mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:01:47 -05:00
630 lines
18 KiB
630 lines
18 KiB
#include "Globals.h"
#include "Overlays/ZOverlay.h"
#include "Utils/Directory.h"
#include "Utils/File.h"
#include "Utils/Path.h"
#include "WarningHandler.h"
#include "ZAnimation.h"
#include "ZBackground.h"
#include "ZBlob.h"
#include "ZFile.h"
#include "ZTexture.h"
#ifdef __linux__
#include <csignal>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cxxabi.h> // for __cxa_demangle
#include <dlfcn.h> // for dladdr
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include <ctpl_stl.h>
//extern const char gBuildHash[];
const char gBuildHash[] = "";
// LINUX_TODO: remove, those are because of soh <-> lus dependency problems
float divisor_num = 0.0f;
extern "C" void Audio_SetGameVolume(int player_id, float volume)
extern "C" int ResourceMgr_OTRSigCheck(char* imgData)
return 0;
void DebugConsole_SaveCVars()
void DebugConsole_LoadCVars()
bool Parse(const fs::path& xmlFilePath, const fs::path& basePath, const fs::path& outPath,
ZFileMode fileMode, int workerID);
void BuildAssetTexture(const fs::path& pngFilePath, TextureType texType, const fs::path& outPath);
void BuildAssetBackground(const fs::path& imageFilePath, const fs::path& outPath);
void BuildAssetBlob(const fs::path& blobFilePath, const fs::path& outPath);
int ExtractFunc(int workerID, int fileListSize, std::string fileListItem, ZFileMode fileMode);
volatile int numWorkersLeft = 0;
#ifdef __linux__
#define ARRAY_COUNT(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
void ErrorHandler(int sig)
void* array[4096];
const size_t nMaxFrames = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
size_t size = backtrace(array, nMaxFrames);
char** symbols = backtrace_symbols(array, nMaxFrames);
fprintf(stderr, "\nZAPD crashed. (Signal: %i)\n", sig);
// Feel free to add more crash messages.
const char* crashEasterEgg[] = {
"\tYou've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?",
"\tZAPD has fallen and cannot get up.",
auto easterIndex = rand() % ARRAY_COUNT(crashEasterEgg);
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", crashEasterEgg[easterIndex]);
fprintf(stderr, "Traceback:\n");
for (size_t i = 1; i < size; i++)
Dl_info info;
uint32_t gotAddress = dladdr(array[i], &info);
std::string functionName(symbols[i]);
if (gotAddress != 0 && info.dli_sname != nullptr)
int32_t status;
char* demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(info.dli_sname, nullptr, nullptr, &status);
const char* nameFound = info.dli_sname;
if (status == 0)
nameFound = demangled;
functionName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s (+0x%X)", nameFound,
(char*)array[i] - (char*)info.dli_saddr);
fprintf(stderr, "%-3zd %s\n", i, functionName.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Syntax: ZAPD.out [mode (btex/bovl/e)] (Arbritrary Number of Arguments)
if (argc < 2)
printf("ZAPD.out (%s) [mode (btex/bovl/bsf/bblb/bmdlintr/bamnintr/e)] ...\n", gBuildHash);
return 1;
Globals* g = new Globals();
WarningHandler::Init(argc, argv);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--version"))
printf("ZAPD.out %s\n", gBuildHash);
return 0;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-h"))
printf("You just found the (unimplemented and undocumented) ZAPD's help message.\n");
printf("Feel free to implement it if you want :D\n");
return 0;
// Parse other "commands"
for (int32_t i = 2; i < argc; i++)
std::string arg = argv[i];
if (arg == "-o" || arg == "--outputpath") // Set output path
Globals::Instance->outputPath = argv[++i];
if (Globals::Instance->sourceOutputPath == "")
Globals::Instance->sourceOutputPath = Globals::Instance->outputPath;
else if (arg == "-i" || arg == "--inputpath") // Set input path
Globals::Instance->inputPath = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "-b" || arg == "--baserompath") // Set baserom path
Globals::Instance->baseRomPath = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "-osf") // Set source output path
Globals::Instance->sourceOutputPath = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "-gsf") // Generate source file during extraction
Globals::Instance->genSourceFile = std::string_view(argv[++i]) == "1";
else if (arg == "-tm") // Test Mode (enables certain experimental features)
Globals::Instance->testMode = std::string_view(argv[++i]) == "1";
else if (arg == "-crc" ||
arg == "--output-crc") // Outputs a CRC file for each extracted texture.
