/* * File: z_en_goroiwa.c * Overlay: ovl_En_Goroiwa * Description: Rolling boulders */ #include "z_en_goroiwa.h" #include "overlays/effects/ovl_Effect_Ss_Kakera/z_eff_ss_kakera.h" #include "objects/gameplay_keep/gameplay_keep.h" #include "objects/object_goroiwa/object_goroiwa.h" #include "vt.h" #define FLAGS ACTOR_FLAG_4 typedef s32 (*EnGoroiwaUnkFunc1)(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); typedef void (*EnGoroiwaUnkFunc2)(EnGoroiwa* this); #define ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_AT (1 << 0) #define ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC (1 << 1) #define ENGOROIWA_PLAYER_IN_THE_WAY (1 << 2) #define ENGOROIWA_RETAIN_ROT_SPEED (1 << 3) #define ENGOROIWA_IN_WATER (1 << 4) #define ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY 0 /* same as ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY but display rock fragments as if the boulder broke at the end of the path*/ #define ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK 1 #define ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ROUNDTRIP 3 void EnGoroiwa_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(EnGoroiwa* this); void EnGoroiwa_Roll(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveAndFallToGround(EnGoroiwa* this); void EnGoroiwa_MoveAndFallToGround(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_SetupWait(EnGoroiwa* this); void EnGoroiwa_Wait(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveUp(EnGoroiwa* this); void EnGoroiwa_MoveUp(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveDown(EnGoroiwa* this); void EnGoroiwa_MoveDown(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); const ActorInit En_Goroiwa_InitVars = { ACTOR_EN_GOROIWA, ACTORCAT_PROP, FLAGS, OBJECT_GOROIWA, sizeof(EnGoroiwa), (ActorFunc)EnGoroiwa_Init, (ActorFunc)EnGoroiwa_Destroy, (ActorFunc)EnGoroiwa_Update, (ActorFunc)EnGoroiwa_Draw, NULL, }; static ColliderJntSphElementInit sJntSphElementsInit[] = { { { ELEMTYPE_UNK0, { 0x20000000, 0x00, 0x04 }, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, TOUCH_ON | TOUCH_SFX_NORMAL, BUMP_NONE, OCELEM_ON, }, { 0, { { 0, 0, 0 }, 58 }, 100 }, }, }; static ColliderJntSphInit sJntSphInit = { { COLTYPE_NONE, AT_ON | AT_TYPE_ENEMY, AC_NONE, OC1_ON | OC1_TYPE_ALL, OC2_TYPE_2, COLSHAPE_JNTSPH, }, 1, sJntSphElementsInit, }; static CollisionCheckInfoInit sColChkInfoInit = { 0, 12, 60, MASS_HEAVY }; static f32 sUnused[] = { 10.0f, 9.2f }; void EnGoroiwa_UpdateCollider(EnGoroiwa* this) { static f32 yOffsets[] = { 0.0f, 59.5f }; Sphere16* worldSphere = &this->collider.elements[0].dim.worldSphere; worldSphere->center.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; worldSphere->center.y = this->actor.world.pos.y + yOffsets[(this->actor.params >> 10) & 1]; worldSphere->center.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; } void EnGoroiwa_InitCollider(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; Collider_InitJntSph(globalCtx, &this->collider); Collider_SetJntSph(globalCtx, &this->collider, &this->actor, &sJntSphInit, this->colliderItems); EnGoroiwa_UpdateCollider(this); this->collider.elements[0].dim.worldSphere.radius = 58; } void EnGoroiwa_UpdateFlags(EnGoroiwa* this, u8 setFlags) { this->stateFlags &= ~(ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_AT | ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC); this->stateFlags |= setFlags; } s32 EnGoroiwa_Vec3fNormalize(Vec3f* ret, Vec3f* a) { f32 magnitude = Math3D_Vec3fMagnitude(a); f32 scale; if (magnitude < 0.001f) { return false; } scale = 1.0f / magnitude; ret->x = a->x * scale; ret->y = a->y * scale; ret->z = a->z * scale; return true; } void EnGoroiwa_SetSpeed(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT04) { this->isInKokiri = true; R_EN_GOROIWA_SPEED = 920; } else { this->isInKokiri = false; R_EN_GOROIWA_SPEED = 1000; } } void EnGoroiwa_FaceNextWaypoint(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; Vec3s* nextPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->nextWaypoint; Vec3f