#include "OTRGlobals.h" #include "OTRAudio.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "z64animation.h" #include "z64bgcheck.h" #include "Enhancements/gameconsole.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #define DRMP3_IMPLEMENTATION #include #define DRWAV_IMPLEMENTATION #include #include #include "Enhancements/speechsynthesizer/SpeechSynthesizer.h" #include "Enhancements/controls/SohInputEditorWindow.h" #include "Enhancements/cosmetics/CosmeticsEditor.h" #include "Enhancements/audio/AudioCollection.h" #include "Enhancements/audio/AudioEditor.h" #include "Enhancements/enhancementTypes.h" #include "Enhancements/debugconsole.h" #include "Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer.h" #include "Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer_entrance_tracker.h" #include "Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer_item_tracker.h" #include "Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer_check_tracker.h" #include "Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/random.hpp" #include "Enhancements/gameplaystats.h" #include "Enhancements/n64_weird_frame_data.inc" #include "frame_interpolation.h" #include "variables.h" #include "z64.h" #include "macros.h" #include "Fonts.h" #include #include "Enhancements/custom-message/CustomMessageManager.h" #include "Enhancements/presets.h" #include "util.h" #include #if not defined (__SWITCH__) && not defined(__WIIU__) #include "Extractor/Extract.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #else #include #endif #ifdef __SWITCH__ #include #elif defined(__WIIU__) #include #include // OSFatal #endif #include "Enhancements/custom-message/CustomMessageTypes.h" #include #include "Enhancements/item-tables/ItemTableManager.h" #include "SohGui.hpp" #include "ActorDB.h" #ifdef ENABLE_REMOTE_CONTROL #include "Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.h" #include "Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor_Sail.h" CrowdControl* CrowdControl::Instance; GameInteractorSail* GameInteractorSail::Instance; #endif #include "Enhancements/mods.h" #include "Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor.h" #include // Resource Types/Factories #include "soh/resource/type/SohResourceType.h" #include "soh/resource/type/Animation.h" #include "soh/resource/type/AudioSample.h" #include "soh/resource/type/AudioSequence.h" #include "soh/resource/type/AudioSoundFont.h" #include "soh/resource/type/CollisionHeader.h" #include "soh/resource/type/Cutscene.h" #include "soh/resource/type/Path.h" #include "soh/resource/type/PlayerAnimation.h" #include "soh/resource/type/Scene.h" #include "soh/resource/type/Skeleton.h" #include "soh/resource/type/SkeletonLimb.h" #include "soh/resource/type/Text.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/AnimationFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/AudioSampleFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/AudioSequenceFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/AudioSoundFontFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/CollisionHeaderFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/CutsceneFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/PathFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/PlayerAnimationFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/SceneFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/SkeletonFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/SkeletonLimbFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/TextFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/BackgroundFactory.h" #include "soh/resource/importer/RawJsonFactory.h" #include "soh/config/ConfigUpdaters.h" void SoH_ProcessDroppedFiles(std::string filePath); OTRGlobals* OTRGlobals::Instance; SaveManager* SaveManager::Instance; CustomMessageManager* CustomMessageManager::Instance; ItemTableManager* ItemTableManager::Instance; GameInteractor* GameInteractor::Instance; AudioCollection* AudioCollection::Instance; SpeechSynthesizer* SpeechSynthesizer::Instance; extern "C" char** cameraStrings; std::vector> cameraStdStrings; Color_RGB8 kokiriColor = { 0x1E, 0x69, 0x1B }; Color_RGB8 goronColor = { 0x64, 0x14, 0x00 }; Color_RGB8 zoraColor = { 0x00, 0xEC, 0x64 }; float previousImGuiScale; // Same as NaviColor type from OoT src (z_actor.c), but modified to be sans alpha channel for Controller LED. typedef struct { Color_RGB8 inner; Color_RGB8 outer; } NaviColor_RGB8; static NaviColor_RGB8 defaultIdleColor = { { 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 255 } }; static NaviColor_RGB8 defaultNPCColor = { { 150, 150, 255 }, { 150, 150, 255 } }; static NaviColor_RGB8 defaultEnemyColor = { { 255, 255, 0 }, { 200, 155, 0 } }; static NaviColor_RGB8 defaultPropsColor = { { 0, 255, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 } }; // Labeled according to ActorCategory (included through ActorDB.h) const NaviColor_RGB8 LEDColorDefaultNaviColorList[] = { defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_SWITCH Switch defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_BG Background (Prop type 1) defaultIdleColor, // ACTORCAT_PLAYER Player defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_EXPLOSIVE Bomb defaultNPCColor, // ACTORCAT_NPC NPC defaultEnemyColor, // ACTORCAT_ENEMY Enemy defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_PROP Prop type 2 defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_ITEMACTION Item/Action defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_MISC Misc. defaultEnemyColor, // ACTORCAT_BOSS Boss defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_DOOR Door defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_CHEST Chest defaultPropsColor, // ACTORCAT_MAX }; // OTRTODO: A lot of these left in Japanese are used by the mempak manager. LUS does not currently support mempaks. Ignore unused ones. const char* constCameraStrings[] = { "INSUFFICIENT", "KEYFRAMES", "YOU CAN ADD MORE", "FINISHED", "PLAYING", "DEMO CAMERA TOOL", "CANNOT PLAY", "KEYFRAME ", "PNT / ", "> >", "< <", "< >", GFXP_KATAKANA "*プレイヤ-*", "E MODE FIX", "E MODE ABS", GFXP_HIRAGANA "ガメン" GFXP_KATAKANA " デモ", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 15 GFXP_HIRAGANA "ガメン フツウ", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 16 "P TIME MAX", GFXP_KATAKANA "リンク" GFXP_HIRAGANA " キオク", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 18 GFXP_KATAKANA "リンク" GFXP_HIRAGANA " ムシ", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 19 "*VIEWPT*", "*CAMPOS*", "DEBUG CAMERA", "CENTER/LOCK", "CENTER/FREE", "DEMO CONTROL", GFXP_KATAKANA "メモリ" GFXP_HIRAGANA "ガタリマセン", "p", "e", "s", "l", "c", GFXP_KATAKANA "メモリパック", GFXP_KATAKANA "セーブ", GFXP_KATAKANA "ロード", GFXP_KATAKANA "クリア-", GFXP_HIRAGANA "ヲヌカナイデネ", "FREE BYTE", "NEED BYTE", GFXP_KATAKANA "*メモリ-パック*", GFXP_HIRAGANA "ヲミツケラレマセン", GFXP_KATAKANA "ファイル " GFXP_HIRAGANA "ヲ", GFXP_HIRAGANA "シテモイイデスカ?", GFXP_HIRAGANA "ゲンザイヘンシュウチュウノ", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 43 GFXP_KATAKANA "ファイル" GFXP_HIRAGANA "ハハキサレマス", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 44 GFXP_HIRAGANA "ハイ", GFXP_HIRAGANA "イイエ", GFXP_HIRAGANA "シテイマス", GFXP_HIRAGANA "ウワガキ", // OTRTODO: Unused, get a translation! Number 48 GFXP_HIRAGANA "シマシタ", "USE BYTE", GFXP_HIRAGANA "ニシッパイ", "E MODE REL", "FRAME ", "KEY / ", "(CENTER)", "(ORIG)", "(PLAYER)", "(ALIGN)", "(SET)", "(OBJECT)", GFXP_KATAKANA "ポイントNo. ", // OTRTODO: Unused, need translation. Number 62 "FOV ", "N FRAME ", "Z ROT ", GFXP_KATAKANA "モ-ド ", // OTRTODO: Unused, need translation. Number 65 " R FOCUS ", "PMAX ", "DEPTH ", "XROT ", "YROT ", GFXP_KATAKANA "フレ-ム ", GFXP_KATAKANA "ト-タル ", GFXP_KATAKANA "キ- / ", }; OTRGlobals::OTRGlobals() { std::vector OTRFiles; std::string mqPath = LUS::Context::LocateFileAcrossAppDirs("oot-mq.otr", appShortName); if (std::filesystem::exists(mqPath)) { OTRFiles.push_back(mqPath); } std::string ootPath = LUS::Context::LocateFileAcrossAppDirs("oot.otr", appShortName); if (std::filesystem::exists(ootPath)) { OTRFiles.push_back(ootPath); } std::string sohOtrPath = LUS::Context::GetPathRelativeToAppBundle("soh.otr"); if (std::filesystem::exists(sohOtrPath)) { OTRFiles.push_back(sohOtrPath); } std::string patchesPath = LUS::Context::LocateFileAcrossAppDirs("mods", appShortName); std::vector patchOTRs = {}; if (patchesPath.length() > 0 && std::filesystem::exists(patchesPath)) { if (std::filesystem::is_directory(patchesPath)) { for (const auto& p : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(patchesPath, std::filesystem::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink)) { if (StringHelper::IEquals(p.path().extension().string(), ".otr") || StringHelper::IEquals(p.path().extension().string(), ".mpq") || StringHelper::IEquals(p.path().extension().string(), ".o2r") || StringHelper::IEquals(p.path().extension().string(), ".zip")) { patchOTRs.push_back(p.path().generic_string()); } } } } std::sort(patchOTRs.begin(), patchOTRs.end(), [](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { return std::lexicographical_compare( a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(), [](char c1, char c2) { return std::tolower(c1) < std::tolower(c2); } ); }); OTRFiles.insert(OTRFiles.end(), patchOTRs.begin(), patchOTRs.end()); std::unordered_set ValidHashes = { OOT_PAL_MQ, OOT_NTSC_JP_MQ, OOT_NTSC_US_MQ, OOT_PAL_GC_MQ_DBG, OOT_NTSC_US_10, OOT_NTSC_US_11, OOT_NTSC_US_12, OOT_PAL_10, OOT_PAL_11, OOT_NTSC_JP_GC_CE, OOT_NTSC_JP_GC, OOT_NTSC_US_GC, OOT_PAL_GC, OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1, OOT_PAL_GC_DBG2 }; context = LUS::Context::CreateUninitializedInstance("Ship of Harkinian", appShortName, "shipofharkinian.json"); context->InitLogging(); context->InitGfxDebugger(); context->InitConfiguration(); context->InitConsoleVariables(); // tell LUS to reserve 3 SoH specific threads (Game, Audio, Save) context->InitResourceManager(OTRFiles, {}, 3); context->InitControlDeck({BTN_MODIFIER1, BTN_MODIFIER2}); context->GetControlDeck()->SetSinglePlayerMappingMode(true); context->InitCrashHandler(); context->InitConsole(); auto sohInputEditorWindow = std::make_shared("gControllerConfigurationEnabled", "Input Editor"); context->InitWindow(sohInputEditorWindow); context->InitAudio(); SPDLOG_INFO("Starting Ship of Harkinian version {}", (char*)gBuildVersion); auto loader = context->GetResourceManager()->GetResourceLoader(); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Animation", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Animation), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "PlayerAnimation", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_PlayerAnimation), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Room", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Room), 0); // Is room scene? maybe? loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "CollisionHeader", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_CollisionHeader), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_XML, "CollisionHeader", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_CollisionHeader), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Skeleton", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Skeleton), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_XML, "Skeleton", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Skeleton), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "SkeletonLimb", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_SkeletonLimb), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_XML, "SkeletonLimb", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_SkeletonLimb), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Path", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Path), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Cutscene", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Cutscene), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Text", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Text), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_XML, "Text", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Text), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "AudioSample", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_AudioSample), 2); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "AudioSoundFont", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_AudioSoundFont), 2); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "AudioSequence", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_AudioSequence), 2); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "Background", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Background), 0); loader->RegisterResourceFactory(std::make_shared(), RESOURCE_FORMAT_BINARY, "RawJson", static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_RawJson), 0); gSaveStateMgr = std::make_shared(); gRandomizer = std::make_shared(); hasMasterQuest = hasOriginal = false; previousImGuiScale = defaultImGuiScale; defaultFontSmaller = CreateDefaultFontWithSize(10.0f); defaultFontLarger = CreateDefaultFontWithSize(16.0f); defaultFontLargest = CreateDefaultFontWithSize(20.0f); ScaleImGui(); // Move the camera strings from read only memory onto the heap (writable memory) // This is in OTRGlobals right now because this is a place that will only ever be run once at the beginning of startup. // We should probably find some code in db_camera that does initialization and only run once, and then dealloc on deinitialization. cameraStrings = (char**)malloc(sizeof(constCameraStrings)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(constCameraStrings) / sizeof(char*); i++) { // OTRTODO: never deallocated... auto dup = strdup(constCameraStrings[i]); cameraStrings[i] = dup; } auto versions = context->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->GetGameVersions(); for (uint32_t version : versions) { if (!ValidHashes.contains(version)) { #if defined(__SWITCH__) SPDLOG_ERROR("Invalid OTR File!"); #elif defined(__WIIU__) LUS::WiiU::ThrowInvalidOTR(); #else SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Invalid OTR File", "Attempted to load an invalid OTR file. Try regenerating.", nullptr); SPDLOG_ERROR("Invalid OTR File!"); #endif exit(1); } switch (version) { case OOT_PAL_MQ: case