Globals::Instance->testMode = std::string_view(argv[++i]) == "1";
else if (arg == "-ulzdl") // Use Legacy ZDisplay List
Globals::Instance->useLegacyZDList = std::string_view(argv[++i]) == "1";
else if (arg == "-profile") // Enable profiling
Globals::Instance->profile = std::string_view(argv[++i]) == "1";
else if (arg ==
"-uer") // Split resources into their individual components (enabled by default)
// TODO: We may wish to make this a part of the config file...
Globals::Instance->useExternalResources = std::string_view(argv[++i]) == "1";
else if (arg == "-tt") // Set texture type
Globals::Instance->texType = ZTexture::GetTextureTypeFromString(argv[++i]);
else if (arg == "-cfg") // Set cfg path (for overlays)
// TODO: Change the name of this to something else so it doesn't
// get confused with XML config files.
Globals::Instance->cfgPath = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "-fl") // Set baserom filelist path
Globals::Instance->fileListPath = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "-rconf") // Read Config File
else if (arg == "-eh") // Enable Error Handler
#ifdef __linux__
signal(SIGSEGV, ErrorHandler);
signal(SIGABRT, ErrorHandler);
// HANDLE_WARNING(WarningType::Always,
// "tried to set error handler, but this ZAPD build lacks support for one",
// "");
else if (arg == "-v") // Verbose
Globals::Instance->verbosity = static_cast<VerbosityLevel>(strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 16));
else if (arg == "-vu" || arg == "--verbose-unaccounted") // Verbose unaccounted
Globals::Instance->verboseUnaccounted = true;
else if (arg == "-se" || arg == "--set-exporter") // Set Current Exporter
Globals::Instance->currentExporter = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "--gcc-compat") // GCC compatibility
Globals::Instance->gccCompat = true;
else if (arg == "-s" || arg == "--static")
Globals::Instance->forceStatic = true;
else if (arg == "-us" || arg == "--unaccounted-static")
Globals::Instance->forceUnaccountedStatic = true;
// Parse File Mode
ExporterSet* exporterSet = Globals::Instance->GetExporterSet();
std::string buildMode = argv[1];
ZFileMode fileMode = ZFileMode::Invalid;
if (buildMode == "btex")
fileMode = ZFileMode::BuildTexture;
else if (buildMode == "bren")
fileMode = ZFileMode::BuildBackground;
else if (buildMode == "bovl")
fileMode = ZFileMode::BuildOverlay;
else if (buildMode == "bsf")
fileMode = ZFileMode::BuildSourceFile;
else if (buildMode == "bblb")
fileMode = ZFileMode::BuildBlob;
else if (buildMode == "e")
fileMode = ZFileMode::Extract;
else if (buildMode == "ed")
fileMode = ZFileMode::ExtractDirectory;
else if (exporterSet != nullptr && exporterSet->parseFileModeFunc != nullptr)
exporterSet->parseFileModeFunc(buildMode, fileMode);
if (fileMode == ZFileMode::Invalid)
printf("Error: Invalid file mode '%s'\n", buildMode.c_str());
return 1;
Globals::Instance->fileMode = fileMode;
if (fileMode == ZFileMode::ExtractDirectory)
Globals::Instance->rom = new ZRom(Globals::Instance->baseRomPath.string());
// We've parsed through our commands once. If an exporter exists, it's been set by now.
