/* * This file is modified by Ivan Maidanski * Project name: JCGO-SUNAWT (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) */ /* * @(#)Rasterizer.java 1.15 03/01/23 * * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ /* * @(#)Rasterizer.java 2.1 97/08/18 * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Ductus, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ package sun.dc.pr; import sun.dc.path.*; /** * A Rasterizer is an object capable of turning a path * description into rectangular arrays of alpha pixels as indicated * by path to alpha conversion conventions (PACs). *

* A rasterization cycle - the sequence of method invocations * used by a client to decribe path and PAC, and to retrieve the * resulting alphas - must comform to the following protocol: *

* Initialization and PAC Description: The client declares * what it intends to do with the path - e.g., fill it, stroke it - * and any aditional information which affects the relation between * the path and the corresponding alpha pixel - e.g., the size of the * pen used to stroke the path. The Rasterizer stores this * information. *

* Path Description: The client describes the path - in raster * space - to the Rasterizer, which stores it as part of its * state. *

* Alpha Bounding Box Retrieval: At this stage, the client may * request the rasterizer to return the alpha's bounding box, a * raster space rectangle outside of which alpha is uniformly * zero. *

* Definition of Output Area: The client defines an * arbitrary rectangle in raster space, the "output area" or * OA. Only the alpha pixels inside OA will be computed. *

* Tile Retrieval: OA divided in square "tiles." The tiles * are retrieved one by one, in a conventional order. After the last * tile is retrieved, the path rasterizer object resets itself to an * initial state and can be used for a different path/PAC * combination. *

* A rasterization cycle can be interrupted at any time by invoking * reset. * * @version 3.0, 11 June 1997 */ public class Rasterizer { static public final int // usage EOFILL = 1, NZFILL = 2, STROKE = 3, // caps, corners ROUND = PathStroker.ROUND, SQUARE = PathStroker.SQUARE, BUTT = PathStroker.BUTT, BEVEL = PathStroker.BEVEL, MITER = PathStroker.MITER, // tile size TILE_SIZE = 1 << PathFiller.tileSizeL2S, TILE_SIZE_L2S = PathFiller.tileSizeL2S, // implementation limits MAX_ALPHA = PathFiller.MAX_PATH, MAX_MITER = 10, MAX_WN = 63, // tile states TILE_IS_ALL_0 = PathFiller.TILE_IS_ALL_0, TILE_IS_ALL_1 = PathFiller.TILE_IS_ALL_1, TILE_IS_GENERAL = PathFiller.TILE_IS_GENERAL; private static final int BEG = 1, PAC_FILL = 2, PAC_STROKE = 3, PATH = 4, SUBPATH = 5, RAS = 6; private int state; private PathFiller filler; private PathStroker stroker; private PathDasher dasher; private PathConsumer curPC; public Rasterizer() { state = BEG; filler = new PathFiller(); stroker = new PathStroker(filler); dasher = new PathDasher(stroker); } /** * Determines whether the path will be EOFILLed, NZFILLed or STROKEd. * Mandatory; must be the first method used in a rasterization cycle. *

* After setUsage(STROKE), the following state variables * are implicitly set as per: *

