
3168 lines
143 KiB

#include "hint_list.hpp"
#include "custom_messages.hpp"
#include <array>
using namespace CustomMessages;
// Big thanks to Lioncache, Gabyelnuevo, Danius88, and Charade for their translations!
// Text is {english, french, spanish}
// there are special characters that are read for certain in game commands:
// ^ is a box break
// & is a new line
// @ will print the player name
// surrounding text with '#' will make it a different color
// - OoT Randomizer
// '%d' indicates a number will be placed there.
std::array<HintText, KEY_ENUM_MAX> hintTable;
void HintTable_Init() {
hintTable[NONE] = HintText::Exclude({ Text{ "No Hint", "Pas d'Indice", "" } });
hintTable[PREFIX] =
HintText::Exclude({ Text{ "They say that ", /*french*/ "Selon moi, ", /*spanish*/ "Según dicen, " } });
hintTable[WAY_OF_THE_HERO] =
HintText::Exclude({ Text{ " is on the way of the hero.", /*french*/ " est sur la voie du héros.",
/*spanish*/ " conduce a la senda del héroe." } });
hintTable[PLUNDERING] =
HintText::Exclude({ Text{ "plundering ", /*french*/ "explorer ", /*spanish*/ "inspeccionar " } });
hintTable[FOOLISH] = HintText::Exclude(
{ Text{ " is a foolish choice.", /*french*/ " est futile.", /*spanish*/ " no es una sabia decisión." } });
hintTable[CAN_BE_FOUND_AT] =
HintText::Exclude({ Text{ "can be found at", /*french*/ "se trouve dans", /*spanish*/ "aguarda en" } });
hintTable[HOARDS] = HintText::Exclude({ Text{ "hoards", /*french*/ "recèle", /*spanish*/ "acapara" } });
hintTable[ZR_FROGS_OCARINA_GAME] = HintText::Always(
// obscure text
Text{ "an #amphibian feast# yields", /*french*/ "un #festin d'amphibiens# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #fiesta anfibia# brinda" },
Text{ "the #croaking choir's magnum opus# awards", /*french*/ "la #chorale coassante# donne",
/*spanish*/ "un #coro maestro de ancas# premia" },
Text{ "the #froggy finale# yields", /*french*/ "la #finale amphibienne# donne",
/*spanish*/ "el #gran final batracio# brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "the final reward from the #Frogs of Zora's River# is",
/*french*/ "la dernière récompense des #grenouilles de la Rivière Zora# est",
/*spanish*/ "la recompensa final de las #ranas del Río Zora# premia" });
hintTable[KF_LINKS_HOUSE_COW] = HintText::Always(
// obscure text
Text{ "the #bovine bounty of a horseback hustle# gifts",
/*french*/ "le cadeau #qui découle d'une réussite équestre# est",
/*spanish*/ "la #recompensa bovina de un paseo a caballo# brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Malon's obstacle course# leads to", /*french*/ "la #course à obstacle de Malon# amène à",
/*spanish*/ "la #carrera de obstáculos de Malon# brinda" });
hintTable[SONG_FROM_OCARINA_OF_TIME] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Ocarina of Time# teaches", /*french*/ "l'#Ocarina du Temps# est accompagné par",
/*spanish*/ "la #Ocarina del Tiempo# enseña" },
hintTable[SONG_FROM_COMPOSERS_GRAVE] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#ReDead in the Composers' Grave# guard",
/*french*/ "les #Éffrois du tombeau des compositeurs# protègent",
/*spanish*/ "los #ReDeads del Panteón Real# guardan" },
Text{ "the #Composer Brothers wrote#", /*french*/ "le #trésor des compositeurs# est",
/*spanish*/ "los #hermanos compositores escribieron#" },
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_FOREST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#in a meadow# Sheik teaches", /*french*/ "Sheik confiera, #dans un bosquet#,",
/*spanish*/ "#en la pradera sagrada# Sheik enseña" },
hintTable[SHEIK_AT_TEMPLE] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "Sheik waits at a #monument to time# to teach",
/*french*/ "Sheik confiera, #au pied de l'épée légendaire#,",
/*spanish*/ "Sheik espera en el #momumento del tiempo# para enseñar" },
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_CRATER] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #crater's melody# is", /*french*/ "Sheik confiera, #entouré de lave#,",
/*spanish*/ "la #melodía del cráter# otorga" },
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_ICE_CAVERN] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #frozen cavern# echoes with", /*french*/ "Sheik confiera, #dans une caverne enneigée#,",
/*spanish*/ "en la #caverna de hielo# retumban los ecos de" },
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_KAKARIKO] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #ravaged village# mourns with", /*french*/ "Sheik confirera, #au coeur d'un village ravagé#,",
/*spanish*/ "un #arrasado pueblo# llora" },
hintTable[SHEIK_AT_COLOSSUS] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a hero ventures #beyond the wasteland# to learn",
/*french*/ "Sheik confiera, #au bout d'un chemin sableux#,",
/*spanish*/ "el héroe que se adentre #más allá del desierto# aprenderá" },
hintTable[MARKET_10_BIG_POES] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#ghost hunters# will be rewarded with",
/*french*/ "#les chasseurs de fantômes# sont récompensés avec",
/*spanish*/ "los #cazafantasmas# son premiados con" },
// clear text
Text{ "catching #Big Poes# leads to", /*french*/ "#d'attraper des Àmes# donne",
/*spanish*/ "hacerte con #Grandes Poes# conduce a" });
hintTable[DEKU_THEATER_SKULL_MASK] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Skull Mask# yields", /*french*/ "le #Masque de Mort# donne",
/*spanish*/ "la #máscara de calavera# otorga" },
hintTable[DEKU_THEATER_MASK_OF_TRUTH] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "showing a #truthful eye to the crowd# rewards",
/*french*/ "montrer #l'oeil de vérité à la foule# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#mostrarle el ojo verdadero# a una multitud brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Mask of Truth# yields", /*french*/ "le #Masque de Vérité# donne",
/*spanish*/ "la #máscara de la verdad# premia" });
hintTable[HF_OCARINA_OF_TIME_ITEM] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #treasure thrown by Princess Zelda# is", /*french*/ "le trésor #laissé par la princesse# est",
/*spanish*/ "el #tesoro arrojado por la Princesa Zelda# se trata de" },
hintTable[DMT_TRADE_BROKEN_SWORD] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #blinded Biggoron# entrusts", /*french*/ "un #Grogoron aveuglé# confie",
/*spanish*/ "un #miope Biggoron# otorga" },
hintTable[DMT_TRADE_EYEDROPS] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "while you wait, #Biggoron# gives", /*french*/ "pendant que tu attends, #Biggoron# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#Biggoron# está a la espera de otorgar" },
hintTable[DMT_TRADE_CLAIM_CHECK] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#Biggoron# crafts", /*french*/ "#Biggoron# fabrique", /*spanish*/ "#Biggoron# forja" },
hintTable[KAK_50_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#50 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/ "#50 écussons# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#50 medallas de insectos# otorgan" },
Text{ "#50 spider souls# yields", /*french*/ "#50 âmes d'arachnide# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#50 almas de araña# otorgan" },
Text{ "#50 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/ "#50 arachnides aurifères# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#50 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan" },
// clear text
Text{ "slaying #50 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/ "détruire #50 Skulltulas d'or# donne",
/*spanish*/ "exterminar #50 skulltulas doradas# revela" });
hintTable[KAK_40_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#40 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/ "#40 écussons# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#40 medallas de insectos# otorgan" },
Text{ "#40 spider souls# yields", /*french*/ "#40 âmes d'arachnide# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#40 almas de araña# otorgan" },
Text{ "#40 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/ "#40 arachnides aurifères# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#40 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan" },
// clear text
Text{ "slaying #40 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/ "détruire #40 Skulltulas d'or# donne",
/*spanish*/ "exterminar #40 skulltulas doradas# revela" });
hintTable[KAK_30_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#30 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/ "#30 écussons# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#30 medallas de insectos# otorgan" },
Text{ "#30 spider souls# yields", /*french*/ "#30 âmes d'arachnide# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#30 almas de araña# otorgan" },
Text{ "#30 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/ "#30 arachnides aurifères# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#30 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan" },
// clear text
Text{ "slaying #30 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/ "détruire #30 Skulltulas d'or# donne",
/*spanish*/ "exterminar #30 skulltulas doradas# revela" });
hintTable[KAK_20_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#20 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/ "#20 écussons# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#20 medallas de insectos# otorgan" },
Text{ "#20 spider souls# yields", /*french*/ "#20 âmes d'arachnide# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#20 almas de araña# otorgan" },
Text{ "#20 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/ "#20 arachnides aurifères# donnent",
/*spanish*/ "#20 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan" },
// clear text
Text{ "slaying #20 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/ "détruire #20 Skulltulas d'or# donne",
/*spanish*/ "exterminar #20 skulltulas doradas# revela" });
hintTable[KAK_ANJU_AS_CHILD] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#wrangling roosters# rewards", /*french*/ "#plumer des poulets# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#atrapar a las gallinas# premia" },
Text{ "#chucking chickens# gifts", /*french*/ "#lancer des poulets# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#reunir a unos emplumados# premia" },
// clear text
Text{ "#collecting cuccos# rewards", /*french*/ "#rapporter les Cocottes# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#hacerte con todos los cucos# premia" });
hintTable[KAK_TRADE_POCKET_CUCCO] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "an adult's #happy Cucco# awards", /*french*/ "un adulte avec une #poulette joyeuse# obtient",
/*spanish*/ "un #alegre cuco# en la madurez otorga" },
hintTable[KAK_TRADE_ODD_MUSHROOM] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #potion shop lady# entrusts", /*french*/ "la #gribiche du magasin de potion# confie",
/*spanish*/ "la #señora de la tienda de pociones# otorga" },
hintTable[GC_DARUNIAS_JOY] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #groovin' goron# gifts", /*french*/ "#le Goron joyeux# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#un goron marchoso# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Darunia's dance# leads to", /*french*/ "#la dance de Darunia# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#el baile de Darunia# conduce a" });
hintTable[LW_SKULL_KID] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Skull Kid# grants", /*french*/ "le #Skull Kid# donne", /*spanish*/ "#Skull Kid# otorga" },
hintTable[LW_TRADE_COJIRO] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "returning a #special Cucco# awards", /*french*/ "ramener une #poulette précieuse# donne",
/*spanish*/ "quien devuelva un #cuco especial# encontrará" },
hintTable[LW_TRADE_ODD_POTION] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Kokiri girl in the woods# leaves", /*french*/ "la #fillette Kokiri dans les bois# laisse",
/*spanish*/ "una #chica kokiri del bosque# otorga" },
hintTable[LH_SUN] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "staring into #the sun# grants", /*french*/ "regarder #le soleil# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#mirar al sol# revela" },
// clear text
Text{ "shooting #the sun# grants", /*french*/ "tirer une flèche dans #sur le soleil# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#disparar al sol# revela" });
hintTable[LH_TRADE_FROG] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#Lake Hylia's scientist# hurriedly entrusts", /*french*/ "le #scientifique du lac# confie rapidement",
/*spanish*/ "el #científico del Lago Hylia# otorga con prisa" },
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#gambling# grants", /*french*/ "#parier# donne", /*spanish*/ "#los juegos de azar# revelan" },
Text{ "there is a #1/32 chance# to win", /*french*/ "être #le gagnant parmi 32# donne",
/*spanish*/ "hay una #probabilidad de 1/32# de ganar" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #treasure chest game# grants", /*french*/ "la #Chasse-aux-Trésors# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#el Cofre del Tesoro# premia" });
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_1] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#gambling once# grants", /*french*/ "#parier une fois# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#apostar solo una vez# revelará" },
Text{ "the #first or second game chest# contains",
/*french*/ "le #premier ou deuxième coffre à jeu# contient",
/*spanish*/ "#el primer o segundo cofre del azar# revela" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #first locked room# in the chest game contains",
/*french*/ "la #première salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient",
/*spanish*/ "#en la primera sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda" });
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_2] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#gambling twice# grants", /*french*/ "#parier deux fois# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#apostar dos veces# revelará" },
Text{ "the #third or fourth game chest# contains",
/*french*/ "le #troisième ou quatrième coffre à jeu# contient",
/*spanish*/ "#el tercer o cuarto cofre del azar# revela" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #second locked room# in the chest game contains",
/*french*/ "la #deuxième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient",
/*spanish*/ "#en la segunda sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda" });
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_3] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#gambling 3 times# grants", /*french*/ "#parier trois fois# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#apostar tres veces# revelará" },
Text{ "the #fifth or sixth game chest# contains",
/*french*/ "le #cinquième ou sixième coffre à jeu# contient",
/*spanish*/ "#el quinto o sexto cofre del azar# revela" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #third locked room# in the chest game contains",
/*french*/ "la #troisième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient",
