/* * @(#) $(JCGO)/jtrsrc/com/ivmaisoft/jcgo/MethodDefinition.java -- * a part of JCGO translator. ** * Project: JCGO (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) * Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Ivan Maidanski * All rights reserved. */ /* * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. ** * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License (GPL) for more details. ** * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is * making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole * combination. ** * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent * modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under * terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked * independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that * module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from * or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend * this exception to your version of the library, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ package com.ivmaisoft.jcgo; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * A method entity definition. */ final class MethodDefinition { static/* final */int MAX_INLINE = 10; static final String UNKNOWN_NAME = "".toString(); static final String STACKOBJ_RETNAME = "jcgo_stackparam".toString(); private static final ObjVector EMPTY_VECTOR = new ObjVector(); private final OrderedMap fieldDictionary = new OrderedMap(); private ClassDefinition ourClass; private ExpressionType resType; private ExpressionType actualType; private Term paramList; private ObjVector thrownClasses; private Term body; private String id; private MethodSignature ourSig; private int modifiers; private MethodDefinition singleCaller; private int returnsCnt; private boolean copied; private boolean used; private boolean usedExact; private boolean allUsed; private boolean innerUsed; private boolean isNewUsed; private boolean outputDone; private boolean referenced; private boolean newReferenced; private boolean analysisBegin; private boolean analysisDone; private BranchContext methodBranch; private MethodInvocation classNewInstanceCall; private MethodSignature constructorInstanceSign; private ExpressionType classLiteralValue; private boolean needsTrigClinit; private boolean needsDummyRet; private boolean isVirtual; private boolean isNullReturned; private boolean leaksDiscoverProcessing; private ObjVector retWritableArrays; private Term stackObjRetTerm; private boolean leaksDiscoverDone; private boolean stackObjRetRequired; private boolean hasThisObjLeak; private boolean hasThisObjRet; private boolean isThisStackObjVolatile; private int nextLabel; private MethodDefinition helperMethod; private ExpressionType curTraceType; MethodDefinition(ClassDefinition ourClass) { this.ourClass = ourClass; id = ""; modifiers = AccModifier.STATIC; resType = Main.dict.classTable[Type.VOID]; paramList = Empty.newTerm(); body = Empty.newTerm(); thrownClasses = EMPTY_VECTOR; } MethodDefinition(Context c, String id, int modifiers, ExpressionType resType, Term paramList, Term throwsList, Term body) { ourClass = c.currentClass; this.id = id; if ((modifiers & (AccModifier.PRIVATE | AccModifier.PROTECTED | AccModifier.PUBLIC)) == (AccModifier.PRIVATE | AccModifier.PROTECTED)) { modifiers &= ~(AccModifier.PRIVATE | AccModifier.PROTECTED); } this.modifiers = modifiers; this.resType = resType; this.paramList = paramList; this.body = body; Term.assertCond(c.currentClass != null); Term.assertCond(c.currentMethod == null); if (ourClass.isInterface() && !isClassMethod()) { this.modifiers |= AccModifier.PUBLIC | AccModifier.ABSTRACT; } if (!isAbstract() && !isNative()) { Main.dict.methodsAnalyzed++; } c.currentMethod = this; paramList.processPass1(c); c.currentMethod = null; thrownClasses = EMPTY_VECTOR; if (throwsList.notEmpty()) { throwsList.processPass1(c); thrownClasses = throwsList.getSignature(); } } private MethodDefinition(ClassDefinition ourClass, String id, int modifiers, ExpressionType resType, Term paramList, ObjVector thrownClasses, Term body, boolean copied) { this.ourClass = ourClass; this.id = id; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.resType = resType; this.paramList = paramList; this.thrownClasses = thrownClasses; this.body = body; this.copied = copied; } MethodDefinition cloneMethodFor(ClassDefinition ourClass, boolean isProxyClass) { return new MethodDefinition(ourClass, id, isProxyClass ? AccModifier.PUBLIC | AccModifier.FINAL | AccModifier.SYNTHETIC : modifiers, resType, paramList, isProxyClass ? copyCheckedExceptions(ourClass) : thrownClasses, new Block(), !isProxyClass); } private ObjVector copyCheckedExceptions(ClassDefinition forClass) { int size = thrownClasses.size(); ObjVector newThrownClasses = thrownClasses; if (size > 0) { newThrownClasses = new ObjVector(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ClassDefinition cd = (ClassDefinition) thrownClasses .elementAt(i); if (!cd.isUncheckedException(forClass)) { boolean found = false; int j = newThrownClasses.size(); while (j-- > 0) { ClassDefinition cd2 = (ClassDefinition) newThrownClasses .elementAt(j); if (cd2.isAssignableFrom(cd, 0, forClass)) { found = true; break; } if (cd.isAssignableFrom(cd2, 0, forClass)) { newThrownClasses.removeElementAt(j); } } if (!found) { newThrownClasses.addElement(cd); } } } } return newThrownClasses; } void intersectThrowsWith(MethodDefinition md2) { int i = thrownClasses.size(); while (i-- > 0) { ClassDefinition cd = (ClassDefinition) thrownClasses.elementAt(i); if (md2.thrownClasses.size() <= i || md2.thrownClasses.elementAt(i) != cd) { ClassDefinition maxClass = null; Enumeration en = md2.thrownClassesElements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { ClassDefinition cd2 = (ClassDefinition) en.nextElement(); if (cd2.isAssignableFrom(cd, 0, ourClass)) { maxClass = cd; break; } if (cd.isAssignableFrom(cd2, 0, ourClass) && (maxClass == null || cd2.isAssignableFrom( maxClass, 0, ourClass))) { maxClass = cd2; } } if (maxClass != null) { thrownClasses.setElementAt(maxClass, i); } else { thrownClasses.removeElementAt(i); } } } } boolean hasSameThrows(MethodDefinition md2) { int size = thrownClasses.size(); if (md2.thrownClasses.size() != size) return false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (thrownClasses.elementAt(i) != md2.thrownClasses.elementAt(i)) return false; } return true; } Enumeration thrownClassesElements() { return thrownClasses.elements(); } boolean hasNonEmptyBody() { Term.assertCond(analysisDone); return body.tokenCount() != 0; } String id() { return id; } ClassDefinition definingClass() { return ourClass; } void setVirtual() { if (!isVirtual && used && allowVirtual()) { isVirtual = true; if (!isFinal()) { ourClass.setVirtualInSubclasses(methodSignature() .signatureString()); } } } boolean isCopiedFromIface() { return copied; } int markUsed(MethodDefinition callerMethod) { incCallsCount(callerMethod); String className = ourClass.name(); return markUsed(ourClass, className.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) || className.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_STRING)); } int markUsed(ClassDefinition receiverClass, boolean isClinitSafe) { if (!isClinitSafe) { needsTrigClinit = true; } int cnt = 0; if (!allUsed) { if (isClassMethod() || isConstructor()) { cnt = markUsedThisOnly(); } else if (!ourClass.hasInstances()) { if (!innerUsed) { innerUsed = true; cnt = 1; } } else if (!isAbstract() && allowOverride() && !ourClass.hasExactInstance() && ourClass.overriddenByAllUsed(this)) { if (!innerUsed) { innerUsed = true; cnt = 1; used = true; } } else { cnt = markUsedThisOnly(); } if (!isConstructor() && allowOverride()) { cnt += receiverClass.markMethodInSubclasses(methodSignature() .signatureString(), isProtectedOrPublic() ? null : ourClass.getPackageName()); if (receiverClass == ourClass) { allUsed = true; } } } return cnt; } int markUsedThisOnly() { if (usedExact) return 0; String ourClassName = ourClass.name(); if (id.equals(Main.dict.failOnMethodId) && (Main.dict.failOnClassName == null || ourClassName .equals(Main.dict.failOnClassName))) throw new AssertException("Specified method is required!"); ourClass.markUsed(); usedExact = true; used = true; if (isNative()) { markAllTypes(false); } if (isConstructor()) { if (!ourClass.isAbstractOrInterface()) { ourClass.setHasInstances(); } if (!hasParameters() && !isPrivate()) { ourClass.setHasExactInstance(true); } } resType.signatureClass().predefineClass(ourClass); if (ourClassName.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS)) { if (isExactMatch(false, Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS, 1, Names.SIGN_GETINTERFACES)) { ClassDefinition.markAllDirectIfaces(); } } else if (ourClassName.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMTHREAD)) { Main.dict.markInitSystemErr(); } else if (ourClassName.equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_ENUM) && isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_ENUM, 0, Names.SIGN_VALUEOF_ENUM)) { ClassDefinition.processEnumValueOf(); } return 1; } void markNew() { if (!isNewUsed) { isNewUsed = true; ourClass.setHasExactInstance(true); } } void markAllTypes(boolean vTableUsed) { ClassDefinition cd = resType.signatureClass(); cd.define(ourClass); if (vTableUsed) { cd.setVTableUsed(true); } else { cd.markUsed(); } Enumeration en = methodSignature().elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { cd = ((ExpressionType) en.nextElement()).signatureClass(); cd.predefineClass(ourClass); if (vTableUsed) { cd.setVTableUsed(true); } else { cd.markUsed(); } } Enumeration en2 = thrownClasses.elements(); while (en2.hasMoreElements()) { cd = (ClassDefinition) en2.nextElement(); cd.predefineClass(ourClass); if (vTableUsed) { cd.setVTableUsed(true); } else { cd.markUsed(); } } } void checkMarkedUsed() { if (innerUsed) { if (used) { if (!usedExact && (ourClass.hasExactInstance() || !ourClass .overriddenByAllUsed(this))) { markUsedThisOnly(); } } else if (ourClass.hasInstances()) { if (!isAbstract() && allowOverride() && !ourClass.hasExactInstance() && ourClass.overriddenByAllUsed(this)) { used = true; } else { markUsedThisOnly(); } } } } void incCallsCount(MethodDefinition callerMethod) { singleCaller = singleCaller == null && callerMethod != null ? callerMethod : this; if (callerMethod != null && callerMethod.definingClass() == ourClass) { if (callerMethod != this) { ourClass.addInclassCall(this); } else { referenced = true; } } } String nextLabelSuffix() { return Integer .toString(id.equals("") ? ++ourClass.nextClinitLabel : id.equals("") ? ++ourClass.nextInitZLabel : ++nextLabel); } boolean used() { return used; } boolean usedExact() { return usedExact; } int getJavaModifiers() { return modifiers; } boolean isConstructor() { return id.equals(""); } boolean isAbstract() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.ABSTRACT) != 0; } boolean isClassMethod() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.STATIC) != 0; } boolean isFinal() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.FINAL) != 0; } boolean isNative() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.NATIVE) != 0; } boolean isSynchronized() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.SYNCHRONIZED) != 0; } boolean isPrivate() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.PRIVATE) != 0; } boolean isPublic() { return (modifiers & AccModifier.PUBLIC) != 0; } boolean isProtectedOrPublic() { return (modifiers & (AccModifier.PUBLIC | AccModifier.PROTECTED)) != 0; } boolean allowVirtual() { return (modifiers & (AccModifier.PRIVATE | AccModifier.STATIC)) == 0 && !isConstructor(); } boolean allowOverride() { return (modifiers & (AccModifier.PRIVATE | AccModifier.STATIC | AccModifier.FINAL)) == 0 && !ourClass.isFinal(); } boolean isGetterSetter() { if (isClassMethod()) return false; int s1 = resType.objectSize(); return id.startsWith("get") ? s1 != Type.VOID && !paramList.notEmpty() : id.startsWith("is") ? s1 == Type.BOOLEAN && id.length() > 2 && !paramList.notEmpty() : id.startsWith("set") && (s1 == Type.VOID || s1 == Type.BOOLEAN) && paramList.tokenCount() == 1; } Term copyParamList(int skipHeadCnt, int skipTailCnt) { int[] skip = new int[2]; skip[1] = (skip[0] = methodSignature().paramCount() - skipTailCnt) - skipHeadCnt; return paramList.copyParamList(skip); } private MethodDefinition replaceMethodEntry() { if (!isNative()) { MethodDefinition md = body.superMethodCall(); if (md != null && md != this && md.usedExact() && !md.hasParameters() && resType == md.resType && !md.isClassMethod() && !md.isAbstract() && md.isSynchronized() == isSynchronized()) return md.replaceMethodEntry(); } return this; } ExpressionType exprType() { return resType; } ExpressionType actualExprType() { if (actualType != null) return analysisDone ? actualType : resType; int s1; if (!usedExact || isConstructor() || ((s1 = resType.objectSize()) != Type.CLASSINTERFACE && s1 != Type.OBJECTARRAY)) return resType; if (isAbstract()) { actualType = resType; return actualType; } producePassOne(null); return actualType != null ? actualType : resType; } void setActualType(ExpressionType actual, Term t) { Term.assertCond(analysisBegin); returnsCnt++; int s0 = actual.objectSize(); if (s0 == Type.NULLREF || s0 >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { if (actualType != null) { actualType = ClassDefinition.maxCommonExprOf(actualType, actual, ourClass); if (!ClassDefinition.isAssignableFrom(resType, actualType, ourClass)) { actualType = resType; } } else { actualType = actual; } if (s0 == Type.NULLREF || !t.isNotNull()) { isNullReturned = true; } } if (s0 == Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { if (classNewInstanceCall == null) { classNewInstanceCall = t.getClassNewInstanceCall(); } if (constructorInstanceSign == null) { constructorInstanceSign = t.getConstructorInstanceSign(); } if (classLiteralValue == null && (resType.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) || resType .receiverClass().superClass() == null)) { classLiteralValue = t.classLiteralValGuess(); } } } boolean isNotNull() { if (!usedExact || isConstructor() || isAbstract() || resType.objectSize() < Type.CLASSINTERFACE) return false; producePassOne(null); return !isNullReturned && actualType != null && analysisDone; } void resetLocalsActualType(Context c, ObjQueue names, boolean forTry) { Enumeration en = names.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { VariableDefinition v = getLocalVar((String) en.nextElement()); if (v != null) { c.resetVarForLoopOrTry(v); if (!forTry) { v.resetTypeForLoop(); } } } } MethodInvocation getClassNewInstanceCall() { if (!usedExact || isConstructor() || isAbstract() || resType.objectSize() != Type.CLASSINTERFACE) return null; producePassOne(null); return classNewInstanceCall; } MethodSignature getConstructorInstanceSign() { if (!usedExact || isConstructor() || isAbstract() || resType.objectSize() != Type.CLASSINTERFACE) return null; producePassOne(null); return constructorInstanceSign; } ExpressionType classLiteralValGuess() { if (!usedExact || isConstructor() || isAbstract() || resType.objectSize() != Type.CLASSINTERFACE) return null; producePassOne(null); return classLiteralValue; } String getJavaSignature() { return methodSignature().getJavaSignature() + (isConstructor() ? Type.sig[Type.VOID] : resType .getJavaSignature()); } MethodSignature methodSignature() { if (ourSig == null) { ourSig = new MethodSignature(id, paramList.getSignature()); } return ourSig; } boolean needsTrigClinit() { Term.assertCond(used); return needsTrigClinit; } String newRoutineCName() { Term.assertCond(used && isConstructor()); newReferenced = true; return ourClass.routineNameOf(methodSignature().csignForNew(ourClass)); } String routineCName() { Term.assertCond(usedExact); referenced = true; return ourClass.routineNameOf(csign()); } String stackObjRetRoutineCName() { Term.assertCond(stackObjRetRequired); referenced = true; return ourClass.routineNameOf(csign()) + "X"; } String csign() { return methodSignature() .csign(allowVirtual() && !ourClass.isInterface() ? ourClass : null, isClassMethod() || isConstructor() ? ourClass .castName() : null); } boolean isExactMatch(boolean isStatic, String exprTypeName, int exprTypeDims, String sigString) { return isClassMethod() == isStatic && resType.signatureDimensions() == exprTypeDims && resType.signatureClass().name().equals(exprTypeName) && methodSignature().signatureString().equals(sigString); } boolean addLocalVariable(VariableDefinition v) { return fieldDictionary.put(v.id(), v) == null; } VariableDefinition getLocalVar(String name) { return (VariableDefinition) fieldDictionary.get(name); } Enumeration getLocalsNames() { return fieldDictionary.keys(); } void delLocalVar(String name) { fieldDictionary.remove(name); } private void locateHelperMethod() { ClassDefinition helperClass = ourClass.getReflectHelperClass(); if (helperClass != null) { helperClass.define(ourClass); if (id.equals("")) { helperMethod = helperClass .getMethodNoInheritance(new MethodSignature("_clinit", EMPTY_VECTOR)); } else { helperMethod = helperClass .getMethodNoInheritance(methodSignature()); if (helperMethod == null) { helperMethod = helperClass .getMethodNoInheritance(new MethodSignature(id, EMPTY_VECTOR)); if (helperMethod == null && isNative()) { helperMethod = helperClass .getMethodNoInheritance(new MethodSignature( "_native", EMPTY_VECTOR)); } if (helperMethod == null) { helperMethod = helperClass .getMethodNoInheritance(new MethodSignature( "_", EMPTY_VECTOR)); } } } } } private int initForceVmExc() { int forceVmExc = 0; Enumeration en = thrownClasses.