Nicholas Estelami b3e299dbde Replaced StormLib .lib files with source code.
Some modifications to handle backslashes and forward slashes, along with some optimizations to speed up OTR generation.
2022-06-16 20:35:52 -04:00

484 lines
16 KiB

/* SFileFindFile.cpp Copyright (c) Ladislav Zezula 2003 */
/* A module for file searching within MPQs */
/* Date Ver Who Comment */
/* -------- ---- --- ------- */
/* 25.03.03 1.00 Lad The first version of SFileFindFile.cpp */
#define __STORMLIB_SELF__
#include "StormLib.h"
#include "StormCommon.h"
// Private structure used for file search (search handle)
// Used by searching in MPQ archives
struct TMPQSearch
TMPQArchive * ha; // Handle to MPQ, where the search runs
TFileEntry ** pSearchTable; // Table for files that have been already found
DWORD dwSearchTableItems; // Number of items in the search table
DWORD dwNextIndex; // Next file index to be checked
DWORD dwFlagMask; // For checking flag mask
char szSearchMask[1]; // Search mask (variable length)
// Local functions
static TMPQSearch * IsValidSearchHandle(HANDLE hFind)
TMPQSearch * hs = (TMPQSearch *)hFind;
if(hs != NULL && IsValidMpqHandle(hs->ha))
return hs;
return NULL;
bool SFileCheckWildCard(const char * szString, const char * szWildCard)
const char * szWildCardPtr;
// If there is '?' in the wildcard, we skip one char
while(szWildCard[0] == '?')
if(szString[0] == 0)
return false;
// Handle '*'
szWildCardPtr = szWildCard;
if(szWildCardPtr[0] != 0)
if(szWildCardPtr[0] == '*')
while(szWildCardPtr[0] == '*')
if(szWildCardPtr[0] == 0)
return true;
if(AsciiToUpperTable[szWildCardPtr[0]] == AsciiToUpperTable[szString[0]])
if(SFileCheckWildCard(szString, szWildCardPtr))
return true;
if(AsciiToUpperTable[szWildCardPtr[0]] != AsciiToUpperTable[szString[0]])
return false;
szWildCard = szWildCardPtr + 1;
if(szString[0] == 0)
return false;
return (szString[0] == 0) ? true : false;
static DWORD GetSearchTableItems(TMPQArchive * ha)
DWORD dwMergeItems = 0;
// Loop over all patches
while(ha != NULL)
// Append the number of files
dwMergeItems += (ha->pHetTable != NULL) ? ha->pHetTable->dwEntryCount
: ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize;
// Move to the patched archive
ha = ha->haPatch;
// Return the double size of number of items
return (dwMergeItems | 1);
static bool FileWasFoundBefore(
TMPQArchive * ha,
TMPQSearch * hs,
TFileEntry * pFileEntry)
TFileEntry * pEntry;
char * szRealFileName = pFileEntry->szFileName;
DWORD dwStartIndex;
DWORD dwNameHash;
DWORD dwIndex;
if(hs->pSearchTable != NULL && szRealFileName != NULL)
// If we are in patch MPQ, we check if patch prefix matches
// and then trim the patch prefix
if(ha->pPatchPrefix != NULL)
// If the patch prefix doesn't fit, we pretend that the file
// was there before and it will be skipped
if(_strnicmp(szRealFileName, ha->pPatchPrefix->szPatchPrefix, ha->pPatchPrefix->nLength))
return true;
szRealFileName += ha->pPatchPrefix->nLength;
// Calculate the hash to the table
dwNameHash = ha->pfnHashString(szRealFileName, MPQ_HASH_NAME_A);
dwStartIndex = dwIndex = (dwNameHash % hs->dwSearchTableItems);
// The file might have been found before
// only if this is not the first MPQ being searched
if(ha->haBase != NULL)
// Enumerate all entries in the search table
// Get the file entry at that position
pEntry = hs->pSearchTable[dwIndex];
if(pEntry == NULL)
if(pEntry->szFileName != NULL)
// Does the name match?
