mirror of https://github.com/pothos/arduino-n64-controller-library synced 2025-02-16 06:40:10 -05:00
Kai Lüke 2014-10-08 02:13:04 +02:00
commit 4458b8f80c
3 changed files with 659 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
#include "N64Controller.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "pins_arduino.h"
// these two macros set arduino pin 2 to input or output, which with an
// external 1K pull-up resistor to the 3.3V rail, is like pulling it high or
// low. These operations translate to 1 op code, which takes 2 cycles
#define N64_PIND_HIGH DDRD &= ~pincode
#define N64_PIND_LOW DDRD |= pincode
#define N64_PIND_QUERY (PIND & pincode)
#define N64_PINB_HIGH DDRB &= ~pincode
#define N64_PINB_LOW DDRB |= pincode
#define N64_PINB_QUERY (PINB & pincode)
void N64Controller::set_up() {
n64_PIN = 2; // might also be set/changed by constructor or begin() afterwards
n64_key_Dup = false;
n64_key_Ddown = false;
n64_key_Dleft = false;
n64_key_Dright = false;
n64_key_Start = false;
n64_key_Z = false;
n64_key_A = false;
n64_key_B = false;
n64_key_Cup = false;
n64_key_Cdown = false;
n64_key_Cleft = false;
n64_key_Cright = false;
n64_key_L = false;
n64_key_R = false;
n64_key_X = 0;
n64_key_Y = 0;
N64Controller::N64Controller() {
N64Controller::N64Controller(int serialPin) {
n64_PIN = serialPin;
void N64Controller::begin(int serialPin) {
n64_PIN = serialPin;
void N64Controller::begin() {
// Communication with N64 controller controller on this pin
// Don't remove these lines, we don't want to push +5V to the controller
digitalWrite(n64_PIN, LOW);
pinMode(n64_PIN, INPUT);
n64_first_register = true;
switch (n64_PIN) {
case 0: n64_pincode = 0x01;
case 1: n64_pincode = 0x02;
case 2: n64_pincode = 0x04;
case 3: n64_pincode = 0x08;
case 4: n64_pincode = 0x10;
case 5: n64_pincode = 0x20;
case 6: n64_pincode = 0x40;
case 7: n64_pincode = 0x80;
case 8: n64_pincode = 0x01; n64_first_register = false;
case 9: n64_pincode = 0x02; n64_first_register = false;
case 10: n64_pincode = 0x04; n64_first_register = false;
case 11: n64_pincode = 0x08; n64_first_register = false;
case 12: n64_pincode = 0x10; n64_first_register = false;
case 13: n64_pincode = 0x20; n64_first_register = false;
n64_pincode = 0x04; n64_PIN = 2;
if (n64_first_register) {
} else {
void N64Controller::N64_init_PIND(char pincode) {
// Initialize the gamecube controller by sending it a null byte.
// This is unnecessary for a standard controller, but is required for the
// Wavebird.
unsigned char initialize = 0x00;
N64_PIND_send(pincode, &initialize, 1);
// Stupid routine to wait for the gamecube controller to stop
// sending its response. We don't care what it is, but we
// can't start asking for status if it's still responding
int x;
for (x=0; x<64; x++) {
// make sure the line is idle for 64 iterations, should
// be plenty.
if (!N64_PIND_QUERY)
x = 0;
// Query for the gamecube controller's status. We do this
// to get the 0 point for the control stick.
unsigned char command[] = {0x01};
N64_PIND_send(pincode, command, 1);
// read in data and dump it to N64_raw_dump
void N64Controller::N64_init_PINB(char pincode) {
unsigned char initialize = 0x00;
N64_PINB_send(pincode, &initialize, 1);
int x;
for (x=0; x<64; x++) {
if (!N64_PINB_QUERY)
x = 0;
unsigned char command[] = {0x01};
N64_PINB_send(pincode, command, 1);
* This sends the given byte sequence to the controller
* length must be at least 1
* Oh, it destroys the buffer passed in as it writes it
void N64Controller::N64_PIND_send(char pincode, unsigned char *buffer, char length) {
// Send these bytes
char bits;
bool bit;
// This routine is very carefully timed by examining the assembly output.
