import; public class World { static final int colourTransparent = 12345678;// usewd by gamemodel.magic and diameter final int regionWidth = 96;// could be the other way final int regionHeight = 96;// around, im not sure final int anInt585 = 128;// two possibilities; either where the region data is loaded, boolean worldInitialised; int objectAdjacency[][]; byte tileDirection[][]; GameModel wallModels[][]; int terrainColours[]; byte wallsNorthsouth[][]; GameModel parentModel; byte wallsRoof[][]; byte terrainHeight[][]; GameModel roofModels[][]; // or in relation with models. im going with models byte terrainColour[][]; int localY[]; byte tileDecoration[][]; int routeVia[][]; int wallsDiagonal[][]; byte wallsEastwest[][]; boolean aBoolean592; boolean playerAlive; int terrainHeightLocal[][]; byte landscapePack[]; byte mapPack[]; Surface surface; Scene scene; GameModel terrainModels[]; int localX[]; byte memberLandscapePack[]; byte memberMapPack[]; int baseMediaSprite; public World(Scene scene, Surface surface) { worldInitialised = true; objectAdjacency = new int[regionWidth][regionHeight]; tileDirection = new byte[4][2304]; wallModels = new GameModel[4][64]; terrainColours = new int[256]; wallsNorthsouth = new byte[4][2304]; wallsRoof = new byte[4][2304]; terrainHeight = new byte[4][2304]; roofModels = new GameModel[4][64]; terrainColour = new byte[4][2304]; localY = new int[18432]; tileDecoration = new byte[4][2304]; routeVia = new int[regionWidth][regionHeight]; wallsDiagonal = new int[4][2304]; wallsEastwest = new byte[4][2304]; aBoolean592 = false; playerAlive = false; terrainHeightLocal = new int[regionWidth][regionHeight]; terrainModels = new GameModel[64]; localX = new int[18432]; baseMediaSprite = 750; this.scene = scene; this.surface = surface; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) terrainColours[i] = Scene.rgb(255 - i * 4, 255 - (int) ((double) i * 1.75D), 255 - i * 4); for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) terrainColours[j + 64] = Scene.rgb(j * 3, 144, 0); for (int k = 0; k < 64; k++) terrainColours[k + 128] = Scene.rgb(192 - (int) ((double) k * 1.5D), 144 - (int) ((double) k * 1.5D), 0); for (int l = 0; l < 64; l++) terrainColours[l + 192] = Scene.rgb(96 - (int) ((double) l * 1.5D), 48 + (int) ((double) l * 1.5D), 0); } public int getWallEastwest(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return wallsEastwest[h][x * 48 + y] & 0xff; } public void setTerrainAmbience(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int ambience) { GameModel gameModel = terrainModels[x + y * 8]; for (int j1 = 0; j1 < gameModel.numVertices; j1++) if (gameModel.vertexX[j1] == x2 * anInt585 && gameModel.vertexZ[j1] == y2 * anInt585) { gameModel.setVertexAmbience(j1, ambience); return; } } public int getWallRoof(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return wallsRoof[h][x * 48 + y]; } public int getElevation(int x, int y) { int sX = x >> 7; int sY = y >> 7; int aX = x & 0x7f; int aY = y & 0x7f; if (sX < 0 || sY < 0 || sX >= 95 || sY >= 95) return 0; int h; int hx; int hy; if (aX <= anInt585 - aY) { h = getTerrainHeight(sX, sY); hx = getTerrainHeight(sX + 1, sY) - h; hy = getTerrainHeight(sX, sY + 1) - h; } else { h = getTerrainHeight(sX + 1, sY + 1); hx = getTerrainHeight(sX, sY + 1) - h; hy = getTerrainHeight(sX + 1, sY) - h; aX = anInt585 - aX; aY = anInt585 - aY; } int elevation = h + (hx * aX) / anInt585 + (hy * aY) / anInt585; return elevation; } public int getWallDiagonal(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return wallsDiagonal[h][x * 48 + y]; } public void removeObject2(int x, int y, int id) {// todo set object osmething something something if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 95 || y >= 95) return; if (GameData.objectType[id] == 1 || GameData.objectType[id] == 2) { int tileDir = getTileDirection(x, y); int modelWidth; int modelHeight; if (tileDir == 0 || tileDir == 4) { modelWidth = GameData.objectWidth[id]; modelHeight = GameData.objectHeight[id]; } else { modelHeight = GameData.objectWidth[id]; modelWidth = GameData.objectHeight[id]; } for (int mx = x; mx < x + modelWidth; mx++) { for (int my = y; my < y + modelHeight; my++) if (GameData.objectType[id] == 1) objectAdjacency[mx][my] |= 0x40; else if (tileDir == 0) { objectAdjacency[mx][my] |= 2; if (mx > 0) setObjectAdjacency(mx - 1, my, 8); } else if (tileDir == 2) { objectAdjacency[mx][my] |= 4; if (my < 95) setObjectAdjacency(mx, my + 1, 1); } else if (tileDir == 4) { objectAdjacency[mx][my] |= 8; if (mx < 95) setObjectAdjacency(mx + 1, my, 2); } else if (tileDir == 6) { objectAdjacency[mx][my] |= 1; if (my > 0) setObjectAdjacency(mx, my - 1, 4); } } method404(x, y, modelWidth, modelHeight); } } public void removeWallObject(int x, int y, int k, int id) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 95 || y >= 95) return; if (GameData.wallObjectAdjacent[id] == 1) { if (k == 0) { objectAdjacency[x][y] &= 0xfffe; if (y > 0) method407(x, y - 1, 4); } else if (k == 1) { objectAdjacency[x][y] &= 0xfffd; if (x > 0) method407(x - 1, y, 8); } else if (k == 2) objectAdjacency[x][y] &= 0xffef; else if (k == 3) objectAdjacency[x][y] &= 0xffdf; method404(x, y, 1, 1); } } public void method402(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) { int j1 = i * 3; int k1 = j * 3; int l1 = scene.method302(l); int i2 = scene.method302(i1); l1 = l1 >> 1 & 