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1260 lines
39 KiB
1260 lines
39 KiB
* @(#) $(JCGO)/jtrsrc/jcgo.atg --
* a part of JCGO translator (the Java grammar written in Coco/R ATG).
* Project: JCGO (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/)
* Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Ivan Maidanski <ivmai@mail.ru>
* All rights reserved.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License (GPL) for more details.
* Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
* making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
* conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
* combination.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
* permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
* executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
* modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
* terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
* independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
* module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
* or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
* this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
* exception statement from your version.
Replace "package comivmaisoftjcgo" with "package com.ivmaisoft.jcgo"
in ErrorStream, Scanner and Parser files.
Here are the patches that shall be applied to the generated (by the
Coco/R for Java V1.15 compiler) Scanner file:
1) insert the following four lines just before
"} catch (IOException e) {" (in the body of 'Fill' function):
if (n > 0) { while (n < buf.length) {
int res = s.read(buf, n, buf.length - n);
if (res <= 0) break; else n += res; } }
2) insert the following one line just before "System.exit(0);" (in
the body of 'Fill' function):
if (bufLen >= 0) System.exit(1);
3) insert the following one line just before
"if (position < 0) position = 0; else if (position >= bufLen)" (in the
body of 'Set' function):
if (position > 0) { pos = prevPrevPos; return; }
4) insert the following two lines just before "static int read() {" (in
the body of Buffer class):
private static int prevPrevPos, prevPos;
private static boolean ignoreBackslash;
5) insert the following 13 lines just before
"if (pos < bufLen) return (int) buf[pos++]; else return eof;" (in the body
of 'read' function):
prevPrevPos = prevPos; prevPos = pos;
int c; if (pos == 0) ignoreBackslash = false;
if (!ignoreBackslash) { if (bufLen - 5 > pos && buf[pos] == '\\') {
if (buf[pos + 1] == 'u') { int k = 2;
while (buf[pos + k] == 'u' && bufLen - pos > k + 4) k++;
if (buf[pos + k] == '0' && buf[pos + k + 1] == '0' &&
buf[pos + k + 2] >= '0' && buf[pos + k + 2] <= '7' &&
(((c = buf[pos + k + 3]) >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
((c -= 'A' - '0' - 10) >= '0' + 10 && c <= '0' + 0xf) ||
((c -= 'a' - 'A') >= '0' + 10 && c <= '0' + 0xf)) &&
(c = ((buf[pos + k + 2] - '0') << 4) | (c - '0')) != 0 && (c != '\\' ||
bufLen - pos == k + 4 || buf[pos + k + 4] != 'u')) { pos += k + 4;
return c; } } ignoreBackslash = true; } } else ignoreBackslash = false;
6) insert the following two lines just before
"else if (ch == CR) {line++; lineStart = pos + 1;}" (in the body of
'NextCh' function):
if (ch == '\t') lineStart += (pos - lineStart) % 8 - 7;
if (ch >= 0x7f && ch != 0xffff) { ch = 0x7f; return; }
7) insert the following one line just before "if (ch == 10) {" (in
the body of 'Comment1' function):
if (ch == 13) { NextCh(); return true; }
8) do not use BufferedReader.
COMPILER comivmaisoftjcgo
tab = CHR(9) /* '\t' */.
lf = CHR(10) /* '\n' */.
ff = CHR(12) /* '\f' */.
cr = CHR(13) /* '\r' */.
ctrlz = CHR(26) /* '\u001a' */.
backslash = CHR(92) /* '\\' */.
letter = "$ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_".
octlowdigit = "0123".
octhighdigit = "4567".
octaldigit = octlowdigit + octhighdigit.
nonzerodigit = "123456789".
digit = nonzerodigit + "0".
hexdigit = digit + "ABCDEFabcdef".
alphanumeric = digit + letter.
fpsuffix = "DFdf".
quote = '"'.
escsym = quote + backslash + "btnfr'".
strchar = ANY - lf - cr - quote - backslash - "'".
IDENTIFIER = (letter | backslash "u" {"u"}
hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit) {alphanumeric |
backslash "u" {"u"} hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit}.
INTEGERLITERAL = ("0" [octaldigit {octaldigit} |
("X" | "x") hexdigit {hexdigit}] | nonzerodigit {digit}) ["L" | "l"].
FLOATLITERAL = digit {digit} (fpsuffix |
("." {digit} [("E" | "e") ["+" | "-"] digit {digit}] |
("E" | "e") ["+" | "-"] digit {digit}) [fpsuffix]) |
"." digit {digit} [("E" | "e") ["+" | "-"] digit {digit}] [fpsuffix].
