#include "OTRGlobals.h" #include #include #include #include "GlobalCtx2.h" #include "GameSettings.h" #include "ResourceMgr.h" #include "DisplayList.h" #include "PlayerAnimation.h" #include "Skeleton.h" #include "Window.h" #include "z64animation.h" #include "z64bgcheck.h" #include "Enhancements/gameconsole.h" #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "Lib/stb/stb_image.h" #include "AudioPlayer.h" #include "Enhancements/debugconsole.h" #include "Enhancements/debugger/debugger.h" #include "Utils/BitConverter.h" #include "variables.h" #include "macros.h" #include OTRGlobals* OTRGlobals::Instance; static struct { std::condition_variable cv_to_thread, cv_from_thread; std::mutex mutex; bool initialized; bool processing; } audio; OTRGlobals::OTRGlobals() { context = Ship::GlobalCtx2::CreateInstance("Ship of Harkinian"); context->GetWindow()->Init(); } OTRGlobals::~OTRGlobals() { } extern uintptr_t clearMtx; extern "C" Mtx gMtxClear; extern "C" MtxF gMtxFClear; extern "C" void OTRMessage_Init(); extern "C" void AudioMgr_CreateNextAudioBuffer(s16* samples, u32 num_samples); extern "C" void AudioPlayer_Play(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len); extern "C" int AudioPlayer_Buffered(void); extern "C" int AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered(void); // C->C++ Bridge extern "C" void InitOTR() { OTRGlobals::Instance = new OTRGlobals(); auto t = OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadFile("version"); if (!t->bHasLoadError) { //uint32_t gameVersion = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE((uint8_t*)t->buffer.get(), 0); uint32_t gameVersion = *((uint32_t*)t->buffer.get()); OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->SetGameVersion(gameVersion); } clearMtx = (uintptr_t)&gMtxClear; OTRMessage_Init(); DebugConsole_Init(); Debug_Init(); } #ifdef _WIN32 extern "C" uint64_t GetFrequency() { LARGE_INTEGER nFreq; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&nFreq); return nFreq.QuadPart; } extern "C" uint64_t GetPerfCounter() { LARGE_INTEGER ticks; QueryPerformanceCounter(&ticks); return ticks.QuadPart; } #else extern "C" uint64_t GetFrequency() { return 1000; // sec -> ms } extern "C" uint64_t GetPerfCounter() { struct timespec monotime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &monotime); uint64_t remainingMs = (monotime.tv_nsec / 1000000); // in milliseconds return monotime.tv_sec * 1000 + remainingMs; } #endif // C->C++ Bridge extern "C" void Graph_ProcessFrame(void (*run_one_game_iter)(void)) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->MainLoop(run_one_game_iter); } extern "C" void Graph_StartFrame() { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->StartFrame(); } // C->C++ Bridge extern "C" void Graph_ProcessGfxCommands(Gfx* commands) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->SetFrameDivisor(R_UPDATE_RATE); if (!audio.initialized) { audio.initialized = true; std::thread([]() { for (;;) { { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); while (!audio.processing) { audio.cv_to_thread.wait(Lock); } } //AudioMgr_ThreadEntry(&gAudioMgr); // 528 and 544 relate to 60 fps at 32 kHz 32000/60 = 533.333.. // in an ideal world, one third of the calls should use num_samples=544 and two thirds num_samples=528 #define SAMPLES_HIGH 560 #define SAMPLES_LOW 528 // PAL values //#define SAMPLES_HIGH 656 //#define SAMPLES_LOW 624 #define AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_UPDATE (R_UPDATE_RATE > 0 ? R_UPDATE_RATE : 1 ) #define NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS 2 int samples_left = AudioPlayer_Buffered(); u32 num_audio_samples = samples_left < AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered() ? SAMPLES_HIGH : SAMPLES_LOW; // printf("Audio samples: %d %u\n", samples_left, num_audio_samples); // 3 is the maximum authentic frame divisor. s16 audio_buffer[SAMPLES_HIGH * NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS * 3]; for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_UPDATE; i++) { AudioMgr_CreateNextAudioBuffer(audio_buffer + i * (num_audio_samples * NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS), num_audio_samples); } //for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2 * num_audio_samples; i++) { // audio_buffer[i] = Rand_Next() & 