/* * This file is modified by Ivan Maidanski * Project name: JCGO-SUNAWT (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) */ /* * @(#)Win32GraphicsDevice.java 1.37 03/01/23 * * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package sun.awt; import java.awt.AWTPermission; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.DisplayMode; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer; import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer; import sun.awt.windows.WComponentPeer; import sun.awt.SunDisplayChanger; import sun.awt.DisplayChangedListener; import sun.awt.windows.WWindowPeer; import sun.java2d.InvalidPipeException; /** * This is an implementation of a GraphicsDevice object for a single * Win32 screen. * * @see GraphicsEnvironment * @see GraphicsConfiguration * @version 10 Feb 1997 */ public class Win32GraphicsDevice extends GraphicsDevice implements DisplayChangedListener { int screen; ColorModel dynamicColorModel; // updated with dev changes ColorModel colorModel; // static for device GraphicsConfiguration[] configs; GraphicsConfiguration defaultConfig; boolean offscreenAccelerationEnabled = true; // keep track of top-level windows on this display private SunDisplayChanger topLevels = new SunDisplayChanger(); private static boolean ddDisabled; private static boolean ddUsed; private static boolean ddInitialized; private static boolean pfDisabled; private static AWTPermission fullScreenExclusivePermission; static { sun.awt.windows.Win32OffScreenSurfaceData.initD3D(); String noddraw = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.noddraw")); ddDisabled = (noddraw != null && noddraw.length() > 0 && noddraw.charAt(0) == 't'); // 4455041 - Even when ddraw is disabled, ddraw.dll is loaded when // pixel format calls are made. This causes problems when a Java app // is run as an NT service. To prevent the loading of ddraw.dll // completely, sun.awt.nopixfmt should be set as well. Apps which use // OpenGL w/ Java probably don't want to set this. String nopixfmt = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("sun.awt.nopixfmt")); pfDisabled = (nopixfmt != null); initIDs(); } private static native void initIDs(); /** * Acceleration can be disabled due to capabilities of the display * device discovered during ddraw initialization. This is not the * same as isDirectDrawEnabled(), which returns false when ddraw * had problems initializing. */ public boolean isOffscreenAccelerationEnabled() { return offscreenAccelerationEnabled; } public static boolean isDirectDrawEnabled() { if (ddDisabled) { return false; } if (!ddInitialized) { ddUsed = isDirectDrawUsed(); ddInitialized = true; } return ddUsed; } private static native boolean isDirectDrawUsed(); native void initDevice(int screen); private native boolean isDDEnabledOnDeviceNative(int screen); public Win32GraphicsDevice(int screennum) { this.screen = screennum; initDevice(screennum); } /** * Returns the type of the graphics device. * @see #TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN * @see #TYPE_PRINTER * @see #TYPE_IMAGE_BUFFER */ public int getType() { return TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN; } /** * Returns the Win32 screen of the device. */ public int getScreen() { return screen; } /** * Returns the identification string associated with this graphics * device. */ public String getIDstring() { return "\\Display"+screen; } /** * Returns all of the graphics * configurations associated with this graphics device. */ public GraphicsConfiguration[] getConfigurations() { if (configs==null) { int max = getMaxConfigs(screen); int defaultPixID = getDefaultPixID(screen); Vector v = new Vector( max ); if (defaultPixID == 0) { //Workaround for failing GDI calls, or if DirectDraw is disabled defaultConfig = Win32GraphicsConfig.getConfig(this, defaultPixID); v.addElement(defaultConfig); } else { for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) { if (isPixFmtSupported(i, screen)) { if (i == defaultPixID) { defaultConfig = Win32GraphicsConfig.getConfig( this, i); v.addElement(defaultConfig); } else { v.addElement(Win32GraphicsConfig.getConfig( this, i)); } } } } configs = new GraphicsConfiguration[v.size()]; v.copyInto(configs); } return configs; } /** * Returns the maximum number of graphics configurations available, or 1 * if PixelFormat calls fail or are disabled. * This number is less than or equal to the number of graphics * configurations supported. */ protected int getMaxConfigs(int screen) { if (pfDisabled) { return 1; } else { return getMaxConfigsImpl(screen); } } private native int getMaxConfigsImpl(int screen); /** * Returns whether or not the PixelFormat indicated by index is * supported. Supported PixelFormats support drawing to a Window * (PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW), support GDI (PFD_SUPPORT_GDI), and in the * case of an 8-bit format (cColorBits <= 8) uses indexed colors * (iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_COLORINDEX). * We use the index 0 to indicate that PixelFormat calls don't work, or * are disabled. Do not call this function with an index of 0. * @param index a PixelFormat index */ protected native boolean isPixFmtSupported(int index, int screen); /** * Returns the PixelFormatID of the default graphics configuration * associated with this graphics device, or 0 if PixelFormats calls fail or * are disabled. */ protected int getDefaultPixID(int screen) { if (pfDisabled) { return 0; } else { return getDefaultPixIDImpl(screen); } } /** * Returns the default PixelFormat ID from GDI. Do not call if PixelFormats * are disabled. */ private native int getDefaultPixIDImpl(int screen); /** * Returns the default graphics configuration * associated with this graphics device. */ public GraphicsConfiguration getDefaultConfiguration() { if (defaultConfig == null) { // Fix for 4669614. Most apps are not concerned with PixelFormats, // yet we ALWAYS used them for determining ColorModels and such. // By passing in 0 as the PixelFormatID here, we signal that // PixelFormats should not be used, thus avoid loading the opengl // library. Apps concerned with PixelFormats can still use // GraphicsConfiguration.getConfigurations(). // Note that