
956 lines
39 KiB

#include "spoiler_log.hpp"
#include "dungeon.hpp"
#include "item_list.hpp"
#include "item_location.hpp"
#include "entrance.hpp"
#include "random.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "trial.hpp"
#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "shops.hpp"
#include "hints.hpp"
#include "../randomizer_tricks.h"
#include "pool_functions.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer_check_objects.h"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <variables.h>
#include <libultraship/libultraship.h>
using json = nlohmann::ordered_json;
json jsonData;
std::map<HintKey, ItemLocation*> hintedLocations;
extern std::unordered_map<HintType, std::string> hintTypeNames;
extern std::array<std::string, 17> hintCategoryNames;
extern Area* GetHintRegion(uint32_t);
namespace {
std::string placementtxt;
} // namespace
static SpoilerData spoilerData;
void GenerateHash() {
std::string hash = Settings::hash;
// adds leading 0s to the hash string if it has less than 10 digits.
while (hash.length() < 10) {
hash = "0" + hash;
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < Settings::hashIconIndexes.size(); i++, j += 2) {
int number = std::stoi(hash.substr(j, 2));
Settings::hashIconIndexes[i] = number;
// Clear out spoiler log data here, in case we aren't going to re-generate it
// spoilerData = { 0 };
const SpoilerData& GetSpoilerData() {
return spoilerData;
static auto GetGeneralPath() {
return "./randomizer/haha.xml";
static auto GetSpoilerLogPath() {
return GetGeneralPath();
static auto GetPlacementLogPath() {
return GetGeneralPath();
void WriteIngameSpoilerLog() {
uint16_t spoilerItemIndex = 0;
uint32_t spoilerStringOffset = 0;
uint16_t spoilerSphereItemoffset = 0;
uint16_t spoilerGroupOffset = 0;
// Intentionally junk value so we trigger the 'new group, record some stuff' code
uint8_t currentGroup = SpoilerCollectionCheckGroup::SPOILER_COLLECTION_GROUP_COUNT;
bool spoilerOutOfSpace = false;
// Create map of string data offsets for all _unique_ item locations and names in the playthrough
// Some item names, like gold skulltula tokens, can appear many times in a playthrough
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint16_t>
itemLocationsMap; // Map of LocationKey to an index into spoiler data item locations
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint16_t>
stringOffsetMap; // Map of strings to their offset into spoiler string data array
stringOffsetMap.reserve(allLocations.size() * 2);
// Sort all locations by their group, so the in-game log can show a group of items by simply starting/ending at
// certain indices
std::stable_sort(allLocations.begin(), allLocations.end(), [](const uint32_t& a, const uint32_t& b) {
auto groupA = Location(a)->GetCollectionCheckGroup();
auto groupB = Location(b)->GetCollectionCheckGroup();
return groupA < groupB;
for (const uint32_t key : allLocations) {
auto loc = Location(key);
// Hide excluded locations from ingame tracker
if (loc->IsExcluded()) {
// Cows
else if (!Settings::ShuffleCows && loc->IsCategory(Category::cCow)) {
// Merchants
else if (Settings::ShuffleMerchants.Is(SHUFFLEMERCHANTS_OFF) && loc->IsCategory(Category::cMerchant)) {
// Adult Trade
else if (!Settings::ShuffleAdultTradeQuest && loc->IsCategory(Category::cAdultTrade)) {
// Chest Minigame
else if (Settings::ShuffleChestMinigame.Is(SHUFFLECHESTMINIGAME_OFF) &&
loc->IsCategory(Category::cChestMinigame)) {
// Gerudo Fortress
else if ((Settings::GerudoFortress.Is(GERUDOFORTRESS_OPEN) &&
(loc->IsCategory(Category::cVanillaGFSmallKey) || loc->GetHintKey() == GF_GERUDO_MEMBERSHIP_CARD)) ||
(Settings::GerudoFortress.Is(GERUDOFORTRESS_FAST) && loc->IsCategory(Category::cVanillaGFSmallKey) &&
loc->GetHintKey() != GF_NORTH_F1_CARPENTER)) {
// Copy at most 51 chars from the name and location name to avoid issues with names that don't fit on screen
const char* nameFormatStr = "%.51s";
auto locName = loc->GetName();
if (stringOffsetMap.find(locName) == stringOffsetMap.end()) {