0x7f7f7f; i2 = i2 >> 1 & 0x7f7f7f; if (k == 0) { surface.drawLineHoriz(j1, k1, 3, l1); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1, k1 + 1, 2, l1); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1, k1 + 2, 1, l1); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1 + 2, k1 + 1, 1, i2); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1 + 1, k1 + 2, 2, i2); return; } if (k == 1) { surface.drawLineHoriz(j1, k1, 3, i2); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1 + 1, k1 + 1, 2, i2); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1 + 2, k1 + 2, 1, i2); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1, k1 + 1, 1, l1); surface.drawLineHoriz(j1, k1 + 2, 2, l1); } } public void loadSection(int x, int y, int plane, int chunk) { String mapname = "m" + plane + x / 10 + x % 10 + y / 10 + y % 10; try { if (landscapePack != null) { byte mapData[] = Utility.loadData(mapname + ".hei", 0, landscapePack); if (mapData == null && memberLandscapePack != null) mapData = Utility.loadData(mapname + ".hei", 0, memberLandscapePack); if (mapData != null && mapData.length > 0) { int off = 0; int lastVal = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; ) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val < 128) { terrainHeight[chunk][tile++] = (byte) val; lastVal = val; } if (val >= 128) { for (int i = 0; i < val - 128; i++) terrainHeight[chunk][tile++] = (byte) lastVal; } } lastVal = 64; for (int tileY = 0; tileY < 48; tileY++) { for (int tileX = 0; tileX < 48; tileX++) { lastVal = terrainHeight[chunk][tileX * 48 + tileY] + lastVal & 0x7f; terrainHeight[chunk][tileX * 48 + tileY] = (byte) (lastVal * 2); } } lastVal = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; ) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val < 128) { terrainColour[chunk][tile++] = (byte) val; lastVal = val; } if (val >= 128) { for (int i = 0; i < val - 128; i++) terrainColour[chunk][tile++] = (byte) lastVal; } } lastVal = 35; for (int tileY = 0; tileY < 48; tileY++) { for (int tileX = 0; tileX < 48; tileX++) { lastVal = terrainColour[chunk][tileX * 48 + tileY] + lastVal & 0x7f;// ??? wat terrainColour[chunk][tileX * 48 + tileY] = (byte) (lastVal * 2); } } } else { for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) { terrainHeight[chunk][tile] = 0; terrainColour[chunk][tile] = 0; } } mapData = Utility.loadData(mapname + ".dat", 0, mapPack); if (mapData == null && memberMapPack != null) mapData = Utility.loadData(mapname + ".dat", 0, memberMapPack); if (mapData == null || mapData.length == 0) throw new IOException(); int off = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) wallsNorthsouth[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) wallsEastwest[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) wallsDiagonal[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++] & 0xff; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val > 0) wallsDiagonal[chunk][tile] = val + 12000;// why?? } for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; ) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val < 128) { wallsRoof[chunk][tile++] = (byte) val; } else { for (int i = 0; i < val - 128; i++) wallsRoof[chunk][tile++] = 0; } } int lastVal = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; ) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val < 128) { tileDecoration[chunk][tile++] = (byte) val; lastVal = val; } else { for (int i = 0; i < val - 128; i++) tileDecoration[chunk][tile++] = (byte) lastVal; } } for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; ) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val < 128) { tileDirection[chunk][tile++] = (byte) val; } else { for (int i = 0; i < val - 128; i++) tileDirection[chunk][tile++] = 0; } } mapData = Utility.loadData(mapname + ".loc", 0, mapPack); if (mapData != null && mapData.length > 0) { off = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; ) { int val = mapData[off++] & 0xff; if (val < 128) wallsDiagonal[chunk][tile++] = val + 48000; else tile += val - 128; } return; } } else { byte mapData[] = new byte[20736]; Utility.readFully("../gamedata/maps/" + mapname + ".jm", mapData, 20736); int val = 0; int off = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) { val = val + mapData[off++] & 0xff; terrainHeight[chunk][tile] = (byte) val; } val = 0; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) { val = val + mapData[off++] & 0xff; terrainColour[chunk][tile] = (byte) val; } for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) wallsNorthsouth[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) wallsEastwest[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) { wallsDiagonal[chunk][tile] = (mapData[off] & 0xff) * 256 + (mapData[off + 1] & 0xff); off += 2; } for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) wallsRoof[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) tileDecoration[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) tileDirection[chunk][tile] = mapData[off++]; } return; } catch (IOException ex) { } for (int tile = 0; tile < 2304; tile++) { terrainHeight[chunk][tile] = 0; terrainColour[chunk][tile] = 0; wallsNorthsouth[chunk][tile] = 0; wallsEastwest[chunk][tile] = 0; wallsDiagonal[chunk][tile] = 0; wallsRoof[chunk][tile] = 0; tileDecoration[chunk][tile] = 0; if (plane == 0) tileDecoration[chunk][tile] = -6; if (plane == 3) tileDecoration[chunk][tile] = 