/* * @(#) $(JCGO)/goclsp/vm_str/java/lang/String.java -- * Space-optimized implementation of the standard String class. ** * Project: JCGO (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Ivan Maidanski * All rights reserved. ** * Class specification origin: GNU Classpath v0.93 */ /* * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. ** * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License (GPL) for more details. ** * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is * making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole * combination. ** * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent * modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under * terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked * independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that * module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from * or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend * this exception to your version of the library, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ package java.lang; import gnu.classpath.SystemProperties; import gnu.java.lang.CharData; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class String /* hard-coded class name */ /* const data */ implements Serializable, Comparable, CharSequence { private static final class CaseInsensitiveComparator implements Comparator, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8575799808933029326L; CaseInsensitiveComparator() {} public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((String) o1).compareToIgnoreCase((String) o2); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = -6849794470754667710L; private static final char[] EMPTY_CHARS = {}; private static final char[] upperExpand = zeroBasedStringValue(CharData.UPPER_EXPAND); private static final char[] upperSpecial = zeroBasedStringValue(CharData.UPPER_SPECIAL); public static final Comparator CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER = new CaseInsensitiveComparator(); final Object value; /* hard-coded type and name */ /* const data */ final int offset; /* hard-coded type and name */ final int count; /* hard-coded type and name */ private int cachedHashCode; /* hard-coded type and name */ public String() { value = "".value; offset = 0; count = 0; } public String(String str) { value = str.value; offset = str.offset; count = str.count; cachedHashCode = str.cachedHashCode; } public String(char[] data) { int count = data.length; offset = 0; if (hasHighByte(data, 0, count)) VMSystem.arraycopy(data, 0, value = new char[count], 0, count); else { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; copyCharsToBytes(data, 0, newBytes, 0, count); value = newBytes; } this.count = count; } public String(char[] data, int offset, int count) { if ((offset | count) < 0 || data.length - offset < count) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); this.offset = 0; if (hasHighByte(data, offset, count)) VMSystem.arraycopy(data, offset, value = new char[count], 0, count); else { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; copyCharsToBytes(data, offset, newBytes, 0, count); value = newBytes; } this.count = count; } /** * @deprecated */ public String(byte[] data, int hibyte, int offset, int count) { if ((offset | count) < 0 || data.length - offset < count) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); this.offset = 0; this.count = count; if (hibyte != 0) value = createCharsFromBytes(data, offset, count, hibyte << 8); else { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; VMSystem.arraycopy(data, offset, newBytes, 0, count); value = newBytes; } } /** * @deprecated */ public String(byte[] data, int hibyte) { int count = data.length; offset = 0; this.count = count; if (hibyte != 0) value = createCharsFromBytes(data, 0, count, hibyte << 8); else { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; VMSystem.arraycopy(data, 0, newBytes, 0, count); value = newBytes; } } public String(byte[] data, int offset, int count, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { CharBuffer cbuf = null; try { cbuf = decodeBytes(data, offset, count, encoding); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {} catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) {} catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {} if (cbuf == null) throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Encoding not found: " + encoding); if (cbuf.hasArray()) { value = cbuf.array(); this.offset = cbuf.position(); this.count = cbuf.remaining(); } else { char[] newChars = new char[cbuf.remaining()]; cbuf.get(newChars); value = newChars; this.offset = 0; this.count = newChars.length; } } public String(byte[] data, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this(data, 0, data.length, encoding); } public String(byte[] data, int offset, int count) { CharBuffer