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { forceVmExc |= ((ClassDefinition) en.nextElement()).getVMExcMask(); } return forceVmExc; } BranchContext producePassOne(BranchContext prevBranch) { Term.assertCond(ourClass != null); if (analysisBegin) return null; analysisBegin = true; Context c = ourClass.cloneContextFor(this); if (isSynchronized() && !isNative()) { body = new SynchroMethod(body); } Term.assertCond(c.currentClass == ourClass && c.currentMethod == this); locateHelperMethod(); c.forceVmExc = initForceVmExc(); if (helperMethod != null) { c.forceVmExc |= helperMethod.initForceVmExc(); } c.initBranch(); if (prevBranch != null) { c.unionBranchExceptLocals(prevBranch, !isClassMethod()); } body.processPass1(c); if (methodBranch == null || resType.objectSize() == Type.VOID || isConstructor()) { setMethodBranchFrom(c); } if (helperMethod != null && prevBranch == null) helperMethod.producePassOne(null); analysisDone = true; return methodBranch; } void setMethodBranchFrom(Context c) { Term.assertCond(analysisBegin && !analysisDone); if (methodBranch != null) { BranchContext otherBranch = c.swapBranch(methodBranch); c.intersectBranch(otherBranch); methodBranch = c.swapBranch(otherBranch); } else { methodBranch = c.saveBranch(); } } void processBranch(Context c, boolean isThis) { if (usedExact) { producePassOne(null); if (analysisDone) { c.unionBranchExceptLocals(methodBranch, isThis); } } } boolean isBranchVarNotNull(VariableDefinition v) { if (!analysisDone) return false; Term.assertCond(v != null); return methodBranch.nonNullVars.identityLastIndexOf(v) >= 0; } ExpressionType getBranchActualType(VariableDefinition v) { if (!analysisDone) return null; Term.assertCond(v != null); return methodBranch.getActualType(v); } void setArgsFormalType(Term actualParamList, Context c) { actualParamList.setFormalType(paramList, this, c); } void setNeedsDummyRet() { needsDummyRet = true; } boolean hasParameters() { return paramList.notEmpty(); } boolean isFirstParamUsed() { Term t = paramList.getArgumentTerm(0); Term.assertCond(t != null); VariableDefinition v = getLocalVar(t.dottedName()); Term.assertCond(v != null); return v.used(); } boolean discoverObjLeaks() { if (leaksDiscoverProcessing) return false; Term.assertCond(usedExact); if (ourClass.isProxyClass()) { leaksDiscoverDone = true; return false; } boolean isArrayCopy = false; if (isNative()) { if (!ourClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMOBJECT) || !isExactMatch(true, Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, 0, Names.SIGN_CLONE0)) { if (!isClassMethod() || !ourClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMSYSTEM) || resType.objectSize() != Type.VOID || !methodSignature().signatureString().equals( Names.SIGN_ARRAYCOPY)) { leaksDiscoverDone = true; return false; } isArrayCopy = true; } } if (!leaksDiscoverDone) { ObjQueue oldStackObjRetCalls = Main.dict.stackObjRetCalls; Main.dict.stackObjRetCalls = new ObjQueue(); leaksDiscoverProcessing = true; MethodDefinition oldOurMethod = Main.dict.ourMethod; Main.dict.ourMethod = this; ObjHashtable oldAssignedLocals = Main.dict.assignedLocals; Main.dict.assignedLocals = new ObjHashtable(); paramList.discoverObjLeaks(); if (isArrayCopy) { paramList.getTermAt(1).getTermAt(1).getTermAt(0) .setObjLeaks(VariableDefinition.WRITABLE_ARRAY_VAR); } body.discoverObjLeaks(); Main.dict.assignedLocals = oldAssignedLocals; leaksDiscoverDone = true; setRequiredStackObjRets(Main.dict.stackObjRetCalls); leaksDiscoverProcessing = false; Main.dict.ourMethod = oldOurMethod; Main.dict.stackObjRetCalls = oldStackObjRetCalls; } return true; } boolean copyObjLeaksTo(Term argsList) { if (!usedExact) return false; if (!leaksDiscoverProcessing && !leaksDiscoverDone && isClassMethod()) { ObjVector parmSig = new ObjVector(); paramList.storeSignature(parmSig); int i = parmSig.size(); while (i-- > 0) { if (((ExpressionType) parmSig.elementAt(i)).objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE) break; } if (i < 0) return true; } return argsList.copyObjLeaksFrom(discoverObjLeaks() ? paramList : null); } void setThisObjLeak(boolean isReturned) { Term.assertCond(leaksDiscoverProcessing); if (isReturned) { hasThisObjRet = true; } else { hasThisObjLeak = true; } } boolean hasThisObjLeak(boolean isReturned) { if (isClassMethod() || !usedExact) return false; if (!discoverObjLeaks()) return !isReturned; return isReturned ? hasThisObjRet && !hasThisObjLeak : hasThisObjLeak; } void setThisStackObjVolatile() { Term.assertCond(leaksDiscoverProcessing); isThisStackObjVolatile = true; } boolean isThisStackObjVolatile() { return isThisStackObjVolatile; } boolean attachRetWritableArray(VariableDefinition v) { Term.assertCond(leaksDiscoverProcessing && !isConstructor() && resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE); if (retWritableArrays == EMPTY_VECTOR) return false; if (retWritableArrays == null) { retWritableArrays = new ObjVector(); } if (retWritableArrays.identityLastIndexOf(v) < 0) { retWritableArrays.addElement(v); } return true; } void setWritableArray() { Term.assertCond(resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE); if (retWritableArrays != EMPTY_VECTOR) { if (retWritableArrays != null) { Enumeration en = retWritableArrays.elements(); retWritableArrays = EMPTY_VECTOR; while (en.hasMoreElements()) { ((VariableDefinition) en.nextElement()) .setWritableArray(null); } } else { retWritableArrays = EMPTY_VECTOR; } } } void setStackObjRetTerm(Term t) { Term.assertCond(leaksDiscoverProcessing && !isConstructor() && resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE); if (stackObjRetTerm == null) { stackObjRetTerm = t; } } void attachStackObjRetTerm(VariableDefinition v, Term t) { Term.assertCond(leaksDiscoverProcessing); if (stackObjRetTerm == t && (v == null || !v.addSetObjLeaksTerm(t))) { stackObjRetTerm = null; } } boolean allowStackObjRet() { return (!usedExact || (returnsCnt == 1 && resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE && discoverObjLeaks() && stackObjRetTerm != null)) && !isVMSpecialMethod(); } static void setRequiredStackObjRets(ObjQueue stackObjRetCalls) { Enumeration en = stackObjRetCalls.