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/* SCommon.h Copyright (c) Ladislav Zezula 2003 */
/* Common functions for encryption/decryption from Storm.dll. Included by */
/* SFile*** functions, do not include and do not use this file directly */
/* Date Ver Who Comment */
/* -------- ---- --- ------- */
/* 24.03.03 1.00 Lad The first version of SFileCommon.h */
/* 12.06.04 1.00 Lad Renamed to SCommon.h */
/* 06.09.10 1.00 Lad Renamed to StormCommon.h */
#ifndef __STORMCOMMON_H__
#define __STORMCOMMON_H__
// Compression support
// Include functions from Pkware Data Compression Library
#include "pklib/pklib.h"
// Include functions from Huffmann compression
#include "huffman/huff.h"
// Include functions from IMA ADPCM compression
#include "adpcm/adpcm.h"
// Include functions from SPARSE compression
#include "sparse/sparse.h"
// Include functions from LZMA compression
#include "lzma/C/LzmaEnc.h"
#include "lzma/C/LzmaDec.h"
// Include functions from zlib
#ifndef __SYS_ZLIB
#include "zlib/zlib.h"
#include <zlib.h>
// Include functions from bzlib
#ifndef __SYS_BZLIB
#include "bzip2/bzlib.h"
#include <bzlib.h>
// Cryptography support
// Headers from LibTomCrypt
#include "libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt.h"
// For HashStringJenkins
#include "jenkins/lookup.h"
// StormLib private defines
#define ID_MPQ_FILE 0x46494c45 // Used internally for checking TMPQFile ('FILE')
// Prevent problems with CRT "min" and "max" functions,
// as they are not defined on all platforms
#define STORMLIB_MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#define STORMLIB_MAX(a, b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#define STORMLIB_UNUSED(p) ((void)(p))
// Checks for data pointers aligned to 4-byte boundary
#define STORMLIB_DWORD_ALIGNED(ptr) (((size_t)(ptr) & 0x03) == 0)
// Macro for building 64-bit file offset from two 32-bit
#define MAKE_OFFSET64(hi, lo) (((ULONGLONG)hi << 32) | (ULONGLONG)lo)
// MTYPE definition - specifies what kind of MPQ is the map type
typedef enum _MTYPE
MapTypeNotChecked, // The map type was not checked yet
MapTypeNotRecognized, // The file does not seems to be a map
MapTypeAviFile, // The file is actually an AVI file (Warcraft III cinematics)
MapTypeWarcraft3, // The file is a Warcraft III map
MapTypeStarcraft2 // The file is a Starcraft II map
// MPQ signature information
// Size of each signature type
#define MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_ID 0x5349474E // ID of the strong signature ("NGIS")
// MPQ signature info
typedef struct _MPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO
ULONGLONG BeginMpqData; // File offset where the hashing starts
ULONGLONG BeginExclude; // Begin of the excluded area (used for (signature) file)
ULONGLONG EndExclude; // End of the excluded area (used for (signature) file)
ULONGLONG EndMpqData; // File offset where the hashing ends
ULONGLONG EndOfFile; // Size of the entire file
DWORD cbSignatureSize; // Length of the signature
// Memory management
// We use our own macros for allocating/freeing memory. If you want
// to redefine them, please keep the following rules:
// - The memory allocation must return NULL if not enough memory
// (i.e not to throw exception)
// - The allocating function does not need to fill the allocated buffer with zeros
// - Memory freeing function doesn't have to test the pointer to NULL
//#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG)
//#define STORM_ALLOC(type, nitems) (type *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ((nitems) * sizeof(type)))
//#define STORM_REALLOC(type, ptr, nitems) (type *)HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr, ((nitems) * sizeof(type)))