CHARLITERAL = "'" (backslash (escsym | octlowdigit [octaldigit [octaldigit]] |
octhighdigit [octaldigit] | "u" {"u"} hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit) |
quote | strchar) "'".
STRINGLITERAL = quote {backslash (escsym |
octlowdigit [octaldigit [octaldigit]] | octhighdigit [octaldigit] |
"u" {"u"} hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit) | "'" | strchar} quote.
SUBEOF = ctrlz.
IGNORE tab + ff + lf + cr
/* LL(1) warnings in PostfixOptUnaryExpr shall be ignored */
/* LL(1) warnings in UnaryWithPara shall be ignored */
/* LL(1) warning in IfThenOptElseStatement shall be ignored */
/* LL(1) warning in JavaStatement shall be ignored */
/* LL(1) warning in Annotation shall be ignored */
comivmaisoftjcgo (. Term a = Empty.term, b = Empty.term, c; .) =
EOF (. new CompilationUnit(a, b, c); .).
Identifier<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"assert" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.ID, token.val); .)
| IDENTIFIER (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.ID, token.val); .).
PackageSpecifier<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
";" (. z = new PackageDeclaration(b); .).
AnnotationGroup =
Annotation (. Term b; .) =
["(" QualifiedIdentifierOrString<^b> ")"].
QualifiedIdentifierOrString<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
STRINGLITERAL (. z = new StringLiteral(token.val); .)
| QualifiedIdentifier<^z>.
QualifiedIdentifier<^Term z> (. Term a, c = Empty.term; .) =
["." QualifiedIdentifier<^c>] (. z = new QualifiedName(a, c); .).
ImportDeclarationSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ImportDeclarationSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
ImportDeclaration<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
";" (. z = new ImportDeclaration(b); .).
IdentOptImportDeclSpec<^Term z> (. Term a, c = Empty.term; .) =
["." StarOrIdentOptImportDeclSpec<^c>] (. z = new QualifiedName(a, c); .).
StarOrIdentOptImportDeclSpec<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"*" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.TIMES, token.val); .)
| IdentOptImportDeclSpec<^z>.
TypeDeclarationSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[TypeDeclarationSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
TypeDeclaration<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
| ClassInterfaceDeclaration<^z>.
ClassInterfaceDeclaration<^Term z> (. Term a = Empty.term, b; .) =
ClassDeclOrInterfaceDecl<^b> (. z = new TypeDeclaration(a, b); .).
ClassModifierSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ClassModifierSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
ClassModifier<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"public" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.PUBLIC); .)
| "private" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.PRIVATE); .)
| "protected" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.PROTECTED); .)
| "static" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STATIC); .)
| "final" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL); .)
| "abstract" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.ABSTRACT); .)
| "strictfp" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STRICT); .)
| Annotation.
ClassDeclOrInterfaceDecl<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"class" ClassDeclaration<^z>
| "interface" InterfaceDeclaration<^z>.
ClassDeclaration<^Term z> (. Term b, c = Empty.term, d = Empty.term, e; .) =
ClassBody<^e> (. z = new ClassDeclaration(b, c, d, e); .).
ExtendsType<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
QualifiedIdentifier<^b> (. z = new ClassOrIfaceType(b); .).
ImplementsTypes<^Term z> =
ClassTypeList<^Term z> (. Term a, c = null; .) =
["," ClassTypeList<^c>]
z = c != null ? (Term) (new Seq(new ClassOrIfaceType(a), c)) :
new ClassOrIfaceType(a);
ClassBody<^Term z> (. Term b = Empty.term; .) =
"}" (. z = new Seq(b, Empty.term); .).
SemiOrClassBodyDeclSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[SemiOrClassBodyDeclSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
SemiOrClassBodyDecl<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
| ClassBodyDecl<^z>.
ClassBodyDecl<^Term z> (. Term a = Empty.term, b; .) =
MemberDecl<^b> (. z = new TypeDeclaration(a, b); .).
ModifierSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ModifierSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
AccModifier<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"public" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.PUBLIC); .)
| "private" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.PRIVATE); .)
| "protected" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.PROTECTED); .)
| "static" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STATIC); .)
| "final" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL); .)
| "synchronized" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.SYNCHRONIZED); .)
| "volatile" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.VOLATILE); .)
| "transient" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.TRANSIENT); .)
| "native" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.NATIVE); .)
| "abstract" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.ABSTRACT); .)
| "strictfp" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STRICT); .)
| Annotation.
