/* * @(#) $(JCGO)/jtrsrc/com/ivmaisoft/jcgo/MethodInvocation.java -- * a part of JCGO translator. ** * Project: JCGO (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) * Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Ivan Maidanski * All rights reserved. */ /* * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. ** * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License (GPL) for more details. ** * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is * making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole * combination. ** * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent * modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under * terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked * independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that * module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from * or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend * this exception to your version of the library, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ package com.ivmaisoft.jcgo; /** * Grammar production for normal and primary method calls. ** * Formats: QualifiedName LPAREN [ArgumentList] RPAREN Primary DOT ID LPAREN * [ArgumentList] RPAREN Super DOT ID LPAREN [ArgumentList] RPAREN */ final class MethodInvocation extends LexNode { private ClassDefinition resultClass; private ClassDefinition actualClass; private boolean isExact; private MethodDefinition md; private MethodDefinition actualMethod; private String resultString; private ExpressionType classLiteralValue; private int rcvr; private ExpressionType reflectedClass; private boolean reflectInSuper; private String reflectedMethodId; private ObjVector reflectedParmSig; private boolean forceCheck; private LeftBrace noLeaksScope; private boolean noStackObjRet; private boolean isConditional; private String stackObjCode; private boolean needsLocalVolatile; private boolean isVoidExpr; MethodInvocation(Term a, Term c) { super(a, Empty.newTerm(), c); } MethodInvocation(Term a, Term c, Term e) { super(a, c, e); } MethodInvocation(Context c, ClassDefinition resultClass, String id, Term exprTerm) { super(Empty.newTerm(), Empty.newTerm(), (new Argument(exprTerm, true)) .setLineInfoFrom(exprTerm)); assertCond(c.currentClass != null); setLineInfoFrom(exprTerm); this.resultClass = resultClass; processPassOneInner(c, null, resultClass, 0, id); if (md != null && !md.isClassMethod()) { undefinedMethod(resultClass, md.methodSignature(), c); } } MethodInvocation(Context c, Term t, String id) { super(t, Empty.newTerm(), Empty.newTerm()); assertCond(c.currentClass != null); setLineInfoFrom(t); resultClass = t.exprType().receiverClass(); processPassOneInner(c, null, t.actualExprType(), 0, id); if (md != null && md.exprType().objectSize() != Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { undefinedMethod(resultClass, md.methodSignature(), c); } } void processPass1(Context c) { if (resultClass == null) { assertCond(c.currentClass != null); if ((c.forceVmExc & ClassDefinition.NULL_PTR_EXC) != 0) { forceCheck = true; } ClassDefinition aclass; int vecSize; String id; BranchContext oldBranch = c.saveBranch(); if (terms[1].notEmpty()) { terms[0].processPass1(c); resultClass = terms[0].exprType().receiverClass(); aclass = null; vecSize = 0; id = terms[1].dottedName(); } else { ObjVector vec = new ObjVector(); terms[0].storeDottedName(vec); aclass = terms[0].defineClass(c, vec); vecSize = vec.size(); id = (String) vec.elementAt(vecSize - 1); } if (terms[0].isSafeExpr()) { oldBranch = c.swapBranch(oldBranch); terms[2].processPass1(c); c.unionBranch(oldBranch); } else { terms[2].processPass1(c); } processPassOneInner(c, aclass, terms[0].actualExprType(), vecSize, id); } } private void processPassOneInner(Context c, ClassDefinition aclass, ExpressionType actualType0, int