// Now we'll parse through them again but pass them on to our exporter if one is available.
if (exporterSet != nullptr && exporterSet->parseArgsFunc != nullptr)
for (int32_t i = 2; i < argc; i++)
exporterSet->parseArgsFunc(argc, argv, i);
if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_INFO)
printf("ZAPD: Zelda Asset Processor For Decomp: %s\n", gBuildHash);
if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_DEBUG)
// TODO: switch
if (fileMode == ZFileMode::Extract || fileMode == ZFileMode::BuildSourceFile || fileMode == ZFileMode::ExtractDirectory)
bool procFileModeSuccess = false;
if (exporterSet != nullptr && exporterSet->processFileModeFunc != nullptr)
procFileModeSuccess = exporterSet->processFileModeFunc(fileMode);
if (!procFileModeSuccess)
if (fileMode == ZFileMode::ExtractDirectory)
std::vector<std::string> fileList =
const int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
ctpl::thread_pool pool(num_threads / 2);
bool parseSuccessful;
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int fileListSize = fileList.size();
Globals::Instance->singleThreaded = false;
for (int i = 0; i < fileListSize; i++)
Globals::Instance->workerData[i] = new FileWorker();
numWorkersLeft = fileListSize;
for (int i = 0; i < fileListSize; i++)
if (Globals::Instance->singleThreaded)
ExtractFunc(i, fileList.size(), fileList[i], fileMode);
std::string fileListItem = fileList[i];
pool.push([i, fileListSize, fileListItem, fileMode](int) {
ExtractFunc(i, fileListSize, fileListItem, fileMode);
if (!Globals::Instance->singleThreaded)
while (true)
if (numWorkersLeft <= 0)
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto diff =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end - start).count();
printf("Generated OTR File Data in %i seconds\n", diff);
bool parseSuccessful;
for (auto& extFile : Globals::Instance->cfg.externalFiles)
fs::path externalXmlFilePath =
Globals::Instance->cfg.externalXmlFolder / extFile.xmlPath;
if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_INFO)
printf("Parsing external file from config: '%s'\n",
parseSuccessful = Parse(externalXmlFilePath, Globals::Instance->baseRomPath,
extFile.outPath, ZFileMode::ExternalFile, 0);
if (!parseSuccessful)
return 1;
parseSuccessful =
Parse(Globals::Instance->inputPath, Globals::Instance->baseRomPath,
Globals::Instance->outputPath, fileMode, 0);
if (!parseSuccessful)
return 1;
else if (fileMode == ZFileMode::BuildTexture)
TextureType texType = Globals::Instance->texType;
BuildAssetTexture(Globals::Instance->inputPath, texType, Globals::Instance->outputPath);
else if (fileMode == ZFileMode::BuildBackground)
BuildAssetBackground(Globals::Instance->inputPath, Globals::Instance->outputPath);
else if (fileMode == ZFileMode::BuildBlob)
BuildAssetBlob(Globals::Instance->inputPath, Globals::Instance->outputPath);
if (exporterSet != nullptr && exporterSet->endProgramFunc != nullptr)
delete g;
return 0;
int ExtractFunc(int workerID, int fileListSize, std::string fileListItem, ZFileMode fileMode)
bool parseSuccessful;
printf("(%i / %i): %s\n", (workerID + 1), fileListSize, fileListItem.c_str());
for (auto& extFile : Globals::Instance->cfg.externalFiles)
fs::path externalXmlFilePath = Globals::Instance->cfg.externalXmlFolder / extFile.xmlPath;
if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_INFO)
printf("Parsing external file from config: '%s'\n", externalXmlFilePath.c_str());
parseSuccessful = Parse(externalXmlFilePath, Globals::Instance->baseRomPath,
extFile.outPath, ZFileMode::ExternalFile, workerID);
if (!parseSuccessful)
return 1;
parseSuccessful = Parse(fileListItem, Globals::Instance->baseRomPath,
Globals::Instance->outputPath, fileMode, workerID);
if (!parseSuccessful)
return 1;
if (Globals::Instance->singleThreaded)
for (int i = 0; i < Globals::Instance->files.size(); i++)
delete Globals::Instance->files[i];
Globals::Instance->files.erase(Globals::Instance->files.begin() + i);
for (int i = 0; i < Globals::Instance->workerData[workerID]->files.size(); i++)
