/* * This file is modified by Ivan Maidanski * Project name: JCGO-SUNAWT (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) */ /* * @(#)Win32SurfaceData.java 1.44 03/01/23 * * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package sun.awt.windows; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel; import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.Raster; import sun.awt.SunHints; import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D; import sun.java2d.SurfaceData; import sun.java2d.pipe.Region; import sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToShapeConverter; import sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive; import sun.java2d.loops.SurfaceType; import sun.java2d.loops.CompositeType; import sun.java2d.loops.RenderLoops; import sun.java2d.loops.XORComposite; import sun.awt.Win32ColorModel24; import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig; import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice; import sun.awt.image.PixelConverter; public class Win32SurfaceData extends SurfaceData { WComponentPeer peer; private Win32GraphicsConfig graphicsConfig; private RenderLoops solidloops; // GDI onscreen surface type public static final String DESC_GDI = "GDI"; // DDraw offscreen surface type names public static final String DESC_INT_RGB_DD = "Integer RGB DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_INT_RGBx_DD = "Integer RGBx DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_565_RGB_DD = "Short 565 RGB DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_555_RGBx_DD = "Short 555 RGBx DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_555_RGB_DD = "Short 555 RGB DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_BYTE_INDEXED_OPAQUE_DD = "8-bit Indexed (Opaque) DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_BYTE_GRAY_DD = "Byte Gray DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_INDEX8_GRAY_DD = "Index8 Gray DirectDraw"; public static final String DESC_3BYTE_BGR_DD = "3 Byte BGR DirectDraw"; // Surface types with 1-bit transparency public static final String DESC_INT_RGB_DD_BM = "Integer RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_INT_RGBx_DD_BM = "Integer RGBx DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_565_RGB_DD_BM = "Short 565 RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_555_RGBx_DD_BM = "Short 555 RGBx DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_555_RGB_DD_BM = "Short 555 RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_3BYTE_BGR_DD_BM = "3 Byte BGR DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_BYTE_INDEXED_DD_BM = "8-bit Indexed DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_BYTE_GRAY_DD_BM = "Byte Gray DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; public static final String DESC_INDEX8_GRAY_DD_BM = "Index8 Gray DirectDraw with 1 bit transp"; // surface type for translucent offscreen image (texture) public static final String DESC_INT_ARGB_D3D = "Integer ARGB D3D with translucency"; public static final String DESC_USHORT_4444_ARGB_D3D = "UShort 4444 ARGB D3D with translucency"; // Gdi (screen) surface types // Generic GDI surface type - used for registering all loops public static final SurfaceType AnyGdi = SurfaceType.IntRgb.deriveSubType(DESC_GDI); public static final SurfaceType IntRgbGdi = SurfaceType.IntRgb.deriveSubType(DESC_GDI); public static final SurfaceType Ushort565RgbGdi = SurfaceType.Ushort565Rgb.deriveSubType(DESC_GDI); public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbGdi = SurfaceType.Ushort555Rgb.deriveSubType(DESC_GDI); public static final SurfaceType ThreeByteBgrGdi = SurfaceType.ThreeByteBgr.deriveSubType(DESC_GDI); // DDraw offscreen surface types public static final SurfaceType IntRgbDD = SurfaceType.IntRgb.deriveSubType(DESC_INT_RGB_DD); public static final SurfaceType IntRgbxDD = SurfaceType.IntRgbx.deriveSubType(DESC_INT_RGBx_DD); public static final SurfaceType Ushort565RgbDD = SurfaceType.Ushort565Rgb.