#ifndef Z64_ANIMATION_H #define Z64_ANIMATION_H #include <libultraship/libultra.h> #include "z64dma.h" #include "z64math.h" struct PlayState; struct Actor; struct SkelAnime; #define LINK_ANIMATION_OFFSET(addr, offset) \ (((uintptr_t)_link_animetionSegmentRomStart) + ((uintptr_t)addr) - ((uintptr_t)_link_animetionSegmentStart) + ((uintptr_t)offset)) #define LIMB_DONE 0xFF #define ANIMATION_ENTRY_MAX 50 #define ANIM_FLAG_UPDATEY (1 << 1) #define ANIM_FLAG_NOMOVE (1 << 4) #define SKELANIME_TYPE_NORMAL 0 #define SKELANIME_TYPE_FLEX 1 #define SKELANIME_TYPE_CURVE 2 typedef enum { /* 0 */ ANIMMODE_LOOP, /* 1 */ ANIMMODE_LOOP_INTERP, /* 2 */ ANIMMODE_ONCE, /* 3 */ ANIMMODE_ONCE_INTERP, /* 4 */ ANIMMODE_LOOP_PARTIAL, /* 5 */ ANIMMODE_LOOP_PARTIAL_INTERP } AnimationMode; typedef enum { /* -1 */ ANIMTAPER_DECEL = -1, /* 0 */ ANIMTAPER_NONE, /* 1 */ ANIMTAPER_ACCEL } AnimationTapers; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3s jointPos; // Root is position in model space, children are relative to parent /* 0x06 */ u8 child; /* 0x07 */ u8 sibling; /* 0x08 */ Gfx* dList; } StandardLimb; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3s jointPos; // Root is position in model space, children are relative to parent /* 0x06 */ u8 child; /* 0x07 */ u8 sibling; /* 0x08 */ Gfx* dLists[2]; // Near and far } LodLimb; // size = 0x10 typedef struct LegacyLimb { /* 0x000 */ Gfx* dList; /* 0x004 */ Vec3f trans; /* 0x010 */ Vec3s rot; /* 0x018 */ struct LegacyLimb* sibling; /* 0x01C */ struct LegacyLimb* child; } LegacyLimb; // size = 0x20 // Model has limbs with only rigid meshes typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ void** segment; /* 0x04 */ u8 limbCount; u8 skeletonType; } SkeletonHeader; // size = 0x8 // Model has limbs with flexible meshes typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ SkeletonHeader sh; /* 0x08 */ u8 dListCount; } FlexSkeletonHeader; // size = 0xC // Index into the frame data table. typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 x; /* 0x02 */ u16 y; /* 0x04 */ u16 z; } JointIndex; // size = 0x06 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 frameCount; } AnimationHeaderCommon; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ AnimationHeaderCommon common; /* 0x04 */ void* segment; } LinkAnimationHeader; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ AnimationHeaderCommon common; /* 0x04 */ s16* frameData; // "tbl" /* 0x08 */ JointIndex* jointIndices; // "ref_tbl" /* 0x0C */ u16 staticIndexMax; } AnimationHeader; // size = 0x10 // Unused typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 xMax; /* 0x02 */ s16 x; /* 0x04 */ s16 yMax; /* 0x06 */ s16 y; /* 0x08 */ s16 zMax; /* 0x0A */ s16 z; } JointKey; // size = 0x0C // Unused typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 frameCount; /* 0x02 */ s16 limbCount; /* 0x04 */ s16* frameData; /* 0x08 */ JointKey* jointKey; } LegacyAnimationHeader; // size = 0xC typedef s32 (*OverrideLimbDrawOpa)(struct PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void*); typedef void (*PostLimbDrawOpa)(struct PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void*); typedef s32 (*OverrideLimbDraw)(struct PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void*, Gfx** gfx); typedef void (*PostLimbDraw)(struct PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void*, Gfx** gfx); typedef enum { ANIMENTRY_LOADFRAME, ANIMENTRY_COPYALL, ANIMENTRY_INTERP, ANIMENTRY_COPYTRUE, ANIMENTRY_COPYFALSE, ANIMENTRY_MOVEACTOR } AnimationType; typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ DmaRequest req; /* 0x020 */ OSMesgQueue msgQueue; /* 0x038 */ OSMesg msg; } AnimEntryLoadFrame; // size = 0x3C typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 queueFlag; /* 0x001 */ u8 vecCount; /* 0x004 */ Vec3s* dst; /* 0x008 */ Vec3s* src; } AnimEntryCopyAll; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 queueFlag; /* 0x001 */ u8 vecCount; /* 0x004 */ Vec3s* base; /* 0x008 */ Vec3s* mod; /* 0x00C */ f32 weight; } AnimEntryInterp; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 queueFlag; /* 0x001 */ u8 vecCount; /* 0x004 */ Vec3s* dst; /* 0x008 */ Vec3s* src; /* 0x00C */ u8* copyFlag; } AnimEntryCopyTrue; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 