MemberDecl<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; Term a; .) =
JavaBlock<^a> (. z = new StaticInitializer(a); .)
| "class" ClassDeclaration<^z>
| "interface" InterfaceDeclaration<^z>
| "void" VoidMethodDecl<^z>
| ConstrMethodFieldDecl<^z>
| PrimitiveMethodFieldDecl<^z>.
JavaBlock<^Term z> (. Term b = Empty.term; .) =
"}" (. z = new Block(b); .).
BlockStatementSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[BlockStatementSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
InterfaceDeclaration<^Term z> (. Term b, c = Empty.term, d; .) =
ClassBody<^d> (. z = new IfaceDeclaration(b, c, d); .).
ExtendsInterfaceTypes<^Term z> =
VoidMethodDecl<^Term z> (. Term b, d = Empty.term, f = Empty.term, g; .) =
z = new MethodDeclaration(new PrimitiveType(Type.VOID), b, d, f, g);
FormalParamList<^Term z> (. Term a, c = null; .) =
["," FormalParamList<^c>]
z = c != null ? new FormalParamList(a, c) : a;
FormalParam<^Term z>
Term a = Empty.term, b, c = Empty.term, d, e = Empty.term;
.) =
z = new FormalParameter(a, b, c, new VariableIdentifier(d), e);
FinalModifier<^Term z> =
"final" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL); .).
SimpleType<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; Term a; .) =
QualifiedIdentifier<^a> (. z = new ClassOrIfaceType(a); .)
| PrimitiveType<^z>.
PrimitiveType<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"boolean" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.BOOLEAN); .)
| "byte" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.BYTE); .)
| "char" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.CHAR); .)
| "short" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.SHORT); .)
| "int" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.INT); .)
| "long" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.LONG); .)
| "float" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.FLOAT); .)
| "double" (. z = new PrimitiveType(Type.DOUBLE); .).
DimSpecSeq<^Term z> (. Term c = Empty.term; .) =
[DimSpecSeq<^c>] (. z = new DimSpec(c); .).
ThrowsDeclaration<^Term z> =
SemiOrBlock<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
";" (. z = new Block(); .)
| JavaBlock<^z>.
ConstrMethodFieldDecl<^Term z> (. Term a; .) =
ConstrOrMethodOrFieldDeclBody<^z, a>.
ConstrOrMethodOrFieldDeclBody<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
ConstructorDeclBody<^z, a>
| MethodDeclOrFieldDeclBody<^z, a>.
ConstructorDeclBody<^Term z, Term a>
Term c = Empty.term, e = Empty.term, g = Empty.term;
.) =
"}" (. z = new ConstrDeclaration(a, c, e, g); .).
MethodDeclOrFieldDeclBody<^Term z, Term a>
Term a2 = Empty.term, b = Empty.term, c;
.) =
["." QualifiedIdentifier<^a2>]
new ClassOrIfaceType(new QualifiedName(a, a2)), b, c>.
MethodDeclOrFieldDeclTail<^Term z, Term a, Term b, Term c>
z = Empty.term;
.) =
MethodDeclTail<^z, a, b, c>
| FieldDeclTail<^z, a, b, c>.
MethodDeclTail<^Term z, Term a, Term b, Term c>
Term e = Empty.term, g = Empty.term, h = Empty.term, i;
.) =
SemiOrBlock<^i> (. z = new MethodDeclaration(a, b, c, e, g, h, i); .).
FieldDeclTail<^Term z, Term a, Term b, Term c>
Term d = Empty.term, f = Empty.term, h = null;
.) =
["=" VariableInitializer<^f>]
["," VariableDeclaratorList<^h>]
z = new FieldDeclaration(a, b, h != null ?
(Term) (new VariableDeclareList(new VariableDeclarator(
new VariableIdentifier(c), d, f), h)) :
new VariableDeclarator(new VariableIdentifier(c), d, f));
VariableInitializer<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
| JavaExpression<^z>.
ArrayInitializer<^Term z> (. Term b = Empty.term; .) =
"}" (. z = new ArrayInitializer(b); .).
ArrayInitializerList<^Term z> (. Term a, c = null; .) =
["," [ArrayInitializerList<^c>]]
z = c != null ? (Term) (new VarInitializers(new ArrElementInit(a), c)) :
new ArrElementInit(a);
VariableDeclaratorList<^Term z> (. Term a, c = null; .) =
["," VariableDeclaratorList<^c>]
z = c != null ? new VariableDeclareList(a, c) : a;
VariableDeclarator<^Term z> (. Term a, b = Empty.term, d = Empty.term; .) =
["=" VariableInitializer<^d>]
z = new VariableDeclarator(new VariableIdentifier(a), b, d);
PrimitiveMethodFieldDecl<^Term z> (. Term a, b = Empty.term, c; .) =
MethodDeclOrFieldDeclTail<^z, a, b, c>.