//#define STORM_FREE(ptr) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr)
#define STORM_ALLOC(type, nitems) (type *)malloc((nitems) * sizeof(type))
#define STORM_REALLOC(type, ptr, nitems) (type *)realloc(ptr, ((nitems) * sizeof(type)))
#define STORM_FREE(ptr) free(ptr)
// StormLib internal global variables
extern DWORD g_dwMpqSignature; // Marker for MPQ header
extern DWORD g_dwHashTableKey; // Key for hash table
extern DWORD g_dwBlockTableKey; // Key for block table
extern LCID g_lcFileLocale; // Preferred file locale
// Conversion to uppercase/lowercase (and "/" to "\")
extern unsigned char AsciiToLowerTable[256];
extern unsigned char AsciiToUpperTable[256];
// Safe string functions
template <typename XCHAR, typename XINT>
XCHAR * IntToString(XCHAR * szBuffer, size_t cchMaxChars, XINT nValue, size_t nDigitCount = 0)
XCHAR * szBufferEnd = szBuffer + cchMaxChars - 1;
XCHAR szNumberRev[0x20];
size_t nLength = 0;
// Always put the first digit
szNumberRev[nLength++] = (XCHAR)(nValue % 10) + '0';
nValue /= 10;
// Continue as long as we have non-zero
while(nValue != 0)
szNumberRev[nLength++] = (XCHAR)(nValue % 10) + '0';
nValue /= 10;
// Fill zeros, if needed
while(szBuffer < szBufferEnd && nLength < nDigitCount)
*szBuffer++ = '0';
// Fill the buffer
while(szBuffer < szBufferEnd && nLength > 0)
*szBuffer++ = szNumberRev[nLength];
// Terminate the number with zeros
szBuffer[0] = 0;
return szBuffer;
char * StringCopy(char * szTarget, size_t cchTarget, const char * szSource);
void StringCat(char * szTarget, size_t cchTargetMax, const char * szSource);
void StringCreatePseudoFileName(char * szBuffer, size_t cchMaxChars, unsigned int nIndex, const char * szExtension);
#ifdef _UNICODE
void StringCopy(TCHAR * szTarget, size_t cchTarget, const char * szSource);
void StringCopy(char * szTarget, size_t cchTarget, const TCHAR * szSource);
void StringCopy(TCHAR * szTarget, size_t cchTarget, const TCHAR * szSource);
void StringCat(TCHAR * szTarget, size_t cchTargetMax, const TCHAR * szSource);
// Encryption and decryption functions
#define MPQ_HASH_TABLE_INDEX 0x000
#define MPQ_HASH_NAME_A 0x100
#define MPQ_HASH_NAME_B 0x200
#define MPQ_HASH_FILE_KEY 0x300
#define MPQ_HASH_KEY2_MIX 0x400
DWORD HashString(const char * szFileName, DWORD dwHashType);
DWORD HashStringSlash(const char* szFileName, DWORD dwHashType);
DWORD HashStringSlash2(const char * szFileName, DWORD dwHashType);
DWORD HashStringLower(const char * szFileName, DWORD dwHashType);
void InitializeMpqCryptography();
DWORD GetNearestPowerOfTwo(DWORD dwFileCount);
bool IsPseudoFileName(const char * szFileName, LPDWORD pdwFileIndex);
ULONGLONG HashStringJenkins(const char * szFileName);
DWORD GetDefaultSpecialFileFlags(DWORD dwFileSize, USHORT wFormatVersion);
void EncryptMpqBlock(void * pvDataBlock, DWORD dwLength, DWORD dwKey);
void DecryptMpqBlock(void * pvDataBlock, DWORD dwLength, DWORD dwKey);
DWORD DetectFileKeyBySectorSize(LPDWORD EncryptedData, DWORD dwSectorSize, DWORD dwSectorOffsLen);
DWORD DetectFileKeyByContent(void * pvEncryptedData, DWORD dwSectorSize, DWORD dwFileSize);
DWORD DecryptFileKey(const char * szFileName, ULONGLONG MpqPos, DWORD dwFileSize, DWORD dwFlags);
bool IsValidMD5(LPBYTE pbMd5);
bool IsValidSignature(LPBYTE pbSignature);
bool VerifyDataBlockHash(void * pvDataBlock, DWORD cbDataBlock, LPBYTE expected_md5);
void CalculateDataBlockHash(void * pvDataBlock, DWORD cbDataBlock, LPBYTE md5_hash);
// Handle validation functions
TMPQArchive * IsValidMpqHandle(HANDLE hMpq);
TMPQFile * IsValidFileHandle(HANDLE hFile);
// Support for MPQ file tables
ULONGLONG FileOffsetFromMpqOffset(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG MpqOffset);