/*spanish*/ "#en la tercera sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda" });
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_4] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#gambling 4 times# grants", /*french*/ "#parier quatre fois# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#apostar cuatro veces# revelará" },
Text{ "the #seventh or eighth game chest# contains",
/*french*/ "le #septième ou huitième coffre à jeu# contient",
/*spanish*/ "#el séptimo u octavo cofre del azar# revela" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #fourth locked room# in the chest game contains",
/*french*/ "la #quatrième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient",
/*spanish*/ "#en la cuarta sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda" });
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_5] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "#gambling 5 times# grants", /*french*/ "#parier cinq fois# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#apostar cinco veces# revelará" },
Text{ "the #ninth or tenth game chest# contains",
/*french*/ "le #neuvième ou dixième coffre à jeu# contient",
/*spanish*/ "#el noveno o décimo cofre del azar# revela" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #fifth locked room# in the chest game contains",
/*french*/ "la #cinquième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient",
/*spanish*/ "#en la quinta sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda" });
hintTable[GF_HBA_1500_POINTS] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "mastery of #horseback archery# grants", /*french*/ "maîtriser l'#archerie équestre# donne",
/*spanish*/ "dominar el #tiro con arco a caballo# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "scoring 1500 in #horseback archery# grants",
/*french*/ "obtenir 1500 points dans l'#archerie équestre# donne",
/*spanish*/ "conseguir 1500 puntos en el #tiro con arco a caballo# premia" });
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_HEART_PIECE_GRAVE_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "playing #Sun's Song# in a grave spawns", /*french*/ "jouer le #chant du soleil# dans un tombeau donne",
/*spanish*/ "#tocar la Canción del Sol# en una cripta conduce a" },
hintTable[GC_MAZE_LEFT_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "in #Goron City# the hammer unlocks", /*french*/ "dans le #village Goron#, le marteau donne accès à",
/*spanish*/ "en la #Ciudad Goron# el martillo desbloquea" },
hintTable[GV_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "in #Gerudo Valley# the hammer unlocks", /*french*/ "dans la #Vallée Gerudo#, le marteau donne accès à",
/*spanish*/ "en el #Valle Gerudo# el martillo desbloquea" },
hintTable[GV_TRADE_SAW] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #boss of the carpenters# leaves", /*french*/ "le #patron des ouvriers# laisse",
/*spanish*/ "el #capataz de los carpinteros# otorga" },
hintTable[GV_COW] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #cow in Gerudo Valley# gifts", /*french*/ "la #vache de la Vallée Gerudo# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #vaca del Valle Gerudo# brinda" },
hintTable[HC_GS_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #spider behind a muddy wall# in a grotto holds",
/*french*/ "l'#araignée derrière un mur de boue# dans une grotte donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula tras la agrietada pared# de una cueva otorga" },
hintTable[HF_GS_COW_GROTTO] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #spider behind webs# in a grotto holds",
/*french*/ "l'#araignée derrière une toile# dans une grotte donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula tras la telaraña# de una cueva otorga" },
hintTable[HF_COW_GROTTO_COW] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "the #cobwebbed cow# gifts", /*french*/ "la #vache prisonnière d'araignées# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #vaca tras una telaraña# brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #cow behind webs# in a grotto gifts", /*french*/ "la #vache derrière les toiles# d'une grotte donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #vaca tras la telaraña# de una cueva brinda" });
hintTable[ZF_GS_HIDDEN_CAVE] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a spider high #above the icy waters# holds", /*french*/ "l'araignée #en haut des eaux glacées# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula en lo #alto de las congeladas aguas# otorga" },
hintTable[WASTELAND_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#deep in the wasteland# is", /*french*/ "#loin dans le désert# gît",
/*spanish*/ "en lo #profundo del desierto encantado# yace" },
Text{ "beneath #the sands#, flames reveal", /*french*/ "#sous le désert#, les flammes font apparaître",
/*spanish*/ "tras las #arenas# unas llamas revelan" },
hintTable[WASTELAND_GS] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #spider in the wasteland# holds", /*french*/ "#l'araignée dans le désert# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula del desierto encantado# otorga" },
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_COMPOSERS_GRAVE_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#flames in the Composers' Grave# reveal",
/*french*/ "#les flammes dans le tombeau des compositeurs# cachent",
/*spanish*/ "#las llamas del Panteón Real# revelan" },
Text{ "the #Composer Brothers hid#", /*french*/ "#les Frères compositeurs on caché#",
/*spanish*/ "los #hermanos compositores esconden#" },
hintTable[ZF_BOTTOM_FREESTANDING_POH] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#under the icy waters# lies", /*french*/ "#sous les eaux glacées# se cache",
/*spanish*/ "#bajo las congeladas aguas# yace" },
hintTable[GC_POT_FREESTANDING_POH] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "spinning #Goron pottery# contains", /*french*/ "la #potterie Goron# contient",
/*spanish*/ "una #cerámica goron# contiene" },
hintTable[ZD_KING_ZORA_THAWED] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #defrosted dignitary# gifts", /*french*/ "le #monarque libéré# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #liberación monárquica# brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "unfreezing #King Zora# grants", /*french*/ "dégeler # le Roi Zora# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#descongelar al Rey Zora# conduce a" });
hintTable[ZD_TRADE_PRESCRIPTION] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "#King Zora# hurriedly entrusts", /*french*/ "le #roi Zora# confie rapidement",
/*spanish*/ "el #Rey Zora# otorga con prisa" },
hintTable[DMC_DEKU_SCRUB] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a single #scrub in the crater# sells", /*french*/ "la #peste Mojo dans le cratère# vend",
/*spanish*/ "un solitario #deku del cráter# vende" },
hintTable[DMC_GS_CRATE] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "a spider under a #crate in the crater# holds", /*french*/ "la Skulltula dans une #boîte volcanique# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula bajo una #caja del cráter# otorga" },
hintTable[DEKU_TREE_MQ_AFTER_SPINNING_LOG_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #temporal stone within a tree# contains", /*french*/ "la #pierre bleue dans un arbre# mène à",
/*spanish*/ "un #bloque temporal de un árbol# contiene" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #temporal stone within the Deku Tree# contains",
/*french*/ "la #pierre temporelle dans l'Arbre Mojo# cache",
/*spanish*/ "un #bloque temporal del Gran Árbol Deku# contiene" });
hintTable[DEKU_TREE_MQ_GS_BASEMENT_GRAVES_ROOM] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #spider on a ceiling in a tree# holds", /*french*/ "l'#araignée haut-perchée dans un arbre# a",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula en el techo de un árbol# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #spider on a ceiling in the Deku Tree# holds",
/*french*/ "la#Skulltula dans le Cimetière de l'Arbre Mojo# a",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula en el techo del Gran Árbol Deku# otorga" });
// obscure text
Text{ "a spider under #temporal stones in a cavern# holds",
/*french*/ "l'araignée sous #une pierre bleue dans une caverne# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula bajo #bloques temporales de una cueva# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a spider under #temporal stones in Dodongo's Cavern# holds",
/*french*/ "la Skulltula sous #la pierre temporelle dans la Caverne Dodongo# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula bajo #bloques temporales de la Cueva de los Dodongos# otorga" });
hintTable[JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BOOMERANG_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a school of #stingers swallowed by a deity# guard",
/*french*/ "les #raies dans un gardien# protègent",
/*spanish*/ "unos de #stingers engullidos por cierta deidad# guardan" },
// clear text
Text{ "a school of #stingers swallowed by Jabu-Jabu# guard", /*french*/ "les #raies dans Jabu-Jabu# protègent",
/*spanish*/ "unos #stingers engullidos por Jabu-Jabu# guardan" });
// obscure text
Text{ "a spider surrounded by #shadows in the belly of a deity# holds",
/*french*/ "l'araignée entourée d'#ombres dans le ventre du gardien# possède",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula rodeada de #sombras en la tripa de cierta diedad# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a spider surrounded by #shadows in Jabu-Jabu's Belly# holds",
/*french*/ "la Skulltula entourée d'#ombres dans Jabu-Jabu# possède",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula rodeada de #sombras en la Tripa de Jabu-Jabu# otorga" });
hintTable[JABU_JABUS_BELLY_MQ_COW] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #cow swallowed by a deity# gifts", /*french*/ "la #vache dans le gardien# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #vaca engullida por cierta deidad# brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #cow swallowed by Jabu-Jabu# gifts", /*french*/ "la #vache avallée par Jabu-Jabu# donne",
/*spanish*/ "una #vaca engullida por Jabu-Jabu# brinda" });
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_SCARECROW_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #scarecrow atop the volcano# hides", /*french*/ "l'#épouvantail au sommet d'un volcan# donne",
/*spanish*/ "un #espantapájaros en lo alto del volcán# esconde" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Pierre atop the Fire Temple# hides", /*french*/ "#Pierre au sommet du Temple du Feu# donne",
/*spanish*/ "#Pierre en lo alto del Templo del Fuego# esconde" });
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_MEGATON_HAMMER_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Flare Dancer atop the volcano# guards a chest containing",
/*french*/ "le #danseur au sommet du volcan# protège",
/*spanish*/ "el #Bailafuego en lo alto del volcán# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Flare Dancer atop the Fire Temple# guards a chest containing",
/*french*/ "le #Danse-Flamme au sommet du Temple du Feu# protège",
/*spanish*/ "el #Bailaguego en lo alto del Templo del Fuego# otorga" });
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_MQ_CHEST_ON_FIRE] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Flare Dancer atop the volcano# guards a chest containing",
/*french*/ "le #danseur au sommet du volcan# protège",
/*spanish*/ "el #Bailafuego en lo alto del volcán# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Flare Dancer atop the Fire Temple# guards a chest containing",
/*french*/ "le #Danse-Flamme au sommet du Temple du Feu# protège",
/*spanish*/ "el #Bailafuego en lo alto del Templo del Fuego# otorga" });
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_MQ_GS_SKULL_ON_FIRE] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #spider under a block in the volcano# holds",
/*french*/ "l'#araignée sous un bloc dans le volcan# a",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula bajo el bloque de un volcán# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #spider under a block in the Fire Temple# holds",
/*french*/ "une #Skulltula sous un bloc dans le Temple du Feu# a",
/*spanish*/ "una #Skulltula bajo un bloque del Templo del Fuego# otorga" });
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_RIVER_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "beyond the #river under the lake# waits", /*french*/ "au delà de #la rivière sous le lac# se cache",
/*spanish*/ "tras el #río bajo el lago# yace" },
// clear text
Text{ "beyond the #river in the Water Temple# waits",
/*french*/ "au delà de #la rivière dans le Temple de l'Eau# se cache",
/*spanish*/ "tras el #río del Templo del Agua# yace" });
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_BOSS_KEY_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "dodging #rolling boulders under the lake# leads to",
/*french*/ "éviter des #rochers roulants sous le lac# mène à",
/*spanish*/ "esquivar #rocas rodantes bajo el lago# conduce a" },
// clear text
Text{ "dodging #rolling boulders in the Water Temple# leads to",
/*french*/ "éviter des #rochers roulants dans le Temple de l'Eau# mène à",
/*spanish*/ "esquivar #rocas rondantes del Templo del Agua# conduce a" });
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_GS_BEHIND_GATE] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a spider behind a #gate under the lake# holds",
/*french*/ "l'araignée derrière une #barrière sous le lac# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula tras #una valla bajo el lago# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a spider behind a #gate in the Water Temple# holds",
/*french*/ "la Skulltula derrière une #barrière dans le Temple de l'Eau# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula tras #una valla del Templo del Agua# otorga" });
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_MQ_FREESTANDING_KEY] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "hidden in a #box under the lake# lies", /*french*/ "dans une #boîte sous le lac# gît",
/*spanish*/ "en una #caja bajo el lago# yace" },
// clear text
Text{ "hidden in a #box in the Water Temple# lies", /*french*/ "dans une #boîte dans le Temple de l'Eau# gît",
/*spanish*/ "en una #caja del Templo del Agua# yace" });
// obscure text
Text{ "the #locked spider under the lake# holds", /*french*/ "l'#araignée emprisonnée sous le lac# a",
/*spanish*/ "la #Skulltula enjaulada bajo el lago# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #locked spider in the Water Temple# holds",
/*french*/ "une #Skulltula emprisonnée dans le Temple de l'Eau# a",
/*spanish*/ "la #Skulltula enjaulada del Templo del Agua# otorga" });
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_MQ_GS_TRIPLE_WALL_TORCH] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a spider behind a #gate under the lake# holds",
/*french*/ "l'#araignée derrière une barrière sous le lac# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula tras una #valla bajo el lago# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a spider behind a #gate in the Water Temple# holds",
