2021-07-16 17:12:20 -05:00

412 lines
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* This file is modified by Ivan Maidanski <>
* Project name: JCGO-SUNAWT (
* @(#) 1.35 01/12/03
* Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
// Module:
// Description: Base class for all JdbcOdbc Classes. This class implements
// the tracing facility.
// Product: JDBCODBC (Java DataBase Connectivity using
// Open DataBase Connectivity)
// Author: Karl Moss
// Date: March, 1996
package sun.jdbc.odbc;
import java.sql.*;
public class JdbcOdbcObject extends Object {
// Constructor
// Perform any necessary initialization.
public JdbcOdbcObject ()
// dumpByte
// Dumps the given byte array to the tracing output stream. Both
// hex and ascii are traced
protected static void dumpByte (
byte b[],
int len)
int line;
int i;
String s;
int offset;
String asciiLine;
//trace ("Dump (" + len + " bytes):");
// Loop for each required line
for (line = 0; (line * 16) < len; line++) {
// Dump buffer offset
s = toHex (line * 16);
// Trim hex string (take off 0x) and pad to 8
// characters
//trace (" " + hexPad (s, 8) + " ", false);
asciiLine = "";
// Create hex portion
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) {
offset = (line * 16) + i;
// Past the end of the buffer, output spaces
if (offset >= len) {
s = " ";
asciiLine += " ";
else {
s = toHex (b[offset]);
s = hexPad (s, 2);
if (b[offset] < 32) {
asciiLine += ".";
else {
asciiLine += new String (b, offset, 1);
//trace (s + " ", false);
//trace (" " + asciiLine);
// hexPad
// Trim hex string (take off 0x) and pad (left justifying) to the
// given number of characters
public static String hexPad (
String inString,
int toLen)
// If the input string is not hex, just return it
if (!inString.startsWith ("0x")) {
return inString;
// Remove first 2 characters (0x)
String s = inString.substring (2);
int l = s.length ();
// If we have more string than we want, truncate it
if (l > toLen) {
s = s.substring (l - toLen);
else if (l < toLen) {
// We need to pad
String z = "0000000000000000";
String work = z.substring(0,toLen - l) + s;
s = work;
s = s.toUpperCase ();
return s;
// toHex
// Convert the given int to a hex string
public static String toHex (
int n)
char c[] = new char[8];
String digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
byte oneByte;
// Loop for each byte
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
oneByte = (byte) (n & 0xFF);
c[6 - (i * 2)] = digits.charAt ((oneByte >> 4) & 0x0F);
c[7 - (i * 2)] = digits.charAt (oneByte & 0x0F);
// Shift over
n >>= 8;
return "0x" + new String (c);
// hexStringToByteArray
// Converts a hex string into a byte array. It is assumed that
// 2 hex characters make up 1 byte.
public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray (
String inString)
throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
byte b[];
int fromLen = inString.length ();
int toLen = (fromLen + 1) / 2;
// Allocate the byte array
b = new byte[toLen];
// Loop through the string and convert each character
// pair into a single byte value
for (int i = 0; i < toLen; i++) {
b[i] = (byte) hexPairToInt (
inString.substring (i * 2, (i + 1) * 2));
return b;
// hexPairToInt
// Converts a 2 character hexadecimal pair into an integer (the
// first 2 characters of the string are used)
public static int hexPairToInt (
String inString)
throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
String digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
String s = inString.toUpperCase ();
int n = 0;
int thisDigit = 0;
int sLen = s.length ();
if (sLen > 2) {
sLen = 2;
// Loop through both digits
for (int i = 0; i < sLen; i++) {
thisDigit = digits.indexOf (s.substring (i, i + 1));
// Invalid hex character
if (thisDigit < 0) {
throw new java.lang.NumberFormatException ();
if (i == 0) {
thisDigit *= 0x10;
n += thisDigit;
return n;
// BytesToChars
// Converts an array of bytes into the user input char array.
public String BytesToChars (String charSet, byte[] inBytes)
String retString = new String(inBytes, charSet);
int ix = retString.indexOf('\0');
return ix >= 0 ? retString.substring(0, ix) : retString;
/* String retString=new String();
// Set up output buffer.
int outBufLen = 300;
char[] outBuf = new char [outBufLen];
// Set up input buffer and index.
int inBufLen = 300;
byte[] inBuf = new byte [inBufLen];
int inStart = 0;
ByteToCharConverter toUnicode = ByteToCharConverter.getConverter (charSet);
// Use the ByteToCharConverter's substitution mode.
