import; import java.math.BigInteger; public class GameConnection extends GameShell { public static int clientVersion = 1; public static int maxReadTries; private static BigInteger rsaExponent = new BigInteger("58778699976184461502525193738213253649000149147835990136706041084440742975821"); //private static BigInteger rsaModulus = new BigInteger("7162900525229798032761816791230527296329313291232324290237849263501208207972894053929065636522363163621000728841182238772712427862772219676577293600221789"); private static BigInteger rsaModulus = new BigInteger("7656522762491711741880224224809835569769759737077076094091609307381193032090602256314159126169417567841597729801408692196383745596665658895073411749475443"); private final int maxSocialListSize = 100; public String server; public int port; public ClientStream clientStream; public int friendListCount; public long friendListHashes[]; public int friendListOnline[]; public int ignoreListCount; public long ignoreList[]; public int settingsBlockChat; public int settingsBlockPrivate; public int settingsBlockTrade; public int settingsBlockDuel; public long sessionID; public int worldFullTimeout; public int moderatorLevel; String username; String password; byte incomingPacket[]; int autoLoginTimeout; long packetLastRead; private int anIntArray629[]; private int anInt630; public GameConnection() { server = ""; port = 43594; username = ""; password = ""; incomingPacket = new byte[5000]; friendListHashes = new long[200]; friendListOnline = new int[200]; ignoreList = new long[maxSocialListSize]; anIntArray629 = new int[maxSocialListSize]; } protected void login(String u, String p, boolean reconnecting) { if (worldFullTimeout > 0) { showLoginScreenStatus("Please wait...", "Connecting to server"); try { Thread.sleep(2000L); } catch (Exception Ex) { } showLoginScreenStatus("Sorry! The server is currently full.", "Please try again later"); return; } try { username = u; u = Utility.formatAuthString(u, 20); password = p; p = Utility.formatAuthString(p, 20); if (u.trim().length() == 0) { showLoginScreenStatus("You must enter both a username", "and a password - Please try again"); return; } if (reconnecting) drawTextBox("Connection lost! Please wait...", "Attempting to re-establish"); else showLoginScreenStatus("Please wait...", "Connecting to server"); clientStream = new ClientStream(createSocket(server, port), this); clientStream.maxReadTries = maxReadTries; long l = Utility.username2hash(u); clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_SESSION)); clientStream.putByte((int) (l >> 16 & 31L)); clientStream.flushPacket(); long sessid = clientStream.getLong(); sessionID = sessid; if (sessid == 0L) { showLoginScreenStatus("Login server offline.", "Please try again in a few mins"); return; } System.out.println("Verb: Session id: " + sessid); int limit30 = 0; /* try { if (getStartedAsApplet()) { String s2 = getParameter("limit30"); if (s2.equals("1")) limit30 = 1; } } catch (Exception Ex) { }*/ int ai[] = new int[4]; ai[0] = (int) (Math.random() * 99999999D); ai[1] = (int) (Math.random() * 99999999D); ai[2] = (int) (sessid >> 32); ai[3] = (int) sessid; // TODO maybe re-enable RSA later /* Buffer buffer = new Buffer(new byte[500]); buffer.offset = 0; buffer.putByte(10); buffer.putInt(ai[0]); buffer.putInt(ai[1]); buffer.putInt(ai[2]); buffer.putInt(ai[3]); buffer.putInt(getLinkUID()); buffer.putString(u); buffer.putString(p); buffer.encrypt(rsaExponent, rsaModulus); */ clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_LOGIN)); if (reconnecting) clientStream.putByte(1); else clientStream.putByte(0); clientStream.putShort(clientVersion); clientStream.putByte(limit30); clientStream.putByte(10); clientStream.putInt(ai[0]); clientStream.putInt(ai[1]); clientStream.putInt(ai[2]); clientStream.putInt(ai[3]); clientStream.putInt(getLinkUID()); clientStream.putString(u); clientStream.putString(p); //clientStream.putBytes(buffer.buffer, 0, buffer.offset); clientStream.flushPacket(); clientStream.seedIsaac(ai); int resp = clientStream.readStream(); System.out.println("login response:" + resp); if (resp == 25) { moderatorLevel = 1; autoLoginTimeout = 0; resetGame(); return; } if (resp == 0) { moderatorLevel = 0; autoLoginTimeout = 0; resetGame(); return; } if (resp == 1) { autoLoginTimeout = 0; method37(); return; } if (reconnecting) { u = ""; p = ""; resetLoginVars(); return; } if (resp == -1) { showLoginScreenStatus("Error unable to login.", "Server timed out"); return; } if (resp == 3) { showLoginScreenStatus("Invalid username or password.", "Try again, or create a new account"); return; } if (resp == 4) { showLoginScreenStatus("That username is already logged in.", "Wait 60 seconds then retry"); return; } if (resp == 5) { showLoginScreenStatus("The client has been updated.", "Please reload this page"); return; } if (resp == 6) { showLoginScreenStatus("You may only use 1 character at