/* wusbmote: Wiimote accessory to USB Adapter * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Raphaël Assénat * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * The author may be contacted at raph@raphnet.net */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hexdump.h" #include "version.h" #include "gcn64.h" #include "gcn64lib.h" #include "gc2n64_adapter.h" #include "mempak.h" #include "../requests.h" #include "../gcn64_protocol.h" static void printUsage(void) { printf("./gcn64_ctl [OPTION]... [COMMAND]....\n"); printf("Control tool for WUSBmote adapter. Version %s\n", VERSION_STR); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -h, --help Print help\n"); printf(" -l, --list List devices\n"); printf(" -s serial Operate on specified device (required unless -f is specified)\n"); printf(" -f, --force If no serial is specified, use first device detected.\n"); printf(" -o, --outfile file Output file for read operations (eg: --n64-mempak-dump)\n"); //printf(" -i, --infile file Input file for write operations (eg: --gc_to_n64_update)\n"); printf(" --nonstop Continue testing forever or until an error occurs.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Configuration commands:\n"); printf(" --get_version Read adapter firmware version\n"); printf(" --set_serial serial Assign a new device serial number\n"); printf(" --get_serial Read serial from eeprom\n"); printf(" --set_poll_rate ms Set time between controller polls in milliseconds\n"); printf(" --get_poll_rate Read configured poll rate\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Advanced commands:\n"); printf(" --bootloader Re-enumerate in bootloader mode\n"); printf(" --suspend_polling Stop polling the controller\n"); printf(" --resume_polling Re-start polling the controller\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Raw controller commands:\n"); printf(" --n64_getstatus Read N64 controller status now\n"); printf(" --gc_getstatus Read GC controller status now (turns rumble OFF)\n"); printf(" --gc_getstatus_rumble Read GC controller status now (turns rumble ON)\n"); printf(" --n64_getcaps Get N64 controller capabilities (or status such as pak present)\n"); printf(" --n64_mempak_dump Dump N64 mempak contents (Use with --outfile to write to file)\n"); printf(" --n64_mempak_write file Write file to N64 mempak\n"); printf("\n"); printf("GC to N64 adapter commands: (For GC to N64 adapter connected to GC/N64 to USB adapter)\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_info Display info on adapter (version, config, etc)\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_update file.hex Update GC to N64 adapter firmware\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_read_mapping id Dump a mapping (Use with --outfile to write to file)\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_load_mapping file Load a mapping from a file and send it to the adapter\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_store_current_mapping slot Store the current mapping to one of the D-Pad slots.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("GC to N64 adapter, development/debug commands:\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_echotest Perform a communication test (usable with --nonstop)\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_dump Display the firmware content in hex.\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_enter_bootloader Jump to the bootloader.\n"); printf(" --gc_to_n64_boot_application Exit bootloader and start application.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Development/Experimental/Research commands: (use at your own risk)\n"); printf(" --si_8bit_scan Try all possible 1-byte commands, to see which one a controller responds to.\n"); printf(" --si_16bit_scan Try all possible 2-byte commands, to see which one a controller responds to.\n"); } #define OPT_OUTFILE 'o' #define OPT_INFILE 'i' #define OPT_SET_SERIAL 257 #define OPT_GET_SERIAL 258 #define OPT_BOOTLOADER 300 #define OPT_N64_GETSTATUS 301 #define OPT_GC_GETSTATUS 302 #define OPT_GC_GETSTATUS_RUMBLE 303 #define OPT_N64_MEMPAK_DUMP 304 #define OPT_N64_GETCAPS 305 #define OPT_SUSPEND_POLLING 306 #define OPT_RESUME_POLLING 307 #define OPT_SET_POLL_INTERVAL 308 #define OPT_GET_POLL_INTERVAL 309 #define OPT_N64_MEMPAK_WRITE 310 #define OPT_SI8BIT_SCAN 311 #define OPT_SI16BIT_SCAN 312 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_INFO 313 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_TEST 314 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_UPDATE 315 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_DUMP 316 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_ENTER_BOOTLOADER 317 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_BOOT_APPLICATION 318 #define OPT_NONSTOP 319 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_READ_MAPPING 320 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_LOAD_MAPPING 