/*french*/ "une #Skulltula derrière une barrière dans le Temple de l'Eau# a",
/*spanish*/ "una Skulltula tras una #valla del Templo del Agua#" });
// obscure text
Text{ "those who seek #sunken silver rupees# will find",
/*french*/ "ceux qui pêchent les #joyaux argentés# trouveront",
/*spanish*/ "aquellos que busquen las #rupias plateadas sumergidas# encontrarán" },
Text{ "the #thieves' underwater training# rewards", /*french*/ "l'#épreuve de plongée des voleurs# recèle",
/*spanish*/ "la #instrucción submarina de las bandidas# premia" },
// obscure text
Text{ "those who seek #sunken silver rupees# will find",
/*french*/ "ceux qui pêchent les #joyaux argentés# trouveront",
/*spanish*/ "aquellos que busquen las #rupias plateadas sumergidas# encontrarán" },
Text{ "the #thieves' underwater training# rewards", /*french*/ "l'#épreuve de plongée des voleurs# recèle",
/*spanish*/ "la #instrucción submarina de las bandidas# premia" },
// obscure text
Text{ "the final prize of #the thieves' training# is",
/*french*/ "la récompense ultime de #l'épreuve des voleurs# est",
/*spanish*/ "la recompensa final de la #instrucción de las bandida# brinda" },
// obscure text
Text{ "the final prize of #the thieves' training# is",
/*french*/ "la récompense ultime de #l'épreuve des voleurs# est",
/*spanish*/ "el premio final de la #instrucción de las bandidas# brinda" },
hintTable[BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL_LENS_OF_TRUTH_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "the well's #grasping ghoul# hides", /*french*/ "la #terreur du Puits# cache",
/*spanish*/ "en las #profundidades del pozo# se esconde" },
Text{ "a #nether dweller in the well# holds", /*french*/ "le #spectre qui réside dans le Puits# a",
/*spanish*/ "el #temido morador del pozo# concede" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Dead Hand in the well# holds", /*french*/ "le #Poigneur dans le Puits# cache",
/*spanish*/ "la #Mano Muerta del pozo# concede" });
hintTable[BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL_MQ_COMPASS_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "the well's #grasping ghoul# hides", /*french*/ "la #terreur du Puits# cache",
/*spanish*/ "en las #profundidades del pozo# se esconde" },
Text{ "a #nether dweller in the well# holds", /*french*/ "le #spectre qui réside dans le Puits# a",
/*spanish*/ "el #temido morador del pozo# concede" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Dead Hand in the well# holds", /*french*/ "le #Poigneur dans le Puits# cache",
/*spanish*/ "la #Mano Muerta del pozo# concede" });
// obscure text
Text{ "the treasure #sought by Nabooru# is", /*french*/ "le trésor que #recherche Nabooru# est",
/*spanish*/ "el #ansiado tesoro de Nabooru# brinda" },
// clear text
Text{ "upon the #Colossus's right hand# is", /*french*/ "sur la #main droite du colosse# repose",
/*spanish*/ "en la #mano derecha del Coloso# yace" });
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE_MIRROR_SHIELD_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "upon the #Colossus's left hand# is", /*french*/ "sur la #main gauche du colosse# repose",
/*spanish*/ "en la #mano izquierda del Coloso# yace" },
// obscure text
Text{ "a #temporal paradox in the Colossus# yields",
/*french*/ "un #paradoxe temporel dans le colosse# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #paradoja temporal del Coloso# conduce a" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #temporal paradox in the Spirit Temple# yields",
/*french*/ "le #paradoxe temporel dans le Temple de l'Esprit# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #paradoja temporal del Coloso# conduce a" });
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE_MQ_SYMPHONY_ROOM_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #symphony in the Colossus# yields", /*french*/ "la #symphonie du colosse# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #sinfonía del Coloso# conduce a" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #symphony in the Spirit Temple# yields",
/*french*/ "les #cinq chansons du Temple de l'Esprit# révèlent",
/*spanish*/ "una #sinfonía del Coloso# conduce a" });
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE_MQ_GS_SYMPHONY_ROOM] = HintText::Sometimes(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #spider's symphony in the Colossus# yields",
/*french*/ "la #mélodie de l'araignée du colosse# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "la #Skulltula de la sinfonía del Coloso# otorga" },
// clear text
Text{ "a #spider's symphony in the Spirit Temple# yields",
/*french*/ "la #mélodie de la Skulltula du Temple de l'Esprit# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "la #Skulltula de la sinfonía del Coloso# otorga" });
// obscure text
Text{ "shadows in an #invisible maze# guard", /*french*/ "les ombres dans le #labyrinthe invisible# protègent",
/*spanish*/ "las sombras del #laberinto misterioso# esconden" },
hintTable[SHADOW_TEMPLE_MQ_BOMB_FLOWER_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
// obscure text
Text{ "shadows in an #invisible maze# guard", /*french*/ "les ombres dans le #labyrinthe invisible# protègent",
/*spanish*/ "las sombras del #laberinto invisible# esconden" },
hintTable[DESERT_COLOSSUS_TO_COLOSSUS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "lifting a #rock in the desert# reveals", /*french*/ "soulever une #roche dans le désert# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "levantar una #roca del desierto# revela" },
hintTable[GV_GROTTO_LEDGE_TO_GV_OCTOROK_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a rock on #a ledge in the valley# hides", /*french*/ "soulever une #roche dans la vallée# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "levantar una #roca al borde del valle# esconde" },
hintTable[GC_GROTTO_PLATFORM_TO_GC_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #pool of lava# in Goron City blocks the way to",
/*french*/ "l'#étang de lave# dans le village Goron renferme",
/*spanish*/ "un #estanque de lava# en la Ciudad Goron bloquea el paso a" },
hintTable[GERUDO_FORTRESS_TO_GF_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #storm within Gerudo's Fortress# reveals", /*french*/ "la #tempête dans la forteresse# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #tormenta en la Fortaleza Gerudo# revela" },
hintTable[ZORAS_DOMAIN_TO_ZD_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #storm within Zora's Domain# reveals", /*french*/ "la #tempête dans le Domaine Zora# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #tormenta en la Región de los Zora# revela" },
// obscure text
Text{ "a #storm near the castle# reveals", /*french*/ "la #tempête près du château# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #tormenta junto al castillo# revela" },
hintTable[GV_FORTRESS_SIDE_TO_GV_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #storm in the valley# reveals", /*french*/ "la #tempête dans la vallée# révèle",
/*spanish*/ "una #tormenta en el valle# revela" },
// obscure text
Text{ "a #fractured desert wall# hides", /*french*/ "le #mur fragile du désert# cache",
/*spanish*/ "una #agrietada pared del desierto# esconde" },
// obscure text
Text{ "a #heavy pillar# outside the castle obstructs", /*french*/ "le #rocher fragile près du château# cache",
/*spanish*/ "una #pesada columna# fuera del castillo obstruye" },
// obscure text
Text{ "a #fountain wall# hides", /*french*/ "le #mur fragile du réservoir# cache",
/*spanish*/ "una #pared de la fuente# esconde" },
hintTable[GV_FORTRESS_SIDE_TO_GV_CARPENTER_TENT] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #tent in the valley# covers", /*french*/ "la #tente dans la vallée# recouvre",
/*spanish*/ "una #tienda de campaña del valle# cubre" },
// obscure text
Text{ "at the #back of the Graveyard#, there is", /*french*/ "#derrière le Cimetière# gît",
/*spanish*/ "en la #parte trasera del cementerio# se halla" },
hintTable[LAKE_HYLIA_TO_WATER_TEMPLE_LOBBY] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "deep #under a vast lake#, one can find", /*french*/ "#sous le lac# gît",
/*spanish*/ "en las #profundidades de un lago inmenso# se halla" },
// obscure text
Text{ "paying a #fee to the Gerudos# grants access to",
/*french*/ "l'#entrée payante des Gerudo# donne accès à",
/*spanish*/ "pagarle una #tasa a las gerudo# da acceso a" },
// obscure text
Text{ "inside #Jabu-Jabu#, one can find", /*french*/ "#dans Jabu-Jabu# se trouve",
/*spanish*/ "dentro de #Jabu-Jabu# se halla" },
hintTable[KAKARIKO_VILLAGE_TO_BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL] = HintText::Entrance({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #village well# leads to", /*french*/ "dans le fond du #Puits du village# gît",
/*spanish*/ "el #pozo de un pueblo# conduce a" },
// maybe make a new type for this? I'm not sure if it really matters
hintTable[LINKS_POCKET] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Link's Pocket", /*french*/ "les Poches de @", /*spanish*/ "el bolsillo de @" },
hintTable[KOKIRI_FOREST] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Kokiri Forest", /*french*/ "la forêt Kokiri", /*spanish*/ "el Bosque Kokiri" },
hintTable[THE_LOST_WOODS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "the Lost Woods", /*french*/ "les Bois Perdus", /*spanish*/ "el Bosque Perdido" },
hintTable[SACRED_FOREST_MEADOW] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Sacred Forest Meadow", /*french*/ "le Bosquet Sacré", /*spanish*/ "la pradera sagrada del bosque" },
hintTable[HYRULE_FIELD] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Hyrule Field", /*french*/ "la Plaine d'Hyrule", /*spanish*/ "la Llanura de Hyrule" },
hintTable[LAKE_HYLIA] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Lake Hylia", /*french*/ "le Lac Hylia", /*spanish*/ "el Lago Hylia" },
hintTable[GERUDO_VALLEY] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Gerudo Valley", /*french*/ "la Vallée Gerudo", /*spanish*/ "el Valle Gerudo" },
hintTable[GERUDO_FORTRESS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Gerudo's Fortress", /*french*/ "la Repaire des Voleurs", /*spanish*/ "la Fortaleza Gerudo" },
hintTable[HAUNTED_WASTELAND] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Haunted Wasteland", /*french*/ "le Désert Hanté", /*spanish*/ "el desierto encantado" },
hintTable[DESERT_COLOSSUS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Desert Colossus", /*french*/ "le Colosse du Désert", /*spanish*/ "el Coloso del Desierto" },
hintTable[THE_MARKET] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "the Market", /*french*/ "la Place du Marché", /*spanish*/ "la plaza del mercado" },
hintTable[TEMPLE_OF_TIME] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Temple of Time", /*french*/ "le Temple du Temps", /*spanish*/ "el Templo del Tiempo" },
hintTable[HYRULE_CASTLE] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Hyrule Castle", /*french*/ "le Château d'Hyrule", /*spanish*/ "el Castillo de Hyrule" },
hintTable[OUTSIDE_GANONS_CASTLE] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "outside Ganon's Castle", /*french*/ "les alentours du Château&de Ganon",
/*spanish*/ "el exterior del Castillo de Ganon" },
hintTable[KAKARIKO_VILLAGE] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Kakariko Village", /*french*/ "le Village Cocorico", /*spanish*/ "Kakariko" },
hintTable[THE_GRAVEYARD] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "the Graveyard", /*french*/ "le Cimetière", /*spanish*/ "el cementerio" },
hintTable[DEATH_MOUNTAIN_TRAIL] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Death Mountain Trail", /*french*/ "le Chemin du Péril",
/*spanish*/ "el sendero de la Montaña de la Muerte" },
hintTable[GORON_CITY] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Goron City", /*french*/ "le Village Goron", /*spanish*/ "la Ciudad Goron" },
hintTable[DEATH_MOUNTAIN_CRATER] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Death Mountain Crater", /*french*/ "le Cratère du Péril",
/*spanish*/ "el cráter de la Montaña de la Muerte" },
hintTable[ZORAS_RIVER] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Zora's River", /*french*/ "la Rivière Zora", /*spanish*/ "el Río Zora" },
hintTable[ZORAS_DOMAIN] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Zora's Domain", /*french*/ "le Domaine Zora", /*spanish*/ "la Región de los Zora" },
hintTable[ZORAS_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Zora's Fountain", /*french*/ "la Fontaine Zora", /*spanish*/ "la Fuente Zora" },
hintTable[LON_LON_RANCH] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Lon Lon Ranch", /*french*/ "le Ranch Lon Lon", /*spanish*/ "el Rancho Lon Lon" },
hintTable[KF_LINKS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Link's House", /*french*/ "la #maison de @#", /*spanish*/ "la casa de @" },
// hintTable[TOT_MAIN] = HintText::Region({
// //obscure text
// Text{"the #Temple of Time#", /*french*/"le #Temple du Temps#", /*spanish*/"el Templo del
// Tiempo"},
// });
hintTable[KF_MIDOS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Mido's house", /*french*/ "la #Cabane du Grand Mido#", /*spanish*/ "la casa de Mido" },
hintTable[KF_SARIAS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Saria's House", /*french*/ "la #Cabane de Saria#", /*spanish*/ "la casa de Saria" },
hintTable[KF_HOUSE_OF_TWINS] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #House of Twins#", /*french*/ "la #Cabane des Jumelles#", /*spanish*/ "la casa de las gemelas" },
hintTable[KF_KNOW_IT_ALL_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Know-It-All Brothers' House", /*french*/ "la #Cabane des frères Je-Sais-Tout#",
/*spanish*/ "la casa de los hermanos Sabelotodo" },
hintTable[KF_KOKIRI_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Kokiri Shop#", /*french*/ "le #Magasin Kokiri#", /*spanish*/ "la tienda kokiri" },
hintTable[LH_LAB] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Lakeside Laboratory#", /*french*/ "le #Laboratoire du Lac#",
/*spanish*/ "el laboratorio del lago" },
hintTable[LH_FISHING_HOLE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Fishing Pond#", /*french*/ "l'#Étang#", /*spanish*/ "el estanque" },
hintTable[GV_CARPENTER_TENT] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Carpenters' tent#", /*french*/ "la #Tente des charpentiers#",
/*spanish*/ "la #tienda de campaña de los carpinteros#" },
hintTable[MARKET_GUARD_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Guard House#", /*french*/ "le #poste de garde#", /*spanish*/ "la caseta de guardia" },
hintTable[MARKET_MASK_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Happy Mask Shop#", /*french*/ "la #Foire Aux Masques#",
/*spanish*/ "la tienda de La Máscara Feliz" },
hintTable[MARKET_BOMBCHU_BOWLING] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Bombchu Bowling Alley#", /*french*/ "le #Bowling Teigneux#", /*spanish*/ "la Bolera Bombchu" },
hintTable[MARKET_POTION_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Market Potion Shop#", /*french*/ "l'#apothicaire de la Place du Marché#",
/*spanish*/ "la tienda de pociones de la plaza del mercado" },
