
2269 lines
130 KiB

#include "hint_list.hpp"
#include "custom_messages.hpp"
#include <array>
using namespace CustomMessages;
//Big thanks to Lioncache, Gabyelnuevo, Danius88, and Charade for their translations!
//Text is {english, french, spanish}
// there are special characters that are read for certain in game commands:
// ^ is a box break
// & is a new line
// @ will print the player name
// surrounding text with '#' will make it a different color
// - OoT Randomizer
// '%d' indicates a number will be placed there.
std::array<HintText, KEY_ENUM_MAX> hintTable;
void HintTable_Init() {
hintTable[NONE] = HintText::Exclude({Text{"No Hint","Pas d'Indice",""}});
hintTable[PREFIX] = HintText::Exclude({Text{"They say that ", /*french*/"Selon moi, ", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, "}});
hintTable[WAY_OF_THE_HERO] = HintText::Exclude({Text{" is on the way of the hero.", /*french*/" est sur la voie du héros." , /*spanish*/" conduce a la senda del héroe."}});
hintTable[PLUNDERING] = HintText::Exclude({Text{"plundering ", /*french*/"explorer ", /*spanish*/"inspeccionar "}});
hintTable[FOOLISH] = HintText::Exclude({Text{" is a foolish choice.", /*french*/" est futile.", /*spanish*/" no es una sabia decisión."}});
hintTable[CAN_BE_FOUND_AT] = HintText::Exclude({Text{"can be found at", /*french*/"se trouve dans", /*spanish*/"aguarda en"}});
hintTable[HOARDS] = HintText::Exclude({Text{"hoards", /*french*/"recèle", /*spanish*/"acapara"}});
hintTable[ZR_FROGS_OCARINA_GAME] = HintText::Always({
//obscure text
Text{"an #amphibian feast# yields", /*french*/"un #festin d'amphibiens# donne", /*spanish*/"una #fiesta anfibia# brinda"},
Text{"the #croaking choir's magnum opus# awards", /*french*/"la #chorale coassante# donne", /*spanish*/"un #coro maestro de ancas# premia"},
Text{"the #froggy finale# yields", /*french*/"la #finale amphibienne# donne", /*spanish*/"el #gran final batracio# brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the final reward from the #Frogs of Zora's River# is", /*french*/"la dernière récompense des #grenouilles de la Rivière Zora# est", /*spanish*/"la recompensa final de las #ranas del Río Zora# premia"}
hintTable[KF_LINKS_HOUSE_COW] = HintText::Always({
//obscure text
Text{"the #bovine bounty of a horseback hustle# gifts", /*french*/"le cadeau #qui découle d'une réussite équestre# est", /*spanish*/"la #recompensa bovina de un paseo a caballo# brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Malon's obstacle course# leads to", /*french*/"la #course à obstacle de Malon# amène à", /*spanish*/"la #carrera de obstáculos de Malon# brinda"}
hintTable[SONG_FROM_OCARINA_OF_TIME] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Ocarina of Time# teaches", /*french*/"l'#Ocarina du Temps# est accompagné par", /*spanish*/"la #Ocarina del Tiempo# enseña"},
hintTable[SONG_FROM_COMPOSERS_GRAVE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#ReDead in the Composers' Grave# guard", /*french*/"les #Éffrois du tombeau des compositeurs# protègent", /*spanish*/"los #ReDeads del Panteón Real# guardan"},
Text{"the #Composer Brothers wrote#", /*french*/"le #trésor des compositeurs# est", /*spanish*/"los #hermanos compositores escribieron#"},
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_FOREST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#in a meadow# Sheik teaches", /*french*/"Sheik confiera, #dans un bosquet#,", /*spanish*/"#en la pradera sagrada# Sheik enseña"},
hintTable[SHEIK_AT_TEMPLE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"Sheik waits at a #monument to time# to teach", /*french*/"Sheik confiera, #au pied de l'épée légendaire#,", /*spanish*/"Sheik espera en el #momumento del tiempo# para enseñar"},
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_CRATER] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #crater's melody# is", /*french*/"Sheik confiera, #entouré de lave#,", /*spanish*/"la #melodía del cráter# otorga"},
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_ICE_CAVERN] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #frozen cavern# echoes with", /*french*/"Sheik confiera, #dans une caverne enneigée#,", /*spanish*/"en la #caverna de hielo# retumban los ecos de"},
hintTable[SHEIK_IN_KAKARIKO] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #ravaged village# mourns with", /*french*/"Sheik confirera, #au coeur d'un village ravagé#,", /*spanish*/"un #arrasado pueblo# llora"},
hintTable[SHEIK_AT_COLOSSUS] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a hero ventures #beyond the wasteland# to learn", /*french*/"Sheik confiera, #au bout d'un chemin sableux#,", /*spanish*/"el héroe que se adentre #más allá del desierto# aprenderá"},
hintTable[MARKET_10_BIG_POES] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#ghost hunters# will be rewarded with", /*french*/"#les chasseurs de fantômes# sont récompensés avec", /*spanish*/"los #cazafantasmas# son premiados con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"catching #Big Poes# leads to", /*french*/"#d'attraper des Àmes# donne", /*spanish*/"hacerte con #Grandes Poes# conduce a"}
hintTable[DEKU_THEATER_SKULL_MASK] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Skull Mask# yields", /*french*/"le #Masque de Mort# donne", /*spanish*/"la #máscara de calavera# otorga"},
hintTable[DEKU_THEATER_MASK_OF_TRUTH] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"showing a #truthful eye to the crowd# rewards", /*french*/"montrer #l'oeil de vérité à la foule# donne", /*spanish*/"#mostrarle el ojo verdadero# a una multitud brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Mask of Truth# yields", /*french*/"le #Masque de Vérité# donne", /*spanish*/"la #máscara de la verdad# premia"}
hintTable[HF_OCARINA_OF_TIME_ITEM] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #treasure thrown by Princess Zelda# is", /*french*/"le trésor #laissé par la princesse# est", /*spanish*/"el #tesoro arrojado por la Princesa Zelda# se trata de"},
hintTable[DMT_TRADE_BROKEN_SWORD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #blinded Biggoron# entrusts", /*french*/"un #Grogoron aveuglé# confie", /*spanish*/"un #miope Biggoron# otorga"},
hintTable[DMT_TRADE_EYEDROPS] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"while you wait, #Biggoron# gives", /*french*/"pendant que tu attends, #Biggoron# donne", /*spanish*/"#Biggoron# está a la espera de otorgar"},
hintTable[DMT_TRADE_CLAIM_CHECK] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#Biggoron# crafts", /*french*/"#Biggoron# fabrique", /*spanish*/"#Biggoron# forja"},
hintTable[KAK_50_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#50 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/"#50 écussons# donnent", /*spanish*/"#50 medallas de insectos# otorgan"},
Text{"#50 spider souls# yields", /*french*/"#50 âmes d'arachnide# donnent", /*spanish*/"#50 almas de araña# otorgan"},
Text{"#50 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/"#50 arachnides aurifères# donnent", /*spanish*/"#50 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"slaying #50 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/"détruire #50 Skulltulas d'or# donne", /*spanish*/"exterminar #50 skulltulas doradas# revela"}
hintTable[KAK_40_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#40 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/"#40 écussons# donnent", /*spanish*/"#40 medallas de insectos# otorgan"},
Text{"#40 spider souls# yields", /*french*/"#40 âmes d'arachnide# donnent", /*spanish*/"#40 almas de araña# otorgan"},
Text{"#40 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/"#40 arachnides aurifères# donnent", /*spanish*/"#40 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"slaying #40 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/"détruire #40 Skulltulas d'or# donne", /*spanish*/"exterminar #40 skulltulas doradas# revela"}
hintTable[KAK_30_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#30 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/"#30 écussons# donnent", /*spanish*/"#30 medallas de insectos# otorgan"},
Text{"#30 spider souls# yields", /*french*/"#30 âmes d'arachnide# donnent", /*spanish*/"#30 almas de araña# otorgan"},
Text{"#30 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/"#30 arachnides aurifères# donnent", /*spanish*/"#30 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"slaying #30 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/"détruire #30 Skulltulas d'or# donne", /*spanish*/"exterminar #30 skulltulas doradas# revela"}
hintTable[KAK_20_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#20 bug badges# rewards", /*french*/"#20 écussons# donnent", /*spanish*/"#20 medallas de insectos# otorgan"},
Text{"#20 spider souls# yields", /*french*/"#20 âmes d'arachnide# donnent", /*spanish*/"#20 almas de araña# otorgan"},
Text{"#20 auriferous arachnids# lead to", /*french*/"#20 arachnides aurifères# donnent", /*spanish*/"#20 arácnidos auríferos# otorgan"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"slaying #20 Gold Skulltulas# reveals", /*french*/"détruire #20 Skulltulas d'or# donne", /*spanish*/"exterminar #20 skulltulas doradas# revela"}
hintTable[KAK_ANJU_AS_CHILD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#wrangling roosters# rewards", /*french*/"#plumer des poulets# donne", /*spanish*/"#atrapar a las gallinas# premia"},
Text{"#chucking chickens# gifts", /*french*/"#lancer des poulets# donne", /*spanish*/"#reunir a unos emplumados# premia"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#collecting cuccos# rewards", /*french*/"#rapporter les Cocottes# donne", /*spanish*/"#hacerte con todos los cucos# premia"}
hintTable[KAK_TRADE_POCKET_CUCCO] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"an adult's #happy Cucco# awards", /*french*/"un adulte avec une #poulette joyeuse# obtient", /*spanish*/"un #alegre cuco# en la madurez otorga"},
hintTable[KAK_TRADE_ODD_MUSHROOM] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #potion shop lady# entrusts", /*french*/"la #gribiche du magasin de potion# confie", /*spanish*/"la #señora de la tienda de pociones# otorga"},
hintTable[GC_DARUNIAS_JOY] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #groovin' goron# gifts", /*french*/"#le Goron joyeux# donne", /*spanish*/"#un goron marchoso# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Darunia's dance# leads to", /*french*/"#la dance de Darunia# donne", /*spanish*/"#el baile de Darunia# conduce a"}
hintTable[LW_SKULL_KID] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Skull Kid# grants", /*french*/"le #Skull Kid# donne", /*spanish*/"#Skull Kid# otorga"},
hintTable[LW_TRADE_COJIRO] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"returning a #special Cucco# awards", /*french*/"ramener une #poulette précieuse# donne", /*spanish*/"quien devuelva un #cuco especial# encontrará"},
hintTable[LW_TRADE_ODD_POTION] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Kokiri girl in the woods# leaves", /*french*/"la #fillette Kokiri dans les bois# laisse", /*spanish*/"una #chica kokiri del bosque# otorga"},
hintTable[LH_SUN] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"staring into #the sun# grants", /*french*/"regarder #le soleil# donne", /*spanish*/"#mirar al sol# revela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"shooting #the sun# grants", /*french*/"tirer une flèche dans #sur le soleil# donne", /*spanish*/"#disparar al sol# revela"}
hintTable[LH_TRADE_FROG] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#Lake Hylia's scientist# hurriedly entrusts", /*french*/"le #scientifique du lac# confie rapidement", /*spanish*/"el #científico del Lago Hylia# otorga con prisa"},
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_REWARD] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#gambling# grants", /*french*/"#parier# donne", /*spanish*/"#los juegos de azar# revelan"},
Text{"there is a #1/32 chance# to win", /*french*/"être #le gagnant parmi 32# donne", /*spanish*/"hay una #probabilidad de 1/32# de ganar"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #treasure chest game# grants", /*french*/"la #Chasse-aux-Trésors# donne", /*spanish*/"#el Cofre del Tesoro# premia"}
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_1] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#gambling once# grants", /*french*/"#parier une fois# donne", /*spanish*/"#apostar solo una vez# revelará"},
Text{"the #first or second game chest# contains", /*french*/"le #premier ou deuxième coffre à jeu# contient", /*spanish*/"#el primer o segundo cofre del azar# revela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #first locked room# in the chest game contains", /*french*/"la #première salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient", /*spanish*/"#en la primera sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda"}
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_2] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#gambling twice# grants", /*french*/"#parier deux fois# donne", /*spanish*/"#apostar dos veces# revelará"},
