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  <!-- Anarch game webpage, made by Miloslav Číž, released under CC0 1.0. -->

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    <meta name="author" content="Miloslav Číž">
    <meta name="description" content="Anarch game website">
    <meta name="keywords" content="game,gaming,anarch,drummyfish,tastyfish,anarchism,free software,free culture,public domain,cc0,freedom,suckless,open source">

    <title> Anarch </title>

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    <span class="subtitle"><i>suckless, anticapitalist, public domain game for everyone</i></span>

    <iframe width="560" height="315" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts" src="https://peertube.mastodon.host/videos/embed/6c901037-b68b-45ac-8714-18903f34354c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <span class="wow">THIS IS SPECIAL</span>

      <li>needs only <b>200 KB</b>, <b>32 KB RAM</b>, <b>40 MHz CPU</b>!</li>
      <li><b>suckless</b>, pure C, <b>no dependencies</b>, no FPU, GPU or file I/O needed</li>
      <li>10 levels, 6 weapons, 7 enemy types, 3 ammo types</li>
      <li>varying floor/ceiling oldschool SW ray casting engine with mouse support</li>
      <li><b>100% pubic domain</b> CC0 free software and culture</li>
      <li>100% original work, no third party assets</li>
      <li>well documented, hackable, <b>extremely portable</b></li>
      <li>completely <b>gratis</b>, without ads, DRM or similar bullshit</li>

    <p class="description">
      This isn't a 90s style retro shooter, this <b>is</b> a 90s shooter.

    <p class="description">
      This game runs everywhere and adheres to great <a href="https://suckless.org">simplicity</a>.
      It is much more efficient and portable than Doom and has completely
      <b>no dependencies</b>. Not even floating point is used, in case your
      computer doesn't have the HW unit. The game can fit into <b>200 KB</b>
      (including assets!) and can run with just <b>32 KB RAM</b>. No build system,
      library, internet connection or package manager is inherently required for
      compilation as the whole game is written in pure C language.

    <p class="description">
      This game is not just a mere entertainment, it is an art that
      categorically rejects capitalist technology.
   <img class="photo" src="media/3screens.png" alt="screenshots">

    <span class="wow">MORE THAN A GAME</span>

    <p class="description">
      This is not a mere entertainment toy meant for killing time or pursuing low
      goals such as making profit, this is art, a tool, a blueprint, a manifesto.
      Anarch is completely gratis and free as in freedom and besides entertainment
      can also be used for hacking, education, research, media creation, as a benchmark,
      as a test, as an environment, as an engine, as a basis for something greater.
      You are not limited by anything. Nothing is hidden, everything is allowed,
      no burdens are imposed.

    <img class="photo" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Anarch_Devices.jpg" alt="screenshots">

    <span class="wow">NO ONE OWNS THIS</span>

    <p class="description">
      Not even I, the creator, own any part of this game.
      I&nbsp;have purposefully created everything myself from scratch,
      including the engine, graphics, sounds, music, even the font and palette,
      so that I could eventually give up all my rights and
      dedicate this game fully and <b>completely to the public domain</b>,
      to you, my dear fellow human being. No one shoud be allowed to own
      information and art.

    <p class="description">
      I've done my best to ensure this is 100% free as in freedom software and
      culture, well understandable and documented. This isn't made for any
      profit. This is made out of <b>love</b>, for you and for the greater good.

      <li><a href="">GNU/Linux SDL</a></li>
      <li><a href="">GNU/Linux CSFML</a></li>
      <li><a href="">play in browser</a></li>
      <li><a href="">Pokitto</a></li>
      <li><a href="">GB Meta</a></li>
      <li><a href="">M$ Win$hit XP SDL</a></li>
      <li><a href="">source code</a></li>


      <li><a href="https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/sucklessfps">source code</a></li>
      <li><a href="https://www.tastyfish.cz">author's website</a></li>
      <li><a href="">libre game wiki</a></li>
      <li><a href="">OGA assets</a></li>

    <h2><a href="https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/anarch#faq">FAQ in readme</a></h2>

    <p class="footer">
      This page and the presented game, both made by drummyfish, are released under
      <a href="https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/">CC0 1.0</a>.
      This page uses <a href="http://dotcolon.net/font/aileron/">Aileron</a>
      CC0 font (if loaded properly).