if (spoilerStringOffset + locName.size() + 1 >= SPOILER_STRING_DATA_SIZE) {
spoilerOutOfSpace = true;
} else {
stringOffsetMap[locName] = spoilerStringOffset;
spoilerStringOffset +=
sprintf(&spoilerData.StringData[spoilerStringOffset], nameFormatStr, locName.c_str()) + 1;
auto locItem = loc->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish();
if (loc->GetPlacedItemKey() == ICE_TRAP && loc->IsCategory(Category::cShop)) {
locItem = NonShopItems[TransformShopIndex(GetShopIndex(key))].Name.GetEnglish();
if (stringOffsetMap.find(locItem) == stringOffsetMap.end()) {
if (spoilerStringOffset + locItem.size() + 1 >= SPOILER_STRING_DATA_SIZE) {
spoilerOutOfSpace = true;
} else {
stringOffsetMap[locItem] = spoilerStringOffset;
spoilerStringOffset +=
sprintf(&spoilerData.StringData[spoilerStringOffset], nameFormatStr, locItem.c_str()) + 1;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationStrOffset = stringOffsetMap[locName];
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].ItemStrOffset = stringOffsetMap[locItem];
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationStr = locName;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].ItemStr = locItem;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectionCheckType = loc->GetCollectionCheck().type;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationScene = loc->GetCollectionCheck().scene;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationFlag = loc->GetCollectionCheck().flag;
// Collect Type and Reveal Type
if (key == GANON) {
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_NEVER;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_REPEATABLE;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS;
// Shops
else if (loc->IsShop()) {
if (Settings::Shopsanity.Is(SHOPSANITY_OFF)) {
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS;
} else {
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_SCENE;
if (loc->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_REFILL ||
loc->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_SHOP ||
loc->GetPlacedItem().GetHintKey() == PROGRESSIVE_BOMBCHUS) {
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_REPEATABLE;
// Gold Skulltulas
else if (loc->IsCategory(Category::cSkulltula) &&
((Settings::Tokensanity.Is(TOKENSANITY_OFF)) ||
(Settings::Tokensanity.Is(TOKENSANITY_DUNGEONS) && !loc->IsDungeon()) ||
(Settings::Tokensanity.Is(TOKENSANITY_OVERWORLD) && loc->IsDungeon()))) {
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS;
// Deku Scrubs
else if (loc->IsCategory(Category::cDekuScrub) && !loc->IsCategory(Category::cDekuScrubUpgrades) &&
Settings::Scrubsanity.Is(SCRUBSANITY_OFF)) {
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_REPEATABLE;
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS;
auto checkGroup = loc->GetCollectionCheckGroup();
spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].Group = checkGroup;
// Group setup
if (checkGroup != currentGroup) {
currentGroup = checkGroup;
spoilerData.GroupOffsets[currentGroup] = spoilerGroupOffset;
itemLocationsMap[key] = spoilerItemIndex++;
spoilerData.ItemLocationsCount = spoilerItemIndex;
if (Settings::IngameSpoilers) {
bool playthroughItemNotFound = false;
// Write playthrough data to in-game spoiler log
if (!spoilerOutOfSpace) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < playthroughLocations.size(); i++) {
spoilerOutOfSpace = true;
spoilerData.Spheres[i].ItemLocationsOffset = spoilerSphereItemoffset;
for (uint32_t loc = 0; loc < playthroughLocations[i].size(); ++loc) {
if (spoilerSphereItemoffset >= SPOILER_ITEMS_MAX) {
spoilerOutOfSpace = true;
const auto foundItemLoc = itemLocationsMap.find(playthroughLocations[i][loc]);
if (foundItemLoc != itemLocationsMap.end()) {
spoilerData.SphereItemLocations[spoilerSphereItemoffset++] = foundItemLoc->second;
} else {
playthroughItemNotFound = true;
if (spoilerOutOfSpace || playthroughItemNotFound) {
printf("%sError!%s ", YELLOW, WHITE);
// Writes the location to the specified node.