Text{"the #third or fourth game chest# contains", /*french*/"le #troisième ou quatrième coffre à jeu# contient", /*spanish*/"#el tercer o cuarto cofre del azar# revela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #second locked room# in the chest game contains", /*french*/"la #deuxième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient", /*spanish*/"#en la segunda sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda"}
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_3] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#gambling 3 times# grants", /*french*/"#parier trois fois# donne", /*spanish*/"#apostar tres veces# revelará"},
Text{"the #fifth or sixth game chest# contains", /*french*/"le #cinquième ou sixième coffre à jeu# contient", /*spanish*/"#el quinto o sexto cofre del azar# revela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #third locked room# in the chest game contains", /*french*/"la #troisième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient", /*spanish*/"#en la tercera sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda"}
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_4] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#gambling 4 times# grants", /*french*/"#parier quatre fois# donne", /*spanish*/"#apostar cuatro veces# revelará"},
Text{"the #seventh or eighth game chest# contains", /*french*/"le #septième ou huitième coffre à jeu# contient", /*spanish*/"#el séptimo u octavo cofre del azar# revela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #fourth locked room# in the chest game contains", /*french*/"la #quatrième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient", /*spanish*/"#en la cuarta sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda"}
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME_ITEM_5] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#gambling 5 times# grants", /*french*/"#parier cinq fois# donne", /*spanish*/"#apostar cinco veces# revelará"},
Text{"the #ninth or tenth game chest# contains", /*french*/"le #neuvième ou dixième coffre à jeu# contient", /*spanish*/"#el noveno o décimo cofre del azar# revela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #fifth locked room# in the chest game contains", /*french*/"la #cinquième salle# de la Chasse-aux-Trésors contient", /*spanish*/"#en la quinta sala del Cofre del Tesoro# aguarda"}
hintTable[GF_HBA_1500_POINTS] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"mastery of #horseback archery# grants", /*french*/"maîtriser l'#archerie équestre# donne", /*spanish*/"dominar el #tiro con arco a caballo# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"scoring 1500 in #horseback archery# grants", /*french*/"obtenir 1500 points dans l'#archerie équestre# donne", /*spanish*/"conseguir 1500 puntos en el #tiro con arco a caballo# premia"}
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_HEART_PIECE_GRAVE_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"playing #Sun's Song# in a grave spawns", /*french*/"jouer le #chant du soleil# dans un tombeau donne", /*spanish*/"#tocar la Canción del Sol# en una cripta conduce a"},
hintTable[GC_MAZE_LEFT_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"in #Goron City# the hammer unlocks", /*french*/"dans le #village Goron#, le marteau donne accès à", /*spanish*/"en la #Ciudad Goron# el martillo desbloquea"},
hintTable[GV_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"in #Gerudo Valley# the hammer unlocks", /*french*/"dans la #Vallée Gerudo#, le marteau donne accès à", /*spanish*/"en el #Valle Gerudo# el martillo desbloquea"},
hintTable[GV_TRADE_SAW] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #boss of the carpenters# leaves", /*french*/"le #patron des ouvriers# laisse", /*spanish*/"el #capataz de los carpinteros# otorga"},
hintTable[GV_COW] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #cow in Gerudo Valley# gifts", /*french*/"la #vache de la Vallée Gerudo# donne", /*spanish*/"una #vaca del Valle Gerudo# brinda"},
hintTable[HC_GS_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #spider behind a muddy wall# in a grotto holds", /*french*/"l'#araignée derrière un mur de boue# dans une grotte donne", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula tras la agrietada pared# de una cueva otorga"},
hintTable[HF_GS_COW_GROTTO] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #spider behind webs# in a grotto holds", /*french*/"l'#araignée derrière une toile# dans une grotte donne", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula tras la telaraña# de una cueva otorga"},
hintTable[HF_COW_GROTTO_COW] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #cobwebbed cow# gifts", /*french*/"la #vache prisonnière d'araignées# donne", /*spanish*/"una #vaca tras una telaraña# brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #cow behind webs# in a grotto gifts", /*french*/"la #vache derrière les toiles# d'une grotte donne", /*spanish*/"una #vaca tras la telaraña# de una cueva brinda"}
hintTable[ZF_GS_HIDDEN_CAVE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a spider high #above the icy waters# holds", /*french*/"l'araignée #en haut des eaux glacées# donne", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula en lo #alto de las congeladas aguas# otorga"},
hintTable[WASTELAND_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#deep in the wasteland# is", /*french*/"#loin dans le désert# gît", /*spanish*/"en lo #profundo del desierto encantado# yace"},
Text{"beneath #the sands#, flames reveal", /*french*/"#sous le désert#, les flammes font apparaître", /*spanish*/"tras las #arenas# unas llamas revelan"},
hintTable[WASTELAND_GS] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #spider in the wasteland# holds", /*french*/"#l'araignée dans le désert# donne", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula del desierto encantado# otorga"},
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_COMPOSERS_GRAVE_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#flames in the Composers' Grave# reveal", /*french*/"#les flammes dans le tombeau des compositeurs# cachent", /*spanish*/"#las llamas del Panteón Real# revelan"},
Text{"the #Composer Brothers hid#", /*french*/"#les Frères compositeurs on caché#", /*spanish*/"los #hermanos compositores esconden#"},
hintTable[ZF_BOTTOM_FREESTANDING_POH] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#under the icy waters# lies", /*french*/"#sous les eaux glacées# se cache", /*spanish*/"#bajo las congeladas aguas# yace"},
hintTable[GC_POT_FREESTANDING_POH] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"spinning #Goron pottery# contains", /*french*/"la #potterie Goron# contient", /*spanish*/"una #cerámica goron# contiene"},
hintTable[ZD_KING_ZORA_THAWED] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #defrosted dignitary# gifts", /*french*/"le #monarque libéré# donne", /*spanish*/"una #liberación monárquica# brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"unfreezing #King Zora# grants", /*french*/"dégeler # le Roi Zora# donne", /*spanish*/"#descongelar al Rey Zora# conduce a"}
hintTable[ZD_TRADE_PRESCRIPTION] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"#King Zora# hurriedly entrusts", /*french*/"le #roi Zora# confie rapidement", /*spanish*/"el #Rey Zora# otorga con prisa"},
hintTable[DMC_DEKU_SCRUB] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a single #scrub in the crater# sells", /*french*/"la #peste Mojo dans le cratère# vend", /*spanish*/"un solitario #deku del cráter# vende"},
hintTable[DMC_GS_CRATE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a spider under a #crate in the crater# holds", /*french*/"la Skulltula dans une #boîte volcanique# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula bajo una #caja del cráter# otorga"},
hintTable[DEKU_TREE_MQ_AFTER_SPINNING_LOG_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #temporal stone within a tree# contains", /*french*/"la #pierre bleue dans un arbre# mène à", /*spanish*/"un #bloque temporal de un árbol# contiene"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #temporal stone within the Deku Tree# contains", /*french*/"la #pierre temporelle dans l'Arbre Mojo# cache", /*spanish*/"un #bloque temporal del Gran Árbol Deku# contiene"}
hintTable[DEKU_TREE_MQ_GS_BASEMENT_GRAVES_ROOM] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #spider on a ceiling in a tree# holds", /*french*/"l'#araignée haut-perchée dans un arbre# a", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula en el techo de un árbol# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #spider on a ceiling in the Deku Tree# holds", /*french*/"la#Skulltula dans le Cimetière de l'Arbre Mojo# a", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula en el techo del Gran Árbol Deku# otorga"}
//obscure text
Text{"a spider under #temporal stones in a cavern# holds", /*french*/"l'araignée sous #une pierre bleue dans une caverne# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula bajo #bloques temporales de una cueva# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a spider under #temporal stones in Dodongo's Cavern# holds", /*french*/"la Skulltula sous #la pierre temporelle dans la Caverne Dodongo# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula bajo #bloques temporales de la Cueva de los Dodongos# otorga"}
hintTable[JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BOOMERANG_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a school of #stingers swallowed by a deity# guard", /*french*/"les #raies dans un gardien# protègent", /*spanish*/"unos de #stingers engullidos por cierta deidad# guardan"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a school of #stingers swallowed by Jabu-Jabu# guard", /*french*/"les #raies dans Jabu-Jabu# protègent", /*spanish*/"unos #stingers engullidos por Jabu-Jabu# guardan"}
//obscure text
Text{"a spider surrounded by #shadows in the belly of a deity# holds", /*french*/"l'araignée entourée d'#ombres dans le ventre du gardien# possède", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula rodeada de #sombras en la tripa de cierta diedad# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a spider surrounded by #shadows in Jabu-Jabu's Belly# holds", /*french*/"la Skulltula entourée d'#ombres dans Jabu-Jabu# possède", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula rodeada de #sombras en la Tripa de Jabu-Jabu# otorga"}
hintTable[JABU_JABUS_BELLY_MQ_COW] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #cow swallowed by a deity# gifts", /*french*/"la #vache dans le gardien# donne", /*spanish*/"una #vaca engullida por cierta deidad# brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #cow swallowed by Jabu-Jabu# gifts", /*french*/"la #vache avallée par Jabu-Jabu# donne", /*spanish*/"una #vaca engullida por Jabu-Jabu# brinda"}
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_SCARECROW_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #scarecrow atop the volcano# hides", /*french*/"l'#épouvantail au sommet d'un volcan# donne", /*spanish*/"un #espantapájaros en lo alto del volcán# esconde"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Pierre atop the Fire Temple# hides", /*french*/"#Pierre au sommet du Temple du Feu# donne", /*spanish*/"#Pierre en lo alto del Templo del Fuego# esconde"}
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_MEGATON_HAMMER_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Flare Dancer atop the volcano# guards a chest containing", /*french*/"le #danseur au sommet du volcan# protège", /*spanish*/"el #Bailafuego en lo alto del volcán# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Flare Dancer atop the Fire Temple# guards a chest containing", /*french*/"le #Danse-Flamme au sommet du Temple du Feu# protège", /*spanish*/"el #Bailaguego en lo alto del Templo del Fuego# otorga"}
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_MQ_CHEST_ON_FIRE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Flare Dancer atop the volcano# guards a chest containing", /*french*/"le #danseur au sommet du volcan# protège", /*spanish*/"el #Bailafuego en lo alto del volcán# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Flare Dancer atop the Fire Temple# guards a chest containing", /*french*/"le #Danse-Flamme au sommet du Temple du Feu# protège", /*spanish*/"el #Bailafuego en lo alto del Templo del Fuego# otorga"}
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE_MQ_GS_SKULL_ON_FIRE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #spider under a block in the volcano# holds", /*french*/"l'#araignée sous un bloc dans le volcan# a", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula bajo el bloque de un volcán# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #spider under a block in the Fire Temple# holds", /*french*/"une #Skulltula sous un bloc dans le Temple du Feu# a", /*spanish*/"una #Skulltula bajo un bloque del Templo del Fuego# otorga"}
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_RIVER_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"beyond the #river under the lake# waits", /*french*/"au delà de #la rivière sous le lac# se cache", /*spanish*/"tras el #río bajo el lago# yace"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"beyond the #river in the Water Temple# waits", /*french*/"au delà de #la rivière dans le Temple de l'Eau# se cache", /*spanish*/"tras el #río del Templo del Agua# yace"}