if(!_stricmp(pEntry->szFileName, szRealFileName))
return true;
// Move to the next entry
dwIndex = (dwIndex + 1) % hs->dwSearchTableItems;
if(dwIndex == dwStartIndex)
// Put the entry to the table for later use
hs->pSearchTable[dwIndex] = pFileEntry;
return false;
static TFileEntry * FindPatchEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TFileEntry * pFileEntry)
TFileEntry * pPatchEntry = pFileEntry;
TFileEntry * pTempEntry;
char szFileName[MAX_PATH+1];
// Can't find patch entry for a file that doesn't have name
if(pFileEntry->szFileName != NULL && pFileEntry->szFileName[0] != 0)
// Go while there are patches
while(ha->haPatch != NULL)
// Move to the patch archive
ha = ha->haPatch;
szFileName[0] = 0;
// Prepare the prefix for the file name
if(ha->pPatchPrefix && ha->pPatchPrefix->nLength)
StringCopy(szFileName, _countof(szFileName), ha->pPatchPrefix->szPatchPrefix);
StringCat(szFileName, _countof(szFileName), pFileEntry->szFileName);
// Try to find the file there
pTempEntry = GetFileEntryExact(ha, szFileName, 0, NULL);
if(pTempEntry != NULL)
pPatchEntry = pTempEntry;
// Return the found patch entry
return pPatchEntry;
static bool DoMPQSearch_FileEntry(
TMPQSearch * hs,
SFILE_FIND_DATA * lpFindFileData,
TMPQArchive * ha,
TMPQHash * pHashEntry,
TFileEntry * pFileEntry)
TFileEntry * pPatchEntry;
const char * szFileName;
size_t nPrefixLength = (ha->pPatchPrefix != NULL) ? ha->pPatchPrefix->nLength : 0;
DWORD dwBlockIndex;
char szNameBuff[MAX_PATH];
// Is it a file but not a patch file?
if((pFileEntry->dwFlags & hs->dwFlagMask) == MPQ_FILE_EXISTS)
// Ignore fake files which are not compressed but have size higher than the archive
if ((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_MASK) == 0 && (pFileEntry->dwFileSize > ha->FileSize))
return false;
// Now we have to check if this file was not enumerated before
if(!FileWasFoundBefore(ha, hs, pFileEntry))
// if(pFileEntry != NULL && !_stricmp(pFileEntry->szFileName, "TriggerLibs\\NativeLib.galaxy"))
// DebugBreak();
// Find a patch to this file
// Note: This either succeeds or returns pFileEntry
pPatchEntry = FindPatchEntry(ha, pFileEntry);
// Prepare the block index
dwBlockIndex = (DWORD)(pFileEntry - ha->pFileTable);
if(dwBlockIndex == 569)
szNameBuff[0] = 'F';
// Get the file name. If it's not known, we will create pseudo-name
szFileName = pFileEntry->szFileName;
if(szFileName == NULL)
// Open the file by its pseudo-name.
StringCreatePseudoFileName(szNameBuff, _countof(szNameBuff), dwBlockIndex, "xxx");
if(SFileOpenFileEx((HANDLE)hs->ha, szNameBuff, SFILE_OPEN_BASE_FILE, &hFile))
SFileGetFileName(hFile, szNameBuff);
szFileName = szNameBuff;
// If the file name is still NULL, we cannot include the file to search results
if(szFileName != NULL)
// Check the file name against the wildcard
if(SFileCheckWildCard(szFileName + nPrefixLength, hs->szSearchMask))
// Fill the found entry. hash entry and block index are taken from the base MPQ
lpFindFileData->dwHashIndex = HASH_ENTRY_FREE;
lpFindFileData->dwBlockIndex = dwBlockIndex;
lpFindFileData->dwFileSize = pPatchEntry->dwFileSize;
lpFindFileData->dwFileFlags = pPatchEntry->dwFlags;
lpFindFileData->dwCompSize = pPatchEntry->dwCmpSize;
lpFindFileData->lcLocale = 0; // pPatchEntry->lcLocale;
// Fill the filetime
lpFindFileData->dwFileTimeHi = (DWORD)(pPatchEntry->FileTime >> 32);
lpFindFileData->dwFileTimeLo = (DWORD)(pPatchEntry->FileTime);
// Fill-in the entries from hash table entry, if given
if(pHashEntry != NULL)
lpFindFileData->dwHashIndex = (DWORD)(pHashEntry - ha->pHashTable);
lpFindFileData->lcLocale = pHashEntry->lcLocale;
// Fill the file name and plain file name
StringCopy(lpFindFileData->cFileName, _countof(lpFindFileData->cFileName), szFileName + nPrefixLength);
lpFindFileData->szPlainName = (char *)GetPlainFileName(lpFindFileData->cFileName);
return true;
// Either not a valid item or was found before
return false;
static DWORD DoMPQSearch_HashTable(TMPQSearch * hs, SFILE_FIND_DATA * lpFindFileData, TMPQArchive * ha)
TMPQHash * pHashTableEnd = ha->pHashTable + ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize;
TMPQHash * pHash;
// Parse the file table
for(pHash = ha->pHashTable + hs->dwNextIndex; pHash < pHashTableEnd; pHash++)
// Increment the next index for subsequent search
// Does this hash table entry point to a proper block table entry?
