
1088 lines
46 KiB

#include "fill.hpp"
#include "custom_messages.hpp"
#include "dungeon.hpp"
#include "item_location.hpp"
#include "item_pool.hpp"
#include "location_access.hpp"
#include "logic.hpp"
#include "random.hpp"
#include "spoiler_log.hpp"
#include "starting_inventory.hpp"
#include "hints.hpp"
#include "hint_list.hpp"
#include "entrance.hpp"
#include "shops.hpp"
#include "debug.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
using namespace CustomMessages;
using namespace Logic;
using namespace Settings;
static bool placementFailure = false;
static void RemoveStartingItemsFromPool() {
for (uint32_t startingItem : StartingInventory) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ItemPool.size(); i++) {
if (startingItem == BIGGORON_SWORD) {
if (ItemPool[i] == GIANTS_KNIFE || ItemPool[i] == BIGGORON_SWORD) {
ItemPool[i] = GetJunkItem();
} else if (startingItem == ItemPool[i] || (ItemTable(startingItem).IsBottleItem() && ItemTable(ItemPool[i]).IsBottleItem())) {
if (AdditionalHeartContainers > 0 && (startingItem == PIECE_OF_HEART || startingItem == TREASURE_GAME_HEART)) {
} else {
ItemPool[i] = GetJunkItem();
//This function will propogate Time of Day access through the entrance
static bool UpdateToDAccess(Entrance* entrance, SearchMode mode) {
bool ageTimePropogated = false;
//propogate childDay, childNight, adultDay, and adultNight separately
Area* parent = entrance->GetParentRegion();
Area* connection = entrance->GetConnectedRegion();
if (!connection->childDay && parent->childDay && entrance->CheckConditionAtAgeTime(Logic::IsChild, AtDay)) {
connection->childDay = true;
ageTimePropogated = true;
if (!connection->childNight && parent->childNight && entrance->CheckConditionAtAgeTime(Logic::IsChild, AtNight)) {
connection->childNight = true;
ageTimePropogated = true;
if (!connection->adultDay && parent->adultDay && entrance->CheckConditionAtAgeTime(IsAdult, AtDay)) {
connection->adultDay = true;
ageTimePropogated = true;
if (!connection->adultNight && parent->adultNight && entrance->CheckConditionAtAgeTime(IsAdult, AtNight)) {
connection->adultNight = true;
ageTimePropogated = true;
//special check for temple of time
bool propogateTimeTravel = mode != SearchMode::TimePassAccess && mode != SearchMode::TempleOfTimeAccess;
if (!AreaTable(ROOT)->Adult() && AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->Child() && propogateTimeTravel) {
AreaTable(ROOT)->adultDay = AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->childDay;
AreaTable(ROOT)->adultNight = AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->childNight;
} else if (!AreaTable(ROOT)->Child() && AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->Adult() && propogateTimeTravel){
AreaTable(ROOT)->childDay = AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->adultDay;
AreaTable(ROOT)->childNight = AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->adultNight;
return ageTimePropogated;
// Various checks that need to pass for the world to be validated as completable
static void ValidateWorldChecks(SearchMode& mode, bool checkPoeCollectorAccess, bool checkOtherEntranceAccess, std::vector<uint32_t>& areaPool) {
// Condition for validating Temple of Time Access
if (mode == SearchMode::TempleOfTimeAccess && ((Settings::ResolvedStartingAge == AGE_CHILD && AreaTable(TEMPLE_OF_TIME)->Adult()) || (Settings::ResolvedStartingAge == AGE_ADULT && AreaTable(TEMPLE_OF_TIME)->Child()) || !checkOtherEntranceAccess)) {
mode = SearchMode::ValidStartingRegion;
// Condition for validating a valid starting region
if (mode == SearchMode::ValidStartingRegion) {
bool childAccess = Settings::ResolvedStartingAge == AGE_CHILD || AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->Child();
bool adultAccess = Settings::ResolvedStartingAge == AGE_ADULT || AreaTable(TOT_BEYOND_DOOR_OF_TIME)->Adult();
Area* kokiri = AreaTable(KOKIRI_FOREST);
Area* kakariko = AreaTable(KAKARIKO_VILLAGE);
if ((childAccess && (kokiri->Child() || kakariko->Child())) ||
(adultAccess && (kokiri->Adult() || kakariko->Adult())) ||
!checkOtherEntranceAccess) {
mode = SearchMode::PoeCollectorAccess;
Logic::NoBottles = true;
// Condition for validating Poe Collector Access
if (mode == SearchMode::PoeCollectorAccess && (AreaTable(MARKET_GUARD_HOUSE)->Adult() || !checkPoeCollectorAccess)) {
// Apply all items that are necessary for checking all location access
std::vector<uint32_t> itemsToPlace =
FilterFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return ItemTable(i).IsAdvancement(); });
for (uint32_t unplacedItem : itemsToPlace) {
// Reset access as the non-starting age
if (Settings::ResolvedStartingAge == AGE_CHILD) {
for (uint32_t areaKey : areaPool) {
AreaTable(areaKey)->adultDay = false;
AreaTable(areaKey)->adultNight = false;
} else {
for (uint32_t areaKey : areaPool) {
AreaTable(areaKey)->childDay = false;