cbuf = null; try { cbuf = decodeBytes(data, offset, count, SystemProperties.getProperty("file.encoding")); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } if (cbuf.hasArray()) { value = cbuf.array(); this.offset = cbuf.position(); this.count = cbuf.remaining(); } else { char[] newChars = new char[cbuf.remaining()]; cbuf.get(newChars); value = newChars; this.offset = 0; this.count = newChars.length; } } public String(byte[] data) { this(data, 0, data.length); } public String(StringBuffer buffer) { offset = 0; synchronized (buffer) { buffer.setShared(); value = buffer.value(); count = buffer.length(); } } public String(StringBuilder buffer) /* hard-coded method signature */ { offset = 0; buffer.setShared(); value = buffer.value(); count = buffer.length(); } public String(int[] codePoints, int offset, int count) { if ((offset | count) < 0 || codePoints.length - offset < count) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(count); while (count-- > 0) buffer.appendCodePoint(codePoints[offset++]); this.offset = 0; buffer.setShared(); value = buffer.value(); this.count = buffer.length(); } String(char[] data, int offset, int count, boolean dontCopy) { if (offset <= 0) offset = 0; if (count <= 0) count = 0; if (data.length - offset < count) /* hack */ { offset = 0; count = data.length; } if (dontCopy) { value = data; this.offset = offset; } else { this.offset = 0; if (hasHighByte(data, offset, count)) VMSystem.arraycopy(data, offset, value = new char[count], 0, count); else { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; copyCharsToBytes(data, offset, newBytes, 0, count); value = newBytes; } } this.count = count; } public int length() { return count; } public char charAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= count) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index); /* hack */ Object value = this.value; return value instanceof byte[] ? (char) (((byte[]) value)[offset + index] & 0xff) : ((char[]) value)[offset + index]; } public void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dest, int destBegin) { if (((count - srcEnd) | srcBegin) < 0 || srcEnd < srcBegin) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); copyToChars(value, offset + srcBegin, dest, destBegin, srcEnd - srcBegin); } /** * @deprecated */ public void getBytes(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, byte[] dest, int destBegin) { if (((count - srcEnd) | srcBegin) < 0 || srcEnd < srcBegin) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); Object value = this.value; if (value instanceof byte[]) VMSystem.arraycopy(value, offset + srcBegin, dest, destBegin, srcEnd - srcBegin); else copyCharsToBytes((char[]) value, offset + srcBegin, dest, destBegin, srcEnd - srcBegin); } public byte[] getBytes(String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { try { return encodeValue(value, offset, count, encoding); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) {} catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {} catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Encoding not found: " + encoding); } public byte[] getBytes() { try { return encodeValue(value, offset, count, SystemProperties.getProperty("file.encoding")); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { throw (Error) (new InternalError()).initCause(e); } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (!(obj instanceof String)) return false; String anotherString = (String) obj; int count = this.count; return anotherString.count == count && compareValues(value, offset, anotherString.value, anotherString.offset, count) == 0; } public boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer buffer) { int count = this.count; synchronized (buffer) { return buffer.length() == count && compareValues(value, offset, buffer.value(), 0, count) == 0; } } public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence seq) { if (seq != this) { int count = this.count; if (seq.length() != count) return false; int offset = this.offset; Object value = this.value; if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if ((bytes[offset + i] & 0xff) != seq.charAt(i)) return false; } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (chars[offset + i] != seq.charAt(i)) return false; } } return true; } public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) { int count = this.count; return anotherString != null && anotherString.count == count && compareValuesIgnoreCase(value, offset, anotherString.value, anotherString.offset, count) == 0; } public int compareTo(String anotherString) { int count2 = anotherString.count; int count = this.count; int cmp = compareValues(value, offset, anotherString.value, anotherString.offset, count < count2 ? count : count2); if (cmp == 0) cmp = count - count2; return cmp; } public int compareTo(Object obj) { return compareTo((String) obj); } public