/* * File: z_en_md.c * Overlay: ovl_En_Md * Description: Mido */ #include "z_en_md.h" #include "objects/object_md/object_md.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Elf/z_en_elf.h" #define FLAGS (ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_3 | ACTOR_FLAG_4 | ACTOR_FLAG_25) void EnMd_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnMd_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnMd_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnMd_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void func_80AAB874(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void func_80AAB8F8(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void func_80AAB948(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void func_80AABC10(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void func_80AABD0C(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); const ActorInit En_Md_InitVars = { ACTOR_EN_MD, ACTORCAT_NPC, FLAGS, OBJECT_MD, sizeof(EnMd), (ActorFunc)EnMd_Init, (ActorFunc)EnMd_Destroy, (ActorFunc)EnMd_Update, (ActorFunc)EnMd_Draw, NULL, }; static ColliderCylinderInit sCylinderInit = { { COLTYPE_NONE, AT_NONE, AC_NONE, OC1_ON | OC1_TYPE_ALL, OC2_TYPE_2, COLSHAPE_CYLINDER, }, { ELEMTYPE_UNK0, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, TOUCH_NONE, BUMP_NONE, OCELEM_ON, }, { 36, 46, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }, }; static CollisionCheckInfoInit2 sColChkInfoInit = { 0, 0, 0, 0, MASS_IMMOVABLE }; typedef enum { /* 0 */ ENMD_ANIM_0, /* 1 */ ENMD_ANIM_1, /* 2 */ ENMD_ANIM_2, /* 3 */ ENMD_ANIM_3, /* 4 */ ENMD_ANIM_4, /* 5 */ ENMD_ANIM_5, /* 6 */ ENMD_ANIM_6, /* 7 */ ENMD_ANIM_7, /* 8 */ ENMD_ANIM_8, /* 9 */ ENMD_ANIM_9, /* 10 */ ENMD_ANIM_10, /* 11 */ ENMD_ANIM_11, /* 12 */ ENMD_ANIM_12, /* 13 */ ENMD_ANIM_13, } EnMdAnimation; static AnimationInfo sAnimationInfo[] = { { &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f }, { &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -10.0f }, { &gMidoRaiseHand1Anim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -1.0f }, { &gMidoHaltAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -1.0f }, { &gMidoPutHandDownAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -1.0f }, { &gMidoAnnoyedPointedHeadIdle1Anim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -1.0f }, { &gMidoAnnoyedPointedHeadIdle2Anim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -1.0f }, { &gMidoAnim_92B0, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -1.0f }, { &gMidoWalkingAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -1.0f }, { &gMidoHandsOnHipsTransitionAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -1.0f }, { &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -8.0f }, { &gMidoSlamAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -1.0f }, { &gMidoRaiseHand2Anim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -1.0f }, { &gMidoAngryHeadTurnAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, ANIMMODE_LOOP, -1.0f }, }; void func_80AAA250(EnMd* this) { f32 startFrame; startFrame = this->skelAnime.startFrame; this->skelAnime.startFrame = this->skelAnime.endFrame; this->skelAnime.curFrame = this->skelAnime.endFrame; this->skelAnime.endFrame = startFrame; this->skelAnime.playSpeed = -1.0f; } void func_80AAA274(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_2); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_3); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA308(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_4); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_5); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA39C(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_2); func_80AAA250(this); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_7); this->unk_20A++; } else { break; } case 2: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_8); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA474(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_7); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_10); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA508(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_2); func_80AAA250(this); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_10); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA5A4(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_9); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_6); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA638(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_9); func_80AAA250(this); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_10); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA6D4(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_11); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_6); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA768(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_12); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_3); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA7FC(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_13); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_6); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA890(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20A) { case 