vecSize, String id) { if (vecSize == 0) { MethodSignature msig = new MethodSignature(id, terms[2].getSignature()); if (resultClass.objectSize() < Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { fatalError(c, "Primitive type cannot be dereferenced: " + resultClass.name()); return; } md = resultClass.matchMethod(msig, c.forClass); if (md == null) { undefinedMethod(resultClass, msig, c); return; } if (terms[0].isSuper(false)) { if (md.isAbstract()) { fatalError(c, "Abstract method is called: " + md.id()); } isExact = true; } actualClass = resultClass; actualMethod = md; if (!md.isClassMethod() && actualType0.objectSize() != Type.NULLREF) { actualClass = actualType0.receiverClass(); if (actualType0 != actualClass && actualType0.objectSize() == Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { isExact = true; } if (actualClass != resultClass && md.allowOverride()) { actualClass.define(c.forClass); actualMethod = actualClass.getSameMethod(md); if (actualMethod == null) { actualClass = resultClass; actualMethod = md; } } } } else if (vecSize > 1) { if (aclass == null) { fatalError(c, "Undefined qualified name: " + terms[0].dottedName()); resultString = VariableDefinition.UNKNOWN_NAME; resultClass = c.currentClass; return; } actualClass = actualType0.receiverClass(); if (actualType0 != actualClass && actualType0.objectSize() == Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { isExact = true; } MethodSignature msig = new MethodSignature(id, terms[2].getSignature()); resultClass = aclass; md = aclass.matchMethod(msig, c.forClass); if (md == null) { undefinedMethod(aclass, msig, c); return; } assertCond(actualClass != null); actualMethod = md; if (actualType0.objectSize() != Type.NULLREF) { actualClass.define(c.forClass); if (md.allowOverride() && (actualMethod = actualClass.getSameMethod(md)) == null) { actualClass = resultClass; actualMethod = md; } } else { actualClass = aclass; } } else { MethodSignature msig = new MethodSignature(id, terms[2].getSignature()); resultClass = c.currentClass; resultString = This.CNAME; while ((md = resultClass.matchMethod(msig, c.forClass)) == null) { VariableDefinition outerV = resultClass.outerThisRef(); if (outerV != null) { outerV.markUsed(); resultString = outerV.stringOutput(resultString, 1, false); } resultClass = resultClass.outerClass(); if (resultClass == null) { undefinedMethod(c.currentClass, msig, c); resultClass = c.currentClass; return; } } if (!md.isClassMethod() && c.currentMethod != null && c.currentMethod.isClassMethod()) { fatalError(c, "Instance method used in a static context: " + md.id()); } actualClass = resultClass; actualMethod = md; } boolean useMethodBranch = false; if (c.currentClass.superClass() != null || md.used() || !md.definingClass().name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMCLASS) || !md.isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 0, Names.SIGN_ARRAYCLASSOF0X)) { if (isExact && !md.isClassMethod()) { actualMethod.markUsedThisOnly(); } else { actualMethod.markUsed(actualClass, c.containsAccessedClass(actualMethod.definingClass())); } if (!c.currentClass.name().equals( Names.JAVAX_SWING_UIDEFAULTS_PROXYLAZYVALUE)) { processReflection(c.currentClass, c.forClass); } VariableDefinition v = md.isClassMethod() ? null : terms[0] .getVariable(false); if (!actualMethod.isNative() || !Names .isVMCoreClass(actualMethod.definingClass().name())) { if (md.isClassMethod()) { c.addAccessedClass(md.definingClass()); } else if (!actualClass.isInterface()) { c.addAccessedClass(actualClass); } else if (!resultClass.isInterface()) { c.addAccessedClass(resultClass); } if (isExact || !actualMethod.allowOverride()) { actualMethod.processBranch(c, v == VariableDefinition.THIS_VAR); useMethodBranch = true; } } if (v != null) { c.setVarNotNull(v); } noLeaksScope = c.localScope; isConditional = c.isConditional; } actualMethod.incCallsCount(c.currentMethod); actualMethod.setArgsFormalType(terms[2], useMethodBranch ? c : null); } ExpressionType exprType() { assertCond(resultClass != null); return md != null ? md.exprType() : Main.dict.classTable[Type.VOID]; } ExpressionType actualExprType() { assertCond(resultClass != null); return actualMethod != null && (isExact || !actualMethod.allowOverride()) ? actualMethod .actualExprType() : exprType(); } boolean isNotNull() { assertCond(resultClass != null); return actualMethod != null && (isExact || !actualMethod.allowOverride()) && actualMethod.isNotNull(); } boolean isSwitchMapAssign(boolean isMethodCall) { assertCond(resultClass != null); VariableDefinition v = terms[0].getVariable(false); return v != null && isMethodCall && actualMethod != null && actualMethod.definingClass().name() .equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_ENUM) && !actualMethod.isClassMethod() && v.isClassVariable() && actualMethod.exprType().objectSize() == Type.INT && actualMethod.methodSignature().signatureString() .equals(Names.SIGN_ORDINAL) && v.isFinalVariable(); } MethodDefinition superMethodCall() { return terms[0].isSuper(true) ? actualMethod : null; } String strLiteralValueGuess() { assertCond(resultClass != null); if (md != null) { if (resultClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS)) { if (!md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_STRING, 0, Names.SIGN_GETNAME)) return null; ExpressionType exprType0 = terms[0].classLiteralValGuess(); if (exprType0 == null) return null; if (exprType0.signatureDimensions() > 0) return exprType0.getJavaSignature(); ClassDefinition cd = exprType0.receiverClass(); return cd != exprType0 || cd.isFinal() ? cd.name() : null; } if (resultClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_STRING) && md.isClassMethod() && actualMethod.id().equals(Names.VALUEOF)) return decodeFirstArgAsString(); } return null; } ExpressionType classLiteralValGuess() { assertCond(resultClass != null); return classLiteralValue != null ? (classLiteralValue.receiverClass() .isProxyClass() ? null : classLiteralValue) : actualMethod != null ? actualMethod.classLiteralValGuess() : null; } MethodInvocation getClassNewInstanceCall() { assertCond(resultClass != null); MethodInvocation mcall = null; if (md != null && (mcall = actualMethod.getClassNewInstanceCall()) == null && (md.definingClass().name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) ? md .isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_NEWINSTANCE) : actualMethod .definingClass() .name() .equals(Names.GNU_CLASSPATH_SERVICEFACTORY_SERVICEITERATOR) && md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_NEXT))) { mcall = this; } return mcall; } MethodSignature getConstructorInstanceSign() { assertCond(resultClass != null); if (md == null) return null; MethodSignature msig = actualMethod.getConstructorInstanceSign(); if (msig != null) return msig; Term t = terms[2].getArgumentTerm(0); if (t == null) return null; ObjVector parmSig; String className = md.definingClass().name(); if (className.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) && (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR, 0, Names.SIGN_GETCONSTRUCTOR) || md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR, 0, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDCONSTRUCTOR))) { parmSig = new ObjVector(); if (!t.storeClassLiteralsGuess(parmSig, false) && t.actualExprType().objectSize() != Type.NULLREF) return null; } else { if (!className.