static void WriteLocation(
std::string sphere, const uint32_t locationKey, const bool withPadding = false) {
ItemLocation* location = Location(locationKey);
// auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("location");
switch (gSaveContext.language) {
jsonData["playthrough"][sphere][location->GetName()] = location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish();
jsonData["playthrough"][sphere][location->GetName()] = location->GetPlacedItemName().GetFrench();
// node->SetAttribute("name", location->GetName().c_str());
// node->SetText(location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish().c_str());
// if (withPadding) {
// constexpr int16_t LONGEST_NAME = 56; // The longest name of a location.
// constexpr int16_t PRICE_ATTRIBUTE = 12; // Length of a 3-digit price attribute.
// // Insert a padding so we get a kind of table in the XML document.
// int16_t requiredPadding = LONGEST_NAME - location->GetName().length();
// if (location->IsCategory(Category::cShop)) {
// // Shop items have short location names, but come with an additional price attribute.
// requiredPadding -= PRICE_ATTRIBUTE;
// }
// if (requiredPadding >= 0) {
// std::string padding(requiredPadding, ' ');
// node->SetAttribute("_", padding.c_str());
// }
// }
// if (location->IsCategory(Category::cShop)) {
// char price[6];
// sprintf(price, "%03d", location->GetPrice());
// node->SetAttribute("price", price);
// }
// if (!location->IsAddedToPool()) {
// #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG
// node->SetAttribute("not-added", true);
// #endif
// }
//Writes a shuffled entrance to the specified node
static void WriteShuffledEntrance(std::string sphereString, Entrance* entrance) {
int16_t originalIndex = entrance->GetIndex();
int16_t destinationIndex = -1;
int16_t replacementIndex = entrance->GetReplacement()->GetIndex();
int16_t replacementDestinationIndex = -1;
std::string name = entrance->GetName();
std::string text = entrance->GetConnectedRegion()->regionName + " from " + entrance->GetReplacement()->GetParentRegion()->regionName;
// Track the reverse destination, useful for savewarp handling
if (entrance->GetReverse() != nullptr) {
destinationIndex = entrance->GetReverse()->GetIndex();
// When decouple is off we track the replacement's reverse destination, useful for recording visited entrances
if (!entrance->IsDecoupled()) {
replacementDestinationIndex = entrance->GetReplacement()->GetReverse()->GetIndex();
json entranceJson = json::object({
{"type", entrance->GetType()},
{"index", originalIndex},
{"destination", destinationIndex},
{"override", replacementIndex},
{"overrideDestination", replacementDestinationIndex},
// When decoupled entrances is off, handle saving reverse entrances
if (entrance->GetReverse() != nullptr && !entrance->IsDecoupled()) {
json reverseEntranceJson = json::object({
{"type", entrance->GetReverse()->GetType()},
{"index", replacementDestinationIndex},
{"destination", replacementIndex},
{"override", destinationIndex},
{"overrideDestination", originalIndex},
switch (gSaveContext.language) {
jsonData["entrancesMap"][sphereString][name] = text;
// Writes the settings (without excluded locations, starting inventory and tricks) to the spoilerLog document.