321 #define OPT_GC_TO_N64_STORE_CURRENT_MAPPING 322 #define OPT_GET_VERSION 323 struct option longopts[] = { { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "list", 0, NULL, 'l' }, { "force", 0, NULL, 'f' }, { "set_serial", 1, NULL, OPT_SET_SERIAL }, { "get_serial", 0, NULL, OPT_GET_SERIAL }, { "bootloader", 0, NULL, OPT_BOOTLOADER }, { "n64_getstatus", 0, NULL, OPT_N64_GETSTATUS }, { "gc_getstatus", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_GETSTATUS }, { "gc_getstatus_rumble", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_GETSTATUS_RUMBLE }, { "n64_getcaps", 0, NULL, OPT_N64_GETCAPS }, { "n64_mempak_dump", 0, NULL, OPT_N64_MEMPAK_DUMP }, { "suspend_polling", 0, NULL, OPT_SUSPEND_POLLING }, { "resume_polling", 0, NULL, OPT_RESUME_POLLING }, { "outfile", 1, NULL, OPT_OUTFILE }, { "infile", 1, NULL, OPT_INFILE }, { "set_poll_rate", 1, NULL, OPT_SET_POLL_INTERVAL }, { "get_poll_rate", 0, NULL, OPT_GET_POLL_INTERVAL }, { "n64_mempak_write", 1, NULL, OPT_N64_MEMPAK_WRITE }, { "si_8bit_scan", 0, NULL, OPT_SI8BIT_SCAN }, { "si_16bit_scan", 0, NULL, OPT_SI16BIT_SCAN }, { "gc_to_n64_info", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_INFO }, { "gc_to_n64_echotest", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_TEST }, { "gc_to_n64_update", 1, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_UPDATE }, { "gc_to_n64_dump", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_DUMP }, { "gc_to_n64_enter_bootloader", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_ENTER_BOOTLOADER }, { "gc_to_n64_boot_application", 0, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_BOOT_APPLICATION }, { "gc_to_n64_read_mapping", 1, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_READ_MAPPING }, { "gc_to_n64_load_mapping", 1, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_LOAD_MAPPING }, { "gc_to_n64_store_current_mapping", 1, NULL, OPT_GC_TO_N64_STORE_CURRENT_MAPPING }, { "nonstop", 0, NULL, OPT_NONSTOP }, { "get_version", 0, NULL, OPT_GET_VERSION }, { }, }; static int listDevices(void) { int n_found = 0; struct gcn64_list_ctx *listctx; struct gcn64_info inf; listctx = gcn64_allocListCtx(); if (!listctx) { fprintf(stderr, "List context could not be allocated\n"); return -1; } while (gcn64_listDevices(&inf, listctx)) { n_found++; printf("Found device '%ls', serial '%ls'\n", inf.str_prodname, inf.str_serial); } gcn64_freeListCtx(listctx); printf("%d device(s) found\n", n_found); return n_found; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gcn64_hdl_t hdl; struct gcn64_list_ctx *listctx; int opt, retval = 0; struct gcn64_info inf; struct gcn64_info *selected_device = NULL; int verbose = 0, use_first = 0, serial_specified = 0; int nonstop = 0; int cmd_list = 0; #define TARGET_SERIAL_CHARS 128 wchar_t target_serial[TARGET_SERIAL_CHARS]; const char *short_optstr = "hls:vfo:"; const char *outfile = NULL; const char *infile = NULL; int gc2n64_channel = 0; while((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_optstr, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 's': { mbstate_t ps; memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps)); if (mbsrtowcs(target_serial, (const char **)&optarg, TARGET_SERIAL_CHARS, &ps) < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid serial number specified\n"); return -1; } serial_specified = 1; } break; case 'f': use_first = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'h': printUsage(); return 0; case 'l': cmd_list = 1; break; case 'o': outfile = optarg; printf("Output file: %s\n", outfile); break; case 'i': infile = optarg; printf("Input file: %s\n", infile); break; case OPT_NONSTOP: nonstop = 1; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized argument. Try -h\n"); return -1; } } gcn64_init(verbose); if (cmd_list) { printf("Simply listing the devices...\n"); return listDevices(); } if (!serial_specified && !use_first) { fprintf(stderr, "A serial number or -f must be used. Try -h for more information.\n"); return 1; } listctx = gcn64_allocListCtx(); while ((selected_device = gcn64_listDevices(&inf, listctx))) { if (serial_specified) { if (0 == wcscmp(inf.str_serial, target_serial)) { break; } } else { // use_first == 1 printf("Will use device '%ls' serial '%ls'\n", inf.str_prodname, inf.str_serial); break; } } gcn64_freeListCtx(listctx); if (!selected_device) { if (serial_specified) { fprintf(stderr, "Device not found\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No device found\n"); } return 1; } hdl = gcn64_openDevice(selected_device); if (!hdl) { printf("Error opening device. (Do you have permissions?)\n"); return 1; } printf("Ready.