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_BOSS_KEY_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"dodging #rolling boulders under the lake# leads to", /*french*/"éviter des #rochers roulants sous le lac# mène à", /*spanish*/"esquivar #rocas rodantes bajo el lago# conduce a"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"dodging #rolling boulders in the Water Temple# leads to", /*french*/"éviter des #rochers roulants dans le Temple de l'Eau# mène à", /*spanish*/"esquivar #rocas rondantes del Templo del Agua# conduce a"}
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_GS_BEHIND_GATE] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a spider behind a #gate under the lake# holds", /*french*/"l'araignée derrière une #barrière sous le lac# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula tras #una valla bajo el lago# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a spider behind a #gate in the Water Temple# holds", /*french*/"la Skulltula derrière une #barrière dans le Temple de l'Eau# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula tras #una valla del Templo del Agua# otorga"}
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_MQ_FREESTANDING_KEY] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"hidden in a #box under the lake# lies", /*french*/"dans une #boîte sous le lac# gît", /*spanish*/"en una #caja bajo el lago# yace"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"hidden in a #box in the Water Temple# lies", /*french*/"dans une #boîte dans le Temple de l'Eau# gît", /*spanish*/"en una #caja del Templo del Agua# yace"}
//obscure text
Text{"the #locked spider under the lake# holds", /*french*/"l'#araignée emprisonnée sous le lac# a", /*spanish*/"la #Skulltula enjaulada bajo el lago# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #locked spider in the Water Temple# holds", /*french*/"une #Skulltula emprisonnée dans le Temple de l'Eau# a", /*spanish*/"la #Skulltula enjaulada del Templo del Agua# otorga"}
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE_MQ_GS_TRIPLE_WALL_TORCH] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a spider behind a #gate under the lake# holds", /*french*/"l'#araignée derrière une barrière sous le lac# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula tras una #valla bajo el lago# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a spider behind a #gate in the Water Temple# holds", /*french*/"une #Skulltula derrière une barrière dans le Temple de l'Eau# a", /*spanish*/"una Skulltula tras una #valla del Templo del Agua#"}
//obscure text
Text{"those who seek #sunken silver rupees# will find", /*french*/"ceux qui pêchent les #joyaux argentés# trouveront", /*spanish*/"aquellos que busquen las #rupias plateadas sumergidas# encontrarán"},
Text{"the #thieves' underwater training# rewards", /*french*/"l'#épreuve de plongée des voleurs# recèle", /*spanish*/"la #instrucción submarina de las bandidas# premia"},
//obscure text
Text{"those who seek #sunken silver rupees# will find", /*french*/"ceux qui pêchent les #joyaux argentés# trouveront", /*spanish*/"aquellos que busquen las #rupias plateadas sumergidas# encontrarán"},
Text{"the #thieves' underwater training# rewards", /*french*/"l'#épreuve de plongée des voleurs# recèle", /*spanish*/"la #instrucción submarina de las bandidas# premia"},
//obscure text
Text{"the final prize of #the thieves' training# is", /*french*/"la récompense ultime de #l'épreuve des voleurs# est", /*spanish*/"la recompensa final de la #instrucción de las bandida# brinda"},
//obscure text
Text{"the final prize of #the thieves' training# is", /*french*/"la récompense ultime de #l'épreuve des voleurs# est", /*spanish*/"el premio final de la #instrucción de las bandidas# brinda"},
hintTable[BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL_LENS_OF_TRUTH_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the well's #grasping ghoul# hides", /*french*/"la #terreur du Puits# cache", /*spanish*/"en las #profundidades del pozo# se esconde"},
Text{"a #nether dweller in the well# holds", /*french*/"le #spectre qui réside dans le Puits# a", /*spanish*/"el #temido morador del pozo# concede"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Dead Hand in the well# holds", /*french*/"le #Poigneur dans le Puits# cache", /*spanish*/"la #Mano Muerta del pozo# concede"}
hintTable[BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL_MQ_COMPASS_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"the well's #grasping ghoul# hides", /*french*/"la #terreur du Puits# cache", /*spanish*/"en las #profundidades del pozo# se esconde"},
Text{"a #nether dweller in the well# holds", /*french*/"le #spectre qui réside dans le Puits# a", /*spanish*/"el #temido morador del pozo# concede"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Dead Hand in the well# holds", /*french*/"le #Poigneur dans le Puits# cache", /*spanish*/"la #Mano Muerta del pozo# concede"}
//obscure text
Text{"the treasure #sought by Nabooru# is", /*french*/"le trésor que #recherche Nabooru# est", /*spanish*/"el #ansiado tesoro de Nabooru# brinda"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"upon the #Colossus's right hand# is", /*french*/"sur la #main droite du colosse# repose", /*spanish*/"en la #mano derecha del Coloso# yace"}
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE_MIRROR_SHIELD_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"upon the #Colossus's left hand# is", /*french*/"sur la #main gauche du colosse# repose", /*spanish*/"en la #mano izquierda del Coloso# yace"},
//obscure text
Text{"a #temporal paradox in the Colossus# yields", /*french*/"un #paradoxe temporel dans le colosse# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #paradoja temporal del Coloso# conduce a"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #temporal paradox in the Spirit Temple# yields", /*french*/"le #paradoxe temporel dans le Temple de l'Esprit# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #paradoja temporal del Coloso# conduce a"}
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE_MQ_SYMPHONY_ROOM_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #symphony in the Colossus# yields", /*french*/"la #symphonie du colosse# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #sinfonía del Coloso# conduce a"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #symphony in the Spirit Temple# yields", /*french*/"les #cinq chansons du Temple de l'Esprit# révèlent", /*spanish*/"una #sinfonía del Coloso# conduce a"}
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE_MQ_GS_SYMPHONY_ROOM] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"a #spider's symphony in the Colossus# yields", /*french*/"la #mélodie de l'araignée du colosse# révèle", /*spanish*/"la #Skulltula de la sinfonía del Coloso# otorga"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"a #spider's symphony in the Spirit Temple# yields", /*french*/"la #mélodie de la Skulltula du Temple de l'Esprit# révèle", /*spanish*/"la #Skulltula de la sinfonía del Coloso# otorga"}
//obscure text
Text{"shadows in an #invisible maze# guard", /*french*/"les ombres dans le #labyrinthe invisible# protègent", /*spanish*/"las sombras del #laberinto misterioso# esconden"},
hintTable[SHADOW_TEMPLE_MQ_BOMB_FLOWER_CHEST] = HintText::Sometimes({
//obscure text
Text{"shadows in an #invisible maze# guard", /*french*/"les ombres dans le #labyrinthe invisible# protègent", /*spanish*/"las sombras del #laberinto invisible# esconden"},
hintTable[DESERT_COLOSSUS_TO_COLOSSUS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"lifting a #rock in the desert# reveals", /*french*/"soulever une #roche dans le désert# révèle", /*spanish*/"levantar una #roca del desierto# revela"},
hintTable[GV_GROTTO_LEDGE_TO_GV_OCTOROK_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a rock on #a ledge in the valley# hides", /*french*/"soulever une #roche dans la vallée# révèle", /*spanish*/"levantar una #roca al borde del valle# esconde"},
hintTable[GC_GROTTO_PLATFORM_TO_GC_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a #pool of lava# in Goron City blocks the way to", /*french*/"l'#étang de lave# dans le village Goron renferme", /*spanish*/"un #estanque de lava# en la Ciudad Goron bloquea el paso a"},
hintTable[GERUDO_FORTRESS_TO_GF_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a #storm within Gerudo's Fortress# reveals", /*french*/"la #tempête dans la forteresse# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #tormenta en la Fortaleza Gerudo# revela"},
hintTable[ZORAS_DOMAIN_TO_ZD_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a #storm within Zora's Domain# reveals", /*french*/"la #tempête dans le Domaine Zora# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #tormenta en la Región de los Zora# revela"},
//obscure text
Text{"a #storm near the castle# reveals", /*french*/"la #tempête près du château# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #tormenta junto al castillo# revela"},
hintTable[GV_FORTRESS_SIDE_TO_GV_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a #storm in the valley# reveals", /*french*/"la #tempête dans la vallée# révèle", /*spanish*/"una #tormenta en el valle# revela"},
//obscure text
Text{"a #fractured desert wall# hides", /*french*/"le #mur fragile du désert# cache", /*spanish*/"una #agrietada pared del desierto# esconde"},
//obscure text
Text{"a #heavy pillar# outside the castle obstructs", /*french*/"le #rocher fragile près du château# cache", /*spanish*/"una #pesada columna# fuera del castillo obstruye"},
//obscure text
Text{"a #fountain wall# hides", /*french*/"le #mur fragile du réservoir# cache", /*spanish*/"una #pared de la fuente# esconde"},
hintTable[GV_FORTRESS_SIDE_TO_GV_CARPENTER_TENT] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a #tent in the valley# covers", /*french*/"la #tente dans la vallée# recouvre", /*spanish*/"una #tienda de campaña del valle# cubre"},
//obscure text
Text{"at the #back of the Graveyard#, there is", /*french*/"#derrière le Cimetière# gît", /*spanish*/"en la #parte trasera del cementerio# se halla"},
hintTable[LAKE_HYLIA_TO_WATER_TEMPLE_LOBBY] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"deep #under a vast lake#, one can find", /*french*/"#sous le lac# gît", /*spanish*/"en las #profundidades de un lago inmenso# se halla"},
//obscure text
Text{"paying a #fee to the Gerudos# grants access to", /*french*/"l'#entrée payante des Gerudo# donne accès à", /*spanish*/"pagarle una #tasa a las gerudo# da acceso a"},
//obscure text
Text{"inside #Jabu-Jabu#, one can find", /*french*/"#dans Jabu-Jabu# se trouve", /*spanish*/"dentro de #Jabu-Jabu# se halla"},
hintTable[KAKARIKO_VILLAGE_TO_BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL] = HintText::Entrance({
//obscure text
Text{"a #village well# leads to", /*french*/"dans le fond du #Puits du village# gît", /*spanish*/"el #pozo de un pueblo# conduce a"},
//maybe make a new type for this? I'm not sure if it really matters
hintTable[LINKS_POCKET] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Link's Pocket", /*french*/"les Poches de @", /*spanish*/"el bolsillo de @"},
hintTable[KOKIRI_FOREST] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Kokiri Forest", /*french*/"la forêt Kokiri", /*spanish*/"el Bosque Kokiri"},
hintTable[THE_LOST_WOODS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"the Lost Woods", /*french*/"les Bois Perdus", /*spanish*/"el Bosque Perdido"},
hintTable[SACRED_FOREST_MEADOW] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Sacred Forest Meadow", /*french*/"le Bosquet Sacré", /*spanish*/"la pradera sagrada del bosque"},
hintTable[HYRULE_FIELD] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Hyrule Field", /*french*/"la Plaine d'Hyrule", /*spanish*/"la Llanura de Hyrule"},
hintTable[LAKE_HYLIA] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Lake Hylia", /*french*/"le Lac Hylia", /*spanish*/"el Lago Hylia"},
hintTable[GERUDO_VALLEY] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Gerudo Valley", /*french*/"la Vallée Gerudo", /*spanish*/"el Valle Gerudo"},
hintTable[GERUDO_FORTRESS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Gerudo's Fortress", /*french*/"la Repaire des Voleurs", /*spanish*/"la Fortaleza Gerudo"},
hintTable[HAUNTED_WASTELAND] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Haunted Wasteland", /*french*/"le Désert Hanté", /*spanish*/"el desierto encantado"},
hintTable[DESERT_COLOSSUS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Desert Colossus", /*french*/"le Colosse du Désert", /*spanish*/"el Coloso del Desierto"},
hintTable[THE_MARKET] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"the Market", /*french*/"la Place du Marché", /*spanish*/"la plaza del mercado"},
hintTable[TEMPLE_OF_TIME] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Temple of Time", /*french*/"le Temple du Temps", /*spanish*/"el Templo del Tiempo"},
hintTable[HYRULE_CASTLE] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Hyrule Castle", /*french*/"le Château d'Hyrule", /*spanish*/"el Castillo de Hyrule"},