static void WriteSettings(const bool printAll = false) {
// auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("settings");
std::vector<Menu*> allMenus = Settings::GetAllOptionMenus();
for (const Menu* menu : allMenus) {
if (menu->name == "Item Usability Settings" ||
menu->name == "Multiplayer Settings") continue;
if (menu->name == "Timesaver Settings") {
for (const Option* setting : *menu->settingsList) {
if (setting->GetName() == "Big Poe Target Count" ||
setting->GetName() == "Cuccos to return" ||
setting->GetName() == "Skip Epona Race" ||
setting->GetName() == "Skip Tower Escape" ||
setting->GetName() == "Skip Child Stealth" ||
setting->GetName() == "Complete Mask Quest" ||
setting->GetName() == "Skip Scarecrow's Song" ||
setting->GetName() == "Enable Glitch-Useful Cutscenes") {
std::string settingName = menu->name + ":" + setting->GetName();
jsonData["settings"][settingName] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText();
//This is a menu of settings, write them
if (menu->mode == OPTION_SUB_MENU && menu->printInSpoiler) {
for (const Option* setting : *menu->settingsList) {
std::string settingName = menu->name + ":" + setting->GetName();
jsonData["settings"][settingName] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText();
// for (const Option* setting : *menu->settingsList) {
// if (printAll || (!setting->IsHidden() && setting->IsCategory(OptionCategory::Setting))) {
// auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("setting");
// node->SetAttribute("name", RemoveLineBreaks(setting->GetName()).c_str());
// node->SetText(setting->GetSelectedOptionText().c_str());
// }
// }
// 3drando doesn't have a "skip child zelda" setting, manually add it to the spoilerfile
jsonData["settings"]["Skip Child Zelda"] = Settings::skipChildZelda;
// 3drando uses an MQ dungeon count of 13 to mean random, manually add that to the spoilerfile as a bool
if (Settings::MQDungeonCount.GetSelectedOptionIndex() == 0) {
jsonData["settings"]["World Settings:MQ Dungeons"] = "None";
} else if (Settings::MQDungeonCount.GetSelectedOptionIndex() == 13) {
jsonData["settings"]["World Settings:MQ Dungeons"] = "Random Number";
} else {
jsonData["settings"]["World Settings:MQ Dungeons"] = "Set Number";
// spoilerLog.RootElement()->InsertEndChild(parentNode);
// for (const uint32_t key : allLocations) {
// ItemLocation* location = Location(key);
// settingsJsonData["locations"][location->GetName()] = location->GetPlacedItemName().english;
// }
// Writes the excluded locations to the spoiler log, if there are any.
static void WriteExcludedLocations() {
// auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("excluded-locations");
for (size_t i = 1; i < Settings::excludeLocationsOptionsVector.size(); i++) {
for (const auto& location : Settings::excludeLocationsOptionsVector[i]) {
if (location->GetSelectedOptionIndex() == INCLUDE) {
// tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = spoilerLog.NewElement("location");
// node->SetAttribute("name", RemoveLineBreaks(location->GetName()).c_str());
// parentNode->InsertEndChild(node);
// if (!parentNode->NoChildren()) {
// spoilerLog.RootElement()->InsertEndChild(parentNode);
// }
// Writes the starting inventory to the spoiler log, if there is any.
static void WriteStartingInventory() {
std::vector<std::vector<Option *>*> startingInventoryOptions = {
for (std::vector<Option*>* menu : startingInventoryOptions) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < menu->size(); ++i) {
const auto setting = menu->at(i);
// Starting Songs
if (setting->GetName() == "Start with Zelda's Lullaby" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Epona's Song" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Saria's Song" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Sun's Song" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Song of Time" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Song of Storms" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Minuet of Forest" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Bolero of Fire" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Serenade of Water" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Requiem of Spirit" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Nocturne of Shadow" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Prelude of Light") {
jsonData["settings"][setting->GetName()] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText();
for (std::vector<Option *>* menu : startingInventoryOptions) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < menu->size(); ++i) {
const auto setting = menu->at(i);
// we need to write these every time because we're not clearing jsondata, so
// the default logic of only writing it when we aren't using the default value
// doesn't work, and because it'd be bad to set every single possible starting
// inventory item as "false" in the json, we're just going to check
// to see if the name is one of the 3 we're using rn
if (setting->GetName() == "Start with Consumables" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Max Rupees" ||
setting->GetName() == "Gold Skulltula Tokens" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Fairy Ocarina" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Kokiri Sword" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Deku Shield") {
jsonData["settings"][setting->GetName()] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText();
// Writes the enabled tricks to the spoiler log, if there are any.