/* */
BlockStatement<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"final" FinalClsDeclOrVarDeclStmtTail<^z>
| ModifiersLocClassDeclNoFinal<^z>
| JavaStatement<^z>.
FinalClsDeclOrVarDeclStmtTail<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
| FinalLocalVarDeclTail<^z>.
OptModifiersLocalClassDecl<^Term z> (. Term a = null, b; .) =
z = new TypeDeclaration(a != null ?
new Seq(new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL), a) :
(Term) (new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL)), b);
LocalClassModifierSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[LocalClassModifierSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
LocalClassModifier<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"final" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL); .)
| "abstract" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.ABSTRACT); .)
| "strictfp" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STRICT); .).
FinalLocalVarDeclTail<^Term z> (. Term b, c = Empty.term, d; .) =
z = new ExprStatement(new LocalVariableDecl(
new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL), b, c, d));
ModifiersLocClassDeclNoFinal<^Term z> (. Term a = Empty.term, b; .) =
ClassDeclaration<^b> (. z = new TypeDeclaration(a, b); .).
LocalClassModifiersNoFinal<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[LocalClassModifierSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
AbstractOrStaticOrStrict<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"abstract" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.ABSTRACT); .)
| "static" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STATIC); .)
| "strictfp" (. z = new AccModifier(AccModifier.STRICT); .).
JavaStatement<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
";" (. z = new ExprStatement(); .)
| JavaBlock<^z>
| "assert" AssertionStatement<^z>
| "break" BreakStatement<^z>
| "continue" ContinueStatement<^z>
| "do" DoStatement<^z>
| "for" ForStatement<^z>
| "if" IfThenOptElseStatement<^z>
| "return" ReturnStatement<^z>
| "switch" SwitchStatement<^z>
| "synchronized" SynchronizedStatement<^z>
| "throw" ThrowStatement<^z>
| "try" TryStatement<^z>
| "while" WhileStatement<^z>
| ExprOrLabeledStmntOrVarDecl<^z>.
AssertionStatement<^Term z> (. Term b, d = Empty.term; .) =
[":" JavaExpression<^d> (. d = new Argument(d); .)]
";" (. z = new AssertionStatement(b, d); .).
BreakStatement<^Term z> (. Term b = Empty.term; .) =
";" (. z = new BreakStatement(b); .).
ContinueStatement<^Term z> (. Term b = Empty.term; .) =
";" (. z = new ContinueStatement(b); .).
DoStatement<^Term z> (. Term b, e; .) =
";" (. z = new DoStatement(b, e); .).
ForStatement<^Term z>
Term c = Empty.term, e = Empty.term, g = Empty.term, i;
.) =
JavaStatement<^i> (. z = new ForStatement(c, e, g, i); .).
ForInit<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"final" ForFinalInit<^z>
| ForVarExprInit<^z>.
ForFinalInit<^Term z> (. Term b, c = Empty.term, d; .) =
z = new LocalVariableDecl(new AccModifier(AccModifier.FINAL), b, c, d);
ForVarExprInit<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ForVarExprInitTail<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
ForVarExprInitTail<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; Term b; .) =
VariableDeclaratorList<^b> (. z = new LocalVariableDecl(a, b); .)
| ForExprOnlyInitTail<^z, a>.
ForExprOnlyInitTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term a2, c = null; .) =
CommaExprOrExprTail<^a2, a>
["," ExpressionList<^c>]
z = c != null ? new ExpressionList(a2, c) : a2;
CommaExprOrExprTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c; z = Empty.term; .) =
"," StatementExpression<^c> (. z = new ExpressionList(a, c); .)
| "?" CondExprTail<^z, a>
| AssignmentOpExpr<^z, a>.
StatementExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[AssignmentOpExpr<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
ExpressionList<^Term z> (. Term a, c = null; .) =
["," ExpressionList<^c>] (. z = c != null ? new ExpressionList(a, c) : a; .).
IfThenOptElseStatement<^Term z> (. Term c, e, g = Empty.term; .) =
["else" JavaStatement<^g>] (. z = new IfThenElse(c, e, g); .).
ReturnStatement<^Term z> (. Term b = Empty.term; .) =
";" (. z = new ReturnStatement(b); .).
SwitchStatement<^Term z> (. Term c, f = Empty.term; .) =
"}" (. z = new SwitchStatement(c, f); .).
SwitchBlockStatementGroupSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[SwitchBlockStatementGroupSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new Seq(a, b) : a; .).