ULONGLONG CalculateRawSectorOffset(TMPQFile * hf, DWORD dwSectorOffset);
DWORD ConvertMpqHeaderToFormat4(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG MpqOffset, ULONGLONG FileSize, DWORD dwFlags, MTYPE MapType);
bool IsValidHashEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQHash * pHash);
TMPQHash * FindFreeHashEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, DWORD dwStartIndex, DWORD dwName1, DWORD dwName2, LCID lcLocale);
TMPQHash * GetFirstHashEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szFileName);
TMPQHash * GetNextHashEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQHash * pFirstHash, TMPQHash * pPrevHash);
TMPQHash * AllocateHashEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TFileEntry * pFileEntry, LCID lcLocale);
TMPQExtHeader * LoadExtTable(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG ByteOffset, size_t Size, DWORD dwSignature, DWORD dwKey);
TMPQHetTable * LoadHetTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
TMPQBetTable * LoadBetTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
TMPQBlock * LoadBlockTable(TMPQArchive * ha, bool bDontFixEntries = false);
TMPQBlock * TranslateBlockTable(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG * pcbTableSize, bool * pbNeedHiBlockTable);
ULONGLONG FindFreeMpqSpace(TMPQArchive * ha);
// Functions that load the HET and BET tables
DWORD CreateHashTable(TMPQArchive * ha, DWORD dwHashTableSize);
DWORD LoadAnyHashTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD BuildFileTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD DefragmentFileTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD CreateFileTable(TMPQArchive * ha, DWORD dwFileTableSize);
DWORD RebuildHetTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD RebuildFileTable(TMPQArchive * ha, DWORD dwNewHashTableSize);
DWORD SaveMPQTables(TMPQArchive * ha);
TMPQHetTable * CreateHetTable(DWORD dwEntryCount, DWORD dwTotalCount, DWORD dwHashBitSize, LPBYTE pbSrcData);
void FreeHetTable(TMPQHetTable * pHetTable);
TMPQBetTable * CreateBetTable(DWORD dwMaxFileCount);
void FreeBetTable(TMPQBetTable * pBetTable);
// Functions for finding files in the file table
TFileEntry * GetFileEntryLocale2(TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szFileName, LCID lcLocale, LPDWORD PtrHashIndex);
TFileEntry * GetFileEntryLocale(TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szFileName, LCID lcLocale);
TFileEntry * GetFileEntryExact(TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szFileName, LCID lcLocale, LPDWORD PtrHashIndex);
// Allocates file name in the file entry
void AllocateFileName(TMPQArchive * ha, TFileEntry * pFileEntry, const char * szFileName);
// Allocates new file entry in the MPQ tables. Reuses existing, if possible
TFileEntry * AllocateFileEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szFileName, LCID lcLocale, LPDWORD PtrHashIndex);
DWORD RenameFileEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQFile * hf, const char * szNewFileName);
DWORD DeleteFileEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQFile * hf);
// Invalidates entries for (listfile) and (attributes)
void InvalidateInternalFiles(TMPQArchive * ha);
// Retrieves information about the strong signature
bool QueryMpqSignatureInfo(TMPQArchive * ha, PMPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO pSignatureInfo);
// Support for alternate file formats (SBaseSubTypes.cpp)
DWORD ConvertSqpHeaderToFormat4(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG FileSize, DWORD dwFlags);
TMPQHash * LoadSqpHashTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
