JCGO quick start tips (Win32) ----------------------------- 1. Download the core prerequisites: jcgo-src-1_XX.tar.bz2 jcgo-lib-1_XX.tar.gz ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/classpath/classpath-0.93.tar.gz 2. Create "C:\JCGO" folder. 3. Unpack all the prerequisites to C:\JCGO (preserving the directory structure). 4. Try to convert "Hello world" sample to Windows binary (unoptimized): - create your "projects" folders (e.g., "C:\MyJcgoProjects") and change the current directory to it; - type: C:\JCGO\jcgo.exe -sourcepath $~\examples\simple Hello @$~\stdpaths.in or, alternatively: java -jar C:\JCGO\jcgo.jar -sourcepath $~\examples\simple Hello @$~\stdpaths.in - invoke the MinGW C compiler (GCC): gcc -IC:\JCGO\include -IC:\JCGO\include\boehmgc -IC:\JCGO\native -DJCGO_FFDATA -o hello jcgo_Out\Main.c C:\JCGO\libs\x86\mingw\libgc.a - or invoke Visual Studio C/C++ compiler: cl -IC:\JCGO\include -IC:\JCGO\include\boehmgc -IC:\JCGO\native -DJCGO_INTNN -DJCGO_FFDATA -DJCGO_WIN32 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE jcgo_Out\Main.c C:\JCGO\libs\x86\msvc\gc.lib /link /out:hello.exe - run "hello.exe" file. 5. View "README" file. JCGO quick start tips for Linux/x86 development host ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Download the core prerequisites (mentioned above). 2. Create "/usr/share/JCGO" folder. 3. Unpack all the prerequisites to /usr/share/JCGO (preserving the directory structure). 4. Try to convert "Hello world" sample to a Linux/x86 binary (unoptimized): - create your "projects" folders (e.g., "~/MyJcgoProjects") and change the current directory to it; - type: /usr/share/JCGO/jcgo -src $~/examples/simple Hello @$~/stdpaths.in or, alternatively: java -jar /usr/share/JCGO/jcgo.jar -src $~/examples/simple Hello @$~/stdpaths.in - invoke the GNU GCC: gcc -I /usr/share/JCGO/include -I /usr/share/JCGO/include/boehmgc -I /usr/share/JCGO/native -fwrapv -DJCGO_UNIX -D_IEEEFP_H -DJCGO_UNIFSYS -o hello jcgo_Out/Main.c -lm /usr/share/JCGO/libs/x86/linux/libgc.a - run "hello" file. --- [ End of File ] ---