OOT_NTSC_JP_MQ: case OOT_NTSC_US_MQ: case OOT_PAL_GC_MQ_DBG: hasMasterQuest = true; break; case OOT_NTSC_US_10: case OOT_NTSC_US_11: case OOT_NTSC_US_12: case OOT_PAL_10: case OOT_PAL_11: case OOT_NTSC_JP_GC_CE: case OOT_NTSC_JP_GC: case OOT_NTSC_US_GC: case OOT_PAL_GC: case OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1: case OOT_PAL_GC_DBG2: hasOriginal = true; break; default: break; } } } OTRGlobals::~OTRGlobals() { } void OTRGlobals::ScaleImGui() { float scale = imguiScaleOptionToValue[CVarGetInteger("gImGuiScale", defaultImGuiScale)]; float newScale = scale / previousImGuiScale; ImGui::GetStyle().ScaleAllSizes(newScale); ImGui::GetIO().FontGlobalScale = scale; previousImGuiScale = scale; } ImFont* OTRGlobals::CreateDefaultFontWithSize(float size) { auto mImGuiIo = &ImGui::GetIO(); ImFontConfig fontCfg = ImFontConfig(); fontCfg.OversampleH = fontCfg.OversampleV = 1; fontCfg.PixelSnapH = true; fontCfg.SizePixels = size; ImFont* font = mImGuiIo->Fonts->AddFontDefault(&fontCfg); // FontAwesome fonts need to have their sizes reduced by 2.0f/3.0f in order to align correctly float iconFontSize = size * 2.0f / 3.0f; static const ImWchar sIconsRanges[] = { ICON_MIN_FA, ICON_MAX_16_FA, 0 }; ImFontConfig iconsConfig; iconsConfig.MergeMode = true; iconsConfig.PixelSnapH = true; iconsConfig.GlyphMinAdvanceX = iconFontSize; mImGuiIo->Fonts->AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(fontawesome_compressed_data_base85, iconFontSize, &iconsConfig, sIconsRanges); return font; } bool OTRGlobals::HasMasterQuest() { return hasMasterQuest; } bool OTRGlobals::HasOriginal() { return hasOriginal; } uint32_t OTRGlobals::GetInterpolationFPS() { if (LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetWindowBackend() == LUS::WindowBackend::DX11) { return CVarGetInteger("gInterpolationFPS", 20); } if (CVarGetInteger("gMatchRefreshRate", 0)) { return LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetCurrentRefreshRate(); } return std::min(LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetCurrentRefreshRate(), CVarGetInteger("gInterpolationFPS", 20)); } struct ExtensionEntry { std::string path; std::string ext; }; extern uintptr_t clearMtx; extern "C" Mtx gMtxClear; extern "C" MtxF gMtxFClear; extern "C" void OTRMessage_Init(); extern "C" void AudioMgr_CreateNextAudioBuffer(s16* samples, u32 num_samples); extern "C" void AudioPlayer_Play(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len); extern "C" int AudioPlayer_Buffered(void); extern "C" int AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered(void); extern "C" void ResourceMgr_LoadDirectory(const char* resName); extern "C" SequenceData ResourceMgr_LoadSeqByName(const char* path); std::unordered_map ExtensionCache; void OTRAudio_Thread() { while (audio.running) { { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); while (!audio.processing && audio.running) { audio.cv_to_thread.wait(Lock); } if (!audio.running) { break; } } std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); //AudioMgr_ThreadEntry(&gAudioMgr); // 528 and 544 relate to 60 fps at 32 kHz 32000/60 = 533.333.. // in an ideal world, one third of the calls should use num_samples=544 and two thirds num_samples=528 //#define SAMPLES_HIGH 560 //#define SAMPLES_LOW 528 // PAL values //#define SAMPLES_HIGH 656 //#define SAMPLES_LOW 624 // 44KHZ values #define SAMPLES_HIGH 752 #define SAMPLES_LOW 720 #define AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_UPDATE (R_UPDATE_RATE > 0 ? R_UPDATE_RATE : 1 ) #define NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS 2 int samples_left = AudioPlayer_Buffered(); u32 num_audio_samples = samples_left < AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered() ? SAMPLES_HIGH : SAMPLES_LOW; // 3 is the maximum authentic frame divisor. s16 audio_buffer[SAMPLES_HIGH * NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS * 3]; for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_UPDATE; i++) { AudioMgr_CreateNextAudioBuffer(audio_buffer + i * (num_audio_samples * NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS), num_audio_samples); } AudioPlayer_Play((u8*)audio_buffer, num_audio_samples * (sizeof(int16_t) * NUM_AUDIO_CHANNELS * AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_UPDATE)); audio.processing = false; audio.cv_from_thread.notify_one(); } } // C->C++ Bridge extern "C" void OTRAudio_Init() { // Precache all our samples, sequences, etc... ResourceMgr_LoadDirectory("audio"); if (!audio.running) { audio.running = true; audio.thread = std::thread(OTRAudio_Thread); } } extern "C" void OTRAudio_Exit() { // Tell the audio thread to stop { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); audio.running = false; } audio.cv_to_thread.notify_all(); // Wait until the audio thread quit audio.thread.join(); } extern "C" void VanillaItemTable_Init() { static GetItemEntry getItemTable[] = { GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBS_5, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_1, GID_BOMB, 0x32, 0x59, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBS_5), GET_ITEM(ITEM_NUTS_5, OBJECT_GI_NUTS, GID_NUTS, 0x34, 0x0C, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_NUTS_5), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBCHU, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_2, GID_BOMBCHU, 0x33, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBCHUS_10), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOW, OBJECT_GI_BOW, GID_BOW, 0x31, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOW), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SLINGSHOT, OBJECT_GI_PACHINKO, GID_SLINGSHOT, 0x30, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SLINGSHOT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOOMERANG, OBJECT_GI_BOOMERANG, GID_BOOMERANG, 0x35, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOOMERANG), GET_ITEM(ITEM_STICK, OBJECT_GI_STICK, GID_STICK, 0x37, 0x0D, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_STICKS_1), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HOOKSHOT, OBJECT_GI_HOOKSHOT, GID_HOOKSHOT, 0x36, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_HOOKSHOT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_LONGSHOT, OBJECT_GI_HOOKSHOT, GID_LONGSHOT, 0x4F, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_LONGSHOT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_LENS, OBJECT_GI_GLASSES, GID_LENS, 0x39, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_LENS), GET_ITEM(ITEM_LETTER_ZELDA, OBJECT_GI_LETTER, GID_LETTER_ZELDA, 0x69, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_LETTER_ZELDA), GET_ITEM(ITEM_OCARINA_TIME, OBJECT_GI_OCARINA, GID_OCARINA_TIME, 0x3A, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_OCARINA_OOT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HAMMER, OBJECT_GI_HAMMER, GID_HAMMER, 0x38, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_HAMMER), GET_ITEM(ITEM_COJIRO, OBJECT_GI_NIWATORI, GID_COJIRO, 0x02, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_COJIRO), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOTTLE, OBJECT_GI_BOTTLE, GID_BOTTLE, 0x42, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOTTLE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_POTION_RED, OBJECT_GI_LIQUID, GID_POTION_RED, 0x43, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_POTION_RED), GET_ITEM(ITEM_POTION_GREEN, OBJECT_GI_LIQUID, GID_POTION_GREEN, 0x44, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_POTION_GREEN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_POTION_BLUE, OBJECT_GI_LIQUID, GID_POTION_BLUE, 0x45, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_POTION_BLUE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_FAIRY, OBJECT_GI_BOTTLE, GID_BOTTLE, 0x46, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_FAIRY), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MILK_BOTTLE, OBJECT_GI_MILK, GID_MILK, 0x98, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MILK_BOTTLE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_LETTER_RUTO, OBJECT_GI_BOTTLE_LETTER, GID_LETTER_RUTO, 0x99, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_LETTER_RUTO), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BEAN, OBJECT_GI_BEAN, GID_BEAN, 0x48, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BEAN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_SKULL, OBJECT_GI_SKJ_MASK, GID_MASK_SKULL, 0x10, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_SKULL), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_SPOOKY, OBJECT_GI_REDEAD_MASK, GID_MASK_SPOOKY, 0x11, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_SPOOKY), GET_ITEM(ITEM_CHICKEN, OBJECT_GI_NIWATORI, GID_CHICKEN, 0x48, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_CHICKEN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_KEATON, OBJECT_GI_KI_TAN_MASK, GID_MASK_KEATON, 0x12, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_KEATON), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_BUNNY, OBJECT_GI_RABIT_MASK, GID_MASK_BUNNY, 0x13, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_BUNNY), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_TRUTH, OBJECT_GI_TRUTH_MASK, GID_MASK_TRUTH, 0x17, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_TRUTH), GET_ITEM(ITEM_POCKET_EGG, OBJECT_GI_EGG, GID_EGG, 0x01, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_POCKET_EGG), GET_ITEM(ITEM_POCKET_CUCCO, OBJECT_GI_NIWATORI, GID_CHICKEN, 0x48, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_POCKET_CUCCO), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ODD_MUSHROOM, OBJECT_GI_MUSHROOM, GID_ODD_MUSHROOM, 0x03, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_ODD_MUSHROOM), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ODD_POTION, OBJECT_GI_POWDER, GID_ODD_POTION, 0x04, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_ODD_POTION), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SAW, OBJECT_GI_SAW, GID_SAW, 0x05, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SAW), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SWORD_BROKEN, OBJECT_GI_BROKENSWORD, GID_SWORD_BROKEN, 0x08, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SWORD_BROKEN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_PRESCRIPTION, OBJECT_GI_PRESCRIPTION, GID_PRESCRIPTION, 0x09, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_PRESCRIPTION), GET_ITEM(ITEM_FROG, OBJECT_GI_FROG, GID_FROG, 0x0D, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_FROG), GET_ITEM(ITEM_EYEDROPS, OBJECT_GI_EYE_LOTION, GID_EYEDROPS, 0x0E, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_EYEDROPS), GET_ITEM(ITEM_CLAIM_CHECK, OBJECT_GI_TICKETSTONE, GID_CLAIM_CHECK, 0x0A, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_CLAIM_CHECK), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SWORD_KOKIRI, OBJECT_GI_SWORD_1, GID_SWORD_KOKIRI, 0xA4, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SWORD_KOKIRI), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SWORD_BGS, OBJECT_GI_LONGSWORD, GID_SWORD_BGS, 0x4B, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SWORD_KNIFE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SHIELD_DEKU, OBJECT_GI_SHIELD_1, GID_SHIELD_DEKU, 0x4C, 0xA0, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_SHIELD_DEKU), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SHIELD_HYLIAN, OBJECT_GI_SHIELD_2, GID_SHIELD_HYLIAN, 0x4D, 0xA0, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_SHIELD_HYLIAN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SHIELD_MIRROR, OBJECT_GI_SHIELD_3, GID_SHIELD_MIRROR, 0x4E, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SHIELD_MIRROR), GET_ITEM(ITEM_TUNIC_GORON, OBJECT_GI_CLOTHES, GID_TUNIC_GORON, 0x50, 0xA0, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_TUNIC_GORON), GET_ITEM(ITEM_TUNIC_ZORA, OBJECT_GI_CLOTHES, GID_TUNIC_ZORA, 0x51, 0xA0, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_TUNIC_ZORA), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOOTS_IRON, OBJECT_GI_BOOTS_2, GID_BOOTS_IRON, 0x53, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOOTS_IRON), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOOTS_HOVER, OBJECT_GI_HOVERBOOTS, GID_BOOTS_HOVER, 0x54, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOOTS_HOVER), GET_ITEM(ITEM_QUIVER_40, OBJECT_GI_ARROWCASE, GID_QUIVER_40, 0x56, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_QUIVER_40), GET_ITEM(ITEM_QUIVER_50, OBJECT_GI_ARROWCASE, GID_QUIVER_50, 0x57, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_QUIVER_50), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMB_BAG_20, OBJECT_GI_BOMBPOUCH, GID_BOMB_BAG_20, 0x58, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMB_BAG_20), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMB_BAG_30, OBJECT_GI_BOMBPOUCH, GID_BOMB_BAG_30, 0x59, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMB_BAG_30), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMB_BAG_40, OBJECT_GI_BOMBPOUCH, GID_BOMB_BAG_40, 0x5A, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMB_BAG_40), GET_ITEM(ITEM_GAUNTLETS_SILVER, OBJECT_GI_GLOVES, GID_GAUNTLETS_SILVER, 0x5B, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_GAUNTLETS_SILVER), GET_ITEM(ITEM_GAUNTLETS_GOLD, OBJECT_GI_GLOVES, GID_GAUNTLETS_GOLD, 0x5C, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_GAUNTLETS_GOLD), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SCALE_SILVER, OBJECT_GI_SCALE, GID_SCALE_SILVER, 0xCD, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SCALE_SILVER), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SCALE_GOLDEN, OBJECT_GI_SCALE, GID_SCALE_GOLDEN, 0xCE, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SCALE_GOLD), GET_ITEM(ITEM_STONE_OF_AGONY, OBJECT_GI_MAP, GID_STONE_OF_AGONY, 0x68, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_STONE_OF_AGONY), GET_ITEM(ITEM_GERUDO_CARD, OBJECT_GI_GERUDO, GID_GERUDO_CARD, 0x7B, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_GERUDO_CARD), GET_ITEM(ITEM_OCARINA_FAIRY, OBJECT_GI_OCARINA_0, GID_OCARINA_FAIRY, 0x4A, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_OCARINA_FAIRY), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SEEDS, OBJECT_GI_SEED, GID_SEEDS, 0xDC, 0x50, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_SEEDS_5), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HEART_CONTAINER, OBJECT_GI_HEARTS, GID_HEART_CONTAINER, 