Nicholas Estelami 746c7a5303 Replaced StormLib .lib files with source code.
Some modifications to handle backslashes and forward slashes, along with some optimizations to speed up OTR generation.
2022-06-15 15:57:52 -04:00

26 lines
1.2 KiB

@echo off
rem This BAT file updates the ZIP file that is to be uploaded to web
rem Only use when both 32-bit and 64-bit are properly compiled
set STORMLIB_NAME=stormlib-9.00
echo Creating ...
cd \Ladik\Appdir
zip.exe -ur9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\doc\*
zip.exe -ur9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\src\*
zip.exe -ur9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\storm_dll\*
zip.exe -ur9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\StormLib.xcodeproj\*
zip.exe -ur9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\stormlib_dll\*
zip.exe -ur9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\test\*
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\CMakeLists.txt
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\makefile.*
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\Info.plist
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\*.bat
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\*.sln
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\*.vcproj
zip.exe -u9 ..\WWW\web\download\ StormLib\*.vcxproj
echo Press any key to exit ...
pause >nul