once.", "Your ip-address is already in use"); return; } if (resp == 7) { showLoginScreenStatus("Login attempts exceeded!", "Please try again in 5 minutes"); return; } if (resp == 8) { showLoginScreenStatus("Error unable to login.", "Server rejected session"); return; } if (resp == 9) { showLoginScreenStatus("Error unable to login.", "Loginserver rejected session"); return; } if (resp == 10) { showLoginScreenStatus("That username is already in use.", "Wait 60 seconds then retry"); return; } if (resp == 11) { showLoginScreenStatus("Account temporarily disabled.", "Check your message inbox for details"); return; } if (resp == 12) { showLoginScreenStatus("Account permanently disabled.", "Check your message inbox for details"); return; } if (resp == 14) { showLoginScreenStatus("Sorry! This world is currently full.", "Please try a different world"); worldFullTimeout = 1500; return; } if (resp == 15) { showLoginScreenStatus("You need a members account", "to login to this world"); return; } if (resp == 16) { showLoginScreenStatus("Error - no reply from loginserver.", "Please try again"); return; } if (resp == 17) { showLoginScreenStatus("Error - failed to decode profile.", "Contact customer support"); return; } if (resp == 18) { showLoginScreenStatus("Account suspected stolen.", "Press 'recover a locked account' on front page."); return; } if (resp == 20) { showLoginScreenStatus("Error - loginserver mismatch", "Please try a different world"); return; } if (resp == 21) { showLoginScreenStatus("Unable to login.", "That is not an RS-Classic account"); return; } if (resp == 22) { showLoginScreenStatus("Password suspected stolen.", "Press 'change your password' on front page."); return; } else { showLoginScreenStatus("Error unable to login.", "Unrecognised response code"); return; } } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println(String.valueOf(exception)); } if (autoLoginTimeout > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(5000L); } catch (Exception Ex) { } autoLoginTimeout--; login(username, password, reconnecting); } if (reconnecting) { username = ""; password = ""; resetLoginVars(); } else { showLoginScreenStatus("Sorry! Unable to connect.", "Check internet settings or try another world"); } } protected void closeConnection() { if (clientStream != null) try { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_CLOSE_CONNECTION)); clientStream.flushPacket(); } catch (IOException Ex) { } username = ""; password = ""; resetLoginVars(); } protected void lostConnection() { try { throw new Exception(""); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("loast connection: "); ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Lost connection"); autoLoginTimeout = 10; login(username, password, true); } protected void drawTextBox(String s, String s1) { /*Graphics g = getGraphics(); Font font = new Font("Helvetica", 1, 15); char c = '\u0200'; char c1 = '\u0158'; g.setColor(; g.fillRect(c / 2 - 140, c1 / 2 - 25, 280, 50); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawRect(c / 2 - 140, c1 / 2 - 25, 280, 50); drawString(g, s, font, c / 2, c1 / 2 - 10); drawString(g, s1, font, c / 2, c1 / 2 + 10);*/ } protected void checkConnection() { long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (clientStream.hasPacket()) packetLastRead = l; if (l - packetLastRead > 5000L) { packetLastRead = l; clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_PING)); clientStream.sendPacket(); } try { clientStream.writePacket(20); } catch (IOException Ex) { lostConnection(); return; } if (!method43()) return; int psize = clientStream.readPacket(incomingPacket); if (psize > 0) { int ptype = clientStream.isaacCommand(incomingPacket[0] & 0xff); handlePacket(ptype, ptype, psize); } } private void handlePacket(int opcode, int ptype, int psize) { //ptype = clientStream.isaacCommand(ptype); //System.out.println(String.format("opcode:%s(%d) psize:%d",, ptype, psize)); System.out.println("opcode:" + opcode + " psize:" + psize); if (opcode == Command.SV_MESSAGE) { String s = new String(incomingPacket, 1, psize - 1); showServerMessage(s); } if (opcode == Command.SV_CLOSE_CONNECTION) closeConnection(); if (opcode == Command.SV_LOGOUT_DENY) { cantLogout(); return; } if (opcode == Command.SV_FRIEND_LIST) { friendListCount = Utility.getUnsignedByte(incomingPacket[1]); for (int k = 0; k < friendListCount; k++) { friendListHashes[k] = Utility.getUnsignedLong(incomingPacket, 2 + k * 9); friendListOnline[k] = Utility.getUnsignedByte(incomingPacket[10 + k * 9]); } sortFriendsList(); return; } if (opcode == Command.SV_FRIEND_STATUS_CHANGE) { long hash = Utility.getUnsignedLong(incomingPacket, 1); int online = incomingPacket[9] & 0xff; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < friendListCount; i2++) if (friendListHashes[i2] == hash) { if (friendListOnline[i2] == 0 && online != 0) showServerMessage("@pri@" + Utility.hash2username(hash) + " has