0xFF; //} // printf("Audio samples before submitting: %d\n", audio_api->buffered()); AudioPlayer_Play((u8*)audio_buffer, num_audio_samples * (sizeof(int16_t) * NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS * AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_UPDATE)); { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); audio.processing = false; } audio.cv_from_thread.notify_one(); } }).detach(); } { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); audio.processing = true; } audio.cv_to_thread.notify_one(); OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->RunCommands(commands); { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); while (audio.processing) { audio.cv_from_thread.wait(Lock); } } // OTRTODO: FIGURE OUT END FRAME POINT /* if (OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->lastScancode != -1) OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->lastScancode = -1;*/ } float divisor_num = 0.0f; extern "C" void OTRGetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetPixelDepthPrepare(x, y); } extern "C" uint16_t OTRGetPixelDepth(float x, float y) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetPixelDepth(x, y); } extern "C" int32_t OTRGetLastScancode() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->lastScancode; } extern "C" void OTRResetScancode() { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->lastScancode = -1; } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetGameVersion() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->GetGameVersion(); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_CacheDirectory(const char* resName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->CacheDirectory(resName); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_DirtyDirectory(const char* resName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->DirtyDirectory(resName); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_InvalidateCache() { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->InvalidateResourceCache(); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_LoadFile(const char* resName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(resName); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadFileRaw(const char* resName) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadFile(resName)->buffer.get(); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadFileFromDisk(const char* filePath) { FILE* file = fopen(filePath, "r"); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); int fSize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); char* data = (char*)malloc(fSize); fread(data, 1, fSize, file); fclose(file); return data; } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadJPEG(char* data, int dataSize) { static char* finalBuffer = 0; if (finalBuffer == 0) finalBuffer = (char*)malloc(dataSize); int w; int h; int comp; unsigned char* pixels = stbi_load_from_memory((const unsigned char*)data, 320 * 240 * 2, &w, &h, &comp, STBI_rgb_alpha); //unsigned char* pixels = stbi_load_from_memory((const unsigned char*)data, 480 * 240 * 2, &w, &h, &comp, STBI_rgb_alpha); int idx = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { uint16_t* bufferTest = (uint16_t*)finalBuffer; int pixelIdx = ((y * w) + x) * 4; uint8_t r = pixels[pixelIdx + 0] / 8; uint8_t g = pixels[pixelIdx + 1] / 8; uint8_t b = pixels[pixelIdx + 2] / 8; uint8_t alphaBit = pixels[pixelIdx + 3] != 0; uint16_t data = (r << 11) + (g << 6) + (b << 1) + alphaBit; finalBuffer[idx++] = (data & 0xFF00) >> 8; finalBuffer[idx++] = (data & 0x00FF); } } return (char*)finalBuffer; } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexByName(const char* texPath); extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexOrDListByName(const char* filePath) { auto res = OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(filePath); if (res->resType == Ship::ResourceType::DisplayList) return (char*)&((std::static_pointer_cast(res))->instructions[0]); else if (res->resType == Ship::ResourceType::Array) return (char*)(std::static_pointer_cast(res))->vertices.data(); else return ResourceMgr_LoadTexByName(filePath); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadPlayerAnimByName(const char* animPath) { auto