SwitchBlockStatementGroup<^Term z>
Term b, c = Empty.term; z = Empty.term;
.) =
"default" ":" [BlockStatementSeq<^c>] (. z = new CaseStatement(c); .)
| "case" ConditionalExpression<^b> ":" [BlockStatementSeq<^c>]
z = new CaseStatement(new Expression(b), c);
SynchronizedStatement<^Term z> (. Term c, e; .) =
JavaBlock<^e> (. z = new SynchroStatement(c, e); .).
ThrowStatement<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
";" (. z = new ThrowStatement(b); .).
TryStatement<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
TryStatementTail<^z, b>.
TryStatementTail<^Term z, Term b> (. Term d; z = Empty.term; .) =
"finally" JavaBlock<^d> (. z = new TryStatement(b, d); .)
| CatchClausesOptFinally<^z, b>.
CatchClausesOptFinally<^Term z, Term b> (. Term c, e = Empty.term; .) =
["finally" JavaBlock<^e>] (. z = new TryStatement(b, c, e); .).
CatchClauseSeq<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[CatchClauseSeq<^b>] (. z = b != null ? new CatchSeq(a, b) : a; .).
CatchClause<^Term z> (. Term c = Empty.term, d, e, h = Empty.term; .) =
z = new CatchStatement(c, new ClassOrIfaceType(d),
new VariableIdentifier(e), h);
WhileStatement<^Term z> (. Term c, e; .) =
JavaStatement<^e> (. z = new WhileStatement(c, e); .).
ExprOrLabeledStmntOrVarDecl<^Term z> (. Term a; .) =
ExprOrLabelStmntOrVarDeclTail<^z, a>.
ExprOrLabelStmntOrVarDeclTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c; z = Empty.term; .) =
":" JavaStatement<^c> (. z = new LabeledStatement(a, c); .)
| OptForVarExprInitTailSemi<^z, a>.
OptForVarExprInitTailSemi<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b = null; .) =
[ForVarExprInitTail<^b, a>]
";" (. z = new ExprStatement(b != null ? b : a); .).
/* */
JavaExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ExpressionTail<^b, a>] (. z = new Expression(b != null ? b : a); .).
CondOrExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[OrCondAndExpressionSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
CondAndExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[AndBitwiseOrExpressionSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
BitwiseOrExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[BitOrBitwiseXorExpressionSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
BitwiseXorExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[XorBitwiseAndExpressionSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
BitwiseAndExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[BitAndEqualityExpressionSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
EqualityExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[EqualCompareRelationalExprSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
RelationalExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[RelationalExpressionTail<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
ShiftExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ShiftAdditiveExprSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
AdditiveExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[PlusMinusMultiplicativeExprSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
MultiplicativeExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ModMulDivUnaryExprSeq<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
ModMulDivUnaryExprSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
[ModMulDivUnaryExprSeq<^d, new BinaryOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new BinaryOp(a, b, c);
ModMulDivOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"%" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.MOD, token.val); .)
| "*" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.TIMES, token.val); .)
| "/" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.DIVIDE, token.val); .).
PlusMinusMultiplicativeExprSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
[PlusMinusMultiplicativeExprSeq<^d, new BinaryOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new BinaryOp(a, b, c);
PlusMinusOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"+" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.PLUS, token.val); .)
| "-" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.MINUS, token.val); .).
ShiftAdditiveExprSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
[ShiftAdditiveExprSeq<^d, new BinaryOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new BinaryOp(a, b, c);
ShiftOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"<<" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.SHIFT_LEFT, token.val); .)
| ">>>" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.FILLSHIFT_RIGHT, token.val); .)
| ">>" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.SHIFT_RIGHT, token.val); .).
RelationalExpressionTail<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"instanceof" InstanceOfTail<^z, a>
| RelCompareShiftExprSeq<^z, a>.
InstanceOfTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, d = Empty.term; .) =
z = new InstanceOf(a, c, d);
RelCompareShiftExprSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
[RelCompareShiftExprSeq<^d, new RelationalOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new RelationalOp(a, b, c);
RelCompareOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"<=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.LE, token.val); .)
| "<" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.LT, token.val); .)
| ">=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.GE, token.val); .)
| ">" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.GT, token.val); .).
EqualCompareRelationalExprSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
[EqualCompareRelationalExprSeq<^d, new RelationalOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new RelationalOp(a, b, c);
EqualCompareOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"!=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.NE, token.val); .)
| "==" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.EQ, token.val); .).
BitAndEqualityExpressionSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
"&" (. b = new LexTerm(LexTerm.BITAND, token.val); .)