nextPosF; nextPosF.x = nextPos->x; nextPosF.y = nextPos->y; nextPosF.z = nextPos->z; this->actor.world.rot.y = Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&this->actor.world.pos, &nextPosF); } void EnGoroiwa_GetPrevWaypointDiff(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* dest) { s16 loopMode = (this->actor.params >> 8) & 3; Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; s16 prevWaypoint = this->currentWaypoint - this->pathDirection; Vec3s* prevPointPos; Vec3s* currentPointPos; if (prevWaypoint < 0) { if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY || loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK) { prevWaypoint = this->endWaypoint; } else if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ROUNDTRIP) { prevWaypoint = 1; } } else if (prevWaypoint > this->endWaypoint) { if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY || loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK) { prevWaypoint = 0; } else if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ROUNDTRIP) { prevWaypoint = this->endWaypoint - 1; } } currentPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->currentWaypoint; prevPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + prevWaypoint; dest->x = currentPointPos->x - prevPointPos->x; dest->y = currentPointPos->x - prevPointPos->y; dest->z = currentPointPos->x - prevPointPos->z; } void EnGoroiw_CheckEndOfPath(EnGoroiwa* this) { s16 loopMode = (this->actor.params >> 8) & 3; if (this->nextWaypoint < 0) { if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY || loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK) { this->currentWaypoint = this->endWaypoint; this->nextWaypoint = this->endWaypoint - 1; this->pathDirection = -1; } else if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ROUNDTRIP) { this->currentWaypoint = 0; this->nextWaypoint = 1; this->pathDirection = 1; } } else if (this->nextWaypoint > this->endWaypoint) { if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY || loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK) { this->currentWaypoint = 0; this->nextWaypoint = 1; this->pathDirection = 1; } else if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ROUNDTRIP) { this->currentWaypoint = this->endWaypoint; this->nextWaypoint = this->endWaypoint - 1; this->pathDirection = -1; } } } void EnGoroiwa_SetNextWaypoint(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->currentWaypoint = this->nextWaypoint; this->nextWaypoint += this->pathDirection; EnGoroiw_CheckEndOfPath(this); } void EnGoroiwa_ReverseDirection(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->pathDirection *= -1; this->currentWaypoint = this->nextWaypoint; this->nextWaypoint += this->pathDirection; } void EnGoroiwa_InitPath(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { this->endWaypoint = globalCtx->setupPathList [this->actor.params & 0xFF].count - 1; this->currentWaypoint = 0; this->nextWaypoint = 1; this->pathDirection = 1; } void EnGoroiwa_TeleportToWaypoint(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 waypoint) { Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; Vec3s* pointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + waypoint; this->actor.world.pos.x = pointPos->x; this->actor.world.pos.y = pointPos->y; this->actor.world.pos.z = pointPos->z; } void EnGoroiwa_InitRotation(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->prevUnitRollAxis.x = 1.0f; this->rollRotSpeed = 1.0f; } s32 EnGoroiwa_GetAscendDirection(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; Vec3s* nextPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->nextWaypoint; Vec3s* currentPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->currentWaypoint; if (nextPointPos->x == currentPointPos->x && nextPointPos->z == currentPointPos->z) { if (nextPointPos->y == currentPointPos->y) { // "Error: Invalid path data (points overlap)" osSyncPrintf("Error : レールデータ不正(点が重なっている)"); osSyncPrintf("(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)\n", "../z_en_gr.c", 