calling native pixel format functions tends to cause // problems between those functions (which are OpenGL-related) // and our use of DirectX. For example, some Matrox boards will // crash or hang calling these functions when any app is running // in DirectX fullscreen mode. So avoiding these calls unless // absolutely necessary is preferable. defaultConfig = Win32GraphicsConfig.getConfig(this, 0); } return defaultConfig; } public String toString() { return ("Win32GraphicsDevice[screen=" + screen + "]"); } public boolean isFullScreenSupported() { return (screen == 0 || isDDEnabledOnDevice()); } public synchronized void setFullScreenWindow(Window w) { Window old = getFullScreenWindow(); if (w == old) { return; } boolean flag = isDDEnabledOnDevice(); if (flag && old != null) { // Enter windowed mode. WWindowPeer peer = (WWindowPeer)old.getPeer(); if (peer != null) { synchronized(peer) { peer.destroyBuffers(); exitFullScreenExclusive(screen, peer); } } } super.setFullScreenWindow(w); if (flag && w != null) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { if (fullScreenExclusivePermission == null) { fullScreenExclusivePermission = new AWTPermission("fullScreenExclusive"); } security.checkPermission(fullScreenExclusivePermission); } // Enter full screen exclusive mode. WWindowPeer peer = (WWindowPeer)w.getPeer(); synchronized(peer) { enterFullScreenExclusive(screen, peer); // Note: removed replaceSurfaceData() call because // changing the window size or making it visible // will cause this anyway, and both of these events happen // as part of switching into fullscreen mode. } } } // Entering and exiting full-screen mode are done within a // tree-lock and should never lock on any resources which are // required by other threads which may have them and may require // the tree-lock. // These functions should only be called if DirectDraw is enabled. private native void enterFullScreenExclusive(int screen, WindowPeer w); private native void exitFullScreenExclusive(int screen, WindowPeer w); public boolean isDisplayChangeSupported() { return (isFullScreenSupported() && getFullScreenWindow() != null); } public synchronized void setDisplayMode(DisplayMode dm) { if (!isDisplayChangeSupported()) { super.setDisplayMode(dm); return; } if (dm == null && !isDisplayModeAvailable(dm)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid display mode"); } Window w = getFullScreenWindow(); if (w != null) { WWindowPeer peer = (WWindowPeer)w.getPeer(); configDisplayMode(screen, peer, dm.getWidth(), dm.getHeight(), dm.getBitDepth(), dm.getRefreshRate()); // Note: no call to replaceSurfaceData is required here since // replacement will be caused by an upcoming display change event } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Must be in fullscreen mode " + "in order to set display mode"); } } private native DisplayMode getCurrentDisplayMode(int screen); private native void configDisplayMode(int screen, WindowPeer w, int width, int height, int bitDepth, int refreshRate); private native void enumDisplayModes(int screen, ArrayList modes); // This function is only available if DirectDraw is enabled, otherwise we // have to do the work the hard way (enumerating all of the display modes // and checking each one) private native boolean isDisplayModeAvailable(int screen, int width, int height, int bitDepth, int refreshRate); public synchronized DisplayMode getDisplayMode() { return getCurrentDisplayMode(screen); } public synchronized DisplayMode[] getDisplayModes() { ArrayList modes = new ArrayList(); enumDisplayModes(screen, modes); int listSize = modes.size(); DisplayMode[] retArray = new DisplayMode[listSize]; for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { retArray[i] = (DisplayMode)modes.get(i); } return retArray; } public synchronized boolean isDisplayModeAvailable(DisplayMode dm) { if (!isDisplayChangeSupported()) { return false; } if (isDDEnabledOnDevice()) { return isDisplayModeAvailable(screen, dm.getWidth(), dm.getHeight(), dm.getBitDepth(), dm.getRefreshRate()); } else { // The function isDisplayModeAvailable is only available if // DirectDraw is enabled, otherwise we have to do the work the // hard way (enumerating all of the display modes // and checking each one) DisplayMode[] modes = getDisplayModes(); for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { if (dm.equals(modes[i])) { return true; } } return false; } } /* * From the DisplayChangeListener interface. * Called from Win32GraphicsEnvironment when the display settings have * changed. */ public void displayChanged() { dynamicColorModel = null; defaultConfig = null; configs = null; // pass on to all top-level windows on this display topLevels.notifyListeners(); } /** * Part of the DisplayChangedListener interface: devices * do not need to react to this event */ public void paletteChanged() { } public boolean isDDEnabledOnDevice() { return isDirectDrawEnabled() && isDDEnabledOnDeviceNative(screen); } /* * Add a DisplayChangeListener to be notified when the display settings * are changed. Typically, only top-level containers need to be added * to Win32GraphicsDevice. */ public void addDisplayChangedListener(DisplayChangedListener client) { topLevels.add(client); } /* * Remove a DisplayChangeListener from this Win32GraphicsDevice */ public void removeDisplayChangedListener(DisplayChangedListener client) { topLevels.remove(client); } /** * Creates and returns the color model associated with this device */ private native ColorModel makeColorModel (int screen, boolean dynamic); /** * Returns a dynamic ColorModel which is updated when there * are any changes (e.g., palette changes) in the device */ public ColorModel getDynamicColorModel() { if (dynamicColorModel == null) { dynamicColorModel = makeColorModel(screen, true); } return dynamicColorModel; } /** * Returns the non-dynamic ColorModel associated with this device */ public ColorModel getColorModel() { if (colorModel == null) { colorModel = makeColorModel(screen, false); } return colorModel; } private native int getDeviceMemoryNative(int screen); /** * Returns number of bytes available in VRAM on this device. */ public int getAvailableAcceleratedMemory() { return getDeviceMemoryNative(screen); } }