#include "z_en_rd.h" #include "objects/object_rd/object_rd.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor_Hooks.h" #define FLAGS (ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE | ACTOR_FLAG_HOSTILE | ACTOR_FLAG_UPDATE_WHILE_CULLED | ACTOR_FLAG_DRAGGED_BY_HOOKSHOT) void EnRd_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void EnRd_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void EnRd_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void EnRd_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void func_80AE269C(EnRd* this); void func_80AE2744(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE2970(EnRd* this); void func_80AE2A10(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE2C1C(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE2F50(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE2FD0(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE31DC(EnRd* this); void func_80AE3260(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE33F0(EnRd* this); void func_80AE392C(EnRd* this); void func_80AE39D4(EnRd* this); void func_80AE3454(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE37BC(EnRd* this); void func_80AE3834(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE3978(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE3A54(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE3B18(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE3C98(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); void func_80AE3ECC(EnRd* this, PlayState* play); const ActorInit En_Rd_InitVars = { ACTOR_EN_RD, ACTORCAT_ENEMY, FLAGS, OBJECT_RD, sizeof(EnRd), (ActorFunc)EnRd_Init, (ActorFunc)EnRd_Destroy, (ActorFunc)EnRd_Update, (ActorFunc)EnRd_Draw, NULL, }; static ColliderCylinderInit sCylinderInit = { { COLTYPE_HIT0, AT_NONE, AC_ON | AC_TYPE_PLAYER, OC1_ON | OC1_TYPE_PLAYER, OC2_TYPE_1, COLSHAPE_CYLINDER, }, { ELEMTYPE_UNK1, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0xFFCFFFFF, 0x00, 0x00 }, TOUCH_NONE, BUMP_ON | BUMP_HOOKABLE, OCELEM_ON, }, { 20, 70, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }, }; static DamageTable sDamageTable = { /* Deku nut */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Deku stick */ DMG_ENTRY(2, 0xF), /* Slingshot */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Explosive */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Boomerang */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Normal arrow */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Hammer swing */ DMG_ENTRY(2, 0xF), /* Hookshot */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x1), /* Kokiri sword */ DMG_ENTRY(1, 0xF), /* Master sword */ DMG_ENTRY(2, 0xF), /* Giant's Knife */ DMG_ENTRY(4, 0xF), /* Fire arrow */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Ice arrow */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Light arrow */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Unk arrow 1 */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Unk arrow 2 */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Unk arrow 3 */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Fire magic */ DMG_ENTRY(4, 0xE), /* Ice magic */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x6), /* Light magic */ DMG_ENTRY(3, 0xD), /* Shield */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Mirror Ray */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Kokiri spin */ DMG_ENTRY(1, 0xF), /* Giant spin */ DMG_ENTRY(4, 0xF), /* Master spin */ DMG_ENTRY(2, 0xF), /* Kokiri jump */ DMG_ENTRY(2, 0xF), /* Giant jump */ DMG_ENTRY(8, 0xF), /* Master jump */ DMG_ENTRY(4, 0xF), /* Unknown 1 */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Unblockable */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), /* Hammer jump */ DMG_ENTRY(4, 0xF), /* Unknown 2 */ DMG_ENTRY(0, 0x0), }; static InitChainEntry sInitChain[] = { ICHAIN_F32(targetArrowOffset, 2000, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_VEC3F_DIV1000(scale, 10, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32_DIV1000(gravity, -3500, ICHAIN_STOP), }; static Vec3f D_80AE4918 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // I'm guessing these are primitive and environment colors that go unused static Color_RGBA8 D_80AE4924 = { 200, 200, 255, 255 }; static Color_RGBA8 D_80AE4928 = { 0, 0, 255, 0 }; static Vec3f D_80AE492C = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; static Color_RGBA8 D_80AE4938 = { 200, 200, 255, 255 }; static Color_RGBA8 D_80AE493C = { 0, 0, 255, 0 }; static Vec3f D_80AE4940 = { 300.