0: Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_7); func_80AAA250(this); this->unk_20A++; case 1: if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, this->skelAnime.endFrame)) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_10); this->unk_20A++; } } } void func_80AAA92C(EnMd* this, u8 arg1) { this->unk_20B = arg1; this->unk_20A = 0; } void func_80AAA93C(EnMd* this) { switch (this->unk_20B) { case 1: func_80AAA274(this); break; case 2: func_80AAA308(this); break; case 3: func_80AAA39C(this); break; case 4: func_80AAA474(this); break; case 5: func_80AAA508(this); break; case 6: func_80AAA5A4(this); break; case 7: func_80AAA638(this); break; case 8: func_80AAA6D4(this); break; case 9: func_80AAA768(this); break; case 10: func_80AAA7FC(this); break; case 11: func_80AAA890(this); } } void func_80AAAA24(EnMd* this) { if (this->unk_1E0.unk_00 != 0) { switch (this->actor.textId) { case 0x102F: if ((this->unk_208 == 0) && (this->unk_20B != 1)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 1); } if ((this->unk_208 == 2) && (this->unk_20B != 2)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 2); } if ((this->unk_208 == 5) && (this->unk_20B != 8)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 8); } if ((this->unk_208 == 11) && (this->unk_20B != 9)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 9); } break; case 0x1033: if ((this->unk_208 == 0) && (this->unk_20B != 1)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 1); } if ((this->unk_208 == 1) && (this->unk_20B != 2)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 2); } if ((this->unk_208 == 5) && (this->unk_20B != 10)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 10); } if ((this->unk_208 == 7) && (this->unk_20B != 9)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 9); } break; case 0x1030: case 0x1034: case 0x1045: if ((this->unk_208 == 0) && (this->unk_20B != 1)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 1); } break; case 0x1046: if ((this->unk_208 == 0) && (this->unk_20B != 6)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 6); } break; } } else if (this->skelAnime.animation != &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim) { Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_10); func_80AAA92C(this, 0); } func_80AAA93C(this); } s16 func_80AAAC78(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 dialogState = Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx); if ((this->unk_209 == TEXT_STATE_AWAITING_NEXT) || (this->unk_209 == TEXT_STATE_EVENT) || (this->unk_209 == TEXT_STATE_CLOSING) || (this->unk_209 == TEXT_STATE_DONE_HAS_NEXT)) { if (this->unk_209 != dialogState) { this->unk_208++; } } this->unk_209 = dialogState; return dialogState; } u16 EnMd_GetTextKokiriForest(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnMd* this) { u16 reactionText = Text_GetFaceReaction(globalCtx, 0x11); if (reactionText != 0) { return reactionText; } this->unk_208 = 0; this->unk_209 = TEXT_STATE_NONE; if ((!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_KOKIRI_EMERALD)) || (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && gSaveContext.dungeonsDone[1])) { return 0x1045; } if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] & 0x10) { return 0x1034; } if ((CUR_EQUIP_VALUE(EQUIP_SHIELD) == 1) && (CUR_EQUIP_VALUE(EQUIP_SWORD) == 1)) { return 0x1033; } if (gSaveContext.infTable[0] & 0x1000) { return 0x1030; } return 0x102F; } u16 EnMd_GetTextKokiriHome(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnMd* this) { this->unk_208 = 0; this->unk_209 = TEXT_STATE_NONE; if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1) { return 0x1028; } return 0x1046; } u16 EnMd_GetTextLostWoods(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnMd* this) { this->unk_208 = 0; this->unk_209 = TEXT_STATE_NONE; if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 0x100) { if (gSaveContext.infTable[1] & 0x200) { return 0x1071; } return 0x1070; } if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] & 0x400) { return 