public class WordFilter { static boolean DEBUGTLD; static boolean DEBUGWORD; static boolean forceLowercase = true; //static int unused = 3;// todo static int hashFragments[]; static char badList[][]; static byte badCharIds[][][]; static char hostList[][]; static byte hostCharIds[][][]; static char tldList[][]; static int tldType[]; static String ignoreList[] = { "cook", "cook's", "cooks", "seeks", "sheet" }; public static void loadFilters(Buffer fragments, Buffer bad, Buffer host, Buffer tld) { loadBad(bad); loadHost(host); loadFragments(fragments); loadTld(tld); } public static void loadTld(Buffer buffer) { int wordcount = buffer.getUnsignedInt(); tldList = new char[wordcount][]; tldType = new int[wordcount]; for (int idx = 0; idx < wordcount; idx++) { tldType[idx] = buffer.getUnsignedByte(); char ac[] = new char[buffer.getUnsignedByte()]; for (int k = 0; k < ac.length; k++) ac[k] = (char) buffer.getUnsignedByte(); tldList[idx] = ac; } } public static void loadBad(Buffer buffer) { int wordcount = buffer.getUnsignedInt(); badList = new char[wordcount][]; badCharIds = new byte[wordcount][][]; readBuffer(buffer, badList, badCharIds); } public static void loadHost(Buffer buffer) { int wordcount = buffer.getUnsignedInt(); hostList = new char[wordcount][]; hostCharIds = new byte[wordcount][][]; readBuffer(buffer, hostList, hostCharIds); } public static void loadFragments(Buffer buffer) { hashFragments = new int[buffer.getUnsignedInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < hashFragments.length; i++) { hashFragments[i] = buffer.getUnsignedShort(); } } public static void readBuffer(Buffer buffer, char wordList[][], byte charIds[][][]) { for (int i = 0; i < wordList.length; i++) { char currentWord[] = new char[buffer.getUnsignedByte()]; for (int j = 0; j < currentWord.length; j++) currentWord[j] = (char) buffer.getUnsignedByte(); wordList[i] = currentWord; byte ids[][] = new byte[buffer.getUnsignedInt()][2]; for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { ids[j][0] = (byte) buffer.getUnsignedByte(); ids[j][1] = (byte) buffer.getUnsignedByte(); } if (ids.length > 0) charIds[i] = ids; } } public static String filter(String input) { char inputChars[] = input.toLowerCase().toCharArray(); applyDotSlashFilter(inputChars); applyBadwordFilter(inputChars); applyHostFilter(inputChars); heywhathteufck(inputChars); for (int ignoreIdx = 0; ignoreIdx < ignoreList.length; ignoreIdx++) { for (int inputIgnoreIdx = -1; (inputIgnoreIdx = input.indexOf(ignoreList[ignoreIdx], inputIgnoreIdx + 1)) != -1; ) { char ignorewordChars[] = ignoreList[ignoreIdx].toCharArray(); for (int ignorewordIdx = 0; ignorewordIdx < ignorewordChars.length; ignorewordIdx++) inputChars[ignorewordIdx + inputIgnoreIdx] = ignorewordChars[ignorewordIdx]; } } if (forceLowercase) { stripLowercase(input.toCharArray(), inputChars); toLowercase(inputChars); } return new String(inputChars); } public static void stripLowercase(char input[], char output[]) { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) if (output[i] != '*' && isUppercase(input[i])) output[i] = input[i]; } public static void toLowercase(char input[]) { boolean isUppercase = true; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { char current = input[i]; if (isLetter(current)) { if (isUppercase) { if (isLowercase(current)) isUppercase = false; } else if (isUppercase(current)) input[i] = (char) ((current + 97) - 65); } else { isUppercase = true; } } } public static void applyBadwordFilter(char input[]) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {// why lol for (int j = badList.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) applyWordFilter(input, badList[j], badCharIds[j]); } } public static void applyHostFilter(char input[]) { for (int i = hostList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) applyWordFilter(input, hostList[i], hostCharIds[i]); } public static void applyDotSlashFilter(char input[]) { char input1[] = input.clone(); char dot[] = { 'd', 'o', 't' }; applyWordFilter(input1, dot, null); char input2[] = input.clone(); char slash[] = { 's', 'l', 'a', 's', 'h' }; applyWordFilter(input2, slash, null); for (int i = 0; i < tldList.length; i++) applyTldFilter(input, input1, input2, tldList[i], tldType[i]); } public static void applyTldFilter(char input[], char input1[], char input2[], char tld[], int type) { if (tld.length > input.length) return; for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex <= input.length - tld.length; charIndex++) { int inputCharCount = charIndex; int l = 0; while (inputCharCount < input.length) { int i1 = 0; char current = input[inputCharCount]; char next = '\0'; if (inputCharCount + 1 < input.length) next = input[inputCharCount + 1]; if (l < tld.length && (i1 = compareLettersNumbers(tld[l], current, next)) > 0) { inputCharCount += i1; l++; continue; } if (l == 0) break; if ((i1 = compareLettersNumbers(tld[l - 1], current, next)) > 0) { inputCharCount += i1; continue; } if (l >= tld.length || !isSpecial(current)) break; inputCharCount++; } if (l >= tld.length) { boolean flag = false; int startMatch = getAsteriskCount(input, input1, charIndex); int endMatch = getAsteriskCount2(input, input2, inputCharCount - 1); if (DEBUGTLD) System.out.println("Potential tld: " + tld + " at char " + charIndex + " (type=" + type + ", startmatch=" + startMatch + ", endmatch=" + endMatch + ")"); if (type == 1 && startMatch > 0 && endMatch > 0) flag = true; if (type == 2 && (startMatch > 2 && endMatch > 0 || startMatch > 0 && endMatch > 2)) flag = true; if (type == 3 && startMatch > 0 && endMatch > 2) flag = true; boolean tmp = type == 3 && startMatch > 2 && endMatch > 0; if (flag) { if (DEBUGTLD) System.out.println("Filtered tld: " + tld + " at char " + charIndex); int l1 = charIndex; int i2 = inputCharCount - 1; if (startMatch > 2) { if (startMatch == 4) { boolean flag1 = false; for (int k2 = l1 - 1; k2 >= 0; k2--) if (flag1) { if (input1[k2] != '*') break; l1 = k2; } else if (input1[k2] == '*') { l1 = k2; flag1 = true; } } boolean flag2 = false; for (int l2 = l1 - 1; l2 >= 0; l2--) if (flag2) { if (isSpecial(input[l2])) break; l1 = l2; } else if (!isSpecial(input[l2])) { flag2 = true; l1 = l2; } } if (endMatch > 2) { if (endMatch == 4) { boolean flag3 = false; for (int i3 = i2 + 1; i3 < input.length; i3++) if (flag3) { if (input2[i3] != '*') break; i2 = i3; } else if (input2[i3] == '*') { i2 = i3; flag3 = true; } } boolean flag4 = false; for (int j3 = i2 + 1; j3 < input.length; j3++) if (flag4) { if (isSpecial(input[j3])) break; i2 = j3; } else if (!isSpecial(input[j3])) { flag4 = true; i2 = j3; } } for (int j2 = l1; j2 <= i2; j2++) input[j2] = '*'; } } } } public static int getAsteriskCount(char input[], char input1[], int len) {// fldajmolfmiALFKM if (len == 0) return 2; for (int j = len - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (!isSpecial(input[j])) break; if (input[j] == ',' || input[j] == '.') return 3; } int filtered = 0; for (int l = len - 1; l >= 0; l--) { if (!isSpecial(input1[l])) break; if (input1[l] == '*') filtered++; } if (filtered >= 3) return 4; return isSpecial(input[len - 1]) ? 1 : 0; } public static int getAsteriskCount2(char input[], char input1[], int len) {// lolmnafomLMAFOA if (len + 1 == input.length) return 2; for (int j = len + 1; j < input.length; j++) { if (!isSpecial(input[j])) break; if (input[j] == '\\' || input[j] == '/') return 3; } int filtered = 0; for (int l = len + 1; l < input.length; l++) { if (!isSpecial(input1[l])) break; if (input1[l] == '*') filtered++; } if (filtered >= 5) return 4; return isSpecial(input[len + 1]) ? 1 : 0; } public static void applyWordFilter(char input[], char wordlist[], byte charIds[][]) { if (wordlist.length > input.length) return; for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex <= input.length - wordlist.length; charIndex++) { int inputCharCount = charIndex; int k = 0; boolean specialChar = false; while (inputCharCount < input.length) { int l = 0; char inputChar = input[inputCharCount]; char nextChar = '\0'; if (inputCharCount + 1 < input.length) nextChar = input[inputCharCount + 1]; if (k < wordlist.length && (l = compareLettersSymbols(wordlist[k], inputChar, nextChar)) > 0) { inputCharCount += l; k++; continue; } if (k == 0) break; if ((l = compareLettersSymbols(wordlist[k - 1], inputChar, nextChar)) > 0) { inputCharCount += l; continue; } if (k >= wordlist.length || !isNotLowercase(inputChar)) break; if (isSpecial(inputChar) && inputChar != '\'') specialChar = true; inputCharCount++; } if (k >= wordlist.length) { boolean filter = true; if (DEBUGTLD) System.out.println("Potential word: " + wordlist + " at char " + charIndex); if (!specialChar) { char prevChar = ' '; if (charIndex - 1 >= 0) prevChar = input[charIndex - 1]; char curChar = ' '; if (inputCharCount < input.length) curChar = input[inputCharCount]; byte prevId = getCharId(prevChar); byte curId = getCharId(curChar); if (charIds != null && compareCharIds(charIds, prevId, curId)) filter = false; } else { boolean flag2 = false; boolean flag3 = false; if (charIndex - 1 < 0 || isSpecial(input[charIndex - 1]) && input[charIndex - 1] != '\'') flag2 = true; if (inputCharCount >= input.length || isSpecial(input[inputCharCount]) && input[inputCharCount] != '\'') flag3 = true; if (!flag2 || !flag3) { boolean flag4 = false; int j1 = charIndex - 2; if (flag2) j1 = charIndex; for (; !flag4 && j1 < inputCharCount; j1++) if (j1 >= 0 && (!isSpecial(input[j1]) || input[j1] == '\'')) { char ac2[] = new char[3]; int k1; for (k1 = 0; k1 < 3; k1++) { if (j1 + k1 >= input.length || isSpecial(input[j1 + k1]) && input[j1 + k1] != '\'') break; ac2[k1] = input[j1 + k1]; } boolean flag5 = true; if (k1 == 0) flag5 = false; if (k1 < 3 && j1 - 1 >= 0 && (!isSpecial(input[j1 - 1]) || input[j1 - 1] == '\'')) flag5 = false; if (flag5 && !containsFragmentHashes(ac2)) flag4 = true; } if (!flag4) filter = false; } } if (filter) { if (DEBUGWORD) System.out.println("Filtered word: " + wordlist + " at char " + charIndex); for (int i1 = charIndex; i1 < inputCharCount; i1++) input[i1] = '*'; } } } } public static boolean compareCharIds(byte charIdData[][], byte prevCharId, byte curCharId) { int first = 0; if (charIdData[first][0] == prevCharId && charIdData[first][1] == curCharId) return true; int last = charIdData.length - 1; if (charIdData[last][0] == prevCharId && charIdData[last][1] == curCharId) return true; while (first != last && first + 1 != last) { int middle = (first + last) / 2; if (charIdData[middle][0] == prevCharId && charIdData[middle][1] == curCharId) return true; if (prevCharId < charIdData[middle][0] || prevCharId == charIdData[middle][0] && curCharId < charIdData[middle][1]) last = middle; else first = middle; } return false; } /** * @param filterChar * @param currentChar * @param nextChar * @return 0 for no match, 1 for currentChar matches, 2 for both currentChar and nextChar matching */ public static int compareLettersNumbers(char filterChar, char currentChar, char nextChar) { if (filterChar == currentChar) return 1; if (filterChar == 'e' && currentChar == '3') return 1; if (filterChar == 't' && (currentChar == '7' || currentChar == '+')) return 1; if (filterChar == 'a' && (currentChar == '4' || currentChar == '@')) return 1; if (filterChar == 'o' && currentChar == '0') return 1; if (filterChar == 'i' && currentChar == '1') return 1; if (filterChar == 's' && currentChar == '5') return 1; if (filterChar == 'f' && currentChar == 'p' && nextChar == 'h') return 2; return filterChar == 'g' && currentChar == '9' ? 1 : 0; } /** * @param filterChar character to compare against * @param currentChar current character * @param nextChar next character * @return 0 for no match, 1 for currentChar matches, 2 for both currentChar and nextChar matching */ public static int compareLettersSymbols(char filterChar, char currentChar, char nextChar) { if (filterChar == '*') return 0; if (filterChar == currentChar) return 1; if (filterChar >= 'a' && filterChar <= 'z') { if (filterChar == 'e') return currentChar == '3' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 't') return currentChar == '7' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'a') return currentChar == '4' || currentChar == '@' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'o') { if (currentChar == '0' || currentChar == '*') return 1; return currentChar == '(' && nextChar == ')' ? 2 : 0; } if (filterChar == 'i') return currentChar == 'y' || currentChar == 'l' || currentChar == 'j' || currentChar == 'l' || currentChar == '!' || currentChar == ':' || currentChar == ';' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'n') return 0; if (filterChar == 's') return currentChar == '5' || currentChar == 'z' || currentChar == '$' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'r') return 0; if (filterChar == 'h') return 0; if (filterChar == 'l') return currentChar == '1' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'd') return 0; if (filterChar == 'c') return currentChar == '(' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'u') return currentChar == 'v' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'm') return 0; if (filterChar == 'f') return currentChar == 'p' && nextChar == 'h' ? 2 : 0; if (filterChar == 'p') return 0; if (filterChar == 'g') return currentChar == '9' || currentChar == '6' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == 'w') return currentChar == 'v' && nextChar == 'v' ? 2 : 0; if (filterChar == 'y') return 0; if (filterChar == 'b') return currentChar == '1' && nextChar == '3' ? 