// Do not change any statements, it could throw the timings off
// We get 16 cycles per microsecond, which should be plenty, but we need to
// be conservative. Most assembly ops take 1 cycle, but a few take 2
// I use manually constructed for-loops out of gotos so I have more control
// over the outputted assembly. I can insert nops where it was impossible
// with a for loop
asm volatile (";Starting outer for loop");
asm volatile (";Starting inner for loop");
// Starting a bit, set the line low
asm volatile (";Setting line to low");
N64_PIND_LOW; // 1 op, 2 cycles
asm volatile (";branching");
if (*buffer >> 7) {
asm volatile (";Bit is a 1");
// 1 bit
// remain low for 1us, then go high for 3us
// nop block 1
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n");
asm volatile (";Setting line to high");
// nop block 2
// we'll wait only 2us to sync up with both conditions
// at the bottom of the if statement
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
} else {
asm volatile (";Bit is a 0");
// 0 bit
// remain low for 3us, then go high for 1us
// nop block 3
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
asm volatile (";Setting line to high");
// wait for 1us
asm volatile ("; end of conditional branch, need to wait 1us more before next bit");
// end of the if, the line is high and needs to remain
// high for exactly 16 more cycles, regardless of the previous
// branch path
asm volatile (";finishing inner loop body");
if (bits != 0) {
// nop block 4
// this block is why a for loop was impossible
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
// rotate bits
asm volatile (";rotating out bits");
*buffer <<= 1;
goto inner_loop;
} // fall out of inner loop
asm volatile (";continuing outer loop");
// In this case: the inner loop exits and the outer loop iterates,
// there are /exactly/ 16 cycles taken up by the necessary operations.
// So no nops are needed here (that was lucky!)
if (length != 0) {
goto outer_loop;
} // fall out of outer loop
// send a single stop (1) bit
// nop block 5
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n");
// wait 1 us, 16 cycles, then raise the line
// 16-2=14
// nop block 6
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
void N64Controller::N64_PINB_send(char pincode, unsigned char *buffer, char length) {
char bits;
bool bit;
asm volatile (";Starting outer for loop");
asm volatile (";Starting inner for loop");
asm volatile (";Setting line to low");
asm volatile (";branching");
if (*buffer >> 7) {
asm volatile (";Bit is a 1");
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n");
asm volatile (";Setting line to high");
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
} else {
asm volatile (";Bit is a 0");
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
asm volatile (";Setting line to high");
asm volatile ("; end of conditional branch, need to wait 1us more before next bit");
asm volatile (";finishing inner loop body");
if (bits != 0) {
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
asm volatile (";rotating out bits");
*buffer <<= 1;
goto inner_loop;
asm volatile (";continuing outer loop");
if (length != 0) {
goto outer_loop;
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n");
asm volatile ("nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
void N64Controller::N64_PIND_get(char pincode)
// listen for the expected 8 bytes of data back from the controller and
// blast it out to the N64_raw_dump array, one bit per byte for extra speed.
// Afterwards, call translate_raw_data() to interpret the raw data and pack
// it into the N64_status struct.