0x1068; } if (gSaveContext.infTable[1] & 0x20) { return 0x1061; } return 0x1060; } u16 EnMd_GetText(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* thisx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; switch (globalCtx->sceneNum) { case SCENE_SPOT04: return EnMd_GetTextKokiriForest(globalCtx, this); case SCENE_KOKIRI_HOME4: return EnMd_GetTextKokiriHome(globalCtx, this); case SCENE_SPOT10: return EnMd_GetTextLostWoods(globalCtx, this); default: return 0; } } s16 func_80AAAF04(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* thisx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; switch (func_80AAAC78(this, globalCtx)) { case TEXT_STATE_NONE: case TEXT_STATE_DONE_HAS_NEXT: case TEXT_STATE_DONE_FADING: case TEXT_STATE_CHOICE: case TEXT_STATE_DONE: case TEXT_STATE_SONG_DEMO_DONE: case TEXT_STATE_8: case TEXT_STATE_9: return 1; case TEXT_STATE_CLOSING: switch (this->actor.textId) { case 0x1028: gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] |= 0x8000; break; case 0x102F: gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] |= 4; gSaveContext.infTable[0] |= 0x1000; break; case 0x1060: gSaveContext.infTable[1] |= 0x20; break; case 0x1070: gSaveContext.infTable[1] |= 0x200; break; case 0x1033: case 0x1067: return 2; } return 0; case TEXT_STATE_EVENT: if (Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { return 2; } default: return 1; } } u8 EnMd_ShouldSpawn(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04) { if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { // if we have beaten deku tree or have open forest turned on if (gSaveContext.dungeonsDone[1] || GetRandoSettingValue(RSK_FOREST) == 1) { return 0; } return 1; } if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x1000) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1)) { return 1; } } if (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_KOKIRI_HOME4) { if (((gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x1000) != 0) || ((gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1) != 0)) { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { return 1; } } } if (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT10) { return 1; } return 0; } void EnMd_UpdateEyes(EnMd* this) { if (DECR(this->blinkTimer) == 0) { this->eyeIdx++; if (this->eyeIdx > 2) { this->blinkTimer = Rand_S16Offset(30, 30); this->eyeIdx = 0; } } } void func_80AAB158(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); s16 absYawDiff; s16 temp; s16 temp2; s16 yawDiff; if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer < 170.0f) { yawDiff = (f32)this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.shape.rot.y; absYawDiff = ABS(yawDiff); temp = (absYawDiff <= func_800347E8(2)) ? 2 : 1; temp2 = 1; } else { temp = 1; temp2 = 0; } if (this->unk_1E0.unk_00 != 0) { temp = 4; } if (this->actionFunc == func_80AABD0C) { temp = 1; temp2 = 0; } if (this->actionFunc == func_80AAB8F8) { temp = 4; temp2 = 1; } if ((globalCtx->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || gDbgCamEnabled) { this->unk_1E0.unk_18 = globalCtx->view.eye; this->unk_1E0.unk_14 = 40.0f; temp = 2; } else { this->unk_1E0.unk_18 = player->actor.world.pos; this->unk_1E0.unk_14 = (gSaveContext.linkAge > 0) ? 0.0f : -18.0f; } func_80034A14(&this->actor, &this->unk_1E0, 2, temp); if (this->actionFunc != func_80AABC10) { if (temp2) { func_800343CC(globalCtx, &this->actor, &this->unk_1E0.unk_00, this->collider.dim.radius + 30.0f, EnMd_GetText, func_80AAAF04); } } } u8 EnMd_FollowPath(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Path* path; Vec3s* pointPos; f32 pathDiffX; f32 pathDiffZ; if ((this->actor.params & 0xFF00) == 0xFF00) { return 0; } path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[(this->actor.params & 0xFF00) >> 8]; pointPos = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points); pointPos += this->waypoint; pathDiffX = pointPos->x - this->actor.world.pos.x; pathDiffZ = pointPos->z - this->actor.world.pos.z; Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.world.rot.y, Math_FAtan2F(pathDiffX, pathDiffZ) * (65536.0f / (2 * M_PI)), 4, 4000, 1); if ((SQ(pathDiffX) + SQ(pathDiffZ)) < 100.0f) { this->waypoint++; if (this->waypoint >= path->count) { this->waypoint = 0; } return 1; } return 0; } u8 EnMd_SetMovedPos(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Path* path; Vec3s* lastPointPos; if ((this->actor.params & 0xFF00) == 0xFF00) { return 0; } path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[(this->actor.params & 0xFF00) >> 8]; lastPointPos = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points); lastPointPos += path->count - 1; this->actor.world.pos.x = lastPointPos->x; this->actor.world.pos.y = lastPointPos->y; this->actor.world.pos.z = lastPointPos->z; return 1; } void func_80AAB5A4(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { f32 temp; if (globalCtx->sceneNum != SCENE_KOKIRI_HOME4) { if (CVar_GetS32("gDisableKokiriDrawDistance", 0) != 0) { temp = (CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_KOKIRI_EMERALD) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x1000) && (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04)) ? 