AreaTable(areaKey)->childNight = false;
mode = SearchMode::AllLocationsReachable;
} else {
Logic::NoBottles = false;
//Get the max number of tokens that can possibly be useful
static int GetMaxGSCount() {
//If bridge or LACS is set to tokens, get how many are required
int maxBridge = 0;
int maxLACS = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_TOKENS)) {
maxBridge = Settings::BridgeTokenCount.Value<uint8_t>();
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_TOKENS)) {
maxLACS = Settings::LACSTokenCount.Value<uint8_t>();
maxBridge = std::max(maxBridge, maxLACS);
//Get the max amount of GS which could be useful from token reward locations
int maxUseful = 0;
//If the highest advancement item is a token, we know it is useless since it won't lead to an otherwise useful item
if (Location(KAK_50_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().IsAdvancement() && Location(KAK_50_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
maxUseful = 50;
else if (Location(KAK_40_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().IsAdvancement() && Location(KAK_40_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
maxUseful = 40;
else if (Location(KAK_30_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().IsAdvancement() && Location(KAK_30_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
maxUseful = 30;
else if (Location(KAK_20_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().IsAdvancement() && Location(KAK_20_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
maxUseful = 20;
else if (Location(KAK_10_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().IsAdvancement() && Location(KAK_10_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD)->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
maxUseful = 10;
//Return max of the two possible reasons tokens could be important, minus the tokens in the starting inventory
return std::max(maxUseful, maxBridge) - StartingSkulltulaToken.Value<uint8_t>();
std::string GetShopItemBaseName(std::string itemName) {
std::string baseName = itemName.erase(0, 4); //Delete "Buy "
//Delete amount, if present (so when it looks like Buy Deku Nut (10) remove the (10))
if (baseName.find("(") != std::string::npos) {
baseName = baseName.erase(baseName.find("("));
//Do the same for [] (only applies to red potions, other things with [] also have a ())
if (baseName.find("[") != std::string::npos) {
baseName = baseName.erase(baseName.find("["));
return baseName;
std::vector<uint32_t> GetEmptyLocations(std::vector<uint32_t> allowedLocations) {
return FilterFromPool(allowedLocations, [](const auto loc){ return Location(loc)->GetPlaceduint32_t() == NONE;});
std::vector<uint32_t> GetAllEmptyLocations() {
return FilterFromPool(allLocations, [](const auto loc) { return Location(loc)->GetPlaceduint32_t() == NONE; });
//This function will return a vector of ItemLocations that are accessible with
//where items have been placed so far within the world. The allowedLocations argument
//specifies the pool of locations that we're trying to search for an accessible location in
std::vector<uint32_t> GetAccessibleLocations(const std::vector<uint32_t>& allowedLocations, SearchMode mode /* = SearchMode::ReachabilitySearch*/, std::string ignore /*= ""*/, bool checkPoeCollectorAccess /*= false*/, bool checkOtherEntranceAccess /*= false*/) {
std::vector<uint32_t> accessibleLocations;
// Reset all access to begin a new search
if (mode < SearchMode::ValidateWorld) {
std::vector<uint32_t> areaPool = {ROOT};
if (mode == SearchMode::ValidateWorld) {
mode = SearchMode::TimePassAccess;
AreaTable(ROOT)->childNight = true;
AreaTable(ROOT)->adultNight = true;
AreaTable(ROOT)->childDay = true;
AreaTable(ROOT)->adultDay = true;
allLocationsReachable = false;
//Variables for playthrough
int gsCount = 0;
const int maxGsCount = mode == SearchMode::GeneratePlaythrough ? GetMaxGSCount() : 0; //If generating playthrough want the max that's possibly useful, else doesn't matter
bool bombchusFound = false;
std::vector<std::string> buyIgnores;
//Variables for search
std::vector<ItemLocation*> newItemLocations;
bool updatedEvents = false;
bool ageTimePropogated = false;
bool firstIteration = true;
//Variables for Time Pass access
bool timePassChildDay = false;
bool timePassChildNight = false;
bool timePassAdultDay = false;
bool timePassAdultNight = false;
// Main access checking loop
while (newItemLocations.size() > 0 || updatedEvents || ageTimePropogated || firstIteration) {
firstIteration = false;
ageTimePropogated = false;
updatedEvents = false;
for (ItemLocation* location : newItemLocations) {
std::vector<uint32_t> itemSphere;
std::list<Entrance*> entranceSphere;
for (size_t i = 0; i < areaPool.size(); i++) {
Area* area = AreaTable(areaPool[i]);
if (area->UpdateEvents(mode)){
updatedEvents = true;
// If we're checking for TimePass access do that for each area as it's being updated.
