#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys, shutil import shutil from rom_info import Z64Rom import rom_chooser import struct import subprocess import argparse def BuildOTR(xmlPath, rom, zapd_exe=None): shutil.copytree("assets", "Extract/assets") if not zapd_exe: zapd_exe = "x64\\Release\\ZAPD.exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "../ZAPDTR/ZAPD.out" exec_cmd = [zapd_exe, "ed", "-i", xmlPath, "-b", rom, "-fl", "CFG/filelists", "-o", "placeholder", "-osf", "placeholder", "-gsf", "1", "-rconf", "CFG/Config.xml", "-se", "OTR", "--otrfile", "oot-mq.otr" if Z64Rom.isMqRom(rom) else "oot.otr"] print(exec_cmd) exitValue = subprocess.call(exec_cmd) if exitValue != 0: print("\n") print("Error when building the OTR file...", file=os.sys.stderr) print("Aborting...", file=os.sys.stderr) print("\n") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-z", "--zapd", help="Path to ZAPD executable", dest="zapd_exe", type=str) parser.add_argument("rom", help="Path to the rom", type=str, nargs="?") parser.add_argument("--non-interactive", help="Runs the script non-interactively for use in build scripts.", dest="non_interactive", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Display rom's header checksums and their corresponding xml folder", dest="verbose", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() roms = [ Z64Rom(args.rom) ] if args.rom else rom_chooser.chooseROM(args.verbose, args.non_interactive) for rom in roms: if (os.path.exists("Extract")): shutil.rmtree("Extract") BuildOTR("../soh/assets/xml/" + rom.version.xml_ver + "/", rom.file_path, zapd_exe=args.zapd_exe) if __name__ == "__main__": main()