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR) || !md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_NEWINSTANCE_CTOR)) return null; if ((msig = terms[0].getConstructorInstanceSign()) != null) return msig; parmSig = new ObjVector(); parmSig.addElement(Main.dict.classTable[Type.NULLREF]); } return new MethodSignature("", parmSig); } void discoverObjLeaks() { assertCond(resultClass != null); terms[0].discoverObjLeaks(); if (actualMethod != null && actualMethod.used()) { if (!isExact) { while (actualMethod.allowOverride()) { ClassDefinition cd = actualClass.getRealOurClass(); MethodDefinition md2; if (cd != actualClass && (md2 = cd.getSameMethod(actualMethod)) != null) { assertCond(md2.used()); actualClass = cd; actualMethod = md2; if (!actualMethod.allowOverride()) break; } if (!actualMethod.isAbstract()) break; ClassDefinition[] cdArr = new ClassDefinition[1]; md2 = actualClass.getSingleRealMethodInSubclasses( actualMethod, cdArr); if (md2 == null) break; actualMethod = md2; actualClass = cdArr[0]; assertCond(actualClass != null); } } String sigString = actualMethod.methodSignature().signatureString(); if (!actualMethod.copyObjLeaksTo(terms[2]) && !isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride()) { actualClass.copyObjLeaksInSubclasses(sigString, terms[2]); } if (actualMethod.hasThisObjLeak(false) || (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride() && actualClass .hasThisObjLeakInSubclasses(sigString, false))) { terms[0].setObjLeaks(null); } else if (actualMethod.isThisStackObjVolatile() || (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride() && actualClass .isThisStackObjVltInSubclasses(sigString))) { terms[0].setStackObjVolatile(); } if (!actualMethod.allowStackObjRet() || (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride() && actualClass .subclassHasMethod(sigString, null))) { noStackObjRet = true; } else if (!actualMethod.stackObjRetRequired()) { Main.dict.stackObjRetCalls.addLast(this); } } terms[2].discoverObjLeaks(); } void setStackObjVolatile() { assertCond(resultClass != null); if (actualMethod != null && actualMethod.used() && !needsLocalVolatile) { needsLocalVolatile = true; if (actualMethod.hasThisObjLeak(true) || (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride() && actualClass .hasThisObjLeakInSubclasses(actualMethod .methodSignature().signatureString(), true))) { terms[0].setStackObjVolatile(); } terms[2].setStackObjVolatile(); } } void setObjLeaks(VariableDefinition v) { assertCond(resultClass != null); if (actualMethod != null && actualMethod.used()) { if (v != VariableDefinition.WRITABLE_ARRAY_VAR && (actualMethod.hasThisObjLeak(true) || (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride() && actualClass .hasThisObjLeakInSubclasses(actualMethod .methodSignature().signatureString(), true)))) { terms[0].setObjLeaks(v); } terms[2].setObjLeaks(v); noLeaksScope = VariableDefinition.addSetObjLeaksTerm(noLeaksScope, v, this, isConditional || noStackObjRet); if (noLeaksScope == null || v == VariableDefinition.WRITABLE_ARRAY_VAR) { actualMethod.setWritableArray(); if (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride()) { actualClass.setWritableArrayRetInSubclasses(actualMethod .methodSignature().signatureString()); } } } } MethodDefinition getNoLeaksScopeMethod() { return noLeaksScope != null && !noStackObjRet ? actualMethod : null; } MethodDefinition stackObjRetMethodCall() { assertCond(actualMethod != null && (noLeaksScope == null || noStackObjRet)); return actualMethod; } int tokenCount() { return terms[0].tokenCount() + terms[2].tokenCount() + (terms[0].isSafeExpr() ? 