import; public class Packet { public static int anIntArray537[] = new int[256]; public static int anIntArray541[] = new int[256]; public int readTries; public int maxReadTries; public int packetStart; public byte packetData[]; public ISAAC isaacIncoming; public ISAAC isaacOutgoing; protected int length; protected int packetMaxLength; protected boolean socketException; protected String socketExceptionMessage; protected int delay; private int packetEnd; private int packet8Check; public Packet() { packetEnd = 3; packet8Check = 8; packetMaxLength = 5000; socketException = false; socketExceptionMessage = ""; } public void seedIsaac(int seed[]) { // TODO toggle isaac //isaacIncoming = new ISAAC(seed); //isaacOutgoing = new ISAAC(seed); } public void closeStream() { } public void readBytes(int len, byte buff[]) throws IOException { readStreamBytes(len, 0, buff); } public int readPacket(byte buff[]) { try { readTries++; if (maxReadTries > 0 && readTries > maxReadTries) { socketException = true; socketExceptionMessage = "time-out"; maxReadTries += maxReadTries; return 0; } if (length == 0 && availableStream() >= 2) { length = readStream(); if (length >= 160) length = (length - 160) * 256 + readStream(); } if (length > 0 && availableStream() >= length) { if (length >= 160) { readBytes(length, buff); } else { buff[length - 1] = (byte) readStream(); if (length > 1) readBytes(length - 1, buff); } int i = length; length = 0; readTries = 0; return i; } } catch (IOException ioexception) { socketException = true; socketExceptionMessage = ioexception.getMessage(); } return 0; } public int availableStream() throws IOException { return 0; } public void readStreamBytes(int i, int j, byte abyte0[]) throws IOException { } public boolean hasPacket() { return packetStart > 0; } public void writePacket(int i) throws IOException { if (socketException) { packetStart = 0; packetEnd = 3; socketException = false; throw new IOException(socketExceptionMessage); } delay++; if (delay < i) return; if (packetStart > 0) { delay = 0; writeStreamBytes(packetData, 0, packetStart); } packetStart = 0; packetEnd = 3; } public void sendPacket() { if (isaacOutgoing != null) { int i = packetData[packetStart + 2] & 0xff; packetData[packetStart + 2] = (byte) (i + isaacOutgoing.getNextValue()); } if (packet8Check != 8) // what the fuck is this even for? legacy? packetEnd++; int j = packetEnd - packetStart - 2; if (j >= 160) { packetData[packetStart] = (byte) (160 + j / 256); packetData[packetStart + 1] = (byte) (j & 0xff); } else { packetData[packetStart] = (byte) j; packetEnd--; packetData[packetStart + 1] = packetData[packetEnd]; } if (packetMaxLength <= 10000) // this keeps count of how many times we send each opcode, and how much bandwidth each opcode uses per session { int k = packetData[packetStart + 2] & 0xff; anIntArray537[k]++; anIntArray541[k] += packetEnd - packetStart; } packetStart = packetEnd; } public void putBytes(byte src[], int srcPos, int len) { //for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) // packetData[packetEnd++] = src[srcPos + k]; System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, packetData, packetEnd, len); packetEnd += len; } public void putLong(long l) { putInt((int) (l >> 32)); putInt((int) (l & -1L)); } public void newPacket(int i) { if (packetStart > (packetMaxLength * 4) / 5) try { writePacket(0); } catch (IOException ioexception) { socketException = true; socketExceptionMessage = ioexception.getMessage(); } if (packetData == null) packetData = new byte[packetMaxLength]; packetData[packetStart + 2] = (byte) i; packetData[packetStart + 3] = 0; packetEnd = packetStart + 3; packet8Check = 8; } public void writeStreamBytes(byte abyte0[], int i, int j) throws IOException { } public int readStream() throws IOException { return 0; } public long getLong() throws IOException { long l = getShort(); long l1 = getShort(); long l2 = getShort(); long l3 = getShort(); return (l << 48) + (l1 << 32) + (l2 << 16) + l3; } public void putShort(int i) { packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) (i >> 8); packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) i; } public void putInt(int i) { packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) (i >> 24); packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) (i >> 16); packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) (i >> 8); packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) i; } public int getShort() throws IOException { int i = getByte(); int j = getByte(); return i * 256 + j; } public void putString(String s) { //s.getBytes(0, s.length(), packetData, packetEnd); System.arraycopy(s.getBytes(), 0, packetData, packetEnd, s.length()); packetEnd += s.length(); } public void putByte(int i) { packetData[packetEnd++] = (byte) i; } public int isaacCommand(int i) { // TODO toggle isaac //return i - isaacIncoming.getNextValue() & 0xff; return i; } public int getByte() throws IOException { return readStream(); } public void flushPacket() throws IOException { sendPacket(); writePacket(0); } }