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Treasure Chest Shop#", /*french*/ "la #Chasse-aux-Trésors#", /*spanish*/ "el Cofre del Tesoro" },
hintTable[MARKET_BOMBCHU_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Bombchu Shop#", /*french*/ "le #Magasin de Missiles#", /*spanish*/ "la Tienda Bombchu" },
hintTable[MARKET_MAN_IN_GREEN_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Man in Green's House", /*french*/ "la #Maison de l'Homme en Vert#",
/*spanish*/ "la casa del hombre de verde" },
hintTable[KAK_WINDMILL] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Windmill#", /*french*/ "le #Moulin#", /*spanish*/ "el #molino#" },
hintTable[KAK_CARPENTER_BOSS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Carpenters' Boss House#", /*french*/ "la #Maison du Chef des ouvriers#",
/*spanish*/ "la casa del capataz de los carpinteros" },
hintTable[KAK_HOUSE_OF_SKULLTULA] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #House of Skulltula#", /*french*/ "la #Maison des Skulltulas#",
/*spanish*/ "la casa de las Skulltulas" },
hintTable[KAK_IMPAS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Impa's House", /*french*/ "la #Maison d'Impa#", /*spanish*/ "la casa de Impa" },
hintTable[KAK_IMPAS_HOUSE_BACK] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Impa's cow cage", /*french*/ "la #cage à vache d'Impa#", /*spanish*/ "la jaula de la vaca de Impa" },
hintTable[KAK_ODD_POTION_BUILDING] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Granny's Potion Shop", /*french*/ "la #maison bleue de Cocorico#",
/*spanish*/ "la tienda de pociones de la abuela" },
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_DAMPES_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Dampé's Hut", /*french*/ "la #Cabane du Fossoyeur#", /*spanish*/ "la cabaña de Dampé" },
hintTable[GC_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Goron Shop#", /*french*/ "la #Boutique Goron#", /*spanish*/ "la #tienda goron#" },
hintTable[ZD_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Zora Shop#", /*french*/ "la #Boutique Zora#", /*spanish*/ "la #tienda zora#" },
hintTable[LLR_TALONS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Talon's House", /*french*/ "la #Maison de Talon#", /*spanish*/ "la casa de Talon" },
hintTable[LLR_STABLES] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #stable#", /*french*/ "l'#Étable#", /*spanish*/ "el establo" },
hintTable[LLR_TOWER] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Lon Lon Tower#", /*french*/ "le #silo du Ranch Lon Lon#", /*spanish*/ "la torre Lon Lon" },
hintTable[MARKET_BAZAAR] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Market Bazaar#", /*french*/ "le #Bazar de la Place du Marché#",
/*spanish*/ "el bazar de la plaza del mercado" },
hintTable[MARKET_SHOOTING_GALLERY] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Slingshot Shooting Gallery#", /*french*/ "le #Jeu d'Adresse de la Place du Marché#",
/*spanish*/ "el Tiro al Blanco con tirachinas" },
hintTable[KAK_BAZAAR] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Kakariko Bazaar#", /*french*/ "le #Bazar de Cocorico#", /*spanish*/ "el bazar de Kakariko" },
hintTable[KAK_POTION_SHOP_FRONT] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Kakariko Potion Shop#", /*french*/ "l'#apothicaire de Cocorico#",
/*spanish*/ "la tienda de pociones de Kakariko" },
hintTable[KAK_POTION_SHOP_BACK] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Kakariko Potion Shop#", /*french*/ "l'#apothicaire de Cocorico#",
/*spanish*/ "la tienda de pociones de Kakariko" },
hintTable[KAK_SHOOTING_GALLERY] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Bow Shooting Gallery#", /*french*/ "le #jeu d'adresse de Cocorico#",
/*spanish*/ "el Tiro al Blanco con arco" },
hintTable[COLOSSUS_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una fuente de la Gran Hada" },
hintTable[HC_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una fuente de la Gran Hada" },
hintTable[OGC_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una fuente de la Gran Hada" },
hintTable[DMC_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una fuente de la Gran Hada" },
hintTable[DMT_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una fuente de la Gran Hada" },
hintTable[ZF_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una fuente de la Gran Hada" },
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_SHIELD_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #grave with a free chest#", /*french*/ "le #tombeau avec un trésor#",
/*spanish*/ "la #tumba con un cofre#" },
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_HEART_PIECE_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a chest spawned by #Sun's Song#", /*french*/ "un #coffre apparaît avec le Chant du Soleil#",
/*spanish*/ "la #tumba de la Canción del Sol#" },
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_COMPOSERS_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Composers' Grave#", /*french*/ "la #Tombe royale#", /*spanish*/ "el #Panteón Real#" },
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_DAMPES_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "Dampé's Grave", /*french*/ "la #Tombe d'Igor#", /*spanish*/ "la #tumba de Dampé#" },
hintTable[DMT_COW_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a solitary #Cow#", /*french*/ "la #grotte avec une vache#", /*spanish*/ "una #vaca# solitaria" },
hintTable[HC_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a sandy grotto with #fragile walls#", /*french*/ "la #grotte avec des murs fragiles#",
/*spanish*/ "la arenosa gruta de #frágiles paredes#" },
hintTable[HF_TEKTITE_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a pool guarded by a #Tektite#", /*french*/ "l'#étang sous-terrain avec un Araknon#",
/*spanish*/ "un charco custodiado por un #Tektite#" },
hintTable[HF_NEAR_KAK_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #Big Skulltula# guarding a Gold one", /*french*/ "la #grotte d'araignées#",
/*spanish*/ "una #gran Skulltula# custodiando una dorada" },
hintTable[HF_COW_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a grotto full of #spider webs#", /*french*/ "la #grotte couverte de toiles d'araignées#",
/*spanish*/ "una gruta llena de #telarañas#" },
hintTable[KAK_REDEAD_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "#ReDeads# guarding a chest", /*french*/ "le tombeau de #deux morts#",
/*spanish*/ "los #ReDeads# que custodian un cofre" },
hintTable[SFM_WOLFOS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "#Wolfos# guarding a chest", /*french*/ "la #grotte iridescente#",
/*spanish*/ "los #Wolfos# que custodian un cofre" },
hintTable[GV_OCTOROK_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "an #Octorok# guarding a rich pool", /*french*/ "un #étang sous-terrain avec un Octorok#",
/*spanish*/ "un #Octorok# que custodia un lujoso charco" },
hintTable[DEKU_THEATER] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "the #Lost Woods Stage#", /*french*/ "le #théâtre sylvestre#",
/*spanish*/ "el #escenario del Bosque Perdido#" },
hintTable[ZR_OPEN_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[DMC_UPPER_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[DMT_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[KAK_OPEN_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[HF_NEAR_MARKET_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[HF_OPEN_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[HF_SOUTHEAST_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[KF_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[LW_NEAR_SHORTCUTS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #generic grotto#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/ "una #cueva genérica#" },
hintTable[HF_INSIDE_FENCE_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a #single Upgrade Deku Scrub#", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec une peste Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con un #solitario mercader deku#" },
hintTable[LW_SCRUBS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "#2 Deku Scrubs# including an Upgrade one", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[COLOSSUS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[ZR_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[SFM_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[GV_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[LH_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[DMC_HAMMER_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[GC_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[LLR_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/ "une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#",
/*spanish*/ "una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#" },
hintTable[ZR_FAIRY_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #fontaine de fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una pequeña #fuente de hadas#" },
hintTable[HF_FAIRY_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #fontaine de fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una pequeña #fuente de hadas#" },
hintTable[SFM_FAIRY_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #fontaine de fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una pequeña #fuente de hadas#" },
hintTable[ZD_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #fontaine de fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una pequeña #fuente de hadas#" },
hintTable[GF_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
// obscure text
Text{ "a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/ "une #fontaine de fées#",
/*spanish*/ "una pequeña #fuente de hadas#" },
hintTable[JUNK02] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say you must read the names of \"Special Deal\" shop items carefully.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les \"Offres spéciales\" sont parfois trompeuses... Lisez les attentivement!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, se debería prestar atención a los nombres de las ofertas especiales." },
hintTable[JUNK03] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Zelda is a poor leader.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, Zelda ne ferait pas un bon monarque.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Zelda es mala líder." },
hintTable[JUNK04] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "These hints can be quite useful. This is an exception.",
/*french*/ "Ces indices sont très utiles, à l'exception de celui-ci.",
/*spanish*/ "Las pistas suelen servir de ayuda. En cambio, esta no." },
hintTable[JUNK05] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the Lizalfos in Dodongo's Cavern like to play in lava.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les Lézalfos de la Caverne Dodongo aiment patauger dans la lave.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, a los Lizalfos de la Cueva de los Dodongos les gusta jugar en la lava." },
hintTable[JUNK06] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that all the Zora drowned in Wind Waker.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les Zoras se sont noyés dans Wind Waker.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, en Wind Waker todos los zora se ahogaron." },
hintTable[JUNK07] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "If Gorons eat rocks, does that mean I'm in danger?",
/*french*/ "Ne dis pas au Gorons que je suis ici. Ils mangent des roches, tu sais!",
/*spanish*/ "Si los Goron se tragan las piedras, ¿no me hace ser una especia vulnarable o algo así" },
hintTable[JUNK08] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
"'Member when Ganon was a blue pig?^I 'member.",
/*french*/ "Dans mon temps, Ganon était un cochon bleu...^Pff! Les jeunes de nos jours, et leur Ganondorf!",
/*spanish*/ "¿T'acuerdas cuando Ganon era un cerdo azul?^Qué tiempos, chico." },
hintTable[JUNK09] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "One who does not have Triforce can't go in.", /*french*/ "Ceux sans Triforce doivent rebrousser chemin.",
/*spanish*/ "Aquel que no porte la Trifuerza no podrá pasar." },
hintTable[JUNK10] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Save your future, end the Happy Mask Salesman.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, tu t'éviteras des jours de malheur si tu vaincs le vendeur de masques...",
/*spanish*/ "Salva tu futuro, acaba con el dueño de La Máscara Feliz." },
hintTable[JUNK11] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Glitches are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... Unnatural.", /*french*/
"Les glitchs sont un moyen d'acquérir de nombreuses facultés considérées par certains comme... contraire "
"à la nature.",
/*spanish*/ "Los glitches son el camino a muchas habilidades que varios consideran... nada natural." },
hintTable[JUNK12] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I'm stoned. Get it?", /*french*/ "Allez, roche, papier, ciseau...&Roche.",
/*spanish*/ "Me he quedado de piedra. ¿Lo pillas?" },
hintTable[JUNK13] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Hoot! Hoot! Would you like me to repeat that?", /*french*/ "Hou hou! Veux-tu que je répète tout ça?",
/*spanish*/ "¡Buuu, buuu! ¿Te lo vuelvo a repetir?" },
hintTable[JUNK14] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Gorons are stupid. They eat rocks.", /*french*/ "Les Gorons sont des vraies têtes dures.",
/*spanish*/ "Los Goron son tontos. Se comen las piedras." },
hintTable[JUNK15] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Lon Lon Ranch prospered under Ingo.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le Ranch Lon Lon était plus prospère sous Ingo.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, el Rancho Lon Lon prosperó gracias a Ingo." },
hintTable[JUNK16] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "The single rupee is a unique item.", /*french*/ "Nul objet n'est plus unique que le rubis vert.",
/*spanish*/ "La rupia de uno es un objeto singular." },
hintTable[JUNK17] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Without the Lens of Truth, the Treasure Chest Mini-Game is a 1 out of 32 chance.^Good luck!",
/*french*/ "Gagner la Chasse-aux-Trésors est 1 chance sur 32.^Bonne chance!", /*spanish*/
"Sin la Lupa de la Verdad, ganarías 1/32 veces en el Cofre del Tesoro.^¡Buena suerte con ello!" },
hintTable[JUNK18] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Use bombs wisely.", /*french*/ "Utilise les bombes avec précaution.",
/*spanish*/ "No desperdicies las bombas." },
hintTable[JUNK19] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Volvagia hates splinters", /*french*/ "Selon moi, Volvagia déteste les échardes.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Volvagia le teme a las astillas." },
hintTable[JUNK20] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that funky monkeys can be spotted on Friday.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, des capucins coquins sortent le vendredi.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, en los viernes puedes hallar monos marchosos." },