if(IsValidHashEntry(ha, pHash))
// Check if this file entry should be included in the search result
if(DoMPQSearch_FileEntry(hs, lpFindFileData, ha, pHash, ha->pFileTable + MPQ_BLOCK_INDEX(pHash)))
// No more files
static DWORD DoMPQSearch_FileTable(TMPQSearch * hs, SFILE_FIND_DATA * lpFindFileData, TMPQArchive * ha)
TFileEntry * pFileTableEnd = ha->pFileTable + ha->dwFileTableSize;
TFileEntry * pFileEntry;
// Parse the file table
for(pFileEntry = ha->pFileTable + hs->dwNextIndex; pFileEntry < pFileTableEnd; pFileEntry++)
// Increment the next index for subsequent search
// Check if this file entry should be included in the search result
if(DoMPQSearch_FileEntry(hs, lpFindFileData, ha, NULL, pFileEntry))
// No more files
// Performs one MPQ search
static DWORD DoMPQSearch(TMPQSearch * hs, SFILE_FIND_DATA * lpFindFileData)
TMPQArchive * ha = hs->ha;
DWORD dwErrCode;
// Start searching with base MPQ
while(ha != NULL)
// If the archive has hash table, we need to use hash table
// in order to catch hash table index and file locale.
// Note: If multiple hash table entries, point to the same block entry,
// we need, to report them all
dwErrCode = (ha->pHashTable != NULL) ? DoMPQSearch_HashTable(hs, lpFindFileData, ha)
: DoMPQSearch_FileTable(hs, lpFindFileData, ha);
if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return dwErrCode;
// If there is no more patches in the chain, stop it.
// This also keeps hs->ha non-NULL, which is required
// for freeing the handle later
if(ha->haPatch == NULL)
// Move to the next patch in the patch chain
hs->ha = ha = ha->haPatch;
hs->dwNextIndex = 0;
// No more files found, return error
static void FreeMPQSearch(TMPQSearch *& hs)
if(hs != NULL)
if(hs->pSearchTable != NULL)
hs = NULL;
// Public functions
HANDLE WINAPI SFileFindFirstFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szMask, SFILE_FIND_DATA * lpFindFileData, const TCHAR * szListFile)
TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq;
TMPQSearch * hs = NULL;
size_t nSize = 0;
// Check for the valid parameters
if(szMask == NULL || lpFindFileData == NULL)
// Include the listfile into the MPQ's internal listfile
// Note that if the listfile name is NULL, do nothing because the
// internal listfile is always included.
if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && szListFile != NULL && *szListFile != 0)
dwErrCode = SFileAddListFile((HANDLE)ha, szListFile);
// Allocate the structure for MPQ search
if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
nSize = sizeof(TMPQSearch) + strlen(szMask) + 1;
if((hs = (TMPQSearch *)STORM_ALLOC(char, nSize)) == NULL)
// Perform the first search
if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
memset(hs, 0, sizeof(TMPQSearch));
strcpy(hs->szSearchMask, szMask);
hs->dwFlagMask = MPQ_FILE_EXISTS;
hs->ha = ha;
// If the archive is patched archive, we have to create a merge table
// to prevent files being repeated
if(ha->haPatch != NULL)
hs->dwSearchTableItems = GetSearchTableItems(ha);
hs->pSearchTable = STORM_ALLOC(TFileEntry *, hs->dwSearchTableItems);
if(hs->pSearchTable != NULL)
memset(hs->pSearchTable, 0, hs->dwSearchTableItems * sizeof(TFileEntry *));
// Perform first item searching
if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
dwErrCode = DoMPQSearch(hs, lpFindFileData);
// Cleanup
if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// Return the result value
return (HANDLE)hs;
bool WINAPI SFileFindNextFile(HANDLE hFind, SFILE_FIND_DATA * lpFindFileData)
TMPQSearch * hs = IsValidSearchHandle(hFind);
// Check the parameters
if(hs == NULL)
if(lpFindFileData == NULL)
if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
dwErrCode = DoMPQSearch(hs, lpFindFileData);
if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS);
bool WINAPI SFileFindClose(HANDLE hFind)
TMPQSearch * hs = IsValidSearchHandle(hFind);
// Check the parameters
if(hs == NULL)
return false;
return true;