Christopher Leggett 8c8c761726
Custom Sequences (#2066)
* Allows OTRExporter to parse pairs of .seq and .meta files

* Gets added sequences available to SfxEditor and playing in game.

* Some cleanup of the names appearing in the SfxEditor.

* Moves sequence swap lower in the audio command stack.

* Increases temp cache memory available on title/file-select screen.

Certain sequences wouldn't play on the file select and title screen
because they were too large to be cached.

* Introduces workaround for 255 sequence limit.

* Bug fixes and cleanup.

* Fixes bug where fanfares would sometimes disable the sequence player.

* Fixes bug causing certain areas to discard caches when loading enemy music.

* Fixes potential config-related crash by replacing invalid characters.

* Allows custom bgm to play in all BGM categories.

* Properly randomizes the custom tracks.

* Moves custom sequences to a patch OTR.

* If custom music was not loaded, fall back to default values.

* Prevents OOB crash on Synthwave array and adds octave drop feature.

Added octave drop to experimental features, which drops the octave of
a note that is too high for the audio engine to actually play. Without
this, some custom sequences have notes which cap at a specific value
and sound terrible. At least with this they will still harmonize with
the other notes. Experimental tab added to the SfxEditor to house
the checkbox for the octave drop feature.

* Adds more pool memory for a few tracks that couldn't fit.

* Some cleanup on the generated music archive process.

* Fixes missed memory boost from earlier.

* Adds ability to remove enemy proximity music.

* Applies correct cache policy to fanfares to prevent unloading sequences.

* Removes case-sensitiveness of the sequence type.

* Fixes not reverting to sequence after miniboss.

* Fixes transition to/from miniboss (again) and ocarina bug.

To be clear, fixes the more rampant portable ocarina bug present in my earlier builds, not the authentic one.

* Finally properly fixes transitions between sequences

For miniboss fights and SfxEditor previews.

* Removes unneeded boolean expression.

* Adds randomize button to individual SFX Editor entries.

* Fixes lost woods music overwriting goron city music.

* Plays swapped Hyrule Field music when transitioning to daytime.

* Fixes swapping Gerudo Valley music when transitioning from daytime.

* Updates custom sequence OTRPath to match SequenceOTRizer.

* Reverts changes to OTRExporter in favor of external tool

* Fixes formatting issues.

* Attempts to fix formatting issue in git diff.

* Should actually fix formatting issues.

* Should fix mac/linux exclusive build error.

* Fixes segfault on macos.

* sort custom seqs

* Fixes audioseq crash when under 255 seqs

* Removes magic numbers.

* Removes commented out code.

* fixes formatting in SfxEditor.h

Co-authored-by: briaguya <>

* Cleans up the one hardcoded QueueSeqCmd call.

* Fixes unneeded erroneous memory boost applied earlier.

* Applies additional formatting/cleanliness suggestions from review

* Fixes small logic bug

Co-authored-by: RaelCappra <>
Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2022-12-08 23:07:45 -05:00