static void WriteEnabledTricks(tinyxml2::XMLDocument& spoilerLog) {
//auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("enabled-tricks");
for (const auto& setting : Settings::trickOptions) {
if (setting->GetSelectedOptionIndex() != TRICK_ENABLED/* || !setting->IsCategory(OptionCategory::Setting)*/) {
//auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("trick");
//node->SetAttribute("name", RemoveLineBreaks(setting->GetName()).c_str());
// if (!parentNode->NoChildren()) {
// spoilerLog.RootElement()->InsertEndChild(parentNode);
// Writes the enabled glitches to the spoiler log, if there are any.
static void WriteEnabledGlitches(tinyxml2::XMLDocument& spoilerLog) {
auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("enabled-glitches");
for (const auto& setting : Settings::glitchCategories) {
if (setting->Value<uint8_t>() == 0) {
auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("glitch-category");
node->SetAttribute("name", setting->GetName().c_str());
for (const auto& setting : Settings::miscGlitches) {
if (!setting->Value<bool>()) {
auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("misc-glitch");
node->SetAttribute("name", RemoveLineBreaks(setting->GetName()).c_str());
if (!parentNode->NoChildren()) {
// Writes the Master Quest dungeons to the spoiler log, if there are any.
static void WriteMasterQuestDungeons(tinyxml2::XMLDocument& spoilerLog) {
for (const auto* dungeon : Dungeon::dungeonList) {
std::string dungeonName;
if (dungeon->IsVanilla()) {
// Writes the required trials to the spoiler log, if there are any.
static void WriteRequiredTrials() {
for (const auto& trial : Trial::trialList) {
if (trial->IsRequired()) {
std::string trialName;
switch (gSaveContext.language) {
trialName = trial->GetName().GetFrench();
trialName = trial->GetName().GetEnglish();
// Writes the intended playthrough to the spoiler log, separated into spheres.
static void WritePlaythrough() {
// auto playthroughNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("playthrough");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < playthroughLocations.size(); ++i) {
auto sphereNum = std::to_string(i);
std::string sphereString = "sphere ";
if (i < 10) sphereString += "0";
sphereString += sphereNum;
for (const uint32_t key : playthroughLocations[i]) {
WriteLocation(sphereString, key, true);
// spoilerLog.RootElement()->InsertEndChild(playthroughNode);
//Write the randomized entrance playthrough to the spoiler log, if applicable
static void WriteShuffledEntrances() {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < playthroughEntrances.size(); ++i) {
auto sphereNum = std::to_string(i);
std::string sphereString = "sphere ";
if (i < 10) sphereString += "0";
sphereString += sphereNum;
for (Entrance* entrance : playthroughEntrances[i]) {
WriteShuffledEntrance(sphereString, entrance);
// Writes the WOTH locations to the spoiler log, if there are any.