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_565_RGB_DD); public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbxDD = SurfaceType.Ushort555Rgbx.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_555_RGBx_DD); public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbDD = SurfaceType.Ushort555Rgb.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_555_RGB_DD); public static final SurfaceType ByteIndexedOpaqueDD = SurfaceType.ByteIndexedOpaque.deriveSubType(DESC_BYTE_INDEXED_OPAQUE_DD); public static final SurfaceType ByteGrayDD = SurfaceType.ByteGray.deriveSubType(DESC_BYTE_GRAY_DD); public static final SurfaceType Index8GrayDD = SurfaceType.Index8Gray.deriveSubType(DESC_INDEX8_GRAY_DD); public static final SurfaceType ThreeByteBgrDD = SurfaceType.ThreeByteBgr.deriveSubType(DESC_3BYTE_BGR_DD); // DDraw onscreen surface types (derive from Gdi surfaces) public static final SurfaceType IntRgbDDscreen = IntRgbGdi.deriveSubType(DESC_INT_RGB_DD); public static final SurfaceType Ushort565RgbDDscreen = Ushort565RgbGdi.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_565_RGB_DD); public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbDDscreen = Ushort555RgbGdi.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_555_RGB_DD); public static final SurfaceType ThreeByteBgrDDscreen = ThreeByteBgrGdi.deriveSubType(DESC_3BYTE_BGR_DD); // These screen types will not be handled as GDI surfaces // (we can do dithering to 8-bit surfaces faster than // GDI, so do not use GDI Blits to indexed surfaces. // And Rgbx surfaces are documented to not work with // GDI, so do not use GDI for that surface type either) public static final SurfaceType IntRgbxDDscreen = IntRgbxDD; public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbxDDscreen = Ushort555RgbxDD; public static final SurfaceType ByteIndexedOpaqueDDscreen = ByteIndexedOpaqueDD; public static final SurfaceType ByteGrayDDscreen = ByteGrayDD; public static final SurfaceType Index8GrayDDscreen = Index8GrayDD; // Surface types with 1-bit transparency public static final SurfaceType IntRgbDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_INT_RGB_DD_BM, PixelConverter.Xrgb.instance); public static final SurfaceType IntRgbxDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_INT_RGBx_DD_BM, PixelConverter.Rgbx.instance); public static final SurfaceType Ushort565RgbDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_565_RGB_DD_BM, PixelConverter.Ushort565Rgb.instance); public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbxDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_555_RGBx_DD_BM, PixelConverter.Ushort555Rgbx.instance); public static final SurfaceType Ushort555RgbDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_555_RGB_DD_BM, PixelConverter.Ushort555Rgb.instance); public static final SurfaceType ByteIndexedDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_BYTE_INDEXED_DD_BM); public static final SurfaceType ByteGrayDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_BYTE_GRAY_DD_BM); public static final SurfaceType Index8GrayDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_INDEX8_GRAY_DD_BM); public static final SurfaceType ThreeByteBgrDD_BM = SurfaceType.Custom.deriveSubType(DESC_3BYTE_BGR_DD_BM, PixelConverter.Xrgb.instance); public static final SurfaceType IntArgbD3D = SurfaceType.IntArgb.deriveSubType(DESC_INT_ARGB_D3D); public static final SurfaceType Ushort4444ArgbD3D = SurfaceType.Ushort4444Argb.deriveSubType(DESC_USHORT_4444_ARGB_D3D); private static native void initDDraw(boolean useDDLockFlag, boolean useDDLock); private static native void initIDs(Class xorComp); /** * Description of command-line flags: * noddraw: usage: "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" * turns off all usage of ddraw, including surface -> surface * Blts (including onscreen->onscreen copyarea), offscreen * surface creation, and