asm volatile (";Starting to listen");
unsigned char timeout;
char bitcount = 32;
char *bitbin = N64_raw_dump;
// Again, using gotos here to make the assembly more predictable and
// optimization easier (please don't kill me)
timeout = 0x3f;
// wait for line to go low
while (N64_PIND_QUERY) {
if (!--timeout)
// wait approx 2us and poll the line
asm volatile (
*bitbin = N64_PIND_QUERY;
if (bitcount == 0)
// wait for line to go high again
// it may already be high, so this should just drop through
timeout = 0x3f;
while (!N64_PIND_QUERY) {
if (!--timeout)
goto read_loop;
void N64Controller::N64_PINB_get(char pincode)
asm volatile (";Starting to listen");
unsigned char timeout;
char bitcount = 32;
char *bitbin = N64_raw_dump;
timeout = 0x3f;
while (N64_PINB_QUERY) {
if (!--timeout)
asm volatile (
*bitbin = N64_PINB_QUERY;
if (bitcount == 0)
timeout = 0x3f;
while (!N64_PINB_QUERY) {
if (!--timeout)
goto read_loop;
void N64Controller::print_N64_status()
int i;
// bits: A, B, Z, Start, Dup, Ddown, Dleft, Dright
// bits: 0, 0, L, R, Cup, Cdown, Cleft, Cright
Serial.print("Start: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 16 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Z: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 32 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("B: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 64 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("A: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 128 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("L: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data2 & 32 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("R: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data2 & 16 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Cup: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data2 & 0x08 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Cdown: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data2 & 0x04 ? 1:0);
Serial.println(N64_status.data2 & 0x01 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Cleft: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data2 & 0x02 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Dup: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 0x08 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Ddown: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 0x04 ? 1:0);
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 0x01 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Dleft: ");
Serial.println(N64_status.data1 & 0x02 ? 1:0);
Serial.print("Stick X:");
Serial.println(N64_status.stick_x, DEC);
Serial.print("Stick Y:");
Serial.println(N64_status.stick_y, DEC);
void N64Controller::translate_raw_data()
// The get_N64_status function sloppily dumps its data 1 bit per byte
// into the get_status_extended char array. It's our job to go through
// that and put each piece neatly into the struct N64_status
int i;
memset(&N64_status, 0, sizeof(N64_status));
// line 1
// bits: A, B, Z, Start, Dup, Ddown, Dleft, Dright
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
N64_status.data1 |= N64_raw_dump[i] ? (0x80 >> i) : 0;
// line 2
// bits: 0, 0, L, R, Cup, Cdown, Cleft, Cright
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
N64_status.data2 |= N64_raw_dump[8+i] ? (0x80 >> i) : 0;
// line 3
// bits: joystick x value
// These are 8 bit values centered at 0x80 (128)
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
N64_status.stick_x |= N64_raw_dump[16+i] ? (0x80 >> i) : 0;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
N64_status.stick_y |= N64_raw_dump[24+i] ? (0x80 >> i) : 0;
n64_key_A = (bool)N64_raw_dump[0];
n64_key_B = (bool)N64_raw_dump[1];
n64_key_Z = (bool)N64_raw_dump[2];
n64_key_Start = (bool)N64_raw_dump[3];
n64_key_Dup = (bool)N64_raw_dump[4];
n64_key_Ddown = (bool)N64_raw_dump[5];
n64_key_Dleft = (bool)N64_raw_dump[6];
n64_key_Dright = (bool)N64_raw_dump[7];
n64_key_L = (bool)N64_raw_dump[10];
n64_key_R = (bool)N64_raw_dump[11];
n64_key_Cup = (bool)N64_raw_dump[12];
n64_key_Cdown = (bool)N64_raw_dump[13];
n64_key_Cleft = (bool)N64_raw_dump[14];
n64_key_Cright = (bool)N64_raw_dump[15];
n64_key_X = (int) N64_status.stick_x;
n64_key_Y = (int) N64_status.stick_y;
void N64Controller::update() {
unsigned char data, addr;
unsigned char command[] = {0x01};
if (n64_first_register) {
N64_PIND_send(n64_pincode, command, 1);
} else {
N64_PINB_send(n64_pincode, command, 1);

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
* Gamecube controller to Nintendo 64 adapter
* by Andrew Brown
* Rewritten for N64 to HID by Peter Den Hartog
* Modified to be a library by Kai Lüke
* To use, hook up the following to the Arduino:
* Digital I/O 2: N64 serial line
* All appropriate grounding and power lines, i.e.