8; tileDirection[chunk][tile] = 0; } } public void method404(int x, int y, int k, int l) { if (x < 1 || y < 1 || x + k >= regionWidth || y + l >= regionHeight) return; for (int xx = x; xx <= x + k; xx++) { for (int yy = y; yy <= y + l; yy++) if ((getObjectAdjacency(xx, yy) & 0x63) != 0 || (getObjectAdjacency(xx - 1, yy) & 0x59) != 0 || (getObjectAdjacency(xx, yy - 1) & 0x56) != 0 || (getObjectAdjacency(xx - 1, yy - 1) & 0x6c) != 0) method425(xx, yy, 35); else method425(xx, yy, 0); } } public int getObjectAdjacency(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y >= regionHeight) return 0; else return objectAdjacency[x][y]; } public boolean hasRoof(int x, int y) { return getWallRoof(x, y) > 0 && getWallRoof(x - 1, y) > 0 && getWallRoof(x - 1, y - 1) > 0 && getWallRoof(x, y - 1) > 0; } public void method407(int i, int j, int k) { objectAdjacency[i][j] &= 0xffff - k; } public int getTerrainColour(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte byte0 = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { byte0 = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { byte0 = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { byte0 = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return terrainColour[byte0][x * 48 + y] & 0xff; } public void reset() { if (worldInitialised) scene.dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { terrainModels[i] = null; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) wallModels[j][i] = null; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) roofModels[k][i] = null; } System.gc(); } public void setTiles() { for (int x = 0; x < regionWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < regionHeight; y++) if (getTileDecoration(x, y, 0) == 250) if (x == 47 && getTileDecoration(x + 1, y, 0) != 250 && getTileDecoration(x + 1, y, 0) != 2) setTileDecoration(x, y, 9); else if (y == 47 && getTileDecoration(x, y + 1, 0) != 250 && getTileDecoration(x, y + 1, 0) != 2) setTileDecoration(x, y, 9); else setTileDecoration(x, y, 2); } } public int getWallNorthsouth(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return wallsNorthsouth[h][x * 48 + y] & 0xff; } public int getTileDirection(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return tileDirection[h][x * 48 + y]; } public int getTileDecoration(int x, int y, int unused, int def) { int deco = getTileDecoration(x, y, unused); if (deco == 0) return def; else return GameData.tileDecoration[deco - 1]; } public int getTileDecoration(int x, int y, int unused) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return tileDecoration[h][x * 48 + y] & 0xff; } public void setTileDecoration(int x, int y, int v) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return; byte h = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { h = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { h = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { h = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } tileDecoration[h][x * 48 + y] = (byte) v; } public int route(int startX, int startY, int endX1, int endY1, int endX2, int endY2, int routeX[], int routeY[], boolean objects) { for (int x = 0; x < regionWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < regionHeight; y++) routeVia[x][y] = 0; } int writePtr = 0; int readPtr = 0; int x = startX; int y = startY; routeVia[startX][startY] = 99; routeX[writePtr] = startX; routeY[writePtr++] = startY; int size = routeX.length; boolean reached = false; while (readPtr != writePtr) { x = routeX[readPtr]; y = routeY[readPtr]; readPtr = (readPtr + 1) % size; if (x >= endX1 && x <= endX2 && y >= endY1 && y <= endY2) { reached = true; break; } if (objects) { if (x > 0 && x - 1 >= endX1 && x - 1 <= endX2 && y >= endY1 && y <= endY2 && (objectAdjacency[x - 1][y] & 8) == 0) { reached = true; break; } if (x < 95 && x + 1 >= endX1 && x + 1 <= endX2 && y >= endY1 && y <= endY2 && (objectAdjacency[x + 1][y] & 2) == 0) { reached = true; break; } if (y > 0 && x >= endX1 && x <= endX2 && y - 1 >= endY1 && y - 1 <= endY2 && (objectAdjacency[x][y - 1] & 4) == 0) { reached = true; break; } if (y < 95 && x >= endX1 && x <= endX2 && y + 1 >= endY1 && y + 1 <= endY2 && (objectAdjacency[x][y + 1] & 1) == 0) { reached = true; break; } } if (x > 0 && routeVia[x - 1][y] == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x - 1][y] & 0x78) == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x - 1; routeY[writePtr] = y; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x - 1][y] = 2; } if (x < 95 && routeVia[x + 1][y] == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x + 1][y] & 0x72) == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x + 1; routeY[writePtr] = y; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x + 1][y] = 8; } if (y > 0 && routeVia[x][y - 1] == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x][y - 1] & 0x74) == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x; routeY[writePtr] = y - 1; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x][y - 1] = 1; } if (y < 95 && routeVia[x][y + 1] == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x][y + 1] & 0x71) == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x; routeY[writePtr] = y + 1; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x][y + 1] = 4; } if (x > 0 && y > 0 && (objectAdjacency[x][y - 1] & 0x74) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x - 1][y] & 