anim = std::static_pointer_cast( OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(animPath)); return (char*)&anim->limbRotData[0]; } extern "C" Gfx* ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast( OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); return (Gfx*)&res->instructions[0]; } extern "C" Gfx* ResourceMgr_PatchGfxByName(const char* path, int size) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast( OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); res->instructions.resize(res->instructions.size() + size); return (Gfx*)&res->instructions[0]; } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadArrayByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); return (char*)res->scalars.data(); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadArrayByNameAsVec3s(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); if (res->cachedGameAsset != nullptr) return (char*)res->cachedGameAsset; else { Vec3s* data = (Vec3s*)malloc(sizeof(Vec3s) * res->scalars.size()); for (int i = 0; i < res->scalars.size(); i += 3) { data[(i / 3)].x = res->scalars[i + 0].s16; data[(i / 3)].y = res->scalars[i + 1].s16; data[(i / 3)].z = res->scalars[i + 2].s16; } res->cachedGameAsset = data; return (char*)data; } } extern "C" CollisionHeader* ResourceMgr_LoadColByName(const char* path) { auto colRes = std::static_pointer_cast(OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); if (colRes->cachedGameAsset != nullptr) return (CollisionHeader*)colRes->cachedGameAsset; CollisionHeader* colHeader = (CollisionHeader*)malloc(sizeof(CollisionHeader)); colHeader->minBounds.x = colRes->absMinX; colHeader->minBounds.y = colRes->absMinY; colHeader->minBounds.z = colRes->absMinZ; colHeader->maxBounds.x = colRes->absMaxX; colHeader->maxBounds.y = colRes->absMaxY; colHeader->maxBounds.z = colRes->absMaxZ; colHeader->vtxList = (Vec3s*)malloc(sizeof(Vec3s) * colRes->vertices.size()); colHeader->numVertices = colRes->vertices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < colRes->vertices.size(); i++) { colHeader->vtxList[i].x = colRes->vertices[i].x; colHeader->vtxList[i].y = colRes->vertices[i].y; colHeader->vtxList[i].z = colRes->vertices[i].z; } colHeader->polyList = (CollisionPoly*)malloc(sizeof(CollisionPoly) * colRes->polygons.size()); colHeader->numPolygons = colRes->polygons.size(); for (int i = 0; i < colRes->polygons.size(); i++) { colHeader->polyList[i].type = colRes->polygons[i].type; colHeader->polyList[i].flags_vIA = colRes->polygons[i].vtxA; colHeader->polyList[i].flags_vIB = colRes->polygons[i].vtxB; colHeader->polyList[i].vIC = colRes->polygons[i].vtxC; colHeader->polyList[i].normal.x = colRes->polygons[i].a; colHeader->polyList[i].normal.y = colRes->polygons[i].b; colHeader->polyList[i].normal.z = colRes->polygons[i].c; colHeader->polyList[i].dist = colRes->polygons[i].d; } colHeader->surfaceTypeList = (SurfaceType*)malloc(colRes->polygonTypes.size() * sizeof(SurfaceType)); for (int i = 0; i < colRes->polygonTypes.size(); i++) { colHeader->surfaceTypeList[i].data[0] = colRes->polygonTypes[i] >> 32; colHeader->surfaceTypeList[i].data[1] = colRes->polygonTypes[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF; } colHeader->cameraDataList = (CamData*)malloc(sizeof(CamData) * colRes->camData->entries.size()); for (int i = 0; i < colRes->camData->entries.size(); i++) { colHeader->cameraDataList[i].cameraSType = colRes->camData->entries[i]->cameraSType; colHeader->cameraDataList[i].numCameras = colRes->camData->entries[i]->numData; int idx = colRes->camData->entries[i]->cameraPosDataIdx; colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData = (Vec3s*)malloc(sizeof(Vec3s)); if (colRes->camData->cameraPositionData.size() > 0) { colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData->x = colRes->camData->cameraPositionData[idx]->x; colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData->y = colRes->camData->cameraPositionData[idx]->y; colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData->z = colRes->camData->cameraPositionData[idx]->z; } else { colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData->x = 0; colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData->y = 0; colHeader->cameraDataList[i].camPosData->z = 0; } } colHeader->numWaterBoxes = colRes->waterBoxes.size(); colHeader->waterBoxes = (WaterBox*)malloc(sizeof(WaterBox) * colHeader->numWaterBoxes); for (int i = 0; i < colHeader->numWaterBoxes; i++) { colHeader->waterBoxes[i].xLength = colRes->waterBoxes[i].xLength; colHeader->waterBoxes[i].ySurface = colRes->waterBoxes[i].ySurface; colHeader->waterBoxes[i].xMin = colRes->waterBoxes[i].xMin; colHeader->waterBoxes[i].zMin = colRes->waterBoxes[i].zMin; colHeader->waterBoxes[i].xLength = colRes->waterBoxes[i].xLength; colHeader->waterBoxes[i].zLength = colRes->waterBoxes[i].zLength; colHeader->waterBoxes[i].properties = colRes->waterBoxes[i].properties; } colRes->cachedGameAsset = colHeader; return (CollisionHeader*)colHeader; } extern "C" Vtx * ResourceMgr_LoadVtxByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); return (Vtx*)res->vertices.data(); } extern "C" int ResourceMgr_OTRSigCheck(char* imgData) { uintptr_t i = (uintptr_t)(imgData); if (i == 0xD9000000 || i == 0xE7000000 || (i & 1) == 1) return 0; if ((i & 0xFF000000) != 0xAB000000 && (i & 0xFF000000) != 0xCD000000 && i != 0) { if (imgData[0] == '_' && imgData[1] == '_' && imgData[2] == 'O' && imgData[3] == 'T' && imgData[4] == 'R' && imgData[5] == '_' && imgData[6] == '_') return 1; } return 0; } extern "C" AnimationHeaderCommon* ResourceMgr_LoadAnimByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast( OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); if (res->cachedGameAsset != nullptr) return (AnimationHeaderCommon*)res->cachedGameAsset; AnimationHeaderCommon* anim = nullptr; if (res->type == Ship::AnimationType::Normal) { AnimationHeader* animNormal = (AnimationHeader*)malloc(sizeof(AnimationHeader)); animNormal->common.frameCount = res->frameCount; animNormal->frameData = (int16_t*)malloc(res->rotationValues.size() * sizeof(int16_t)); for (int i = 0; i < res->rotationValues.size(); i++) animNormal->frameData[i] = res->rotationValues[i]; animNormal->jointIndices = (JointIndex*)malloc(res->rotationIndices.size() * sizeof(Vec3s)); for (int i = 0; i < res->rotationIndices.size(); i++) { animNormal->jointIndices[i].x = res->rotationIndices[i].x; animNormal->jointIndices[i].y = res->rotationIndices[i].y; animNormal->jointIndices[i].z = res->rotationIndices[i].z; } animNormal->staticIndexMax = res->limit; anim = (AnimationHeaderCommon*)animNormal; } else if (res->type == Ship::AnimationType::Curve) { TransformUpdateIndex* animCurve = (TransformUpdateIndex*)malloc(sizeof(TransformUpdateIndex)); animCurve->copyValues = (s16*)malloc(res->copyValuesArr.size() * sizeof(s16)); for (int i = 0; i < res->copyValuesArr.size(); i++) animCurve->copyValues[i] = res->copyValuesArr[i]; animCurve->transformData = (TransformData*)malloc(res->transformDataArr.size() * sizeof(TransformData)); for (int i = 0; i < res->transformDataArr.size(); i++) { animCurve->transformData[i].unk_00 = res->transformDataArr[i].unk_00; animCurve->transformData[i].unk_02 = res->transformDataArr[i].unk_02; animCurve->transformData[i].unk_04 = res->transformDataArr[i].unk_04; animCurve->transformData[i].unk_06 = res->transformDataArr[i].unk_06; animCurve->transformData[i].unk_08 = res->transformDataArr[i].unk_08; } animCurve->refIndex = (u8*)malloc(res->refIndexArr.size()); for (int i = 0; i < res->refIndexArr.size(); i++) animCurve->refIndex[i] = res->refIndexArr[i]; anim = (AnimationHeaderCommon*)animCurve; } else { LinkAnimationHeader* animLink = (LinkAnimationHeader*)malloc(sizeof(LinkAnimationHeader)); animLink->common.frameCount = res->frameCount; animLink->segment = (void*)res->segPtr; anim = (AnimationHeaderCommon*)animLink; } res->cachedGameAsset = anim; return anim; } extern "C" SkeletonHeader* ResourceMgr_LoadSkeletonByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); if (res->cachedGameAsset != nullptr) return (SkeletonHeader*)res->cachedGameAsset; SkeletonHeader* baseHeader = nullptr; if (res->type == Ship::SkeletonType::Normal) { baseHeader = (SkeletonHeader*)malloc(sizeof(SkeletonHeader)); } else if (res->type == Ship::SkeletonType::Curve) { SkelCurveLimbList* curve = (SkelCurveLimbList*)malloc(sizeof(SkelCurveLimbList)); curve->limbCount = res->limbCount; curve->limbs = (SkelCurveLimb**)malloc(res->limbCount * sizeof(SkelCurveLimb*)); baseHeader = (SkeletonHeader*)curve; } else { FlexSkeletonHeader* flex = (FlexSkeletonHeader*)malloc(sizeof(FlexSkeletonHeader)); flex->dListCount = res->dListCount; baseHeader = (SkeletonHeader*)flex; } if (res->type != Ship::SkeletonType::Curve) { baseHeader->limbCount = res->limbCount; baseHeader->segment = (void**)malloc(sizeof(StandardLimb*) * res->limbTable.size()); } for (int i = 0; i < res->limbTable.size(); i++) { std::string limbStr = res->limbTable[i]; auto limb = std::static_pointer_cast( OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(limbStr.c_str())); if (limb->limbType == Ship::LimbType::LOD) { LodLimb* limbC = (LodLimb*)malloc(sizeof(LodLimb)); limbC->jointPos.x = limb->transX; limbC->jointPos.y = limb->transY; limbC->jointPos.z = limb->transZ; limbC->child = limb->childIndex; limbC->sibling = limb->siblingIndex; if (limb->dListPtr != "") { auto dList = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->dListPtr.c_str()); limbC->dLists[0] = dList; } else { limbC->dLists[0] = nullptr; } if (limb->dList2Ptr != "") { auto dList = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->dList2Ptr.c_str()); limbC->dLists[1] = dList; } else { limbC->dLists[1] = nullptr; } baseHeader->segment[i] = limbC; } else if (limb->limbType == Ship::LimbType::Standard) { const auto limbC = new StandardLimb; limbC->jointPos.x = limb->transX; limbC->jointPos.y = limb->transY; limbC->jointPos.z = limb->transZ; limbC->child = limb->childIndex; limbC->sibling = limb->siblingIndex; limbC->dList = nullptr; if (!limb->dListPtr.empty()) { const auto dList = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->dListPtr.c_str()); limbC->dList = dList; } baseHeader->segment[i] = limbC; } else if (limb->limbType == Ship::LimbType::Curve) { const auto limbC = new SkelCurveLimb; limbC->firstChildIdx = limb->childIndex; limbC->nextLimbIdx = limb->siblingIndex; limbC->dList[0] = nullptr; limbC->dList[1] = nullptr; if (!limb->dListPtr.empty()) { const auto dList = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->dListPtr.c_str()); limbC->dList[0] = dList; } if (!limb->dList2Ptr.empty()) { const auto dList = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->dList2Ptr.c_str()); limbC->dList[1] = dList; } const auto curve = reinterpret_cast(baseHeader); curve->limbs[i] = limbC; } else if (limb->limbType == Ship::LimbType::Skin) { const auto limbC = new SkinLimb; limbC->jointPos.x = limb->transX; limbC->jointPos.y = limb->transY; limbC->jointPos.z = limb->transZ; limbC->child = limb->childIndex; limbC->sibling = limb->siblingIndex; if (limb->skinSegmentType == Ship::ZLimbSkinType::SkinType_DList) limbC->segmentType = static_cast(limb->skinSegmentType); else if (limb->skinSegmentType == Ship::ZLimbSkinType::SkinType_4) limbC->segmentType = 4; else if (limb->skinSegmentType == Ship::ZLimbSkinType::SkinType_5) limbC->segmentType = 5; else limbC->segmentType = 0; if (limb->skinSegmentType == Ship::ZLimbSkinType::SkinType_DList) limbC->segment = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->skinDList.c_str()); else if (limb->skinSegmentType == Ship::ZLimbSkinType::SkinType_4) { const auto animData = new SkinAnimatedLimbData; const int skinDataSize = limb->skinData.size(); animData->totalVtxCount = limb->skinVtxCnt; animData->limbModifCount = skinDataSize; animData->limbModifications = new SkinLimbModif[animData->limbModifCount]; animData->dlist = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(limb->skinDList2.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < skinDataSize; i++) { animData->limbModifications[i].vtxCount = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr.size(); animData->limbModifications[i].transformCount = limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr.size(); animData->limbModifications[i].unk_4 = limb->skinData[i].unk_4; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices = new SkinVertex[limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr.size(); k++) { animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].index = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_0; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].s = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_2; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].t = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_4; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].normX = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_6; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].normY = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_7; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].normZ = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_8; animData->limbModifications[i].skinVertices[k].alpha = limb->skinData[i].unk_8_arr[k].unk_9; } animData->limbModifications[i].limbTransformations = new SkinTransformation[limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr.size(); k++) { animData->limbModifications[i].limbTransformations[k].limbIndex = limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr[k].unk_0; animData->limbModifications[i].limbTransformations[k].x = limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr[k].x; animData->limbModifications[i].limbTransformations[k].y = limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr[k].y; animData->limbModifications[i].limbTransformations[k].z = limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr[k].z; animData->limbModifications[i].limbTransformations[k].scale = limb->skinData[i].unk_C_arr[k].unk_8; } } limbC->segment = animData; //limbC->segment = nullptr; } /*if (limb->dListPtr != "") { auto dList = ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName((char*)limb->dListPtr.c_str()); limbC->unk_8 = dList; } else { limbC->unk_8 = nullptr; }*/ baseHeader->segment[i] = limbC; } else { // OTRTODO: Print error here... } } res->cachedGameAsset = baseHeader; return baseHeader; } extern "C" s32* ResourceMgr_LoadCSByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); return (s32*)res->commands.data(); } std::wstring StringToU16(const std::string& s) { std::vector result; size_t i = 0; while (i < s.size()) { unsigned long uni; size_t nbytes; bool error = false; unsigned char c = s[i++]; if (c < 0x80) { // ascii uni = c; nbytes = 0; } else if (c <= 0xBF) { // assuming kata/hiragana delimiter nbytes = 0; uni = '\1'; } else if (c <= 0xDF) { uni = c & 0x1F; nbytes = 1; } else if (c <= 0xEF) { uni = c & 0x0F; nbytes = 2; } else if (c <= 0xF7) { uni = c & 0x07; nbytes = 3; } for (size_t j = 0; j < nbytes; ++j) { unsigned char c = s[i++]; uni <<= 6; uni += c & 0x3F; } if (uni != '\1') result.push_back(uni); } std::wstring utf16; for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { unsigned long uni = result[i]; if (uni <= 0xFFFF) { utf16 += (wchar_t)uni; } else { uni -= 0x10000; utf16 += (wchar_t)((uni >> 10) + 0xD800); utf16 += (wchar_t)((uni & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); } } return utf16; } extern "C" void OTRGfxPrint(const char* str, void* printer, void (*printImpl)(void*, char)) { const std::vector hira1 = { u'を', u'ぁ', u'ぃ', u'ぅ', u'ぇ', u'ぉ', u'ゃ', u'ゅ', u'ょ', u'っ', u'-', u'あ', u'い', u'う', u'え', u'お', u'か', u'き', u'く', u'け', u'こ', u'さ', u'し', u'す', u'せ', u'そ', }; const std::vector hira2 = { u'た', u'ち', u'つ', u'て', u'と', u'な', u'に', u'ぬ', u'ね', u'の', u'は', u'ひ', u'ふ', u'へ', u'ほ', u'ま', u'み', u'む', u'め', u'も', u'や', u'ゆ', u'よ', u'ら', u'り', u'る', u'れ', u'ろ', u'わ', u'ん', u'゛', u'゜', }; std::wstring wstr = StringToU16(str); for (const auto& c : wstr) { unsigned char convt = ' '; if (c < 0x80) { printImpl(printer, c); } else if (c >= u'。' && c <= u'゚') { // katakana printImpl(printer, c - 0xFEC0); } else { auto it = std::find(hira1.begin(), hira1.end(), c); if (it != hira1.end()) { // hiragana block 1 printImpl(printer, 0x88 + std::distance(hira1.begin(), it)); } auto it2 = std::find(hira2.begin(), hira2.end(), c); if (it2 != hira2.end()) { // hiragana block 2 printImpl(printer, 0xe0 + std::distance(hira2.begin(), it2)); } } } } extern "C" uint32_t OTRGetCurrentWidth() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetCurrentWidth(); } extern "C" uint32_t OTRGetCurrentHeight() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetCurrentHeight(); } extern "C" void OTRControllerCallback(ControllerCallback* controller) { auto controllers = OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->Controllers; for (int i = 0; i < controllers.