1 : 2); } void allocRcvr(int[] curRcvrs) { if (actualMethod != null && actualMethod.used()) { Term t0 = terms[0]; Term t2 = terms[2]; int[] curRcvrs1 = OutputContext.copyRcvrs(curRcvrs); t0.allocRcvr(curRcvrs); VariableDefinition v; if (!actualMethod.isClassMethod() && ((t0.isSafeExpr() ? !t0.isNotNull() && ((v = t0.getVariable(true)) == null || !v .isLocalOrParam()) && !t0.isImmutable() : actualMethod.isAbstract() || !t2.isSafeExpr() || !t0.isNotNull() || t2.isFieldAccessed(null) || (!t2.isImmutable() && t0 .isAnyLocalVarChanged(null)) || (!isExact && actualMethod.allowOverride() && actualClass .subclassHasMethod(actualMethod .methodSignature() .signatureString(), null))) || (!t2 .isSafeWithThrow() && !t0.isImmutable() && (t0 .isFieldAccessed(null) || t2 .isAnyLocalVarChanged(t0))))) { rcvr = ++curRcvrs1[Type.NULLREF]; } if (!md.isClassMethod() && t2.notEmpty() && !t0.isNotNull()) { int[] curRcvrs2 = OutputContext.copyRcvrs(curRcvrs1); t2.markParamRcvr(-1, curRcvrs2); t2.allocParamRcvr(curRcvrs1, OutputContext.copyRcvrs(curRcvrs1), curRcvrs2); } else { t2.allocRcvr(curRcvrs1); } OutputContext.joinRcvrs(curRcvrs, curRcvrs1); } } String writeStackObjDefn(OutputContext oc, boolean needsLocalVolatile) { assertCond(actualMethod != null); return actualMethod.writeStackObjDefn(oc, needsLocalVolatile); } void writeStackObjs(OutputContext oc, Term scopeTerm) { if (actualMethod != null && actualMethod.used()) { terms[0].writeStackObjs(oc, scopeTerm); terms[2].writeStackObjs(oc, scopeTerm); if (noLeaksScope == scopeTerm && !noStackObjRet) { assertCond(scopeTerm != null); stackObjCode = actualMethod.writeStackObjDefn(oc, needsLocalVolatile); } } } void writeStackObjTrigClinit(OutputContext oc) { assertCond(actualMethod != null); actualMethod.writeStackObjTrigClinit(oc); } ExpressionType writeStackObjRetCode(OutputContext oc) { assertCond(actualMethod != null && (noLeaksScope == null || noStackObjRet)); stackObjCode = MethodDefinition.STACKOBJ_RETNAME; return actualMethod.writeStackObjRetCode(oc); } boolean isAtomary() { return true; } void setVoidExpression() { isVoidExpr = true; } void processOutput(OutputContext oc) { assertCond(resultClass != null); if (isVoidExpr && md != null && !md.isClassMethod() && md.exprType().objectSize() != Type.VOID && !terms[0].isSuper(false) && (!actualMethod.used() || (!isExact && !actualClass .hasRealInstances()))) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.VOID]); oc.cPrint(")"); } oc.cPrint("("); String rcvrStr = null; if (rcvr > 0) { rcvrStr = OutputContext.getRcvrName(rcvr, Type.CLASSINTERFACE); oc.cPrint(rcvrStr); oc.cPrint("= ("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(")"); ExpressionType oldAssignmentRightType = oc.assignmentRightType; oc.assignmentRightType = null; terms[0].atomaryOutput(oc); oc.assignmentRightType = oldAssignmentRightType; oc.cPrint(", "); } boolean isSpec = false; boolean rightParenNeeded = false; String primaryStr = null; if (md == null || md.isClassMethod() || terms[0].isSuper(false)) { if (md != null && md.used()) { terms[2].produceRcvr(oc); } if (!terms[0].isSafeExpr()) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.VOID]); oc.cPrint(")"); if (rcvrStr != null) { oc.cPrint(rcvrStr); } else { terms[0].atomaryOutput(oc); } oc.cPrint(", "); } if (md != null) { if (md.used()) { oc.cPrint(stackObjCode != null ? md .stackObjRetRoutineCName() : md.routineCName()); } else { assertCond(md.definingClass().name() .equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMCLASS) && md.isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 0, Names.SIGN_ARRAYCLASSOF0X)); } } else { oc.cPrint(MethodDefinition.UNKNOWN_NAME); } Main.dict.normalCalls++; isSpec = true; } else { if (actualMethod.used() && actualClass.hasRealInstances()) { terms[2].produceRcvr(oc); } rightParenNeeded = actualMethod .writeMethodCall( oc, isExact ? null : actualClass, (rcvrStr != null || actualClass != resultClass ? "(" + actualClass.castName() + ")" : "") + (rcvrStr != null ? rcvrStr : resultString != null ? resultString : actualClass == resultClass || terms[0] .isAtomary() ? (primaryStr = terms[0] .stringOutput()) : "(" + (primaryStr = terms[0] .stringOutput()) + ")"), terms[0].isNotNull() ? 