559, this->actor.params); } if (nextPointPos->y > currentPointPos->y) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } return 0; } void EnGoroiwa_SpawnDust(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* pos) { static Vec3f velocity = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; static Vec3f accel = { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f }; Vec3f randPos; s32 i; s16 angle = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { angle += 0x4E20; randPos.x = pos->x + (47.0f * (Rand_ZeroOne() * 0.5f + 0.5f)) * Math_SinS(angle); randPos.y = pos->y + (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * 40.0f; randPos.z = pos->z + ((47.0f * (Rand_ZeroOne() * 0.5f + 0.5f))) * Math_CosS(angle); func_800286CC(globalCtx, &randPos, &velocity, &accel, (s16)(Rand_ZeroOne() * 30.0f) + 100, 80); func_800286CC(globalCtx, &randPos, &velocity, &accel, (s16)(Rand_ZeroOne() * 20.0f) + 80, 80); } } void EnGoroiwa_SpawnWaterEffects(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* contactPos) { Vec3f splashPos; s32 i; s16 angle = 0; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { angle += 0x1746; splashPos.x = contactPos->x + (Math_SinS(angle) * 55.0f); splashPos.y = contactPos->y; splashPos.z = contactPos->z + (Math_CosS(angle) * 55.0f); EffectSsGSplash_Spawn(globalCtx, &splashPos, 0, 0, 0, 350); } EffectSsGRipple_Spawn(globalCtx, contactPos, 300, 700, 0); EffectSsGRipple_Spawn(globalCtx, contactPos, 500, 900, 4); EffectSsGRipple_Spawn(globalCtx, contactPos, 500, 1300, 8); } s32 EnGoroiwa_MoveAndFall(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Path* path; s32 result; s32 pad; Vec3s* nextPointPos; Math_StepToF(&this->actor.speedXZ, R_EN_GOROIWA_SPEED * 0.01f, 0.3f); func_8002D868(&this->actor); path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; nextPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->nextWaypoint; result = true; result &= Math_StepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.x, nextPointPos->x, fabsf(this->actor.velocity.x)); result &= Math_StepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.z, nextPointPos->z, fabsf(this->actor.velocity.z)); this->actor.world.pos.y += this->actor.velocity.y; return result; } s32 EnGoroiwa_Move(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; s32 pad; Vec3s* nextPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->nextWaypoint; Vec3s* currentPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->currentWaypoint; s32 nextPointReached; Vec3f posDiff; Vec3f nextPointPosF; nextPointPosF.x = nextPointPos->x; nextPointPosF.y = nextPointPos->y; nextPointPosF.z = nextPointPos->z; Math_StepToF(&this->actor.speedXZ, R_EN_GOROIWA_SPEED * 0.01f, 0.3f); if (Math3D_Vec3fDistSq(&nextPointPosF, &this->actor.world.pos) < SQ(5.0f)) { Math_Vec3f_Diff(&nextPointPosF, &this->actor.world.pos, &posDiff); } else { posDiff.x = nextPointPosF.x - currentPointPos->x; posDiff.y = nextPointPosF.y - currentPointPos->y; posDiff.z = nextPointPosF.z - currentPointPos->z; } EnGoroiwa_Vec3fNormalize(&this->actor.velocity, &posDiff); this->actor.velocity.x *= this->actor.speedXZ; this->actor.velocity.y *= this->actor.speedXZ; this->actor.velocity.z *= this->actor.speedXZ; nextPointReached = true; nextPointReached &= Math_StepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.x, nextPointPosF.x, fabsf(this->actor.velocity.x)); nextPointReached &= Math_StepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, nextPointPosF.y, fabsf(this->actor.velocity.y)); nextPointReached &= Math_StepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.z, nextPointPosF.z, fabsf(this->actor.velocity.z)); return nextPointReached; } s32 EnGoroiwa_MoveUpToNextWaypoint(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; Vec3s* nextPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->nextWaypoint; Math_StepToF(&this->actor.velocity.y, (R_EN_GOROIWA_SPEED * 0.01f) * 0.5f, 0.18f); this->actor.world.pos.x = nextPointPos->x; this->actor.world.pos.z = nextPointPos->z; return Math_StepToF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, nextPointPos->y, fabsf(this->actor.velocity.y)); } s32 EnGoroiwa_MoveDownToNextWaypoint(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; Path* path = &globalCtx->setupPathList[this->actor.params & 0xFF]; Vec3s* nextPointPos = (Vec3s*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(path->points) + this->nextWaypoint; f32 nextPointY; f32 thisY; f32 yDistToFloor; s32 quakeIdx; CollisionPoly* floorPoly; Vec3f raycastFrom; f32 floorY; s32 pad2; s32 floorBgId; Vec3f dustPos; WaterBox* waterBox; f32 ySurface; Vec3f waterHitPos; nextPointY = nextPointPos->y; Math_StepToF(&this->actor.velocity.y, -14.0f, 1.0f); this->actor.world.pos.x = nextPointPos->x; this->actor.world.pos.z = nextPointPos->z; thisY = this->actor.world.pos.y; if (1) {} this->actor.world.pos.y += this->actor.velocity.y; if (this->actor.velocity.y < 0.0f && this->actor.world.pos.y <= nextPointY) { if (this->bounceCount == 0) { if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer < 600.0f) { quakeIdx = Quake_Add(GET_ACTIVE_CAM(globalCtx), 3); Quake_SetSpeed(quakeIdx, -0x3CB0); Quake_SetQuakeValues(quakeIdx, 3, 0, 0, 0); Quake_SetCountdown(quakeIdx, 7); } this->rollRotSpeed = 0.0f; if (!(this->stateFlags & ENGOROIWA_IN_WATER)) { raycastFrom.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; raycastFrom.y = this->actor.world.pos.y + 50.0f; raycastFrom.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; floorY = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor5(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colCtx, &floorPoly, &floorBgId, &this->actor, &raycastFrom); yDistToFloor = floorY - (this->actor.world.pos.y - 59.5f); if (fabsf(yDistToFloor) < 15.0f) { dustPos.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; dustPos.y = floorY + 10.0f; dustPos.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; EnGoroiwa_SpawnDust(globalCtx, &dustPos); } } } if (this->bounceCount >= 1) { return true; } this->bounceCount++; this->actor.velocity.y *= -0.3f; this->actor.world.pos.y = nextPointY - ((this->actor.world.pos.y - nextPointY) * 0.3f); } if (this->bounceCount == 0 && WaterBox_GetSurfaceImpl(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colCtx, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.z, &ySurface, &waterBox) && this->actor.world.pos.y <= ySurface) { this->stateFlags |= ENGOROIWA_IN_WATER; if (ySurface < thisY) { waterHitPos.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; waterHitPos.y = ySurface; waterHitPos.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; EnGoroiwa_SpawnWaterEffects(globalCtx, &waterHitPos); this->actor.velocity.y *= 0.2f; } if (this->actor.velocity.y < -8.0f) { this->actor.velocity.y = -8.0f; } } return false; } void EnGoroiwa_UpdateRotation(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static Vec3f unitY = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; s32 pad; Vec3f* rollAxisPtr; f32 rollAngleDiff; Vec3f rollAxis; Vec3f unitRollAxis; MtxF mtx; Vec3f unusedDiff; if (this->stateFlags & ENGOROIWA_RETAIN_ROT_SPEED) { rollAngleDiff = this->prevRollAngleDiff; } else { this->prevRollAngleDiff = Math3D_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&this->actor.world.pos, &this->actor.prevPos) * (1.0f / 59.5f); rollAngleDiff = this->prevRollAngleDiff; } rollAngleDiff *= this->rollRotSpeed; rollAxisPtr = &rollAxis; if (this->stateFlags & ENGOROIWA_RETAIN_ROT_SPEED) { /* * EnGoroiwa_GetPrevWaypointDiff has no side effects and its result goes unused, * its result was probably meant to be used instead of the actor's velocity in the * Math3D_Vec3f_Cross call. */ EnGoroiwa_GetPrevWaypointDiff(this, globalCtx, &unusedDiff); Math3D_Vec3f_Cross(&unitY, &this->actor.velocity, rollAxisPtr); } else { Math3D_Vec3f_Cross(&unitY, &this->actor.velocity, rollAxisPtr); } if (EnGoroiwa_Vec3fNormalize(&unitRollAxis, rollAxisPtr)) { this->prevUnitRollAxis = unitRollAxis; } else { unitRollAxis = this->prevUnitRollAxis; } Matrix_RotateAxis(rollAngleDiff, &unitRollAxis, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(this->actor.shape.rot.y * (2.0f * M_PI / 0x10000), MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(this->actor.shape.rot.x * (2.0f * M_PI / 0x10000), MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(this->actor.shape.rot.z * (2.0f * M_PI / 0x10000), MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Get(&mtx); Matrix_MtxFToYXZRotS(&mtx, &this->actor.shape.rot, 0); } void EnGoroiwa_NextWaypoint(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 loopMode = (this->actor.params >> 8) & 3; EnGoroiwa_SetNextWaypoint(this); if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY || loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK) { if (this->currentWaypoint == 0 || this->currentWaypoint == this->endWaypoint) { EnGoroiwa_TeleportToWaypoint(this, globalCtx, this->currentWaypoint); } } EnGoroiwa_FaceNextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); } void EnGoroiwa_SpawnFragments(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static f32 yOffsets[] = { 0.0f, 59.5f }; s16 angle1; s16 angle2; s32 pad; Vec3f* thisPos = &this->actor.world.pos; Vec3f effectPos; Vec3f fragmentVelocity; f32 cos1; f32 sin1; f32 sin2; s16 yOffsetIdx = (this->actor.params >> 10) & 1; s32 i; for (i = 0, angle1 = 0; i < 16; i++, angle1 += 0x4E20) { sin1 = Math_SinS(angle1); cos1 = Math_CosS(angle1); angle2 = Rand_ZeroOne() * 0xFFFF; effectPos.x = Rand_ZeroOne() * 50.0f * sin1 * Math_SinS(angle2); sin2 = Math_SinS(angle2); effectPos.y = (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * 100.0f * sin2 + yOffsets[yOffsetIdx]; effectPos.z = Rand_ZeroOne() * 50.0f * cos1 * Math_SinS(angle2); fragmentVelocity.x = effectPos.x * 0.2f; fragmentVelocity.y = Rand_ZeroOne() * 15.0f + 2.0f; fragmentVelocity.z = effectPos.z * 0.2f; Math_Vec3f_Sum(&effectPos, thisPos, &effectPos); EffectSsKakera_Spawn(globalCtx, &effectPos, &fragmentVelocity, &effectPos, -340, 33, 28, 2, 0, Rand_ZeroOne() * 7.0f + 1.0f, 1, 0, 70, KAKERA_COLOR_NONE, 1, gBoulderFragmentsDL); } effectPos.x = thisPos->x; effectPos.y = thisPos->y + yOffsets[yOffsetIdx]; effectPos.z = thisPos->z; func_80033480(globalCtx, &effectPos, 80.0f, 5, 70, 110, 1); func_80033480(globalCtx, &effectPos, 90.0f, 5, 110, 160, 1); } static InitChainEntry sInitChain[] = { ICHAIN_F32_DIV1000(gravity, -860, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32_DIV1000(minVelocityY, -15000, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_VEC3F_DIV1000(scale, 100, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(uncullZoneForward, 1500, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(uncullZoneScale, 150, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(uncullZoneDownward, 1500, ICHAIN_STOP), }; void EnGoroiwa_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static f32 yOffsets[] = { 0.0f, 595.0f }; EnGoroiwa* this = (EnGoroiwa*)thisx; s32 pathIdx; Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->actor, sInitChain); EnGoroiwa_InitCollider(this, globalCtx); pathIdx = this->actor.params & 0xFF; if (pathIdx == 0xFF) { // "Error: Invalid arg_data" osSyncPrintf("Error : arg_data が不正(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)\n", "../z_en_gr.c", 1033, this->actor.params); Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } if (globalCtx->setupPathList[pathIdx].count < 2) { // "Error: Invalid Path Data" osSyncPrintf("Error : レールデータ が不正(%s %d)\n", "../z_en_gr.c", 1043); Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } CollisionCheck_SetInfo(&this->actor.colChkInfo, NULL, &sColChkInfoInit); ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, yOffsets[(this->actor.params >> 10) & 1], ActorShadow_DrawCircle, 9.4f); this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 200; EnGoroiwa_SetSpeed(this, globalCtx); EnGoroiwa_InitPath(this, globalCtx); EnGoroiwa_TeleportToWaypoint(this, globalCtx, 0); EnGoroiwa_InitRotation(this); EnGoroiwa_FaceNextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(this); // "(Goroiwa)" osSyncPrintf("(ごろ岩)(arg 