delete Globals::Instance->workerData[workerID]->files[i];
Globals::Instance->workerData[workerID]->files.begin() +
return 0;
bool Parse(const fs::path& xmlFilePath, const fs::path& basePath, const fs::path& outPath,
ZFileMode fileMode, int workerID)
tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
tinyxml2::XMLError eResult = doc.LoadFile(xmlFilePath.string().c_str());
if (eResult != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS)
// TODO: use XMLDocument::ErrorIDToName to get more specific error messages here
StringHelper::Sprintf("invalid XML file: '%s'", xmlFilePath.c_str()), "");
return false;
tinyxml2::XMLNode* root = doc.FirstChild();
if (root == nullptr)
StringHelper::Sprintf("missing Root tag in xml file: '%s'", xmlFilePath.c_str()), "");
return false;
for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* child = root->FirstChildElement(); child != NULL;
child = child->NextSiblingElement())
if (std::string_view(child->Name()) == "File")
ZFile* file = new ZFile(fileMode, child, basePath, outPath, "", xmlFilePath, workerID);
Globals::Instance->AddFile(file, workerID);
if (fileMode == ZFileMode::ExternalFile)
Globals::Instance->AddExternalFile(file, workerID);
file->isExternalFile = true;
else if (std::string(child->Name()) == "ExternalFile")
const char* xmlPathValue = child->Attribute("XmlPath");
if (xmlPathValue == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error(StringHelper::Sprintf(
"Parse: Fatal error in '%s'.\n"
"\t Missing 'XmlPath' attribute in `ExternalFile` element.\n",
const char* outPathValue = child->Attribute("OutPath");
if (outPathValue == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error(StringHelper::Sprintf(
"Parse: Fatal error in '%s'.\n"
"\t Missing 'OutPath' attribute in `ExternalFile` element.\n",
fs::path externalXmlFilePath =
Globals::Instance->cfg.externalXmlFolder / fs::path(xmlPathValue);
fs::path externalOutFilePath = fs::path(outPathValue);
if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_INFO)
printf("Parsing external file: '%s'\n", externalXmlFilePath.c_str());
// Recursion. What can go wrong?
Parse(externalXmlFilePath, basePath, externalOutFilePath, ZFileMode::ExternalFile, workerID);
std::string errorHeader =
StringHelper::Sprintf("when parsing file '%s'", xmlFilePath.c_str());
std::string errorBody = StringHelper::Sprintf(
"Found a resource outside a File element: '%s'", child->Name());
HANDLE_ERROR(WarningType::InvalidXML, errorHeader, errorBody);
if (fileMode != ZFileMode::ExternalFile)
ExporterSet* exporterSet = Globals::Instance->GetExporterSet();
if (exporterSet != nullptr && exporterSet->beginXMLFunc != nullptr)
std::vector<ZFile*> files;
if (Globals::Instance->singleThreaded)
files = Globals::Instance->files;
files = Globals::Instance->workerData[workerID]->files;
for (ZFile* file : files)
if (fileMode == ZFileMode::BuildSourceFile)
if (exporterSet != nullptr && exporterSet->endXMLFunc != nullptr)
return true;
void BuildAssetTexture(const fs::path& pngFilePath, TextureType texType, const fs::path& outPath)
std::string name = outPath.stem().string();
ZTexture tex(nullptr);
if (name.find("u32") != std::string::npos)
tex.dWordAligned = false;
tex.FromPNG(pngFilePath.string(), texType);
std::string cfgPath = StringHelper::Split(pngFilePath.string(), ".")[0] + ".cfg";
if (File::Exists(cfgPath))
name = File::ReadAllText(cfgPath);
std::string src = tex.GetBodySourceCode();
File::WriteAllText(outPath.string(), src);
void BuildAssetBackground(const fs::path& imageFilePath, const fs::path& outPath)
ZBackground background(nullptr);
background.ParseBinaryFile(imageFilePath.string(), false);
File::WriteAllText(outPath.string(), background.GetBodySourceCode());
void BuildAssetBlob(const fs::path& blobFilePath, const fs::path& outPath)
ZBlob* blob = ZBlob::FromFile(blobFilePath.string());
std::string name = outPath.stem().string(); // filename without extension
std::string src = blob->GetBodySourceCode();
File::WriteAllText(outPath.string(), src);
delete blob;