static void WriteWayOfTheHeroLocation(tinyxml2::XMLDocument& spoilerLog) {
auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("way-of-the-hero-locations");
for (const uint32_t key : wothLocations) {
// WriteLocation(parentNode, key, true);
if (!parentNode->NoChildren()) {
std::string AutoFormatHintTextString(std::string unformattedHintTextString) {
std::string textStr = unformattedHintTextString;
// RANDOTODO: don't just make manual exceptions
bool needsAutomaicNewlines = true;
if (textStr == "Erreur 0x69a504:&Traduction manquante^C'est de la faute à Purple Hato!&J'vous jure!" ||
textStr == "Mon très cher @:&Viens vite au château, je t'ai préparé&un délicieux gâteau...^À bientôt, Princesse Zelda" ||
textStr == "What about Zelda makes you think&she'd be a better ruler than I?^I saved Lon Lon Ranch,&fed the hungry,&and my castle floats." ||
textStr == "Many tricks are up my sleeve,&to save yourself&you'd better leave!" ||
textStr == "I've learned this spell,&it's really neat,&I'll keep it later&for your treat!" ||
textStr == "Sale petit garnement,&tu fais erreur!&C'est maintenant que marque&ta dernière heure!" ||
textStr == "Gamin, ton destin achève,&sous mon sort tu périras!&Cette partie ne fut pas brève,&et cette mort, tu subiras!" ||
textStr == "Oh! It's @.&I was expecting someone called Sheik.&Do you know what happened to them?" ||
textStr == "Ah, c'est @.&J'attendais un certain Sheik.&Tu sais ce qui lui est arrivé?" ||
textStr == "They say \"Forgive me, but-^Your script will not be used.&....After all...^The one writing the rest of the script...&will be me.\"") {
needsAutomaicNewlines = false;
if (needsAutomaicNewlines) {
//insert newlines either manually or when encountering a '&'
constexpr size_t lineLength = 34;
size_t lastNewline = 0;
while (lastNewline + lineLength < textStr.length()) {
size_t carrot = textStr.find('^', lastNewline);
size_t ampersand = textStr.find('&', lastNewline);
size_t lastSpace = textStr.rfind(' ', lastNewline + lineLength);
size_t lastPeriod = textStr.rfind('.', lastNewline + lineLength);
//replace '&' first if it's within the newline range
if (ampersand < lastNewline + lineLength) {
lastNewline = ampersand + 1;
//or move the lastNewline cursor to the next line if a '^' is encountered
} else if (carrot < lastNewline + lineLength) {
lastNewline = carrot + 1;
//some lines need to be split but don't have spaces, look for periods instead
} else if (lastSpace == std::string::npos) {
textStr.replace(lastPeriod, 1, ".&");
lastNewline = lastPeriod + 2;
} else {
textStr.replace(lastSpace, 1, "&");
lastNewline = lastSpace + 1;
// todo add colors (see `AddColorsAndFormat` in `custom_messages.cpp`)
textStr.erase(std::remove(textStr.begin(), textStr.end(), '#'), textStr.end());
return textStr;
ItemLocation* GetItemLocation(uint32_t item) {
return Location(FilterFromPool(allLocations, [item](const uint32_t loc){return Location(loc)->GetPlaceduint32_t() == item;})[0]);
// Writes the hints to the spoiler log, if they are enabled.
static void WriteHints(int language) {
std::string unformattedGanonText;
std::string unformattedGanonHintText;
std::string unformattedDampesText;
std::string unformattedGregText;
std::string unformattedSheikText;
std::string unformattedSariaText;
switch (language) {
case 0:
unformattedGanonText = GetGanonText().GetEnglish();
unformattedGanonHintText = GetGanonHintText().GetEnglish();
unformattedDampesText = GetDampeHintText().GetEnglish();
unformattedGregText = GetGregHintText().GetEnglish();
unformattedSheikText = GetSheikHintText().GetEnglish();
unformattedSariaText = GetSariaHintText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["warpMinuetText"] = GetWarpMinuetText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["warpBoleroText"] = GetWarpBoleroText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["warpSerenadeText"] = GetWarpSerenadeText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["warpRequiemText"] = GetWarpRequiemText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["warpNocturneText"] = GetWarpNocturneText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["warpPreludeText"] = GetWarpPreludeText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["childAltar"]["hintText"] = GetChildAltarText().GetEnglish();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["hintText"] = GetAdultAltarText().GetEnglish();