hintTable[JUNK21] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I found you, faker!", /*french*/ "Ah-ha! Je t'ai trouvé!", /*spanish*/ "¡Ahí estás, impostor!" },
hintTable[JUNK22] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say the Groose is loose.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, Hergo est le vrai héros.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Malton es un espanto." },
hintTable[JUNK23] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
"They say that players who select the \"ON\" option for \"MOTION CONTROL\" are the real \"Zelda players!\"",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, ceux qui utilisent les contrôles gyroscopiques sont les VRAIS joueurs.", /*spanish*/
"Según dicen, aquellos que juegan usando el control por movimiento son los verdaderos jugadores de "
"Zelda." },
hintTable[JUNK24] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "What happened to Sheik?", /*french*/ "Donc... Qu'est-ce qui arrive avec Sheik?",
/*spanish*/ "¿Qué la habrá pasado a Sheik?" },
hintTable[JUNK25] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "L2P @.", /*french*/ "Arrête de lire les indices et joue comme un grand, @.",
/*spanish*/ "Mira que eres novato, @." },
hintTable[JUNK26] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I've heard you can cheat at Sploosh Kaboom.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, il y a une carte aux trésors à Mercantîle... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "He oído por ahí que puedes hacer trampa en el Sploosh Kaboom." },
hintTable[JUNK27] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I'm Lonk from Pennsylvania.", /*french*/ "Je suis Lonk, le héros de Pennsylvanie!",
/*spanish*/ "Soy Lonk, de Pensilvania." },
hintTable[JUNK28] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I bet you'd like to have more bombs.", /*french*/ "Je parie que tu veux plus de bombes.",
/*spanish*/ "Me apuesto a que quisieras tener más bombas." },
hintTable[JUNK29] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "When all else fails, use Fire.", /*french*/ "Quand rien ne marche, utilise le feu.",
/*spanish*/ "Cuando nada funcione, usa el fuego." },
hintTable[JUNK30] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Here's a hint, @. Don't be bad.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, la #Triforce# n'est pas dans le jeu... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Aquí tienes una pista, @: deja de ser manco." },
hintTable[JUNK31] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Game Over. Return of Ganon.", /*french*/ "Partie terminée. RETour de Ganon.",
/*spanish*/ "Fin de la partida. El regreso de Ganon." },
hintTable[JUNK32] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.",
/*french*/ "Que le chemin du héros te mène à la Triforce.",
/*spanish*/ "Puede que la senda del héroe te lleve hacia la Trifuerza." },
hintTable[JUNK33] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Can't find an item? Scan an Amiibo.", /*french*/ "Tu cherches de quoi? Utilise un Amiibo!",
/*spanish*/ "¿No encuentras algo? Escanea un amiibo." },
hintTable[JUNK34] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say this game has just a few glitches.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, ce jeu est complètement exempt de glitchs.",
/*spanish*/ "Dicen que este juego apenas tiene glitches." },
hintTable[JUNK35] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "BRRING BRRING This is Ulrira. Wrong number?",
/*french*/ "DRING DRING!! Pépé le Ramollo à l'appareil... Quoi? Faux numéro?",
/*spanish*/ "¡Ring! ¡Ring! Al habla Ulrira. ¿Me he equivocado de número?" },
hintTable[JUNK36] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah!", /*french*/ "Tingle! Tingle! Kooloolin... Pah!",
/*spanish*/ "Tingle, Tingle, Kurulín... ¡PA!" },
hintTable[JUNK37] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "L is real 2401", /*french*/ "L is real 2401", /*spanish*/ "L es real 2401." },
hintTable[JUNK38] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Ganondorf will appear in the next Mario Tennis.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Ganondorf sera la nouvelle recrue dans Mario Tennis.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Ganondorf estará en el próximo Mario Tennis." },
hintTable[JUNK39] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Medigoron sells the earliest Breath of the Wild demo.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Medigoron vend une démo de #Breath of the Wild#.",
/*spanish*/ "Medigoron vende la primera demo del Breath of the Wild." },
hintTable[JUNK40] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Can you move me? I don't get great service here.",
/*french*/ "Peux-tu me déplacer? J'ai pas une bonne réception ici.",
/*spanish*/ "¿Puedes llevarme a otro lado? Aquí nadie me presta atención." },
hintTable[JUNK41] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say if you use Strength on the truck, you can find Mew.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, #Mew# se trouve dessous le camion... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes hallar un Mew usando Fuerza contra el camión de Ciudad Carmín." },
hintTable[JUNK42] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I'm a helpful hint Gossip Stone!^See, I'm helping.",
/*french*/ "Salut! Je suis une pierre de bons conseils!^Tiens, tu vois? J'aide bien, hein?",
/*spanish*/ "Soy una Piedra Sheikah muy útil.^¡Mira cómo te ayudo!" },
hintTable[JUNK43] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
"Dear @, please come to the castle. I've baked a cake for you.&Yours truly, Princess Zelda.", /*french*/
"Mon très cher @:&Viens vite au château, je t'ai préparé&un délicieux gâteau...^À bientôt, Princesse Zelda",
"Querido @: Por favor, ven al castillo. He hecho una tarta para ti.&Sinceramente tuya: Princesa Zelda." },
hintTable[JUNK44] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say all toasters toast toast.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, les grille-pains grillent du pain.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, todas las tostadoras tostan tostadas tostadas." },
hintTable[JUNK45] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "You thought it would be a useful hint, but it was me, junk hint!",
/*french*/ "Tu t'attendais à un bon indice... Mais c'était moi, un mauvais indice!", /*spanish*/
"Je... Creeías que iba a ser una piedra de utilidad, ¡pero no, era yo, la piedra de la agonía!" },
hintTable[JUNK46] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that quest guidance can be found at a talking rock.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, des #indices# se trouvent auprès d'une pierre parlante... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes consultarle ayuda a rocas parlanchinas." },
hintTable[JUNK47] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the final item you're looking for can be found somewhere in Hyrule.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le #dernier objet# se trouve quelque part dans Hyrule... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, el último objeto que te falte puede estar en cualquier rincón de Hyrule." },
hintTable[JUNK48] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.",
/*french*/ "Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.",
/*spanish*/ "Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep." },
hintTable[JUNK49] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Barinade fears Deku Nuts.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, Barinade a la frousse des noix Mojo.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, lo que más teme a Barinade son las nueces deku." },
hintTable[JUNK50] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Flare Dancers do not fear Goron-crafted blades.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le danse-flamme n'a pas peur des armes de Goron.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, los Bailafuegos no le temen a las armas forjadas por Gorons." },
hintTable[JUNK51] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Morpha is easily trapped in a corner.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Morpha est facilement coincé.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes atrapar a Morpha con facilidad en una esquina." },
hintTable[JUNK52] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Bongo Bongo really hates the cold.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Bongo Bongo a facilement froid aux doigts.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Bongo Bongo odia a muerte el frío." },
hintTable[JUNK53] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that your sword is most powerful when you put it away.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, ton épée est à pleine puissance quand tu la rengaines.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, tu espada se vuelve más poderosa si la guardas." },
hintTable[JUNK54] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that bombing the hole Volvagia last flew into can be rewarding.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le trou où se creuse Volvagia est vulnérable aux bombes.", /*spanish*/
"Según dicen, trae buena suerte colocar una bomba en el último agujero de donde salió Volvagia." },
hintTable[JUNK55] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that invisible ghosts can be exposed with Deku Nuts.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, des fantômes invisibles apparaissent avec des noix Mojo.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes exponer a los espectros invisibles con nueces deku." },
hintTable[JUNK56] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the real Phantom Ganon is bright and loud.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le vrai spectre de Ganon est clair et bruyant.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, el verdadero Ganon Fantasma es brillante y ruidoso." },
hintTable[JUNK57] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that walking backwards is very fast.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, tu fais marche arrière très rapidement pour un héros.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, es más rápido caminar hacia atrás." },
hintTable[JUNK58] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
"They say that leaping above the Market entrance enriches most children.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les enfants riches se pavanent en haut du pont-levis.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, saltar por las cadenas a la entrada de la plaza enriquece a muchos chiquillos." },
hintTable[JUNK59] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say Ingo is not very good at planning ahead.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Ingo ne fait pas un très bon geôlier.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, a Ingo no se le da especialmente bien planificar con antelación." },
hintTable[JUNK60] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "You found a spiritual Stone! By which I mean, I worship Nayru.",
/*french*/ "Vous avez trouvé une Pierre Ancestrale! En effet, je vénère la déesse Hylia.",
/*spanish*/ "¡Has encontrado una piedra espiritual! Es que le rindo culto a Nayru..." },
hintTable[JUNK61] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that a flying strike with a Deku Stick is no stronger than a grounded one.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, un coup de bâton sauté n'est pas meilleur qu'au sol.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, los golpes aéreos con palos deku son tan fuertes como los normales." },
hintTable[JUNK62] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Open your eyes.^Open your eyes.^Wake up, @.",
/*french*/ "Réveille-toi...^Réveille-toi.^Ouvre les yeux, @.",
/*spanish*/ "Abre los ojos...^Abre los ojos...^Despierta, @..." },
hintTable[JUNK63] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the Nocturne of Shadow can bring you very close to Ganon.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le nocturne de l'ombre peut t'amener très près de Ganon.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, el Nocturno de la sombra te puede acercar mucho a Ganon." },
hintTable[JUNK64] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Twinrova always casts the same spell the first three times.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Twinrova lance toujours les mêmes trois premiers sorts.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Birova siempre lanza el mismo hechizo las tres primeras veces." },
hintTable[JUNK65] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the nightly builds may be unstable.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les \"nightly builds\" peuvent être instables.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, las últimas nightlies pueden llegar a ser algo inestables." },
hintTable[JUNK66] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "You're playing a Randomizer. I'm randomized!^Here's a random number: #4#.&Enjoy your Randomizer!",
/*french*/ "Tu joues à un randomizer. Je suis aléatoire!^Voici un nombre aléatoire: #4#.&Bonne partie!",
"¡Estás jugando un Randomizer! ¡Yo también estoy aleatorizada!^Aquí tienes un número aleatorio: "
"#8#.&¡Diviértete!" },
hintTable[JUNK67] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say Ganondorf's bolts can be reflected with glass or steel.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les éclairs de Ganon se reflètent sur l'acier et le verre.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes reflejar las esferas de energía de Ganondorf con cristal y acero." },
hintTable[JUNK68] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say Ganon's tail is vulnerable to nuts, arrows, swords, explosives, hammers...^...sticks, seeds, "
"boomerangs...^...rods, shovels, iron balls, angry bees...",
"Selon moi, la queue de Ganon est vulnérable aux noix, flèches, épées, bombes, marteaux...^...bâtons, "
"graines, boomerangs...^...baguettes, pelles, boulets de fer, abeilles enragées...",
"Según dicen, la cola de Ganon es vulnerable a nueces, flechas, espadas, explosivos, "
"martillos...^...palos, semillas, bumeráns...^...cetros, palas, bolas de hierro, abejas..." },
hintTable[JUNK69] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
"They say that you're wasting time reading this hint, but I disagree. Talk to me again!",
/*french*/ "Selon moi... tu sais quoi? Parle-moi encore, et je te le dirai!", /*spanish*/
"Según dicen, pierdes el tiempo en leer esta pista, pero no pienso igual. ¡Vuelve a hablarme, ya verás!" },
hintTable[JUNK70] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say Ganondorf knows where to find the instrument of his doom.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Ganondorf sait où il a caché son point faible.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Ganondorf sabe dónde hallar el instrumento de su perdición." },