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; static Vec3f D_80AE494C = { 300.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; static Vec3f D_80AE4958 = { 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f }; void EnRd_SetupAction(EnRd* this, EnRdActionFunc actionFunc) { this->actionFunc = actionFunc; } void EnRd_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { EnRd* this = (EnRd*)thisx; Actor_ProcessInitChain(thisx, sInitChain); thisx->targetMode = 0; thisx->colChkInfo.damageTable = &sDamageTable; ActorShape_Init(&thisx->shape, 0.0f, NULL, 0.0f); this->unk_310 = this->unk_30E = 0; thisx->focus.pos = thisx->world.pos; thisx->focus.pos.y += 50.0f; thisx->colChkInfo.mass = MASS_HEAVY; thisx->colChkInfo.health = 8; this->unk_314 = this->unk_31D = 0xFF; this->unk_312 = (thisx->params & 0xFF00) >> 8; if (thisx->params & 0x80) { thisx->params |= 0xFF00; } else { thisx->params &= 0xFF; } if (thisx->params >= -1) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gRedeadSkel, &gGibdoRedeadIdleAnim, this->jointTable, this->morphTable, 26); thisx->naviEnemyId = 0x2A; } else { SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gGibdoSkel, &gGibdoRedeadIdleAnim, this->jointTable, this->morphTable, 26); thisx->naviEnemyId = 0x2D; } Collider_InitCylinder(play, &this->collider); Collider_SetCylinder(play, &this->collider, thisx, &sCylinderInit); if (thisx->params >= -2) { func_80AE269C(this); } else { func_80AE2970(this); } SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); if (thisx->params == 3) { thisx->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_LENS; } } void EnRd_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { EnRd* this = (EnRd*)thisx; if (gSaveContext.sunsSongState != SUNSSONG_INACTIVE) { gSaveContext.sunsSongState = SUNSSONG_INACTIVE; } Collider_DestroyCylinder(play, &this->collider); ResourceMgr_UnregisterSkeleton(&this->skelAnime); } void func_80AE2630(PlayState* play, Actor* thisx, s32 arg2) { Actor* enemyIt = play->actorCtx.actorLists[ACTORCAT_ENEMY].head; while (enemyIt != NULL) { if ((enemyIt->id != ACTOR_EN_RD) || (enemyIt == thisx) || (enemyIt->params < 0)) { enemyIt = enemyIt->next; continue; } if (arg2 != 0) { enemyIt->parent = thisx; } else if (enemyIt->parent == thisx) { enemyIt->parent = NULL; } enemyIt = enemyIt->next; } } void func_80AE269C(EnRd* this) { if (this->actor.params != 2) { Animation_MorphToLoop(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadIdleAnim, -6.0f); } else { Animation_PlayLoop(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadSobbingAnim); } this->unk_31B = 0; this->unk_30C = (Rand_ZeroOne() * 10.0f) + 5.0f; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE2744); } void func_80AE2744(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); if ((this->actor.params == 2) && (0.0f == this->skelAnime.curFrame)) { if (Rand_ZeroOne() >= 0.5f) { Animation_PlayLoop(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadSobbingAnim); } else { Animation_PlayLoop(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadWipingTearsAnim); } } else { this->unk_30C--; if (this->unk_30C == 0) { this->unk_30C = (Rand_ZeroOne() * 10.0f) + 10.0f; this->skelAnime.curFrame = 0.0f; } } if (this->actor.parent != NULL) { if (this->unk_305 == 0) { if (this->actor.params != 2) { func_80AE31DC(this); } else { func_80AE392C(this); } } } else { if (this->unk_305 != 0) { if (this->actor.params != 2) { func_80AE37BC(this); } else { func_80AE392C(this); } } this->unk_305 = 0; if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer <= 150.0f && func_8002DDE4(play)) { // Add a height check to redeads/gibdos freeze when Enemy Randomizer is on. // Without the height check, redeads/gibdos can freeze the player from insane distances in // vertical rooms (like the first room in Deku Tree), making these rooms nearly unplayable. s8 enemyRandoCCActive = CVarGetInteger("gRandomizedEnemies", 0) || CVarGetInteger("gCrowdControl", 0); if (!enemyRandoCCActive || (enemyRandoCCActive && this->actor.yDistToPlayer <= 100.0f && this->actor.yDistToPlayer >= -100.0f)) { if ((this->actor.params != 2) && (this->unk_305 == 0)) { func_80AE37BC(this); } else { func_80AE392C(this); } } } } if ((play->gameplayFrames & 0x5F) == 0) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_CRY); } } void func_80AE2970(EnRd* this) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadIdleAnim, 0, 0, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, -6.0f); this->unk_31B = 11; this->unk_30C = 6; this->actor.shape.rot.x = -0x4000; this->actor.gravity = 0.0f; this->actor.shape.yOffset = 0.0f; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE2A10); } // Rising out of coffin void func_80AE2A10(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->actor.shape.rot.x != -0x4000) { Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.x, 0, 1, 0x7D0, 0); if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.home.pos.y, 0.3f, 2.0f, 0.3f) == 0.0f) { this->actor.gravity = -3.5f; func_80AE269C(this); } } else { if (this->actor.world.pos.y == this->actor.home.pos.y) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_CRY); } if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.home.pos.y + 50.0f, 0.3f, 2.0f, 0.3f) == 0.0f) { if (this->unk_30C != 0) { this->unk_30C--; Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 6.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.3f); } else if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.3f) == 0.0f) { Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.x, 0, 1, 0x7D0, 0); } } } } void func_80AE2B90(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadWalkAnim, 1.0f, 4.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadWalkAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP_INTERP, -4.0f); this->actor.speedXZ = 0.4f; this->unk_31B = 4; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE2C1C); } void func_80AE2C1C(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { Vec3f sp44 = D_80AE4918; Color_RGBA8 sp40 = D_80AE4924; Color_RGBA8 sp3C = D_80AE4928; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 pad; s16 sp32 = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.shape.rot.y - this->unk_30E - this->unk_310; this->skelAnime.playSpeed = this->actor.speedXZ; Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 1, 0xFA, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y; SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToPoint(&player->actor, &this->actor.home.pos) >= 150.0f) { func_80AE2F50(this, play); } if ((ABS(sp32) < 0x1554) && (Actor_WorldDistXYZToActor(&this->actor, &player->actor) <= 150.0f)) { if (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_HANGING_OFF_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_JUMPING | PLAYER_STATE1_FREEFALL | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LADDER)) && !(player->stateFlags2 & PLAYER_STATE2_GRABBED_BY_ENEMY)) { if (this->unk_306 == 0) { if (!(this->unk_312 & PLAYER_STATE2_GRABBED_BY_ENEMY) && !CVarGetInteger(CHEAT_CVAR("NoRedeadFreeze"), 0)) { player->actor.freezeTimer = 40; func_8008EEAC(play, &this->actor); GET_PLAYER(play)->unk_684 = &this->actor; func_800AA000(this->actor.xzDistToPlayer, 0xFF, 0x14, 0x96); } this->unk_306 = 0x3C; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_AIM); } } else { func_80AE2F50(this, play); } } if (this->unk_307 != 0) { this->unk_307--; } if (!this->unk_307 && (Actor_WorldDistXYZToActor(&this->actor, &player->actor) <= 45.0f) && Actor_IsFacingPlayer(&this->actor, 0x38E3)) { player->actor.freezeTimer = 0; if (play->grabPlayer(play, player)) { this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; func_80AE33F0(this); } } else if (this->actor.params > 0) { if (this->actor.parent != NULL) { func_80AE31DC(this); } else { this->unk_305 = 0; } } if ((this->skelAnime.curFrame == 10.0f) || (this->skelAnime.curFrame == 22.0f)) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_WALK); } else