0xC6, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_HEART_CONTAINER), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HEART_PIECE_2, OBJECT_GI_HEARTS, GID_HEART_PIECE, 0xC2, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_HEART_PIECE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_KEY_BOSS, OBJECT_GI_BOSSKEY, GID_KEY_BOSS, 0xC7, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_BOSS_KEY, MOD_NONE, GI_KEY_BOSS), GET_ITEM(ITEM_COMPASS, OBJECT_GI_COMPASS, GID_COMPASS, 0x67, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_COMPASS), GET_ITEM(ITEM_DUNGEON_MAP, OBJECT_GI_MAP, GID_DUNGEON_MAP, 0x66, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_MAP), GET_ITEM(ITEM_KEY_SMALL, OBJECT_GI_KEY, GID_KEY_SMALL, 0x60, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_SMALL_KEY, MOD_NONE, GI_KEY_SMALL), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MAGIC_SMALL, OBJECT_GI_MAGICPOT, GID_MAGIC_SMALL, 0x52, 0x6F, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_MAGIC_SMALL), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MAGIC_LARGE, OBJECT_GI_MAGICPOT, GID_MAGIC_LARGE, 0x52, 0x6E, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_MAGIC_LARGE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_WALLET_ADULT, OBJECT_GI_PURSE, GID_WALLET_ADULT, 0x5E, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_WALLET_ADULT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_WALLET_GIANT, OBJECT_GI_PURSE, GID_WALLET_GIANT, 0x5F, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_WALLET_GIANT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_WEIRD_EGG, OBJECT_GI_EGG, GID_EGG, 0x9A, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_WEIRD_EGG), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HEART, OBJECT_GI_HEART, GID_HEART, 0x55, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_HEART), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ARROWS_SMALL, OBJECT_GI_ARROW, GID_ARROWS_SMALL, 0xE6, 0x48, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_ARROWS_SMALL), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ARROWS_MEDIUM, OBJECT_GI_ARROW, GID_ARROWS_MEDIUM, 0xE6, 0x49, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_ARROWS_MEDIUM), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ARROWS_LARGE, OBJECT_GI_ARROW, GID_ARROWS_LARGE, 0xE6, 0x4A, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_ARROWS_LARGE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_GREEN, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_GREEN, 0x6F, 0x00, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_GREEN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_BLUE, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_BLUE, 0xCC, 0x01, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_BLUE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_RED, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_RED, 0xF0, 0x02, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_RED), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HEART_CONTAINER, OBJECT_GI_HEARTS, GID_HEART_CONTAINER, 0xC6, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_HEART_CONTAINER_2), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MILK, OBJECT_GI_MILK, GID_MILK, 0x98, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_MILK), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_GORON, OBJECT_GI_GOLONMASK, GID_MASK_GORON, 0x14, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_GORON), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_ZORA, OBJECT_GI_ZORAMASK, GID_MASK_ZORA, 0x15, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_ZORA), GET_ITEM(ITEM_MASK_GERUDO, OBJECT_GI_GERUDOMASK, GID_MASK_GERUDO, 0x16, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_MASK_GERUDO), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BRACELET, OBJECT_GI_BRACELET, GID_BRACELET, 0x79, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BRACELET), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_PURPLE, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_PURPLE, 0xF1, 0x14, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_PURPLE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_GOLD, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_GOLD, 0xF2, 0x13, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_GOLD), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SWORD_BGS, OBJECT_GI_LONGSWORD, GID_SWORD_BGS, 0x0C, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_SWORD_BGS), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ARROW_FIRE, OBJECT_GI_M_ARROW, GID_ARROW_FIRE, 0x70, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_ARROW_FIRE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ARROW_ICE, OBJECT_GI_M_ARROW, GID_ARROW_ICE, 0x71, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_ARROW_ICE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_ARROW_LIGHT, OBJECT_GI_M_ARROW, GID_ARROW_LIGHT, 0x72, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_ARROW_LIGHT), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN, OBJECT_GI_SUTARU, GID_SKULL_TOKEN, 0xB4, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_SKULLTULA_TOKEN, MOD_NONE, GI_SKULL_TOKEN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_DINS_FIRE, OBJECT_GI_GODDESS, GID_DINS_FIRE, 0xAD, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_DINS_FIRE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_FARORES_WIND, OBJECT_GI_GODDESS, GID_FARORES_WIND, 0xAE, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_FARORES_WIND), GET_ITEM(ITEM_NAYRUS_LOVE, OBJECT_GI_GODDESS, GID_NAYRUS_LOVE, 0xAF, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_NAYRUS_LOVE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BULLET_BAG_30, OBJECT_GI_DEKUPOUCH, GID_BULLET_BAG, 0x07, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_BULLET_BAG_30), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BULLET_BAG_40, OBJECT_GI_DEKUPOUCH, GID_BULLET_BAG, 0x07, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_BULLET_BAG_40), GET_ITEM(ITEM_STICKS_5, OBJECT_GI_STICK, GID_STICK, 0x37, 0x0D, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_STICKS_5), GET_ITEM(ITEM_STICKS_10, OBJECT_GI_STICK, GID_STICK, 0x37, 0x0D, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_STICKS_10), GET_ITEM(ITEM_NUTS_5, OBJECT_GI_NUTS, GID_NUTS, 0x34, 0x0C, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_NUTS_5_2), GET_ITEM(ITEM_NUTS_10, OBJECT_GI_NUTS, GID_NUTS, 0x34, 0x0C, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_NUTS_10), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMB, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_1, GID_BOMB, 0x32, 0x59, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBS_1), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBS_10, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_1, GID_BOMB, 0x32, 0x59, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBS_10), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBS_20, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_1, GID_BOMB, 0x32, 0x59, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBS_20), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBS_30, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_1, GID_BOMB, 0x32, 0x59, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBS_30), GET_ITEM(ITEM_SEEDS_30, OBJECT_GI_SEED, GID_SEEDS, 0xDC, 0x50, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_SEEDS_30), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBCHUS_5, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_2, GID_BOMBCHU, 0x33, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBCHUS_5), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BOMBCHUS_20, OBJECT_GI_BOMB_2, GID_BOMBCHU, 0x33, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_MAJOR, MOD_NONE, GI_BOMBCHUS_20), GET_ITEM(ITEM_FISH, OBJECT_GI_FISH, GID_FISH, 0x47, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_FISH), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BUG, OBJECT_GI_INSECT, GID_BUG, 0x7A, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BUGS), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BLUE_FIRE, OBJECT_GI_FIRE, GID_BLUE_FIRE, 0x5D, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BLUE_FIRE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_POE, OBJECT_GI_GHOST, GID_POE, 0x97, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_POE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BIG_POE, OBJECT_GI_GHOST, GID_BIG_POE, 0xF9, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_BIG_POE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_KEY_SMALL, OBJECT_GI_KEY, GID_KEY_SMALL, 0xF3, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_SMALL_KEY, MOD_NONE, GI_DOOR_KEY), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_GREEN, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_GREEN, 0xF4, 0x00, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_GREEN_LOSE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_BLUE, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_BLUE, 0xF5, 0x01, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_BLUE_LOSE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_RED, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_RED, 0xF6, 0x02, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_RED_LOSE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_RUPEE_PURPLE, OBJECT_GI_RUPY, GID_RUPEE_PURPLE, 0xF7, 0x14, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_JUNK, MOD_NONE, GI_RUPEE_PURPLE_LOSE), GET_ITEM(ITEM_HEART_PIECE_2, OBJECT_GI_HEARTS, GID_HEART_PIECE, 0xFA, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_HEART_PIECE_WIN), GET_ITEM(ITEM_STICK_UPGRADE_20, OBJECT_GI_STICK, GID_STICK, 0x90, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_STICK_UPGRADE_20), GET_ITEM(ITEM_STICK_UPGRADE_30, OBJECT_GI_STICK, GID_STICK, 0x91, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_STICK_UPGRADE_30), GET_ITEM(ITEM_NUT_UPGRADE_30, OBJECT_GI_NUTS, GID_NUTS, 0xA7, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_NUT_UPGRADE_30), GET_ITEM(ITEM_NUT_UPGRADE_40, OBJECT_GI_NUTS, GID_NUTS, 0xA8, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_SHORT, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_NUT_UPGRADE_40), GET_ITEM(ITEM_BULLET_BAG_50, OBJECT_GI_DEKUPOUCH, GID_BULLET_BAG_50, 0x6C, 0x80, CHEST_ANIM_LONG, ITEM_CATEGORY_LESSER, MOD_NONE, GI_BULLET_BAG_50), GET_ITEM_NONE, GET_ITEM_NONE, GET_ITEM_NONE // GI_MAX - if you need to add to this table insert it before this entry. }; ItemTableManager::Instance->AddItemTable(MOD_NONE); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(getItemTable); i++) { // The vanilla item table array started with ITEM_BOMBS_5, // but the GetItemID enum started with GI_NONE. Then everywhere // that table was accessed used `GetItemID - 1`. This allows the // "first" item of the new map to start at 1, syncing it up with // the GetItemID values and removing the need for the `- 1` ItemTableManager::Instance->AddItemEntry(MOD_NONE, i+1, getItemTable[i]); } } std::unordered_map ItemIDtoGetItemIDMap { { ITEM_ARROWS_LARGE, GI_ARROWS_LARGE }, { ITEM_ARROWS_MEDIUM, GI_ARROWS_MEDIUM }, { ITEM_ARROWS_SMALL, GI_ARROWS_SMALL }, { ITEM_ARROW_FIRE, GI_ARROW_FIRE }, { ITEM_ARROW_ICE, GI_ARROW_ICE }, { ITEM_ARROW_LIGHT, GI_ARROW_LIGHT }, { ITEM_BEAN, GI_BEAN }, { ITEM_BIG_POE, GI_BIG_POE }, { ITEM_BLUE_FIRE, GI_BLUE_FIRE }, { ITEM_BOMB, GI_BOMBS_1 }, { ITEM_BOMBCHU, GI_BOMBCHUS_10 }, { ITEM_BOMBCHUS_20, GI_BOMBCHUS_20 }, { ITEM_BOMBCHUS_5, GI_BOMBCHUS_5 }, { ITEM_BOMBS_10, GI_BOMBS_10 }, { ITEM_BOMBS_20, GI_BOMBS_20 }, { ITEM_BOMBS_30, GI_BOMBS_30 }, { ITEM_BOMBS_5, GI_BOMBS_5 }, { ITEM_BOMB_BAG_20, GI_BOMB_BAG_20 }, { ITEM_BOMB_BAG_30, GI_BOMB_BAG_30 }, { ITEM_BOMB_BAG_40, GI_BOMB_BAG_40 }, { ITEM_BOOMERANG, GI_BOOMERANG }, { ITEM_BOOTS_HOVER, GI_BOOTS_HOVER }, { ITEM_BOOTS_IRON, GI_BOOTS_IRON }, { ITEM_BOTTLE, GI_BOTTLE }, { ITEM_BOW, GI_BOW }, { ITEM_BRACELET, GI_BRACELET }, { ITEM_BUG, GI_BUGS }, { ITEM_BULLET_BAG_30, GI_BULLET_BAG_30 }, { ITEM_BULLET_BAG_40, GI_BULLET_BAG_40 }, { ITEM_BULLET_BAG_50, GI_BULLET_BAG_50 }, { ITEM_CHICKEN, GI_CHICKEN }, { ITEM_CLAIM_CHECK, GI_CLAIM_CHECK }, { ITEM_COJIRO, GI_COJIRO }, { ITEM_COMPASS, GI_COMPASS }, { ITEM_DINS_FIRE, GI_DINS_FIRE }, { ITEM_DUNGEON_MAP, GI_MAP }, { ITEM_EYEDROPS, GI_EYEDROPS }, { ITEM_FAIRY, GI_FAIRY }, { ITEM_FARORES_WIND, GI_FARORES_WIND }, { ITEM_FISH, GI_FISH }, { ITEM_FROG, GI_FROG }, { ITEM_GAUNTLETS_GOLD, GI_GAUNTLETS_GOLD }, { ITEM_GAUNTLETS_SILVER, GI_GAUNTLETS_SILVER }, { ITEM_GERUDO_CARD, GI_GERUDO_CARD }, { ITEM_HAMMER, GI_HAMMER }, { ITEM_HEART, GI_HEART }, { ITEM_HEART_CONTAINER, GI_HEART_CONTAINER }, { ITEM_HEART_CONTAINER, GI_HEART_CONTAINER_2 }, { ITEM_HEART_PIECE_2, GI_HEART_PIECE }, { ITEM_HEART_PIECE_2, GI_HEART_PIECE_WIN }, { ITEM_HOOKSHOT, GI_HOOKSHOT }, { ITEM_KEY_BOSS, GI_KEY_BOSS }, { ITEM_KEY_SMALL, GI_DOOR_KEY }, { ITEM_KEY_SMALL, GI_KEY_SMALL }, { ITEM_LENS, GI_LENS }, { ITEM_LETTER_RUTO, GI_LETTER_RUTO }, { ITEM_LETTER_ZELDA, GI_LETTER_ZELDA }, { ITEM_LONGSHOT, GI_LONGSHOT }, { ITEM_MAGIC_LARGE, GI_MAGIC_LARGE }, { ITEM_MAGIC_SMALL, GI_MAGIC_SMALL }, { ITEM_MASK_BUNNY, GI_MASK_BUNNY }, { ITEM_MASK_GERUDO, GI_MASK_GERUDO }, { ITEM_MASK_GORON, GI_MASK_GORON }, { ITEM_MASK_KEATON, GI_MASK_KEATON }, { ITEM_MASK_SKULL, GI_MASK_SKULL }, { ITEM_MASK_SPOOKY, GI_MASK_SPOOKY }, { ITEM_MASK_TRUTH, GI_MASK_TRUTH }, { ITEM_MASK_ZORA, GI_MASK_ZORA }, { ITEM_MILK, GI_MILK }, { ITEM_MILK_BOTTLE, GI_MILK_BOTTLE }, { ITEM_NAYRUS_LOVE, GI_NAYRUS_LOVE }, { ITEM_NUT, GI_NUTS_5 }, { ITEM_NUTS_10, GI_NUTS_10 }, { ITEM_NUTS_5, GI_NUTS_5 }, { ITEM_NUTS_5, GI_NUTS_5_2 }, { ITEM_NUT_UPGRADE_30, GI_NUT_UPGRADE_30 }, { ITEM_NUT_UPGRADE_40, GI_NUT_UPGRADE_40 }, { ITEM_OCARINA_FAIRY, GI_OCARINA_FAIRY }, { ITEM_OCARINA_TIME, GI_OCARINA_OOT }, { ITEM_ODD_MUSHROOM, GI_ODD_MUSHROOM }, { ITEM_ODD_POTION, GI_ODD_POTION }, { ITEM_POCKET_CUCCO, GI_POCKET_CUCCO }, { ITEM_POCKET_EGG, GI_POCKET_EGG }, { ITEM_POE, GI_POE }, { ITEM_POTION_BLUE, GI_POTION_BLUE }, { ITEM_POTION_GREEN, GI_POTION_GREEN }, { ITEM_POTION_RED, GI_POTION_RED }, { ITEM_PRESCRIPTION, GI_PRESCRIPTION }, { ITEM_QUIVER_40, GI_QUIVER_40 }, { ITEM_QUIVER_50, GI_QUIVER_50 }, { ITEM_RUPEE_BLUE, GI_RUPEE_BLUE }, { ITEM_RUPEE_BLUE, GI_RUPEE_BLUE_LOSE }, { ITEM_RUPEE_GOLD, GI_RUPEE_GOLD }, { ITEM_RUPEE_GREEN, GI_RUPEE_GREEN }, { ITEM_RUPEE_GREEN, GI_RUPEE_GREEN_LOSE }, { ITEM_RUPEE_PURPLE, GI_RUPEE_PURPLE }, { ITEM_RUPEE_PURPLE, GI_RUPEE_PURPLE_LOSE }, { ITEM_RUPEE_RED, GI_RUPEE_RED }, { ITEM_RUPEE_RED, GI_RUPEE_RED_LOSE }, { ITEM_SAW, GI_SAW }, { ITEM_SCALE_GOLDEN, GI_SCALE_GOLD }, { ITEM_SCALE_SILVER, GI_SCALE_SILVER }, { ITEM_SEEDS, GI_SEEDS_5 }, { ITEM_SEEDS_30, GI_SEEDS_30 }, { ITEM_SHIELD_DEKU, GI_SHIELD_DEKU }, { ITEM_SHIELD_HYLIAN, GI_SHIELD_HYLIAN }, { ITEM_SHIELD_MIRROR, GI_SHIELD_MIRROR }, { ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN, GI_SKULL_TOKEN }, { ITEM_SLINGSHOT, GI_SLINGSHOT }, { ITEM_STICK, GI_STICKS_1 }, { ITEM_STICKS_10, GI_STICKS_10 }, { ITEM_STICKS_5, GI_STICKS_5 }, { ITEM_STICK_UPGRADE_20, GI_STICK_UPGRADE_20 }, { ITEM_STICK_UPGRADE_30, GI_STICK_UPGRADE_30 }, { ITEM_STONE_OF_AGONY, GI_STONE_OF_AGONY }, { ITEM_SWORD_BGS, GI_SWORD_BGS }, { ITEM_SWORD_BGS, GI_SWORD_KNIFE }, { ITEM_SWORD_BROKEN, GI_SWORD_BROKEN }, { ITEM_SWORD_KOKIRI, GI_SWORD_KOKIRI }, { ITEM_TUNIC_GORON, GI_TUNIC_GORON }, { ITEM_TUNIC_ZORA, GI_TUNIC_ZORA }, { ITEM_WALLET_ADULT, GI_WALLET_ADULT }, { ITEM_WALLET_GIANT, GI_WALLET_GIANT }, { ITEM_WEIRD_EGG, GI_WEIRD_EGG } }; extern "C" GetItemID RetrieveGetItemIDFromItemID(ItemID itemID) { if (ItemIDtoGetItemIDMap.contains(itemID)) { return ItemIDtoGetItemIDMap.at(itemID); } return GI_MAX; } std::unordered_map ItemIDtoRandomizerGetMap { { ITEM_SONG_MINUET, RG_MINUET_OF_FOREST }, { ITEM_SONG_BOLERO, RG_BOLERO_OF_FIRE }, { ITEM_SONG_SERENADE, RG_SERENADE_OF_WATER }, { ITEM_SONG_REQUIEM, RG_REQUIEM_OF_SPIRIT }, { ITEM_SONG_NOCTURNE, RG_NOCTURNE_OF_SHADOW }, { ITEM_SONG_PRELUDE, RG_PRELUDE_OF_LIGHT }, { ITEM_SONG_LULLABY, RG_ZELDAS_LULLABY }, { ITEM_SONG_EPONA, RG_EPONAS_SONG }, { ITEM_SONG_SARIA, RG_SARIAS_SONG }, { ITEM_SONG_SUN, RG_SUNS_SONG }, { ITEM_SONG_TIME, RG_SONG_OF_TIME }, { ITEM_SONG_STORMS, RG_SONG_OF_STORMS }, { ITEM_MEDALLION_FOREST, RG_FOREST_MEDALLION }, { ITEM_MEDALLION_FIRE, RG_FIRE_MEDALLION }, { ITEM_MEDALLION_WATER, RG_WATER_MEDALLION }, { ITEM_MEDALLION_SPIRIT, RG_SPIRIT_MEDALLION }, { ITEM_MEDALLION_SHADOW, RG_SHADOW_MEDALLION }, { ITEM_MEDALLION_LIGHT, RG_LIGHT_MEDALLION }, { ITEM_KOKIRI_EMERALD, RG_KOKIRI_EMERALD }, { ITEM_GORON_RUBY, RG_GORON_RUBY }, { ITEM_ZORA_SAPPHIRE, RG_ZORA_SAPPHIRE }, }; extern "C" RandomizerGet RetrieveRandomizerGetFromItemID(ItemID itemID) { if (ItemIDtoRandomizerGetMap.contains(itemID)) { return ItemIDtoRandomizerGetMap.at(itemID); } return RG_MAX; } extern "C" void OTRExtScanner() { auto lst = *LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->ListFiles().get(); for (auto& rPath : lst) { std::vector raw = StringHelper::Split(rPath, "."); std::string ext = raw[raw.size() - 1]; std::string nPath = rPath.substr(0, rPath.size() - (ext.size() + 1)); replace(nPath.begin(), nPath.end(), '\\', '/'); ExtensionCache[nPath] = { rPath, ext }; } } typedef struct { uint16_t major; uint16_t minor; uint16_t patch; } OTRVersion; // Read the port version from an OTR file OTRVersion ReadPortVersionFromOTR(std::string otrPath) { OTRVersion version = {}; // Use a temporary archive instance to load the otr and read the version file auto archive = LUS::OtrArchive(otrPath); if (archive.Open()) { auto t = archive.LoadFile("portVersion", std::make_shared()); if (t != nullptr && t->IsLoaded) { auto stream = std::make_shared(t->Buffer->data(), t->Buffer->size()); auto reader = std::make_shared(stream); LUS::Endianness endianness = (LUS::Endianness)reader->ReadUByte(); reader->SetEndianness(endianness); version.major = reader->ReadUInt16(); version.minor = reader->ReadUInt16(); version.patch = reader->ReadUInt16(); } archive.Close(); } return version; } // Check that a soh.otr exists and matches the version of soh running // Otherwise show a message and exit void CheckSoHOTRVersion(std::string otrPath) { std::string msg; #if defined(__SWITCH__) msg = "\x1b[4;2HPlease re-extract it from the download." "\x1b[6;2HPress the Home button to exit..."; #elif defined(__WIIU__) msg = "Please extract the soh.otr from the Ship of Harkinian download\nto your folder.\n\nPress and hold the power button to shutdown..."; #else msg = "Please extract the soh.otr from the Ship of Harkinian download to your folder.\n\nExiting..."; #endif if (!std::filesystem::exists(otrPath)) { #if not defined(__SWITCH__) && not defined(__WIIU__) Extractor::ShowErrorBox("soh.otr file is missing", msg.c_str()); exit(1); #elif defined(__SWITCH__) LUS::Switch::PrintErrorMessageToScreen(("\x1b[2;2HYou are missing the soh.otr file." + msg).c_str()); #elif defined(__WIIU__) OSFatal(("You are missing the soh.otr file\n\n" + msg).c_str()); #endif } OTRVersion otrVersion = ReadPortVersionFromOTR(otrPath); if (otrVersion.major != gBuildVersionMajor || otrVersion.minor != gBuildVersionMinor || otrVersion.patch != gBuildVersionPatch) { #if not defined(__SWITCH__) && not defined(__WIIU__) Extractor::ShowErrorBox("soh.otr file version does not match", msg.c_str()); exit(1); #elif defined(__SWITCH__) LUS::Switch::PrintErrorMessageToScreen(("\x1b[2;2HYou have an old soh.otr file." + msg).c_str()); #elif defined(__WIIU__) OSFatal(("You have an old soh.otr file\n\n" + msg).c_str()); #endif } } // Checks the program version stored in the otr and compares the major value to soh // For Windows/Mac/Linux if the version doesn't match, offer to void DetectOTRVersion(std::string fileName, bool isMQ) { bool isOtrOld = false; std::string otrPath = LUS::Context::LocateFileAcrossAppDirs(fileName, appShortName); // Doesn't exist so nothing to do here if (!std::filesystem::exists(otrPath)) { return; } OTRVersion otrVersion = ReadPortVersionFromOTR(otrPath); if (otrVersion.major != gBuildVersionMajor) { isOtrOld = true; } if (isOtrOld) { #if not defined(__SWITCH__) && not defined(__WIIU__) char msgBuf[250]; char version[18]; // 5 digits for int16_max (x3) + separators + terminator if (otrVersion.major != 0 || otrVersion.minor != 0 || otrVersion.patch != 0) { snprintf(version, 18, "%d.%d.%d", otrVersion.major, otrVersion.minor, otrVersion.patch); } else { snprintf(version, 18, "no version found"); } snprintf(msgBuf, 250, "The %s file was generated with a different version of Ship of Harkinian.\nOTR version: %s\n\n" "You must regenerate to be able to play, otherwise the program will exit.\nWould you like to regenerate it now?", fileName.c_str(), version); if (Extractor::ShowYesNoBox("Old OTR File Found", msgBuf) == IDYES) { std::string installPath = LUS::Context::GetAppBundlePath(); if (!std::filesystem::exists(installPath + "/assets/extractor")) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Extractor assets not found", "Unable to regenerate. Missing assets/extractor folder needed to generate OTR file.\n\nExiting..."); exit(1); } Extractor extract; if (!extract.Run(LUS::Context::GetAppDirectoryPath(appShortName), isMQ ? RomSearchMode::MQ : RomSearchMode::Vanilla)) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Error", "An error occured, no OTR file was generated.\n\nExiting..."); exit(1); } extract.CallZapd(installPath, LUS::Context::GetAppDirectoryPath(appShortName)); } else { exit(1); } #elif defined(__SWITCH__) LUS::Switch::PrintErrorMessageToScreen("\x1b[2;2HYou've launched the Ship with an old game OTR file." "\x1b[4;2HPlease regenerate a new game OTR and relaunch." "\x1b[6;2HPress the Home button to exit..."); #elif defined(__WIIU__) OSFatal("You've launched the Ship with an old a game OTR file.\n\n" "Please generate a game OTR and relaunch.\n\n" "Press and hold the Power button to shutdown..."); #endif } } bool IsSubpath(const std::filesystem::path& path, const std::filesystem::path& base) { auto rel = std::filesystem::relative(path, base); return !rel.empty() && rel.native()[0] != '.'; } bool PathTestCleanup(FILE* tfile) { try { if (std::filesystem::exists("./text.txt")) std::filesystem::remove("./text.txt"); if (std::filesystem::exists("./test/")) std::filesystem::remove("./test/"); } catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error const& ex) { return false; } return true; } extern "C" void InitOTR() { #ifdef __SWITCH__ LUS::Switch::Init(LUS::PreInitPhase); #elif defined(__WIIU__) LUS::WiiU::Init(appShortName); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 char* tempVar = getenv("TEMP"); std::filesystem::path tempPath; try { tempPath = std::filesystem::canonical(tempVar); } catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error const& ex) { std::string userPath = getenv("USERPROFILE"); userPath.append("\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"); tempPath = std::filesystem::canonical(userPath); } wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, buffer, _countof(buffer)); auto ownPath = std::filesystem::canonical(buffer).parent_path(); if (IsSubpath(ownPath, tempPath)) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Error", "SoH is running in a temp folder. Extract the .zip and run again."); exit(1); } FILE* tfile = fopen("./text.txt", "w"); std::filesystem::path tfolder = std::filesystem::path("./test/"); bool error = false; try { create_directories(tfolder); } catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error const& ex) { error = true; } if (tfile == NULL || error) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Error", "SoH does not have proper file permissions. Please move it to a folder that does and run again."); PathTestCleanup(tfile); exit(1); } fclose(tfile); if (!PathTestCleanup(tfile)) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Error", "SoH does not have proper file permissions. Please move it to a folder that does and run again."); exit(1); } #endif CheckSoHOTRVersion(LUS::Context::GetPathRelativeToAppBundle("soh.otr")); if (!std::filesystem::exists(LUS::Context::LocateFileAcrossAppDirs("oot-mq.otr", appShortName)) && !std::filesystem::exists(LUS::Context::LocateFileAcrossAppDirs("oot.otr", appShortName))){ #if not defined(__SWITCH__) && not defined(__WIIU__) std::string installPath = LUS::Context::GetAppBundlePath(); if (!std::filesystem::exists(installPath + "/assets/extractor")) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Extractor assets not found", "No OTR files found. Missing assets/extractor folder needed to generate OTR file.\n\nExiting..."); exit(1); } bool generatedOtrIsMQ = false; if (Extractor::ShowYesNoBox("No OTR Files", "No OTR files found. Generate one now?") == IDYES) { Extractor extract; if (!extract.Run(LUS::Context::GetAppDirectoryPath(appShortName))) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Error", "An error occured, no OTR file was generated.\n\nExiting..."); exit(1); } extract.CallZapd(installPath, LUS::Context::GetAppDirectoryPath(appShortName)); generatedOtrIsMQ = extract.IsMasterQuest(); } else { exit(1); } if (Extractor::ShowYesNoBox("Extraction Complete", "ROM Extracted. Extract another?") == IDYES) { Extractor extract; if (!extract.Run(LUS::Context::GetAppDirectoryPath(appShortName), generatedOtrIsMQ ? RomSearchMode::Vanilla : RomSearchMode::MQ)) { Extractor::ShowErrorBox("Error", "An error occured, an OTR file may have been generated by a different step.\n\nContinuing..."); } else { extract.CallZapd(installPath, LUS::Context::GetAppDirectoryPath(appShortName)); } } #elif defined(__SWITCH__) LUS::Switch::PrintErrorMessageToScreen("\x1b[2;2HYou've launched the Ship without a game OTR file." "\x1b[4;2HPlease generate a game OTR and relaunch." "\x1b[6;2HPress the Home button to exit..."); #elif defined(__WIIU__) OSFatal("You've launched the Ship without a game OTR file.\n\n" "Please generate a game OTR and relaunch.\n\n" "Press and hold the Power button to shutdown..."); #endif } DetectOTRVersion("oot.otr", false); DetectOTRVersion("oot-mq.otr", true); OTRGlobals::Instance = new OTRGlobals(); CustomMessageManager::Instance = new CustomMessageManager(); ItemTableManager::Instance = new ItemTableManager(); GameInteractor::Instance = new GameInteractor(); SaveManager::Instance = new SaveManager(); SohGui::SetupGuiElements(); AudioCollection::Instance = new AudioCollection(); ActorDB::Instance = new ActorDB(); #ifdef __APPLE__ SpeechSynthesizer::Instance = new DarwinSpeechSynthesizer(); SpeechSynthesizer::Instance->Init(); #elif defined(_WIN32) SpeechSynthesizer::Instance = new SAPISpeechSynthesizer(); SpeechSynthesizer::Instance->Init(); #else SpeechSynthesizer::Instance = new SpeechLogger(); SpeechSynthesizer::Instance->Init(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_REMOTE_CONTROL CrowdControl::Instance = new CrowdControl(); GameInteractorSail::Instance = new GameInteractorSail(); #endif clearMtx = (uintptr_t)&gMtxClear; OTRMessage_Init(); OTRAudio_Init(); OTRExtScanner(); VanillaItemTable_Init(); DebugConsole_Init(); InitMods(); ActorDB::AddBuiltInCustomActors(); // #region SOH [Randomizer] TODO: Remove these and refactor spoiler file handling for randomizer CVarClear("gRandomizerNewFileDropped"); CVarClear("gRandomizerDroppedFile"); // #endregion GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook(SoH_ProcessDroppedFiles); time_t now = time(NULL); tm *tm_now = localtime(&now); if (tm_now->tm_mon == 11 && tm_now->tm_mday >= 24 && tm_now->tm_mday <= 25) { CVarRegisterInteger("gLetItSnow", 1); } else { CVarClear("gLetItSnow"); } srand(now); #ifdef ENABLE_REMOTE_CONTROL SDLNet_Init(); if (CVarGetInteger(REMOTE_CVAR("Enabled"), 0)) { switch (CVarGetInteger(REMOTE_CVAR("Scheme"), GI_SCHEME_SAIL)) { case GI_SCHEME_SAIL: GameInteractorSail::Instance->Enable(); break; case GI_SCHEME_CROWD_CONTROL: CrowdControl::Instance->Enable(); break; } } #endif std::shared_ptr conf = OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetConfig(); conf->RegisterConfigVersionUpdater(std::make_shared()); conf->RegisterConfigVersionUpdater(std::make_shared()); conf->RunVersionUpdates(); } extern "C" void SaveManager_ThreadPoolWait() { SaveManager::Instance->ThreadPoolWait(); } extern "C" void DeinitOTR() { SaveManager_ThreadPoolWait(); OTRAudio_Exit(); #ifdef ENABLE_REMOTE_CONTROL if (CVarGetInteger(REMOTE_CVAR("Enabled"), 0)) { switch (CVarGetInteger(REMOTE_CVAR("Scheme"), GI_SCHEME_SAIL)) { case GI_SCHEME_SAIL: GameInteractorSail::Instance->Disable(); break; case GI_SCHEME_CROWD_CONTROL: CrowdControl::Instance->Disable(); break; } } SDLNet_Quit(); #endif // Destroying gui here because we have shared ptrs to LUS objects which output to SPDLOG which is destroyed before these shared ptrs. SohGui::Destroy(); OTRGlobals::Instance->context = nullptr; } #ifdef _WIN32 extern "C" uint64_t GetFrequency() { LARGE_INTEGER nFreq; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&nFreq); return nFreq.QuadPart; } extern "C" uint64_t GetPerfCounter() { LARGE_INTEGER ticks; QueryPerformanceCounter(&ticks); return ticks.QuadPart; } #else extern "C" uint64_t GetFrequency() { return 1000; // sec -> ms } extern "C" uint64_t GetPerfCounter() { struct timespec monotime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &monotime); uint64_t remainingMs = (monotime.tv_nsec / 1000000); // in milliseconds return monotime.tv_sec * 1000 + remainingMs; } #endif extern "C" uint64_t GetUnixTimestamp() { auto time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); auto since_epoch = time.time_since_epoch(); auto millis = std::chrono::duration_cast(since_epoch); return (uint64_t)millis.count(); } // C->C++ Bridge extern "C" void Graph_ProcessFrame(void (*run_one_game_iter)(void)) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->MainLoop(run_one_game_iter); } extern bool ToggleAltAssetsAtEndOfFrame; extern "C" void Graph_StartFrame() { #ifndef __WIIU__ using LUS::KbScancode; int32_t dwScancode = OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetLastScancode(); OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->SetLastScancode(-1); switch (dwScancode) { case KbScancode::LUS_KB_F5: { if (CVarGetInteger(CHEAT_CVAR("SaveStatesEnabled"), 0) == 0) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGameOverlay()-> TextDrawNotification(6.0f, true, "Save states not enabled. Check Cheats Menu."); return; } const unsigned int slot = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->GetCurrentSlot(); const SaveStateReturn stateReturn = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->AddRequest({ slot, RequestType::SAVE }); switch (stateReturn) { case SaveStateReturn::SUCCESS: SPDLOG_INFO("[SOH] Saved state to slot {}", slot); break; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_WRONG_GAMESTATE: SPDLOG_ERROR("[SOH] Can not save a state outside of \"GamePlay\""); break; [[unlikely]] default: break; } break; } case KbScancode::LUS_KB_F6: { if (CVarGetInteger(CHEAT_CVAR("SaveStatesEnabled"), 0) == 0) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGameOverlay()-> TextDrawNotification(6.0f, true, "Save states not enabled. Check Cheats Menu."); return; } unsigned int slot = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->GetCurrentSlot(); slot++; if (slot > 5) { slot = 0; } OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->SetCurrentSlot(slot); SPDLOG_INFO("Set SaveState slot to {}.", slot); break; } case KbScancode::LUS_KB_F7: { if (CVarGetInteger(CHEAT_CVAR("SaveStatesEnabled"), 0) == 0) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGameOverlay()-> TextDrawNotification(6.0f, true, "Save states not enabled. Check Cheats Menu."); return; } const unsigned int slot = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->GetCurrentSlot(); const SaveStateReturn stateReturn = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->AddRequest({ slot, RequestType::LOAD }); switch (stateReturn) { case SaveStateReturn::SUCCESS: SPDLOG_INFO("[SOH] Loaded state from slot {}", slot); break; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_INVALID_SLOT: SPDLOG_ERROR("[SOH] Invalid State Slot Number {}", slot); break; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_STATE_EMPTY: SPDLOG_ERROR("[SOH] State Slot {} is empty", slot); break; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_WRONG_GAMESTATE: SPDLOG_ERROR("[SOH] Can not load a state outside of \"GamePlay\""); break; [[unlikely]] default: break; } break; } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) case KbScancode::LUS_KB_F9: { // Toggle TTS CVarSetInteger("gA11yTTS", !CVarGetInteger("gA11yTTS", 0)); break; } #endif case KbScancode::LUS_KB_TAB: { ToggleAltAssetsAtEndOfFrame = true; break; } } #endif if (CVarGetInteger("gNewFileDropped", 0)) { std::string filePath = SohUtils::Sanitize(CVarGetString("gDroppedFile", "")); if (!filePath.empty()) { GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooks(filePath); } CVarClear("gNewFileDropped"); CVarClear("gDroppedFile"); } OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->StartFrame(); } void RunCommands(Gfx* Commands, const std::vector>& mtx_replacements) { for (const auto& m : mtx_replacements) { gfx_run(Commands, m); gfx_end_frame(); } } // C->C++ Bridge extern "C" void Graph_ProcessGfxCommands(Gfx* commands) { { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); audio.processing = true; } audio.cv_to_thread.notify_one(); std::vector> mtx_replacements; int target_fps = OTRGlobals::Instance->GetInterpolationFPS(); static int last_fps; static int last_update_rate; static int time; int fps = target_fps; int original_fps = 60 / R_UPDATE_RATE; if (target_fps == 20 || original_fps > target_fps) { fps = original_fps; } if (last_fps != fps || last_update_rate != R_UPDATE_RATE) { time = 0; } // time_base = fps * original_fps (one second) int next_original_frame = fps; while (time + original_fps <= next_original_frame) { time += original_fps; if (time != next_original_frame) { mtx_replacements.push_back(FrameInterpolation_Interpolate((float)time / next_original_frame)); } else { mtx_replacements.emplace_back(); } } time -= fps; OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->SetTargetFps(fps); int threshold = CVarGetInteger("gExtraLatencyThreshold", 80); OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->SetMaximumFrameLatency(threshold > 0 && target_fps >= threshold ? 2 : 1); RunCommands(commands, mtx_replacements); last_fps = fps; last_update_rate = R_UPDATE_RATE; { std::unique_lock Lock(audio.mutex); while (audio.processing) { audio.cv_from_thread.wait(Lock); } } if (ToggleAltAssetsAtEndOfFrame) { ToggleAltAssetsAtEndOfFrame = false; // Actually update the CVar now before runing the alt asset update listeners CVarSetInteger("gAltAssets", !CVarGetInteger("gAltAssets", 0)); gfx_texture_cache_clear(); SOH::SkeletonPatcher::UpdateSkeletons(); GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooks(); } // OTRTODO: FIGURE OUT END FRAME POINT /* if (OTRGlobals::Instance->context->lastScancode != -1) OTRGlobals::Instance->context->lastScancode = -1;*/ } float divisor_num = 0.0f; extern "C" void OTRGetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y) { OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetPixelDepthPrepare(x, y); } extern "C" uint16_t OTRGetPixelDepth(float x, float y) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetPixelDepth(x, y); } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetNumGameVersions() { return LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->GetGameVersions().size(); } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetGameVersion(int index) { return LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->GetGameVersions()[index]; } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetGamePlatform(int index) { uint32_t version = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->GetGameVersions()[index]; switch (version) { case OOT_NTSC_US_10: case OOT_NTSC_US_11: case OOT_NTSC_US_12: case OOT_PAL_10: case OOT_PAL_11: return GAME_PLATFORM_N64; case OOT_NTSC_JP_GC: case OOT_NTSC_US_GC: case OOT_PAL_GC: case OOT_NTSC_JP_MQ: case OOT_NTSC_US_MQ: case OOT_PAL_MQ: case OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1: case OOT_PAL_GC_DBG2: case OOT_PAL_GC_MQ_DBG: return GAME_PLATFORM_GC; } } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetGameRegion(int index) { uint32_t version = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->GetGameVersions()[index]; switch (version) { case OOT_NTSC_US_10: case OOT_NTSC_US_11: case OOT_NTSC_US_12: case OOT_NTSC_JP_GC: case OOT_NTSC_US_GC: case OOT_NTSC_JP_MQ: case OOT_NTSC_US_MQ: return GAME_REGION_NTSC; case OOT_PAL_10: case OOT_PAL_11: case OOT_PAL_GC: case OOT_PAL_MQ: case OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1: case OOT_PAL_GC_DBG2: case OOT_PAL_GC_MQ_DBG: return GAME_REGION_PAL; } } uint32_t IsSceneMasterQuest(s16 sceneNum) { uint32_t value = 0; uint8_t mqMode = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", WARP_MODE_OVERRIDE_OFF); if (mqMode == WARP_MODE_OVERRIDE_MQ_AS_VANILLA) { return 1; } else if (mqMode == WARP_MODE_OVERRIDE_VANILLA_AS_MQ) { return 0; } else { if (OTRGlobals::Instance->HasMasterQuest()) { if (!OTRGlobals::Instance->HasOriginal()) { value = 1; } else if (IS_MASTER_QUEST) { value = 1; } else { value = 0; if (IS_RANDO && !OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->masterQuestDungeons.empty() && OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->masterQuestDungeons.contains(sceneNum)) { value = 1; } } } } return value; } uint32_t IsGameMasterQuest() { return gPlayState != NULL ? IsSceneMasterQuest(gPlayState->sceneNum) : 0; } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->HasMasterQuest(); } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->HasOriginal(); } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_IsSceneMasterQuest(s16 sceneNum) { return IsSceneMasterQuest(sceneNum); } extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_IsGameMasterQuest() { return IsGameMasterQuest(); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_LoadDirectory(const char* resName) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadDirectory(resName); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_DirtyDirectory(const char* resName) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->DirtyDirectory(resName); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_UnloadResource(const char* resName) { std::string path = resName; if (path.substr(0, 7) == "__OTR__") { path = path.substr(7); } auto res = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->UnloadResource(path); } // OTRTODO: There is probably a more elegant way to go about this... // Kenix: This is definitely leaking memory when it's called. extern "C" char** ResourceMgr_ListFiles(const char* searchMask, int* resultSize) { auto lst = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->GetArchiveManager()->ListFiles(searchMask); char** result = (char**)malloc(lst->size() * sizeof(char*)); for (size_t i = 0; i < lst->size(); i++) { char* str = (char*)malloc(lst.get()[0][i].size() + 1); memcpy(str, lst.get()[0][i].data(), lst.get()[0][i].size()); str[lst.get()[0][i].size()] = '\0'; result[i] = str; } *resultSize = lst->size(); return result; } extern "C" uint8_t ResourceMgr_FileExists(const char* filePath) { std::string path = filePath; if(path.substr(0, 7) == "__OTR__"){ path = path.substr(7); } return ExtensionCache.contains(path); } extern "C" uint8_t ResourceMgr_FileAltExists(const char* filePath) { std::string path = filePath; if (path.substr(0, 7) == "__OTR__") { path = path.substr(7); } if (path.substr(0, 4) != "alt/") { path = "alt/" + path; } return ExtensionCache.contains(path); } // Unloads a resource if an alternate version exists when alt assets are enabled // The resource is only removed from the internal cache to prevent it from used in the next resource lookup extern "C" void ResourceMgr_UnloadOriginalWhenAltExists(const char* resName) { if (CVarGetInteger("gAltAssets", 0) && ResourceMgr_FileAltExists((char*) resName)) { ResourceMgr_UnloadResource((char*) resName); } } std::shared_ptr GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(const char* path) { std::string Path = path; if (ResourceMgr_IsGameMasterQuest()) { size_t pos = 0; if ((pos = Path.find("/nonmq/", 0)) != std::string::npos) { Path.replace(pos, 7, "/mq/"); } } return LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(Path.c_str()); } extern "C" char* GetResourceDataByNameHandlingMQ(const char* path) { auto res = GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(path); if (res == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return (char*)res->GetRawPointer(); } extern "C" uint8_t ResourceMgr_TexIsRaw(const char* texPath) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(texPath)); return res->Flags & TEX_FLAG_LOAD_AS_RAW; } extern "C" uint8_t ResourceMgr_ResourceIsBackground(char* texPath) { auto res = GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(texPath); return res->GetInitData()->Type == static_cast(SOH::ResourceType::SOH_Background); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadJPEG(char* data, size_t dataSize) { static char* finalBuffer = 0; if (finalBuffer == 0) finalBuffer = (char*)malloc(dataSize); int w; int h; int comp; unsigned char* pixels = stbi_load_from_memory((const unsigned char*)data, 320 * 240 * 2, &w, &h, &comp, STBI_rgb_alpha); //unsigned char* pixels = stbi_load_from_memory((const unsigned char*)data, 480 * 240 * 2, &w, &h, &comp, STBI_rgb_alpha); int idx = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { uint16_t* bufferTest = (uint16_t*)finalBuffer; int pixelIdx = ((y * w) + x) * 4; uint8_t r = pixels[pixelIdx + 0] / 8; uint8_t g = pixels[pixelIdx + 1] / 8; uint8_t b = pixels[pixelIdx + 2] / 8; uint8_t alphaBit = pixels[pixelIdx + 3] != 0; uint16_t data = (r << 11) + (g << 6) + (b << 1) + alphaBit; finalBuffer[idx++] = (data & 0xFF00) >> 8; finalBuffer[idx++] = (data & 0x00FF); } } return (char*)finalBuffer; } extern "C" uint16_t ResourceMgr_LoadTexWidthByName(char* texPath); extern "C" uint16_t ResourceMgr_LoadTexHeightByName(char* texPath); extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexOrDListByName(const char* filePath) { auto res = GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(filePath); if (res->GetInitData()->Type == static_cast(LUS::ResourceType::DisplayList)) return (char*)&((std::static_pointer_cast(res))->Instructions[0]); else if (res->GetInitData()->Type == static_cast(LUS::ResourceType::Array)) return (char*)(std::static_pointer_cast(res))->Vertices.data(); else { return (char*)GetResourceDataByNameHandlingMQ(filePath); } } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadIfDListByName(const