Garrett Cox 0389c8084c
Cleanup some of our uses of custom messages (#1847)
* Cleanup some of our uses of custom messages

* Fix some string escape warnings
2022-10-25 21:24:48 -04:00

172 lines
7.0 KiB

#include "CustomMessageManager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdint.h>
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
CustomMessageManager::CustomMessageManager() {
this->textBoxSpecialCharacters = { { "À", 0x80 }, { "î", 0x81 }, { "Â", 0x82 }, { "Ä", 0x83 }, { "Ç", 0x84 },
{ "È", 0x85 }, { "É", 0x86 }, { "Ê", 0x87 }, { "Ë", 0x88 }, { "Ï", 0x89 },
{ "Ô", 0x8A }, { "Ö", 0x8B }, { "Ù", 0x8C }, { "Û", 0x8D }, { "Ü", 0x8E },
{ "ß", 0x8F }, { "à", 0x90 }, { "á", 0x91 }, { "â", 0x92 }, { "ä", 0x93 },
{ "ç", 0x94 }, { "è", 0x95 }, { "é", 0x96 }, { "ê", 0x97 }, { "ë", 0x98 },
{ "ï", 0x99 }, { "ô", 0x9A }, { "ö", 0x9B }, { "ù", 0x9C }, { "û", 0x9D },
{ "ü", 0x9E } };
this->colors = { { "w", QM_WHITE }, { "r", QM_RED }, { "g", QM_GREEN }, { "b", QM_BLUE },
{ "c", QM_LBLUE }, { "p", QM_PINK }, { "y", QM_YELLOW }, { "B", QM_BLACK } };
CustomMessageManager::~CustomMessageManager() {
void CustomMessageManager::ReplaceSpecialCharacters(std::string& string) {
// add special characters
for (auto specialCharacterPair : this->textBoxSpecialCharacters) {
size_t start_pos = 0;
std::string textBoxSpecialCharacterString = ""s;
textBoxSpecialCharacterString += specialCharacterPair.second;
while ((start_pos = string.find(specialCharacterPair.first, 0)) != std::string::npos) {
string.replace(start_pos, specialCharacterPair.first.length(), textBoxSpecialCharacterString);
start_pos += textBoxSpecialCharacterString.length();
void CustomMessageManager::ReplaceColors(std::string& string) {
for (auto colorPair : colors) {
std::string textToReplace = "%";
textToReplace += colorPair.first;
size_t start_pos = 0;
while ((start_pos = string.find(textToReplace)) != std::string::npos) {
string.replace(start_pos, textToReplace.length(), COLOR(colorPair.second));
start_pos += textToReplace.length();
void ReplaceString(std::string& source, std::string textToReplace, std::string value) {
size_t pos = source.find(textToReplace);
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
source.replace(pos, textToReplace.length(), value);
void CustomMessageManager::ReplaceStringInMessage(CustomMessageEntry& messageEntry, std::string textToReplace, std::string value) {
ReplaceString(messageEntry.english, textToReplace, value);
ReplaceString(messageEntry.german, textToReplace, value);
ReplaceString(messageEntry.french, textToReplace, value);
void CustomMessageManager::ReplaceStringInMessage(CustomMessageEntry& messageEntry, std::string textToReplace, std::string englishValue, std::string germanValue, std::string frenchValue) {
ReplaceString(messageEntry.english, textToReplace, englishValue);
ReplaceString(messageEntry.german, textToReplace, germanValue);
ReplaceString(messageEntry.french, textToReplace, frenchValue);
void CustomMessageManager::FormatCustomMessage(std::string& message, ItemID iid) {
message.insert(0, ITEM_OBTAINED(iid));
size_t start_pos = 0;
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), '&', NEWLINE()[0]);
while ((start_pos = message.find('^', start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
message.replace(start_pos, 1, WAIT_FOR_INPUT() + ITEM_OBTAINED(iid));
start_pos += 3;
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), '@', PLAYER_NAME()[0]);
message += MESSAGE_END();
void CustomMessageManager::FormatCustomMessage(std::string& message) {
size_t start_pos = 0;
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), '&', NEWLINE()[0]);
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), '^', WAIT_FOR_INPUT()[0]);
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), '@', PLAYER_NAME()[0]);
message += MESSAGE_END();
bool CustomMessageManager::InsertCustomMessage(std::string tableID, uint16_t textID, CustomMessageEntry messages) {
auto foundMessageTable = messageTables.find(tableID);
if (foundMessageTable == messageTables.end()) {
return false;
auto& messageTable = foundMessageTable->second;
auto messageInsertResult = messageTable.emplace(textID, messages);
return messageInsertResult.second;
bool CustomMessageManager::CreateGetItemMessage(std::string tableID, uint16_t giid, ItemID iid,
CustomMessageEntry messageEntry) {
FormatCustomMessage(messageEntry.english, iid);
FormatCustomMessage(messageEntry.german, iid);
FormatCustomMessage(messageEntry.french, iid);
const uint16_t textID = giid;
return InsertCustomMessage(tableID, textID, messageEntry);
bool CustomMessageManager::CreateMessage(std::string tableID, uint16_t textID, CustomMessageEntry messageEntry) {
return InsertCustomMessage(tableID, textID, messageEntry);
CustomMessageEntry CustomMessageManager::RetrieveMessage(std::string tableID, uint16_t textID) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, CustomMessageTable>::const_iterator foundMessageTable = messageTables.find(tableID);
if (foundMessageTable == messageTables.end()) {
CustomMessageTable messageTable = foundMessageTable->second;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, CustomMessageEntry>::const_iterator foundMessage = messageTable.find(textID);
if (foundMessage == messageTable.end()) {
CustomMessageEntry message = foundMessage->second;
return message;
bool CustomMessageManager::ClearMessageTable(std::string tableID) {
auto foundMessageTable = messageTables.find(tableID);
if (foundMessageTable == messageTables.end()) {
return false;
auto& messageTable = foundMessageTable->second;
return true;
bool CustomMessageManager::AddCustomMessageTable(std::string tableID) {
CustomMessageTable newMessageTable;
return messageTables.emplace(tableID, newMessageTable).second;
std::string CustomMessageManager::MESSAGE_END() {
return "\x02"s;
std::string CustomMessageManager::ITEM_OBTAINED(uint8_t x) {
return "\x13"s + char(x);
std::string CustomMessageManager::NEWLINE() {
return "\x01"s;
std::string CustomMessageManager::COLOR(uint8_t x) {
return "\x05"s + char(x);
std::string CustomMessageManager::WAIT_FOR_INPUT() {
return "\x04"s;
std::string CustomMessageManager::PLAYER_NAME() {
return "\x0F"s;