// TimePass Access is satisfied when every AgeTime can reach an area with TimePass
// without the aid of TimePass. During this mode, TimePass won't update ToD access
// in any area.
if (mode == SearchMode::TimePassAccess) {
if (area->timePass) {
if (area->childDay) {
timePassChildDay = true;
if (area->childNight) {
timePassChildNight = true;
if (area->adultDay) {
timePassAdultDay = true;
if (area->adultNight) {
timePassAdultNight = true;
// Condition for validating that all startring AgeTimes have timepass access
// Once satisifed, change the mode to begin checking for Temple of Time Access
if ((timePassChildDay && timePassChildNight && timePassAdultDay && timePassAdultNight) || !checkOtherEntranceAccess) {
mode = SearchMode::TempleOfTimeAccess;
//for each exit in this area
for (auto& exit : area->exits) {
//Update Time of Day Access for the exit
if (UpdateToDAccess(&exit, mode)) {
ageTimePropogated = true;
ValidateWorldChecks(mode, checkPoeCollectorAccess, checkOtherEntranceAccess, areaPool);
//If the exit is accessible and hasn't been added yet, add it to the pool
Area* exitArea = exit.GetConnectedRegion();
if (!exitArea->addedToPool && exit.ConditionsMet()) {
exitArea->addedToPool = true;
// Add shuffled entrances to the entrance playthrough
if (mode == SearchMode::GeneratePlaythrough && exit.IsShuffled() && !exit.IsAddedToPool() && !noRandomEntrances) {
// Don't list a coupled entrance from both directions
if (exit.GetReplacement()->GetReverse() != nullptr /*&& !DecoupleEntrances*/) {
//for each ItemLocation in this area
if (mode < SearchMode::ValidateWorld) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < area->locations.size(); k++) {
LocationAccess& locPair = area->locations[k];
uint32_t loc = locPair.GetLocation();
ItemLocation* location = Location(loc);
if (!location->IsAddedToPool() && locPair.ConditionsMet()) {
if (location->GetPlaceduint32_t() == NONE) {
accessibleLocations.push_back(loc); //Empty location, consider for placement
} else {
//If ignore has a value, we want to check if the item location should be considered or not
//This is necessary due to the below preprocessing for playthrough generation
if (ignore != "") {
ItemType type = location->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType();
std::string itemName(location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish());
//If we want to ignore tokens, only add if not a token
if (ignore == "Tokens" && type != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
//If we want to ignore bombchus, only add if bombchu is not in the name
else if (ignore == "Bombchus" && itemName.find("Bombchu") == std::string::npos) {
//We want to ignore a specific Buy item name
else if (ignore != "Tokens" && ignore != "Bombchus") {
if ((type == ITEMTYPE_SHOP && ignore != GetShopItemBaseName(itemName)) || type != ITEMTYPE_SHOP) {
//If it doesn't, we can just add the location
else {
newItemLocations.push_back(location); //Add item to cache to be considered in logic next iteration
//Playthrough stuff
//Generate the playthrough, so we want to add advancement items, unless we know to ignore them
if (mode == SearchMode::GeneratePlaythrough) {
//Item is an advancement item, figure out if it should be added to this sphere
if (!playthroughBeatable && location->GetPlacedItem().IsAdvancement()) {
ItemType type = location->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType();
std::string itemName(location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish());
bool bombchus = itemName.find("Bombchu") != std::string::npos; //Is a bombchu location
//Decide whether to exclude this location
//This preprocessing is done to reduce the amount of searches performed in PareDownPlaythrough
//Want to exclude:
//1) Tokens after the last potentially useful one (the last one that gives an advancement item or last for token bridge)
//2) Bombchus after the first (including buy bombchus)
//3) Buy items of the same type, after the first (So only see Buy Deku Nut of any amount once)
bool exclude = true;
//Exclude tokens after the last possibly useful one
if (type == ITEMTYPE_TOKEN && gsCount < maxGsCount) {
exclude = false;
//Only print first bombchu location found
else if (bombchus && !bombchusFound) {
bombchusFound = true;
exclude = false;
//Handle buy items
//If ammo drops are off, don't do this step, since buyable ammo becomes logically important
else if (AmmoDrops.IsNot(AMMODROPS_NONE) && !(bombchus && bombchusFound) && type == ITEMTYPE_SHOP) {