146 lines
6.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include "SaveManager.h"
#include <soh/Enhancements/item-tables/ItemTableTypes.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <Window.h>
#include "Enhancements/savestates.h"
#include "Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer.h"
#include <vector>
const std::string customMessageTableID = "BaseGameOverrides";
class OTRGlobals
static OTRGlobals* Instance;
std::shared_ptr<Ship::Window> context;
std::shared_ptr<SaveStateMgr> gSaveStateMgr;
std::shared_ptr<Randomizer> gRandomizer;
bool HasMasterQuest();
bool HasOriginal();
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> ListFiles(std::string path);
void CheckSaveFile(size_t sramSize) const;
bool hasMasterQuest;
bool hasOriginal;
uint32_t IsGameMasterQuest();
std::string GetName(const char* path);
#ifndef __cplusplus
void InitOTR(void);
void DeinitOTR(void);
void VanillaItemTable_Init();
void OTRAudio_Init();
void InitAudio();
void Graph_StartFrame();
void Graph_ProcessGfxCommands(Gfx* commands);
void OTRLogString(const char* src);
void OTRGfxPrint(const char* str, void* printer, void (*printImpl)(void*, char));
void OTRGetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y);
uint16_t OTRGetPixelDepth(float x, float y);
int32_t OTRGetLastScancode();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_IsGameMasterQuest();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetNumGameVersions();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetGameVersion(int index);
void ResourceMgr_CacheDirectory(const char* resName);
char** ResourceMgr_ListFiles(const char* searchMask, int* resultSize);
const char* ResourceMgr_GetName(const char* path);
void ResourceMgr_LoadFile(const char* resName);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadFileFromDisk(const char* filePath);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadJPEG(char* data, int dataSize);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexByName(const char* texPath);
uint16_t ResourceMgr_LoadTexWidthByName(char* texPath);
uint16_t ResourceMgr_LoadTexHeightByName(char* texPath);
uint32_t ResourceMgr_LoadTexSizeByName(char* texPath);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexOrDListByName(const char* filePath);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadPlayerAnimByName(const char* animPath);
AnimationHeaderCommon* ResourceMgr_LoadAnimByName(const char* path);
char* ResourceMgr_GetNameByCRC(uint64_t crc, char* alloc);
Gfx* ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByCRC(uint64_t crc);
Gfx* ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(const char* path);
void ResourceMgr_PatchGfxByName(const char* path, const char* patchName, int index, Gfx instruction);
void ResourceMgr_UnpatchGfxByName(const char* path, const char* patchName);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadArrayByNameAsVec3s(const char* path);
Vtx* ResourceMgr_LoadVtxByCRC(uint64_t crc);
Vtx* ResourceMgr_LoadVtxByName(const char* path);
SoundFont* ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSoundFont(const char* path);
SequenceData ResourceMgr_LoadSeqByName(const char* path);
SoundFontSample* ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSample(const char* path);
CollisionHeader* ResourceMgr_LoadColByName(const char* path);
void Ctx_ReadSaveFile(uintptr_t addr, void* dramAddr, size_t size);
void Ctx_WriteSaveFile(uintptr_t addr, void* dramAddr, size_t size);
uint64_t GetPerfCounter();
struct SkeletonHeader* ResourceMgr_LoadSkeletonByName(const char* path);
s32* ResourceMgr_LoadCSByName(const char* path);
int ResourceMgr_OTRSigCheck(char* imgData);
uint64_t osGetTime(void);
uint32_t osGetCount(void);
uint32_t OTRGetCurrentWidth(void);
uint32_t OTRGetCurrentHeight(void);
float OTRGetAspectRatio(void);
float OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(float v);
float OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(float v);
int16_t OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(float v);
int16_t OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(float v);
char* ResourceMgr_LoadFileRaw(const char* resName);
bool AudioPlayer_Init(void);
int AudioPlayer_Buffered(void);
int AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered(void);
void AudioPlayer_Play(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
void AudioMgr_CreateNextAudioBuffer(s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
int Controller_ShouldRumble(size_t i);
void Controller_BlockGameInput();
void Controller_UnblockGameInput();
void Hooks_ExecuteAudioInit();
void* getN64WeirdFrame(s32 i);
int GetEquipNowMessage(char* buffer, char* src, const int maxBufferSize);
u32 SpoilerFileExists(const char* spoilerFileName);
Sprite* GetSeedTexture(uint8_t index);
void Randomizer_LoadSettings(const char* spoilerFileName);
u8 Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RandomizerSettingKey randoSettingKey);
RandomizerCheck Randomizer_GetCheckFromActor(s16 actorId, s16 sceneNum, s16 actorParams);
ScrubIdentity Randomizer_IdentifyScrub(s32 sceneNum, s32 actorParams, s32 respawnData);
ShopItemIdentity Randomizer_IdentifyShopItem(s32 sceneNum, u8 slotIndex);
CowIdentity Randomizer_IdentifyCow(s32 sceneNum, s32 posX, s32 posZ);
void Randomizer_LoadHintLocations(const char* spoilerFileName);
void Randomizer_LoadMerchantMessages(const char* spoilerFileName);
void Randomizer_LoadRequiredTrials(const char* spoilerFileName);
void Randomizer_LoadMasterQuestDungeons(const char* spoilerFileName);
void Randomizer_LoadItemLocations(const char* spoilerFileName, bool silent);
void Randomizer_LoadEntranceOverrides(const char* spoilerFileName, bool silent);
bool Randomizer_IsTrialRequired(RandomizerInf trial);
GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromActor(s16 actorId, s16 sceneNum, s16 actorParams, GetItemID ogId);
GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromActorWithoutObtainabilityCheck(s16 actorId, s16 sceneNum, s16 actorParams, GetItemID ogId);
GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck(RandomizerCheck randomizerCheck, GetItemID ogId);
GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheckWithoutObtainabilityCheck(RandomizerCheck randomizerCheck, GetItemID ogId);
ItemObtainability Randomizer_GetItemObtainabilityFromRandomizerCheck(RandomizerCheck randomizerCheck);
int CustomMessage_RetrieveIfExists(PlayState* play);
void Overlay_DisplayText(float duration, const char* text);
GetItemEntry ItemTable_Retrieve(int16_t getItemID);
GetItemEntry ItemTable_RetrieveEntry(s16 modIndex, s16 getItemID);
void Entrance_ClearEntranceTrackingData(void);
void Entrance_InitEntranceTrackingData(void);
void EntranceTracker_SetCurrentGrottoID(s16 entranceIndex);
void EntranceTracker_SetLastEntranceOverride(s16 entranceIndex);