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < controllers[i].size(); j++) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->Controllers[i][j]->WriteToSource(controller); } } } extern "C" float OTRGetAspectRatio() { return gfx_current_dimensions.aspect_ratio; } extern "C" float OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(float v) { return (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 * OTRGetAspectRatio() + (v)); } extern "C" float OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(float v) { return (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 * OTRGetAspectRatio() - (SCREEN_WIDTH - v)); } f32 floorf(f32 x); f32 ceilf(f32 x); extern "C" int16_t OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(float v) { return ((int)floorf(OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(v))); } extern "C" int16_t OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(float v) { return ((int)ceilf(OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(v))); } extern "C" void bswapSoundFontSound(SoundFontSound* swappable) { swappable->sample = (SoundFontSample*)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->sample); swappable->tuningAsU32 = BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->tuningAsU32); } extern "C" void bswapDrum(Drum* swappable) { bswapSoundFontSound(&swappable->sound); swappable->envelope = (AdsrEnvelope*)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->envelope); } extern "C" void bswapInstrument(Instrument* swappable) { swappable->envelope = (AdsrEnvelope*)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->envelope); bswapSoundFontSound(&swappable->lowNotesSound); bswapSoundFontSound(&swappable->normalNotesSound); bswapSoundFontSound(&swappable->highNotesSound); } extern "C" void bswapSoundFontSample(SoundFontSample* swappable) { u32 origBitfield = BOMSWAP32(swappable->asU32); swappable->codec = (origBitfield >> 28) & 0x0F; swappable->medium = (origBitfield >> 24) & 0x03; swappable->unk_bit26 = (origBitfield >> 22) & 0x01; swappable->unk_bit25 = (origBitfield >> 21) & 0x01; swappable->size = (origBitfield) & 0x00FFFFFF; swappable->sampleAddr = (u8*)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->sampleAddr); swappable->loop = (AdpcmLoop*)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->loop); swappable->book = (AdpcmBook*)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->book); } extern "C" void bswapAdpcmLoop(AdpcmLoop* swappable) { swappable->start = (u32)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->start); swappable->end = (u32)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->end); swappable->count = (u32)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->count); if (swappable->count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { swappable->state[i] = (s16)BOMSWAP16(swappable->state[i]); } } } extern "C" void bswapAdpcmBook(AdpcmBook* swappable) { swappable->order = (u32)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->order); swappable->npredictors = (u32)BOMSWAP32((u32)swappable->npredictors); for (int i = 0; i < swappable->npredictors * swappable->order * sizeof(s16) * 4; i++) swappable->book[i] = (s16)BOMSWAP16(swappable->book[i]); } extern "C" bool AudioPlayer_Init(void) { if (OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer() != nullptr) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer()->Init(); } return false; } extern "C" int AudioPlayer_Buffered(void) { if (OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer() != nullptr) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer()->Buffered(); } } extern "C" int AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered(void) { if (OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer() != nullptr) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer()->GetDesiredBuffered(); } } extern "C" void AudioPlayer_Play(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) { if (OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer() != nullptr) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetAudioPlayer()->Play(buf, len); } } extern "C" int Controller_ShouldRumble(size_t i) { for (const auto& controller : Ship::Window::Controllers.at(i)) { float rumble_strength = CVar_GetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_RumbleStrength", i).c_str(), 1.0f); if (controller->CanRumble() && rumble_strength > 0.001f) { return 1; } } return 0; }