[BitAndEqualityExpressionSeq<^d, new BinaryOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new BinaryOp(a, b, c);
XorBitwiseAndExpressionSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
"^" (. b = new LexTerm(LexTerm.XOR, token.val); .)
[XorBitwiseAndExpressionSeq<^d, new BinaryOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new BinaryOp(a, b, c);
BitOrBitwiseXorExpressionSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
"|" (. b = new LexTerm(LexTerm.BITOR, token.val); .)
[BitOrBitwiseXorExpressionSeq<^d, new BinaryOp(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new BinaryOp(a, b, c);
AndBitwiseOrExpressionSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
"&&" (. b = new LexTerm(LexTerm.AND, token.val); .)
[AndBitwiseOrExpressionSeq<^d, new CondOrAndOperation(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new CondOrAndOperation(a, b, c);
OrCondAndExpressionSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c, d = null; .) =
"||" (. b = new LexTerm(LexTerm.OR, token.val); .)
[OrCondAndExpressionSeq<^d, new CondOrAndOperation(a, b, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new CondOrAndOperation(a, b, c);
ExpressionTail<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"?" CondExprTail<^z, a>
| AssignmentOpExpr<^z, a>.
CondExprTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, e; .) =
ConditionalExpression<^e> (. z = new CondExpression(a, c, e); .).
ConditionalExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
["?" CondExprTail<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
AssignmentOpExpr<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c; .) =
JavaExpression<^c> (. z = new Assignment(a, b, c); .).
AssignmentOperator<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "*=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.TIMES_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "/=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.DIVIDE_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "%=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.MOD_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "+=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.PLUS_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "-=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.MINUS_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "<<=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.SHLEFT_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| ">>=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.SHRIGHT_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| ">>>=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.FLSHIFT_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "&=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.BITAND_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "^=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.XOR_EQUALS, token.val); .)
| "|=" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.BITOR_EQUALS, token.val); .).
/* */
UnaryExpression<^Term z> (. Term a, b; z = Empty.term; .) =
NegatePlusMinusOp<^a> UnaryExpression<^b>
z = new UnaryExpression(a, b);
| OptPrefixUnaryExpr<^z>.
NegatePlusMinusOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"!" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.NOT, token.val); .)
| "~" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.BITNOT, token.val); .)
| "+" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.PLUS, token.val); .)
| "-" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.MINUS, token.val); .).
OptPrefixUnaryExpr<^Term z> (. Term a = null, b; .) =
UnaryExpressionTail<^b> (. z = a != null ? new PrefixOp(a, b) : b; .).
IncDecOp<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"++" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.INCREMENT, token.val); .)
| "--" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.DECREMENT, token.val); .).
UnaryExpressionTail<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"null" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.xNULL, token.val); .)
| "false" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.FALSE, token.val); .)
| "true" (. z = new LexTerm(LexTerm.TRUE, token.val); .)
| INTEGERLITERAL (. z = new IntLiteral(token.val); .)
| FLOATLITERAL (. z = new FloatLiteral(token.val); .)
| CHARLITERAL (. z = new CharacterLiteral(token.val); .)
| "(" UnaryWithPara<^z>
| "super" SuperConstrMethodAccess<^z, Empty.term>
| ThisOptConstrMethodAccess<^z>
| UnaryWithPrimitive<^z>
| UnaryWithNewOrStr<^z>
| UnaryWithIdent<^z>.
UnaryWithPara<^Term z> (. Term b, d = null; .) =
[UnaryWithParaTail<^d, b>] (. z = d != null ? d : new ParenExpression(b); .).
UnaryWithParaTail<^Term z, Term b> (. z = Empty.term; Term d; .) =
CastPlusMinusUnary<^z, b>
| PostfixOptUnaryExpr<^z, b>
| UnaryWithParaComplexTail<^z, new ParenExpression(b)>
| UnaryExpressionTail<^d> (. z = new CastExpression(b, d); .).
CastPlusMinusUnary<^Term z, Term b>
Term d, e; if (!b.isType()) return null;
.) =
z = new CastExpression(b, new UnaryExpression(d, e));
PostfixOptUnaryExpr<^Term z, Term b> (. Term d, e = null; .) =
z = e != null ? (Term) (new CastExpression(b, new PrefixOp(d, e))) :
new PostfixOp(new ParenExpression(b), d);
SuperConstrMethodAccess<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"(" ExplicitConstrInvoke<^z, a, new Super()>
| "." SuperMethodAccessTail<^z, new Super(a)>.
ExplicitConstrInvoke<^Term z, Term a, Term c> (. Term e = Empty.term; .) =
")" (. z = new ConstructorCall(a, c, e); .).