case 2:
unformattedGanonText = GetGanonText().GetFrench();
unformattedGanonHintText = GetGanonHintText().GetFrench();
unformattedDampesText = GetDampeHintText().GetFrench();
unformattedGregText = GetGregHintText().GetFrench();
unformattedSheikText = GetSheikHintText().GetFrench();
unformattedSariaText = GetSariaHintText().GetFrench();
jsonData["warpMinuetText"] = GetWarpMinuetText().GetFrench();
jsonData["warpBoleroText"] = GetWarpBoleroText().GetFrench();
jsonData["warpSerenadeText"] = GetWarpSerenadeText().GetFrench();
jsonData["warpRequiemText"] = GetWarpRequiemText().GetFrench();
jsonData["warpNocturneText"] = GetWarpNocturneText().GetFrench();
jsonData["warpPreludeText"] = GetWarpPreludeText().GetFrench();
jsonData["childAltar"]["hintText"] = GetChildAltarText().GetFrench();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["hintText"] = GetAdultAltarText().GetFrench();
ItemLocation* emeraldLoc = GetItemLocation(KOKIRI_EMERALD);
ItemLocation* rubyLoc = GetItemLocation(GORON_RUBY);
ItemLocation* sapphireLoc = GetItemLocation(ZORA_SAPPHIRE);
std::string emeraldArea;
std::string erubyArea;
std::string sapphireArea;
jsonData["childAltar"]["rewards"]["emeraldLoc"] = emeraldLoc->GetName();
jsonData["childAltar"]["rewards"]["rubyLoc"] = rubyLoc->GetName();
jsonData["childAltar"]["rewards"]["sapphireLoc"] = sapphireLoc->GetName();
ItemLocation* forestMedallionLoc = GetItemLocation(FOREST_MEDALLION);
ItemLocation* fireMedallionLoc = GetItemLocation(FIRE_MEDALLION);
ItemLocation* waterMedallionLoc = GetItemLocation(WATER_MEDALLION);
ItemLocation* shadowMedallionLoc = GetItemLocation(SHADOW_MEDALLION);
ItemLocation* spiritMedallionLoc = GetItemLocation(SPIRIT_MEDALLION);
ItemLocation* lightMedallionLoc = GetItemLocation(LIGHT_MEDALLION);
jsonData["adultAltar"]["rewards"]["forestMedallionLoc"] = forestMedallionLoc->GetName();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["rewards"]["fireMedallionLoc"] = fireMedallionLoc->GetName();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["rewards"]["waterMedallionLoc"] = waterMedallionLoc->GetName();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["rewards"]["shadowMedallionLoc"] = shadowMedallionLoc->GetName();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["rewards"]["spiritMedallionLoc"] = spiritMedallionLoc->GetName();
jsonData["adultAltar"]["rewards"]["lightMedallionLoc"] = lightMedallionLoc->GetName();
std::string ganonText = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedGanonText);
std::string ganonHintText = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedGanonHintText);
std::string dampesText = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedDampesText);
std::string gregText = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedGregText);
std::string sheikText = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedSheikText);
std::string sariaText = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedSariaText);
jsonData["ganonText"] = ganonText;
jsonData["ganonHintText"] = ganonHintText;
jsonData["lightArrowHintLoc"] = GetLightArrowHintLoc();
jsonData["masterSwordHintLoc"] = GetMasterSwordHintLoc();
jsonData["dampeText"] = dampesText;
jsonData["dampeHintLoc"] = GetDampeHintLoc();
jsonData["gregText"] = gregText;
jsonData["gregLoc"] = GetItemLocation(GREG_RUPEE)->GetName();
jsonData["sheikText"] = sheikText;
jsonData["sariaText"] = sariaText;
jsonData["sariaHintLoc"] = GetSariaHintLoc();
if (Settings::GossipStoneHints.Is(HINTS_NO_HINTS)) {
for (const uint32_t key : gossipStoneLocations) {
ItemLocation* location = Location(key);
ItemLocation* hintedLocation = Location(location->GetHintedLocation());
std::string unformattedHintTextString;
switch (language) {
case 0:
unformattedHintTextString = location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish();
case 2:
unformattedHintTextString = location->GetPlacedItemName().GetFrench();
HintType hintType = location->GetHintType();
std::string textStr = AutoFormatHintTextString(unformattedHintTextString);
jsonData["hints"][location->GetName()]["hint"] = textStr;
jsonData["hints"][location->GetName()]["type"] = hintTypeNames.find(hintType)->second;