//Only check each buy item once
std::string buyItem = GetShopItemBaseName(itemName);
//Buy item not in list to ignore, add it to list and write to playthrough
if (std::find(buyIgnores.begin(), buyIgnores.end(), buyItem) == buyIgnores.end()) {
exclude = false;
//Add all other advancement items
else if (!bombchus && type != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN && (AmmoDrops.Is(AMMODROPS_NONE) || type != ITEMTYPE_SHOP)) {
exclude = false;
//Has not been excluded, add to playthrough
if (!exclude) {
//Triforce has been found, seed is beatable, nothing else in this or future spheres matters
else if (location->GetPlaceduint32_t() == TRIFORCE) {
playthroughBeatable = true;
//All we care about is if the game is beatable, used to pare down playthrough
else if (location->GetPlaceduint32_t() == TRIFORCE && mode == SearchMode::CheckBeatable) {
playthroughBeatable = true;
return {}; //Return early for efficiency
if (mode == SearchMode::GeneratePlaythrough && itemSphere.size() > 0) {
if (mode == SearchMode::GeneratePlaythrough && entranceSphere.size() > 0 && !noRandomEntrances) {
//Check to see if all locations were reached
if (mode == SearchMode::AllLocationsReachable) {
allLocationsReachable = true;
for (const uint32_t loc : allLocations) {
if (!Location(loc)->IsAddedToPool()) {
allLocationsReachable = false;
auto message = "Location " + Location(loc)->GetName() + " not reachable\n";
return {};
erase_if(accessibleLocations, [&allowedLocations](uint32_t loc){
for (uint32_t allowedLocation : allowedLocations) {
if (loc == allowedLocation || Location(loc)->GetPlaceduint32_t() != NONE) {
return false;
return true;
return accessibleLocations;
static void GeneratePlaythrough() {
playthroughBeatable = false;
GetAccessibleLocations(allLocations, SearchMode::GeneratePlaythrough);
//Remove unnecessary items from playthrough by removing their location, and checking if game is still beatable
//To reduce searches, some preprocessing is done in playthrough generation to avoid adding obviously unnecessary items
static void PareDownPlaythrough() {
std::vector<uint32_t> toAddBackItem;
//Start at sphere before Ganon's and count down
for (int i = playthroughLocations.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
//Check each item location in sphere
std::vector<int> erasableIndices;
std::vector<uint32_t> sphere =;
for (int j = sphere.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
uint32_t loc =;
uint32_t copy = Location(loc)->GetPlaceduint32_t(); //Copy out item
Location(loc)->SetPlacedItem(NONE); //Write in empty item
playthroughBeatable = false;
std::string ignore = "";
if (ItemTable(copy).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_TOKEN) {
ignore = "Tokens";
else if (ItemTable(copy).GetName().GetEnglish().find("Bombchu") != std::string::npos) {
ignore = "Bombchus";
else if (ItemTable(copy).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_SHOP) {
ignore = GetShopItemBaseName(ItemTable(copy).GetName().GetEnglish());
GetAccessibleLocations(allLocations, SearchMode::CheckBeatable, ignore); //Check if game is still beatable
//Playthrough is still beatable without this item, therefore it can be removed from playthrough section.
if (playthroughBeatable) {
//Uncomment to print playthrough deletion log in citra
// std::string itemname(ItemTable(copy).GetName().GetEnglish());
// std::string locationname(Location(loc)->GetName());
// std::string removallog = itemname + " at " + locationname + " removed from playthrough";
// CitraPrint(removallog);
playthroughLocations[i].erase(playthroughLocations[i].begin() + j);
Location(loc)->SetDelayedItem(copy); //Game is still beatable, don't add back until later
else {
Location(loc)->SetPlacedItem(copy); //Immediately put item back so game is beatable again
//Some spheres may now be empty, remove these
for (int i = playthroughLocations.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
if ( == 0) {
playthroughLocations.erase(playthroughLocations.begin() + i);
//Now we can add back items which were removed previously
for (uint32_t loc : toAddBackItem) {
//Very similar to PareDownPlaythrough except it creates the list of Way of the Hero items
//Way of the Hero items are more specific than playthrough items in that they are items which *must*
// be obtained to logically be able to complete the seed, rather than playthrough items which
// are just possible items you *can* collect to complete the seed.