ArgumentList<^Term z> (. Term a, c = null; .) =
["," ArgumentList<^c>]
z = c != null ? (Term) (new ParameterList(new Argument(a), c)) :
new Argument(a);
SuperMethodAccessTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, d = null, e = null; .) =
FieldMethodInvocation<^c, a>
[UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^d, c>]
z = e != null ? new PostfixOp(d != null ? d : c, e) : d != null ? d : c;
FieldMethodInvocation<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, d = null, e = null; .) =
[PrimaryMethodInvoke<^d, a, c>]
["[" DimensionExpressionSeq<^e, d != null ?
d : new PrimaryFieldAccess(a, c)>]
z = e != null ? e : d != null ? d : new PrimaryFieldAccess(a, c);
PrimaryMethodInvoke<^Term z, Term a, Term c> (. Term e = Empty.term; .) =
")" (. z = new MethodInvocation(a, c, e); .).
DimensionExpressionSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, e = null; .) =
["[" DimensionExpressionSeq<^e, new ArrayAccess(a, c)>]
z = e != null ? e : new ArrayAccess(a, c);
UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, d = null; .) =
NewInstOrSuperOrMethodInvoke<^c, a>
[UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^d, c>] (. z = d != null ? d : c; .).
NewInstOrSuperOrMethodInvoke<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"class" (. z = new ClassLiteral(new ClassOrIfaceType(a)); .)
| "new" InnerNewInstanceCreation<^z, a>
| "super" InnerSuperConstrInvocation<^z, a>
| FieldMethodInvocation<^z, a>.
InnerNewInstanceCreation<^Term z, Term a>
Term d, f = Empty.term, h = Empty.term;
.) =
[ClassBody<^h>] (. z = new InstanceCreation(a, d, f, h); .).
InnerSuperConstrInvocation<^Term z, Term a> (. Term e = Empty.term; .) =
")" (. z = new ConstructorCall(a, new Super(), e); .).
ThisOptConstrMethodAccess<^Term z> (. Term b = null; .) =
[ThisOptConstrMethodAccessTail<^b>] (. z = b != null ? b : new This(); .).
ThisOptConstrMethodAccessTail<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"(" ExplicitConstrInvoke<^z, Empty.term, new This()>
| ThisOptMethodAccessTail<^z, new This()>.
ThisOptMethodAccessTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c = null; .) =
UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^b, a>
[IncDecOp<^c>] (. z = c != null ? new PostfixOp(b, c) : b; .).
UnaryWithIdent<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
Identifier<^a> /* IDENTIFIER (. a = new LexTerm(LexTerm.ID, token.val); .) */
[UnaryWithIdentBody<^b, new QualifiedName(a)>]
z = b != null ? b : new Expression(new QualifiedName(a));
UnaryWithIdentBody<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
z = new PostfixOp(new Expression(a),
new LexTerm(LexTerm.INCREMENT, token.val));
| "--"
z = new PostfixOp(new Expression(a),
new LexTerm(LexTerm.DECREMENT, token.val));
| "(" UnaryWithIdentArgsBody<^z, a>
| "." UnaryWithIdentDotTail<^z, a>
| "[" UnaryWithIdentBracketTail<^z, a>.
UnaryWithIdentArgsBody<^Term z, Term a>
Term c = Empty.term, e = null, f = null, g = null;
.) =
["[" DimensionExpressionSeq<^e, new MethodInvocation(a, c)>]
[UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^f, e != null ? e : new MethodInvocation(a, c)>]
z = g != null ? new PostfixOp(f != null ? f : e != null ? e :
new MethodInvocation(a, c), g) : f != null ? f : e != null ? e :
new MethodInvocation(a, c);
UnaryWithIdentDotTail<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"super" SuperConstrMethodAccess<^z, new Expression(a)>
| UnaryWithIdentDotInstanceTail<^z, a>
| UnaryWithIdentQualified<^z, a>.
UnaryWithIdentQualified<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, d = null; .) =
[UnaryWithIdentBody<^d, new QualifiedName(a, c)>]
z = d != null ? d : new Expression(new QualifiedName(a, c));
UnaryWithIdentDotInstanceTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term c, d = null; .) =
ClassOrThisOrNewInstCreation<^c, a>
[ThisOptMethodAccessTail<^d, c>] (. z = d != null ? d : c; .).
ClassOrThisOrNewInstCreation<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"class" (. z = new ClassLiteral(new ClassOrIfaceType(a)); .)
| "new" InnerNewInstanceCreation<^z, new Expression(a)>
| "this" (. z = new This(new ClassOrIfaceType(a)); .).
