2022-04-25 19:14:46 -04:00

337 lines
16 KiB

#if defined(ENABLE_DX11) || defined(ENABLE_DX12)
#include <cstdio>
#include "gfx_direct3d_common.h"
#include "gfx_cc.h"
static void append_str(char *buf, size_t *len, const char *str) {
while (*str != '\0') buf[(*len)++] = *str++;
static void append_line(char *buf, size_t *len, const char *str) {
while (*str != '\0') buf[(*len)++] = *str++;
buf[(*len)++] = '\r';
buf[(*len)++] = '\n';
static const char *shader_item_to_str(uint32_t item, bool with_alpha, bool only_alpha, bool inputs_have_alpha, bool hint_single_element) {
if (!only_alpha) {
switch (item) {
case SHADER_0:
return with_alpha ? "float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)" : "float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)";
case SHADER_1:
return with_alpha ? "float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)" : "float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)";
return with_alpha || !inputs_have_alpha ? "input.input1" : "input.input1.rgb";
return with_alpha || !inputs_have_alpha ? "input.input2" : "input.input2.rgb";
return with_alpha || !inputs_have_alpha ? "input.input3" : "input.input3.rgb";
return with_alpha || !inputs_have_alpha ? "input.input4" : "input.input4.rgb";
return with_alpha ? "texVal0" : "texVal0.rgb";
return hint_single_element ? "texVal0.a" : (with_alpha ? "float4(texVal0.a, texVal0.a, texVal0.a, texVal0.a)" : "float3(texVal0.a, texVal0.a, texVal0.a)");
return hint_single_element ? "texVal1.a" : (with_alpha ? "float4(texVal1.a, texVal1.a, texVal1.a, texVal1.a)" : "float3(texVal1.a, texVal1.a, texVal1.a)");
return with_alpha ? "texVal1" : "texVal1.rgb";
return with_alpha ? "texel" : "texel.rgb";
} else {
switch (item) {
case SHADER_0:
return "0.0";
case SHADER_1:
return "1.0";
return "input.input1.a";
return "input.input2.a";
return "input.input3.a";
return "input.input4.a";
return "texVal0.a";
return "texVal0.a";
return "texVal1.a";
return "texVal1.a";
return "texel.a";
static void append_formula(char *buf, size_t *len, const uint8_t c[2][4], bool do_single, bool do_multiply, bool do_mix, bool with_alpha, bool only_alpha, bool opt_alpha) {
if (do_single) {
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][3], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
} else if (do_multiply) {
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][0], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
append_str(buf, len, " * ");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][2], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, true));
} else if (do_mix) {
append_str(buf, len, "lerp(");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][1], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
append_str(buf, len, ", ");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][0], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
append_str(buf, len, ", ");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][2], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, true));
append_str(buf, len, ")");
} else {
append_str(buf, len, "(");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][0], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
append_str(buf, len, " - ");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][1], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
append_str(buf, len, ") * ");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][2], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, true));
append_str(buf, len, " + ");
append_str(buf, len, shader_item_to_str(c[only_alpha][3], with_alpha, only_alpha, opt_alpha, false));
void gfx_direct3d_common_build_shader(char buf[4096], size_t& len, size_t& num_floats, const CCFeatures& cc_features, bool include_root_signature, bool three_point_filtering) {
len = 0;
num_floats = 4;
// Pixel shader input struct
if (include_root_signature) {
if (cc_features.opt_alpha && cc_features.opt_noise) {
append_str(buf, &len, ",CBV(b0, visibility = SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL)");
if (cc_features.used_textures[0]) {
append_str(buf, &len, ",DescriptorTable(SRV(t0), visibility = SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL)");
append_str(buf, &len, ",DescriptorTable(Sampler(s0), visibility = SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL)");
if (cc_features.used_textures[1]) {
append_str(buf, &len, ",DescriptorTable(SRV(t1), visibility = SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL)");
append_str(buf, &len, ",DescriptorTable(Sampler(s1), visibility = SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL)");