char* filePath) { auto res = GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(filePath); if (res->GetInitData()->Type == static_cast(LUS::ResourceType::DisplayList)) return (char*)&((std::static_pointer_cast(res))->Instructions[0]); return nullptr; } extern "C" Sprite* GetSeedTexture(uint8_t index) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetSeedTexture(index); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadPlayerAnimByName(const char* animPath) { auto anim = std::static_pointer_cast(GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(animPath)); return (char*)&anim->limbRotData[0]; } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_PushCurrentDirectory(char* path) { gfx_push_current_dir(path); } extern "C" Gfx* ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByName(const char* path) { // When an alt resource exists for the DL, we need to unload the original asset // to clear the cache so the alt asset will be loaded instead // OTRTODO: If Alt loading over original cache is fixed, this line can most likely be removed ResourceMgr_UnloadOriginalWhenAltExists(path); auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(path)); return (Gfx*)&res->Instructions[0]; } extern "C" uint8_t ResourceMgr_FileIsCustomByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(path)); return res->GetInitData()->IsCustom; } typedef struct { int index; Gfx instruction; } GfxPatch; std::unordered_map> originalGfx; // Attention! This is primarily for cosmetics & bug fixes. For things like mods and model replacement you should be using OTRs // instead (When that is available). Index can be found using the commented out section below. extern "C" void ResourceMgr_PatchGfxByName(const char* path, const char* patchName, int index, Gfx instruction) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast( LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); // Leaving this here for people attempting to find the correct Dlist index to patch /*if (strcmp("__OTR__objects/object_gi_longsword/gGiBiggoronSwordDL", path) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < res->instructions.size(); i++) { Gfx* gfx = (Gfx*)&res->instructions[i]; // Log all commands // SPDLOG_INFO("index:{} command:{}", i, gfx->words.w0 >> 24); // Log only SetPrimColors if (gfx->words.w0 >> 24 == 250) { SPDLOG_INFO("index:{} r:{} g:{} b:{} a:{}", i, _SHIFTR(gfx->words.w1, 24, 8), _SHIFTR(gfx->words.w1, 16, 8), _SHIFTR(gfx->words.w1, 8, 8), _SHIFTR(gfx->words.w1, 0, 8)); } } }*/ // Index refers to individual gfx words, which are half the size on 32-bit // if (sizeof(uintptr_t) < 8) { // index /= 2; // } // Do not patch custom assets as they most likely do not have the same instructions as authentic assets if (res->GetInitData()->IsCustom) { return; } Gfx* gfx = (Gfx*)&res->Instructions[index]; if (!originalGfx.contains(path) || !originalGfx[path].contains(patchName)) { originalGfx[path][patchName] = { index, *gfx }; } *gfx = instruction; } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_PatchGfxCopyCommandByName(const char* path, const char* patchName, int destinationIndex, int sourceIndex) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast( LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); // Do not patch custom assets as they most likely do not have the same instructions as authentic assets if (res->GetInitData()->IsCustom) { return; } Gfx* destinationGfx = (Gfx*)&res->Instructions[destinationIndex]; Gfx sourceGfx = res->Instructions[sourceIndex]; if (!originalGfx.contains(path) || !originalGfx[path].contains(patchName)) { originalGfx[path][patchName] = { destinationIndex, *destinationGfx }; } *destinationGfx = sourceGfx; } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_UnpatchGfxByName(const char* path, const char* patchName) { if (originalGfx.contains(path) && originalGfx[path].contains(patchName)) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast( LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(path)); Gfx* gfx = (Gfx*)&res->Instructions[originalGfx[path][patchName].index]; *gfx = originalGfx[path][patchName].instruction; originalGfx[path].erase(patchName); } } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadArrayByName(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(path)); return (char*)res->Scalars.data(); } extern "C" char* ResourceMgr_LoadArrayByNameAsVec3s(const char* path) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(GetResourceByNameHandlingMQ(path)); // if (res->CachedGameAsset != nullptr) // return (char*)res->CachedGameAsset; // else // { Vec3s* data = (Vec3s*)malloc(sizeof(Vec3s) * res->Scalars.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < res->Scalars.size(); i += 3) { data[(i / 3)].x = res->Scalars[i + 0].s16; data[(i / 3)].y = res->Scalars[i + 1].s16; data[(i / 3)].z = res->Scalars[i + 2].s16; } // res->CachedGameAsset = data; return (char*)data; // } } extern "C" CollisionHeader* ResourceMgr_LoadColByName(const char* path) { return (CollisionHeader*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); } extern "C" Vtx* ResourceMgr_LoadVtxByName(char* path) { return (Vtx*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); } extern "C" SequenceData ResourceMgr_LoadSeqByName(const char* path) { SequenceData* sequence = (SequenceData*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); return *sequence; } std::map cachedCustomSFs; extern "C" SoundFontSample* ReadCustomSample(const char* path) { return nullptr; /* if (!ExtensionCache.contains(path)) return nullptr; ExtensionEntry entry = ExtensionCache[path]; auto sampleRaw = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadFile(entry.path); uint32_t* strem = (uint32_t*)sampleRaw->Buffer.get(); uint8_t* strem2 = (uint8_t*)strem; SoundFontSample* sampleC = new SoundFontSample; if (entry.ext == "wav") { drwav_uint32 channels; drwav_uint32 sampleRate; drwav_uint64 totalPcm; drmp3_int16* pcmData = drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(strem2, sampleRaw->BufferSize, &channels, &sampleRate, &totalPcm, NULL); sampleC->size = totalPcm; sampleC->sampleAddr = (uint8_t*)pcmData; sampleC->codec = CODEC_S16; sampleC->loop = new AdpcmLoop; sampleC->loop->start = 0; sampleC->loop->end = sampleC->size - 1; sampleC->loop->count = 0; sampleC->sampleRateMagicValue = 'RIFF'; sampleC->sampleRate = sampleRate; cachedCustomSFs[path] = sampleC; return sampleC; } else if (entry.ext == "mp3") { drmp3_config mp3Info; drmp3_uint64 totalPcm; drmp3_int16* pcmData = drmp3_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(strem2, sampleRaw->BufferSize, &mp3Info, &totalPcm, NULL); sampleC->size = totalPcm * mp3Info.channels * sizeof(short); sampleC->sampleAddr = (uint8_t*)pcmData; sampleC->codec = CODEC_S16; sampleC->loop = new AdpcmLoop; sampleC->loop->start = 0; sampleC->loop->end = sampleC->size; sampleC->loop->count = 0; sampleC->sampleRateMagicValue = 'RIFF'; sampleC->sampleRate = mp3Info.sampleRate; cachedCustomSFs[path] = sampleC; return sampleC; } return nullptr; */ } extern "C" SoundFontSample* ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSample(const char* path) { return (SoundFontSample*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); } extern "C" SoundFont* ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSoundFont(const char* path) { return (SoundFont*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); } extern "C" int ResourceMgr_OTRSigCheck(char* imgData) { uintptr_t i = (uintptr_t)(imgData); // if (i == 0xD9000000 || i == 0xE7000000 || (i & 1) == 1) if ((i & 1) == 1) return 0; // if ((i & 0xFF000000) != 0xAB000000 && (i & 0xFF000000) != 0xCD000000 && i != 0) { if (i != 0) { if (imgData[0] == '_' && imgData[1] == '_' && imgData[2] == 'O' && imgData[3] == 'T' && imgData[4] == 'R' && imgData[5] == '_' && imgData[6] == '_') return 1; } return 0; } extern "C" AnimationHeaderCommon* ResourceMgr_LoadAnimByName(const char* path) { return (AnimationHeaderCommon*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); } extern "C" SkeletonHeader* ResourceMgr_LoadSkeletonByName(const char* path, SkelAnime* skelAnime) { std::string pathStr = std::string(path); static const std::string sOtr = "__OTR__"; if (pathStr.starts_with(sOtr)) { pathStr = pathStr.substr(sOtr.length()); } bool isAlt = CVarGetInteger("gAltAssets", 0); if (isAlt) { pathStr = LUS::IResource::gAltAssetPrefix + pathStr; } SkeletonHeader* skelHeader = (SkeletonHeader*) ResourceGetDataByName(pathStr.c_str()); // If there isn't an alternate model, load the regular one if (isAlt && skelHeader == NULL) { skelHeader = (SkeletonHeader*) ResourceGetDataByName(path); } // This function is only called when a skeleton is initialized. // Therefore we can take this oppurtunity to take note of the Skeleton that is created... if (skelAnime != nullptr) { auto stringPath = std::string(path); SOH::SkeletonPatcher::RegisterSkeleton(stringPath, skelAnime); } return skelHeader; } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_UnregisterSkeleton(SkelAnime* skelAnime) { if (skelAnime != nullptr) SOH::SkeletonPatcher::UnregisterSkeleton(skelAnime); } extern "C" void ResourceMgr_ClearSkeletons(SkelAnime* skelAnime) { if (skelAnime != nullptr) SOH::SkeletonPatcher::ClearSkeletons(); } extern "C" s32* ResourceMgr_LoadCSByName(const char* path) { return (s32*)GetResourceDataByNameHandlingMQ(path); } std::filesystem::path GetSaveFile(std::shared_ptr Conf) { const std::string fileName = Conf->GetString("Game.SaveName", LUS::Context::GetPathRelativeToAppDirectory("oot_save.sav")); std::filesystem::path saveFile = std::filesystem::absolute(fileName); if (!exists(saveFile.parent_path())) { create_directories(saveFile.parent_path()); } return saveFile; } std::filesystem::path GetSaveFile() { const std::shared_ptr pConf = OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetConfig(); return GetSaveFile(pConf); } void OTRGlobals::CheckSaveFile(size_t sramSize) const { const std::shared_ptr pConf = Instance->context->GetConfig(); std::filesystem::path savePath = GetSaveFile(pConf); std::fstream saveFile(savePath, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary); if (saveFile.fail()) { saveFile.open(savePath, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary | std::fstream::app); for (int i = 0; i < sramSize; ++i) { saveFile.write("\0", 1); } } saveFile.close(); } extern "C" void Ctx_ReadSaveFile(uintptr_t addr, void* dramAddr, size_t size) { SaveManager::ReadSaveFile(GetSaveFile(), addr, dramAddr, size); } extern "C" void Ctx_WriteSaveFile(uintptr_t addr, void* dramAddr, size_t size) { SaveManager::WriteSaveFile(GetSaveFile(), addr, dramAddr, size); } std::wstring StringToU16(const std::string& s) { std::vector result; size_t i = 0; while (i < s.size()) { unsigned long uni; size_t nbytes; bool error = false; unsigned char c = s[i++]; if (c < 0x80) { // ascii uni = c; nbytes = 0; } else if (c <= 0xBF) { // assuming kata/hiragana delimiter nbytes = 0; uni = '\1'; } else if (c <= 0xDF) { uni = c & 0x1F; nbytes = 1; } else if (c <= 0xEF) { uni = c & 0x0F; nbytes = 2; } else if (c <= 0xF7) { uni = c & 0x07; nbytes = 3; } for (size_t j = 0; j < nbytes; ++j) { unsigned char c = s[i++]; uni <<= 6; uni += c & 0x3F; } if (uni != '\1') result.push_back(uni); } std::wstring utf16; for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { unsigned long uni = result[i]; if (uni <= 0xFFFF) { utf16 += (wchar_t)uni; } else { uni -= 0x10000; utf16 += (wchar_t)((uni >> 10) + 0xD800); utf16 += (wchar_t)((uni & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); } } return utf16; } int CopyStringToCharBuffer(const std::string& inputStr, char* buffer, const int maxBufferSize) { if (!inputStr.empty()) { // Prevent potential horrible overflow due to implicit conversion of maxBufferSize to an unsigned. Prevents negatives. memset(buffer, 0, std::max(0, maxBufferSize)); // Gaurentee that this value will be greater than 0, regardless of passed variables. const int copiedCharLen = std::min(std::max(0, maxBufferSize - 1), inputStr.length()); memcpy(buffer, inputStr.c_str(), copiedCharLen); return copiedCharLen; } return 0; } extern "C" void OTRGfxPrint(const char* str, void* printer, void (*printImpl)(void*, char)) { const std::vector hira1 = { u'を', u'ぁ', u'ぃ', u'ぅ', u'ぇ', u'ぉ', u'ゃ', u'ゅ', u'ょ', u'っ', u'-', u'あ', u'い', u'う', u'え', u'お', u'か', u'き', u'く', u'け', u'こ', u'さ', u'し', u'す', u'せ', u'そ', }; const std::vector hira2 = { u'た', u'ち', u'つ', u'て', u'と', u'な', u'に', u'ぬ', u'ね', u'の', u'は', u'ひ', u'ふ', u'へ', u'ほ', u'ま', u'み', u'む', u'め', u'も', u'や', u'ゆ', u'よ', u'ら', u'り', u'る', u'れ', u'ろ', u'わ', u'ん', u'゛', u'゜', }; std::wstring wstr = StringToU16(str); for (const auto& c : wstr) { unsigned char convt = ' '; if (c < 0x80) { printImpl(printer, c); } else if (c >= u'。' && c <= u'゚') { // katakana printImpl(printer, c - 0xFEC0); } else { auto it = std::find(hira1.begin(), hira1.end(), c); if (it != hira1.end()) { // hiragana block 1 printImpl(printer, 0x88 + std::distance(hira1.begin(), it)); } auto it2 = std::find(hira2.begin(), hira2.end(), c); if (it2 != hira2.end()) { // hiragana block 2 printImpl(printer, 0xe0 + std::distance(hira2.begin(), it2)); } } } } extern "C" uint32_t OTRGetCurrentWidth() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetWidth(); } extern "C" uint32_t OTRGetCurrentHeight() { return OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->GetHeight(); } Color_RGB8 GetColorForControllerLED() { auto brightness = CVarGetFloat("gLedBrightness", 1.0f) / 1.0f; Color_RGB8 color = { 0, 0, 0 }; if (brightness > 0.0f) { LEDColorSource source = static_cast(CVarGetInteger("gLedColorSource", LED_SOURCE_TUNIC_ORIGINAL)); bool criticalOverride = CVarGetInteger("gLedCriticalOverride", 1); if (gPlayState && (source == LED_SOURCE_TUNIC_ORIGINAL || source == LED_SOURCE_TUNIC_COSMETICS)) { switch (CUR_EQUIP_VALUE(EQUIP_TYPE_TUNIC)) { case EQUIP_VALUE_TUNIC_KOKIRI: color = source == LED_SOURCE_TUNIC_COSMETICS ? CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Link_KokiriTunic.Value", kokiriColor) : kokiriColor; break; case EQUIP_VALUE_TUNIC_GORON: color = source == LED_SOURCE_TUNIC_COSMETICS ? CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Link_GoronTunic.Value", goronColor) : goronColor; break; case EQUIP_VALUE_TUNIC_ZORA: color = source == LED_SOURCE_TUNIC_COSMETICS ? CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Link_ZoraTunic.Value", zoraColor) : zoraColor; break; } } if (gPlayState && (source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_ORIGINAL || source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_COSMETICS)) { Actor* arrowPointedActor = gPlayState->actorCtx.targetCtx.arrowPointedActor; if (arrowPointedActor) { ActorCategory category = (ActorCategory)arrowPointedActor->category; switch (category) { case ACTORCAT_PLAYER: if (source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_COSMETICS && CVarGetInteger("gCosmetics.Navi_IdlePrimary.Changed", 0)) { color = CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Navi_IdlePrimary.Value", defaultIdleColor.inner); break; } color = LEDColorDefaultNaviColorList[category].inner; break; case ACTORCAT_NPC: if (source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_COSMETICS && CVarGetInteger("gCosmetics.Navi_NPCPrimary.Changed", 0)) { color = CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Navi_NPCPrimary.Value", defaultNPCColor.inner); break; } color = LEDColorDefaultNaviColorList[category].inner; break; case ACTORCAT_ENEMY: case ACTORCAT_BOSS: if (source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_COSMETICS && CVarGetInteger("gCosmetics.Navi_EnemyPrimary.Changed", 0)) { color = CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Navi_EnemyPrimary.Value", defaultEnemyColor.inner); break; } color = LEDColorDefaultNaviColorList[category].inner; break; default: if (source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_COSMETICS && CVarGetInteger("gCosmetics.Navi_PropsPrimary.Changed", 0)) { color = CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Navi_PropsPrimary.Value", defaultPropsColor.inner); break; } color = LEDColorDefaultNaviColorList[category].inner; } } else { // No target actor. if (source == LED_SOURCE_NAVI_COSMETICS && CVarGetInteger("gCosmetics.Navi_IdlePrimary.Changed", 0)) { color = CVarGetColor24("gCosmetics.Navi_IdlePrimary.Value", defaultIdleColor.inner); } else { color = LEDColorDefaultNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PLAYER].inner; } } } if (source == LED_SOURCE_CUSTOM) { color = CVarGetColor24("gLedPort1Color", { 255, 255, 255 }); } if (gPlayState && (criticalOverride || source == LED_SOURCE_HEALTH)) { if (HealthMeter_IsCritical()) { color = { 0xFF, 0, 0 }; } else if (gSaveContext.healthCapacity != 0 && source == LED_SOURCE_HEALTH) { if (gSaveContext.health / gSaveContext.healthCapacity <= 0.4f) { color = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 }; } else { color = { 0, 0xFF, 0 }; } } } color.r = color.r * brightness; color.g = color.g * brightness; color.b = color.b * brightness; } return color; } extern "C" void OTRControllerCallback(uint8_t rumble) { // We call this every tick, SDL accounts for this use and prevents driver spam // https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/f17058b562c8a1090c0c996b42982721ace90903/src/joystick/SDL_joystick.c#L1114-L1144 LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetControlDeck()->GetControllerByPort(0)->GetLED()->SetLEDColor(GetColorForControllerLED()); static std::shared_ptr controllerConfigWindow = nullptr; if (controllerConfigWindow == nullptr) { controllerConfigWindow = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGuiWindow("Input Editor")); } else if (controllerConfigWindow->TestingRumble()) { return; } if (rumble) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetControlDeck()->GetControllerByPort(0)->GetRumble()->StartRumble(); } else { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetControlDeck()->GetControllerByPort(0)->GetRumble()->StopRumble(); } } extern "C" float OTRGetAspectRatio() { return gfx_current_dimensions.aspect_ratio; } extern "C" float OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(float v) { return (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 * OTRGetAspectRatio() + (v)); } extern "C" float OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(float v) { return (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 * OTRGetAspectRatio() - (SCREEN_WIDTH - v)); } f32 floorf(f32 x); f32 ceilf(f32 x); extern "C" int16_t OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(float v) { return ((int)floorf(OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(v))); } extern "C" int16_t OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(float v) { return ((int)ceilf(OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(v))); } extern "C" int AudioPlayer_Buffered(void) { return AudioPlayerBuffered(); } extern "C" int AudioPlayer_GetDesiredBuffered(void) { return AudioPlayerGetDesiredBuffered(); } extern "C" void AudioPlayer_Play(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) { AudioPlayerPlayFrame(buf, len); } extern "C" int Controller_ShouldRumble(size_t slot) { for (auto [id, mapping] : LUS::Context::GetInstance() ->GetControlDeck() ->GetControllerByPort(static_cast(slot)) ->GetRumble() ->GetAllRumbleMappings()) { if (mapping->PhysicalDeviceIsConnected()) { return 1; } } return 0; } extern "C" void* getN64WeirdFrame(s32 i) { char* weirdFrameBytes = reinterpret_cast(n64WeirdFrames); return &weirdFrameBytes[i + sizeof(n64WeirdFrames)]; } extern "C" int GetEquipNowMessage(char* buffer, char* src, const int maxBufferSize) { CustomMessage customMessage("\x04\x1A\x08" "Would you like to equip it now?" "\x09&&" "\x1B%g" "Yes" "&" "No" "%w\x02", "\x04\x1A\x08" "M" "\x9A" "chtest Du es jetzt ausr\x9Esten?" "\x09&&" "\x1B%g" "Ja!" "&" "Nein!" "%w\x02", "\x04\x1A\x08" "D\x96sirez-vous l'\x96quiper maintenant?" "\x09&&" "\x1B%g" "Oui" "&" "Non" "%w\x02"); customMessage.Format(); std::string postfix; if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_FRA) { postfix = customMessage.GetFrench(); } else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER) { postfix = customMessage.GetGerman(); } else { postfix = customMessage.GetEnglish(); } std::string str; std::string FixedBaseStr(src); int RemoveControlChar = FixedBaseStr.find_first_of("\x02"); if (RemoveControlChar != std::string::npos) { FixedBaseStr = FixedBaseStr.substr(0, RemoveControlChar); } str = FixedBaseStr + postfix; if (!str.empty()) { memset(buffer, 0, maxBufferSize); const int copiedCharLen = std::min(maxBufferSize - 1, str.length()); memcpy(buffer, str.c_str(), copiedCharLen); return copiedCharLen; } return 0; } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadSettings(const char* spoilerFileName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadRandomizerSettings(spoilerFileName); } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadHintLocations(const char* spoilerFileName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadHintLocations(spoilerFileName); } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadMerchantMessages(const char* spoilerFileName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadMerchantMessages(spoilerFileName); } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadRequiredTrials(const char* spoilerFileName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadRequiredTrials(spoilerFileName); } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadMasterQuestDungeons(const char* spoilerFileName) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadMasterQuestDungeons(spoilerFileName); } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadItemLocations(const char* spoilerFileName, bool silent) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadItemLocations(spoilerFileName, silent); } extern "C" bool Randomizer_IsTrialRequired(RandomizerInf trial) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->IsTrialRequired(trial); } extern "C" void Randomizer_LoadEntranceOverrides(const char* spoilerFileName, bool silent) { OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->LoadEntranceOverrides(spoilerFileName, silent); } extern "C" u32 SpoilerFileExists(const char* spoilerFileName) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->SpoilerFileExists(spoilerFileName); } extern "C" u8 Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RandomizerSettingKey randoSettingKey) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetRandoSettingValue(randoSettingKey); } extern "C" RandomizerCheck Randomizer_GetCheckFromActor(s16 actorId, s16 sceneNum, s16 actorParams) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetCheckFromActor(actorId, sceneNum, actorParams); } extern "C" ScrubIdentity Randomizer_IdentifyScrub(s32 sceneNum, s32 actorParams, s32 respawnData) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->IdentifyScrub(sceneNum, actorParams, respawnData); } extern "C" ShopItemIdentity Randomizer_IdentifyShopItem(s32 sceneNum, u8 slotIndex) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->IdentifyShopItem(sceneNum, slotIndex); } extern "C" CowIdentity Randomizer_IdentifyCow(s32 sceneNum, s32 posX, s32 posZ) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->IdentifyCow(sceneNum, posX, posZ); } extern "C" GetItemEntry ItemTable_Retrieve(int16_t getItemID) { GetItemEntry giEntry = ItemTableManager::Instance->RetrieveItemEntry(MOD_NONE, getItemID); return giEntry; } extern "C" GetItemEntry ItemTable_RetrieveEntry(s16 tableID, s16 getItemID) { return ItemTableManager::Instance->RetrieveItemEntry(tableID, getItemID); } extern "C" GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromActor(s16 actorId, s16 sceneNum, s16 actorParams, GetItemID ogId) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetItemFromActor(actorId, sceneNum, actorParams, ogId); } extern "C" GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromActorWithoutObtainabilityCheck(s16 actorId, s16 sceneNum, s16 actorParams, GetItemID ogId) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetItemFromActor(actorId, sceneNum, actorParams, ogId, false); } extern "C" GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck(RandomizerCheck randomizerCheck, GetItemID ogId) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetItemFromKnownCheck(randomizerCheck, ogId); } extern "C" GetItemEntry Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheckWithoutObtainabilityCheck(RandomizerCheck randomizerCheck, GetItemID ogId) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetItemFromKnownCheck(randomizerCheck, ogId, false); } extern "C" ItemObtainability Randomizer_GetItemObtainabilityFromRandomizerCheck(RandomizerCheck randomizerCheck) { return OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetItemObtainabilityFromRandomizerCheck(randomizerCheck); } CustomMessage Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(Player* player) { s16 giid; if (player->getItemEntry.objectId != OBJECT_INVALID) { giid = player->getItemEntry.getItemId; } else { giid = player->getItemId; } const CustomMessage getItemText = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::getItemMessageTableID, giid); return getItemText; } extern "C" int CustomMessage_RetrieveIfExists(PlayState* play) { MessageContext* msgCtx = &play->msgCtx; uint16_t textId = msgCtx->textId; Font* font = &msgCtx->font; char* buffer = font->msgBuf; const int maxBufferSize = sizeof(font->msgBuf); CustomMessage messageEntry; s16 actorParams = 0; if (IS_RANDO) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (textId == TEXT_RANDOMIZER_CUSTOM_ITEM) { if (player->getItemEntry.getItemId == RG_ICE_TRAP) { u16 iceTrapTextId = Random(0, NUM_ICE_TRAP_MESSAGES); messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::IceTrapRandoMessageTableID, iceTrapTextId); if (CVarGetInteger("gLetItSnow", 0)) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::IceTrapRandoMessageTableID, NUM_ICE_TRAP_MESSAGES + 1); } } else if (player->getItemEntry.getItemId == RG_TRIFORCE_PIECE) { messageEntry = Randomizer::GetTriforcePieceMessage(); } else { messageEntry = Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(player); } } else if (textId == TEXT_ITEM_DUNGEON_MAP || textId == TEXT_ITEM_COMPASS) { if (DUNGEON_ITEMS_CAN_BE_OUTSIDE_DUNGEON(RSK_STARTING_MAPS_COMPASSES)) { if (textId == TEXT_ITEM_DUNGEON_MAP) { messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetMapGetItemMessageWithHint(player->getItemEntry); } else { messageEntry = Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(player); } } } else if (textId == TEXT_ITEM_KEY_BOSS) { if (player->getItemEntry.getItemId == RG_GANONS_CASTLE_BOSS_KEY) { if (DUNGEON_ITEMS_CAN_BE_OUTSIDE_DUNGEON(RSK_GANONS_BOSS_KEY)) { messageEntry = Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(player); } } else { if (DUNGEON_ITEMS_CAN_BE_OUTSIDE_DUNGEON(RSK_BOSS_KEYSANITY)) { messageEntry = Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(player); } } } else if (textId == TEXT_ITEM_KEY_SMALL) { if (player->getItemEntry.getItemId == RG_GERUDO_FORTRESS_SMALL_KEY) { if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_GERUDO_KEYS) != RO_GERUDO_KEYS_VANILLA) { messageEntry = Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(player); } } else { if (DUNGEON_ITEMS_CAN_BE_OUTSIDE_DUNGEON(RSK_KEYSANITY)) { messageEntry = Randomizer_GetCustomGetItemMessage(player); } } } else if (textId == TEXT_RANDOMIZER_GOSSIP_STONE_HINTS && Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_GOSSIP_STONE_HINTS) != RO_GOSSIP_STONES_NONE && (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_GOSSIP_STONE_HINTS) == RO_GOSSIP_STONES_NEED_NOTHING || (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_GOSSIP_STONE_HINTS) == RO_GOSSIP_STONES_NEED_TRUTH && Player_GetMask(play) == PLAYER_MASK_TRUTH) || (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_GOSSIP_STONE_HINTS) == RO_GOSSIP_STONES_NEED_STONE && CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_STONE_OF_AGONY)))) { Actor* stone = GET_PLAYER(play)->targetActor; actorParams = stone->params; // if we're in a generic grotto if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_GROTTOS && actorParams == 14360) { // look for the chest in the actorlist to determine // which grotto we're in int numOfActorLists = sizeof(play->actorCtx.actorLists) / sizeof(play->actorCtx.actorLists[0]); for (int i = 0; i < numOfActorLists; i++) { if (play->actorCtx.actorLists[i].length) { if (play->actorCtx.actorLists[i].head->id == 10) { // set the params for the hint check to be negative chest params actorParams = 0 - play->actorCtx.actorLists[i].head->params; } } } } RandomizerCheck hintCheck = Randomizer_GetCheckFromActor(stone->id, play->sceneNum, actorParams); messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, hintCheck); } else if ((textId == TEXT_ALTAR_CHILD || textId == TEXT_ALTAR_ADULT)) { // rando hints at altar messageEntry = (LINK_IS_ADULT) ? CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, TEXT_ALTAR_ADULT) : CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, TEXT_ALTAR_CHILD); } else if (textId == TEXT_GANONDORF) { if ((INV_CONTENT(ITEM_ARROW_LIGHT) == ITEM_ARROW_LIGHT && CHECK_OWNED_EQUIP(EQUIP_TYPE_SWORD, EQUIP_INV_SWORD_MASTER)) || !Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_LIGHT_ARROWS_HINT)) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, TEXT_GANONDORF_NOHINT); } else { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, TEXT_GANONDORF); } } else if (textId == TEXT_SHEIK_NEED_HOOK || textId == TEXT_SHEIK_HAVE_HOOK) { messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetSheikMessage(gPlayState->sceneNum, textId); // textId: TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM + (randomizerInf - RAND_INF_SCRUBS_PURCHASED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_DEKU_SCRUB_NEAR_BOMB_BAG_LEFT) } else if (textId >= TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM && textId <= TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM + NUM_SCRUBS) { RandomizerInf randoInf = (RandomizerInf)((textId - TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM) + RAND_INF_SCRUBS_PURCHASED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_DEKU_SCRUB_NEAR_BOMB_BAG_LEFT); messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetMerchantMessage(randoInf, TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM, Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SCRUB_TEXT_HINT) == RO_GENERIC_OFF); // Shop items each have two message entries, second one offset by NUM_SHOP_ITEMS // textId: TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM + (randomizerInf - RAND_INF_SHOP_ITEMS_KF_SHOP_ITEM_1) // textId: TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM + ((randomizerInf - RAND_INF_SHOP_ITEMS_KF_SHOP_ITEM_1) + NUM_SHOP_ITEMS) } else if (textId >= TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM && textId <= TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM + (NUM_SHOP_ITEMS * 2)) { if (textId < TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM + NUM_SHOP_ITEMS) { RandomizerInf randoInf = (RandomizerInf)((textId - TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM) + RAND_INF_SHOP_ITEMS_KF_SHOP_ITEM_1); messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetMerchantMessage(randoInf, TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM); } else { RandomizerInf randoInf = (RandomizerInf)((textId - (TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM + NUM_SHOP_ITEMS)) + RAND_INF_SHOP_ITEMS_KF_SHOP_ITEM_1); messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetMerchantMessage(randoInf, TEXT_SHOP_ITEM_RANDOM_CONFIRM); } } else if (CVarGetInteger(RANDO_ENHANCEMENT_CVAR("RandomizeRupeeNames"), 1) && (textId == TEXT_BLUE_RUPEE || textId == TEXT_RED_RUPEE || textId == TEXT_PURPLE_RUPEE || textId == TEXT_HUGE_RUPEE)) { messageEntry = Randomizer::GetRupeeMessage(textId); // In rando, replace Navi's general overworld hints with rando-related gameplay tips } else if (CVarGetInteger(RANDO_ENHANCEMENT_CVAR("RandoRelevantNavi"), 1) && textId >= 0x0140 && textId <= 0x015F) { u16 naviTextId = Random(0, NUM_NAVI_MESSAGES); messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::NaviRandoMessageTableID, naviTextId); } else if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_MAGIC_BEANS) && textId == TEXT_BEAN_SALESMAN) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::merchantMessageTableID, TEXT_BEAN_SALESMAN); } else if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_MERCHANTS) != RO_SHUFFLE_MERCHANTS_OFF && (textId == TEXT_MEDIGORON || (textId == TEXT_GRANNYS_SHOP && !Flags_GetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_MERCHANTS_GRANNYS_SHOP) && (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_ADULT_TRADE) || INV_CONTENT(ITEM_CLAIM_CHECK) == ITEM_CLAIM_CHECK)) || (textId == TEXT_CARPET_SALESMAN_1 && !Flags_GetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_MERCHANTS_CARPET_SALESMAN)) || (textId == TEXT_CARPET_SALESMAN_2 && !Flags_GetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_MERCHANTS_CARPET_SALESMAN)))) { RandomizerInf randoInf; if (textId == TEXT_MEDIGORON) { randoInf = RAND_INF_MERCHANTS_MEDIGORON; } else if (textId == TEXT_GRANNYS_SHOP) { randoInf = RAND_INF_MERCHANTS_GRANNYS_SHOP; } else { randoInf = RAND_INF_MERCHANTS_CARPET_SALESMAN; } messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetMerchantMessage(randoInf, textId, Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_MERCHANTS) != RO_SHUFFLE_MERCHANTS_ON_HINT); } else if (textId == TEXT_BUY_BOMBCHU_10_DESC || textId == TEXT_BUY_BOMBCHU_10_PROMPT) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(customMessageTableID, textId); } else if (textId == TEXT_CURSED_SKULLTULA_PEOPLE) { actorParams = GET_PLAYER(play)->targetActor->params; RandomizerSettingKey rsk = (RandomizerSettingKey)(RSK_KAK_10_SKULLS_HINT + (actorParams - 1)); if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(rsk)) { messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetCursedSkullMessage(actorParams); } } else if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_DAMPES_DIARY_HINT) && textId == TEXT_DAMPES_DIARY) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::randoMiscHintsTableID, TEXT_DAMPES_DIARY); } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_TREASURE_BOX_SHOP && Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_GREG_HINT) && (textId == 0x704C || textId == 0x6E || textId == 0x84)) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::randoMiscHintsTableID, TEXT_CHEST_GAME_PROCEED); } else if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_WARP_SONGS) && (textId >= TEXT_WARP_MINUET_OF_FOREST && textId <= TEXT_WARP_PRELUDE_OF_LIGHT)) { messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetWarpSongMessage(textId, Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_WARP_SONG_HINTS) == RO_GENERIC_OFF); } else if (textId == TEXT_LAKE_HYLIA_WATER_SWITCH_NAVI || textId == TEXT_LAKE_HYLIA_WATER_SWITCH_SIGN) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, textId); } else if (textId == TEXT_SHOOTING_GALLERY_MAN_COME_BACK_WITH_BOW) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::hintMessageTableID, TEXT_SHOOTING_GALLERY_MAN_COME_BACK_WITH_BOW); } else if (textId == 0x3052 || (textId >= 0x3069 && textId <= 0x3070)) { //Fire Temple gorons u16 choice = Random(0, NUM_GORON_MESSAGES); messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetGoronMessage(choice); } else if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_FROGS_HINT) && textId == TEXT_FROGS_UNDERWATER) { messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetFrogsMessage(textId); } else if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SARIA_HINT) && (gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_SACRED_FOREST_MEADOW && textId == TEXT_SARIA_SFM) || (textId >= TEXT_SARIAS_SONG_FACE_TO_FACE && textId <= TEXT_SARIAS_SONG_CHANNELING_POWER)) { messageEntry = OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->GetSariaMessage(textId); } else if (textId == TEXT_BEAN_SALESMAN_BUY_FOR_100) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(Randomizer::merchantMessageTableID, TEXT_BEAN_SALESMAN_BUY_FOR_100); } } if (textId == TEXT_GS_NO_FREEZE || textId == TEXT_GS_FREEZE) { if (CVarGetInteger("gInjectItemCounts", 0) != 0) { // The freeze text cannot be manually dismissed and must be auto-dismissed. // This is fine and even wanted when skull tokens are not shuffled, but when // when they are shuffled we don't want to be able to manually dismiss the box. // Otherwise if we get a token from a chest or an NPC we get stuck in the ItemGet // animation until the text box auto-dismisses. // RANDOTODO: Implement a way to determine if an item came from a skulltula and // inject the auto-dismiss control code if it did. if (CVarGetInteger("gSkulltulaFreeze", 0) != 0 && !(IS_RANDO && Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_TOKENS) != RO_TOKENSANITY_OFF)) { textId = TEXT_GS_NO_FREEZE; } else { textId = TEXT_GS_FREEZE; } // In vanilla, GS token count is incremented prior to the text box displaying // In rando we need to bump the token count by one to show the correct count s16 gsCount = gSaveContext.inventory.gsTokens + (IS_RANDO ? 1 : 0); messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(customMessageTableID, textId); messageEntry.Replace("{{gsCount}}", std::to_string(gsCount)); } } if (textId == TEXT_HEART_CONTAINER && CVarGetInteger("gInjectItemCounts", 0)) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(customMessageTableID, TEXT_HEART_CONTAINER); messageEntry.Replace("{{heartContainerCount}}", std::to_string(gSaveContext.sohStats.heartContainers + 1)); } if (textId == TEXT_HEART_PIECE && CVarGetInteger("gInjectItemCounts", 0)) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(customMessageTableID, TEXT_HEART_PIECE); messageEntry.Replace("{{heartPieceCount}}", std::to_string(gSaveContext.sohStats.heartPieces + 1)); } if (textId == TEXT_MARKET_GUARD_NIGHT && CVarGetInteger("gMarketSneak", 0) && play->sceneNum == SCENE_MARKET_ENTRANCE_NIGHT) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(customMessageTableID, TEXT_MARKET_GUARD_NIGHT); } if (textId == TEXT_FISHERMAN_LEAVE && CVarGetInteger("gQuitFishingAtDoor", 0)) { messageEntry = CustomMessageManager::Instance->RetrieveMessage(customMessageTableID, TEXT_FISHERMAN_LEAVE); } font->charTexBuf[0] = (messageEntry.GetTextBoxType() << 4) | messageEntry.GetTextBoxPosition(); switch (gSaveContext.language) { case LANGUAGE_FRA: return msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength = CopyStringToCharBuffer(messageEntry.GetFrench(), buffer, maxBufferSize); case LANGUAGE_GER: return msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength = CopyStringToCharBuffer(messageEntry.GetGerman(), buffer, maxBufferSize); case LANGUAGE_ENG: default: return msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength = CopyStringToCharBuffer(messageEntry.GetEnglish(), buffer, maxBufferSize); } return false; } extern "C" void Overlay_DisplayText(float duration, const char* text) { LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGameOverlay()->TextDrawNotification(duration, true, text); } extern "C" void Overlay_DisplayText_Seconds(int seconds, const char* text) { float duration = seconds * OTRGlobals::Instance->GetInterpolationFPS() * 0.05; LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGameOverlay()->TextDrawNotification(duration, true, text); } extern "C" void Entrance_ClearEntranceTrackingData(void) { ClearEntranceTrackingData(); } extern "C" void Entrance_InitEntranceTrackingData(void) { InitEntranceTrackingData(); } extern "C" void EntranceTracker_SetCurrentGrottoID(s16 entranceIndex) { SetCurrentGrottoIDForTracker(entranceIndex); } extern "C" void EntranceTracker_SetLastEntranceOverride(s16 entranceIndex) { SetLastEntranceOverrideForTracker(entranceIndex); } extern "C" void Gfx_RegisterBlendedTexture(const char* name, u8* mask, u8* replacement) { gfx_register_blended_texture(name, mask, replacement); } extern "C" void Gfx_UnregisterBlendedTexture(const char* name) { gfx_unregister_blended_texture(name); } extern "C" void Gfx_TextureCacheDelete(const uint8_t* texAddr) { char* imgName = (char*)texAddr; if (texAddr == nullptr) { return; } if (ResourceMgr_OTRSigCheck(imgName)) { texAddr = (const uint8_t*)GetResourceDataByNameHandlingMQ(imgName); } gfx_texture_cache_delete(texAddr); } void SoH_ProcessDroppedFiles(std::string filePath) { try { std::ifstream configStream(filePath); if (!configStream) { return; } nlohmann::json configJson; configStream >> configJson; // #region SOH [Randomizer] TODO: Refactor spoiler file handling for randomizer if (configJson.contains("version") && configJson.contains("finalSeed")) { CVarSetString("gRandomizerDroppedFile", filePath.c_str()); CVarSetInteger("gRandomizerNewFileDropped", 1); return; } // #endregion if (!configJson.contains("CVars")) { return; } clearCvars(enhancementsCvars); clearCvars(cheatCvars); clearCvars(randomizerCvars); // Flatten everything under CVars into a single array auto cvars = configJson["CVars"].flatten(); for (auto& [key, value] : cvars.items()) { // Replace slashes with dots in key, and remove leading dot std::string path = key; std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '/', '.'); if (path[0] == '.') { path.erase(0, 1); } if (value.is_string()) { CVarSetString(path.c_str(), value.get().c_str()); } else if (value.is_number_integer()) { CVarSetInteger(path.c_str(), value.get()); } else if (value.is_number_float()) { CVarSetFloat(path.c_str(), value.get()); } } auto gui = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui(); gui->GetGuiWindow("Console")->Hide(); gui->GetGuiWindow("Actor Viewer")->Hide(); gui->GetGuiWindow("Collision Viewer")->Hide(); gui->GetGuiWindow("Save Editor")->Hide(); gui->GetGuiWindow("Display List Viewer")->Hide(); gui->GetGuiWindow("Stats")->Hide(); std::dynamic_pointer_cast(LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui()->GetGuiWindow("Console"))->ClearBindings(); gui->SaveConsoleVariablesOnNextTick(); uint32_t finalHash = boost::hash_32{}(configJson.dump()); gui->GetGameOverlay()->TextDrawNotification(30.0f, true, "Configuration Loaded. Hash: %d", finalHash); } catch (std::exception& e) { SPDLOG_ERROR("Failed to load config file: {}", e.what()); auto gui = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui(); gui->GetGameOverlay()->TextDrawNotification(30.0f, true, "Failed to load config file"); return; } catch (...) { SPDLOG_ERROR("Failed to load config file"); auto gui = LUS::Context::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->GetGui(); gui->GetGameOverlay()->TextDrawNotification(30.0f, true, "Failed to load config file"); return; } } // #endregion