queueFlag; /* 0x001 */ u8 vecCount; /* 0x004 */ Vec3s* dst; /* 0x008 */ Vec3s* src; /* 0x00C */ u8* copyFlag; } AnimEntryCopyFalse; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ struct Actor* actor; /* 0x004 */ struct SkelAnime* skelAnime; /* 0x008 */ f32 unk_08; } AnimEntryMoveActor; // size = 0xC typedef union { AnimEntryLoadFrame load; AnimEntryCopyAll copy; AnimEntryInterp interp; AnimEntryCopyTrue copy1; AnimEntryCopyFalse copy0; AnimEntryMoveActor move; } AnimationEntryData; // size = 0x3C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 type; /* 0x04 */ AnimationEntryData data; } AnimationEntry; // size = 0x40 typedef struct AnimationContext { s16 animationCount; AnimationEntry entries[ANIMATION_ENTRY_MAX]; } AnimationContext; // size = 0xC84 typedef void (*AnimationEntryCallback)(struct PlayState* play, AnimationEntryData* data); // fcurve_skelanime structs typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u16 unk_00; // appears to be flags /* 0x0002 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x0004 */ s16 unk_04; /* 0x0006 */ s16 unk_06; /* 0x0008 */ f32 unk_08; } TransformData; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u8* refIndex; /* 0x0004 */ TransformData* transformData; /* 0x0008 */ s16* copyValues; /* 0x000C */ s16 unk_0C; /* 0x000E */ s16 unk_0E; } TransformUpdateIndex; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u8 firstChildIdx; /* 0x0001 */ u8 nextLimbIdx; /* 0x0004 */ Gfx* dList[2]; } SkelCurveLimb; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ SkelCurveLimb** limbs; /* 0x0004 */ u8 limbCount; } SkelCurveLimbList; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ Vec3s scale; /* 0x0006 */ Vec3s rot; /* 0x000C */ Vec3s pos; } LimbTransform; // size = 0x12 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u8 limbCount; /* 0x0004 */ SkelCurveLimb** limbList; /* 0x0008 */ TransformUpdateIndex* transUpdIdx; /* 0x000C */ f32 unk_0C; // seems to be unused /* 0x0010 */ f32 animFinalFrame; /* 0x0014 */ f32 animSpeed; /* 0x0018 */ f32 animCurFrame; /* 0x001C */ LimbTransform* transforms; } SkelAnimeCurve; // size = 0x20 typedef s32 (*OverrideCurveLimbDraw)(struct PlayState* play, SkelAnimeCurve* skelCurve, s32 limbIndex, void*); typedef void (*PostCurveLimbDraw)(struct PlayState* play, SkelAnimeCurve* skelCurve, s32 limbIndex, void*); typedef s32 (*AnimUpdateFunc)(); typedef struct SkelAnime { /* 0x00 */ u8 limbCount; // Number of limbs in the skeleton /* 0x01 */ u8 mode; // See `AnimationMode` /* 0x02 */ u8 dListCount; // Number of display lists in a flexible skeleton /* 0x03 */ s8 taper; // Tapering to use when morphing between animations. Only used by Door_Warp1. /* 0x04 */ void** skeleton; // An array of pointers to limbs. Can be StandardLimb, LodLimb, or SkinLimb. /* 0x08 */ void* animation; // Can be an AnimationHeader or LinkAnimationHeader. /* 0x0C */ f32 startFrame; // In mode ANIMMODE_LOOP_PARTIAL*, start of partial loop. /* 0x10 */ f32 endFrame; // In mode ANIMMODE_ONCE*, Update returns true when curFrame is equal to this. In mode ANIMMODE_LOOP_PARTIAL*, end of partial loop. /* 0x14 */ f32 animLength; // Total number of frames in the current animation. /* 0x18 */ f32 curFrame; // Current frame in the animation /* 0x1C */ f32 playSpeed; // Multiplied by R_UPDATE_RATE / 3 to get the animation's frame rate. /* 0x20 */ Vec3s* jointTable; // Current translation of model and rotations of all limbs /* 0x24 */ Vec3s* morphTable; // Table of values used to morph between animations /* 0x28 */ f32 morphWeight; // Weight of the current animation morph as a fraction in [0,1] /* 0x2C */ f32 morphRate; // Reciprocal of the number of frames in the morph /* 0x30 */ s32 (*update)(); // Can be Loop, Partial loop, Play once, Morph, or Tapered morph. Link only has Loop, Play once, and Morph. /* 0x34 */ s8 initFlags; // Flags used when initializing Link's skeleton /* 0x35 */ u8 moveFlags; // Flags used for animations that move the actor in worldspace. /* 0x36 */ s16 prevRot; // Previous rotation in worldspace. /* 0x38 */ Vec3s prevTransl; // Previous modelspace translation. /* 0x3E */ Vec3s baseTransl; // Base modelspace translation. SkeletonHeader* skeletonHeader; } SkelAnime; // size = 0x44 #endif