int compareToIgnoreCase(String anotherString) { int count2 = anotherString.count; int count = this.count; int cmp = compareValuesIgnoreCase(value, offset, anotherString.value, anotherString.offset, count < count2 ? count : count2); if (cmp == 0) cmp = count - count2; return cmp; } public boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) { return other.count - ooffset >= len && count - toffset >= len && (toffset | ooffset) >= 0 && compareValues(value, offset + toffset, other.value, other.offset + ooffset, len) == 0; } public boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) { return other.count - ooffset >= len && count - toffset >= len && (toffset | ooffset) >= 0 && (ignoreCase ? compareValuesIgnoreCase(value, offset + toffset, other.value, other.offset + ooffset, len) : compareValues(value, offset + toffset, other.value, other.offset + ooffset, len)) == 0; } public boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) { int count2 = prefix.count; return count - toffset >= count2 && toffset >= 0 && compareValues(value, offset + toffset, prefix.value, prefix.offset, count2) == 0; } public boolean startsWith(String prefix) { int count2 = prefix.count; return count >= count2 && compareValues(value, offset, prefix.value, prefix.offset, count2) == 0; } public boolean endsWith(String suffix) { int count2 = suffix.count; int toffset = count - count2; return toffset >= 0 && compareValues(value, offset + toffset, suffix.value, suffix.offset, count2) == 0; } public int hashCode() { int hashCode = cachedHashCode; if (hashCode == 0 && (hashCode = hashCodeOfValue(value, offset, count)) != 0) /* hack */ cachedHashCode = hashCode; return hashCode; } public int indexOf(int ch) { return indexOf(ch, 0); } public int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) { if (((char) ch) == ch) { if (fromIndex <= 0) fromIndex = 0; int offset = this.offset; int count = this.count; fromIndex = indexValueOf(ch, value, offset + fromIndex, count - fromIndex) - offset; if (fromIndex < count) return fromIndex; } return -1; } public int lastIndexOf(int ch) { return lastIndexOf(ch, count - 1); } public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) { if (((char) ch) != ch || fromIndex < 0) return -1; if (fromIndex >= count) fromIndex = count - 1; int offset = this.offset; return lastIndexValueOf(ch, value, offset + fromIndex, fromIndex + 1) - offset; } public int indexOf(String str) { return indexOf(str, 0); } public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) { int lastInd2 = str.count - 1; if (fromIndex <= 0) fromIndex = 0; int limit = count - lastInd2; if (fromIndex >= limit) return -1; if (lastInd2 >= 0) { Object value2 = str.value; int offset2 = str.offset; int ch = getValueAt(value2, offset2); Object value = this.value; int offset = this.offset; offset2++; do { fromIndex = indexValueOf(ch, value, offset + fromIndex, limit - fromIndex) - offset; if (fromIndex >= limit) return -1; if (compareValues(value, offset + fromIndex + 1, value2, offset2, lastInd2) == 0) break; fromIndex++; } while (true); } return fromIndex; } public int lastIndexOf(String str) { return lastIndexOf(str, count - str.count); } public int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) { int lastInd2 = str.count - 1; if (count - lastInd2 <= fromIndex) fromIndex = count - lastInd2 - 1; if (fromIndex < 0) return -1; if (lastInd2 >= 0) { Object value2 = str.value; int offset2 = str.offset; int ch = getValueAt(value2, offset2); Object value = this.value; int offset = this.offset; offset2++; do { fromIndex = lastIndexValueOf(ch, value, offset + fromIndex, fromIndex + 1) - offset; if (fromIndex < 0 || compareValues(value, offset + fromIndex + 1, value2, offset2, lastInd2) == 0) break; fromIndex--; } while (true); } return fromIndex; } public String substring(int beginIndex) { return substring(beginIndex, count); } public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { int margins = (count - endIndex) | beginIndex; if (margins == 0) return this; if (margins < 0 || endIndex < beginIndex) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); int len = endIndex - beginIndex; return len > 0 ? new String(offset + beginIndex, len, value) : ""; } public CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { return substring(beginIndex, endIndex); } public String concat(String str) { int count2 = str.count; int count = this.count; if (count2 == 0) return this; if (count == 0) return str; Object value = this.value; Object value2 = str.value; int offset = this.offset; int offset2 = str.offset; if (getValueLength(value) - offset - count >= count2 && compareValues(value, offset + count, value2, offset2, count2) == 0) return new String(offset, count + count2, value); if (offset2 >= count && compareValues(value, offset, value2, offset2 - count, count) == 0) return new String(offset2 - count, count + count2, value2); if (value instanceof byte[] && value2 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count + count2]; VMSystem.arraycopy(value, offset, newBytes, 0, count); VMSystem.arraycopy(value2, offset2, newBytes, count, count2); return new String(0, newBytes.length, newBytes); } char[] newChars = new char[count + count2]; copyToChars(value, offset, newChars, 0, count); copyToChars(value2, offset2, newChars, count, count2); return new String(0, newChars.length, newChars); } public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) { int pos; if (oldChar == newChar || (pos = indexOf(oldChar, 0)) < 0) return this; int count = this.count; Object value = this.value; if (newChar <= 0xff && value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; VMSystem.arraycopy(value, offset, newBytes, 0, count); newBytes[pos] = (byte) newChar; while (++pos < count) if ((newBytes[pos] & 0xff) == oldChar) newBytes[pos] = (byte) newChar; return new String(0, count, newBytes); } char[] newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(value, offset, newChars, 0, count); newChars[pos] = newChar; while (++pos < count) if (newChars[pos] == oldChar) newChars[pos] = newChar; return new String(0, count, newChars); } public boolean matches(String regex) { return Pattern.matches(regex, this); } public String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement) { return Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(this).replaceFirst(replacement); } public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) { return Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(this).replaceAll(replacement); } public String[] split(String regex, int limit) { return Pattern.compile(regex).split(this, limit); } public String[] split(String regex) { return split(regex, 0); } public String toLowerCase(Locale loc) { return toLowerCase("tr".equals(loc.getLanguage())); } public String toLowerCase() { return toLowerCase(false); } public String toUpperCase(Locale loc) { return toUpperCase("tr".equals(loc.getLanguage())); } public String toUpperCase() { return toUpperCase(false); } public String trim() { int limit = count; int pos = offset; if (limit == 0) return this; Object value = this.value; limit = pos + limit - 1; if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; while ((bytes[pos] & 0xff) <= ' ') if (++pos > limit) return ""; while ((bytes[limit] & 0xff) <= ' ') limit--; } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; while (chars[pos] <= ' ') if (++pos > limit) return ""; while (chars[limit] <= ' ') limit--; } limit = limit - pos + 1; return ((pos - offset) | (count - limit)) > 0 ? new String(pos, limit, value) : this; } public String toString() { return this; } public char[] toCharArray() { char[] newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(value, offset, newChars, 0, newChars.length); return newChars; } public static String valueOf(Object obj) /* hard-coded method signature */ { return obj != null ? obj.toString() : "null"; } public static String valueOf(char[] data) { return valueOf(data, 0, data.length); } public static String valueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) { if ((offset | count) < 0 || data.length - offset < count) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return new String(data, offset, count, false); } public static String copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) { if ((offset | count) < 0 || data.length - offset < count) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return new String(data, offset, count, false); } public static String copyValueOf(char[] data) { return copyValueOf(data, 0, data.length); } public static String valueOf(boolean b) /* hard-coded method signature */ { return b ? "true" : "false"; } public static String valueOf(char c) /* hard-coded method signature */ { return new String(0, 1, c > 0xff ? (Object) new char[] { c } : new byte[] { (byte) c }); } public static String valueOf(int v) /* hard-coded method signature */ { boolean isNeg = true; if (v >= 0) { isNeg = false; v = -v; } int offset = 11; if (v > -10000) { if (v > -100) { offset = 1; if (v <= -10) offset = 2; } else { offset = 3; if (v <= -1000) offset++; } if (isNeg) offset++; } byte[] newBytes = new byte[offset]; do { newBytes[--offset] = (byte) ('0' - (v % 10)); v /= 10; } while (v < 0); if (isNeg) newBytes[--offset] = '-'; return new String(offset, newBytes.length - offset, newBytes); } public static String valueOf(long l) /* hard-coded method signature */ { return Long.toString(l); } public static String valueOf(float f) /* hard-coded method signature */ { return Float.toString(f); } public static String valueOf(double d) /* hard-coded method signature */ { return Double.toString(d); } public String intern() { return VMString.intern(this); } public int codePointAt(int index) { return Character.codePointAt(this, index); } public