\n"); optind = 1; while((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_optstr, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { unsigned char cmd[64] = { }; int n; int cmdlen = 0; int do_exchange = 0; switch (opt) { case OPT_SET_POLL_INTERVAL: cmd[0] = atoi(optarg); printf("Setting poll interval to %d ms\n", cmd[0]); gcn64lib_setConfig(hdl, CFG_PARAM_POLL_INTERVAL0, cmd, 1); break; case OPT_GET_POLL_INTERVAL: n = gcn64lib_getConfig(hdl, CFG_PARAM_POLL_INTERVAL0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (n == 1) { printf("Poll interval: %d ms\n", cmd[0]); } break; case OPT_SET_SERIAL: printf("Setting serial..."); if (strlen(optarg) != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "Serial number must be 6 characters\n"); return -1; } gcn64lib_setConfig(hdl, CFG_PARAM_SERIAL, (void*)optarg, 6); break; case OPT_GET_SERIAL: n = gcn64lib_getConfig(hdl, CFG_PARAM_SERIAL, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (n==6) { cmd[6] = 0; printf("Serial: %s\n", cmd); } break; case OPT_BOOTLOADER: printf("Sending 'jump to bootloader' command..."); gcn64lib_bootloader(hdl); break; case OPT_SUSPEND_POLLING: gcn64lib_suspendPolling(hdl, 1); break; case OPT_RESUME_POLLING: gcn64lib_suspendPolling(hdl, 0); break; case OPT_N64_GETSTATUS: cmd[0] = N64_GET_STATUS; n = gcn64lib_rawSiCommand(hdl, 0, cmd, 1, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (n >= 0) { printf("N64 Get status[%d]: ", n); printHexBuf(cmd, n); } break; case OPT_GC_GETSTATUS_RUMBLE: case OPT_GC_GETSTATUS: cmd[0] = GC_GETSTATUS1; cmd[1] = GC_GETSTATUS2; cmd[2] = GC_GETSTATUS3(opt == OPT_GC_GETSTATUS_RUMBLE); n = gcn64lib_rawSiCommand(hdl, 0, cmd, 3, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (n >= 0) { printf("GC Get status[%d]: ", n); printHexBuf(cmd, n); } break; case OPT_N64_GETCAPS: cmd[0] = N64_GET_CAPABILITIES; //cmd[0] = 0xff; n = gcn64lib_rawSiCommand(hdl, 0, cmd, 1, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (n >= 0) { printf("N64 Get caps[%d]: ", n); printHexBuf(cmd, n); } break; case OPT_N64_MEMPAK_DUMP: if (outfile) { mempak_dumpToFile(hdl, outfile); } else { mempak_dump(hdl); } break; case OPT_N64_MEMPAK_WRITE: printf("Input file: %s\n", optarg); mempak_writeFromFile(hdl, optarg); break; case OPT_SI8BIT_SCAN: gcn64lib_8bit_scan(hdl, 0, 255); break; case OPT_SI16BIT_SCAN: gcn64lib_16bit_scan(hdl, 0, 0xffff); break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_INFO: { struct gc2n64_adapter_info inf; gc2n64_adapter_getInfo(hdl, gc2n64_channel, &inf); gc2n64_adapter_printInfo(&inf); } break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_TEST: { int i=0; do { n = gc2n64_adapter_echotest(hdl, gc2n64_channel, 1); if (n != 0) { printf("Test failed\n"); return -1; } usleep(1000 * (i)); i++; if (i>100) i=0; printf("."); fflush(stdout); } while (nonstop); printf("Test ok\n"); } break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_UPDATE: gc2n64_adapter_updateFirmware(hdl, gc2n64_channel, optarg); break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_DUMP: gc2n64_adapter_dumpFlash(hdl, gc2n64_channel); break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_ENTER_BOOTLOADER: gc2n64_adapter_enterBootloader(hdl, gc2n64_channel); gc2n64_adapter_waitForBootloader(hdl, gc2n64_channel, 5); break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_BOOT_APPLICATION: gc2n64_adapter_bootApplication(hdl, gc2n64_channel); break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_READ_MAPPING: { struct gc2n64_adapter_info inf; int map_id; map_id = atoi(optarg); if ((map_id <= 0) || (map_id > GC2N64_NUM_MAPPINGS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mapping id (1 to 4)\n"); return -1; } gc2n64_adapter_getInfo(hdl, gc2n64_channel, &inf); printf("Mapping %d : { ", map_id); gc2n64_adapter_printMapping(&inf.app.mappings[map_id-1]); printf(" }\n"); if (outfile) { printf("Writing mapping to file '%s'\n", outfile); gc2n64_adapter_saveMapping(&inf.app.mappings[map_id-1], outfile); } } break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_LOAD_MAPPING: { struct gc2n64_adapter_mapping *mapping; printf("Reading mapping from file '%s'\n", optarg); mapping = gc2n64_adapter_loadMapping(optarg); if (!mapping) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load mapping\n"); return -1; } printf("Mapping : { "); gc2n64_adapter_printMapping(mapping); printf(" }\n"); gc2n64_adapter_setMapping(hdl, gc2n64_channel, mapping); free(mapping); } break; case OPT_GC_TO_N64_STORE_CURRENT_MAPPING: { int slot; slot = atoi(optarg); if (slot < 1 || slot > 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Mapping out of range (1-4)\n"); return -1; } if (0 == gc2n64_adapter_storeCurrentMapping(hdl, gc2n64_channel, slot)) { printf("Stored mapping to slot %d (%s)\n", slot, gc2n64_adapter_getMappingSlotName(slot, 0)); } else { printf("Error storing mapping\n"); } } break; case OPT_GET_VERSION: { char version[64]; if (0 == gcn64lib_getVersion(hdl, version, sizeof(version))) { printf("Firmware version: %s\n", version); } } break; } if (do_exchange) { int i; n = gcn64_exchange(hdl, cmd, cmdlen, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (n<0) break; printf("Result: %d bytes: ", n); for (i=0; i