     *      setPenDiameter(1.0);
     *      setPenT4(null);             // identity
     *      setPenDisplacement(null);   // (0,0)
     *      setCaps(ROUND);
     *      setCorners(ROUND, 0);
     *      setDash(null, 0.0);         // solid line
* * @param usage * the usage selector * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. in a state other than between rasterization cycles (unexpected), *
  2. with an invalid selector (unknow usage type). *
*/ public void setUsage(int usage) throws PRError { if (state != BEG) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setUsage); } if (usage == EOFILL) { filler.setFillMode(PathFiller.EOFILL); curPC = filler; state = PAC_FILL; } else if (usage == NZFILL) { filler.setFillMode(PathFiller.NZFILL); curPC = filler; state = PAC_FILL; } else if (usage == STROKE) { curPC = stroker; filler.setFillMode(PathFiller.NZFILL); stroker.setPenDiameter((float)1.0); stroker.setPenT4(null); stroker.setCaps(ROUND); stroker.setCorners(ROUND, 0); state = PAC_STROKE; } else { throw new PRError(PRError.UNK_usage); } } /** * Sets the diameter of the pen used in stroking (the actual size and * shape of the raster pen depends also on the transformation set by * setPen(T4). Optional after setUsage(STROKE); * forbidden otherwise. * * @param d * the diameter of the pen * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected); *
  2. with d < 0 (invalid pen diameter). *
*/ public void setPenDiameter(float d) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setPenDiameter); } stroker.setPenDiameter(d); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Sets the transformation which transforms the circle defined by * setPenDiameter into the (elliptical) raster pen. * Optional after setUsage(STROKE) (default = identity); * forbidden otherwise. * * @param t4 * a 4 coefficient transformation; null stands for the identity transformation * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected), *
  2. with t4.length < 4 (invalid pen transformation), *
  3. with a non-inversible t4 (invalid pen transformation (singular)). *
*/ public void setPenT4(float[] t4) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setPenT4); } stroker.setPenT4(t4); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Changes the pen transformation to ensure that the ellipse obtained * by applying the output transformation to the raster pen has vertical * and horizontal projection which are (1) multiples of unit * and (2) no smaller than unit*mindiameter. * Optional after setUsage(STROKE) (default = no changes); * forbidden otherwise. * * @param unit * @param mindiameter * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected), *
  2. with unit < 0 or mindiameter < 0 * (invalid pen fitting specification). *
*/ public void setPenFitting(float unit, int mindiameter) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setPenFitting); } stroker.setPenFitting(unit, mindiameter); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Sets the displacement from the path trajectory to the center of * the pen. Optional after setUsage(STROKE) (default (0,0)); * forbidden otherwise. * * @param dx * the X displacement * @param dy * the Y displacement * @exception PRError * when invoked before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected). */ public void setPenDisplacement(float dx, float dy) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setPenDisplacement); } float[] t6 = {(float)1.0, (float)0.0, (float)0.0, (float)1.0, dx, dy}; stroker.setOutputT6(t6); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Sets the shape of the caps to either BUTT, ROUND or SQUARE. * Optional after setUsage(STROKE) (default: ROUND); * forbidden otherwise. * * @param caps * the caps shape selector * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected), *
  2. with an invalid selector (unknown cap type). *
*/ public void setCaps(int caps) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setCaps); } stroker.setCaps(caps); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Sets the shape of the corners to either ROUND, BEVEL or MITER. * Optional after setUsage(STROKE) (default: ROUND); * forbidden otherwise. * * @param corners * the corners shape selector * @param miter * determines how sharp a mitered corner can be; otherwise irrelevant; * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected), *
  2. with an invalid selector (unknown corner type). *
  3. with corners==MITER & miter < 0 (invalid miter limit). *
*/ public void setCorners(int corners, float miter) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setCorners); } stroker.setCorners(corners, miter); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Sets the dash pattern and its initial offset. Optional after * setUsage(STROKE) (default: solid line); forbidden * otherwise. * * @param dash * the dash pattern; its values are lengths, alternatively * interpreted as dash and interdash lengths (the actual length * depends also on their direction and on the transformation set by * setDashT4); null stands for a solid line. * @param offset * the initial offset in the dash pattern * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected), *
  2. with a negative offset, with negative dash or interdash lengths, or * with a dash pattern consisting only of zeroes * (invalid dash pattern). *
*/ public void setDash(float[] dash, float offset) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setDash); } dasher.setDash(dash, offset); curPC = dasher; // if the previous call is successful /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Sets the transformation which transforms the dash pattern defined * by setDash. Optional after setUsage(STROKE) * (default = identity); forbidden otherwise. * * @param t4 * a 4 coefficient transformation; null stands for the identity transformation; * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage, after beginPath, or * after setUsage(EOFILL) or setUsage(NZFILL) * (unexpected), *