hintTable[OUTSIDE_GANONS_CASTLE] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"outside Ganon's Castle", /*french*/"les alentours du Château&de Ganon", /*spanish*/"el exterior del Castillo de Ganon"},
hintTable[KAKARIKO_VILLAGE] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Kakariko Village", /*french*/"le Village Cocorico", /*spanish*/"Kakariko"},
hintTable[THE_GRAVEYARD] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"the Graveyard", /*french*/"le Cimetière", /*spanish*/"el cementerio"},
hintTable[DEATH_MOUNTAIN_TRAIL] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Death Mountain Trail", /*french*/"le Chemin du Péril", /*spanish*/"el sendero de la Montaña de la Muerte"},
hintTable[GORON_CITY] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Goron City", /*french*/"le Village Goron", /*spanish*/"la Ciudad Goron"},
hintTable[DEATH_MOUNTAIN_CRATER] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Death Mountain Crater", /*french*/"le Cratère du Péril", /*spanish*/"el cráter de la Montaña de la Muerte"},
hintTable[ZORAS_RIVER] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Zora's River", /*french*/"la Rivière Zora", /*spanish*/"el Río Zora"},
hintTable[ZORAS_DOMAIN] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Zora's Domain", /*french*/"le Domaine Zora", /*spanish*/"la Región de los Zora"},
hintTable[ZORAS_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Zora's Fountain", /*french*/"la Fontaine Zora", /*spanish*/"la Fuente Zora"},
hintTable[LON_LON_RANCH] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Lon Lon Ranch", /*french*/"le Ranch Lon Lon", /*spanish*/"el Rancho Lon Lon"},
hintTable[KF_LINKS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Link's House", /*french*/"la #maison de @#", /*spanish*/"la casa de @"},
// hintTable[TOT_MAIN] = HintText::Region({
// //obscure text
// Text{"the #Temple of Time#", /*french*/"le #Temple du Temps#", /*spanish*/"el Templo del Tiempo"},
// });
hintTable[KF_MIDOS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Mido's house", /*french*/"la #Cabane du Grand Mido#", /*spanish*/"la casa de Mido"},
hintTable[KF_SARIAS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Saria's House", /*french*/"la #Cabane de Saria#", /*spanish*/"la casa de Saria"},
hintTable[KF_HOUSE_OF_TWINS] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #House of Twins#", /*french*/"la #Cabane des Jumelles#", /*spanish*/"la casa de las gemelas"},
hintTable[KF_KNOW_IT_ALL_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Know-It-All Brothers' House", /*french*/"la #Cabane des frères Je-Sais-Tout#", /*spanish*/"la casa de los hermanos Sabelotodo"},
hintTable[KF_KOKIRI_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Kokiri Shop#", /*french*/"le #Magasin Kokiri#", /*spanish*/"la tienda kokiri"},
hintTable[LH_LAB] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Lakeside Laboratory#", /*french*/"le #Laboratoire du Lac#", /*spanish*/"el laboratorio del lago"},
hintTable[LH_FISHING_HOLE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Fishing Pond#", /*french*/"l'#Étang#", /*spanish*/"el estanque"},
hintTable[GV_CARPENTER_TENT] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Carpenters' tent#", /*french*/"la #Tente des charpentiers#", /*spanish*/"la #tienda de campaña de los carpinteros#"},
hintTable[MARKET_GUARD_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Guard House#", /*french*/"le #poste de garde#", /*spanish*/"la caseta de guardia"},
hintTable[MARKET_MASK_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Happy Mask Shop#", /*french*/"la #Foire Aux Masques#", /*spanish*/"la tienda de La Máscara Feliz"},
hintTable[MARKET_BOMBCHU_BOWLING] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Bombchu Bowling Alley#", /*french*/"le #Bowling Teigneux#", /*spanish*/"la Bolera Bombchu"},
hintTable[MARKET_POTION_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Market Potion Shop#", /*french*/"l'#apothicaire de la Place du Marché#", /*spanish*/"la tienda de pociones de la plaza del mercado"},
hintTable[MARKET_TREASURE_CHEST_GAME] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Treasure Chest Shop#", /*french*/"la #Chasse-aux-Trésors#", /*spanish*/"el Cofre del Tesoro"},
hintTable[MARKET_BOMBCHU_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Bombchu Shop#", /*french*/"le #Magasin de Missiles#", /*spanish*/"la Tienda Bombchu"},
hintTable[MARKET_MAN_IN_GREEN_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Man in Green's House", /*french*/"la #Maison de l'Homme en Vert#", /*spanish*/"la casa del hombre de verde"},
hintTable[KAK_WINDMILL] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Windmill#", /*french*/"le #Moulin#", /*spanish*/"el #molino#"},
hintTable[KAK_CARPENTER_BOSS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Carpenters' Boss House#", /*french*/"la #Maison du Chef des ouvriers#", /*spanish*/"la casa del capataz de los carpinteros"},
hintTable[KAK_HOUSE_OF_SKULLTULA] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #House of Skulltula#", /*french*/"la #Maison des Skulltulas#", /*spanish*/"la casa de las Skulltulas"},
hintTable[KAK_IMPAS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Impa's House", /*french*/"la #Maison d'Impa#", /*spanish*/"la casa de Impa"},
hintTable[KAK_IMPAS_HOUSE_BACK] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Impa's cow cage", /*french*/"la #cage à vache d'Impa#", /*spanish*/"la jaula de la vaca de Impa"},
hintTable[KAK_ODD_POTION_BUILDING] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Granny's Potion Shop", /*french*/"la #maison bleue de Cocorico#", /*spanish*/"la tienda de pociones de la abuela"},
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_DAMPES_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Dampé's Hut", /*french*/"la #Cabane du Fossoyeur#", /*spanish*/"la cabaña de Dampé"},
hintTable[GC_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Goron Shop#", /*french*/"la #Boutique Goron#", /*spanish*/"la #tienda goron#"},
hintTable[ZD_SHOP] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Zora Shop#", /*french*/"la #Boutique Zora#", /*spanish*/"la #tienda zora#"},
hintTable[LLR_TALONS_HOUSE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Talon's House", /*french*/"la #Maison de Talon#", /*spanish*/"la casa de Talon"},
hintTable[LLR_STABLES] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #stable#", /*french*/"l'#Étable#", /*spanish*/"el establo"},
hintTable[LLR_TOWER] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Lon Lon Tower#", /*french*/"le #silo du Ranch Lon Lon#", /*spanish*/"la torre Lon Lon"},
hintTable[MARKET_BAZAAR] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Market Bazaar#", /*french*/"le #Bazar de la Place du Marché#", /*spanish*/"el bazar de la plaza del mercado"},
hintTable[MARKET_SHOOTING_GALLERY] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Slingshot Shooting Gallery#", /*french*/"le #Jeu d'Adresse de la Place du Marché#", /*spanish*/"el Tiro al Blanco con tirachinas"},
hintTable[KAK_BAZAAR] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Kakariko Bazaar#", /*french*/"le #Bazar de Cocorico#", /*spanish*/"el bazar de Kakariko"},
hintTable[KAK_POTION_SHOP_FRONT] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Kakariko Potion Shop#", /*french*/"l'#apothicaire de Cocorico#", /*spanish*/"la tienda de pociones de Kakariko"},
hintTable[KAK_POTION_SHOP_BACK] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Kakariko Potion Shop#", /*french*/"l'#apothicaire de Cocorico#", /*spanish*/"la tienda de pociones de Kakariko"},
hintTable[KAK_SHOOTING_GALLERY] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Bow Shooting Gallery#", /*french*/"le #jeu d'adresse de Cocorico#", /*spanish*/"el Tiro al Blanco con arco"},
hintTable[COLOSSUS_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#", /*spanish*/"una fuente de la Gran Hada"},
hintTable[HC_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#", /*spanish*/"una fuente de la Gran Hada"},
hintTable[OGC_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#", /*spanish*/"una fuente de la Gran Hada"},
hintTable[DMC_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#", /*spanish*/"una fuente de la Gran Hada"},
hintTable[DMT_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#", /*spanish*/"una fuente de la Gran Hada"},
hintTable[ZF_GREAT_FAIRY_FOUNTAIN] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Great Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #Fontaine Royale des Fées#", /*spanish*/"una fuente de la Gran Hada"},
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_SHIELD_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #grave with a free chest#", /*french*/"le #tombeau avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"la #tumba con un cofre#"},
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_HEART_PIECE_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a chest spawned by #Sun's Song#", /*french*/"un #coffre apparaît avec le Chant du Soleil#", /*spanish*/"la #tumba de la Canción del Sol#"},
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_COMPOSERS_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Composers' Grave#", /*french*/"la #Tombe royale#", /*spanish*/"el #Panteón Real#"},
hintTable[GRAVEYARD_DAMPES_GRAVE] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"Dampé's Grave", /*french*/"la #Tombe d'Igor#", /*spanish*/"la #tumba de Dampé#"},
hintTable[DMT_COW_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a solitary #Cow#", /*french*/"la #grotte avec une vache#", /*spanish*/"una #vaca# solitaria"},
hintTable[HC_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a sandy grotto with #fragile walls#", /*french*/"la #grotte avec des murs fragiles#", /*spanish*/"la arenosa gruta de #frágiles paredes#"},
hintTable[HF_TEKTITE_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a pool guarded by a #Tektite#", /*french*/"l'#étang sous-terrain avec un Araknon#", /*spanish*/"un charco custodiado por un #Tektite#"},
hintTable[HF_NEAR_KAK_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #Big Skulltula# guarding a Gold one", /*french*/"la #grotte d'araignées#", /*spanish*/"una #gran Skulltula# custodiando una dorada"},
hintTable[HF_COW_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a grotto full of #spider webs#", /*french*/"la #grotte couverte de toiles d'araignées#", /*spanish*/"una gruta llena de #telarañas#"},
hintTable[KAK_REDEAD_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"#ReDeads# guarding a chest", /*french*/"le tombeau de #deux morts#", /*spanish*/"los #ReDeads# que custodian un cofre"},
hintTable[SFM_WOLFOS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"#Wolfos# guarding a chest", /*french*/"la #grotte iridescente#", /*spanish*/"los #Wolfos# que custodian un cofre"},
hintTable[GV_OCTOROK_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"an #Octorok# guarding a rich pool", /*french*/"un #étang sous-terrain avec un Octorok#", /*spanish*/"un #Octorok# que custodia un lujoso charco"},
hintTable[DEKU_THEATER] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"the #Lost Woods Stage#", /*french*/"le #théâtre sylvestre#", /*spanish*/"el #escenario del Bosque Perdido#"},
hintTable[ZR_OPEN_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[DMC_UPPER_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[DMT_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[KAK_OPEN_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[HF_NEAR_MARKET_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[HF_OPEN_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[HF_SOUTHEAST_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[KF_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[LW_NEAR_SHORTCUTS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #generic grotto#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec un trésor#", /*spanish*/"una #cueva genérica#"},
hintTable[HF_INSIDE_FENCE_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a #single Upgrade Deku Scrub#", /*french*/"une #grotte avec une peste Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con un #solitario mercader deku#"},
hintTable[LW_SCRUBS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"#2 Deku Scrubs# including an Upgrade one", /*french*/"une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[COLOSSUS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[ZR_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[SFM_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[GV_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"2 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec deux pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #dos mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[LH_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[DMC_HAMMER_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[GC_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[LLR_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"3 Deku Scrubs", /*french*/"une #grotte avec trois pestes Mojo#", /*spanish*/"una cueva con #tres mercaderes deku#"},
hintTable[ZR_FAIRY_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #fontaine de fées#", /*spanish*/"una pequeña #fuente de hadas#"},