static void CalculateWotH() {
//First copy locations from the 2-dimensional playthroughLocations into the 1-dimensional wothLocations
//size - 1 so Triforce is not counted
for (size_t i = 0; i < playthroughLocations.size() - 1; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < playthroughLocations[i].size(); j++) {
if (Location(playthroughLocations[i][j])->IsHintable()) {
//Now go through and check each location, seeing if it is strictly necessary for game completion
for (int i = wothLocations.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint32_t loc = wothLocations[i];
uint32_t copy = Location(loc)->GetPlaceduint32_t(); //Copy out item
Location(loc)->SetPlacedItem(NONE); //Write in empty item
playthroughBeatable = false;
GetAccessibleLocations(allLocations, SearchMode::CheckBeatable); //Check if game is still beatable
Location(loc)->SetPlacedItem(copy); //Immediately put item back
//If removing this item and no other item caused the game to become unbeatable, then it is strictly necessary, so keep it
//Else, delete from wothLocations
if (playthroughBeatable) {
wothLocations.erase(wothLocations.begin() + i);
playthroughBeatable = true;
//Will place things completely randomly, no logic checks are performed
static void FastFill(std::vector<uint32_t> items, std::vector<uint32_t> locations, bool endOnItemsEmpty = false) {
//Loop until locations are empty, or also end if items are empty and the parameters specify to end then
while (!locations.empty() && (!endOnItemsEmpty || !items.empty())) {
uint32_t loc = RandomElement(locations, true);
PlaceItemInLocation(loc, RandomElement(items, true));
if (items.empty() && !endOnItemsEmpty) {
| The algorithm places items in the world in reverse.
| This means we first assume we have every item in the item pool and
| remove an item and try to place it somewhere that is still reachable
| This method helps distribution of items locked behind many requirements.
| - OoT Randomizer
static void AssumedFill(const std::vector<uint32_t>& items, const std::vector<uint32_t>& allowedLocations,
bool setLocationsAsHintable = false) {
if (items.size() > allowedLocations.size()) {
for (const uint32_t item : items) {
SPDLOG_DEBUG("\nAllowed Locations:\n");
for (const uint32_t loc : allowedLocations) {
placementFailure = true;
if (Settings::Logic.Is(LOGIC_NONE)) {
FastFill(items, GetEmptyLocations(allowedLocations), true);
// keep retrying to place everything until it works or takes too long
int retries = 10;
bool unsuccessfulPlacement = false;
std::vector<uint32_t> attemptedLocations;
do {
if (retries <= 0) {
placementFailure = true;
unsuccessfulPlacement = false;
std::vector<uint32_t> itemsToPlace = items;
// copy all not yet placed advancement items so that we can apply their effects for the fill algorithm
std::vector<uint32_t> itemsToNotPlace =
FilterFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return ItemTable(i).IsAdvancement(); });
// shuffle the order of items to place
while (!itemsToPlace.empty()) {
uint32_t item = std::move(itemsToPlace.back());
// assume we have all unplaced items
for (uint32_t unplacedItem : itemsToPlace) {
for (uint32_t unplacedItem : itemsToNotPlace) {
// get all accessible locations that are allowed
const std::vector<uint32_t> accessibleLocations = GetAccessibleLocations(allowedLocations);
// retry if there are no more locations to place items
if (accessibleLocations.empty()) {
// reset any locations that got an item
for (uint32_t loc : attemptedLocations) {
unsuccessfulPlacement = true;
// place the item within one of the allowed locations
uint32_t selectedLocation = RandomElement(accessibleLocations);
PlaceItemInLocation(selectedLocation, item);
// This tells us the location went through the randomization algorithm
// to distinguish it from locations which did not or that the player already
// knows
if (setLocationsAsHintable) {
// If ALR is off, then we check beatability after placing the item.
// If the game is beatable, then we can stop placing items with logic.
if (!LocationsReachable) {
playthroughBeatable = false;
GetAccessibleLocations(allLocations, SearchMode::CheckBeatable);
if (playthroughBeatable) {
SPDLOG_DEBUG("Game beatable, now placing items randomly. " + std::to_string(itemsToPlace.size()) +
" major items remaining.\n\n");
FastFill(itemsToPlace, GetEmptyLocations(allowedLocations), true);
} while (unsuccessfulPlacement);
//This function will specifically randomize dungeon rewards for the End of Dungeons
//setting, or randomize one dungeon reward to Link's Pocket if that setting is on
static void RandomizeDungeonRewards() {
//quest item bit mask of each stone/medallion for the savefile
static constexpr std::array<uint32_t, 9> bitMaskTable = {
0x00040000, //Kokiri Emerald
0x00080000, //Goron Ruby
0x00100000, //Zora Sapphire
0x00000001, //Forest Medallion
0x00000002, //Fire Medallion
0x00000004, //Water Medallion
0x00000008, //Spirit Medallion
0x00000010, //Shadow Medallion
0x00000020, //Light Medallion
int baseOffset = ItemTable(KOKIRI_EMERALD).GetItemID();
//End of Dungeons includes Link's Pocket
//get stones and medallions
std::vector<uint32_t> rewards = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) {return ItemTable(i).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_DUNGEONREWARD;});
// If there are less than 9 dungeon rewards, prioritize the actual dungeons
// for placement instead of Link's Pocket
if (rewards.size() < 9) {
if (Settings::Logic.Is(LOGIC_VANILLA)) { //Place dungeon rewards in vanilla locations
for (uint32_t loc : dungeonRewardLocations) {
} else { //Randomize dungeon rewards with assumed fill
AssumedFill(rewards, dungeonRewardLocations);
for (size_t i = 0; i < dungeonRewardLocations.size(); i++) {
const auto index = Location(dungeonRewardLocations[i])->GetPlacedItem().GetItemID() - baseOffset;
rDungeonRewardOverrides[i] = index;
//set the player's dungeon reward on file creation instead of pushing it to them at the start.