0x78) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x - 1][y - 1] & 0x7c) == 0 && routeVia[x - 1][y - 1] == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x - 1; routeY[writePtr] = y - 1; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x - 1][y - 1] = 3; } if (x < 95 && y > 0 && (objectAdjacency[x][y - 1] & 0x74) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x + 1][y] & 0x72) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x + 1][y - 1] & 0x76) == 0 && routeVia[x + 1][y - 1] == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x + 1; routeY[writePtr] = y - 1; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x + 1][y - 1] = 9; } if (x > 0 && y < 95 && (objectAdjacency[x][y + 1] & 0x71) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x - 1][y] & 0x78) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x - 1][y + 1] & 0x79) == 0 && routeVia[x - 1][y + 1] == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x - 1; routeY[writePtr] = y + 1; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x - 1][y + 1] = 6; } if (x < 95 && y < 95 && (objectAdjacency[x][y + 1] & 0x71) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x + 1][y] & 0x72) == 0 && (objectAdjacency[x + 1][y + 1] & 0x73) == 0 && routeVia[x + 1][y + 1] == 0) { routeX[writePtr] = x + 1; routeY[writePtr] = y + 1; writePtr = (writePtr + 1) % size; routeVia[x + 1][y + 1] = 12; } } if (!reached) return -1; readPtr = 0; routeX[readPtr] = x; routeY[readPtr++] = y; int stride; for (int step = stride = routeVia[x][y]; x != startX || y != startY; step = routeVia[x][y]) { if (step != stride) { stride = step; routeX[readPtr] = x; routeY[readPtr++] = y; } if ((step & 2) != 0) x++; else if ((step & 8) != 0) x--; if ((step & 1) != 0) y++; else if ((step & 4) != 0) y--; } return readPtr; } public void setObjectAdjacency(int x, int y, int dir, int id) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 95 || y >= 95) return; if (GameData.wallObjectAdjacent[id] == 1) { if (dir == 0) { objectAdjacency[x][y] |= 1; if (y > 0) setObjectAdjacency(x, y - 1, 4); } else if (dir == 1) { objectAdjacency[x][y] |= 2; if (x > 0) setObjectAdjacency(x - 1, y, 8); } else if (dir == 2) objectAdjacency[x][y] |= 0x10; else if (dir == 3) objectAdjacency[x][y] |= 0x20; method404(x, y, 1, 1); } } public void loadSection(int x, int y, int plane, boolean flag) { int l = (x + 24) / 48; int i1 = (y + 24) / 48; loadSection(l - 1, i1 - 1, plane, 0); loadSection(l, i1 - 1, plane, 1); loadSection(l - 1, i1, plane, 2); loadSection(l, i1, plane, 3); setTiles(); if (parentModel == null) parentModel = new GameModel(18688, 18688, true, true, false, false, true); if (flag) { surface.blackScreen(); for (int j1 = 0; j1 < regionWidth; j1++) { for (int l1 = 0; l1 < regionHeight; l1++) objectAdjacency[j1][l1] = 0; } GameModel gameModel = parentModel; gameModel.clear(); for (int j2 = 0; j2 < regionWidth; j2++) { for (int i3 = 0; i3 < regionHeight; i3++) { int i4 = -getTerrainHeight(j2, i3); if (getTileDecoration(j2, i3, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(j2, i3, plane) - 1] == 4) i4 = 0; if (getTileDecoration(j2 - 1, i3, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(j2 - 1, i3, plane) - 1] == 4) i4 = 0; if (getTileDecoration(j2, i3 - 1, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(j2, i3 - 1, plane) - 1] == 4) i4 = 0; if (getTileDecoration(j2 - 1, i3 - 1, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(j2 - 1, i3 - 1, plane) - 1] == 4) i4 = 0; int j5 = gameModel.vertexAt(j2 * anInt585, i4, i3 * anInt585); int j7 = (int) (Math.random() * 10D) - 5; gameModel.setVertexAmbience(j5, j7); } } for (int lx = 0; lx < 95; lx++) { for (int ly = 0; ly < 95; ly++) { int colourindex = getTerrainColour(lx, ly); int colour = terrainColours[colourindex]; int colour_1 = colour; int colour_2 = colour; int l14 = 0; if (plane == 1 || plane == 2) { colour = colourTransparent; colour_1 = colourTransparent; colour_2 = colourTransparent; } if (getTileDecoration(lx, ly, plane) > 0) { int decoration_type = getTileDecoration(lx, ly, plane); int decoration_tile_type = GameData.tileType[decoration_type - 1]; int tile_type = getTileType(lx, ly, plane); colour = colour_1 = GameData.tileDecoration[decoration_type - 1]; if (decoration_tile_type == 4) { colour = 1; colour_1 = 1; if (decoration_type == 12) { colour = 31; colour_1 = 31; } } if (decoration_tile_type == 5) { if (getWallDiagonal(lx, ly) > 0 && getWallDiagonal(lx, ly) < 24000) if (getTileDecoration(lx - 1, ly, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent && getTileDecoration(lx, ly - 1, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent) { colour = getTileDecoration(lx - 1, ly, plane, colour_2); l14 = 0; } else if (getTileDecoration(lx + 1, ly, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent && getTileDecoration(lx, ly + 1, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent) { colour_1 = getTileDecoration(lx + 1, ly, plane, colour_2); l14 = 0; } else if (getTileDecoration(lx + 1, ly, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent && getTileDecoration(lx, ly - 1, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent) { colour_1 = getTileDecoration(lx + 1, ly, plane, colour_2); l14 = 1; } else if (getTileDecoration(lx - 1, ly, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent && getTileDecoration(lx, ly + 1, plane, colour_2) != colourTransparent) { colour = getTileDecoration(lx - 1, ly, plane, colour_2); l14 = 1; } } else if (decoration_tile_type != 2 || getWallDiagonal(lx, ly) > 0 && getWallDiagonal(lx, ly) < 24000) if (getTileType(lx - 1, ly, plane) != tile_type && getTileType(lx, ly - 1, plane) != tile_type) { colour = colour_2; l14 = 0; } else if (getTileType(lx + 1, ly, plane) != tile_type && getTileType(lx, ly + 1, plane) != tile_type) { colour_1 = colour_2; l14 = 0; } else if (getTileType(lx + 1, ly, plane) != tile_type && getTileType(lx, ly - 1, plane) != tile_type) { colour_1 = colour_2; l14 = 1; } else if (getTileType(lx - 1, ly, plane) != tile_type && getTileType(lx, ly + 1, plane) != tile_type) { colour = colour_2; l14 = 1; } if (GameData.tileAdjacent[decoration_type - 1] != 0) objectAdjacency[lx][ly] |= 0x40; if (GameData.tileType[decoration_type - 1] == 2) objectAdjacency[lx][ly] |= 0x80; } method402(lx, ly, l14, colour, colour_1); int i17 = ((getTerrainHeight(lx + 1, ly + 1) - getTerrainHeight(lx + 1, ly)) + getTerrainHeight(lx, ly + 1)) - getTerrainHeight(lx, ly); if (colour != colour_1 || i17 != 0) { int ai[] = new int[3]; int ai7[] = new int[3]; if (l14 == 0) { if (colour != colourTransparent) { ai[0] = ly + lx * 96 + 96; ai[1] = ly + lx * 96; ai[2] = ly + lx * 96 + 1; int l21 = gameModel.createFace(3, ai, colourTransparent, colour); localX[l21] = lx; localY[l21] = ly; gameModel.faceTag[l21] = 0x30d40 + l21; } if (colour_1 != colourTransparent) { ai7[0] = ly + lx * 96 + 1; ai7[1] = ly + lx * 96 + 96 + 1; ai7[2] = ly + lx * 96 + 96; int i22 = gameModel.createFace(3, ai7, colourTransparent, colour_1); localX[i22] = lx; localY[i22] = ly; gameModel.faceTag[i22] = 0x30d40 + i22; } } else { if (colour != colourTransparent) { ai[0] = ly + lx * 96 + 1; ai[1] = ly + lx * 96 + 96 + 1; ai[2] = ly + lx * 96; int j22 = gameModel.createFace(3, ai, colourTransparent, colour); localX[j22] = lx; localY[j22] = ly; gameModel.faceTag[j22] = 0x30d40 + j22; } if (colour_1 != colourTransparent) { ai7[0] = ly + lx * 96 + 96; ai7[1] = ly + lx * 96; ai7[2] = ly + lx * 96 + 96 + 1; int k22 = gameModel.createFace(3, ai7, colourTransparent, colour_1); localX[k22] = lx; localY[k22] = ly; gameModel.faceTag[k22] = 0x30d40 + k22; } } } else if (colour != colourTransparent) { int ai1[] = new int[4]; ai1[0] = ly + lx * 96 + 96; ai1[1] = ly + lx * 96; ai1[2] = ly + lx * 96 + 1; ai1[3] = ly + lx * 96 + 96 + 1; int l19 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai1, colourTransparent, colour); localX[l19] = lx; localY[l19] = ly; gameModel.faceTag[l19] = 0x30d40 + l19; } } } for (int k4 = 1; k4 < 95; k4++) { for (int i6 = 1; i6 < 95; i6++) if (getTileDecoration(k4, i6, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(k4, i6, plane) - 1] == 4) { int l7 = GameData.tileDecoration[getTileDecoration(k4, i6, plane) - 1]; int j10 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6), i6 * anInt585); int l12 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6), i6 * anInt585); int i15 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int j17 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int ai2[] = { j10, l12, i15, j17 }; int i20 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai2, l7, colourTransparent); localX[i20] = k4; localY[i20] = i6; gameModel.faceTag[i20] = 0x30d40 + i20; method402(k4, i6, 0, l7, l7); } else if (getTileDecoration(k4, i6, plane) == 0 || GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(k4, i6, plane) - 1] != 3) { if (getTileDecoration(k4, i6 + 1, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(k4, i6 + 1, plane) - 1] == 4) { int i8 = GameData.tileDecoration[getTileDecoration(k4, i6 + 1, plane) - 1]; int k10 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6), i6 * anInt585); int i13 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6), i6 * anInt585); int j15 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int k17 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int ai3[] = { k10, i13, j15, k17 }; int j20 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai3, i8, colourTransparent); localX[j20] = k4; localY[j20] = i6; gameModel.faceTag[j20] = 0x30d40 + j20; method402(k4, i6, 0, i8, i8); } if (getTileDecoration(k4, i6 - 1, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(k4, i6 - 1, plane) - 1] == 4) { int j8 = GameData.tileDecoration[getTileDecoration(k4, i6 - 1, plane) - 1]; int l10 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6), i6 * anInt585); int j13 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6), i6 * anInt585); int k15 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int l17 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int ai4[] = { l10, j13, k15, l17 }; int k20 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai4, j8, colourTransparent); localX[k20] = k4; localY[k20] = i6; gameModel.faceTag[k20] = 0x30d40 + k20; method402(k4, i6, 0, j8, j8); } if (getTileDecoration(k4 + 1, i6, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(k4 + 1, i6, plane) - 1] == 4) { int k8 = GameData.tileDecoration[getTileDecoration(k4 + 1, i6, plane) - 1]; int i11 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6), i6 * anInt585); int k13 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6), i6 * anInt585); int l15 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int i18 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int ai5[] = { i11, k13, l15, i18 }; int l20 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai5, k8, colourTransparent); localX[l20] = k4; localY[l20] = i6; gameModel.faceTag[l20] = 0x30d40 + l20; method402(k4, i6, 0, k8, k8); } if (getTileDecoration(k4 - 1, i6, plane) > 0 && GameData.tileType[getTileDecoration(k4 - 1, i6, plane) - 1] == 4) { int l8 = GameData.tileDecoration[getTileDecoration(k4 - 1, i6, plane) - 1]; int j11 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6), i6 * anInt585); int l13 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6), i6 * anInt585); int i16 = gameModel.vertexAt((k4 + 1) * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4 + 1, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int j18 = gameModel.vertexAt(k4 * anInt585, -getTerrainHeight(k4, i6 + 1), (i6 + 1) * anInt585); int ai6[] = { j11, l13, i16, j18 }; int i21 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai6, l8, colourTransparent); localX[i21] = k4; localY[i21] = i6; gameModel.faceTag[i21] = 0x30d40 + i21; method402(k4, i6, 0, l8, l8); } } } gameModel.setLight(true, 40, 48, -50, -10, -50); terrainModels = parentModel.split(0, 0, 1536, 1536, 8, 64, 233, false); for (int j6 = 0; j6 < 64; j6++) scene.addModel(terrainModels[j6]); for (int X = 0; X < regionWidth; X++) { for (int Y = 0; Y < regionHeight; Y++) terrainHeightLocal[X][Y] = getTerrainHeight(X, Y); } } parentModel.clear(); int k1 = 0x606060; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 95; i2++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 95; k2++) { int k3 = getWallEastwest(i2, k2); if (k3 > 0 && (GameData.wallObjectInvisible[k3 - 1] == 0 || aBoolean592)) { method422(parentModel, k3 - 1, i2, k2, i2 + 1, k2); if (flag && GameData.wallObjectAdjacent[k3 - 1] != 0) { objectAdjacency[i2][k2] |= 1; if (k2 > 0) setObjectAdjacency(i2, k2 - 1, 4); } if (flag) surface.drawLineHoriz(i2 * 3, k2 * 3, 3, k1); } k3 = getWallNorthsouth(i2, k2); if (k3 > 0 && (GameData.wallObjectInvisible[k3 - 1] == 0 || aBoolean592)) { method422(parentModel, k3 - 1, i2, k2, i2, k2 + 1); if (flag && GameData.wallObjectAdjacent[k3 - 1] != 0) { objectAdjacency[i2][k2] |= 2; if (i2 > 0) setObjectAdjacency(i2 - 1, k2, 8); } if (flag) surface.drawLineVert(i2 * 3, k2 * 3, 3, k1); } k3 = getWallDiagonal(i2, k2); if (k3 > 0 && k3 < 12000 && (GameData.wallObjectInvisible[k3 - 1] == 0 || aBoolean592)) { method422(parentModel, k3 - 1, i2, k2, i2 + 1, k2 + 1); if (flag && GameData.wallObjectAdjacent[k3 - 1] != 0) objectAdjacency[i2][k2] |= 0x20; if (flag) { surface.setPixel(i2 * 3, k2 * 3, k1); surface.setPixel(i2 * 3 + 1, k2 * 3 + 1, k1); surface.setPixel(i2 * 3 + 2, k2 * 3 + 2, k1); } } if (k3 > 12000 && k3 < 24000 && (GameData.wallObjectInvisible[k3 - 12001] == 0 || aBoolean592)) { method422(parentModel, k3 - 12001, i2 + 1, k2, i2, k2 + 1); if (flag && GameData.wallObjectAdjacent[k3 - 12001] != 0) objectAdjacency[i2][k2] |= 0x10; if (flag) { surface.setPixel(i2 * 3 + 2, k2 * 3, k1); surface.setPixel(i2 * 3 + 1, k2 * 3 + 1, k1); surface.setPixel(i2 * 3, k2 * 3 + 2, k1); } } } } if (flag) surface.drawSpriteMinimap(baseMediaSprite - 1, 0, 0, 285, 285); parentModel.setLight(false, 60, 24, -50, -10, -50); wallModels[plane] = parentModel.split(0, 0, 1536, 1536, 8, 64, 338, true); for (int l2 = 0; l2 < 64; l2++) scene.addModel(wallModels[plane][l2]); for (int l3 = 0; l3 < 95; l3++) { for (int l4 = 0; l4 < 95; l4++) { int k6 = getWallEastwest(l3, l4); if (k6 > 0) method428(k6 - 1, l3, l4, l3 + 1, l4); k6 = getWallNorthsouth(l3, l4); if (k6 > 0) method428(k6 - 1, l3, l4, l3, l4 + 1); k6 = getWallDiagonal(l3, l4); if (k6 > 0 && k6 < 12000) method428(k6 - 1, l3, l4, l3 + 1, l4 + 1); if (k6 > 12000 && k6 < 24000) method428(k6 - 12001, l3 + 1, l4, l3, l4 + 1); } } for (int i5 = 1; i5 < 95; i5++) { for (int l6 = 1; l6 < 95; l6++) { int j9 = getWallRoof(i5, l6); if (j9 > 0) { int l11 = i5; int i14 = l6; int j16 = i5 + 1; int k18 = l6; int j19 = i5 + 1; int j21 = l6 + 1; int l22 = i5; int j23 = l6 + 1; int l23 = 0; int j24 = terrainHeightLocal[l11][i14]; int l24 = terrainHeightLocal[j16][k18]; int j25 = terrainHeightLocal[j19][j21]; int l25 = terrainHeightLocal[l22][j23]; if (j24 > 0x13880) j24 -= 0x13880; if (l24 > 0x13880) l24 -= 0x13880; if (j25 > 0x13880) j25 -= 0x13880; if (l25 > 0x13880) l25 -= 0x13880; if (j24 > l23) l23 = j24; if (l24 > l23) l23 = l24; if (j25 > l23) l23 = j25; if (l25 > l23) l23 = l25; if (l23 >= 0x13880) l23 -= 0x13880; if (j24 < 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[l11][i14] = l23; else terrainHeightLocal[l11][i14] -= 0x13880; if (l24 < 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[j16][k18] = l23; else terrainHeightLocal[j16][k18] -= 0x13880; if (j25 < 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[j19][j21] = l23; else terrainHeightLocal[j19][j21] -= 0x13880; if (l25 < 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[l22][j23] = l23; else terrainHeightLocal[l22][j23] -= 0x13880; } } } parentModel.clear(); for (int i7 = 1; i7 < 95; i7++) { for (int k9 = 1; k9 < 95; k9++) { int roof_nvs = getWallRoof(i7, k9); if (roof_nvs > 0) { int j14 = i7; int k16 = k9; int l18 = i7 + 1; int k19 = k9; int k21 = i7 + 1; int i23 = k9 + 1; int k23 = i7; int i24 = k9 + 1; int k24 = i7 * anInt585; int i25 = k9 * anInt585; int k25 = k24 + anInt585; int i26 = i25 + anInt585; int j26 = k24; int k26 = i25; int l26 = k25; int i27 = i26; int j27 = terrainHeightLocal[j14][k16]; int k27 = terrainHeightLocal[l18][k19]; int l27 = terrainHeightLocal[k21][i23]; int i28 = terrainHeightLocal[k23][i24]; int unknown = GameData.roofHeight[roof_nvs - 1]; if (hasRoof(j14, k16) && j27 < 0x13880) { j27 += unknown + 0x13880; terrainHeightLocal[j14][k16] = j27; } if (hasRoof(l18, k19) && k27 < 0x13880) { k27 += unknown + 0x13880; terrainHeightLocal[l18][k19] = k27; } if (hasRoof(k21, i23) && l27 < 0x13880) { l27 += unknown + 0x13880; terrainHeightLocal[k21][i23] = l27; } if (hasRoof(k23, i24) && i28 < 0x13880) { i28 += unknown + 0x13880; terrainHeightLocal[k23][i24] = i28; } if (j27 >= 0x13880) j27 -= 0x13880; if (k27 >= 0x13880) k27 -= 0x13880; if (l27 >= 0x13880) l27 -= 0x13880; if (i28 >= 0x13880) i28 -= 0x13880; byte byte0 = 16; if (!method427(j14 - 1, k16)) k24 -= byte0; if (!method427(j14 + 1, k16)) k24 += byte0; if (!method427(j14, k16 - 1)) i25 -= byte0; if (!method427(j14, k16 + 1)) i25 += byte0; if (!method427(l18 - 1, k19)) k25 -= byte0; if (!method427(l18 + 1, k19)) k25 += byte0; if (!method427(l18, k19 - 1)) k26 -= byte0; if (!method427(l18, k19 + 1)) k26 += byte0; if (!method427(k21 - 1, i23)) l26 -= byte0; if (!method427(k21 + 1, i23)) l26 += byte0; if (!method427(k21, i23 - 1)) i26 -= byte0; if (!method427(k21, i23 + 1)) i26 += byte0; if (!method427(k23 - 1, i24)) j26 -= byte0; if (!method427(k23 + 1, i24)) j26 += byte0; if (!method427(k23, i24 - 1)) i27 -= byte0; if (!method427(k23, i24 + 1)) i27 += byte0; roof_nvs = GameData.roofNumVertices[roof_nvs - 1]; j27 = -j27; k27 = -k27; l27 = -l27; i28 = -i28; if (getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) > 12000 && getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) < 24000 && getWallRoof(i7 - 1, k9 - 1) == 0) { int ai8[] = new int[3]; ai8[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); ai8[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); ai8[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); parentModel.createFace(3, ai8, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else if (getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) > 12000 && getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) < 24000 && getWallRoof(i7 + 1, k9 + 1) == 0) { int ai9[] = new int[3]; ai9[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); ai9[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); ai9[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); parentModel.createFace(3, ai9, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else if (getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) > 0 && getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) < 12000 && getWallRoof(i7 + 1, k9 - 1) == 0) { int ai10[] = new int[3]; ai10[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); ai10[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); ai10[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); parentModel.createFace(3, ai10, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else if (getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) > 0 && getWallDiagonal(i7, k9) < 12000 && getWallRoof(i7 - 1, k9 + 1) == 0) { int ai11[] = new int[3]; ai11[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); ai11[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); ai11[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); parentModel.createFace(3, ai11, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else if (j27 == k27 && l27 == i28) { int ai12[] = new int[4]; ai12[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); ai12[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); ai12[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); ai12[3] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); parentModel.createFace(4, ai12, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else if (j27 == i28 && k27 == l27) { int ai13[] = new int[4]; ai13[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); ai13[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); ai13[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); ai13[3] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); parentModel.createFace(4, ai13, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else { boolean flag1 = true; if (getWallRoof(i7 - 1, k9 - 1) > 0) flag1 = false; if (getWallRoof(i7 + 1, k9 + 1) > 0) flag1 = false; if (!flag1) { int ai14[] = new int[3]; ai14[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); ai14[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); ai14[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); parentModel.createFace(3, ai14, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); int ai16[] = new int[3]; ai16[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); ai16[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); ai16[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); parentModel.createFace(3, ai16, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } else { int ai15[] = new int[3]; ai15[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(k24, j27, i25); ai15[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); ai15[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); parentModel.createFace(3, ai15, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); int ai17[] = new