* GND to left N64 controller PIN, Dig.PIN2 to middle Serial/Signal,
* 3.3V to right N64 PIN
* /------------\
* / O O O \
* | GND Signl 3.3V |
* |________________|
* Maybe: connect PIN X with external 1K pull-up resistor to the 3.3V rail
* Default and fallback PIN is 2
#ifndef N64Controller_h
#define N64Controller_h
class N64Controller {
N64Controller(int serialPin); // first thing to call
void begin(int serialPin);
void begin(); // second thing to call
void update(); // then update always and get button info
// consider to have a delay instead of
// calling update all the time in a loop
inline bool button_D_up() { return n64_key_Dup; };
inline bool button_D_down() { return n64_key_Ddown; };
inline bool button_D_left() { return n64_key_Dleft; };
inline bool button_D_right() { return n64_key_Dright; };
inline bool button_Start() { return n64_key_Start; };
inline bool button_A() { return n64_key_A; };
inline bool button_B() { return n64_key_B; };
inline bool button_Z() { return n64_key_Z; };
inline bool button_L() { return n64_key_L; };
inline bool button_R() { return n64_key_R; };
inline bool button_C_up() { return n64_key_Cup; };
inline bool button_C_down() { return n64_key_Cdown; };
inline bool button_C_left() { return n64_key_Cleft; };
inline bool button_C_right() { return n64_key_Cright; };
inline int axis_x() { return n64_key_X; };
inline int axis_y() { return n64_key_Y; };
void print_N64_status();
void set_up();
int n64_PIN; // might also be set by constructor or begin()
char n64_pincode;
bool n64_first_register; // PIN0-7: DDRD PIN8-13: DDRB
bool n64_key_Dup;
bool n64_key_Ddown;
bool n64_key_Dleft;
bool n64_key_Dright;
bool n64_key_Start;
bool n64_key_Z;
bool n64_key_A;
bool n64_key_B;
bool n64_key_Cup;
bool n64_key_Cdown;
bool n64_key_Cleft;
bool n64_key_Cright;
bool n64_key_L;
bool n64_key_R;
int n64_key_X;
int n64_key_Y;
void N64_init_PIND(char pincode);
void N64_PIND_send(char pincode, unsigned char *buffer, char length);
void N64_PIND_get(char pincode);
void N64_init_PINB(char pincode);
void N64_PINB_send(char pincode, unsigned char *buffer, char length);
void N64_PINB_get(char pincode);
void translate_raw_data();
// 8 bytes of data that we get from the controller
struct {
// bits: 0, 0, 0, start, y, x, b, a
unsigned char data1;
// bits: 1, L, R, Z, Dup, Ddown, Dright, Dleft
unsigned char data2;
char stick_x;
char stick_y;
} N64_status;
char N64_raw_dump[33]; // 1 received bit per byte

README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Arduino N64 Controller Library
Based on the work in http://www.instructables.com/id/Use-an-Arduino-with-an-N64-controller/ here comes a comfortable library for usage with e.g. Arduino Uno. For NES there is already http://code.google.com/p/nespad/ . This library uses inline assembly and controllers can be attached to PIN 0 up to 13. But be aware that it's not written in best way possible. Place the folder N64Controller into your folder 'libraries'.
I used it in combination with TVout ( http://code.google.com/p/arduino-tvout/ ) and EEPROM ( http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/EEPROMWriteAnything ) for highscore I modified an existing Tetris port which itself uses Simple Tetris Clone under MIT license to be useing this library here and the result is quite nice: http://pothos.blogsport.eu/files/2012/03/N64Tetris.zip
Example code for library usage:
#include <N64Controller.h>
N64Controller player1 (12); // this controler for player one is on PIN 12
void setup() {
player1.begin(); // Initialisation
void loop() {
player1.update(); // read key state
if (player1.button_A() && player1.button_D_down()
|| player1.button_Start()) { // has no deeper meaning ;)
int xachse = player1.axis_x(); // can be negative oder positive
// regarding to orientation of the analog stick
// …
To use, hook up the following to the Arduino:
Digital I/O 2: N64 serial line
All appropriate grounding and power lines, i.e.
GND to left N64 controller PIN, Dig.PIN2 to middle Serial/Signal,
3.3V to right N64 PIN
/ O O O \
| GND Signl 3.3V |
Maybe: connect PIN X with external 1K pull-up resistor to the 3.3V rail
Default and fallback PIN is 2
Gamecube controller to Nintendo 64 adapter
by Andrew Brown
Rewritten for N64 to HID by Peter Den Hartog
Modified to be a library with selectable pins by Kai Lüke