  2. with t4.length < 4 (invalid dash transformation), *
  3. with a non-inversible t4 (invalid dash transformation (singular)). *
*/ public void setDashT4(float[] dasht4) throws PRError { if (state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_setDashT4); } dasher.setDashT4(dasht4); /* state = PAC_STROKE; // in same state */ } /** * Ends the PAC description and begins the path description. It is at * this point that the PAC is validated. Mandatory. * * @param box * an optional box (box may be null) containing all the points in the path; * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setUsage or * more than once in a rasterization cycle (unexpected), *
*/ public void beginPath(float[] box) throws PRError { beginPath(); } /** * Equivalent to beginPath(null). */ public void beginPath() throws PRError { if (state != PAC_FILL && state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_beginPath); } try { curPC.beginPath(); state = PATH; } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Begins a new subpath. Mandatory after beginPath; and everytime * when a new subpath begins. * * @param x0 * the X coordinate of the initial point * @param y0 * the Y coordinate of the initial point * @exception PRError * when invoked before beginpath or after endPath * (unexpected). */ public void beginSubpath(float x0, float y0) throws PRError { if (state != PATH && state != SUBPATH) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_beginSubpath); } try { curPC.beginSubpath(x0, y0); state = SUBPATH; } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Appends a line arc to the current subpath. Optional. * * @param x1 * the X coordinate of the end point * @param y1 * the Y coordinate of the end point * @exception PRError * when invoked before beginSubpath or after endPath * (unexpected). */ public void appendLine(float x1, float y1) throws PRError { if (state != SUBPATH) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_appendLine); } try { curPC.appendLine(x1, y1); } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Appends a quadratic arc to the current subpath. Optional. * * @param xm * the X coordinate of the control point; * @param ym * the Y coordinate of the control point; * @param x1 * the X coordinate of the end point; * @param y1 * the Y coordinate of the end point; * @exception PRError * when invoked before beginSubpath or after endPath * (unexpected). */ public void appendQuadratic(float xm, float ym, float x1, float y1) throws PRError { if (state != SUBPATH) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_appendQuadratic); } try { curPC.appendQuadratic(xm, ym, x1, y1); } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Appends a cubic arc to the current subpath. Optional. * * @param xm * the X coordinate of the 1st control point; * @param ym * the Y coordinate of the 1st control point; * @param xn * the X coordinate of the 2nd control point; * @param yn * the Y coordinate of the 2nd control point; * @param x1 * the X coordinate of the end point; * @param y1 * the Y coordinate of the end point; * @exception PRError * when invoked before beginSubpath or after endPath * (unexpected). */ public void appendCubic(float xm, float ym, float xn, float yn, float x1, float y1) throws PRError { if (state != SUBPATH) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_appendCubic); } try { curPC.appendCubic(xm, ym, xn, yn, x1, y1); } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Declares that the current subpath will be closed. This may require * to append a line arc connecting the last point to the first. * Optional. * * @exception PRError * when invoked before beginSubpath or after endPath * (unexpected). */ public void closedSubpath() throws PRError { if (state != SUBPATH) throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_closedSubpath); try { curPC.closedSubpath(); } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * * Ends the path description. Mandatory. * * @exception PRError * when invoked before beginPath or more than once in a rasterization cycle * (unexpected). * @exception PRException * when the rasterization would result in non-zero alpha values for pixel * coordinates outside of [-MAX_ALPHA,MAX_ALPHA] * (alpha coordinate out of bounds). */ public void endPath() throws PRError, PRException { if (state != PATH && state != SUBPATH) throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_endPath); try { curPC.endPath(); state = RAS; } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } catch (PathException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg == null || !msg.startsWith("endPath:")) throw new PRException(msg); } } /** * Describes a path by proxy * @exception PRError * when invoked at an inappropriate time (unexpected). * @see dc.path.FastPathProducer */ public void useProxy(FastPathProducer proxy) throws PRError, PRException { if (state != PAC_FILL && state != PAC_STROKE) { throw new PRError(PRError.UNEX_useProxy); } try { curPC.useProxy(proxy); state = RAS; } catch (PathError e) { throw new PRError(e.getMessage()); } catch (PathException e) { throw new PRException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns in its argument array a box guaranteed to contain every * non-zero alpha pixel. Optional. May be invoked
  1. anytime after using beginPath with a non-null path box, *
  2. after endPath. *
* * @param box * an array of no less than 4 entries where the extreme coordinates * of the alpha box are placed; * * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before beginPath or * after beginPath(null) but before endPath * (unexpected), *
  2. with a statically invalid parameter * (box == null || box.length < 4) * (invalid box destination array). *
*/ public void getAlphaBox(int[] box) throws PRError { filler.getAlphaBox(box); } /** * Declares the output area (OA), a region of raster space * containing all the pixels deemed interesting by the client. * The pixels will be written by succeeding invocations to * writeAlpha. *