UnaryWithIdentBracketTail<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
BracketDimsOptUnaryPrim<^z, a>
| ExprBrackDimExprsUnaryIndents<^z, a>.
BracketDimsOptUnaryPrim<^Term z, Term a>
Term c = Empty.term, d = null;
.) =
[UnaryWithPrimitiveTail<^d, new TypeWithDims(new ClassOrIfaceType(a),
new DimSpec(c))>]
z = d != null ? d : new TypeWithDims(new ClassOrIfaceType(a),
new DimSpec(c));
UnaryWithPrimitiveTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term d = null; .) =
[ThisOptMethodAccessTail<^d, new ClassLiteral(a)>]
z = d != null ? d : new ClassLiteral(a);
ExprBrackDimExprsUnaryIndents<^Term z, Term a>
Term c, e = null, f = null, g = null;
.) =
["[" DimensionExpressionSeq<^e, new ArrayAccess(new Expression(a), c)>]
[UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^f, e != null ? e :
new ArrayAccess(new Expression(a), c)>]
z = g != null ? new PostfixOp(f != null ? f : e != null ? e :
new ArrayAccess(new Expression(a), c), g) : f != null ? f :
e != null ? e : new ArrayAccess(new Expression(a), c);
UnaryWithPrimitive<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null, c = null; .) =
[UnaryWithPrimitiveTail<^c, b != null ? new TypeWithDims(a, b) : a>]
z = c != null ? c : b != null ? new TypeWithDims(a, b) : a;
UnaryWithNewOrStr<^Term z> (. Term a, b = null; .) =
[ThisOptMethodAccessTail<^b, a>] (. z = b != null ? b : a; .).
UnaryWithNewOrStrBody<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"new" IdentNewInstanceOrPrimArrTail<^z>
| "void" "." "class"
z = new ClassLiteral(new PrimitiveType(Type.VOID));
| STRINGLITERAL (. z = new StringLiteral(token.val); .).
IdentNewInstanceOrPrimArrTail<^Term z> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
| NewPrimArrayInstanceTail<^z>.
QualIdentNewInstanceTail<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
NewInstanceBody<^z, new ClassOrIfaceType(b)>.
NewInstanceBody<^Term z, Term b> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"(" ArgumentsOptClassBody<^z, b>
| "[" NewArrayInstanceTail<^z, b>.
ArgumentsOptClassBody<^Term z, Term b>
Term d = Empty.term, f = Empty.term;
.) =
[ClassBody<^f>] (. z = new InstanceCreation(b, d, f); .).
NewArrayInstanceTail<^Term z, Term b> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"]" BracketDimsArrayInit<^z, b> ["[" DimensionExpressionSeq<^z, z>]
| ExprBracketOptNewArrayBody<^z, b>.
BracketDimsArrayInit<^Term z, Term b> (. Term c = Empty.term, d; .) =
ArrayInitializer<^d> (. z = new AnonymousArray(b, new DimSpec(c), d); .).
ExprBracketOptNewArrayBody<^Term z, Term b> (. Term d, f = null; .) =
[NewArrayBody<^f, b, new DimExpr(d)>]
z = f != null ? f : new ArrayCreation(b, new DimExpr(d));
NewArrayBody<^Term z, Term b, Term c> =
NewArrayTail<^z, b, c>.
NewArrayTail<^Term z, Term b, Term c> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
BracketDimSpecs<^z, b, c>
| ExprBracketOptNewArrayDims<^z, b, c>.
BracketDimSpecs<^Term z, Term b, Term c> (. Term d = Empty.term; .) =
[DimSpecSeq<^d>] (. z = new ArrayCreation(b, c, new DimSpec(d)); .).
ExprBracketOptNewArrayDims<^Term z, Term b, Term c> (. Term d, f = null; .) =
[NewArrayBody<^f, b, new DimsList(c, new DimExpr(d))>]
z = f != null ? f : new ArrayCreation(b, new DimsList(c, new DimExpr(d)));
NewPrimArrayInstanceTail<^Term z> (. Term b; .) =
NewArrayInstanceTail<^z, b>.
UnaryWithParaComplexTail<^Term z, Term a> (. Term b, c = null, d = null; .) =
UnaryWithIdentTailOrDimExprs<^b, a>
[UnaryWithIdentTailSeq<^c, b>]
z = d != null ? new PostfixOp(c != null ? c : b, d) : c != null ? c : b;
UnaryWithIdentTailOrDimExprs<^Term z, Term a> (. z = Empty.term; .) =
"." NewInstOrSuperOrMethodInvoke<^z, a>
| "[" DimensionExpressionSeq<^z, a>.
END comivmaisoftjcgo.