if ((play->gameplayFrames & 0x5F) == 0) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_CRY); } } void func_80AE2F50(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadWalkAnim, 0.5f, 0, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadWalkAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP_INTERP, -4.0f); this->unk_31B = 2; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE2FD0); } void func_80AE2FD0(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 pad; s16 targetY = Actor_WorldYawTowardPoint(&this->actor, &this->actor.home.pos); if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToPoint(&this->actor, &this->actor.home.pos) >= 5.0f) { Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, targetY, 1, 0x1C2, 0); } else { this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; if (Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, this->actor.home.rot.y, 1, 0x1C2, 0) == 0) { if (this->actor.params != 2) { func_80AE269C(this); } else { func_80AE39D4(this); } } } Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y; SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); if (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_HANGING_OFF_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_JUMPING | PLAYER_STATE1_FREEFALL | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LADDER)) && !(player->stateFlags2 & PLAYER_STATE2_GRABBED_BY_ENEMY) && (Actor_WorldDistXYZToPoint(&player->actor, &this->actor.home.pos) < 150.0f)) { this->actor.targetMode = 0; func_80AE2B90(this, play); } else if (this->actor.params > 0) { if (this->actor.parent != NULL) { func_80AE31DC(this); } else { this->unk_305 = 0; } } if (this->skelAnime.curFrame == 10.0f || this->skelAnime.curFrame == 22.0f) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_WALK); } else if ((play->gameplayFrames & 0x5F) == 0) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_CRY); } } void func_80AE31DC(EnRd* this) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadWalkAnim, 0.5f, 0, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadWalkAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP_INTERP, -4.0f); this->unk_31B = 3; this->unk_305 = 1; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3260); } void func_80AE3260(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->actor.parent != NULL) { s32 pad; s16 targetY; Vec3f thisPos = this->actor.parent->world.pos; targetY = Actor_WorldYawTowardPoint(&this->actor, &thisPos); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, targetY, 1, 0xFA, 0); if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToPoint(&this->actor, &thisPos) >= 45.0f) { this->actor.speedXZ = 0.4f; } else { this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; if (this->actor.params != 2) { func_80AE269C(this); } else { func_80AE39D4(this); } } Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x64, 0); } else { func_80AE2B90(this, play); } this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y; SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); if (this->skelAnime.curFrame == 10.0f || this->skelAnime.curFrame == 22.0f) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_WALK); } else if ((play->gameplayFrames & 0x5F) == 0) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_CRY); } } void func_80AE33F0(EnRd* this) { Animation_PlayOnce(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadGrabStartAnim); this->unk_30C = this->unk_304 = 0; this->unk_319 = 200; this->unk_31B = 8; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3454); } void func_80AE3454(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime)) { this->unk_304++; } switch (this->unk_304) { case 1: Animation_PlayLoop(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadGrabAttackAnim); this->unk_304++; play->damagePlayer(play, -8); func_800AA000(this->actor.xzDistToPlayer, 0xFF, 1, 0xC); this->unk_319 = 20; case 0: Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x5DC, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x5DC, 0); case 2: if (!