int[3]; ai17[0] = parentModel.vertexAt(l26, l27, i26); ai17[1] = parentModel.vertexAt(j26, i28, i27); ai17[2] = parentModel.vertexAt(k25, k27, k26); parentModel.createFace(3, ai17, roof_nvs, colourTransparent); } } } } } parentModel.setLight(true, 50, 50, -50, -10, -50); roofModels[plane] = parentModel.split(0, 0, 1536, 1536, 8, 64, 169, true); for (int l9 = 0; l9 < 64; l9++) scene.addModel(roofModels[plane][l9]); if (roofModels[plane][0] == null) throw new RuntimeException("null roof!"); for (int j12 = 0; j12 < regionWidth; j12++) { for (int k14 = 0; k14 < regionHeight; k14++) if (terrainHeightLocal[j12][k14] >= 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[j12][k14] -= 0x13880; } } public void setObjectAdjacency(int i, int j, int k) { objectAdjacency[i][j] |= k; } public int getTileType(int i, int j, int k) { int l = getTileDecoration(i, j, k); if (l == 0) return -1; int i1 = GameData.tileType[l - 1]; return i1 != 2 ? 0 : 1; } public void addModels(GameModel aclass5[]) { for (int i = 0; i < 94; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 94; j++) if (getWallDiagonal(i, j) > 48000 && getWallDiagonal(i, j) < 60000) { int k = getWallDiagonal(i, j) - 48001; int l = getTileDirection(i, j); int i1; int j1; if (l == 0 || l == 4) { i1 = GameData.objectWidth[k]; j1 = GameData.objectHeight[k]; } else { j1 = GameData.objectWidth[k]; i1 = GameData.objectHeight[k]; } removeObject2(i, j, k); GameModel gameModel = aclass5[GameData.objectModelIndex[k]].copy(false, true, false, false); int k1 = ((i + i + i1) * anInt585) / 2; int i2 = ((j + j + j1) * anInt585) / 2; gameModel.translate(k1, -getElevation(k1, i2), i2); gameModel.orient(0, getTileDirection(i, j) * 32, 0); scene.addModel(gameModel); gameModel.setLight(48, 48, -50, -10, -50); if (i1 > 1 || j1 > 1) { for (int k2 = i; k2 < i + i1; k2++) { for (int l2 = j; l2 < j + j1; l2++) if ((k2 > i || l2 > j) && getWallDiagonal(k2, l2) - 48001 == k) { int l1 = k2; int j2 = l2; byte byte0 = 0; if (l1 >= 48 && j2 < 48) { byte0 = 1; l1 -= 48; } else if (l1 < 48 && j2 >= 48) { byte0 = 2; j2 -= 48; } else if (l1 >= 48 && j2 >= 48) { byte0 = 3; l1 -= 48; j2 -= 48; } wallsDiagonal[byte0][l1 * 48 + j2] = 0; } } } } } } public void method422(GameModel gameModel, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) { method425(j, k, 40); method425(l, i1, 40); int h = GameData.wallObjectHeight[i]; int front = GameData.wallObjectTextureFront[i]; int back = GameData.wallObjectTextureBack[i]; int i2 = j * anInt585; int j2 = k * anInt585; int k2 = l * anInt585; int l2 = i1 * anInt585; int i3 = gameModel.vertexAt(i2, -terrainHeightLocal[j][k], j2); int j3 = gameModel.vertexAt(i2, -terrainHeightLocal[j][k] - h, j2); int k3 = gameModel.vertexAt(k2, -terrainHeightLocal[l][i1] - h, l2); int l3 = gameModel.vertexAt(k2, -terrainHeightLocal[l][i1], l2); int ai[] = { i3, j3, k3, l3 }; int i4 = gameModel.createFace(4, ai, front, back); if (GameData.wallObjectInvisible[i] == 5) { gameModel.faceTag[i4] = 30000 + i; return; } else { gameModel.faceTag[i4] = 0; return; } } public int getTerrainHeight(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= regionWidth || y < 0 || y >= regionHeight) return 0; byte d = 0; if (x >= 48 && y < 48) { d = 1; x -= 48; } else if (x < 48 && y >= 48) { d = 2; y -= 48; } else if (x >= 48 && y >= 48) { d = 3; x -= 48; y -= 48; } return (terrainHeight[d][x * 48 + y] & 0xff) * 3; } public void loadSection(int x, int y, int plane) { reset(); int l = (x + 24) / 48; int i1 = (y + 24) / 48; loadSection(x, y, plane, true); if (plane == 0) { loadSection(x, y, 1, false); loadSection(x, y, 2, false); loadSection(l - 1, i1 - 1, plane, 0); loadSection(l, i1 - 1, plane, 1); loadSection(l - 1, i1, plane, 2); loadSection(l, i1, plane, 3); setTiles(); } } public void method425(int i, int j, int k) { int l = i / 12; int i1 = j / 12; int j1 = (i - 1) / 12; int k1 = (j - 1) / 12; setTerrainAmbience(l, i1, i, j, k); if (l != j1) setTerrainAmbience(j1, i1, i, j, k); if (i1 != k1) setTerrainAmbience(l, k1, i, j, k); if (l != j1 && i1 != k1) setTerrainAmbience(j1, k1, i, j, k); } public void removeObject(int x, int y, int id) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 95 || y >= 95) return; if (GameData.objectType[id] == 1 || GameData.objectType[id] == 2) { int l = getTileDirection(x, y); int i1; int j1; if (l == 0 || l == 4) { i1 = GameData.objectWidth[id]; j1 = GameData.objectHeight[id]; } else { j1 = GameData.objectWidth[id]; i1 = GameData.objectHeight[id]; } for (int k1 = x; k1 < x + i1; k1++) { for (int l1 = y; l1 < y + j1; l1++) if (GameData.objectType[id] == 1) objectAdjacency[k1][l1] &= 0xffbf; else if (l == 0) { objectAdjacency[k1][l1] &= 0xfffd; if (k1 > 0) method407(k1 - 1, l1, 8); } else if (l == 2) { objectAdjacency[k1][l1] &= 0xfffb; if (l1 < 95) method407(k1, l1 + 1, 1); } else if (l == 4) { objectAdjacency[k1][l1] &= 0xfff7; if (k1 < 95) method407(k1 + 1, l1, 2); } else if (l == 6) { objectAdjacency[k1][l1] &= 0xfffe; if (l1 > 0) method407(k1, l1 - 1, 4); } } method404(x, y, i1, j1); } } public boolean method427(int i, int j) { return getWallRoof(i, j) > 0 || getWallRoof(i - 1, j) > 0 || getWallRoof(i - 1, j - 1) > 0 || getWallRoof(i, j - 1) > 0; } public void method428(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) { int j1 = GameData.wallObjectHeight[i]; if (terrainHeightLocal[j][k] < 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[j][k] += 0x13880 + j1; if (terrainHeightLocal[l][i1] < 0x13880) terrainHeightLocal[l][i1] += 0x13880 + j1; } }