//This is done mainly because players are already familiar with seeing their dungeon reward
//before opening up their file
if (i == dungeonRewardLocations.size()-1) {
LinksPocketRewardBitMask = bitMaskTable[index];
} else if (LinksPocketItem.Is(LINKSPOCKETITEM_DUNGEON_REWARD)) {
//get 1 stone/medallion
std::vector<uint32_t> rewards = FilterFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) {return ItemTable(i).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_DUNGEONREWARD;});
// If there are no remaining stones/medallions, then Link's pocket won't get one
if (rewards.empty()) {
uint32_t startingReward = RandomElement(rewards, true);
LinksPocketRewardBitMask = bitMaskTable[ItemTable(startingReward).GetItemID() - baseOffset];
PlaceItemInLocation(LINKS_POCKET, startingReward);
//erase the stone/medallion from the Item Pool
FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [startingReward](const uint32_t i) {return i == startingReward;});
//Fills any locations excluded by the player with junk items so that advancement items
//can't be placed there.
static void FillExcludedLocations() {
//Only fill in excluded locations that don't already have something and are forbidden
std::vector<uint32_t> excludedLocations = FilterFromPool(allLocations, [](const auto loc){
return Location(loc)->IsExcluded();
for (uint32_t loc : excludedLocations) {
//Function to handle the Own Dungeon setting
static void RandomizeOwnDungeon(const Dungeon::DungeonInfo* dungeon) {
std::vector<uint32_t> dungeonLocations = dungeon->GetDungeonLocations();
std::vector<uint32_t> dungeonItems;
//filter out locations that may be required to have songs placed at them
dungeonLocations = FilterFromPool(dungeonLocations, [](const auto loc){
return !(Location(loc)->IsCategory(Category::cSong));
return !(Location(loc)->IsCategory(Category::cSongDungeonReward));
return true;
//Add specific items that need be randomized within this dungeon
if (Keysanity.Is(KEYSANITY_OWN_DUNGEON) && dungeon->GetSmallKey() != NONE) {
std::vector<uint32_t> dungeonSmallKeys = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){ return (i == dungeon->GetSmallKey()) || (i == dungeon->GetKeyRing());});
AddElementsToPool(dungeonItems, dungeonSmallKeys);
if ((BossKeysanity.Is(BOSSKEYSANITY_OWN_DUNGEON) && dungeon->GetBossKey() != GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY) ||
(GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_OWN_DUNGEON) && dungeon->GetBossKey() == GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY)) {
auto dungeonBossKey = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){ return i == dungeon->GetBossKey();});
AddElementsToPool(dungeonItems, dungeonBossKey);
//randomize boss key and small keys together for even distribution
AssumedFill(dungeonItems, dungeonLocations);
//randomize map and compass separately since they're not progressive
if (MapsAndCompasses.Is(MAPSANDCOMPASSES_OWN_DUNGEON) && dungeon->GetMap() != NONE && dungeon->GetCompass() != NONE) {
auto dungeonMapAndCompass = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){ return i == dungeon->GetMap() || i == dungeon->GetCompass();});
AssumedFill(dungeonMapAndCompass, dungeonLocations);
/*Randomize items restricted to a certain set of locations.