hintTable[HF_FAIRY_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #fontaine de fées#", /*spanish*/"una pequeña #fuente de hadas#"},
hintTable[SFM_FAIRY_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #fontaine de fées#", /*spanish*/"una pequeña #fuente de hadas#"},
hintTable[ZD_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #fontaine de fées#", /*spanish*/"una pequeña #fuente de hadas#"},
hintTable[GF_STORMS_GROTTO] = HintText::Region({
//obscure text
Text{"a small #Fairy Fountain#", /*french*/"une #fontaine de fées#", /*spanish*/"una pequeña #fuente de hadas#"},
hintTable[JUNK01] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Remember to check your 3DS battery level&and save often.", /*french*/"Surveillez votre batterie 3DS et sauvegardez souvent!", /*spanish*/"No te olvides de revisar la batería de la 3DS y guarda partida de vez en cuando."},
hintTable[JUNK02] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say you must read the names of \"Special Deal\" shop items carefully.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les « Offres spéciales » sont parfois trompeuses... Lisez attentivement!", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, se debería prestar atención a los nombres de las ofertas especiales."},
hintTable[JUNK03] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Zelda is a poor leader.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Zelda ne ferait pas un bon monarque.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Zelda es mala líder."},
hintTable[JUNK04] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"These hints can be quite useful. This is an exception.", /*french*/"Ces indices sont très utiles, à l'exception de celui-ci.", /*spanish*/"Las pistas suelen servir de ayuda. En cambio, esta no."},
hintTable[JUNK05] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the Lizalfos in Dodongo's Cavern like to play in lava.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les Lézalfos de la Caverne Dodongo aiment patauger dans la lave.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, a los Lizalfos de la Cueva de los Dodongos les gusta jugar en la lava."},
hintTable[JUNK06] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that all the Zora drowned in Wind Waker.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les Zoras se sont noyés dans Wind Waker.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, en Wind Waker todos los zora se ahogaron."},
hintTable[JUNK07] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"If Gorons eat rocks, does that mean I'm in danger?", /*french*/"Ne dis pas au Gorons que je suis ici. Ils mangent des roches, tu sais!", /*spanish*/"Si los Goron se tragan las piedras, ¿no me hace ser una especia vulnarable o algo así"},
hintTable[JUNK08] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"'Member when Ganon was a blue pig?^I 'member.", /*french*/"Dans mon temps, Ganon était un cochon bleu...^Pff! Les jeunes de nos jours, et leur Ganondorf!", /*spanish*/"¿T'acuerdas cuando Ganon era un cerdo azul?^Qué tiempos, chico."},
hintTable[JUNK09] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"One who does not have Triforce can't go in.", /*french*/"Ceux sans Triforce doivent rebrousser chemin.", /*spanish*/"Aquel que no porte la Trifuerza no podrá pasar."},
hintTable[JUNK10] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Save your future, end the Happy Mask Salesman.", /*french*/"Selon moi, tu t'éviteras des jours de malheur si tu vaincs le vendeur de masques...", /*spanish*/"Salva tu futuro, acaba con el dueño de La Máscara Feliz."},
hintTable[JUNK11] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Glitches are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... Unnatural.", /*french*/"Les glitchs sont un moyen d'acquérir de nombreuses facultés considérées par certains comme... contraire à la nature.", /*spanish*/"Los glitches son el camino a muchas habilidades que varios consideran... nada natural."},
hintTable[JUNK12] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I'm stoned. Get it?", /*french*/"Allez, roche, papier, ciseau...&Roche.", /*spanish*/"Me he quedado de piedra. ¿Lo pillas?"},
hintTable[JUNK13] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Hoot! Hoot! Would you like me to repeat that?", /*french*/"Hou hou! Veux-tu que je répète tout ça?", /*spanish*/"¡Buuu, buuu! ¿Te lo vuelvo a repetir?"},
hintTable[JUNK14] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Gorons are stupid. They eat rocks.", /*french*/"Les Gorons sont des vraies têtes dures.", /*spanish*/"Los Goron son tontos. Se comen las piedras."},
hintTable[JUNK15] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Lon Lon Ranch prospered under Ingo.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le Ranch Lon Lon était plus prospère sous Ingo.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, el Rancho Lon Lon prosperó gracias a Ingo."},
hintTable[JUNK16] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"The single rupee is a unique item.", /*french*/"Nul objet n'est plus unique que le rubis vert.", /*spanish*/"La rupia de uno es un objeto singular."},
hintTable[JUNK17] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Without the Lens of Truth, the Treasure Chest Mini-Game is a 1 out of 32 chance.^Good luck!", /*french*/"Gagner la Chasse-aux-Trésors est 1 chance sur 32.^Bonne chance!", /*spanish*/"Sin la Lupa de la Verdad, ganarías 1/32 veces en el Cofre del Tesoro.^¡Buena suerte con ello!"},
hintTable[JUNK18] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Use bombs wisely.", /*french*/"Utilise les bombes avec précaution.", /*spanish*/"No desperdicies las bombas."},
hintTable[JUNK19] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Volvagia hates splinters", /*french*/"Selon moi, Volvagia déteste les échardes.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Volvagia le teme a las astillas."},
hintTable[JUNK20] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that funky monkeys can be spotted on Friday.", /*french*/"Selon moi, des capucins coquins sortent le vendredi.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, en los viernes puedes hallar monos marchosos."},
hintTable[JUNK21] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I found you, faker!", /*french*/"Ah-ha! Je t'ai trouvé!", /*spanish*/"¡Ahí estás, impostor!"},
hintTable[JUNK22] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say the Groose is loose.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Hergo est le vrai héros.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Malton es un espanto."},
hintTable[JUNK23] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that players who select the \"ON\" option for \"MOTION CONTROL\" are the real \"Zelda players!\"", /*french*/"Selon moi, ceux qui utilisent les contrôles gyroscopiques sont les VRAIS joueurs.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, aquellos que juegan usando el control por movimiento son los verdaderos jugadores de Zelda."},
hintTable[JUNK24] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"What happened to Sheik?", /*french*/"Donc... Qu'est-ce qui arrive avec Sheik?", /*spanish*/"¿Qué la habrá pasado a Sheik?"},
hintTable[JUNK25] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"L2P @.", /*french*/"Arrête de lire les indices et joue comme un grand, @.", /*spanish*/"Mira que eres novato, @."},
hintTable[JUNK26] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I've heard you can cheat at Sploosh Kaboom.", /*french*/"Selon moi, il y a une carte aux trésors à Mercantîle... Duh!", /*spanish*/"He oído por ahí que puedes hacer trampa en el Sploosh Kaboom."},
hintTable[JUNK27] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I'm Lonk from Pennsylvania.", /*french*/"Je suis Lonk, le héros de Pennsylvanie!", /*spanish*/"Soy Lonk, de Pensilvania."},
hintTable[JUNK28] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I bet you'd like to have more bombs.", /*french*/"Je parie que tu veux plus de bombes.", /*spanish*/"Me apuesto a que quisieras tener más bombas."},
hintTable[JUNK29] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"When all else fails, use Fire.", /*french*/"Quand rien ne marche, utilise le feu.", /*spanish*/"Cuando nada funcione, usa el fuego."},
hintTable[JUNK30] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Here's a hint, @. Don't be bad.", /*french*/"Selon moi, la #Triforce# n'est pas dans le jeu... Duh!", /*spanish*/"Aquí tienes una pista, @: deja de ser manco."},
hintTable[JUNK31] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Game Over. Return of Ganon.", /*french*/"Partie terminée. RETour de Ganon.", /*spanish*/"Fin de la partida. El regreso de Ganon."},
hintTable[JUNK32] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.", /*french*/"Que le chemin du héros te mène à la Triforce.", /*spanish*/"Puede que la senda del héroe te lleve hacia la Trifuerza."},
hintTable[JUNK33] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Can't find an item? Scan an Amiibo.", /*french*/"Tu cherches de quoi? Utilise un Amiibo!", /*spanish*/"¿No encuentras algo? Escanea un amiibo."},
hintTable[JUNK34] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say this game has just a few glitches.", /*french*/"Selon moi, ce jeu est complètement exempt de glitchs.", /*spanish*/"Dicen que este juego apenas tiene glitches."},
hintTable[JUNK35] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"BRRING BRRING This is Ulrira. Wrong number?", /*french*/"DRING DRING!! Pépé le Ramollo à l'appareil... Quoi? Faux numéro?", /*spanish*/"¡Ring! ¡Ring! Al habla Ulrira. ¿Me he equivocado de número?"},
hintTable[JUNK36] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah!", /*french*/"Tingle! Tingle! Kooloolin... Pah!", /*spanish*/"Tingle, Tingle, Kurulín... ¡PA!"},
hintTable[JUNK37] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"L is real 2401", /*french*/"L is real 2401", /*spanish*/"L es real 2401."},
hintTable[JUNK38] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Ganondorf will appear in the next Mario Tennis.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Ganondorf sera la nouvelle recrue dans Mario Tennis.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Ganondorf estará en el próximo Mario Tennis."},
hintTable[JUNK39] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Medigoron sells the earliest Breath of the Wild demo.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Medigoron vend une démo de #Breath of the Wild#.", /*spanish*/"Medigoron vende la primera demo del Breath of the Wild."},
hintTable[JUNK40] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Can you move me? I don't get great service here.", /*french*/"Peux-tu me déplacer? J'ai pas une bonne réception ici.", /*spanish*/"¿Puedes llevarme a otro lado? Aquí nadie me presta atención."},
hintTable[JUNK41] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say if you use Strength on the truck, you can find Mew.", /*french*/"Selon moi, #Mew# se trouve dessous le camion... Duh!", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, puedes hallar un Mew usando Fuerza contra el camión de Ciudad Carmín."},
hintTable[JUNK42] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I'm a helpful hint Gossip Stone!^See, I'm helping.", /*french*/"Salut! Je suis une pierre de bons conseils!^Tiens, tu vois? J'aide bien, hein?", /*spanish*/"Soy una Piedra Sheikah muy útil.^¡Mira cómo te ayudo!"},
hintTable[JUNK43] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Dear @, please come to the castle. I've baked a cake for you.&Yours truly, Princess Zelda.", /*french*/"Mon très cher @:&Viens vite au château, je t'ai préparé&un délicieux gâteau...^À bientôt, Princesse Zelda", /*spanish*/"Querido @: Por favor, ven al castillo. He hecho una tarta para ti.&Sinceramente tuya: Princesa Zelda."},
hintTable[JUNK44] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say all toasters toast toast.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les grille-pains grillent du pain.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, todas las tostadoras tostan tostadas tostadas."},
hintTable[JUNK45] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"You thought it would be a useful hint, but it was me, junk hint!", /*french*/"Tu t'attendais à un bon indice... Mais c'était moi, un mauvais indice!", /*spanish*/"Je... Creeías que iba a ser una piedra de utilidad, ¡pero no, era yo, la piedra de la agonía!"},
hintTable[JUNK46] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that quest guidance can be found at a talking rock.", /*french*/"Selon moi, des #indices# se trouvent auprès d'une pierre parlante... Duh!", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, puedes consultarle ayuda a rocas parlanchinas."},
hintTable[JUNK47] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the final item you're looking for can be found somewhere in Hyrule.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le #dernier objet# se trouve quelque part dans Hyrule... Duh!", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, el último objeto que te falte puede estar en cualquier rincón de Hyrule."},