hintTable[JUNK71] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I heard @ is pretty good at Zelda.", /*french*/ "Apparemment, @ est super bon à Zelda.",
/*spanish*/ "He oído que a @ se le dan muy bien los Zelda." },
hintTable[JUNK72] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Hi @, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. ",
/*french*/ "Bonjour, @. Vous avez une voiture? Vous savez, nous offrons des assurances abordables...",
"Buenas, @. Le llamamos para ofrecerle un nuevo seguro de hogar que puede pagar en cómodos plazos, sin "
"intereses ni comisiones." },
hintTable[JUNK73] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the best weapon against Iron Knuckles is item 176.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, les hache-viandes sont vulnérables contre l'objet 176.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, la mejor arma para enfrentarse a los Nudillos de hierro es el objeto 176." },
hintTable[JUNK74] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that it's actually possible to beat the running man.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, il est possible de battre le coureur.&Donc, tu prends ton arc, et...",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, con mucha perseverancia puedes ganarle al corredor con la capucha de conejo." },
hintTable[JUNK75] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the stone-cold guardian of the Well is only present during work hours.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le gardien de pierre du Puits quitte le soir pour aller se coucher.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, la inmensa roca que bloquea el pozo solo trabaja en horas laborales." },
hintTable[JUNK76] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
"They say this hint makes more sense in other languages.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, ces indices auraient pu être mieux traduits... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, esta pista revela algo de vital importancia si cambias el idioma del juego..." },
hintTable[JUNK77] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "BOK? No way.", /*french*/ "BD'accord? Hors de question.", /*spanish*/ "¿BVale? Ni hablar." },
// ^ junk hints above are from 3drando
// v junk hints below are new to soh rando
"Erreur 0x69a504:&Traduction manquante^C'est de la faute à Purple Hato!&J'vous jure!"
hintTable[JUNK78] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say blarg...^...or at least briaguya does.", /*french*/"Tout ce que j'ai à dire, c'est blarg...^... 'fin c'est plutôt ce que briaguya dirait.", /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK79] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say this peace is what all true warriors strive for.", /*french*/"Selon moi, cette paix est ce pour quoi luttent tous les vrais guerriers.", /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK80] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say this ship is what all true gamers strive for.", /*french*/"Selon moi, cette version du port est ce pour quoi luttent tous les vrais gamers.", /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK81] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Glowsticks can be found in the Raveyard.", /*french*/"On peut trouver des Bâtons Lumineux sur le dancefloor du cimetière.", /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_1] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say %rthere are no more than 18&people on this island.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_2] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say I am one yet many", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_3] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say its all in the name of guiding&humanity down the right path.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR,
"blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_4] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say \"Repetition requested\"", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_5] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say %rThe red tells only the truth!", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_6] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say good tidings to you^my traitorous @", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_7] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say when the seagulls cried,&none were left alive.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_7] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say when the seagulls cried,&none were left alive.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_8] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say she is lying with the red letters!", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_WTC_9] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say we'll meet again,&when something else cries.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_1] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say you know I've kiboshed before...^and I will kibosh again.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR,
"blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_2] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say if relationship @ walks through that door,^they will KILL independent @.",
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_3] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say you gotta have the BIG Salad.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_4] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say it's a festivus miracle", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_5] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say there are no houses in Tuscany to rent.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_6] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say my last boyfriend had a real&Kroner comprehension problem.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR,
"blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_7] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say it's a festivus miracle.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_8] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say Louis quit the importing&to focus on the exporting.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_9] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say no thanks, I can't drink coffee&late at night, it keeps me up.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_10] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say it's not a lie if you believe it.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_11] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say there was a second spitter.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_12] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say there was a second spitter.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_13] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say the jerk store called,^they're running out of YOU.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_14] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say when you look annoyed all the time,&people thing you are busy.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_15] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say when you look annoyed all the time,&people think you are busy.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR,
"blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_16] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say he fires people like its a bodily function.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_17] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say he threatened to move the ship to New Jersey&just to upset people.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_18] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say there was significant shrinkage.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_19] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say if it wasn't for the toilet there'd be no books.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_20] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say if it wasn't for the toilet there'd be no books.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_21] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say don't trust men in capes.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_22] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say @'s uncle works for Nintendo.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_23] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say @'s stole the marble rye.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_24] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say there is no better harmony&than the black and white cookie.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_25] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say @ hasn't vomited since 1983.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_26] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say you gotta have the early bird special.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_27] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say a donation has been made in your name&to the human fund.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_28] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say you want to be my latex salesman.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_SEI_29] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say if every instinct you have is wrong...^... then the opposite would have to be right.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_1] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say OTR stands for&Over the Rainbow", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_2] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Onions, Tomatoes, and Radishes", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_3] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Ocarina of Time Resources", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_4] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Over the Road", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_5] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Off the Record", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_6] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Office of Tax and Revenue", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_7] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say OTR stands for&Over the Rainbow", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_8] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Office of Trade Relations", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_9] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Original Theatrical Release", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_10] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Operational Test Requirement", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_11] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Operational Trouble Report", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_12] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Oxygen Transmission Rate", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_13] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&One Touch Recording", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_14] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Olympic Torch Relay", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_15] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Off the Rack", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_16] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Overhead Transfer Rate", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_17] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Operational TurnaRound", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_18] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Opportunity to Recall", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_19] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Operability Test Report", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_20] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Overall Tuning Range", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_21] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&One Time Requisition", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_22] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Oblivious to Reality", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_23] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&On the Run", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_24] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&On Time Reporting", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_25] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Order to Receipt", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_26] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Other Terrestrial Radio", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_27] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&On Target Reports", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_28] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&One Time Repair", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_29] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Own the Room", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_OTR_MEANS_30] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say that OTR stands for&Online Text Repository", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_1] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say %gKenix%w isn't a developer...^...Just a PR guy", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_2] = HintText::Junk({
Text {"They say... No", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_3] = HintText::Junk({
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_4] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say you wanted to see me %pMr. Kenix%w?", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_5] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say Louis once saw an&equals not get set equals", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_6] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say only you can find your rom.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_7] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say ZAPD is good software.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_8] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say you can encounter&a parascode in tall grass.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_9] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say the ship sails on March 32nd.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_10] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say bombing dodongos is fun.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_11] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say shopkeepers don't give credits.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_12] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say shopkeepers don't give credits.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_13] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say Malon is glitched.", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_14] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say do I look like I know&what a DList is?", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_15] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say do I look like I know&what an AList is?", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_16] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say the king drinks enthusiastically", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[JUNK_MISC_17] = HintText::Junk({
