasdfasf", -1);
G_MODULE_EXPORT void adapterSelected(GtkComboBox *cb, gpointer data)
struct application *app = data;
GtkTreeIter iter;
GtkListStore *list_store = GTK_LIST_STORE( gtk_builder_get_object(app->builder, "adaptersList") );
GtkWidget *adapter_details = GTK_WIDGET( gtk_builder_get_object(app->builder, "adapterDetails") );
struct gcn64_info *info;
if (!app->current_adapter_handle) {
app->current_adapter_handle = NULL;
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(adapter_details, FALSE);
if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(cb, &iter)) {
gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(list_store), &iter, 3, &info, -1);
printf("%s\n", info->str_path);
app->current_adapter_handle = gcn64_openDevice(info);
if (!app->current_adapter_handle) {
printf("Access error!\n");
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(adapter_details, TRUE);
G_MODULE_EXPORT void onMainWindowHide(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data)
G_MODULE_EXPORT void suspend_polling(GtkButton *button, gpointer data)
struct application *app = data;
gcn64lib_suspendPolling(app->current_adapter_handle, 1);
G_MODULE_EXPORT void resume_polling(GtkButton *button, gpointer data)
struct application *app = data;
gcn64lib_suspendPolling(app->current_adapter_handle, 0);
main( int argc,
char **argv )
GtkWidget *window;
GError *error = NULL;
struct application app = { };
/* Init GTK+ */
gtk_init( &argc, &argv );
/* Create new GtkBuilder object */
app.builder = gtk_builder_new();
/* Load UI from file. If error occurs, report it and quit application.
* Replace "tut.glade" with your saved project. */
if( ! gtk_builder_add_from_file( app.builder, "gcn64cfg.glade", &error ) )
g_warning( "%s", error->message );
g_free( error );
return( 1 );
/* Get main window pointer from UI */
window = GTK_WIDGET( gtk_builder_get_object( app.builder, "mainWindow" ) );
/* Connect signals */
gtk_builder_connect_signals( app.builder, &app );
/* Destroy builder, since we don't need it anymore */
// g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( builder ) );
/* Show window. All other widgets are automatically shown by GtkBuilder */
gtk_widget_show( window );
/* Start main loop */
return( 0 );