The fill order of location groups is as follows:
- Own Dungeon
- Any Dungeon
- Overworld
Small Keys, Gerudo Keys, Boss Keys, Ganon's Boss Key, and/or dungeon rewards
will be randomized together if they have the same setting. Maps and Compasses
are randomized separately once the dungeon advancement items have all been placed.*/
static void RandomizeDungeonItems() {
using namespace Dungeon;
//Get Any Dungeon and Overworld group locations
std::vector<uint32_t> anyDungeonLocations = FilterFromPool(allLocations, [](const auto loc){return Location(loc)->IsDungeon();});
//overworldLocations defined in item_location.cpp
//Create Any Dungeon and Overworld item pools
std::vector<uint32_t> anyDungeonItems;
std::vector<uint32_t> overworldItems;
for (auto dungeon : dungeonList) {
if (Keysanity.Is(KEYSANITY_ANY_DUNGEON)) {
auto dungeonKeys = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){return (i == dungeon->GetSmallKey()) || (i == dungeon->GetKeyRing());});
AddElementsToPool(anyDungeonItems, dungeonKeys);
} else if (Keysanity.Is(KEYSANITY_OVERWORLD)) {
auto dungeonKeys = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){return (i == dungeon->GetSmallKey()) || (i == dungeon->GetKeyRing());});
AddElementsToPool(overworldItems, dungeonKeys);
if (BossKeysanity.Is(BOSSKEYSANITY_ANY_DUNGEON) && dungeon->GetBossKey() != GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY) {
auto bossKey = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){return i == dungeon->GetBossKey();});
AddElementsToPool(anyDungeonItems, bossKey);
} else if (BossKeysanity.Is(BOSSKEYSANITY_OVERWORLD) && dungeon->GetBossKey() != GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY) {
auto bossKey = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){return i == dungeon->GetBossKey();});
AddElementsToPool(overworldItems, bossKey);
auto ganonBossKey = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i){return i == GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY;});
AddElementsToPool(anyDungeonItems, ganonBossKey);
} else if (GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_OVERWORLD)) {
auto ganonBossKey = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return i == GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY; });
AddElementsToPool(overworldItems, ganonBossKey);
auto gerudoKeys = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return i == GERUDO_FORTRESS_SMALL_KEY; });
AddElementsToPool(anyDungeonItems, gerudoKeys);
} else if (GerudoKeys.Is(GERUDOKEYS_OVERWORLD)) {
auto gerudoKeys = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return i == GERUDO_FORTRESS_SMALL_KEY; });
AddElementsToPool(overworldItems, gerudoKeys);
auto rewards = FilterAndEraseFromPool(
ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return ItemTable(i).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_DUNGEONREWARD; });
AddElementsToPool(anyDungeonItems, rewards);
} else if (ShuffleRewards.Is(REWARDSHUFFLE_OVERWORLD)) {
auto rewards = FilterAndEraseFromPool(
ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return ItemTable(i).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_DUNGEONREWARD; });
AddElementsToPool(overworldItems, rewards);
//Randomize Any Dungeon and Overworld pools
AssumedFill(anyDungeonItems, anyDungeonLocations, true);
AssumedFill(overworldItems, overworldLocations, true);
//Randomize maps and compasses after since they're not advancement items
for (auto dungeon : dungeonList) {
auto mapAndCompassItems = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){return i == dungeon->GetMap() || i == dungeon->GetCompass();});
AssumedFill(mapAndCompassItems, anyDungeonLocations, true);
} else if (MapsAndCompasses.Is(MAPSANDCOMPASSES_OVERWORLD)) {
auto mapAndCompassItems = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [dungeon](const uint32_t i){return i == dungeon->GetMap() || i == dungeon->GetCompass();});
AssumedFill(mapAndCompassItems, overworldLocations, true);
static void RandomizeLinksPocket() {
//Get all the advancement items don't include tokens
std::vector<uint32_t> advancementItems = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) {
return ItemTable(i).IsAdvancement() && ItemTable(i).GetItemType() != ITEMTYPE_TOKEN;
//select a random one
uint32_t startingItem = RandomElement(advancementItems, true);
//add the others back
AddElementsToPool(ItemPool, advancementItems);
PlaceItemInLocation(LINKS_POCKET, startingItem);
} else if (LinksPocketItem.Is(LINKSPOCKETITEM_NOTHING)) {
void VanillaFill() {
//Perform minimum needed initialization
//Place vanilla item in each location
for (uint32_t loc : allLocations) {
//If necessary, handle ER stuff
if (ShuffleEntrances) {
printf("\x1b[7;10HShuffling Entrances...");
//Finish up
void ClearProgress() {
printf("\x1b[7;32H "); // Done
printf("\x1b[8;10H "); // Placing Items...Done
printf("\x1b[9;10H "); // Calculating Playthrough...Done
printf("\x1b[10;10H "); // Creating Hints...Done
printf("\x1b[11;10H "); // Writing Spoiler Log...Done
int Fill() {
int retries = 0;
while(retries < 5) {
placementFailure = false;
showItemProgress = false;
AreaTable_Init(); //Reset the world graph to intialize the proper locations
ItemReset(); //Reset shops incase of shopsanity random
//Temporarily add shop items to the ItemPool so that entrance randomization
//can validate the world using deku/hylian shields
AddElementsToPool(ItemPool, GetMinVanillaShopItems(32)); //assume worst case shopsanity 4
if (ShuffleEntrances) {
printf("\x1b[7;10HShuffling Entrances");
if (ShuffleAllEntrances() == ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_FAILURE) {
//erase temporary shop items
FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto item) { return ItemTable(item).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_SHOP; });
showItemProgress = true;
//Place shop items first, since a buy shield is needed to place a dungeon reward on Gohma due to access
NonShopItems = {};
if (Shopsanity.Is(SHOPSANITY_OFF)) {
PlaceVanillaShopItems(); //Place vanilla shop items in vanilla location
} else {
int total_replaced = 0;
if (Shopsanity.IsNot(SHOPSANITY_ZERO)) { //Shopsanity 1-4, random
//Initialize NonShopItems
ItemAndPrice init;
init.Name = Text{"No Item", "Sin objeto", "Pas d'objet"};
init.Price = -1;
init.Repurchaseable = false;
NonShopItems.assign(32, init);
//Indices from OoTR. So shopsanity one will overwrite 7, three will overwrite 7, 5, 8, etc.