append_line(buf, &len, "\"");
append_line(buf, &len, "struct PSInput {");
append_line(buf, &len, " float4 position : SV_POSITION;");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (cc_features.used_textures[i]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " float2 uv%d : TEXCOORD%d;\r\n", i, i);
num_floats += 2;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (cc_features.clamp[i][j]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " float texClamp%s%d : TEXCLAMP%s%d;\r\n", j == 0 ? "S" : "T", i, j == 0 ? "S" : "T", i);
num_floats += 1;
if (cc_features.opt_fog) {
append_line(buf, &len, " float4 fog : FOG;");
num_floats += 4;
if (cc_features.opt_grayscale) {
append_line(buf, &len, " float4 grayscale : GRAYSCALE;");
num_floats += 4;
for (int i = 0; i < cc_features.num_inputs; i++) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " float%d input%d : INPUT%d;\r\n", cc_features.opt_alpha ? 4 : 3, i + 1, i);
num_floats += cc_features.opt_alpha ? 4 : 3;
append_line(buf, &len, "};");
// Textures and samplers
if (cc_features.used_textures[0]) {
append_line(buf, &len, "Texture2D g_texture0 : register(t0);");
append_line(buf, &len, "SamplerState g_sampler0 : register(s0);");
if (cc_features.used_textures[1]) {
append_line(buf, &len, "Texture2D g_texture1 : register(t1);");
append_line(buf, &len, "SamplerState g_sampler1 : register(s1);");
// Constant buffer and random function
if (cc_features.opt_alpha && cc_features.opt_noise) {
append_line(buf, &len, "cbuffer PerFrameCB : register(b0) {");
append_line(buf, &len, " uint noise_frame;");
append_line(buf, &len, " float noise_scale;");
append_line(buf, &len, "}");
append_line(buf, &len, "float random(in float3 value) {");
append_line(buf, &len, " float random = dot(value, float3(12.9898, 78.233, 37.719));");
append_line(buf, &len, " return frac(sin(random) * 143758.5453);");
append_line(buf, &len, "}");
// 3 point texture filtering
// Original author: ArthurCarvalho
// Based on GLSL implementation by twinaphex, mupen64plus-libretro project.
if (three_point_filtering && (cc_features.used_textures[0] || cc_features.used_textures[1])) {
append_line(buf, &len, "cbuffer PerDrawCB : register(b1) {");
append_line(buf, &len, " struct {");
append_line(buf, &len, " uint width;");
append_line(buf, &len, " uint height;");
append_line(buf, &len, " bool linear_filtering;");
append_line(buf, &len, " } textures[2];");
append_line(buf, &len, "}");
append_line(buf, &len, "#define TEX_OFFSET(tex, tSampler, texCoord, off, texSize) tex.Sample(tSampler, texCoord - off / texSize)");
append_line(buf, &len, "float4 tex2D3PointFilter(in Texture2D tex, in SamplerState tSampler, in float2 texCoord, in float2 texSize) {");
append_line(buf, &len, " float2 offset = frac(texCoord * texSize - float2(0.5, 0.5));");
append_line(buf, &len, " offset -= step(1.0, offset.x + offset.y);");
append_line(buf, &len, " float4 c0 = TEX_OFFSET(tex, tSampler, texCoord, offset, texSize);");
append_line(buf, &len, " float4 c1 = TEX_OFFSET(tex, tSampler, texCoord, float2(offset.x - sign(offset.x), offset.y), texSize);");
append_line(buf, &len, " float4 c2 = TEX_OFFSET(tex, tSampler, texCoord, float2(offset.x, offset.y - sign(offset.y)), texSize);");
append_line(buf, &len, " return c0 + abs(offset.x)*(c1-c0) + abs(offset.y)*(c2-c0);");
append_line(buf, &len, "}");
// Vertex shader
append_str(buf, &len, "PSInput VSMain(float4 position : POSITION");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (cc_features.used_textures[i]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, ", float2 uv%d : TEXCOORD%d", i, i);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (cc_features.clamp[i][j]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, ", float texClamp%s%d : TEXCLAMP%s%d", j == 0 ? "S" : "T", i, j == 0 ? "S" : "T", i);
if (cc_features.opt_fog) {
append_str(buf, &len, ", float4 fog : FOG");
if (cc_features.opt_grayscale) {
append_str(buf, &len, ", float4 grayscale : GRAYSCALE");
for (int i = 0; i < cc_features.num_inputs; i++) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, ", float%d input%d : INPUT%d", cc_features.opt_alpha ? 4 : 3, i + 1, i);
append_line(buf, &len, ") {");
append_line(buf, &len, " PSInput result;");
append_line(buf, &len, " result.position = position;");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (cc_features.used_textures[i]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " result.uv%d = uv%d;\r\n", i, i);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (cc_features.clamp[i][j]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " result.texClamp%s%d = texClamp%s%d;\r\n", j == 0 ? "S" : "T", i, j == 0 ? "S" : "T", i);