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { MethodDefinition md = ((MethodInvocation) en.nextElement()) .getNoLeaksScopeMethod(); while (md != null && !md.stackObjRetRequired) { Term t = md.stackObjRetTerm; Term.assertCond(t != null); md.stackObjRetRequired = true; md = t.stackObjRetMethodCall(); } } } boolean stackObjRetRequired() { if (!usedExact) return true; Term.assertCond(leaksDiscoverDone && stackObjRetTerm != null); return stackObjRetRequired; } String writeStackObjDefn(OutputContext oc, boolean needsLocalVolatile) { if (!usedExact) return null; Term.assertCond(!leaksDiscoverProcessing && leaksDiscoverDone && stackObjRetTerm != null && stackObjRetRequired); return stackObjRetTerm.writeStackObjDefn(oc, needsLocalVolatile); } void writeStackObjTrigClinit(OutputContext oc) { Term.assertCond(stackObjRetTerm != null); stackObjRetTerm.writeStackObjTrigClinit(oc); } ExpressionType writeStackObjRetCode(OutputContext oc) { Term.assertCond(!leaksDiscoverProcessing && leaksDiscoverDone && stackObjRetTerm != null && stackObjRetRequired); return stackObjRetTerm.writeStackObjRetCode(oc); } boolean allowInline() { if (isConstructor()) return (hasParameters() && allowSingleInline()) || allowBodyInline(); if (isNative()) return allowSingleInline() && !Names.isVMCoreClass(ourClass.name()); return ((!isClassMethod() && !ourClass.hasRealInstances()) || allowSingleInline() || (allowBodyInline() && !ourClass .isProxyClass())) && !isVMSpecialMethod(); } private boolean allowBodyInline() { return body.allowInline(paramList.tokenCount() + MAX_INLINE + (isClassMethod() || isConstructor() ? (needsTrigClinit && ourClass.classInitializerNotCalledYet() ? -2 : 0) : 1) - (isSynchronized() && resType.objectSize() != Type.VOID ? 2 : 0)); } private boolean allowSingleInline() { return !isVirtual && hasSingleCaller() && (singleCaller.hasSingleCaller() || singleCaller.id.equals("") || !singleCaller .allowInline()); } private boolean hasSingleCaller() { return singleCaller != null && singleCaller != this; } private boolean isVMSpecialMethod() { if (ourClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT) && !isClassMethod() && resType.objectSize() == Type.VOID && methodSignature().signatureString().equals( Names.SIGN_FINALIZE)) return true; int pos = id.length(); char ch; if (pos > 2 && (id.charAt(pos - 1) != 'X' || --pos > 2) && id.charAt(pos - 1) == '0' && ((ch = id.charAt(pos - 2)) < '0' || ch > '9')) { String className = ourClass.name(); if (className.startsWith(Names.JAVA_LANG_REF_0) || className.startsWith(Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_0) || ((pos = className.lastIndexOf('.')) > 0 && className.length() - pos > 2 && className.charAt(pos + 1) == 'V' && className .charAt(pos + 2) == 'M')) return true; } return false; } boolean writeMethodCall(OutputContext oc, ClassDefinition receiverClass, String receiverString, int isNotNull, boolean hasStackObjRet, ExpressionType origResType) { Term.assertCond(receiverString != null); boolean rightParenNeeded = false; if (origResType != resType) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(origResType.castName()); oc.cPrint(")"); } if (used && (receiverClass == null || receiverClass.hasRealInstances()) && (isAbstract() || (receiverClass != null && allowOverride() && receiverClass .subclassHasMethod( methodSignature().signatureString(), isProtectedOrPublic() ? null : ourClass .getPackageName())))) { Term.assertCond(!hasStackObjRet); if (!isVirtual) { isVirtual = true; ourClass.setVirtualInSubclasses(methodSignature() .signatureString()); } oc.cPrint(isNotNull > 0 ? "JCGO_CALL_NZVFUNC" : isNotNull != 0 ? "JCGO_CALL_EVFUNC" : "JCGO_CALL_VFUNC"); oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(receiverString); oc.cPrint(")->"); oc.cPrint(csign()); Main.dict.indirectCalls++; } else { if (isNotNull <= 0) { if (origResType != resType) { oc.cPrint("("); rightParenNeeded = true; } oc.cPrint(isNotNull != 0 ? "JCGO_CALL_EFINALF" : "JCGO_CALL_FINALF"); oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(receiverString); oc.cPrint(") "); } if (usedExact && (receiverClass == null || receiverClass .hasRealInstances())) { oc.cPrint(hasStackObjRet ? stackObjRetRoutineCName() : routineCName()); Main.dict.normalCalls++; } else { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cPrint(")"); oc.cPrint(resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? LexTerm.NULL_STR : "0"); } } return rightParenNeeded; } void produceOutput(OutputContext oc) { Term.assertCond(analysisDone && leaksDiscoverDone); if (outputDone) return; outputDone = true; if (isAbstract()) return; Main.dict.methodsWritten++; Main.dict.message("Writing method: " + ourClass.name() + "." + methodSignature().getInfo()); if (!stackObjRetRequired) { stackObjRetTerm = null; } boolean alreadyReferenced = referenced; String parms = OutputContext.paramStringOutputNoComma(paramList, false); boolean hasParams = true; if (parms.length() == 0) { hasParams = false; parms = Type.cName[Type.VOID]; } String jniName = null; if (isNative() && !Names.isVMCoreClass(ourClass.name())) { jniName = methodSignature().getJniNameNoPrefix(ourClass); oc.hPrint("#ifndef NOJAVA_"); oc.hPrint(jniName); oc.hPrint("\n"); oc.hPrint("JNIIMPORT "); oc.hPrint(resType.getJniName()); oc.hPrint(" JNICALL JCGO_JNI_FUNC(Java_"); oc.hPrint(jniName); oc.hPrint(")( JNIEnv *pJniEnv, "); oc.hPrint((isClassMethod() ? Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) : ourClass).getJniName()); oc.hPrint(" "); oc.hPrint(This.CNAME); OutputContext oc2 = new OutputContext(); paramList.parameterOutput(oc2, false, Type.VOID); oc.hPrint(oc2.instanceToString()); oc.hPrint(" );"); oc.hPrint("#endif\n"); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (!isClassMethod() || ourClass != Main.dict.mainClass || (modifiers & (AccModifier.PRIVATE | AccModifier.PROTECTED | AccModifier.NATIVE)) != 0) sb.append(stackObjRetRequired || allowInline() ? (alreadyReferenced ? "JCGO_NOSEP_FRWINL " : "JCGO_NOSEP_INLINE ") : "JCGO_NOSEP_STATIC "); sb.append(resType.castName()); sb.append(" CFASTCALL\n"); sb.append(routineCName()); sb.append("( "); if (isClassMethod()) { sb.append(parms); } else { sb.append(ourClass.castName()); sb.append(' '); sb.append(This.CNAME); if (hasParams) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(parms); } } sb.append(" )"); if (isNative() && ourClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMMATH)) { oc.hPrint("#define JCGO_NATMATH_"); oc.hPrint(csign()); oc.hPrint("\n"); } oc.hPrint(sb.toString()); oc.hPrint(";"); if (jniName != null || !isNative()) { String stackObjRetCode = null; if (stackObjRetRequired) { oc.cAndHPrint(allowInline() ? (alreadyReferenced ? "JCGO_NOSEP_FRWINL " : "JCGO_NOSEP_INLINE ") : "JCGO_NOSEP_STATIC "); oc.cAndHPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cAndHPrint(" CFASTCALL\n"); oc.cAndHPrint(stackObjRetRoutineCName()); oc.cAndHPrint("( "); if (!isClassMethod()) { oc.cAndHPrint(ourClass.castName()); oc.cAndHPrint(" "); oc.cAndHPrint(This.CNAME); oc.cAndHPrint(", "); } if (hasParams) { oc.cAndHPrint(parms); oc.cAndHPrint(", "); } OutputContext oc2 = new OutputContext(); oc.cAndHPrint(writeStackObjRetCode(oc2).castName()); stackObjRetCode = oc2.instanceToString(); oc.cAndHPrint(" "); oc.cAndHPrint(STACKOBJ_RETNAME); oc.cAndHPrint(" )"); oc.hPrint(";"); } else { oc.cPrint(sb.toString()); } oc.cPrint("{"); if (jniName != null) { oc.cPrint("\n#ifdef NOJAVA_"); oc.cPrint(jniName); oc.cPrint("\010"); oc.cPrint("jcgo_jniNoNativeFunc();"); if (resType.objectSize() != Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint("return "); oc.cPrint(resType.objectSize() < Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? "(" + resType.castName() + ")0" : LexTerm.NULL_STR); oc.cPrint(";"); } oc.cPrint("\n#else\010"); String targetStr = This.CNAME; boolean hasRetVal = false; if (resType.objectSize() < Type.VOID || (isSynchronized() && resType.objectSize() > Type.VOID)) { oc.cPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cPrint(" jcgo_retval;"); hasRetVal = true; } boolean needsBrace = false; if (isClassMethod()) { targetStr = ourClass.getClassRefStr(false); if (needsTrigClinit && ourClass.writeTrigClinit(oc)) { oc.cPrint("{"); needsBrace = true; } } if (isSynchronized()) { oc.cPrint("JCGO_SYNC_BLOCKSAFENZ("); oc.cPrint(targetStr); oc.cPrint("){"); } int objArgsCnt = 0; Enumeration en = methodSignature().elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { if (((ExpressionType) en.nextElement()).objectSize() > Type.VOID) { objArgsCnt++; } } oc.cPrint("JCGO_JNI_BLOCK("); oc.cPrint(Integer.toString(objArgsCnt)); oc.cPrint(")\010"); if (resType.objectSize() != Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint(hasRetVal ? "jcgo_retval= " : "return "); if (resType.objectSize() > Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cPrint(")jcgo_jniLeave(jcgo_pJniEnv, "); if (!resType.getJniName().equals( Type.jniName[Type.CLASSINTERFACE])) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.jniName[Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(")"); } } } oc.cPrint("JCGO_JNI_FUNC(Java_"); oc.cPrint(jniName); oc.cPrint(")(jcgo_pJniEnv, "); Term.assertCond(oc.arrInitCount == -1); VariableDefinition.outputJniParam(oc, isClassMethod() ? Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_CLASS) : ourClass, targetStr); paramList.parameterOutput(oc, true, Type.VOID); oc.arrInitCount = -1; oc.cPrint(")"); if (resType.objectSize() <= Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint(";"); oc.cPrint("jcgo_jniLeave(jcgo_pJniEnv, NULL"); } oc.cPrint(");"); if (isSynchronized()) { oc.cPrint("}"); oc.cPrint("JCGO_SYNC_END\010"); } if (needsBrace) { oc.cPrint("}"); } if (hasRetVal) { oc.cPrint("return jcgo_retval;"); } oc.cPrint("\n#endif\010"); } else if (ourClass.isProxyClass() && !isConstructor()) { produceProxyMethodBody(oc); } else { if (ourClass.hasRealInstances() || isClassMethod()) { boolean needsBrace = false; if (isClassMethod() && (needsTrigClinit || isVMSpecialMethod())) { needsBrace = ourClass.writeTrigClinit(oc); } Enumeration en = getLocalsNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { if (getLocalVar((String) en.nextElement()) .outputParamNoClobber(oc)) { needsBrace = true; } } if (isSynchronized()) { if (needsBrace) { oc.cPrint("{"); } oc.cPrint("JCGO_SYNC_BLOCKSAFENZ("); oc.cPrint(isClassMethod() ? ourClass .getClassRefStr(false) : This.CNAME); oc.cPrint(")\010"); } else { needsBrace = false; } oc.stackObjCountReset(); body.processOutput(oc); if (needsBrace) { oc.cPrint("}"); } if (needsDummyRet && body.isReturnAtEnd(false)) { needsDummyRet = false; } } else { needsDummyRet = true; } if (needsDummyRet && resType.objectSize() != Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint("return "); oc.cPrint(isConstructor() ? "This" : resType.objectSize() < Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? "(" + resType.castName() + ")0" : LexTerm.NULL_STR); oc.cPrint(";"); } } oc.cPrint("}\n\n"); if (stackObjRetRequired) { Term.assertCond(jniName == null); oc.cPrint(sb.toString()); oc.cPrint("{"); writeStackObjTrigClinit(oc); oc.cPrint("return "); oc.cPrint(stackObjRetRoutineCName()); oc.cPrint("("); if (isClassMethod()) { oc.cPrint("\010 "); } else { oc.cPrint(This.CNAME); oc.cPrint(", "); } if (hasParams) { oc.cPrint(OutputContext.paramStringOutputNoComma(paramList, true)); oc.cPrint(", "); } oc.cPrint(stackObjRetCode); oc.cPrint(");}\n\n"); } } if (isConstructor() && isNewUsed) { Term.assertCond(!ourClass.isAbstractOrInterface()); oc.cAndHPrint(newReferenced ? "JCGO_NOSEP_FRWINL " : "JCGO_NOSEP_INLINE "); oc.cAndHPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cAndHPrint(" CFASTCALL\n"); oc.cAndHPrint(newRoutineCName()); oc.cAndHPrint("( "); oc.cAndHPrint(parms); oc.cAndHPrint(" )"); oc.hPrint(";"); oc.cPrint("{"); if (needsTrigClinit) { ourClass.writeTrigClinit(oc); } oc.cPrint("return "); oc.cPrint(routineCName()); oc.cPrint("(\010 "); oc.cPrint(ourClass.cNewObjectCode()); oc.parameterOutputAsArg(paramList); oc.cPrint(");}\n\n"); } oc.hPrint("\n\n"); } private void produceProxyMethodBody(OutputContext oc) { MethodDefinition md = Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_VMPROXY) .getMethod(Names.SIGN_INVOKEPROXYHANDLER0X); if (md == null || !md.usedExact() || !md.isClassMethod()) { if (resType.objectSize() != Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint("return "); oc.cPrint(resType.objectSize() < Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? "(" + resType.castName() + ")0" : LexTerm.NULL_STR); oc.cPrint(";"); } return; } int[] indices = new int[Type.VOID - Type.INT + 1]; MethodSignature msig = methodSignature(); Enumeration en = msig.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { int s0 = ((ExpressionType) en.nextElement()).objectSize(); indices[s0 <= Type.INT ? 0 : s0 < Type.VOID ? s0 - Type.INT : Type.VOID - Type.INT]++; } if (resType.objectSize() < Type.VOID) { int s1 = resType.objectSize(); if (s1 <= Type.INT) { s1 = Type.INT; } if (indices[s1 - Type.INT] == 0) { indices[s1 - Type.INT] = 1; } } for (int s1 = Type.INT; s1 <= Type.VOID; s1++) { if (indices[s1 - Type.INT] > 0) { oc.cPrint(Main.dict.addArrayTypeDefn(s1, indices[s1 - Type.INT], ourClass, null)); oc.cPrint(" jcgo_"); oc.cPrint(s1 != Type.VOID ? Type.name[s1] : "object"); oc.cPrint("Args;"); } } for (int s1 = Type.INT; s1 <= Type.VOID; s1++) { if (indices[s1 - Type.INT] > 0) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.VOID]); oc.cPrint(")"); oc.cPrint(s1 != Type.VOID ? "JCGO_STACKOBJ_PRIMARRNEW" : "JCGO_STACKOBJ_OBJARRNEW"); oc.cPrint("(jcgo_"); oc.cPrint(s1 != Type.VOID ? Type.name[s1] : "object"); oc.cPrint("Args, "); oc.cPrint(ClassDefinition.arrayVTableCName(s1, 0)); oc.cPrint(", "); if (s1 == Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint(Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT) .getClassRefStr(false)); oc.cPrint(", "); } oc.cPrint(Integer.toString(indices[s1 - Type.INT])); oc.cPrint(");"); indices[s1 - Type.INT] = 0; } } Enumeration en2 = msig.elements(); for (int index = 0; en2.hasMoreElements(); index++) { int s0 = ((ExpressionType) en2.nextElement()).objectSize(); int s1 = s0 <= Type.INT ? Type.INT : s0 < Type.VOID ? s0 : Type.VOID; oc.cPrint("JCGO_ARR_INTERNALACC("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[s1 != Type.VOID ? s1 : Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(", ("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[s1 + Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(")JCGO_OBJREF_OF(jcgo_"); oc.cPrint(s1 != Type.VOID ? Type.name[s1] : "object"); oc.cPrint("Args), "); oc.cPrint(Integer.toString(indices[s1 - Type.INT]++)); oc.cPrint(")= "); if (s0 >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(")"); } else if (s0 < Type.INT && s0 > Type.BOOLEAN) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[Type.INT]); oc.cPrint(")"); } Term t = paramList.getArgumentTerm(index); Term.assertCond(t != null); OutputContext oc2 = new OutputContext(); t.parameterOutput(oc2, true, s0 < Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? s0 : Type.NULLREF); oc.cPrint(oc2.instanceToString().substring(2)); if (s0 == Type.BOOLEAN) { oc.cPrint("? 1\003 :\003 0"); } oc.cPrint(";"); } if (resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { oc.cPrint("return "); if (md.exprType() != resType) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cPrint(")"); } } oc.cPrint(md.routineCName()); oc.cPrint("(("); oc.cPrint(Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT).castName()); oc.cPrint(")"); oc.cPrint(This.CNAME); oc.cPrint(", "); String sigString = methodSignature().signatureString(); md = ourClass.getOverridenMethod(sigString, resType); Term.assertCond(md != null && md.used); ClassDefinition cd = md.definingClass(); oc.cPrint(cd.getClassRefStr(false)); int s0 = resType.objectSize(); for (int s1 = Type.INT; s1 <= Type.VOID; s1++) { oc.cPrint(", "); if (indices[s1 - Type.INT] > 0 || (s0 < Type.VOID && (s0 > Type.INT ? s0 : Type.INT) == s1)) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[s1 + Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(")JCGO_OBJREF_OF(jcgo_"); oc.cPrint(s1 != Type.VOID ? Type.name[s1] : "object"); oc.cPrint("Args)"); } else { oc.cPrint(LexTerm.NULL_STR); } } oc.cPrint(", "); oc.cPrint(Integer.toString(cd.getReflectedMethodSlot(sigString))); oc.cPrint(", "); oc.cPrint(Integer.toString(ourClass.getReflectedMethodSlot(sigString))); oc.cPrint(");"); if (s0 < Type.VOID) { oc.cPrint("return "); boolean isBool = false; if (s0 < Type.INT) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[s0]); oc.cPrint(")"); if (s0 == Type.BOOLEAN) { oc.cPrint("("); isBool = true; } s0 = Type.INT; } oc.cPrint("JCGO_ARR_INTERNALACC("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[s0]); oc.cPrint(", ("); oc.cPrint(Type.cName[s0 + Type.CLASSINTERFACE]); oc.cPrint(")JCGO_OBJREF_OF(jcgo_"); oc.cPrint(Type.name[s0]); oc.cPrint("Args), 0)"); if (isBool) { oc.cPrint("!