hintTable[JUNK48] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.", /*french*/"Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.", /*spanish*/"Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep."},
hintTable[JUNK49] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Barinade fears Deku Nuts.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Barinade a la frousse des noix Mojo.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, lo que más teme a Barinade son las nueces deku."},
hintTable[JUNK50] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Flare Dancers do not fear Goron-crafted blades.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le danse-flamme n'a pas peur des armes de Goron.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, los Bailafuegos no le temen a las armas forjadas por Gorons."},
hintTable[JUNK51] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Morpha is easily trapped in a corner.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Morpha est facilement coincé.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, puedes atrapar a Morpha con facilidad en una esquina."},
hintTable[JUNK52] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Bongo Bongo really hates the cold.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Bongo Bongo a facilement froid aux doigts.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Bongo Bongo odia a muerte el frío."},
hintTable[JUNK53] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that your sword is most powerful when you put it away.", /*french*/"Selon moi, ton épée est à pleine puissance quand tu la rengaines.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, tu espada se vuelve más poderosa si la guardas."},
hintTable[JUNK54] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that bombing the hole Volvagia last flew into can be rewarding.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le trou où se creuse Volvagia est vulnérable aux bombes.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, trae buena suerte colocar una bomba en el último agujero de donde salió Volvagia."},
hintTable[JUNK55] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that invisible ghosts can be exposed with Deku Nuts.", /*french*/"Selon moi, des fantômes invisibles apparaissent avec des noix Mojo.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, puedes exponer a los espectros invisibles con nueces deku."},
hintTable[JUNK56] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the real Phantom Ganon is bright and loud.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le vrai spectre de Ganon est clair et bruyant.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, el verdadero Ganon Fantasma es brillante y ruidoso."},
hintTable[JUNK57] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that walking backwards is very fast.", /*french*/"Selon moi, tu fais marche arrière très rapidement pour un héros.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, es más rápido caminar hacia atrás."},
hintTable[JUNK58] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that leaping above the Market entrance enriches most children.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les enfants riches se pavanent en haut du pont-levis.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, saltar por las cadenas a la entrada de la plaza enriquece a muchos chiquillos."},
hintTable[JUNK59] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say Ingo is not very good at planning ahead.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Ingo ne fait pas un très bon geôlier.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, a Ingo no se le da especialmente bien planificar con antelación."},
hintTable[JUNK60] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"You found a spiritual Stone! By which I mean, I worship Nayru.", /*french*/"Vous avez trouvé une Pierre Ancestrale! En effet, je vénère la déesse Hylia.", /*spanish*/"¡Has encontrado una piedra espiritual! Es que le rindo culto a Nayru..."},
hintTable[JUNK61] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that a flying strike with a Deku Stick is no stronger than a grounded one.", /*french*/"Selon moi, un coup de bâton sauté n'est pas meilleur qu'au sol.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, los golpes aéreos con palos deku son tan fuertes como los normales."},
hintTable[JUNK62] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Open your eyes.^Open your eyes.^Wake up, @.", /*french*/"Réveille-toi...^Réveille-toi.^Ouvre les yeux, @.", /*spanish*/"Abre los ojos...^Abre los ojos...^Despierta, @..."},
hintTable[JUNK63] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the Nocturne of Shadow can bring you very close to Ganon.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le nocturne de l'ombre peut t'amener très près de Ganon.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, el Nocturno de la sombra te puede acercar mucho a Ganon."},
hintTable[JUNK64] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Twinrova always casts the same spell the first three times.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Twinrova lance toujours les mêmes trois premiers sorts.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Birova siempre lanza el mismo hechizo las tres primeras veces."},
hintTable[JUNK65] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the nightly builds may be unstable.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les « nightly builds » peuvent être instables.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, las últimas nightlies pueden llegar a ser algo inestables."},
hintTable[JUNK66] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"You're playing a Randomizer. I'm randomized!^Here's a random number: #4#.&Enjoy your Randomizer!", /*french*/"Tu joues à un randomizer. Je suis aléatoire!^Voici un nombre aléatoire: #4#.&Bonne partie!", /*spanish*/"¡Estás jugando un Randomizer! ¡Yo también estoy aleatorizada!^Aquí tienes un número aleatorio: #8#.&¡Diviértete!"},
hintTable[JUNK67] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say Ganondorf's bolts can be reflected with glass or steel.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les éclairs de Ganon se reflètent sur l'acier et le verre.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, puedes reflejar las esferas de energía de Ganondorf con cristal y acero."},
hintTable[JUNK68] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say Ganon's tail is vulnerable to nuts, arrows, swords, explosives, hammers...^...sticks, seeds, boomerangs...^...rods, shovels, iron balls, angry bees...", /*french*/"Selon moi, la queue de Ganon est vulnérable aux noix, flèches, épées, bombes, marteaux...^...bâtons, graines, boomerangs...^...baguettes, pelles, boulets de fer, abeilles enragées...", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, la cola de Ganon es vulnerable a nueces, flechas, espadas, explosivos, martillos...^...palos, semillas, bumeráns...^...cetros, palas, bolas de hierro, abejas..."},
hintTable[JUNK69] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that you're wasting time reading this hint, but I disagree. Talk to me again!", /*french*/"Selon moi... tu sais quoi? Parle-moi encore, et je te le dirai!", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, pierdes el tiempo en leer esta pista, pero no pienso igual. ¡Vuelve a hablarme, ya verás!"},
hintTable[JUNK70] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say Ganondorf knows where to find the instrument of his doom.", /*french*/"Selon moi, Ganondorf sait où il a caché son point faible.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, Ganondorf sabe dónde hallar el instrumento de su perdición."},
hintTable[JUNK71] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"I heard @ is pretty good at Zelda.", /*french*/"Apparemment, @ est super bon à Zelda.", /*spanish*/"He oído que a @ se le dan muy bien los Zelda."},
hintTable[JUNK72] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"Hi @, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. ", /*french*/"Bonjour, @. Vous avez une voiture? Vous savez, nous offrons des assurances abordables...", /*spanish*/"Buenas, @. Le llamamos para ofrecerle un nuevo seguro de hogar que puede pagar en cómodos plazos, sin intereses ni comisiones."},
hintTable[JUNK73] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the best weapon against Iron Knuckles is item 176.", /*french*/"Selon moi, les hache-viandes sont vulnérables contre l'objet 176.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, la mejor arma para enfrentarse a los Nudillos de hierro es el objeto 176."},
hintTable[JUNK74] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that it's actually possible to beat the running man.", /*french*/"Selon moi, il est possible de battre le coureur.&Donc, tu prends ton arc, et...", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, con mucha perseverancia puedes ganarle al corredor con la capucha de conejo."},
hintTable[JUNK75] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that the stone-cold guardian of the Well is only present during work hours.", /*french*/"Selon moi, le gardien de pierre du Puits quitte le soir pour aller se coucher.", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, la inmensa roca que bloquea el pozo solo trabaja en horas laborales."},
hintTable[JUNK76] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say this hint makes more sense in other languages.", /*french*/"Selon moi, ces indices auraient pu être mieux traduits... Duh!", /*spanish*/"Según dicen, esta pista revela algo de vital importancia si cambias el idioma del juego..."},
hintTable[JUNK77] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"BOK? No way.", /*french*/"BD'accord? Hors de question.", /*spanish*/"¿BVale? Ni hablar."},
// ^ junk hints above are from 3drando
// v junk hints below are new to soh rando
#define HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR "Erreur 0x69a504:&Traduction manquante^C'est de la faute à Purple Hato!&J'vous jure!"
hintTable[JUNK78] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say blarg...^...or at least briaguya does.", /*french*/HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK79] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say this peace is what all true warriors strive for.", /*french*/HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK80] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say this ship is what all true gamers strive for.", /*french*/HINT_TEXT_NEEDS_TRANSLATION_FR, /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[JUNK81] = HintText::Junk({
//obscure text
Text{"They say that Glowsticks can be found in the Raveyard.", /*french*/"On peut trouver des Bâton Lumineux sur le dancefloor du cimetière.", /*spanish*/"blarg"},
hintTable[DEKU_TREE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"an ancient tree", /*french*/"le vieil arbre", /*spanish*/"un ancestral árbol"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Deku Tree", /*french*/"l'Arbre Mojo", /*spanish*/"el Gran Árbol Deku"}
hintTable[DODONGOS_CAVERN] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"an immense cavern", /*french*/"l'immense caverne", /*spanish*/"una descomunal cueva"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{ "Dodongo's Cavern", /*french*/"la Caverne Dodongo", /*spanish*/"la Cueva de los Dodongos"}
hintTable[JABU_JABUS_BELLY] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"the belly of a deity", /*french*/"le ventre d'un gardien", /*spanish*/"la tripa de cierta deidad"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Jabu-Jabu's Belly", /*french*/"le Ventre de Jabu-Jabu", /*spanish*/"tripa de Jabu-Jabu"}
hintTable[FOREST_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"a deep forest", /*french*/"la profonde forêt", /*spanish*/"las profundidades del bosque"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Forest Temple", /*french*/"le Temple de la Forêt", /*spanish*/"el Templo del Bosque"}
hintTable[FIRE_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"a high mountain", /*french*/"la grande montagne", /*spanish*/"una alta montaña"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Fire Temple", /*french*/"le Temple du Feu", /*spanish*/"el Templo del Fuego"}
hintTable[WATER_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"a vast lake", /*french*/"le vaste lac", /*spanish*/"un lago inmenso"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Water Temple", /*french*/"le Temple de l'Eau", /*spanish*/"el Templo del Agua"}
hintTable[SPIRIT_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"the goddess of the sand", /*french*/"la déesse des sables", /*spanish*/"la diosa de las arenas"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Spirit Temple", /*french*/"le Temple de l'Esprit", /*spanish*/"el Templo del Espíritu"}
hintTable[SHADOW_TEMPLE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"the house of the dead", /*french*/"la maison des morts", /*spanish*/"la casa de la muerte"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Shadow Temple", /*french*/"le Temple de l'Ombre", /*spanish*/"el Templo de las Sombras"}