100.0f : 32767.0f; } else { temp = (CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_KOKIRI_EMERALD) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x1000) && (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04)) ? 100.0f : 400.0f; } this->alpha = func_80034DD4(&this->actor, globalCtx, this->alpha, temp); this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = this->alpha; } else { this->alpha = 255; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = this->alpha; } } void EnMd_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; s32 pad; ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, ActorShadow_DrawCircle, 24.0f); SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &gMidoSkel, NULL, this->jointTable, this->morphTable, 17); Collider_InitCylinder(globalCtx, &this->collider); Collider_SetCylinder(globalCtx, &this->collider, &this->actor, &sCylinderInit); CollisionCheck_SetInfo2(&this->actor.colChkInfo, NULL, &sColChkInfoInit); if (!EnMd_ShouldSpawn(this, globalCtx)) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } Animation_ChangeByInfo(&this->skelAnime, sAnimationInfo, ENMD_ANIM_0); Actor_SetScale(&this->actor, 0.01f); this->actor.targetMode = 6; this->alpha = 255; Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_EN_ELF, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, FAIRY_KOKIRI); if (((globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] & 0x10)) || ((globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04) && (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] & 0x10) && CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_KOKIRI_EMERALD)) || ((globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT10) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] & 0x400))) { this->actor.home.pos = this->actor.world.pos; this->actionFunc = func_80AAB948; return; } if (globalCtx->sceneNum != SCENE_KOKIRI_HOME4) { EnMd_SetMovedPos(this, globalCtx); } this->actionFunc = func_80AAB874; } void EnMd_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; Collider_DestroyCylinder(globalCtx, &this->collider); } void func_80AAB874(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (this->skelAnime.animation == &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim) { func_80034F54(globalCtx, this->unk_214, this->unk_236, 17); } else if ((this->unk_1E0.unk_00 == 0) && (this->unk_20B != 7)) { func_80AAA92C(this, 7); } func_80AAAA24(this); } void func_80AAB8F8(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (this->skelAnime.animation == &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim) { func_80034F54(globalCtx, this->unk_214, this->unk_236, 17); } func_80AAA93C(this); } void func_80AAB948(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); f32 temp; Actor* actorToBlock = &GET_PLAYER(globalCtx)->actor; s16 yaw; func_80AAAA24(this); if (this->unk_1E0.unk_00 == 0) { this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer; this->actor.shape.rot.y = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer; yaw = Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&this->actor.home.pos, &actorToBlock->world.pos); this->actor.world.pos.x = this->actor.home.pos.x; this->actor.world.pos.x += 60.0f * Math_SinS(yaw); this->actor.world.pos.z = this->actor.home.pos.z; this->actor.world.pos.z += 60.0f * Math_CosS(yaw); temp = fabsf((f32)this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - yaw) * 0.001f * 3.0f; this->skelAnime.playSpeed = CLAMP(temp, 1.0f, 3.0f); } if (this->unk_1E0.unk_00 == 2) { if (CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_KOKIRI_EMERALD) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x1000) && (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04)) { globalCtx->msgCtx.msgMode = MSGMODE_PAUSED; } if (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] |= 0x10; } if (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT10) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[0] |= 0x400; } func_80AAA92C(this, 3); func_80AAA93C(this); this->waypoint = 1; this->unk_1E0.unk_00 = 0; this->actionFunc = func_80AABD0C; this->actor.speedXZ = 1.5f; return; } if (this->skelAnime.animation == &gMidoHandsOnHipsIdleAnim) { func_80034F54(globalCtx, this->unk_214, this->unk_236, 17); } if ((this->unk_1E0.unk_00 == 0) && (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT10)) { if (player->stateFlags2 & 0x1000000) { player->stateFlags2 |= 0x2000000; player->unk_6A8 = &this->actor; func_8010BD58(globalCtx, OCARINA_ACTION_CHECK_SARIA); this->actionFunc = func_80AABC10; return; } if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer < (30.0f + this->collider.dim.radius)) { player->stateFlags2 |= 0x800000; } } } void func_80AABC10(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); if (globalCtx->msgCtx.ocarinaMode >= OCARINA_MODE_04) { this->actionFunc = func_80AAB948; globalCtx->msgCtx.ocarinaMode = OCARINA_MODE_04; } else if (globalCtx->msgCtx.ocarinaMode == OCARINA_MODE_03) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CORRECT_CHIME, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); this->actor.textId = 0x1067; func_8002F2CC(&this->actor, globalCtx, this->collider.dim.radius + 30.0f); this->actionFunc = func_80AAB948; globalCtx->msgCtx.ocarinaMode = OCARINA_MODE_04; } else { player->stateFlags2 |= 0x800000; } } void func_80AABD0C(EnMd* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { func_80034F54(globalCtx, this->unk_214, this->unk_236, 17); func_80AAA93C(this); if (!(EnMd_FollowPath(this, globalCtx)) || (this->waypoint != 0)) { this->actor.shape.rot = this->actor.world.rot; return; } if (CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_KOKIRI_EMERALD) && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x1000) && (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04)) { Message_CloseTextbox(globalCtx); gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] |= 0x1000; Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } func_80AAA92C(this, 11); this->skelAnime.playSpeed = 0.0f; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->actor.home.pos = this->actor.world.pos; this->actionFunc = func_80AAB8F8; } void EnMd_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; s32 pad; Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->collider); CollisionCheck_SetOC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base); SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); EnMd_UpdateEyes(this); func_80AAB5A4(this, globalCtx); Actor_MoveForward(&this->actor); func_80AAB158(this, globalCtx); Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(globalCtx, &this->actor, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 4); this->actionFunc(this, globalCtx); } s32 EnMd_OverrideLimbDraw(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx, Gfx** gfx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; Vec3s vec; if (limbIndex == 16) { Matrix_Translate(1200.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); vec = this->unk_1E0.unk_08; Matrix_RotateX((vec.y / 32768.0f) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ((vec.x / 32768.0f) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Translate(-1200.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); } if (limbIndex == 9) { vec = this->unk_1E0.unk_0E; Matrix_RotateX((vec.x / 32768.0f) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY((vec.y / 32768.0f) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); } if (((limbIndex == 9) || (limbIndex == 10)) || (limbIndex == 13)) { rot->y += Math_SinS(this->unk_214[limbIndex]) * 200.0f; rot->z += Math_CosS(this->unk_236[limbIndex]) * 200.0f; } return false; } void EnMd_PostLimbDraw(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx, Gfx** gfx) { EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; Vec3f vec = { 400.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; if (limbIndex == 16) { Matrix_MultVec3f(&vec, &this->actor.focus.pos); } } void EnMd_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sEyeTextures[] = { gMidoEyeOpenTex, gMidoEyeHalfTex, gMidoEyeClosedTex, }; EnMd* this = (EnMd*)thisx; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); if (this->alpha == 255) { gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sEyeTextures[this->eyeIdx])); func_80034BA0(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, EnMd_OverrideLimbDraw, EnMd_PostLimbDraw, &this->actor, this->alpha); } else if (this->alpha != 0) { gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sEyeTextures[this->eyeIdx])); func_80034CC4(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, EnMd_OverrideLimbDraw, EnMd_PostLimbDraw, &this->actor, this->alpha); } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); }