surface locking via DDraw. * gdiblit: usage: "-Dsun.java2d.gdiblit=false" * turns off Blit loops that use GDI for copying to * the screen from certain image types. Copies will, * instead, happen via ddraw locking or temporary GDI DIB * creation/copying (depending on OS and other flags) * ddlock: usage: "-Dsun.java2d.ddlock=[true|false]" * forces on|off usage of DirectDraw for locking the * screen. This feature is usually enabled by default * for pre-Win2k OS's and disabled by default for * Win2k and future OS's (as of jdk1.4.1). */ static { initIDs(XORComposite.class); String noddraw = (String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.noddraw")); String gdiBlitProp = (String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.gdiblit")); String ddLockProp = (String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.ddlock")); boolean useDDLock = false, useDDLockFlag = false; if (ddLockProp != null) { if (ddLockProp.equals("false") || ddLockProp.equals("f")) { useDDLock = false; useDDLockFlag = true; } else if (ddLockProp.equals("true") || ddLockProp.equals("t")) { useDDLock = true; useDDLockFlag = true; } } Win32OffScreenSurfaceData.initD3D(); if (noddraw == null) { String magPresent = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("javax.accessibility.screen_magnifier_present")); if (magPresent == null || !magPresent.equals("true")) { if ("false".equals(magPresent) || getOsMajorVer() < 6) initDDraw(useDDLockFlag, useDDLock); } } boolean gdiBlitDisable = (gdiBlitProp != null && (gdiBlitProp.equals("false") || gdiBlitProp.equals("f"))); if (!gdiBlitDisable) { // Register our gdi Blit loops Win32GdiBlitLoops.register(); } } private static int getOsMajorVer() { try { String ver = System.getProperty("os.version"); int pos; if (ver != null && (pos = ver.indexOf('.')) > 0) return Integer.parseInt(ver.substring(0, pos)); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return -1; } public static SurfaceType getSurfaceType(ColorModel cm) { // REMIND: If ddraw not available, set sType to non-ddraw surface type switch (cm.getPixelSize()) { case 32: case 24: if (cm instanceof DirectColorModel) { if (((DirectColorModel)cm).getRedMask() == 0xff0000) { return IntRgbDDscreen; } else { return IntRgbxDDscreen; } } else { return ThreeByteBgrDDscreen; } case 15: return Ushort555RgbDDscreen; case 16: if ((cm instanceof DirectColorModel) && (((DirectColorModel)cm).getBlueMask() == 0x3e)) { return Ushort555RgbxDDscreen; } else { return Ushort565RgbDDscreen; } case 8: if (cm.getColorSpace().getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY && cm instanceof ComponentColorModel) { return ByteGrayDDscreen; } else if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel && isOpaqueGray((IndexColorModel)cm)) { return Index8GrayDDscreen; } else { return ByteIndexedOpaqueDDscreen; } default: throw new sun.java2d.InvalidPipeException("Unsupported bit " + "depth: " + cm.getPixelSize()); } } public static Win32SurfaceData createData(WComponentPeer peer, int numBuffers) { SurfaceType sType = getSurfaceType(peer.getDeviceColorModel()); return new Win32SurfaceData(peer, sType, numBuffers); } public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) { throw new InternalError("not implemented yet"); } protected static Win32Renderer gdiPipe; protected static PixelToShapeConverter gdiTxPipe; static { gdiPipe = new Win32Renderer(); if (GraphicsPrimitive.tracingEnabled()) { gdiPipe = gdiPipe.traceWrap(); } gdiTxPipe = new PixelToShapeConverter(gdiPipe); } public void validatePipe(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { if (sg2d.antialiasHint != SunHints.INTVAL_ANTIALIAS_ON && sg2d.paintState == sg2d.PAINT_SOLIDCOLOR && (sg2d.compositeState == sg2d.COMP_ISCOPY || sg2d.compositeState == sg2d.COMP_XOR) && sg2d.clipState != sg2d.CLIP_SHAPE) { sg2d.imagepipe = imagepipe; if (sg2d.transformState > sg2d.TRANSFORM_TRANSLATEONLY) { sg2d.drawpipe = gdiTxPipe; sg2d.fillpipe = gdiTxPipe; } else if (sg2d.strokeState != sg2d.STROKE_THIN){ sg2d.drawpipe = gdiTxPipe; sg2d.fillpipe = gdiPipe; } else { sg2d.drawpipe = gdiPipe; sg2d.fillpipe = gdiPipe; } sg2d.shapepipe = gdiPipe; // REMIND: There is no alternate text pipe for now... if (sg2d.textAntialiasHint != SunHints.INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON) { sg2d.textpipe = solidTextRenderer; } else { sg2d.textpipe = aaTextRenderer; } // This is needed for AA text. // Note that even a SolidTextRenderer can dispatch AA text // if a GlyphVector overrides the AA setting. // We use getRenderLoops() rather than setting solidloops // directly so that we get the appropriate loops in XOR mode. sg2d.loops = getRenderLoops(sg2d); } else { super.validatePipe(sg2d); } } public void lock() { // REMIND: Need to DirectDraw lock here... } public void unlock() { // REMIND: Need to DirectDraw lock here... } public RenderLoops getRenderLoops(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { if (sg2d.paintState == sg2d.PAINT_SOLIDCOLOR && sg2d.compositeState == sg2d.COMP_ISCOPY) { return solidloops; } return super.getRenderLoops(sg2d); } public GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() { return graphicsConfig; } /** * Initializes the native Ops pointer. */ private native void initOps(WComponentPeer peer, int depth, int redMask, int greenMask, int blueMask, int numBuffers, int screen); public Win32SurfaceData(WComponentPeer peer, SurfaceType sType, int numBuffers) { super(sType, peer.getDeviceColorModel()); ColorModel cm = peer.getDeviceColorModel(); this.peer = peer; int rMask = 0, gMask = 0, bMask = 0; int depth; switch (cm.getPixelSize()) { case 32: case 24: if (cm instanceof DirectColorModel) { depth = 32; } else { depth = 24; } break; default: depth = cm.getPixelSize(); } if (cm instanceof DirectColorModel) { DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel)cm; rMask = dcm.getRedMask(); gMask = dcm.getGreenMask(); bMask = dcm.getBlueMask(); } this.graphicsConfig = (Win32GraphicsConfig) peer.getGraphicsConfiguration(); this.solidloops = graphicsConfig.getSolidLoops(sType); if (peer instanceof WFileDialogPeer || peer instanceof WPrintDialogPeer ) { // REMIND: Awful hack. The right fix for this problem // would be for these type of Peers to not even use a // Win32SurfaceData object since they never do any // rendering. Or they could actually implement the // functionality needed in initOps. But this seems // to work for now. See bug 4391928 for more info. return; } Win32GraphicsDevice gd = (Win32GraphicsDevice)graphicsConfig.getDevice(); initOps(peer, depth, rMask, gMask, bMask, numBuffers, gd.getScreen()); } public SurfaceData getReplacement() { return peer.getSurfaceData(); } public Rectangle getBounds() { Rectangle r = peer.getBounds(); r.x = r.y = 0; return r; } public boolean copyArea(SunGraphics2D sg2d, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dx, int dy) { CompositeType comptype = sg2d.imageComp; if (sg2d.transformState < sg2d.TRANSFORM_TRANSLATESCALE && sg2d.clipState != sg2d.CLIP_SHAPE && (CompositeType.SrcOverNoEa.equals(comptype) || CompositeType.SrcNoEa.equals(comptype))) { x += sg2d.transX; y += sg2d.transY; int dstx1 = x + dx; int dsty1 = y + dy; int dstx2 = dstx1 + w; int dsty2 = dsty1 + h; Region clip = sg2d.getCompClip(); if (dstx1 < clip.getLoX()) dstx1 = clip.getLoX(); if (dsty1 < clip.getLoY()) dsty1 = clip.getLoY(); if (dstx2 > clip.getHiX()) dstx2 = clip.getHiX(); if (dsty2 > clip.getHiY()) dsty2 = clip.getHiY(); if (dstx1 < dstx2 && dsty1 < dsty2) { gdiPipe.devCopyArea(this, dstx1 - dx, dsty1 - dy, dx, dy, dstx2 - dstx1, dsty2 - dsty1); } return true; } return false; } private native void invalidateSD(); public void invalidate() { if (isValid()) { invalidateSD(); super.invalidate(); //peer.invalidateBackBuffer(); } } // This gets called when restoring the back buffer public native void restoreSurface(); public native void flip(SurfaceData data); }