hintTable[ICE_CAVERN] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"a frozen maze", /*french*/"le dédale glacé", /*spanish*/"un gélido laberinto"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Ice Cavern", /*french*/"la caverne de glace", /*spanish*/"la caverna de hielo"}
hintTable[BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"a shadow\'s prison", /*french*/"la prison d'une ombre", /*spanish*/"la prisión de las sombras"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Bottom of the Well", /*french*/"le fonds du Puits", /*spanish*/"el fondo del pozo"}
hintTable[GERUDO_TRAINING_GROUNDS] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"the test of thieves", /*french*/"l'épreuve des voleurs", /*spanish*/"la prueba de las bandidas"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Gerudo Training Grounds", /*french*/"le Gymnase Gerudo", /*spanish*/"el Centro de Instrucción Gerudo"}
hintTable[GANONS_CASTLE] = HintText::DungeonName({
//obscure text
Text{"a conquered citadel", /*french*/"la citadelle assiégée", /*spanish*/"una conquistada ciudadela"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"Inside Ganon's Castle", /*french*/"l'intérieur du Château de Ganon", /*spanish*/"el interior del Castillo de Ganon"}
hintTable[QUEEN_GOHMA] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"An #ancient tree# rewards", /*french*/"le #vieil arbre# octroie", /*spanish*/"un #ancestral árbol# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Deku Tree# rewards", /*french*/"l'#Arbre Mojo# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #Gran Árbol Deku# premia con"}
hintTable[KING_DODONGO] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"An #immense cavern# rewards", /*french*/"l'#immense caverne# octroie", /*spanish*/"una #descomunal cueva# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Dodongo's Cavern# rewards", /*french*/"la #Caverne Dodongo# octroie", /*spanish*/"la #Cueva de los Dodongos# premia con"}
hintTable[BARINADE] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"the #belly of a deity# rewards", /*french*/"le #ventre du gardien# octroie", /*spanish*/"la #tripa de cierta deidad# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"#Jabu-Jabu's Belly# rewards", /*french*/"le #Ventre de Jabu-Jabu# octroie", /*spanish*/"la #tripa de Jabu-Jabu# premia con"}
hintTable[PHANTOM_GANON] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"a #deep forest# rewards", /*french*/"la #profonde forêt# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #profundo bosque# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Forest Temple# rewards", /*french*/"le #Temple de la Forêt# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #Templo del Bosque# premia con"}
hintTable[VOLVAGIA] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"a #high mountain# rewards", /*french*/"la #grande montagne# octroie", /*spanish*/"una #alta montaña# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Fire Temple# rewards", /*french*/"le #Temple du Feu# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #Templo del Fuego# premia con"}
hintTable[MORPHA] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"a #vast lake# rewards", /*french*/"le #vaste lac# octroie", /*spanish*/"un #lago inmenso# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Water Temple# rewards", /*french*/"le #Temple de l'Eau# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #Templo del Agua# premia con"}
hintTable[BONGO_BONGO] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"the #house of the dead# rewards", /*french*/"la #maison des morts# octroie", /*spanish*/"la #casa de la muerte# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Shadow Temple# rewards", /*french*/"le #Temple de l'Ombre# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #Templo de las Sombras#"}
hintTable[TWINROVA] = HintText::Boss({
//obscure text
Text{"a #goddess of the sand# rewards", /*french*/"la #déesse des sables# octroie", /*spanish*/"la #diosa de la arena# premia con"},
}, {},
//clear text
Text{"the #Spirit Temple# rewards", /*french*/"le #Temple de l'Esprit# octroie", /*spanish*/"el #Templo del Espíritu# premia con"}
// [LINKS_POCKET_BOSS] = HintText::Boss({
// //obscure text
// Text{"#@'s pocket# rewards", /*french*/"#@ débute avec#", /*spanish*/"el #bolsillo de @# premia con"},
// },
// //clear text
// Text{"#@ already has#", /*french*/"#@ a déjà#", /*spanish*/"el #bolsillo de @ ya tiene#"}
// );
hintTable[BRIDGE_OPEN_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text
Text{"The awakened ones have already&created a bridge to the castle&where the evil dwells.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse ont&déjà créé un pont vers&le repaire du mal.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios #ya habrán creado un puente#&al castillo, de donde emana el mal."},
hintTable[BRIDGE_VANILLA_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text
Text{"The awakened ones require&the Shadow and Spirit Medallions&as well as the Light Arrows.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni des #Médaillons de&l'Ombre et l'Esprit# et des&#Flèches de Lumière#.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga tanto el #Medallón de las&Sombras y el del Espíritu# junto a la #flecha de luz#."},
hintTable[BRIDGE_STONES_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"The awakened ones will&await for the Hero to collect&%d |Spiritual Stone|Spiritual Stones|.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de #%d |Pierre&Ancestrale|Pierres&Ancestrales|#.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |piedra espiritual|piedras espirituales|#."},
hintTable[BRIDGE_MEDALLIONS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to collect&%d |Medallion|Medallions|.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de #%d |médaillon|médaillons|#.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |medallón|medallones|#."},
hintTable[BRIDGE_REWARDS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to collect&%d |Spiritual Stone or Medallion|Spiritual Stones and Medallions|.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de #%d |Pierre&Ancestrale ou Médaillon|Pierres&Ancestrales ou Médaillons|#.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |piedra espiritual o medallón|piedras espirtuales y medallones|#."},
hintTable[BRIDGE_DUNGEONS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to conquer&%d |Dungeon|Dungeons|.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&la conquête de #%d |Donjon|Donjons|#.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe& complete #%d |mazmorra|mazmorras|#."},
hintTable[BRIDGE_TOKENS_HINT] = HintText::Bridge({
//obscure text
Text{"The awakened ones will await&for the Hero to collect&%d |Gold Skulltula Token|Gold Skulltula Tokens|.",
/*french*/"Les êtres de sagesse attendront&le héros muni de #%d |Symbole|Symboles| &de Skulltula d'or#.",
/*spanish*/"Los sabios aguardarán a que el héroe&obtenga #%d |símbolo|símbolos| de&skulltula dorada#."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_START_WITH_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the evil one's key will&be given from the start.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du Malin sera&possession même du héros.",
/*spanish*/"Y obtendrás la llave del #señor del mal# desde el #inicio#."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_VANILLA_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the evil one's key will&be kept in a big chest&inside its tower.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du #Malin# sera&encoffrée #dans sa tour#.",
/*spanish*/"Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará en un gran cofre de #su torre#."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_OWN_DUNGEON_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the evil one's key will&be hidden somewhere inside&its castle.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du #Malin# sera&cachée #dans son vaste château#.",
/*spanish*/"Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará en #algún lugar de su castillo#."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_OVERWORLD_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be hidden #outside of dungeons# in Hyrule.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du #Malin# se&trouve #hors des donjons# d'Hyrule.",
/*spanish*/"Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará #fuera de las mazmorras# de Hyrule."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_ANY_DUNGEON_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be hidden #inside a dungeon# in Hyrule.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du #Malin# se&trouve #dans un donjon# d'Hyrule.",
/*spanish*/"Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará #en una mazmorra# de Hyrule."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_ANYWHERE_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be hidden somewhere #in Hyrule#.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du #Malin# se&trouve quelque part #dans Hyrule#.",
/*spanish*/"Y la llave del #señor del mal# aguardará en #cualquier lugar de Hyrule#."},
hintTable[GANON_BK_TRIFORCE_HINT] = HintText::GanonsBossKey({
//obscure text
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be given to the Hero once the #Triforce# is completed.",
/*french*/"Aussi, la clé du #Malin# se&révèlera une fois la #Triforce#&assemblée.",
/*spanish*/"Y el héroe recibirá la llave del #señor del mal# cuando haya completado la #Trifuerza#."},
hintTable[LACS_VANILLA_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
//obscure text
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be&provided by Zelda once the #Shadow&and Spirit Medallions# are retrieved.",
/*french*/"Aussi, Zelda crééra la clé du&#Malin# avec les #médaillons de&l'ombre et de l'esprit#.",
/*spanish*/"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#el medallón de las sombras y del espíritu#."},
hintTable[LACS_MEDALLIONS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be&provided by Zelda once #%d&|Medallion# is|Medallions# are| retrieved.",
/*french*/"Aussi, Zelda crééra la clé du&#Malin# avec #%d |médaillon|médaillons|#.",
/*spanish*/"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |medallón|medallones|#."},
hintTable[LACS_STONES_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be&provided by Zelda once #%d |Spiritual&Stone# is|Spiritual&Stones# are| retrieved.",
/*french*/"Aussi, Zelda crééra la clé du&#Malin# avec #%d des |pierre&spirituelle|pierres&spirituelles|#.",
/*spanish*/"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |piedra espiritual|piedras espirituales|#."},
hintTable[LACS_REWARDS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be&provided by Zelda once #%d |Spiritual&Stone or Medallion# is|Spiritual&Stones and Medallions# are| retrieved.",
/*french*/"Aussi, Zelda crééra la clé du&#Malin# avec #%d |Pierre Ancestrale&et des médaillon|Pierres Ancestrales&et des médaillons|#.",
/*spanish*/"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |piedra espiritual o medallón|piedras espirituales o medallones|#."},
hintTable[LACS_DUNGEONS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be&provided by Zelda once #%d |Dungeon#&is|Dungeons#&are| conquered.",
/*french*/"Aussi, Zelda crééra la clé du&#Malin# une fois #%d |donjon conquéri|donjons conquéris|#.",
/*spanish*/"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras completar&#%d |mazmorra|mazmorras|#."},
hintTable[LACS_TOKENS_HINT] = HintText::LACS({
//obscure text singular plural
Text{"And the #evil one#'s key will be&provided by Zelda once #%d |Gold&Skulltula Token# is|Gold&Skulltula Tokens# are| retrieved.",
/*french*/"Aussi, Zelda crééra la clé du&#Malin# avec #%d |symbole|symboles| de&Skulltula d'or#.",
/*spanish*/"Y Zelda entregará la llave&del #señor del mal# tras obtener&#%d |símbolo|símbolos| de&skulltula dorada#."},
hintTable[SIX_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"#Ganon's Tower# is protected by a powerful barrier.", /*french*/"#la Tour de Ganon# est protégée par une puissante barrière", /*spanish*/"la #torre de Ganon# está protegida por una poderosa barrera"},
hintTable[ZERO_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"Sheik dispelled the barrier around #Ganon's Tower#.", /*french*/"Sheik a dissipé la barrière autour de #la Tour de Ganon#", /*spanish*/"Sheik disipó la barrera alrededor de la #torre de Ganon#."},
hintTable[FOUR_TO_FIVE_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{" was dispelled by Sheik.", /*french*/" a été dissipée par Sheik.", /*spanish*/" se disipó gracias a Sheik."},
hintTable[ONE_TO_THREE_TRIALS] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{" protects Ganons Tower.", /*french*/" protège la Tour de Ganon.", /*spanish*/" protege la torre de Ganon"},
hintTable[SPIRITUAL_STONE_TEXT_START] = HintText::Altar({
//obscure text
Text{"3 Spiritual Stones found in Hyrule...",
/*french*/"Les trois Pierres Ancestrales cachées&dans Hyrule...",
/*spanish*/"Tres piedras espirituales halladas por Hyrule..."},