Text{ "They say Rubies are on the path to&Lamp Oil, Rope, and Bombs", HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, "blarg" },
hintTable[DEKU_TREE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "an ancient tree", /*french*/ "le vieil arbre", /*spanish*/ "un ancestral árbol" },
// clear text
Text{ "Deku Tree", /*french*/ "l'Arbre Mojo", /*spanish*/ "el Gran Árbol Deku" });
hintTable[DODONGOS_CAVERN] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "an immense cavern", /*french*/ "l'immense caverne", /*spanish*/ "una descomunal cueva" },
// clear text
Text{ "Dodongo's Cavern", /*french*/ "la Caverne Dodongo", /*spanish*/ "la Cueva de los Dodongos" });
hintTable[JABU_JABUS_BELLY] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "the belly of a deity", /*french*/ "le ventre d'un gardien",
/*spanish*/ "la tripa de cierta deidad" },
// clear text
Text{ "Jabu-Jabu's Belly", /*french*/ "le Ventre de Jabu-Jabu", /*spanish*/ "tripa de Jabu-Jabu" });
hintTable[FOREST_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "a deep forest", /*french*/ "la profonde forêt", /*spanish*/ "las profundidades del bosque" },
// clear text
Text{ "Forest Temple", /*french*/ "le Temple de la Forêt", /*spanish*/ "el Templo del Bosque" });
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "a high mountain", /*french*/ "la grande montagne", /*spanish*/ "una alta montaña" },
// clear text
Text{ "Fire Temple", /*french*/ "le Temple du Feu", /*spanish*/ "el Templo del Fuego" });
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "a vast lake", /*french*/ "le vaste lac", /*spanish*/ "un lago inmenso" },
// clear text
Text{ "Water Temple", /*french*/ "le Temple de l'Eau", /*spanish*/ "el Templo del Agua" });
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "the goddess of the sand", /*french*/ "la déesse des sables", /*spanish*/ "la diosa de las arenas" },
// clear text
Text{ "Spirit Temple", /*french*/ "le Temple de l'Esprit", /*spanish*/ "el Templo del Espíritu" }
hintTable[SHADOW_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "the house of the dead", /*french*/ "la maison des morts", /*spanish*/ "la casa de la muerte" },
// clear text
Text{ "Shadow Temple", /*french*/ "le Temple de l'Ombre", /*spanish*/ "el Templo de las Sombras" });
hintTable[ICE_CAVERN] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "a frozen maze", /*french*/ "le dédale glacé", /*spanish*/ "un gélido laberinto" },
// clear text
Text{ "Ice Cavern", /*french*/ "la caverne de glace", /*spanish*/ "la caverna de hielo" });
hintTable[BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "a shadow\'s prison", /*french*/ "la prison d'une ombre", /*spanish*/ "la prisión de las sombras" },
// clear text
Text{ "Bottom of the Well", /*french*/ "le fonds du Puits", /*spanish*/ "el fondo del pozo" });
hintTable[GERUDO_TRAINING_GROUNDS] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "the test of thieves", /*french*/ "l'épreuve des voleurs", /*spanish*/ "la prueba de las bandidas" },
// clear text
Text{ "Gerudo Training Grounds", /*french*/ "le Gymnase Gerudo",
/*spanish*/ "el Centro de Instrucción Gerudo" });
hintTable[GANONS_CASTLE] = HintText::DungeonName(
// obscure text
Text{ "a conquered citadel", /*french*/ "la citadelle assiégée", /*spanish*/ "una conquistada ciudadela" },
// clear text
Text{ "Inside Ganon's Castle", /*french*/ "l'intérieur du Château de Ganon",
/*spanish*/ "el interior del Castillo de Ganon" });
hintTable[QUEEN_GOHMA] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "An #ancient tree# rewards", /*french*/ "le #vieil arbre# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "un #ancestral árbol# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Deku Tree# rewards", /*french*/ "l'#Arbre Mojo# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #Gran Árbol Deku# premia con" });
hintTable[KING_DODONGO] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "An #immense cavern# rewards", /*french*/ "l'#immense caverne# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "una #descomunal cueva# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Dodongo's Cavern# rewards", /*french*/ "la #Caverne Dodongo# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "la #Cueva de los Dodongos# premia con" });
hintTable[BARINADE] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "the #belly of a deity# rewards", /*french*/ "le #ventre du gardien# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "la #tripa de cierta deidad# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "#Jabu-Jabu's Belly# rewards", /*french*/ "le #Ventre de Jabu-Jabu# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "la #tripa de Jabu-Jabu# premia con" });
hintTable[PHANTOM_GANON] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #deep forest# rewards", /*french*/ "la #profonde forêt# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #profundo bosque# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Forest Temple# rewards", /*french*/ "le #Temple de la Forêt# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #Templo del Bosque# premia con" });
hintTable[VOLVAGIA] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #high mountain# rewards", /*french*/ "la #grande montagne# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "una #alta montaña# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Fire Temple# rewards", /*french*/ "le #Temple du Feu# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #Templo del Fuego# premia con" });
hintTable[MORPHA] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #vast lake# rewards", /*french*/ "le #vaste lac# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "un #lago inmenso# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Water Temple# rewards", /*french*/ "le #Temple de l'Eau# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #Templo del Agua# premia con" });
hintTable[BONGO_BONGO] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "the #house of the dead# rewards", /*french*/ "la #maison des morts# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "la #casa de la muerte# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Shadow Temple# rewards", /*french*/ "le #Temple de l'Ombre# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #Templo de las Sombras#" });
hintTable[TWINROVA] = HintText::Boss(
// obscure text
Text{ "a #goddess of the sand# rewards", /*french*/ "la #déesse des sables# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "la #diosa de la arena# premia con" },
// clear text
Text{ "the #Spirit Temple# rewards", /*french*/ "le #Temple de l'Esprit# octroie",
/*spanish*/ "el #Templo del Espíritu# premia con" });
// [LINKS_POCKET_BOSS] = HintText::Boss({
// //obscure text
// Text{"#@'s pocket# rewards", /*french*/"#@ débute avec#", /*spanish*/"el #bolsillo de @#
// premia con"},
// },
// //clear text
// Text{"#@ already has#", /*french*/"#@ a déjà#", /*spanish*/"el #bolsillo de @ ya
// tiene#"}
// );
hintTable[BRIDGE_OPEN_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text
Text{ "The awakened ones have already&created a bridge to the castle&where the evil dwells.",
/*french*/ "Les êtres de sagesse ont&déjà créé un pont vers&le repaire du mal.",
/*spanish*/ "Los sabios #ya habrán creado un puente#&al castillo, de donde emana el mal." },
hintTable[BRIDGE_VANILLA_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text
Text{ "The awakened ones require&the Shadow and Spirit Medallions&as well as the Light Arrows.",
"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni des %rMédaillons de&l'Ombre et l'Esprit%w et des&%yFlèches de Lumière%w.",
"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga tanto el #Medallón de las&Sombras y el del Espíritu# junto "
"a la #flecha de luz#." },
hintTable[BRIDGE_STONES_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text singular plural
"The awakened ones will&await for the Hero to collect&%d |Spiritual Stone|Spiritual Stones|.",
/*french*/ "Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de %r%d |Pierre&Ancestrale|Pierres&Ancestrales|%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |piedra espiritual|piedras espirituales|#." },
hintTable[BRIDGE_MEDALLIONS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to collect&%d |Medallion|Medallions|.",
/*french*/ "Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de %r#%d |Médaillon|Médaillons|%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |medallón|medallones|#." },
hintTable[BRIDGE_REWARDS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to collect&%d |Spiritual Stone or Medallion|Spiritual Stones "
"and Medallions|.",
"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de %r%d |Pierre&Ancestrale ou Médaillon|Pierres&Ancestrales ou Médaillons|%w.",
"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |piedra espiritual o medallón|piedras espirtuales y "
"medallones|#." },
hintTable[BRIDGE_DUNGEONS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to conquer&%d |Dungeon|Dungeons|.",
/*french*/ "Les êtres de sagesse attendront&la conquête de %r%d |Donjon|Donjons|%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe& complete #%d |mazmorra|mazmorras|#." },
hintTable[BRIDGE_TOKENS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
// obscure text
Text{ "The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to collect&%d |Gold Skulltula Token|Gold Skulltula Tokens|.",
/*french*/ "Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de %r%d |Symbole|Symboles| &de Skulltula d'or%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |símbolo|símbolos| de&skulltula dorada#." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_START_WITH_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be given %rfrom the start%w.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&possession %rmême du héros%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Y obtendrás la llave del #señor del mal# desde el #inicio#." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_VANILLA_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be kept in a big chest&%rinside its tower%w.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&encoffrée %rdans sa tour%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará en un gran cofre de #su torre#." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_OWN_DUNGEON_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be hidden somewhere %rinside&its castle%w.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&cachée %rdans son vaste château%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará en #algún lugar de su castillo#." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_OVERWORLD_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be hidden %routside of&dungeons%w in Hyrule.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w se&trouve %rhors des donjons%w d'Hyrule.",
/*spanish*/ "Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará #fuera de las mazmorras# de Hyrule." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_ANY_DUNGEON_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be hidden %rinside a&dungeon%w in Hyrule.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w se&trouve %rdans un donjon%w d'Hyrule.",
/*spanish*/ "Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará #en una mazmorra# de Hyrule." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_ANYWHERE_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be hidden somewhere&%rin Hyrule%w.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w se&trouve quelque part %rdans Hyrule%w.",
/*spanish*/ "Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará en #cualquier lugar de Hyrule#." },
hintTable[GANON_BK_TRIFORCE_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
// obscure text
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will&be given to the Hero once&the %rTriforce%w is completed.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w se&révèlera une fois la %rTriforce%w&assemblée.",
/*spanish*/ "Y el héroe recibirá la llave del #señor del mal# cuando haya completado la #Trifuerza#." },
hintTable[LACS_VANILLA_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
// obscure text
"And the %revil one%w's key will be&provided by Zelda once the&%rShadow and Spirit Medallions%w&are retrieved.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&fournie par Zelda une fois que &les %rMédaillons de l'Ombre et de&l'Esprit%w seront récupérés.",
"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#el medallón de las sombras y del "
"espíritu#." },
hintTable[LACS_MEDALLIONS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will be&provided by Zelda once %r%d&|Medallion%w is|Medallions%w are| retrieved.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&fournie par Zelda une fois |qu'&%r%d Médaillon%w aura été&récupéré|que&%r%d Médaillons%w auront été&récupérés|.",
/*spanish*/ "Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |medallón|medallones|#." },
hintTable[LACS_STONES_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
// obscure text singular plural
"And the %revil one%w's key will be&provided by Zelda once %r%d&|Spiritual Stone%w is|Spiritual Stones%w are| "
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&fournie par Zelda une fois |qu'&%r%d Pierre Ancestrale%w aura été&récupérée|que&%r%d Pierres Ancestrales%w auront été&récupérées|.",
"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |piedra espiritual|piedras "
"espirituales|#." },
hintTable[LACS_REWARDS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will be&provided by Zelda once %r%d&|Spiritual Stone or Medallion%w&"
"is|Spiritual Stones and Medallions%w&are| retrieved.",
"Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&fournie par Zelda une fois |qu'&%r%d Pierre Ancestrale ou %d&Médaillon%w sera récupéré|que&%r%d Pierres Ancestrales et&Médaillons%w seront récupérés|.",
"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |piedra espiritual o medallón|piedras "
"espirituales o medallones|#." },