// Substitute '?' for unknown characters.
char[] subChars = { '?' };
// If we don't know where this converter is coming from,
// it's a good idea to reset it.
// Read an input buffer's worth.
int indx=0;
// Fix for 4400343, 4486489
while (true) {
for (int j=0; indx < (inBytes.length) && j < 300; j++) {
try {
// convert it.
toUnicode.convert(inBuf, inStart, inBufLen+1, outBuf, 0,
inStart = 0;
} catch (MalformedInputException e) {
// Throw away bad input.
inStart += toUnicode.getBadInputLength();
} catch (ConversionBufferFullException e) {
inStart = toUnicode.nextByteIndex();
} catch ( e) {
inStart = toUnicode.getBadInputLength();
} finally {
int index = toUnicode.nextCharIndex();
String tmp = new String(outBuf, 0, index);
retString = (retString + tmp);
if ( indx >= inBytes.length ) {
//The following trims off extra space on the end from the conversion above
char[] bTmp = retString.toCharArray();
int ix;
byte tempo;
//boolean NotNull=true;
//find the first null character
for (ix=0; ix < bTmp.length; ix++)
//if (tempo==0) NotNull=false;
if (bTmp[ix] == Character.MIN_VALUE)
//create a new string of the propper length
char[] bTmp2 = new char[ix];
System.arraycopy(bTmp, 0, bTmp2, 0, ix);
retString=new String(bTmp2);
return retString; */
// CharsToBytes
// Converts an array of chars into the user input type of byte array.
public byte[] CharsToBytes (String charSet, char[] inChars)
byte[] bytes = new String(inChars).getBytes(charSet);
byte[] retBytes = new byte [bytes.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, retBytes, 0, bytes.length);
/* byte[] retBytes = new byte [0]; //need to get length data
// Set up output buffer.
int outBufLen = 900;
byte[] outBuf = new byte [outBufLen];
// Set up input buffer and index.
int inBufLen = 300;
char[] inBuf = new char [inBufLen];
int inStart = 0;
CharToByteConverter toBytes = CharToByteConverter.getConverter (charSet);
// Use the CharToByteConverter's substitution mode.
// Substitute '?' for unknown characters.
// char[] subChars = { '?' };
// toBytes.substitution(true);
// toBytes.SetSubBytes(0x3F); //'?' is the sub byte.
// If we don't know where this converter is coming from,
// it's a good idea to reset it.
// Read an input buffer's worth.
int indx=0;
int j=0;
boolean addNull = false;
while (!addNull) {
if (inChars.length - indx < 300)
addNull = true;
for (j=0; indx < inChars.length && j < 300; j++) {
if (addNull){
try {// try to convert it.
toBytes.convert(inBuf, inStart, inBufLen, outBuf, 0, outBufLen);
inStart = 0;
} catch (MalformedInputException e) {
// Throw away bad input.
inStart += toBytes.getBadInputLength();
} catch(ConversionBufferFullException e) {
inStart = toBytes.nextCharIndex();
} catch ( e) {
inStart = toBytes.getBadInputLength();
} finally {
//concat converted array onto return array
//byte[] tRetBytes=new byte[retBytes.length + toBytes.nextCharIndex()];
//fix for sun bug 4215746 (tracker id 2227)
byte[] tRetBytes=new byte[retBytes.length + toBytes.nextByteIndex()];
System.arraycopy(retBytes, 0, tRetBytes, 0, retBytes.length);
//fix for sun bug 4215746 (tracker id 2227)
//System.arraycopy(outBuf, 0, tRetBytes, retBytes.length, toBytes.nextCharIndex());
System.arraycopy(outBuf, 0, tRetBytes, retBytes.length, toBytes.nextByteIndex());
retBytes=new byte [tRetBytes.length];
System.arraycopy(tRetBytes, 0, retBytes, 0, tRetBytes.length);
return retBytes;