/** @file main_espboy.ino This is ESPboy implementation of the game front end, using Arduino libraries. by Miloslav Ciz (drummyfish), 2021 Sadly compiling can't be done with any other optimization flag than -Os. Released under CC0 1.0 (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) plus a waiver of all other intellectual property. The goal of this work is to be and remain completely in the public domain forever, available for any use whatsoever. */ #define SFG_CAN_SAVE 1 // for version without saving, set this to 0 #define SFG_FOV_HORIZONTAL 240 #define SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X 128 #define SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_Y 128 #define SFG_FPS 22 #define SFG_RAYCASTING_MAX_STEPS 20 #define SFG_RAYCASTING_SUBSAMPLE 2 #define SFG_DIMINISH_SPRITES 1 #define SFG_CAN_EXIT 0 #define SFG_DITHERED_SHADOW 1 #define SFG_AVR 1 #include #include #include #include #if SFG_CAN_SAVE #include #define SAVE_VALID_VALUE 173 EEPROMClass eeprom; #endif #define MCP23017address 0 #define MCP4725address 0x60 Adafruit_MCP23017 mcp; Adafruit_MCP4725 dac; TFT_eSPI tft; #include "game.h" #define SAVE_VALID_VALUE 73 uint8_t gamescreen[SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X * SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_Y]; uint8_t keys; void SFG_setPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t colorIndex) { gamescreen[y * SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X + x] = colorIndex; } void SFG_sleepMs(uint16_t timeMs) { } uint32_t SFG_getTimeMs() { return millis(); } int8_t SFG_keyPressed(uint8_t key) { switch (key) { case SFG_KEY_UP: return keys & 0x02; break; case SFG_KEY_DOWN: return keys & 0x04; break; case SFG_KEY_RIGHT: return keys & 0x08; break; case SFG_KEY_LEFT: return keys & 0x01; break; case SFG_KEY_A: return keys & 0x10; break; case SFG_KEY_B: return keys & 0x20; break; case SFG_KEY_C: return keys & 0x80; break; case SFG_KEY_MAP: return keys & 0x40; break; default: return 0; break; } } void SFG_getMouseOffset(int16_t *x, int16_t *y) { } void SFG_setMusic(uint8_t value) { } void SFG_save(uint8_t data[SFG_SAVE_SIZE]) { #if SFG_CAN_SAVE eeprom.write(0,SAVE_VALID_VALUE); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SFG_SAVE_SIZE; ++i) eeprom.write(i + 1,data[i]); eeprom.commit(); #endif } void SFG_processEvent(uint8_t event, uint8_t data) { } uint8_t SFG_load(uint8_t data[SFG_SAVE_SIZE]) { #if SFG_CAN_SAVE if (eeprom.read(0) == SAVE_VALID_VALUE) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SFG_SAVE_SIZE; ++i) data[i] = eeprom.read(i + 1); return 1; #else return 0; #endif } void SFG_playSound(uint8_t soundIndex, uint8_t volume) { int freq = 400; int dur = 75; switch (soundIndex) { case 0: freq = 120; dur = 250; break; // shot case 1: freq = 200; dur = 260; break; // door case 2: freq = 80; dur = 200; break; // explosion case 3: freq = 220; dur = 50; break; // click case 4: freq = 180; dur = 200; break; // plasma case 5: freq = 300; dur = 100; break; // monster default: break; } tone(D3,freq,dur); } void setup() { dac.begin(MCP4725address); delay (100); dac.setVoltage(0,false); mcp.begin(MCP23017address); delay(100); // buttons for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { mcp.pinMode(i,INPUT); mcp.pullUp(i,HIGH); } mcp.pinMode(8,OUTPUT); mcp.digitalWrite(8,LOW); tft.begin(); delay(100); tft.setRotation(0); tft.setAddrWindow(0,128,0,128); tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); dac.setVoltage(4095,true); // backlight pinMode(D3,OUTPUT); // sound #if SFG_CAN_SAVE eeprom.begin(SFG_SAVE_SIZE + 1); #endif SFG_init(); } void loop() { keys = ~mcp.readGPIOAB() & 255; SFG_mainLoopBody(); uint8_t *pixel = gamescreen; for (int i = 0; i < SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X * SFG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_Y; ++i) { tft.pushColor(pgm_read_word(paletteRGB565 + *pixel)); pixel++; } }