int codePointBefore(int index) { return Character.codePointBefore(this, index); } public boolean contains(CharSequence seq) { return indexOf(seq.toString(), 0) >= 0; } public int codePointCount(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { if (((count - endIndex) | beginIndex) < 0 || endIndex < beginIndex) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); Object value = this.value; return value instanceof byte[] ? endIndex - beginIndex : Character.codePointCount((char[]) value, offset + beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex); } public int offsetByCodePoints(int index, int codePointOffset) { int count = this.count; if (((count - index) | index) < 0) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index); Object value = this.value; if (value instanceof byte[]) { index = index + codePointOffset; if (((count - index) | index) < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return index; } int offset = this.offset; return Character.offsetByCodePoints((char[]) value, offset, count, offset + index, codePointOffset) - offset; } public String replace(CharSequence oldSeq, CharSequence newSeq) { int oldLen = oldSeq.length(); int newLen = newSeq.length(); if (oldLen == 1 && newLen == 1) return replace(oldSeq.charAt(0), newSeq.charAt(0)); String oldStr = oldSeq.toString(); int pos = indexOf(oldStr, 0); if (pos < 0 || oldSeq.equals(newSeq)) return this; String newStr = newSeq.toString(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(this); do { buffer.replace(pos, pos + oldLen, newStr); pos = buffer.indexOf(oldStr, pos + newLen); } while (pos >= 0); return buffer.toString(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return count == 0; } private static int upperCaseExpansion(char ch) { return Character.direction[0][Character.readCodePoint((int) ch) >> 7] & 0x3; } private static int upperCaseIndex(char ch) { int low = 0; char[] upperSpecialArr = upperSpecial; int hi = upperSpecialArr.length - 2; int mid; char c; while ((c = upperSpecialArr[mid = ((low + hi) >> 2) << 1]) != ch) if (ch < c) hi = mid - 2; else low = mid + 2; return upperSpecialArr[mid + 1]; } static char[] zeroBasedStringValue(String str) { Object value = str.value; int offset = str.offset; int count = str.count; if (value instanceof byte[] || ((((char[]) value).length - count) | offset) > 0) { if (count == 0) return EMPTY_CHARS; char[] newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(value, offset, newChars, 0, count); return newChars; } return (char[]) value; } String(int offset, byte[] bytes, int count) { value = bytes; this.offset = offset; this.count = count; } private String(int offset, int count, Object value) { this.value = value; this.offset = offset; this.count = count; } private static CharBuffer decodeBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, String encoding) throws CharacterCodingException, IllegalCharsetNameException, UnsupportedCharsetException { if ((offset | count) < 0 || bytes.length - offset < count) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); CharsetDecoder csd = Charset.forName(encoding).newDecoder(); csd.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); csd.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); return csd.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, offset, count)); } private static byte[] encodeValue(Object value, int offset, int count, String encoding) throws CharacterCodingException, IllegalCharsetNameException, UnsupportedCharsetException { CharsetEncoder cse = Charset.forName(encoding).newEncoder(); cse.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); cse.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); char[] chars; if (value instanceof byte[]) { chars = new char[count]; copyToChars(value, offset, chars, 0, count); offset = 0; } else chars = (char[]) value; ByteBuffer bbuf = cse.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars, offset, count)); int bytesLen = bbuf.remaining(); if (bbuf.hasArray() && bbuf.capacity() == bytesLen) return bbuf.array(); byte[] newBytes = new byte[bytesLen]; bbuf.get(newBytes); return newBytes; } private static boolean hasHighByte(char[] chars, int offset, int count) { count += offset; while (offset < count) if (chars[offset++] > 0xff) return true; return false; } private String toLowerCase(boolean isTurkish) { int offset = this.offset; int count = this.count; Object value = this.value; char[] chars; char[] newChars; int index; if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; index = searchForNonLower(bytes, offset, count) - offset; if (index >= count) return this; if (!isTurkish && Character.toLowerCase((char) (bytes[offset + index] & 0xff)) <= 0xff) { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; if (index > 0) VMSystem.arraycopy(bytes, offset, newBytes, 0, index); index = convertToLower(bytes, offset + index, newBytes, index, count - index); if (index <= 0) return new String(0, count, newBytes); index = count - index; newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(newBytes, 0, newChars, 0, index); copyToChars(bytes, offset + index, newChars, index, count - index); } else { newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(bytes, offset, newChars, 0, count); } chars = newChars; offset = 0; } else { chars = (char[]) value; index = searchForNonLower(chars, offset, count) - offset; if (index >= count) return this; newChars = new char[count]; if (index > 0) VMSystem.arraycopy(chars, offset, newChars, 0, index); } convertToLower(chars, offset + index, newChars, index, count - index, isTurkish); return new String(0, count, newChars); } private static int searchForNonLower(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) { while (count-- > 0) { char ch = (char) (bytes[offset] & 0xff); if (Character.toLowerCase(ch) != ch) break; offset++; } return offset; } private static int searchForNonLower(char[] chars, int offset, int count) { while (count-- > 0) { char ch = chars[offset]; if (Character.toLowerCase(ch) != ch) break; offset++; } return offset; } private static int convertToLower(byte[] bytes, int offset, byte[] bytes2, int offset2, int count) { if (count > 0) { do { char ch = Character.toLowerCase((char) (bytes[offset++] & 0xff)); if (ch > 0xff) break; bytes2[offset2++] = (byte) ch; } while (--count > 0); } return count; } private static void convertToLower(char[] chars, int offset, char[] chars2, int offset2, int count, boolean isTurkish) { if (isTurkish) { while (count-- > 0) { char ch = chars[offset++]; if (ch == 'I') ch = '\u0131'; else if (ch == '\u0130') ch = 'i'; else ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch); chars2[offset2++] = ch; } } else { while (count-- > 0) chars2[offset2++] = Character.toLowerCase(chars[offset++]); } } private String toUpperCase(boolean isTurkish) { int offset = this.offset; int count = this.count; Object value = this.value; char[] chars; char[] newChars = null; int index; if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; index = searchForNonUpper(bytes, offset, count) - offset; if (index >= count) return this; if (!isTurkish && Character.toUpperCase((char) (bytes[offset + index] & 0xff)) <= 0xff) { byte[] newBytes = new byte[count]; if (index > 0) VMSystem.arraycopy(bytes, offset, newBytes, 0, index); index = convertToUpper(bytes, offset + index, newBytes, index, count - index); if (index <= 0) return new String(0, count, newBytes); index = count - index; newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(newBytes, 0, newChars, 0, index); copyToChars(bytes, offset + index, newChars, index, count - index); } else { newChars = new char[count]; copyToChars(bytes, offset, newChars, 0, count); } chars = newChars; offset = 0; } else { chars = (char[]) value; index = searchForNonUpper(chars, offset, count) - offset; if (index >= count) return this; } int expand = getUpperExpansion(chars, offset + index, count - index); if (expand > 0 || chars != newChars) { newChars = new char[count + expand]; if (index > 0) VMSystem.arraycopy(chars, offset, newChars, 0, index); } if (isTurkish || expand > 0) convertToUpper(chars, offset + index, newChars, index, count - index, isTurkish); else convertToUpper(chars, offset + index, newChars, index, count - index); return new String(0, count, newChars); } private static int searchForNonUpper(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) { while (count-- > 0) { char ch = (char) (bytes[offset] & 0xff); if (Character.toUpperCase(ch) != ch || upperCaseExpansion(ch) > 0) break; offset++; } return offset; } private static int searchForNonUpper(char[] chars, int offset, int count) { while (count-- > 0) { char ch = chars[offset]; if (Character.toUpperCase(ch) != ch || upperCaseExpansion(ch) > 0) break; offset++; } return offset; } private static int getUpperExpansion(char[] chars, int offset, int count) { int expand = 0; while (count-- > 0) expand += upperCaseExpansion(chars[offset++]); return expand; } private static int convertToUpper(byte[] bytes, int offset, byte[] bytes2, int offset2, int count) { if (count > 0) { do { char ch = (char) (bytes[offset++] & 0xff); if (upperCaseExpansion(ch) > 0) break; ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch); if (ch > 0xff) break; bytes2[offset2++] = (byte) ch; } while (--count > 0); } return count; } private static void convertToUpper(char[] chars, int offset, char[] chars2, int offset2, int count) { while (count-- > 0) chars2[offset2++] = Character.toUpperCase(chars[offset++]); } private static void convertToUpper(char[] chars, int offset, char[] chars2, int offset2, int count, boolean isTurkish) { while (count-- > 0) { char ch = chars[offset++]; if (ch == '\u0131' && isTurkish) ch = 'I'; else if (ch == 