(player->stateFlags2 & 0x80)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadGrabEndAnim, 0.5f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadGrabEndAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE_INTERP, 0.0f); this->unk_304++; this->unk_31B = 4; return; } if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.shape.yOffset, -1500.0f, 1.0f, 150.0f, 0.0f); } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.x, (Math_SinS(player->actor.shape.rot.y) * -25.0f) + player->actor.world.pos.x, 1.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, player->actor.world.pos.y, 1.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.z, (Math_CosS(player->actor.shape.rot.y) * -25.0f) + player->actor.world.pos.z, 1.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, player->actor.shape.rot.y, 1, 0x1770, 0); if (this->skelAnime.curFrame == 0.0f) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_ATTACK); } this->unk_319--; if (this->unk_319 == 0) { play->damagePlayer(play, -8); func_800AA000(this->actor.xzDistToPlayer, 0xF0, 1, 0xC); this->unk_319 = 20; Player_PlaySfx(&player->actor, NA_SE_VO_LI_DAMAGE_S + player->ageProperties->unk_92); } break; case 3: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.shape.yOffset, 0, 1.0f, 400.0f, 0.0f); } break; case 4: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.shape.yOffset, 0, 1.0f, 400.0f, 0.0f); } this->actor.targetMode = 0; this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; this->unk_306 = 0xA; this->unk_307 = 0xF; func_80AE2B90(this, play); break; } } void func_80AE37BC(EnRd* this) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadLookBackAnim, 0.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadLookBackAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, 0.0f); this->unk_31B = 7; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3834); } void func_80AE3834(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { Vec3f sp34 = D_80AE492C; Color_RGBA8 sp30 = D_80AE4938; Color_RGBA8 sp2C = D_80AE493C; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s16 temp_v0 = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.shape.rot.y - this->unk_30E - this->unk_310; if (ABS(temp_v0) < 0x2008) { if (!(this->unk_312 & 0x80) && !CVarGetInteger(CHEAT_CVAR("NoRedeadFreeze"), 0)) { player->actor.freezeTimer = 60; func_800AA000(this->actor.xzDistToPlayer, 0xFF, 0x14, 0x96); func_8008EEAC(play, &this->actor); } Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_AIM); func_80AE2B90(this, play); } } void func_80AE392C(EnRd* this) { Animation_MorphToPlayOnce(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadStandUpAnim, -4.0f); this->unk_31B = 5; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3978); } void func_80AE3978(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { if (SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime)) { if (this->actor.parent != NULL) { func_80AE31DC(this); } else { func_80AE37BC(this); } } } void func_80AE39D4(EnRd* this) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadStandUpAnim, -1.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGibdoRedeadStandUpAnim), 0.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -4.0f); this->unk_31B = 6; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3A54); } void func_80AE3A54(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { if (SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime)) { func_80AE269C(this); } } void func_80AE3A8C(EnRd* this) { Animation_MorphToPlayOnce(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadDamageAnim, -6.0f); if (this->actor.bgCheckFlags & 1) { this->actor.speedXZ = -2.0f; } this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_DAMAGE); this->unk_31B = 9; EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3B18); } void func_80AE3B18(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (this->actor.speedXZ < 0.0f) { this->actor.speedXZ += 0.15f; } this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer; Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x12C, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x12C, 0); if (SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime)) { this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y; if (this->actor.parent != NULL) { func_80AE31DC(this); } else if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToPoint(&player->actor, &this->actor.home.pos) >= 150.0f) { func_80AE2F50(this, play); } else { func_80AE2B90(this, play); } this->unk_31D = 0xFF; } } void func_80AE3C20(EnRd* this) { Animation_MorphToPlayOnce(&this->skelAnime, &gGibdoRedeadDeathAnim, -1.0f); this->unk_31B = 10; this->unk_30C = 300; this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_DEAD); EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3C98); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnEnemyDefeat(&this->actor); } void func_80AE3C98(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->actor.category != ACTORCAT_PROP) { Actor_ChangeCategory(play, &play->actorCtx, &this->actor, ACTORCAT_PROP); } Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_30E, 0, 1, 0x7D0, 0); Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->unk_310, 0, 1, 0x7D0, 0); if (SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime)) { if (this->unk_30C == 0) { s8 enemyRandoCCActive = CVarGetInteger("gRandomizedEnemies", 0) || CVarGetInteger("gCrowdControl", 0); // Don't set this flag in Enemy Rando as it can overlap with other objects using the same flag. if (!Flags_GetSwitch(play, this->unk_312 & 0x7F) && !enemyRandoCCActive) { Flags_SetSwitch(play, this->unk_312 & 0x7F); } if (this->unk_314 != 0) { if (this->unk_314 == 0xB4) { func_80AE2630(play, &this->actor, 0); } this->actor.scale.y -= 0.000075f; this->unk_314 -= 5; } else { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); } } else { this->unk_30C--; } } else if (((s32)this->skelAnime.curFrame == 33) || ((s32)this->skelAnime.curFrame == 40)) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DOWN); } } void func_80AE3DE4(EnRd* this) { this->unk_31B = 1; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y; if (gSaveContext.sunsSongState != SUNSSONG_INACTIVE) { this->unk_318 = 1; this->unk_316 = 0x258; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_LIGHT_ARROW_HIT); Actor_SetColorFilter(&this->actor, -0x8000, -0x7F38, 0, 0xFF); } else if (this->unk_31C == 1) { Actor_SetColorFilter(&this->actor, 0, 0xC8, 0, 0x50); } else { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_LIGHT_ARROW_HIT); Actor_SetColorFilter(&this->actor, -0x8000, 0xC8, 0, 0x50); } EnRd_SetupAction(this, func_80AE3ECC); } void func_80AE3ECC(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { if ((this->unk_318 != 0) && (this->unk_316 != 0)) { this->unk_316--; if (this->unk_316 >= 0xFF) { Actor_SetColorFilter(&this->actor, -0x8000, 0xC8, 0, 0xFF); } if (this->unk_316 == 0) { this->unk_318 = 0; gSaveContext.sunsSongState = SUNSSONG_INACTIVE; } } if (this->actor.colorFilterTimer == 0) { if (this->actor.colChkInfo.health == 0) { func_80AE2630(play, &this->actor, 1); func_80AE3C20(this); Item_DropCollectibleRandom(play, &this->actor, &this->actor.world.pos, 0x90); } else { func_80AE3A8C(this); } } } void func_80AE3F9C(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { s16 temp1; s16 temp2; s16 temp3; temp1 = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - (s16)(this->actor.shape.rot.y + this->unk_310); temp2 = CLAMP(temp1, -500, 500); temp1 -= this->unk_30E; temp3 = CLAMP(temp1, -500, 500); if ((s16)(this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.shape.rot.y) >= 0) { this->unk_310 += ABS(temp2); this->unk_30E += ABS(temp3); } else { this->unk_310 -= ABS(temp2); this->unk_30E -= ABS(temp3); } this->unk_310 = CLAMP(this->unk_310, -18783, 18783); this->unk_30E = CLAMP(this->unk_30E, -9583, 9583); } void func_80AE4114(EnRd* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if ((gSaveContext.sunsSongState != SUNSSONG_INACTIVE) && (this->actor.shape.rot.x == 0) && (this->unk_318 == 0) && (this->unk_31B != 9) && (this->unk_31B != 10) && (this->unk_31B != 1)) { func_80AE3DE4(this); return; } if (this->collider.base.acFlags & AC_HIT) { this->collider.base.acFlags &= ~AC_HIT; this->unk_31C = this->actor.colChkInfo.damageEffect; if (this->unk_31B != 11) { Actor_SetDropFlag(&this->actor, &this->collider.info, 1); if (player->unk_844 != 0) { this->unk_31D = player->unk_845; } if ((this->unk_31C != 0) && (this->unk_31C != 6)) { if (((this->unk_31C == 1) || (this->unk_31C == 13)) && (this->unk_31B != 1)) { Actor_ApplyDamage(&this->actor); func_80AE3DE4(this); return; } this->unk_318 = 0; this->unk_316 = 0; if (this->unk_31C == 0xE) { Actor_SetColorFilter(&this->actor, 0x4000, 0xFF, 0, 0x50); this->unk_31A = 0x28; } else { Actor_SetColorFilter(&this->actor, 0x4000, 0xFF, 0, 8); } Actor_ApplyDamage(&this->actor); if (this->actor.colChkInfo.health == 0) { func_80AE2630(play, &this->actor, 1); func_80AE3C20(this); Item_DropCollectibleRandom(play, 0, &this->actor.world.pos, 0x90); } else { func_80AE3A8C(this); } } } } } void EnRd_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; EnRd* this = (EnRd*)thisx; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 pad2; func_80AE4114(this, play); if (gSaveContext.sunsSongState != SUNSSONG_INACTIVE && this->unk_318 == 0) { gSaveContext.sunsSongState = SUNSSONG_INACTIVE; } if (this->unk_31C != 6 && ((this->unk_31B != 11) || (this->unk_31C != 14))) { if (this->unk_306 != 0) { this->unk_306--; } this->actionFunc(this, play); if (this->unk_31B != 8 && this->actor.speedXZ != 0.0f) { Actor_MoveForward(&this->actor); } if ((this->actor.shape.rot.x == 0) && (this->unk_31B != 8) && (this->actor.speedXZ != 0.0f)) { Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, &this->actor, 30.0f, 20.0f, 35.0f, 0x1D); } if (this->unk_31B == 7) { func_80AE3F9C(this, play); } } this->actor.focus.pos = this->actor.world.pos; this->actor.focus.pos.y += 50.0f; if ((this->actor.colChkInfo.health > 0) && (this->unk_31B != 8)) { Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->collider); CollisionCheck_SetOC(play, &play->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base); if ((this->unk_31B != 9) || ((player->unk_844 != 0) && (player->unk_845 != this->unk_31D))) { CollisionCheck_SetAC(play, &play->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base); } } } s32 EnRd_OverrideLimbDraw(PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx, Gfx** gfx) { EnRd* this = (EnRd*)thisx; if (limbIndex == 23) { rot->y += this->unk_30E; } else if (limbIndex == 12) { rot->y += this->unk_310; } return false; } void EnRd_PostLimbDraw(PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx, Gfx** gfx) { Vec3f sp2C = D_80AE4940; EnRd* this = (EnRd*)thisx; s32 idx = -1; Vec3f destPos; if ((this->unk_31A != 0) || ((this->actor.colorFilterTimer != 0) && (this->actor.colorFilterParams & 0x4000))) { switch (limbIndex - 1) { case 23: idx = 0; break; case 0: idx = 1; break; case 21: idx = 2; break; case 17: idx = 3; break; case 13: idx = 4; break; case 24: idx = 5; break; case 8: idx = 6; break; case 3: idx = 7; break; case 10: idx = 8; break; case 5: idx = 9; break; } if (idx >= 0) { Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp2C, &destPos); this->firePos[idx].x = destPos.x; this->firePos[idx].y = destPos.y; this->firePos[idx].z = destPos.z; } } } void EnRd_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; EnRd* this = (EnRd*)thisx; Vec3f thisPos = thisx->world.pos; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); if (this->unk_314 == 0xFF) { Gfx_SetupDL_25Opa(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, this->unk_314); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 8, &D_80116280[2]); POLY_OPA_DISP = SkelAnime_DrawFlex(play, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, EnRd_OverrideLimbDraw, EnRd_PostLimbDraw, this, POLY_OPA_DISP); func_80033C30(&thisPos, &D_80AE4958, 255, play); if (this->unk_31A != 0) { thisx->colorFilterTimer++; this->unk_31A--; if (this->unk_31A % 4 == 0) { EffectSsEnFire_SpawnVec3s(play, thisx, &this->firePos[this->unk_31A >> 2], 0x4B, 0, 0, (this->unk_31A >> 2)); } } } else { Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, this->unk_314); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 8, &D_80116280[0]); POLY_XLU_DISP = SkelAnime_DrawFlex(play, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, EnRd_OverrideLimbDraw, NULL, this, POLY_XLU_DISP); func_80033C30(&thisPos, &D_80AE4958, this->unk_314, play); } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); }