#include "global.h" #include #include "soh/OTRGlobals.h" #include "soh/ResourceManagerHelpers.h" // unused Gfx sCircleNullDList[] = { gsSPEndDisplayList(), }; //#include "code/fbdemo_circle/z_fbdemo_circle.c" #include "code/fbdemo_circle/z_fbdemo_circle.h" Gfx __sCircleDList[] = { gsDPPipeSync(), // 0 gsSPClearGeometryMode(G_ZBUFFER | G_SHADE | G_CULL_BOTH | G_FOG | G_LIGHTING | G_TEXTURE_GEN | // 1 G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR | G_LOD | G_SHADING_SMOOTH), gsSPSetGeometryMode(G_SHADE | G_SHADING_SMOOTH), // 2 gsDPSetOtherMode(G_AD_DISABLE | G_CD_MAGICSQ | G_CK_NONE | G_TC_FILT | G_TF_BILERP | G_TT_NONE | G_TL_TILE | // 3 G_TD_CLAMP | G_TP_PERSP | G_CYC_1CYCLE | G_PM_NPRIMITIVE, G_AC_NONE | G_ZS_PIXEL | G_RM_XLU_SURF | G_RM_XLU_SURF2), // 4 gsDPSetCombineMode(G_CC_BLENDPEDECALA, G_CC_BLENDPEDECALA), // 5 gsSPTexture(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, G_TX_RENDERTILE, G_ON), // 6 gsDPLoadTextureBlock(SEG_ADDR(8, 0), G_IM_FMT_I, G_IM_SIZ_8b, 16, 64, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, // 7 G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_CLAMP, 4, 6, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD), gsSPDisplayList(SEG_ADDR(9, 0)), // 8 gsSPVertex(sTransCircleVtx, 32, 0), // 9 gsSP2Triangles(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0), // 10 gsSP2Triangles(3, 5, 6, 0, 5, 7, 8, 0), // 11 gsSP2Triangles(7, 9, 10, 0, 9, 11, 12, 0), // 12 gsSP2Triangles(11, 13, 14, 0, 13, 15, 16, 0), // 13 gsSP2Triangles(15, 17, 18, 0, 17, 19, 20, 0), // 14 gsSP2Triangles(19, 21, 22, 0, 21, 23, 24, 0), // 15 gsSP2Triangles(23, 25, 26, 0, 25, 27, 28, 0), // 16 gsSP1Triangle(27, 29, 30, 0), // 17 gsSPVertex(&sTransCircleVtx[31], 3, 0), // 18 gsSP1Triangle(0, 1, 2, 0), // 19 gsSPEndDisplayList(), // 20 }; void TransitionCircle_Start(void* thisx) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; this->isDone = false; switch (this->appearanceType) { case TCA_WAVE: this->texture = sTransCircleWaveTex; break; case TCA_RIPPLE: this->texture = sTransCircleRippleTex; break; case TCA_STARBURST: this->texture = sTransCircleStarburstTex; break; default: this->texture = sTransCircleNormalTex; break; } if (this->speedType == TCS_FAST) { this->speed = 20; } else { this->speed = 10; } if (this->colorType == TCC_BLACK) { this->color.rgba = RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255); } else if (this->colorType == TCC_WHITE) { this->color.rgba = RGBA8(160, 160, 160, 255); } else if (this->colorType == TCC_GRAY) { // yes, really. this->color.r = 100; this->color.g = 100; this->color.b = 100; this->color.a = 255; } else { this->speed = 40; this->color.rgba = this->appearanceType == TCA_WAVE ? RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255) : RGBA8(160, 160, 160, 255); } if (this->direction != 0) { this->texY = 0; if (this->colorType == TCC_SPECIAL) { this->texY = 0xFA; } } else { this->texY = 0x1F4; if (this->appearanceType == TCA_RIPPLE) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_OC_SECRET_WARP_OUT, &gSfxDefaultPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); } } guPerspective(&this->projection, &this->normal, 60.0f, (4.0f / 3.0f), 10.0f, 12800.0f, 1.0f); guLookAt(&this->lookAt, 0.0f, 0.0f, 400.