hintTable[LACS_DUNGEONS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will be&provided by Zelda once %r%d&|Dungeon%w is|Dungeons%w are| conquered.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&fournie par Zelda une fois |qu'&%r%d donjon %wsera conquis|que&%r%d donjons%w seront conquis|.",
/*spanish*/ "Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras completar&#%d |mazmorra|mazmorras|#." },
hintTable[LACS_TOKENS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
// obscure text singular plural
Text{ "And the %revil one%w's key will be&provided by Zelda once %r%d |Gold&Skulltula Token%w is|Gold&Skulltula "
"Tokens%w are| retrieved.",
/*french*/ "Aussi, la %rclé du Malin%w sera&fournie par Zelda une fois |qu'&%r%d symbole de Skulltula d'or&%wsera récupuéré|que &%r%d symboles de Skulltula d'or&%wseront recupérés|.",
"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |símbolo|símbolos| de&skulltula "
"dorada#." },
hintTable[SIX_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "#Ganon's Tower# is protected by a powerful barrier.",
/*french*/ "#la Tour de Ganon# est protégée par une puissante barrière",
/*spanish*/ "la #torre de Ganon# está protegida por una poderosa barrera" },
hintTable[ZERO_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "Sheik dispelled the barrier around #Ganon's Tower#.",
/*french*/ "Sheik a dissipé la barrière autour de #la Tour de Ganon#",
/*spanish*/ "Sheik disipó la barrera alrededor de la #torre de Ganon#." },
hintTable[FOUR_TO_FIVE_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ " was dispelled by Sheik.", /*french*/ " a été dissipée par Sheik.",
/*spanish*/ " se disipó gracias a Sheik." },
hintTable[ONE_TO_THREE_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ " protects Ganons Tower.", /*french*/ " protège la Tour de Ganon.",
/*spanish*/ " protege la torre de Ganon" },
hintTable[SPIRITUAL_STONE_TEXT_START] = HintText::Altar({
// obscure text
Text{ "3 Spiritual Stones found in Hyrule...",
/*french*/ "Les trois Pierres Ancestrales cachées&dans Hyrule...",
/*spanish*/ "Tres piedras espirituales halladas por Hyrule..." },
hintTable[CHILD_ALTAR_TEXT_END_DOTOPEN] = HintText::Altar({
// obscure text
Text{ "Ye who may become a Hero...&The path to the future is open...",
/*french*/ "À celui qui a quête de devenir&héros...&Le futur vous accueille béant...",
/*spanish*/ "Para aquel que se convierta en el héroe...&La puerta al futuro está a su disposición..." },
hintTable[CHILD_ALTAR_TEXT_END_DOTCLOSED] = HintText::Altar({
// obscure text
"Ye who may become a Hero...&Stand with the Ocarina and&play the Song of Time.",
/*french*/ "À celui qui a quête de devenir&héros...&Portez l'Ocarina et jouez&le chant du temps.",
/*spanish*/ "Para aquel que se convierta en el héroe...&Tome la ocarina y&entone la Canción del Tiempo." },
// obscure text
Text{ "Ye who may become a Hero...&Offer the spiritual stones and&play the Song of Time.",
"À celui qui a quête de devenir&héros... Présentez les Pierres&Ancestrales et jouez&le chant du temps.",
"Para aquel que se convierta en el héroe...&Tome las piedras espirituales y&entone la Canción del "
"Tiempo." },
hintTable[ADULT_ALTAR_TEXT_START] = HintText::Altar({
// obscure text
Text{ "An awakening voice from the Sacred&Realm will call those destined to be&Sages, who dwell in the five "
"Quand le mal aura triomphé, une voix&du Saint Royaume appellera ceux&cachés dans les cinq temples, "
"destinés^à être Sages.",
"Cuando el mal lo impregne todo, desde el Reino Sagrado surgirá una voz que hará despertar a los sabios "
"que moran en los #cinco templos#." },
hintTable[ADULT_ALTAR_TEXT_END] = HintText::Altar({
// obscure text
"$kTogether with the Hero of Time,&the awakened ones will return&the light of peace to the world...",
"$kEnsemble avec le Héros du &Temps, ces Sages emprisonneront&le mal et réinstaureront la&lumière de paix "
"dans le monde...",
"Con el Héroe del Tiempo, aquellos&que despierten detendrán el mal y&volverán al mundo de luz la paz..." },
hintTable[VALIDATION_LINE] = HintText::Validation({
// obscure text
Text{ "Hmph... Since you made it this far, I'll let you know what glorious prize of Ganon's you likely missed "
"out on in my tower.^Behold...^",
"Pah! Puisque tu t'es rendu ici, je te dirai quel trésor tu as manqué dans ma tour.^Et c'est...^",
"Mmm... Ya que has llegado hasta aquí, te diré qué preciado objeto de mi propiedad puedes haberte dejado "
"en mi torre.^He aquí...^" },
hintTable[LIGHT_ARROW_LOCATION_HINT] = HintText::LightArrow({
// obscure text
"Ha ha ha... You'll never beat me by reflecting my lightning bolts and unleashing the arrows from ",
"Ha ha ha... Pauvre fou! Tu ne pourras jamais me vaincre sans les flèches que j'ai cachées dans ",
"Ja, ja, ja... Nunca me derrotarás reflejando mis esferas de energía y desplegando la flecha de luz de " },
hintTable[YOUR_POCKET] = HintText::Exclude({
// obscure text
Text{ "your pocket", /*french*/ "tes poches", /*spanish*/ "tu bolsillo" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE01] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Oh! It's @.&I was expecting someone called Sheik.&Do you know what happened to them?",
/*french*/ "Ah, c'est @.&J'attendais un certain Sheik.&Tu sais ce qui lui est arrivé?",
"¡Oh! Pero si es @.&Estaba esperando a alguien llamado Sheik. ¿Sabes qué puede haberle pasado?" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE02] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "I knew I shouldn't have put the key on the other side of my door.",
/*french*/ "J'aurais dû garder la clé ici. Hélas...",
/*spanish*/ "Sabía que no tendría que haber dejado la llave al otro lado de la puerta." },
hintTable[GANON_LINE03] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Looks like it's time for a round of tennis.",
/*french*/ "C'est l'heure de jouer au tennis.",
/*spanish*/ "Parece que es hora de una pachanga de tenis." },
hintTable[GANON_LINE04] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "You'll never deflect my bolts of energy with your sword, then shoot me with those Light Arrows you "
"happen to have.",
"Ne perds pas ton temps à frapper mes éclairs d'énergie avec ton épée et me tirer avec tes flèches de "
"Nunca reflejarás mis esferas de energía con tu espada, para después dispararme con las flechas de luz "
"que tendrás." },
hintTable[GANON_LINE05] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Why did I leave my trident back in the desert?",
/*french*/ "Sale bêtise... Et j'ai oublié mon trident dans le désert!",
/*spanish*/ "Santa Hylia... ¿Por qué me habré dejado el tridente en el desierto?" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE06] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Zelda is probably going to do something stupid, like send you back to your own timeline.^So this is "
"quite meaningless. Do you really want to save this moron?",
"Même si je suis vaincu... Zelda te renverra dans ton ère, et je reviendrai conquérir!^Telle est la "
"prophécie d'Hyrule Historia!",
"Seguro que Zelda trata de hacer alguna tontería, como enviarte de vuelta a tu línea temporal.^No tiene "
"ningún sentido alguno. ¿De verdad quieres salvar a esa tonta?" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE07] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "What about Zelda makes you think&she'd be a better ruler than I?^I saved Lon Lon Ranch,&fed the "
"hungry,&and my castle floats.",
"Zelda ne sera jamais un meilleur monarque que moi!^J'ai un château volant, mes sujets sont des belles "
"amazones... et mes Moblins sont clairement plus puissants que jamais!",
"¿Qué te hace pensar que Zelda gobierna mejor que yo?^Yo he salvado el Rancho Lon Lon,&he alimentado a "
"los hambrientos&y hasta hago que mi castillo flote." },
hintTable[GANON_LINE08] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "I've learned this spell,&it's really neat,&I'll keep it later&for your treat!",
"Gamin, ton destin achève,&sous mon sort tu périras!&Cette partie ne fut pas brève,&et cette mort, tu "
"Veamos ahora que harás,&la batalla ha de comenzar,&te enviaré de una vez al más allá,&¿listo para "
"afrontar la verdad?" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE09] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Many tricks are up my sleeve,&to save yourself&you'd better leave!",
/*french*/ "Sale petit garnement,&tu fais erreur!&C'est maintenant que marque&ta dernière heure!",
/*spanish*/ "¿No osarás a mí enfrentarte?&Rimas aparte,&¡voy a matarte!" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE10] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "After what you did to Koholint Island, how can you call me the bad guy?",
/*french*/ "J'admire ce que tu as fait à l'Île Koholint... Toi et moi, nous devrions faire équipe!",
/*spanish*/ "Después de lo que le hiciste a la Isla Koholint, ¿cómo te atreves a llamarme malvado?" },
hintTable[GANON_LINE11] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Today, let's begin down&'The Hero is Defeated' timeline.",
"Si tu me vaincs, Hyrule sera englouti... mais si tu meurs, on aura A Link to the Past, le meilleur opus "
"de la série!",
"Hoy daremos lugar a la línea temporal del Héroe Derrotado.&¡Prepárate para el culmen de esta saga!" },
hintTable[MEDIGORON_DIALOG_FIRST] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
// obscure text
Text{ "How about buying ",
/*french*/ "Veux-tu acheter ",
/*spanish*/ "¿Me compras " },
hintTable[MEDIGORON_DIALOG_SECOND] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
// obscure text
Text{ " for #200 Rupees#?&" + TWO_WAY_CHOICE() + "#Buy&Don't buy#",
/*french*/ " pour #200 rubis#?&" + TWO_WAY_CHOICE() + "#Acheter&Ne pas acheter#",
/*spanish*/ " por #200 rupias#?&" + TWO_WAY_CHOICE() + "#Comprar&No comprar#" },
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_FIRST] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
// obscure text
Text{ "Welcome!^I am selling stuff, strange and rare, from&all over the world to everybody. Today's&special "
"Bienvenue!^Je vends des objets rares et merveilleux du&monde entier. En spécial aujourd'hui...^",
"¡Acércate!^Vendo productos extraños y difíciles de&encontrar... De todo el mundo a todo el&mundo. La "
"oferta de hoy es...^¡" },
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_SECOND] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
// obscure text
"! Terrifying!&I won't tell you what it is until I see the&money...^How about #200 Rupees#?&&" +
TWO_WAY_CHOICE() + "#Buy&Don't buy#",
"! Un&concentré de puissance! Mais montre tes&rubis avant que je te dise ce que c'est...^Disons #200 "
"rubis#?&&" +
TWO_WAY_CHOICE() + "#Acheter&Ne pas acheter#",
"! ¡Terrorífico!&No te revelaré su nombre hasta que&vea el dinero...^#200 rupias#, ¿qué te parece?&&" +
TWO_WAY_CHOICE() + "#Comprar&No comprar#" },
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_THIRD] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
// obscure text
Text{ "Thank you very much!^What I'm selling is... #",
/*french*/ "Merci beaucoup!^Cet objet extraordinaire est... #",
/*spanish*/ "¡Muchas gracias!^Lo que vendo es... #¡" },
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_FOURTH] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
// obscure text
Text{ "!#^The mark that will lead you to the #Spirit&Temple# is the #flag on the " + IF_NOT_MQ() + "left" +
MQ_ELSE() + "right" + MQ_END() + "# outside the shop. Be seeing you!",
/*french*/ "!#^La marque qui te mènera au #Temple de l'Esprit# est le #drapeau " + IF_NOT_MQ() +
"gauche" + MQ_ELSE() + "droite" + MQ_END() + "# en sortant d'ici. À la prochaine!",
/*spanish*/ "!#^La marca que te guiará al #Templo del&Espíritu# es la #bandera que está a la&" +
IF_NOT_MQ() + "izquierda" + MQ_ELSE() + "derecha" + MQ_END() + "# al salir de aquí. ¡Nos vemos!" },
int32_t StonesRequiredBySettings() {
int32_t stones = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_STONES)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeStoneCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_REWARDS)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
if ((Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_DUNGEONS)) && (Settings::ShuffleRewards.Is(REWARDSHUFFLE_END_OF_DUNGEON))) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_STONES)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::LACSStoneCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_REWARDS)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::LACSRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_DUNGEONS)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::LACSDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
return stones;
int32_t MedallionsRequiredBySettings() {
int32_t medallions = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_MEDALLIONS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeMedallionCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_REWARDS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
if ((Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_DUNGEONS)) && (Settings::ShuffleRewards.Is(REWARDSHUFFLE_END_OF_DUNGEON))) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_MEDALLIONS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::LACSMedallionCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_REWARDS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::LACSRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_DUNGEONS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::LACSDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
return medallions;
int32_t TokensRequiredBySettings() {
int32_t tokens = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_TOKENS)) {
tokens = std::max<int32_t>({ tokens, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeTokenCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_TOKENS)) {
tokens = std::max<int32_t>({ tokens, (int32_t)Settings::LACSTokenCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
return tokens;
std::array<ConditionalAlwaysHint, 9> conditionalAlwaysHints = {
[]() {
return Settings::BigPoeTargetCount.Value<uint8_t>() >= 3;
}), // Remember, the option's value being 3 means 4 are required
std::make_pair(DEKU_THEATER_MASK_OF_TRUTH, []() { return !Settings::CompleteMaskQuest; }),
std::make_pair(SONG_FROM_OCARINA_OF_TIME, []() { return StonesRequiredBySettings() < 2; }),
std::make_pair(HF_OCARINA_OF_TIME_ITEM, []() { return StonesRequiredBySettings() < 2; }),
std::make_pair(SHEIK_IN_KAKARIKO, []() { return MedallionsRequiredBySettings() < 5; }),
std::make_pair(DMT_TRADE_CLAIM_CHECK, []() { return false; }),
std::make_pair(KAK_30_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD, []() { return TokensRequiredBySettings() < 30; }),
std::make_pair(KAK_40_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD, []() { return TokensRequiredBySettings() < 40; }),
std::make_pair(KAK_50_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD, []() { return TokensRequiredBySettings() < 50; })
const HintText& Hint(const uint32_t hintKey) {
return hintTable[hintKey];
std::vector<HintText> GetHintCategory(HintCategory category) {
std::vector<HintText> hintsInCategory = {};
for (const auto& hint : hintTable) {
if (hint.GetType() == category) {
return hintsInCategory;