* Pixels will be retrieved in "tiles", rectangular groups of maximum * dimension less than or equal to TILE_SIZE. * The region is tiled with maximal square tiles organized in "rows" * extending in the direction X+. If we visualize the coordinate axii * X/Y respectively pointing right/up, then the first tile is placed * with its lower/left corner coincident with the lower/left corner * of the output area. The first row consists of the first tile and * possibly others placed to its right, as needed to completely cover * the width of the output area. Rows are stacked above the first row * as needed to completely cover the height of the output area. * Tiles do not exceed OA; because the width and height of OA are not, * in general, multiples of TILE_SIZE, the rightmost tiles may * have a width < TILE_SIZE and the uppermost tiles a height * less than TILE_SIZE. *

* The method is mandatory. It must be used at least once, after the * description of the path and before the retrival of tiles can * begin. * * @param x0 * the low X boundary of the output area; * @param y0 * the low Y boundary of the output area; * @param w * the (>0) X dimension of the output area; * @param h * the (>0) Y dimension of the output area; * @exception PRError * when invoked

  1. before endPath (unexpected), *
  2. with a statically invalid output area * (w <= 0 | h <= 0) * (invalid output area), *
* @exception PRException * when x0, y0, x0+w or y0+h fall outside * [-MAX_ALPHA,MAX_ALPHA] (alpha coordinate out of bounds). */ public void setOutputArea(float x0, float y0, int w, int h) throws PRError, PRException { filler.setOutputArea(x0, y0, w, h); } /** * Returns the state of the current tile. Optional. * @return either TILE_IS_ALL_0, TILE_IS_ALL_1 or TILE_IS_GENERAL * * @exception PRError * when invoked before setOutputArea (unexpected), */ public int getTileState() throws PRError { return filler.getTileState(); /* return current tile state */ } /** * Writes the alpha pixels of the current tile to pixel destination * declared - the rectangular array alpha; this array is organized * so the index difference between two pixels is xstride * for X-adjacent pixels and ystride for Y-adjacent pixels. * The pixel of lowest coordinates in the tile is written to the alpha * array position pix0offset, depending on the alpha values - * reals between 0 and 1 - are scaled by 255 (byte[] alpha) * or 65535 (char[] alpha). * * @param alpha * the array where pixels is to be placed; * @param xstride * the index difference in the array of alphas (>0) between two * pixels adjacent in the X direction; * @param ystride * the index difference in the array of alphas (>0) between two * pixels adjacent in the Y direction; * @param pix0ffset * the offset (>=0) of the lowest coordinates pixel in the array * alpha. * @exception PRError * when invoked
  1. before setOutputArea (unexpected), *
  2. with alpha==null, * xstride <= 0 or ystride <= 0 * (invalid alpha destination). *
* @exception PRException * when the combination of the pixel destination parameters * (alpha.length, xstride and ystride), * pix0offset and dimensions of the current tile would * otherwise result in an IndexOutOfBoundsException * (alpha destination array too short). */ public void writeAlpha(byte[] alpha, int xstride, int ystride, int pix0offset) throws PRError, PRException, InterruptedException { filler.writeAlpha(alpha, xstride, ystride, pix0offset); } /** * See writeAlpha(byte[] ...) */ public void writeAlpha(char[] alpha, int xstride, int ystride, int pix0offset) throws PRError, PRException, InterruptedException { filler.writeAlpha(alpha, xstride, ystride, pix0offset); } /** * Advances to the next tile. Optional (but either writeAlpha or * nextTile must be used in order to move to the next tile). * @exception PRError * when invoked before setOutputArea (unexpected). */ public void nextTile() throws PRError { filler.nextTile(); } /** * Mandatory; must be invoked to end a rasterization cycle. * Can be invoked anytime. */ public void reset() { state = BEG; filler.reset(); stroker.reset(); dasher.reset(); } }