/* * This file is modified by Ivan Maidanski * Project name: JCGO-SUNAWT (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) */ /* * @(#)EmbeddedFrame.java 1.22 03/01/23 * * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package sun.awt; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.peer.*; /** * A generic container used for embedding Java components, usually applets. * An EmbeddedFrame has two related uses: * * . Within a Java-based application, an EmbeddedFrame serves as a sort of * firewall, preventing the contained components or applets from using * getParent() to find parent components, such as menubars. * * . Within a C-based application, an EmbeddedFrame contains a window handle * which was created by the application, which serves as the top-level * Java window. EmbeddedFrames created for this purpose are passed-in a * handle of an existing window created by the application. The window * handle should be of the appropriate native type for a specific * platform, as stored in the pData field of the ComponentPeer. * * @version 1.15, 04/07/00 * @author Thomas Ball */ public abstract class EmbeddedFrame extends Frame { private boolean isCursorAllowed = true; // JDK 1.1 compatibility private static final long serialVersionUID = 2967042741780317130L; protected EmbeddedFrame() { this((long)0); } /** * @deprecated This constructor will be removed in 1.5 */ protected EmbeddedFrame(int handle) { this((long)handle); } protected EmbeddedFrame(long handle) { } /** * Block introspection of a parent window by this child. */ public Container getParent() { return null; } /** * Block modifying any frame attributes, since they aren't applicable * for EmbeddedFrames. */ public void setTitle(String title) {} public void setIconImage(Image image) {} public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) {} public void setResizable(boolean resizable) {} public void remove(MenuComponent m) {} public boolean isResizable() { return false; } public void addNotify() { synchronized (getTreeLock()) { if (getPeer() == null) { setPeer(new NullEmbeddedFramePeer()); } super.addNotify(); } } // These three functions consitute RFE 4100710. Do not remove. public void setCursorAllowed(boolean isCursorAllowed) { this.isCursorAllowed = isCursorAllowed; getPeer().updateCursorImmediately(); } public boolean isCursorAllowed() { return isCursorAllowed; } public Cursor getCursor() { return (isCursorAllowed) ? super.getCursor() : Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); } // Need a native call to circumvent Component.peer not being public. protected native void setPeer(ComponentPeer p); private static class NullEmbeddedFramePeer extends NullComponentPeer implements FramePeer { public void setTitle(String title) {} public void setIconImage(Image im) {} public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) {} public void setResizable(boolean resizeable) {} public void setState(int state) {} public int getState() { return Frame.NORMAL; } public void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle b) {} public void toFront() {} public void toBack() {} public Component getGlobalHeavyweightFocusOwner() { return null; } public void synthesizeWindowActivation(boolean flag) {} } } // class EmbeddedFrame