TMPQBlock * LoadSqpBlockTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD ConvertMpkHeaderToFormat4(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG FileSize, DWORD dwFlags);
void DecryptMpkTable(void * pvMpkTable, size_t cbSize);
TMPQHash * LoadMpkHashTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
TMPQBlock * LoadMpkBlockTable(TMPQArchive * ha);
int SCompDecompressMpk(void * pvOutBuffer, int * pcbOutBuffer, void * pvInBuffer, int cbInBuffer);
// Common functions - MPQ File
TMPQFile * CreateFileHandle(TMPQArchive * ha, TFileEntry * pFileEntry);
TMPQFile * CreateWritableHandle(TMPQArchive * ha, DWORD dwFileSize);
void * LoadMpqTable(TMPQArchive * ha, ULONGLONG ByteOffset, LPBYTE pbTableHash, DWORD dwCompressedSize, DWORD dwRealSize, DWORD dwKey, bool * pbTableIsCut);
DWORD AllocateSectorBuffer(TMPQFile * hf);
DWORD AllocatePatchInfo(TMPQFile * hf, bool bLoadFromFile);
DWORD AllocateSectorOffsets(TMPQFile * hf, bool bLoadFromFile);
DWORD AllocateSectorChecksums(TMPQFile * hf, bool bLoadFromFile);
DWORD WritePatchInfo(TMPQFile * hf);
DWORD WriteSectorOffsets(TMPQFile * hf);
DWORD WriteSectorChecksums(TMPQFile * hf);
DWORD WriteMemDataMD5(TFileStream * pStream, ULONGLONG RawDataOffs, void * pvRawData, DWORD dwRawDataSize, DWORD dwChunkSize, LPDWORD pcbTotalSize);
DWORD WriteMpqDataMD5(TFileStream * pStream, ULONGLONG RawDataOffs, DWORD dwRawDataSize, DWORD dwChunkSize);
void FreeFileHandle(TMPQFile *& hf);
void FreeArchiveHandle(TMPQArchive *& ha);
// Patch functions
// Structure used for the patching process
typedef struct _TMPQPatcher
BYTE this_md5[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE]; // MD5 of the current file state
LPBYTE pbFileData1; // Primary working buffer
LPBYTE pbFileData2; // Secondary working buffer
DWORD cbMaxFileData; // Maximum allowed size of the patch data
DWORD cbFileData; // Current size of the result data
DWORD nCounter; // Counter of the patch process
} TMPQPatcher;
bool IsIncrementalPatchFile(const void * pvData, DWORD cbData, LPDWORD pdwPatchedFileSize);
DWORD Patch_InitPatcher(TMPQPatcher * pPatcher, TMPQFile * hf);
DWORD Patch_Process(TMPQPatcher * pPatcher, TMPQFile * hf);
void Patch_Finalize(TMPQPatcher * pPatcher);
// Utility functions
bool IsInternalMpqFileName(const char * szFileName);
template <typename XCHAR>
const XCHAR * GetPlainFileName(const XCHAR * szFileName)
const XCHAR * szPlainName = szFileName;
while(*szFileName != 0)
if(*szFileName == '\\' || *szFileName == '/')
szPlainName = szFileName + 1;
return szPlainName;
// Internal support for MPQ modifications
DWORD SFileAddFile_Init(
TMPQArchive * ha,
const char * szArchivedName,
DWORD dwFileSize,
LCID lcLocale,
DWORD dwFlags,
TMPQFile ** phf
DWORD SFileAddFile_Init(
TMPQArchive * ha,
TMPQFile * hfSrc,
TMPQFile ** phf
DWORD SFileAddFile_Write(
TMPQFile * hf,
const void * pvData,
DWORD dwSize,
DWORD dwCompression
DWORD SFileAddFile_Finish(
TMPQFile * hf
// Attributes support
DWORD SAttrLoadAttributes(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD SAttrFileSaveToMpq(TMPQArchive * ha);
// Listfile functions
DWORD SListFileSaveToMpq(TMPQArchive * ha);
// Weak signature support
DWORD SSignFileCreate(TMPQArchive * ha);
DWORD SSignFileFinish(TMPQArchive * ha);
// Dump data support
void DumpMpqHeader(TMPQHeader * pHeader);
void DumpHashTable(TMPQHash * pHashTable, DWORD dwHashTableSize);
void DumpHetAndBetTable(TMPQHetTable * pHetTable, TMPQBetTable * pBetTable);
void DumpFileTable(TFileEntry * pFileTable, DWORD dwFileTableSize);
#define DumpMpqHeader(h) /* */
#define DumpHashTable(t, s) /* */
#define DumpHetAndBetTable(t, s) /* */
#define DumpFileTable(t, s) /* */
#endif // __STORMCOMMON_H__