Archez f12a2bbbb7
Port over decomp updates for vis* and reimplement vismono fb (#4533)
* Port over decomp updates for vis*

* move vismono framebuffer handling to file
2024-11-09 12:51:31 -05:00

329 lines
4.0 KiB

#include <libultraship/libultra.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "z64.h"
#include "OTRGlobals.h"
//#include <math.h>
u32 osResetType;
u32 osTvType = OS_TV_NTSC;
//u32 osTvType = OS_TV_PAL;
OSViMode osViModeNtscLan1;
OSViMode osViModeMpalLan1;
OSViMode osViModeFpalLan1;
OSViMode osViModePalLan1;
// AudioContext gAudioContext;
// unk_D_8016E750 D_8016E750[4];
u8 gLetterTLUT[4][32];
u8 gFontFF[999];
DmaEntry gDmaDataTable[0x60C];
// u8 D_80133418;
u16 gAudioSEFlagSwapSource[64];
u16 gAudioSEFlagSwapTarget[64];
u8 gAudioSEFlagSwapMode[64];
// Zbuffer and Color framebuffer
u8 osAppNmiBuffer[2048];
f32 qNaN0x10000 = 0x7F810000;
//void gSPTextureRectangle(Gfx* pkt, s32 xl, s32 yl, s32 xh, s32 yh, u32 tile, u32 s, s32 t, u32 dsdx, u32 dtdy)
// __gSPTextureRectangle(pkt, xl, yl, xh, yh, tile, s, t, dsdx, dtdy);
OSId osGetThreadId(OSThread* thread)
OSPri osGetThreadPri(OSThread* thread)
void osSetThreadPri(OSThread* thread, OSPri pri)
void osCreatePiManager(OSPri pri, OSMesgQueue* cmdQ, OSMesg* cmdBuf, s32 cmdMsgCnt)
s32 osPfsFreeBlocks(OSPfs* pfs, s32* leftoverBytes)
s32 osEPiWriteIo(OSPiHandle* handle, u32 devAddr, u32 data)
s32 osPfsReadWriteFile(OSPfs* pfs, s32 fileNo, u8 flag, s32 offset, ptrdiff_t size, u8* data)
s32 osPfsDeleteFile(OSPfs* pfs, u16 companyCode, u32 gameCode, u8* gameName, u8* extName)
s32 osPfsFileState(OSPfs* pfs, s32 fileNo, OSPfsState* state)
s32 osPfsInitPak(OSMesgQueue* mq, OSPfs* pfs, s32 channel)
s32 __osPfsCheckRamArea(OSPfs* pfs)
s32 osPfsChecker(OSPfs* pfs)
s32 osPfsFindFile(OSPfs* pfs, u16 companyCode, u32 gameCode, u8* gameName, u8* extName, s32* fileNo)
s32 osPfsAllocateFile(OSPfs* pfs, u16 companyCode, u32 gameCode, u8* gameName, u8* extName, s32 length, s32* fileNo)
OSIntMask osSetIntMask(OSIntMask a)
return 0;
s32 osAfterPreNMI(void)
return 0;
s32 osProbeRumblePak(OSMesgQueue* ctrlrqueue, OSPfs* pfs, u32 channel)
s32 osSetRumble(OSPfs* pfs, u32 vibrate)
return 0;
void osCreateThread(OSThread* thread, OSId id, void (*entry)(void*), void* arg, void* sp, OSPri pri)
void osStartThread(OSThread* thread)
void osStopThread(OSThread* thread)
void osDestroyThread(OSThread* thread)
void osWritebackDCache(void* vaddr, s32 nbytes)
void osInvalICache(void* vaddr, s32 nbytes)
s32 osContStartQuery(OSMesgQueue* mq)
void osContGetQuery(OSContStatus* data)
u32 __osGetFpcCsr()
return 0;
void __osSetFpcCsr(u32 a0)
s32 __osDisableInt(void)
void __osRestoreInt(s32 a0)
OSThread* __osGetActiveQueue(void)
OSThread* __osGetCurrFaultedThread(void)
u32 osMemSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
void Audio_osInvalDCache(void* buf, s32 size)
void Audio_osWritebackDCache(void* mem, s32 size)
s32 osAiSetFrequency(u32 freq)
return 1;
void osInvalDCache(void* vaddr, s32 nbytes)
void osWritebackDCacheAll(void)
void Audio_SetBGM(u32 bgmId)
s32 osContSetCh(u8 ch)
u32 osDpGetStatus(void)
void osDpSetStatus(u32 status)
u32 __osSpGetStatus()
void __osSpSetStatus(u32 status)
OSPiHandle* osDriveRomInit()
void __osInitialize_common(void)
void __osInitialize_autodetect(void)
void __osExceptionPreamble()
void __osCleanupThread(void)
s32 _Printf(PrintCallback a, void* arg, const char* fmt, va_list ap) {
unsigned char buffer[4096];
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap);
a(arg, buffer, strlen(buffer));
void osSpTaskLoad(OSTask* task)
void osSpTaskStartGo(OSTask* task)
void osSetUpMempakWrite(s32 channel, OSPifRam* buf)
u32 osGetMemSize(void)
return 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
s32 osEPiReadIo(OSPiHandle* handle, u32 devAddr, u32* data)
return 0;
void osSpTaskYield(void)
s32 osStopTimer(OSTimer* timer)
OSYieldResult osSpTaskYielded(OSTask* task)
void osViExtendVStart(u32 arg0)