0x%04x)(rail %d)(end %d)(bgc %d)(hit %d)\n", this->actor.params, this->actor.params & 0xFF, (this->actor.params >> 8) & 3, (this->actor.params >> 10) & 1, this->actor.home.rot.z & 1); } void EnGoroiwa_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx2) { GlobalContext* globalCtx = globalCtx2; EnGoroiwa* this = (EnGoroiwa*)thisx; Collider_DestroyJntSph(globalCtx, &this->collider); } void EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->actionFunc = EnGoroiwa_Roll; EnGoroiwa_UpdateFlags(this, ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_AT | ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC); this->rollRotSpeed = 1.0f; } void EnGoroiwa_Roll(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static EnGoroiwaUnkFunc1 moveFuncs[] = { EnGoroiwa_Move, EnGoroiwa_MoveAndFall }; static EnGoroiwaUnkFunc2 onHitSetupFuncs[] = { EnGoroiwa_SetupWait, EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveAndFallToGround }; s32 ascendDirection; s16 yawDiff; s16 loopMode; if (this->collider.base.atFlags & AT_HIT) { this->collider.base.atFlags &= ~AT_HIT; this->stateFlags &= ~ENGOROIWA_PLAYER_IN_THE_WAY; yawDiff = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.world.rot.y; if (yawDiff > -0x4000 && yawDiff < 0x4000) { this->stateFlags |= ENGOROIWA_PLAYER_IN_THE_WAY; if (((this->actor.params >> 10) & 1) || (this->actor.home.rot.z & 1) != 1) { EnGoroiwa_ReverseDirection(this); EnGoroiwa_FaceNextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); } } func_8002F6D4(globalCtx, &this->actor, 2.0f, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 0.0f, 0); osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(CYAN)); osSyncPrintf("Player ぶっ飛ばし\n"); // "Player knocked down" osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); onHitSetupFuncs[(this->actor.params >> 10) & 1](this); func_8002F7DC(&GET_PLAYER(globalCtx)->actor, NA_SE_PL_BODY_HIT); if ((this->actor.home.rot.z & 1) == 1) { this->collisionDisabledTimer = 50; } } else if (moveFuncs[(this->actor.params >> 10) & 1](this, globalCtx)) { loopMode = (this->actor.params >> 8) & 3; if (loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ONEWAY_BREAK && (this->nextWaypoint == 0 || this->nextWaypoint == this->endWaypoint)) { EnGoroiwa_SpawnFragments(this, globalCtx); } EnGoroiwa_NextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); if ((loopMode == ENGOROIWA_LOOPMODE_ROUNDTRIP) && (this->currentWaypoint == 0 || this->currentWaypoint == this->endWaypoint)) { EnGoroiwa_SetupWait(this); } else if (!((this->actor.params >> 10) & 1) && this->currentWaypoint != 0 && this->currentWaypoint != this->endWaypoint) { ascendDirection = EnGoroiwa_GetAscendDirection(this, globalCtx); if (ascendDirection > 0) { EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveUp(this); } else if (ascendDirection < 0) { EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveDown(this); } else { EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(this); } } else { EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(this); } } Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_BIGBALL_ROLL - SFX_FLAG); } void EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveAndFallToGround(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->actionFunc = EnGoroiwa_MoveAndFallToGround; EnGoroiwa_UpdateFlags(this, ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC); this->actor.gravity = -0.86f; this->actor.minVelocityY = -15.0f; this->actor.speedXZ *= 0.15f; this->actor.velocity.y = 5.0f; this->rollRotSpeed = 1.0f; } void EnGoroiwa_MoveAndFallToGround(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnGoroiwa_MoveAndFall(this, globalCtx); if ((this->actor.bgCheckFlags & 1) && this->actor.velocity.y < 0.0f) { if ((this->stateFlags & ENGOROIWA_PLAYER_IN_THE_WAY) && (this->actor.home.rot.z & 1) == 1) { EnGoroiwa_ReverseDirection(this); EnGoroiwa_FaceNextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); } EnGoroiwa_SetupWait(this); } } void