hintTable[CHILD_ALTAR_TEXT_END_DOTOPEN] = HintText::Altar({
//obscure text
Text{"Ye who may become a Hero...&The path to the future is open...",
/*french*/"À celui qui a quête de devenir&héros...&Le futur vous accueille béant...",
/*spanish*/"Para aquel que se convierta en el héroe...&La puerta al futuro está a su disposición..."},
hintTable[CHILD_ALTAR_TEXT_END_DOTCLOSED] = HintText::Altar({
//obscure text
Text{"Ye who may become a Hero...&Stand with the Ocarina and&play the Song of Time.",
/*french*/"À celui qui a quête de devenir&héros...&Portez l'Ocarina et jouez&le chant du temps.",
/*spanish*/"Para aquel que se convierta en el héroe...&Tome la ocarina y&entone la Canción del Tiempo."},
//obscure text
Text{"Ye who may become a Hero...&Offer the spiritual stones and&play the Song of Time.",
/*french*/"À celui qui a quête de devenir&héros... Présentez les Pierres&Ancestrales et jouez&le chant du temps.",
/*spanish*/"Para aquel que se convierta en el héroe...&Tome las piedras espirituales y&entone la Canción del Tiempo."},
hintTable[ADULT_ALTAR_TEXT_START] = HintText::Altar({
//obscure text
Text{"An awakening voice from the Sacred&Realm will call those destined to be&Sages, who dwell in the five temples.",
/*french*/"Quand le mal aura triomphé, une voix&du Saint Royaume appellera ceux&cachés dans les cinq temples, destinés^à être Sages.",
/*spanish*/"Cuando el mal lo impregne todo, desde el Reino Sagrado surgirá una voz que hará despertar a los sabios que moran en los #cinco templos#."},
hintTable[ADULT_ALTAR_TEXT_END] = HintText::Altar({
//obscure text
Text{"$kTogether with the Hero of Time,&the awakened ones will return&the light of peace to the world...",
/*french*/"$kEnsemble avec le Héros du &Temps, ces Sages emprisonneront&le mal et réinstaureront la&lumière de paix dans le monde...",
/*spanish*/"Con el Héroe del Tiempo, aquellos&que despierten detendrán el mal y&volverán al mundo de luz la paz..."},
hintTable[VALIDATION_LINE] = HintText::Validation({
//obscure text
Text{"Hmph... Since you made it this far, I'll let you know what glorious prize of Ganon's you likely missed out on in my tower.^Behold...^",
/*french*/"Pah! Puisque tu t'es rendu ici, je te dirai quel trésor tu as manqué dans ma tour.^Et c'est...^",
/*spanish*/"Mmm... Ya que has llegado hasta aquí, te diré qué preciado objeto de mi propiedad puedes haberte dejado en mi torre.^He aquí...^"},
hintTable[LIGHT_ARROW_LOCATION_HINT] = HintText::LightArrow({
//obscure text
Text{"Ha ha ha... You'll never beat me by reflecting my lightning bolts and unleashing the arrows from ",
/*french*/"Ha ha ha... Pauvre fou! Tu ne pourras jamais me vaincre sans les flèches que j'ai cachées dans ",
/*spanish*/"Ja, ja, ja... Nunca me derrotarás reflejando mis esferas de energía y desplegando la flecha de luz de "},
hintTable[YOUR_POCKET] = HintText::Exclude({
//obscure text
Text{"your pocket", /*french*/"tes poches", /*spanish*/"tu bolsillo"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE01] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"Oh! It's @.&I was expecting someone called Sheik.&Do you know what happened to them?",
/*french*/"Ah, c'est @.&J'attendais un certain Sheik.&Tu sais ce qui lui est arrivé?",
/*spanish*/"¡Oh! Pero si es @.&Estaba esperando a alguien llamado Sheik. ¿Sabes qué puede haberle pasado?"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE02] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"I knew I shouldn't have put the key on the other side of my door.",
/*french*/"J'aurais dû garder la clé ici. Hélas...",
/*spanish*/"Sabía que no tendría que haber dejado la llave al otro lado de la puerta."},
hintTable[GANON_LINE03] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"Looks like it's time for a round of tennis.",
/*french*/"C'est l'heure de jouer au tennis.",
/*spanish*/"Parece que es hora de una pachanga de tenis."},
hintTable[GANON_LINE04] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"You'll never deflect my bolts of energy with your sword, then shoot me with those Light Arrows you happen to have.",
/*french*/"Ne perds pas ton temps à frapper mes éclairs d'énergie avec ton épée et me tirer avec tes flèches de Lumière!",
/*spanish*/"Nunca reflejarás mis esferas de energía con tu espada, para después dispararme con las flechas de luz que tendrás."},
hintTable[GANON_LINE05] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"Why did I leave my trident back in the desert?",
/*french*/"Sale bêtise... Et j'ai oublié mon trident dans le désert!",
/*spanish*/"Santa Hylia... ¿Por qué me habré dejado el tridente en el desierto?"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE06] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"Zelda is probably going to do something stupid, like send you back to your own timeline.^So this is quite meaningless. Do you really want to save this moron?",
/*french*/"Même si je suis vaincu... Zelda te renverra dans ton ère, et je reviendrai conquérir!^Telle est la prophécie d'Hyrule Historia!",
/*spanish*/"Seguro que Zelda trata de hacer alguna tontería, como enviarte de vuelta a tu línea temporal.^No tiene ningún sentido alguno. ¿De verdad quieres salvar a esa tonta?"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE07] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"What about Zelda makes you think she'd be a better ruler than I?^I saved Lon Lon Ranch,&fed the hungry,&and my castle floats.",
/*french*/"Zelda ne sera jamais un meilleur monarque que moi!^J'ai un château volant, mes sujets sont des belles amazones... et mes Moblins sont clairement plus puissants que jamais!",
/*spanish*/"¿Qué te hace pensar que Zelda gobierna mejor que yo?^Yo he salvado el Rancho Lon Lon,&he alimentado a los hambrientos&y hasta hago que mi castillo flote."},
hintTable[GANON_LINE08] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"I've learned this spell,&it's really neat,&I'll keep it later&for your treat!",
/*french*/"Gamin, ton destin achève,&sous mon sort tu périras!&Cette partie ne fut pas brève,&et cette mort, tu subiras!",
/*spanish*/"Veamos ahora que harás,&la batalla ha de comenzar,&te enviaré de una vez al más allá,&¿listo para afrontar la verdad?"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE09] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"Many tricks are up my sleeve,&to save yourself&you'd better leave!",
/*french*/"Sale petit garnement,&tu fais erreur!&C'est maintenant que marque&ta dernière heure!",
/*spanish*/"¿No osarás a mí enfrentarte?&Rimas aparte,&¡voy a matarte!"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE10] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"After what you did to Koholint Island, how can you call me the bad guy?",
/*french*/"J'admire ce que tu as fait à l'Île Koholint... Toi et moi, nous devrions faire équipe!",
/*spanish*/"Después de lo que le hiciste a la Isla Koholint, ¿cómo te atreves a llamarme malvado?"},
hintTable[GANON_LINE11] = HintText::GanonLine({
//obscure text
Text{"Today, let's begin down&'The Hero is Defeated' timeline.",
/*french*/"Si tu me vaincs, Hyrule sera englouti... mais si tu meurs, on aura A Link to the Past, le meilleur opus de la série!",
/*spanish*/"Hoy daremos lugar a la línea temporal del Héroe Derrotado.&¡Prepárate para el culmen de esta saga!"},
hintTable[MEDIGORON_DIALOG_FIRST] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
//obscure text
Text{"How about buying ",
/*french*/"Veux-tu acheter ",
/*spanish*/"¿Me compras "},
hintTable[MEDIGORON_DIALOG_SECOND] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
//obscure text
Text{" for #200 Rupees#?&"+TWO_WAY_CHOICE()+"#Buy&Don't buy#",
/*french*/" pour #200 rubis#?&"+TWO_WAY_CHOICE()+"#Acheter&Ne pas acheter#",
/*spanish*/" por #200 rupias#?&"+TWO_WAY_CHOICE()+"#Comprar&No comprar#"},
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_FIRST] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
//obscure text
Text{"Welcome!^I am selling stuff, strange and rare, from&all over the world to everybody. Today's&special is...^",
/*french*/"Bienvenue!^Je vends des objets rares et merveilleux du&monde entier. En spécial aujourd'hui...^",
/*spanish*/"¡Acércate!^Vendo productos extraños y difíciles de&encontrar... De todo el mundo a todo el&mundo. La oferta de hoy es...^¡"},
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_SECOND] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
//obscure text
Text{"! Terrifying!&I won't tell you what it is until I see the&money...^How about #200 Rupees#?&&"+TWO_WAY_CHOICE()+"#Buy&Don't buy#",
/*french*/"! Un&concentré de puissance! Mais montre tes&rubis avant que je te dise ce que c'est...^Disons #200 rubis#?&&"+TWO_WAY_CHOICE()+"#Acheter&Ne pas acheter#",
/*spanish*/"! ¡Terrorífico!&No te revelaré su nombre hasta que&vea el dinero...^#200 rupias#, ¿qué te parece?&&"+TWO_WAY_CHOICE()+"#Comprar&No comprar#"},
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_THIRD] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
//obscure text
Text{"Thank you very much!^What I'm selling is... #",
/*french*/"Merci beaucoup!^Cet objet extraordinaire est... #",
/*spanish*/"¡Muchas gracias!^Lo que vendo es... #¡"},
hintTable[CARPET_SALESMAN_DIALOG_FOURTH] = HintText::MerchantsDialogs({
//obscure text
Text{"!#^The mark that will lead you to the #Spirit&Temple# is the #flag on the "+IF_NOT_MQ()+"left"+MQ_ELSE()+"right"+MQ_END()+"# outside the shop. Be seeing you!",
/*french*/"!#^La marque qui te mènera au #Temple de l'Esprit# est le #drapeau "+IF_NOT_MQ()+"gauche"+MQ_ELSE()+"droite"+MQ_END()+"# en sortant d'ici. À la prochaine!",
/*spanish*/"!#^La marca que te guiará al #Templo del&Espíritu# es la #bandera que está a la&"+IF_NOT_MQ()+"izquierda"+MQ_ELSE()+"derecha"+MQ_END()+"# al salir de aquí. ¡Nos vemos!"},
int32_t StonesRequiredBySettings() {
int32_t stones = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_STONES)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeStoneCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_REWARDS)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
if ((Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_DUNGEONS)) && (Settings::ShuffleRewards.Is(REWARDSHUFFLE_END_OF_DUNGEON))) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_STONES)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::LACSStoneCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_REWARDS)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::LACSRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_DUNGEONS)) {
stones = std::max<int32_t>({ stones, (int32_t)Settings::LACSDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 6 });
return stones;
int32_t MedallionsRequiredBySettings() {
int32_t medallions = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_MEDALLIONS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeMedallionCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_REWARDS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
if ((Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_DUNGEONS)) && (Settings::ShuffleRewards.Is(REWARDSHUFFLE_END_OF_DUNGEON))) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_MEDALLIONS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::LACSMedallionCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_REWARDS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::LACSRewardCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_DUNGEONS)) {
medallions = std::max<int32_t>({ medallions, (int32_t)Settings::LACSDungeonCount.Value<uint8_t>() - 3 });
return medallions;
int32_t TokensRequiredBySettings() {
int32_t tokens = 0;
if (Settings::Bridge.Is(RAINBOWBRIDGE_TOKENS)) {
tokens = std::max<int32_t>({ tokens, (int32_t)Settings::BridgeTokenCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
if (Settings::GanonsBossKey.Is(GANONSBOSSKEY_LACS_TOKENS)) {
tokens = std::max<int32_t>({ tokens, (int32_t)Settings::LACSTokenCount.Value<uint8_t>() });
return tokens;
std::array<ConditionalAlwaysHint, 9> conditionalAlwaysHints = {
std::make_pair(MARKET_10_BIG_POES, [](){ return Settings::BigPoeTargetCount.Value<uint8_t>() >= 3; }), // Remember, the option's value being 3 means 4 are required
std::make_pair(DEKU_THEATER_MASK_OF_TRUTH, [](){ return !Settings::CompleteMaskQuest; }),
std::make_pair(SONG_FROM_OCARINA_OF_TIME, [](){ return StonesRequiredBySettings() < 2; }),
std::make_pair(HF_OCARINA_OF_TIME_ITEM, [](){ return StonesRequiredBySettings() < 2; }),
std::make_pair(SHEIK_IN_KAKARIKO, [](){ return MedallionsRequiredBySettings() < 5; }),
std::make_pair(DMT_TRADE_CLAIM_CHECK, [](){ return false; }),
std::make_pair(KAK_30_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD, [](){ return TokensRequiredBySettings() < 30; }),
std::make_pair(KAK_40_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD, [](){ return TokensRequiredBySettings() < 40; }),
std::make_pair(KAK_50_GOLD_SKULLTULA_REWARD, [](){ return TokensRequiredBySettings() < 50; })
const HintText& Hint(const uint32_t hintKey) {
return hintTable[hintKey];
std::vector<HintText> GetHintCategory(HintCategory category) {
std::vector<HintText> hintsInCategory = {};
for (const auto& hint : hintTable) {
if (hint.GetType() == category) {
return hintsInCategory;