1 : forceCheck ? -1 : 0, stackObjCode != null, md.exprType()); } if (isSpec || (actualMethod.used() && actualClass.hasRealInstances())) { oc.cPrint("("); if (md != null && !md.isClassMethod()) { oc.cPrint("\010 "); ClassDefinition cd = actualMethod.definingClass(); if (isSpec || rcvrStr != null || cd != resultClass) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(cd.castName()); oc.cPrint(")"); } if (resultString != null) { oc.cPrint(resultString); } else if (rcvrStr != null) { oc.cPrint(rcvrStr); } else if (primaryStr != null) { if (cd == resultClass || terms[0].isAtomary()) { oc.cPrint(primaryStr); } else { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(primaryStr); oc.cPrint(")"); } } else if (cd != resultClass) { terms[0].atomaryOutput(oc); } else { terms[0].processOutput(oc); } oc.parameterOutputAsArg(terms[2]); } else if (md == null || md.used()) { if (terms[2].notEmpty()) { oc.cPrint("\010 "); } oc.cPrint(OutputContext .paramStringOutputNoComma(terms[2], true)); } else { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.VOID]); oc.cPrint(")0"); terms[2].getTermAt(0).parameterOutput(oc, true, Type.NULLREF); } if (stackObjCode != null) { assertCond(md != null); if (!md.isClassMethod() || terms[2].notEmpty()) { oc.cPrint(", "); } oc.cPrint(stackObjCode); } oc.cPrint(")"); } if (rightParenNeeded) { oc.cPrint(")"); } oc.cPrint(")"); } private void processReflection(ClassDefinition currentClass, ClassDefinition forClass) { if (!md.isPublic()) return; String className = md.definingClass().name(); if (className.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_PROXY) && (md.isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 0, Names.SIGN_GETPROXYCLASS) || md.isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_NEWPROXYINSTANCE))) { Term t = terms[2].getArgumentTerm(1); if (t != null) { ObjVector parmSig = new ObjVector(); if (t.storeClassLiteralsGuess(parmSig, false)) { classLiteralValue = Main.dict.addProxyClass(parmSig, forClass); } } return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 0, Names.SIGN_GETCLASS)) { ExpressionType actualType0 = terms[0].actualExprType(); if (isExact || actualType0.receiverClass().superClass() != null) { classLiteralValue = actualType0; } if (actualType0.signatureClass().objectSize() == Type.CLASSINTERFACE && (actualType0.objectSize() == Type.OBJECTARRAY || (!isExact && actualType0 .receiverClass().superClass() == null))) { Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMCLASS).markUsed(); } return; } if (!className.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS)) return; if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_STRING, 0, Names.SIGN_GETNAME)) { Main.dict .addGetNameClass(terms[0].classLiteralValGuess(), forClass); return; } boolean isForName2 = md.isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 0, Names.SIGN_FORNAME_2); if (isForName2 || md.isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 0, Names.SIGN_FORNAME)) { ExpressionType exprType = decodeClassForNameArg( decodeFirstArgAsString(), currentClass); if (exprType != null) { classLiteralValue = exprType; ClassDefinition cd = exprType.signatureClass(); cd.predefineClass(forClass); cd.markUsed(); Term t; ConstValue constVal1; if (exprType.signatureDimensions() == 0 && (!isForName2 || ((t = terms[2].getArgumentTerm(1)) != null && ((constVal1 = t .evaluateConstValue()) == null || constVal1 .isNonZero())))) { reflectedClass = exprType; } } return; } ExpressionType exprType = terms[0].classLiteralValGuess(); ClassDefinition literalClass; boolean isExactType = false; if (exprType != null) { literalClass = null; if (exprType.objectSize() == Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { literalClass = exprType.receiverClass(); literalClass.define(forClass); } if (literalClass != exprType) { isExactType = true; } if (literalClass != null) { if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_FIELD, 1, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDFIELDS)) { reflectedClass = literalClass.reflectAllFields(true); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_FIELD, 1, Names.SIGN_GETFIELDS)) { reflectedClass = literalClass.reflectAllFields(false); reflectInSuper = true; return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR, 1, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDCONSTRUCTORS)) { reflectConstructors(literalClass, true, null, isExactType); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR, 1, Names.SIGN_GETCONSTRUCTORS)) { reflectConstructors(literalClass, false, null, isExactType); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR, 0, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDCONSTRUCTOR)) { reflectConstructors(literalClass, true, decodeArgAsClassArray(0), isExactType); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_CONSTRUCTOR, 0, Names.SIGN_GETCONSTRUCTOR)) { reflectConstructors(literalClass, false, decodeArgAsClassArray(0), isExactType); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_METHOD, 1, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDMETHODS)) { reflectMethods(literalClass, true, null, null, isExactType); return; } if (isExactType && md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_NEWINSTANCE)) { reflectConstructors(literalClass, true, new ObjVector(), true); return; } } else { literalClass = Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT); } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_METHOD, 1, Names.SIGN_GETMETHODS)) { reflectMethods(literalClass, false, null, null, isExactType); return; } } else { literalClass = Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT); } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_FIELD, 0, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDFIELD)) { String name = decodeFirstArgAsString(); reflectedClass = name != null ? literalClass.reflectField(name, true, isExactType) : literalClass.reflectAllFields(true); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_FIELD, 0, Names.SIGN_GETFIELD)) { String name = decodeFirstArgAsString(); if (name != null) { reflectedClass = literalClass.reflectField(name, false, isExactType); } else { reflectedClass = literalClass.reflectAllFields(false); reflectInSuper = true; } return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_METHOD, 0, Names.SIGN_GETDECLAREDMETHOD)) { reflectMethods(literalClass, true, decodeFirstArgAsString(), decodeArgAsClassArray(1), isExactType); return; } if (md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_METHOD, 0, Names.SIGN_GETMETHOD)) { reflectMethods(literalClass, false, decodeFirstArgAsString(), decodeArgAsClassArray(1), isExactType); } } private String decodeFirstArgAsString() { Term t = terms[2].getArgumentTerm(0); return t != null ? t.strLiteralValueGuess() : null; } private ObjVector decodeArgAsClassArray(int index) { Term t = terms[2].getArgumentTerm(index); if (t == null) return null; ObjVector parmSig = new ObjVector(); return t.storeClassLiteralsGuess(parmSig, false) || t.actualExprType().objectSize() == Type.NULLREF ? parmSig : null; } void reflectConstructors(ClassDefinition literalClass) { reflectConstructors(literalClass, false, new ObjVector(), false); } private void reflectConstructors(ClassDefinition literalClass, boolean declaredOnly, ObjVector parmSig, boolean isExactType) { if (reflectedMethodId == null) { literalClass.reflectConstructors( declaredOnly, parmSig != null ? (new MethodSignature("", parmSig)) .signatureString() : null, isExactType); reflectedClass = isExactType ? literalClass.asExactClassType() : literalClass; reflectedMethodId = ""; reflectedParmSig = parmSig; reflectInSuper = !declaredOnly; } } private void reflectMethods(ClassDefinition literalClass, boolean declaredOnly, String id, ObjVector parmSig, boolean isExactType) { if (reflectedMethodId == null) { if (id != null && id.length() == 0) { id = null; } literalClass.reflectMethods(id, declaredOnly, parmSig, isExactType); reflectedClass = literalClass; reflectedMethodId = id != null ? id : ""; reflectedParmSig = parmSig; reflectInSuper = !declaredOnly; } } static ExpressionType decodeClassForNameArg(String str, ClassDefinition curClass) { if (str == null) return null; int dims = 0; char ch; int len = str.length(); do { if (dims >= len) return null; ch = str.charAt(dims); if (ch != '[') break; dims++; } while (true); if (dims > 0) { if (ch != 'L') { if (len - 1 == dims) { for (int type = Type.BOOLEAN; type < Type.VOID; type++) { if (Type.sig[type].charAt(0) == ch) return Main.dict.classTable[type].asExprType(dims); } } return null; } if (len - 1 <= dims || str.charAt(len - 1) != ';') return null; str = str.substring(dims + 1, len - 1); } if ((curClass != null && !Main.dict.alreadyKnown(str) && (str.indexOf( '.', 0) < 0 ? curClass.name().indexOf('.', 0) >= 0 : !str .startsWith(curClass.getPackageName() + "."))) || !Main.dict.existsOrInner(str)) return null; ClassDefinition cd = Main.dict.get(str); return dims > 0 ? cd.asExprType(dims) : cd.asExactClassType(); } private void traceReflected() { if (classLiteralValue != null) { Main.dict.addDynClassToTrace(classLiteralValue.signatureClass()); } if (reflectedClass != null) { ClassDefinition cd = reflectedClass.signatureClass(); MethodDefinition md2; if ((md2 = Main.dict.curHelperForMethod) != null && md2.isClassMethod() && md2.id().equals("initIDs")) { cd.classTraceClassInit(true); } else if (reflectedMethodId != null) { if (reflectedMethodId.equals("")) { cd.traceReflectedConstructor( !reflectInSuper, reflectedParmSig != null ? (new MethodSignature( "", reflectedParmSig)) .signatureString() : null, reflectedClass != cd); } else { cd.traceReflectedMethod( reflectedMethodId.length() > 0 ? reflectedMethodId : null, !reflectInSuper, reflectedParmSig); } } else { cd.classTraceClassInit(Main.dict.classInitWeakDepend); if (reflectInSuper) { cd.classTraceForSupers(); } } } else if (md != null && md.definingClass().name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) && md.isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_NEWINSTANCE)) { String ourClassName = Main.dict.curTraceInfo.getDefiningClassName(); if (!ourClassName .equals(Names.GNU_CLASSPATH_SERVICEPROVIDERLOADINGACTION) && !ourClassName.equals(Names.JAVA_UTIL_LOGGING_LOGMANAGER)) { Main.dict.curTraceInfo.setUsesDynClasses(); } } } ExpressionType traceClassInit() { assertCond(resultClass != null); if (actualMethod == null) return null; ExpressionType curTraceType0 = terms[0].traceClassInit(); ClassDefinition curClass = actualClass; MethodDefinition curMethod = actualMethod; if (curTraceType0 != null && !actualMethod.isClassMethod()) { if (curTraceType0.objectSize() == Type.NULLREF) return actualMethod.exprType().objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? curTraceType0 : null; curClass = curTraceType0.receiverClass(); if (curClass != actualClass) { if (actualClass.isAssignableFrom(curClass, 0, null)) { if (actualMethod.allowOverride() && ((curMethod = curClass .getSameMethod(actualMethod)) == null || !curMethod .used())) { curClass = actualClass; curMethod = actualMethod; } } else { curClass = actualClass; } } } terms[2].traceClassInit(); ObjVector parmTraceSig = null; if (terms[2].notEmpty()) { parmTraceSig = new ObjVector(); terms[2].getTraceSignature(parmTraceSig); } curTraceType0 = curMethod .methodTraceClassInit( false, isExact || (curTraceType0 != null && curTraceType0 != curClass && curTraceType0.signatureClass() == curClass && curTraceType0 .signatureDimensions() == 0) ? curClass .asExactClassType() : curClass, parmTraceSig); if (actualMethod.exprType() == curTraceType0) { curTraceType0 = null; } traceReflected(); return curTraceType0; } }