logged in"); if (friendListOnline[i2] != 0 && online == 0) showServerMessage("@pri@" + Utility.hash2username(hash) + " has logged out"); friendListOnline[i2] = online; psize = 0; // not sure what this is for sortFriendsList(); return; } friendListHashes[friendListCount] = hash; friendListOnline[friendListCount] = online; friendListCount++; sortFriendsList(); return; } if (opcode == Command.SV_IGNORE_LIST) { ignoreListCount = Utility.getUnsignedByte(incomingPacket[1]); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ignoreListCount; i1++) ignoreList[i1] = Utility.getUnsignedLong(incomingPacket, 2 + i1 * 8); return; } if (opcode == Command.SV_PRIVACY_SETTINGS) { settingsBlockChat = incomingPacket[1]; settingsBlockPrivate = incomingPacket[2]; settingsBlockTrade = incomingPacket[3]; settingsBlockDuel = incomingPacket[4]; return; } if (opcode == Command.SV_FRIEND_MESSAGE) { long from = Utility.getUnsignedLong(incomingPacket, 1); int k1 = Utility.getUnsignedInt(incomingPacket, 9); // is this some sort of message id ? for (int j2 = 0; j2 < maxSocialListSize; j2++) if (anIntArray629[j2] == k1) return; anIntArray629[anInt630] = k1; anInt630 = (anInt630 + 1) % maxSocialListSize; String msg = WordFilter.filter(ChatMessage.descramble(incomingPacket, 13, psize - 13)); showServerMessage("@pri@" + Utility.hash2username(from) + ": tells you " + msg); return; } else { handleIncomingPacket(opcode, ptype, psize, incomingPacket); return; } } private void sortFriendsList() { boolean flag = true; while (flag) { flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < friendListCount - 1; i++) if (friendListOnline[i] != 255 && friendListOnline[i + 1] == 255 || friendListOnline[i] == 0 && friendListOnline[i + 1] != 0) { int j = friendListOnline[i]; friendListOnline[i] = friendListOnline[i + 1]; friendListOnline[i + 1] = j; long l = friendListHashes[i]; friendListHashes[i] = friendListHashes[i + 1]; friendListHashes[i + 1] = l; flag = true; } } } protected void sendPrivacySettings(int chat, int priv, int trade, int duel) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_SETTINGS_PRIVACY)); clientStream.putByte(chat); clientStream.putByte(priv); clientStream.putByte(trade); clientStream.putByte(duel); clientStream.sendPacket(); } protected void ignoreAdd(String s) { long l = Utility.username2hash(s); clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_IGNORE_ADD)); clientStream.putLong(l); clientStream.sendPacket(); for (int i = 0; i < ignoreListCount; i++) if (ignoreList[i] == l) return; if (ignoreListCount >= maxSocialListSize) { return; } else { ignoreList[ignoreListCount++] = l; return; } } protected void ignoreRemove(long l) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_IGNORE_REMOVE)); clientStream.putLong(l); clientStream.sendPacket(); for (int i = 0; i < ignoreListCount; i++) if (ignoreList[i] == l) { ignoreListCount--; for (int j = i; j < ignoreListCount; j++) ignoreList[j] = ignoreList[j + 1]; return; } } protected void friendAdd(String s) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_FRIEND_ADD)); clientStream.putLong(Utility.username2hash(s)); clientStream.sendPacket(); long l = Utility.username2hash(s); for (int i = 0; i < friendListCount; i++) if (friendListHashes[i] == l) return; if (friendListCount >= maxSocialListSize) { return; } else { friendListHashes[friendListCount] = l; friendListOnline[friendListCount] = 0; friendListCount++; return; } } protected void friendRemove(long l) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_FRIEND_REMOVE)); clientStream.putLong(l); clientStream.sendPacket(); for (int i = 0; i < friendListCount; i++) { if (friendListHashes[i] != l) continue; friendListCount--; for (int j = i; j < friendListCount; j++) { friendListHashes[j] = friendListHashes[j + 1]; friendListOnline[j] = friendListOnline[j + 1]; } break; } showServerMessage("@pri@" + Utility.hash2username(l) + " has been removed from your friends list"); } protected void sendPrivateMessage(long u, byte buff[], int len) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_PM)); clientStream.putLong(u); clientStream.putBytes(buff, 0, len); clientStream.sendPacket(); } protected void sendChatMessage(byte buff[], int len) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_CHAT)); clientStream.putBytes(buff, 0, len); clientStream.sendPacket(); } protected void sendCommandString(String s) { clientStream.newPacket((Command.CL_COMMAND)); clientStream.putString(s); clientStream.sendPacket(); } protected void showLoginScreenStatus(String s, String s1) { } protected void method37() { } protected void resetGame() { } protected void resetLoginVars() { } protected void cantLogout() { } protected void handleIncomingPacket(int opcode, int ptype, int len, byte data[]) { } protected void showServerMessage(String s) { } protected boolean method43() { return true; } protected int getLinkUID() { return 0; } }