'i' && isTurkish) ch = '\u0130'; else { int expand = upperCaseExpansion(ch); if (expand > 0) { char[] upperExpandArr = upperExpand; int index = upperCaseIndex(ch); do { chars2[offset2++] = upperExpandArr[index++]; } while (--expand > 0); ch = upperExpandArr[index]; } else ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch); } chars2[offset2++] = ch; } } private static char[] createCharsFromBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, int orval) { char[] newChars = new char[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) newChars[i] = (char) ((bytes[offset++] & 0xff) | orval); return newChars; } private static void copyCharsToBytes(char[] chars, int offset, byte[] bytes2, int offset2, int count) { while (count-- > 0) bytes2[offset2++] = (byte) chars[offset++]; } private static void copyToChars(Object value, int offset, char[] chars2, int offset2, int count) { if (count > 0) { if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; do { chars2[offset2++] = (char) (bytes[offset++] & 0xff); } while (--count > 0); } else VMSystem.arraycopy(value, offset, chars2, offset2, count); } } private static int hashCodeOfValue(Object value, int offset, int count) { int hashCode = 0; if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; while (count-- > 0) { hashCode = (bytes[offset] & 0xff) + (hashCode << 5) - hashCode; offset++; } } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; while (count-- > 0) hashCode = chars[offset++] + (hashCode << 5) - hashCode; } return hashCode; } private static int indexValueOf(int ch, Object value, int pos, int count) { if (value instanceof byte[]) { if (ch > 0xff) return pos + count; byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; while (count-- > 0 && (bytes[pos] & 0xff) != ch) pos++; } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; while (count-- > 0 && chars[pos] != ch) pos++; } return pos; } private static int lastIndexValueOf(int ch, Object value, int pos, int count) { if (value instanceof byte[]) { if (ch > 0xff) return pos - count; byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; while (count-- > 0 && (bytes[pos] & 0xff) != ch) pos--; } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; while (count-- > 0 && chars[pos] != ch) pos--; } return pos; } private static int compareValues(Object value, int offset, Object value2, int offset2, int count) { int cmp = 0; if (offset != offset2 || value != value2) { if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; if (value2 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes2 = (byte[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) { cmp = (bytes[offset] & 0xff) - (bytes2[offset2] & 0xff); if (cmp != 0) break; offset++; offset2++; } } else { char[] chars2 = (char[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = (bytes[offset++] & 0xff) - chars2[offset2++]) != 0) break; } } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; if (value2 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes2 = (byte[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = chars[offset++] - (bytes2[offset2++] & 0xff)) != 0) break; } else { char[] chars2 = (char[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = chars[offset++] - chars2[offset2++]) != 0) break; } } } return cmp; } private static int compareValuesIgnoreCase(Object value, int offset, Object value2, int offset2, int count) { int cmp = 0; if (offset != offset2 || value != value2) { if (value instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) value; if (value2 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes2 = (byte[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = compareCharsIgnoreCase(bytes[offset++] & 0xff, bytes2[offset2++] & 0xff)) != 0) break; } else { char[] chars2 = (char[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = compareCharsIgnoreCase(bytes[offset++] & 0xff, chars2[offset2++])) != 0) break; } } else { char[] chars = (char[]) value; if (value2 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes2 = (byte[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = compareCharsIgnoreCase(chars[offset++], bytes2[offset2++] & 0xff)) != 0) break; } else { char[] chars2 = (char[]) value2; while (count-- > 0) if ((cmp = compareCharsIgnoreCase(chars[offset++], chars2[offset2++])) != 0) break; } } } return cmp; } private static int compareCharsIgnoreCase(int ch, int ch2) { int cmp = 0; if (ch != ch2) { char c = Character.toUpperCase((char) ch); char c2 = Character.toUpperCase((char) ch2); if (c != c2) cmp = Character.toLowerCase(c) - Character.toLowerCase(c2); } return cmp; } private static int getValueLength(Object value) { return value instanceof byte[] ? ((byte[]) value).length : ((char[]) value).length; } private static char getValueAt(Object value, int index) { return value instanceof byte[] ? (char) (((byte[]) value)[index] & 0xff) : ((char[]) value)[index]; } }