EnGoroiwa_SetupWait(EnGoroiwa* this) { static s16 waitDurations[] = { 20, 6 }; this->actionFunc = EnGoroiwa_Wait; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; EnGoroiwa_UpdateFlags(this, ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC); this->waitTimer = waitDurations[this->actor.home.rot.z & 1]; this->rollRotSpeed = 0.0f; } void EnGoroiwa_Wait(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (this->waitTimer > 0) { this->waitTimer--; } else { this->collider.base.atFlags &= ~AT_HIT; EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(this); } } void EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveUp(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->actionFunc = EnGoroiwa_MoveUp; EnGoroiwa_UpdateFlags(this, ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_AT | ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC); this->rollRotSpeed = 0.0f; this->actor.velocity.y = fabsf(this->actor.speedXZ) * 0.1f; } void EnGoroiwa_MoveUp(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (this->collider.base.atFlags & AT_HIT) { this->collider.base.atFlags &= ~AT_HIT; func_8002F6D4(globalCtx, &this->actor, 2.0f, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 0.0f, 4); func_8002F7DC(&GET_PLAYER(globalCtx)->actor, NA_SE_PL_BODY_HIT); if ((this->actor.home.rot.z & 1) == 1) { this->collisionDisabledTimer = 50; } } else if (EnGoroiwa_MoveUpToNextWaypoint(this, globalCtx)) { EnGoroiwa_NextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(this); this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } } void EnGoroiwa_SetupMoveDown(EnGoroiwa* this) { this->actionFunc = EnGoroiwa_MoveDown; EnGoroiwa_UpdateFlags(this, ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_AT | ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC); this->rollRotSpeed = 0.3f; this->bounceCount = 0; this->actor.velocity.y = fabsf(this->actor.speedXZ) * -0.3f; this->stateFlags |= ENGOROIWA_RETAIN_ROT_SPEED; this->stateFlags &= ~ENGOROIWA_IN_WATER; } void EnGoroiwa_MoveDown(EnGoroiwa* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (this->collider.base.atFlags & AT_HIT) { this->collider.base.atFlags &= ~AT_HIT; func_8002F6D4(globalCtx, &this->actor, 2.0f, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 0.0f, 4); func_8002F7DC(&GET_PLAYER(globalCtx)->actor, NA_SE_PL_BODY_HIT); if ((this->actor.home.rot.z & 1) == 1) { this->collisionDisabledTimer = 50; } } else if (EnGoroiwa_MoveDownToNextWaypoint(this, globalCtx)) { EnGoroiwa_NextWaypoint(this, globalCtx); EnGoroiwa_SetupRoll(this); this->stateFlags &= ~ENGOROIWA_RETAIN_ROT_SPEED; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } } void EnGoroiwa_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnGoroiwa* this = (EnGoroiwa*)thisx; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); s32 pad; s32 sp30; if (!(player->stateFlags1 & 0x300000C0)) { if (this->collisionDisabledTimer > 0) { this->collisionDisabledTimer--; } this->actionFunc(this, globalCtx); switch ((this->actor.params >> 10) & 1) { case 1: Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(globalCtx, &this->actor, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0x1C); break; case 0: this->actor.floorHeight = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor4(&globalCtx->colCtx, &this->actor.floorPoly, &sp30, &this->actor, &this->actor.world.pos); break; } EnGoroiwa_UpdateRotation(this, globalCtx); if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer < 300.0f) { EnGoroiwa_UpdateCollider(this); if ((this->stateFlags & ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_AT) && this->collisionDisabledTimer <= 0) { CollisionCheck_SetAT(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base); } if ((this->stateFlags & ENGOROIWA_ENABLE_OC) && this->collisionDisabledTimer <= 0) { CollisionCheck_SetOC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base); } } } } void EnGoroiwa_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Gfx_DrawDListOpa(globalCtx, gRollingRockDL); }