if (hintType == HINT_TYPE_ITEM || hintType == HINT_TYPE_NAMED_ITEM || hintType == HINT_TYPE_WOTH) {
jsonData["hints"][location->GetName()]["item"] = hintedLocation->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish();
if (hintType != HINT_TYPE_NAMED_ITEM || hintType == HINT_TYPE_WOTH) {
jsonData["hints"][location->GetName()]["location"] = hintedLocation->GetName();
if (hintType != HINT_TYPE_TRIAL && hintType != HINT_TYPE_JUNK) {
jsonData["hints"][location->GetName()]["area"] = location->GetHintedRegion();
static void WriteAllLocations(int language) {
for (const uint32_t key : allLocations) {
ItemLocation* location = Location(key);
std::string placedItemName;
switch (language) {
case 0:
placedItemName = location->GetPlacedItemName().english;
case 2:
placedItemName = location->GetPlacedItemName().french;
// If it's a simple item (not an ice trap, doesn't have a price)
// just add the name of the item and move on
if (!location->HasScrubsanityPrice() &&
!location->HasShopsanityPrice() &&
location->GetPlacedItemKey() != ICE_TRAP) {
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()] = placedItemName;
// We're dealing with a complex item, build out the json object for it
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()]["item"] = placedItemName;
if (location->HasScrubsanityPrice() || location->HasShopsanityPrice()) {
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()]["price"] = location->GetPrice();
if (location->IsHintedAt()) {
hintedLocations.emplace(location->GetHintKey(), location);
if (location->GetPlacedItemKey() == ICE_TRAP) {
switch (language) {
case 0:
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()]["model"] =
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()]["trickName"] =
case 2:
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()]["model"] =
jsonData["locations"][location->GetName()]["trickName"] =
//static void WriteHintData(int language) {
// for (auto [hintKey, item_location] : hintedLocations) {
// ItemLocation *hint_location = Location(hintKey);
// jsonData["hints"][hint_location->GetName()] = { { "text", hint_location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish() },
// { "item", item_location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish() },
// { "itemLocation", item_location->GetName() },
// { "locationArea", item_location->GetParentRegionKey() } };
// }
const char* SpoilerLog_Write(int language) {
auto spoilerLog = tinyxml2::XMLDocument(false);
auto rootNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("spoiler-log");
jsonData["version"] = (char*) gBuildVersion;
jsonData["seed"] = Settings::seedString;
jsonData["finalSeed"] = Settings::seed;
// Write Hash
int index = 0;
for (uint8_t seed_value : Settings::hashIconIndexes) {
jsonData["file_hash"][index] = seed_value;
//if (Settings::Logic.Is(LOGIC_GLITCHED)) {
// WriteEnabledGlitches(spoilerLog);
playthroughBeatable = false;
if (!std::filesystem::exists(LUS::Context::GetPathRelativeToAppDirectory("Randomizer"))) {
std::string jsonString = jsonData.dump(4);
std::ostringstream fileNameStream;
for (int i = 0; i < Settings::hashIconIndexes.size(); i ++) {
if (i) {
fileNameStream << '-';
if (Settings::hashIconIndexes[i] < 10) {
fileNameStream << '0';
fileNameStream << std::to_string(Settings::hashIconIndexes[i]);
std::string fileName = fileNameStream.str();
std::ofstream jsonFile(LUS::Context::GetPathRelativeToAppDirectory(
(std::string("Randomizer/") + fileName + std::string(".json")).c_str()));
jsonFile << std::setw(4) << jsonString << std::endl;
return fileName.c_str();
void PlacementLog_Msg(std::string_view msg) {
placementtxt += msg;
void PlacementLog_Clear() {
placementtxt = "";
bool PlacementLog_Write() {
auto placementLog = tinyxml2::XMLDocument(false);
auto rootNode = placementLog.NewElement("placement-log");
rootNode->SetAttribute("version", Settings::version.c_str());
rootNode->SetAttribute("seed", Settings::seed);
// WriteSettings(placementLog, true); // Include hidden settings.
// WriteExcludedLocations(placementLog);
// WriteStartingInventory(placementLog);
placementtxt = "\n" + placementtxt;
auto node = rootNode->InsertNewChildElement("log");
auto contentNode = node->InsertNewText(placementtxt.c_str());
return true;