const std::array<int, 4> indices = {7, 5, 8, 6};
//Overwrite appropriate number of shop items
for (size_t i = 0; i < ShopLocationLists.size(); i++) {
int num_to_replace = GetShopsanityReplaceAmount(); //1-4 shop items will be overwritten, depending on settings
total_replaced += num_to_replace;
for (int j = 0; j < num_to_replace; j++) {
int itemindex = indices[j];
int shopsanityPrice = GetRandomShopPrice();
NonShopItems[TransformShopIndex(i*8+itemindex-1)].Price = shopsanityPrice; //Set price to be retrieved by the patch and textboxes
Location(ShopLocationLists[i][itemindex - 1])->SetShopsanityPrice(shopsanityPrice);
//Get all locations and items that don't have a shopsanity price attached
std::vector<uint32_t> shopLocations = {};
//Get as many vanilla shop items as the total number of shop items minus the number of replaced items
//So shopsanity 0 will get all 64 vanilla items, shopsanity 4 will get 32, etc.
std::vector<uint32_t> shopItems = GetMinVanillaShopItems(total_replaced);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ShopLocationLists.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < ShopLocationLists[i].size(); j++) {
uint32_t loc = ShopLocationLists[i][j];
if (!(Location(loc)->HasShopsanityPrice())) {
//Place the shop items which will still be at shop locations
AssumedFill(shopItems, shopLocations);
//Place dungeon rewards
//Place dungeon items restricted to their Own Dungeon
for (auto dungeon : Dungeon::dungeonList) {
//Then Place songs if song shuffle is set to specific locations
if (ShuffleSongs.IsNot(SONGSHUFFLE_ANYWHERE)) {
//Get each song
std::vector<uint32_t> songs =
FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return ItemTable(i).GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_SONG; });
//Get each song location
std::vector<uint32_t> songLocations;
songLocations =
FilterFromPool(allLocations, [](const auto loc) { return Location(loc)->IsCategory(Category::cSong); });
} else if (ShuffleSongs.Is(SONGSHUFFLE_DUNGEON_REWARDS)) {
songLocations = FilterFromPool(
allLocations, [](const auto loc) { return Location(loc)->IsCategory(Category::cSongDungeonReward); });
AssumedFill(songs, songLocations, true);
//Then place dungeon items that are assigned to restrictive location pools
//Then place Link's Pocket Item if it has to be an advancement item
//Then place the rest of the advancement items
std::vector<uint32_t> remainingAdvancementItems =
FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return ItemTable(i).IsAdvancement(); });
AssumedFill(remainingAdvancementItems, allLocations, true);
//Fast fill for the rest of the pool
std::vector<uint32_t> remainingPool = FilterAndEraseFromPool(ItemPool, [](const auto i) { return true; });
FastFill(remainingPool, GetAllEmptyLocations(), false);
//Add prices for scrubsanity, this is unique to SoH because we write/read scrub prices to/from the spoilerfile.
for (size_t i = 0; i < ScrubLocations.size(); i++) {
} else if (Scrubsanity.Is(SCRUBSANITY_RANDOM_PRICES)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ScrubLocations.size(); i++) {
int randomPrice = GetRandomScrubPrice();
//Successful placement, produced beatable result
if(playthroughBeatable && !placementFailure) {
printf("\x1b[9;10HCalculating Playthrough...");
if (GossipStoneHints.IsNot(HINTS_NO_HINTS)) {
printf("\x1b[10;10HCreating Hints...");
if (ShuffleMerchants.Is(SHUFFLEMERCHANTS_HINTS)) {
return 1;
//Unsuccessful placement
if(retries < 4) {
//All retries failed
return -1;