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } void* TransitionCircle_Init(void* thisx) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); return this; } void TransitionCircle_Destroy(void* thisx) { } void TransitionCircle_Update(void* thisx, s32 updateRate) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; s32 temp_t2; s32 temp_t3; if (this->direction != 0) { if (this->texY == 0) { if (this->appearanceType == TCA_RIPPLE) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_OC_SECRET_WARP_IN, &gSfxDefaultPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); } } this->texY += this->speed * 3 / updateRate; if (this->texY >= 0x1F4) { this->texY = 0x1F4; this->isDone = true; } } else { this->texY -= this->speed * 3 / updateRate; if (this->colorType != TCC_SPECIAL) { if (this->texY <= 0) { this->texY = 0; this->isDone = true; } } else { if (this->texY < 0xFB) { this->texY = 0xFA; this->isDone = true; } } } } void TransitionCircle_Draw(void* thisx, Gfx** gfxP) { Gfx* gfx = *gfxP; Mtx* modelView; TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; Gfx* texScroll; // These variables are a best guess based on the other transition types. f32 tPos = 0.0f; f32 rot = 0.0f; f32 scale = 14.8f; modelView = this->modelView[this->frame]; this->frame ^= 1; gDPPipeSync(gfx++); texScroll = Gfx_BranchTexScroll(&gfx, this->texX, this->texY, 0x10, 0x40); gSPSegment(gfx++, 9, texScroll); gSPSegment(gfx++, 8, this->texture); gDPSetColor(gfx++, G_SETPRIMCOLOR, this->color.rgba); gDPSetColor(gfx++, G_SETENVCOLOR, this->color.rgba); gSPMatrix(gfx++, &this->projection, G_MTX_PROJECTION | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPPerspNormalize(gfx++, this->normal); gSPMatrix(gfx++, &this->lookAt, G_MTX_PROJECTION | G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_MUL); float aspectRatio = OTRGetAspectRatio(); if (scale != 1.0f) { guScale(&modelView[0], scale * aspectRatio, scale * aspectRatio, 1.0f); gSPMatrix(gfx++, &modelView[0], G_MTX_LOAD); } if (rot != 0.0f) { guRotate(&modelView[1], rot, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); gSPMatrix(gfx++, &modelView[1], G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_MUL | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); } if ((tPos != 0.0f) || (tPos != 0.0f)) { guTranslate(&modelView[2], tPos, tPos, 0.0f); gSPMatrix(gfx++, &modelView[2], G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_MUL | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); } // OTRTODO: This is an ugly hack but it will do for now... Vtx* vtx = ResourceMgr_LoadVtxByName(sTransCircleVtx); Gfx var1 = gsSPVertex(vtx, 32, 0); Gfx var2 = gsSPVertex(&vtx[31], 3, 0); __sCircleDList[0xe] = var1; __sCircleDList[0x17] = var2; gSPDisplayList(gfx++, __sCircleDList); gDPPipeSync(gfx++); *gfxP = gfx; } s32 TransitionCircle_IsDone(void* thisx) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; return this->isDone; } void TransitionCircle_SetType(void* thisx, s32 type) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; if (type & TC_SET_PARAMS) { // SetType is called twice for circles, the actual direction value will be set on the second call. // The direction set here will be overwritten on that second call. this->direction = (type >> 5) & 0x1; this->colorType = (type >> 3) & 0x3; this->speedType = type & 0x1; this->appearanceType = (type >> 1) & 0x3; } else if (type == 1) { this->direction = 1; } else { this->direction = 0; } } void TransitionCircle_SetColor(void* thisx, u32 color) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; this->color.rgba = color; } void TransitionCircle_SetEnvColor(void* thisx, u32 envColor) { TransitionCircle* this = (TransitionCircle*)thisx; this->envColor.rgba = envColor; }