2 : 0; if (filterChar == 'v') return 0; if (filterChar == 'k') return 0; if (filterChar == 'x') return currentChar == ')' && nextChar == '(' ? 2 : 0; if (filterChar == 'j') return 0; if (filterChar == 'q') return 0; if (filterChar == 'z') return 0; } if (filterChar >= '0' && filterChar <= '9') { if (filterChar == '0') { if (currentChar == 'o' || currentChar == 'O') return 1; return currentChar == '(' && nextChar == ')' ? 2 : 0; } if (filterChar == '1') return currentChar != 'l' ? 0 : 1; if (filterChar == '2') return 0; if (filterChar == '3') return 0; if (filterChar == '4') return 0; if (filterChar == '5') return 0; if (filterChar == '6') return 0; if (filterChar == '7') return 0; if (filterChar == '8') return 0; if (filterChar == '9') return 0; } if (filterChar == '-') return 0; if (filterChar == ',') return currentChar == '.' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == '.') return currentChar == ',' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == '(') return 0; if (filterChar == ')') return 0; if (filterChar == '!') return currentChar == 'i' ? 1 : 0; if (filterChar == '\'') return 0; if (DEBUGWORD) System.out.println("Letter=" + filterChar + " not matched"); return 0; } /** * Returns the id for the given char, ranging from {@code 1} to {@code 38}. *


     * id     range
     * 1-26   a-z
     * 27     unknown
     * 28     apostrophe
     * 29-38  0-9
* * @param c * @return id for char {@code c} */ public static byte getCharId(char c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return (byte) (c - 97 + 1); if (c == '\'') return 28; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (byte) (c - 48 + 29); else return 27; } public static void heywhathteufck(char input[]) { int digitIndex = 0; int fromIndex = 0; int k = 0; int l = 0; while ((digitIndex = indexOfDigit(input, fromIndex)) != -1) { boolean flag = false; for (int i = fromIndex; i >= 0 && i < digitIndex && !flag; i++) if (!isSpecial(input[i]) && !isNotLowercase(input[i])) flag = true; if (flag) k = 0; if (k == 0) l = digitIndex; fromIndex = indexOfNonDigit(input, digitIndex); int j1 = 0; for (int k1 = digitIndex; k1 < fromIndex; k1++) j1 = (j1 * 10 + input[k1]) - 48; if (j1 > 255 || fromIndex - digitIndex > 8) k = 0; else k++; if (k == 4) { for (int i = l; i < fromIndex; i++) input[i] = '*'; k = 0; } } } public static int indexOfDigit(char input[], int fromIndex) { for (int i = fromIndex; i < input.length && i >= 0; i++) if (input[i] >= '0' && input[i] <= '9') return i; return -1; } public static int indexOfNonDigit(char input[], int fromIndex) { for (int i = fromIndex; i < input.length && i >= 0; i++) if (input[i] < '0' || input[i] > '9') return i; return input.length; } public static boolean isSpecial(char c) { return !isLetter(c) && !isDigit(c); } public static boolean isNotLowercase(char c) { if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') return true; return c == 'v' || c == 'x' || c == 'j' || c == 'q' || c == 'z'; } public static boolean isLetter(char c) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; } public static boolean isDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } public static boolean isLowercase(char c) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; } public static boolean isUppercase(char c) { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; } public static boolean containsFragmentHashes(char input[]) { boolean notNum = true; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) if (!isDigit(input[i]) && input[i] != 0) notNum = false; if (notNum) return true; int inputHash = word2hash(input); int first = 0; int last = hashFragments.length - 1; if (inputHash == hashFragments[first] || inputHash == hashFragments[last]) return true; while (first != last && first + 1 != last) { int middle = (first + last) / 2; if (inputHash == hashFragments[middle]) return true; if (inputHash < hashFragments[middle]) last = middle; else first = middle; } return false; } /** * @param word * @return * @see WordFilter#getCharId(char) */ public static int word2hash(char word[]) { if (word.length > 6) return 0; int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { char c = word[word.length - i - 1]; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') hash = hash * 38 + c - 97 + 1; else if (c == '\'') hash = hash * 38 + 27; else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') hash = hash * 38 + c - 48 + 28; else if (c != 0) { if (DEBUGWORD) System.out.println("word2hash failed on " + new String(word)); return 0; } } return hash; } }