= 0)"); } oc.cPrint(";"); } } boolean isVirtualUsed() { return isVirtual; } void produceJumpTableEntry(ClassDefinition currentClass, boolean isDuplicate) { Term.assertCond(used); OutputContext oc = currentClass.outputContext(); String parms = OutputContext.paramStringOutputNoComma(paramList, false); oc.hPrint(resType.castName()); oc.hPrint(" (CFASTCALL *"); oc.hPrint(isDuplicate ? currentClass.nextDummyEntryName() : csign()); oc.hPrint(")( "); oc.hPrint(ourClass.castName()); oc.hPrint(" "); oc.hPrint(This.CNAME); if (parms.length() > 0) { oc.hPrint(", "); oc.hPrint(parms); } oc.hPrint(" );"); if (!currentClass.isNotInstantated()) { oc.cPrint(",\010"); if (isAbstract() || !usedExact) { oc.cPrint("0"); } else { MethodDefinition md = this; if (!hasParameters()) { md = replaceMethodEntry(); if (resType.objectSize() == Type.VOID && !md.isNative() && !md.hasNonEmptyBody()) { md = Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT).getMethod( Names.SIGN_FINALIZE); if (md == null || !md.usedExact() || resType != md.resType || md.isClassMethod()) { md = this; } } if (md.definingClass() != ourClass) { oc.cPrint("("); oc.cPrint(resType.castName()); oc.cPrint(" (CFASTCALL*)("); oc.cPrint(ourClass.castName()); oc.cPrint("))"); } } oc.cPrint(md.routineCName()); } } } void setTraceExprType(ExpressionType curType) { if (resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE) { if (!curType.hasRealInstances()) { curType = Main.dict.classTable[Type.NULLREF]; } curTraceType = curTraceType != null ? ClassDefinition .maxCommonExprOf(curTraceType, curType, null) : curType; } } ExpressionType traceBody(ObjVector parmTraceSig) { Term.assertCond(usedExact); if (!isConstructor() && !isClassMethod() && ourClass.isProxyClass()) { MethodDefinition md = Main.dict .get(Names.JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_VMPROXY).getMethod( Names.SIGN_INVOKEPROXYHANDLER0X); if (md != null) { md.methodTraceClassInit(false, null, null); } return null; } if (helperMethod != null) { Main.dict.curHelperForMethod = this; helperMethod.body.traceClassInit(); Main.dict.curHelperForMethod = null; } if (isNative()) { if (!Names.isVMCoreClass(ourClass.name())) { ourClass.classTraceClassInit(false); ClassDefinition cd = Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_VMCLASS); MethodDefinition md; if (cd.used() && (md = cd.getMethod(Names.SIGN_ARRAYCLASSOF0X)) != null && md.isClassMethod()) { md.methodTraceClassInit(true, null, null); } } ClassDefinition cd = resType.signatureClass(); if (cd.objectSize() == Type.CLASSINTERFACE && cd.used()) { if (!cd.constructorTraceClassInit(false)) { cd.instanceCreatedOnTrace(); } if (cd.superClass() != null) { cd.constructorTraceClassInitInSubclasses(); } } return null; } if (hasParameters()) { paramList.setTraceExprType(parmTraceSig != null ? parmTraceSig .elements() : null); } ExpressionType oldCurTraceType = curTraceType; curTraceType = null; body.traceClassInit(); ExpressionType curType = null; if (actualType != null && (curType = curTraceType) != null) { if (!actualType.hasRealInstances()) { curType = Main.dict.classTable[Type.NULLREF]; } else if (!ClassDefinition.isAssignableFrom(actualType, curType, null) || actualType == curType) { curType = null; } } curTraceType = oldCurTraceType; return curType; } ExpressionType methodTraceClassInit(boolean isWeak, ExpressionType curActualClass, ObjVector parmTraceSig) { ExpressionType curType = null; if (usedExact) { if (isWeak && !Main.dict.classInitWeakDepend) { Main.dict.classInitWeakDepend = true; curType = methodTraceClassInit(false, curActualClass, parmTraceSig); Main.dict.classInitWeakDepend = false; return curType; } if (isClassMethod()) { curActualClass = null; } else { Term.assertCond(curActualClass == null || ourClass.isAssignableFrom( curActualClass.receiverClass(), 0, null)); if (!ourClass.hasRealInstances() && !isConstructor()) return resType.objectSize() >= Type.CLASSINTERFACE ? Main.dict.classTable[Type.NULLREF] : null; } MethodTraceInfo traceInfo = MethodTraceInfo.create(this, curActualClass, isNative() ? null : parmTraceSig); Main.dict.curTraceInfo.addMethodCall(traceInfo); if (traceInfo.isNotTraced() && !isConstructor()) { ExpressionType actual = actualExprType(); int s0; if (((s0 = actual.objectSize()) == Type.CLASSINTERFACE || s0 == Type.OBJECTARRAY) && actual.signatureClass().hasInstantatedSubclasses( false)) { traceInfo.traceMethod(); } } curType = traceInfo.getResTraceType(); } ClassDefinition aclass; if (used && curActualClass != null && isVirtual && allowOverride() && (aclass = curActualClass.receiverClass()) == curActualClass && aclass.superClass() != null && (!aclass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE) || !resType .name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_STRING))) { ExpressionType curType2 = aclass.traceClInitInSubclasses( methodSignature().signatureString(), isProtectedOrPublic() ? null : ourClass.getPackageName(), !isAbstract(), parmTraceSig); if (curType != null) { curType = isAbstract() ? curType2 : ClassDefinition .maxCommonExprOf(curType, curType2, null); if (actualType != null && !ClassDefinition.isAssignableFrom(actualType, curType, null)) { curType = actualType; } } else if (!usedExact) { curType = curType2; } } if (usedExact && ourClass.name().equals(Names.JAVA_LANG_THREAD) && methodSignature().signatureString().equals( Names.SIGN_INIT_THREADGROUP_2)) { MethodDefinition md = null; if ((curActualClass != null && (md = curActualClass.receiverClass().getMethod( Names.SIGN_RUN)) != null && md.definingClass() != ourClass) || (parmTraceSig == null && (md != null || (md = ourClass .getMethod(Names.SIGN_RUN)) != null))) { md.methodTraceClassInit(false, curActualClass, null); } else { ExpressionType curType2; if (parmTraceSig != null && parmTraceSig.size() > 1 && (curType2 = (ExpressionType) parmTraceSig .elementAt(1)).objectSize() != Type.NULLREF) { aclass = Main.dict.get(Names.JAVA_LANG_RUNNABLE); if (aclass.used() && aclass.isAssignableFrom( curType2.receiverClass(), 0, null) && (md = curType2.receiverClass().getMethod( Names.SIGN_RUN)) != null) { md.methodTraceClassInit(false, curType2, null); } else if ((md = ourClass.getMethod(Names.SIGN_RUN)) != null) { md.methodTraceClassInit(false, curActualClass, null); } } } } return curType; } }