if (cc_features.opt_fog) {
append_line(buf, &len, " result.fog = fog;");
if (cc_features.opt_grayscale) {
append_line(buf, &len, " result.grayscale = grayscale;");
for (int i = 0; i < cc_features.num_inputs; i++) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " result.input%d = input%d;\r\n", i + 1, i + 1);
append_line(buf, &len, " return result;");
append_line(buf, &len, "}");
// Pixel shader
if (include_root_signature) {
append_line(buf, &len, "[RootSignature(RS)]");
if (cc_features.opt_alpha && cc_features.opt_noise) {
append_line(buf, &len, "float4 PSMain(PSInput input, float4 screenSpace : SV_Position) : SV_TARGET {");
} else {
append_line(buf, &len, "float4 PSMain(PSInput input) : SV_TARGET {");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (cc_features.used_textures[i]) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " float2 tc%d = input.uv%d;\r\n", i, i);
bool s = cc_features.clamp[i][0], t = cc_features.clamp[i][1];
if (!s && !t) {
} else {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " int2 texSize%d;\r\n", i);
len += sprintf(buf + len, " g_texture%d.GetDimensions(texSize%d.x, texSize%d.y);\r\n", i, i, i);
if (s && t) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " tc%d = clamp(tc%d, 0.5 / texSize%d, float2(input.texClampS%d, input.texClampT%d));\r\n", i, i, i, i, i);
} else if (s) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " tc%d = float2(clamp(tc%d.x, 0.5 / texSize%d.x, input.texClampS%d), tc%d.y);\n", i, i, i, i, i);
} else {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " tc%d = float2(tc%d.x, clamp(tc%d.y, 0.5 / texSize%d.y, input.texClampT%d));\n", i, i, i, i, i);
if (three_point_filtering) {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " float4 texVal%d;\r\n", i);
len += sprintf(buf + len, " if (textures[%d].linear_filtering)\r\n", i);
len += sprintf(buf + len, " texVal%d = tex2D3PointFilter(g_texture%d, g_sampler%d, tc%d, float2(textures[%d].width, textures[%d].height));\r\n", i, i, i, i, i, i);
len += sprintf(buf + len, " else\r\n");
len += sprintf(buf + len, " texVal%d = g_texture%d.Sample(g_sampler%d, tc%d);\r\n", i, i, i, i);
} else {
len += sprintf(buf + len, " float4 texVal%d = g_texture%d.Sample(g_sampler%d, tc%d);\r\n", i, i, i, i);
append_str(buf, &len, cc_features.opt_alpha ? " float4 texel;" : " float3 texel;");
for (int c = 0; c < (cc_features.opt_2cyc ? 2 : 1); c++) {
append_str(buf, &len, "texel = ");
if (!cc_features.color_alpha_same[c] && cc_features.opt_alpha) {
append_str(buf, &len, "float4(");
append_formula(buf, &len, cc_features.c[c], cc_features.do_single[c][0], cc_features.do_multiply[c][0], cc_features.do_mix[c][0], false, false, true);
append_str(buf, &len, ", ");
append_formula(buf, &len, cc_features.c[c], cc_features.do_single[c][1], cc_features.do_multiply[c][1], cc_features.do_mix[c][1], true, true, true);
append_str(buf, &len, ")");
} else {
append_formula(buf, &len, cc_features.c[c], cc_features.do_single[c][0], cc_features.do_multiply[c][0], cc_features.do_mix[c][0], cc_features.opt_alpha, false, cc_features.opt_alpha);
append_line(buf, &len, ";");
if (cc_features.opt_texture_edge && cc_features.opt_alpha) {
append_line(buf, &len, " if (texel.a > 0.19) texel.a = 1.0; else discard;");
// TODO discard if alpha is 0?
if (cc_features.opt_fog) {
if (cc_features.opt_alpha) {
append_line(buf, &len, " texel = float4(lerp(texel.rgb, input.fog.rgb, input.fog.a), texel.a);");
} else {
append_line(buf, &len, " texel = lerp(texel, input.fog.rgb, input.fog.a);");
if (cc_features.opt_grayscale) {
append_line(buf, &len, "float intensity = (texel.r + texel.g + texel.b) / 3.0;");
append_line(buf, &len, "float3 new_texel = input.grayscale.rgb * intensity;");
append_line(buf, &len, "texel.rgb = lerp(texel.rgb, new_texel, input.grayscale.a);");
if (cc_features.opt_alpha && cc_features.opt_noise) {
append_line(buf, &len, " float2 coords = screenSpace.xy * noise_scale;");
append_line(buf, &len, " texel.a *= round(saturate(random(float3(floor(coords), noise_frame)) + texel.a - 0.5));");
if (cc_features.opt_alpha) {
if (cc_features.opt_alpha_threshold) {
append_line(buf, &len, " if (texel.a < 8.0 / 256.0) discard;");
if (cc_features.opt_invisible) {
append_line(buf, &len, " texel.a = 0.0;");
append_line(buf, &len, " return texel;");
} else {
append_line(buf, &len, " return float4(texel, 1.0);");
append_line(buf, &len, "}");