#include "Console.h" #include "Cvar.h" #include "GlobalCtx2.h" #include "ImGuiImpl.h" #include "Lib/ImGui/imgui.h" #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "Lib/ImGui/imgui_internal.h" #include "Utils.h" namespace Ship { std::string BuildUsage(const CommandEntry& entry) { std::string usage; for (const auto& arg : entry.arguments) usage += StringHelper::Sprintf(arg.optional ? "[%s] " : "<%s> ", arg.info.c_str()); return usage; } bool Console::HelpCommand(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { Console->SendInfoMessage("SoH Commands:"); for (const auto& cmd : Console->Commands) { Console->SendInfoMessage(" - " + cmd.first); } return CMD_SUCCESS; } bool Console::ClearCommand(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { Console->ClearLogs(Console->GetCurrentChannel()); return CMD_SUCCESS; } bool Console::BindCommand(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() > 2) { const ImGuiIO* io = &ImGui::GetIO();; for (size_t k = 0; k < std::size(io->KeysData); k++) { std::string key(ImGui::GetKeyName(k)); if (toLowerCase(args[1]) == toLowerCase(key)) { std::vector tmp; const char* const delim = " "; std::ostringstream imploded; std::copy(args.begin() + 2, args.end(), std::ostream_iterator(imploded, delim)); Console->Bindings[k] = imploded.str(); Console->SendInfoMessage("Binding '%s' to %s", args[1].c_str(), Console->Bindings[k].c_str()); break; } } } return CMD_SUCCESS; } bool Console::BindToggleCommand(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() > 2) { const ImGuiIO* io = &ImGui::GetIO();; for (size_t k = 0; k < std::size(io->KeysData); k++) { std::string key(ImGui::GetKeyName(k)); if (toLowerCase(args[1]) == toLowerCase(key)) { Console->BindingToggle[k] = args[2]; Console->SendInfoMessage("Binding toggle '%s' to %s", args[1].c_str(), Console->BindingToggle[k].c_str()); break; } } } return CMD_SUCCESS; } void Console::Init() { this->inputBuffer = new char[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; strcpy(this->inputBuffer, ""); this->filterBuffer = new char[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; strcpy(this->filterBuffer, ""); AddCommand("help", { HelpCommand, "Shows all the commands" }); AddCommand("clear", { ClearCommand, "Clear the console history" }); AddCommand("bind", { BindCommand, "Binds key to commands" }); AddCommand("bind-toggle", { BindToggleCommand, "Bind key as a bool toggle" }); } void Console::Update() { for (auto [key, cmd] : Bindings) { if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(key)) Dispatch(cmd); } for (auto [key, var] : BindingToggle) { if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(key)) { CVar* cvar = CVar_Get(var.c_str()); Dispatch("set " + var + " " + std::to_string(cvar == nullptr ? 0 : !static_cast(cvar->value.valueS32))); } } } void Console::Draw() { if (!this->opened) { CVar_SetS32("gConsoleEnabled", 0); return; } bool input_focus = false; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(520, 600), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin("Console", &this->opened, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing); const ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos(); const ImVec2 size = ImGui::GetWindowSize(); // SohImGui::ShowCursor(ImGui::IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootAndChildWindows | ImGuiHoveredFlags_RectOnly), SohImGui::Dialogues::dConsole); // Renders autocomplete window if (this->openAutocomplete) { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(350, std::min(static_cast(this->Autocomplete.size()), 3) * 20.f), ImGuiCond_Once); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(pos.x + 8, pos.y + size.y - 1)); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, ImVec2(3, 3)); ImGui::Begin("##WndAutocomplete", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove); ImGui::BeginChild("AC_Child", ImVec2(0, 0), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive, ImVec4(.3f, .3f, .3f, 1.0f)); if (ImGui::BeginTable("AC_History", 1)) { for (const auto& cmd : this->Autocomplete) { std::string usage = BuildUsage(this->Commands[cmd]); std::string preview = cmd + " - " + this->Commands[cmd].description; std::string autocomplete = (usage == NULLSTR ? cmd : usage); ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableSetColumnIndex(0); if (ImGui::Selectable(preview.c_str())) { memset(this->inputBuffer, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(this->inputBuffer, autocomplete.c_str(), sizeof(char) * autocomplete.size()); this->openAutocomplete = false; input_focus = true; } } ImGui::EndTable(); } if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_Escape)) { this->openAutocomplete = false; } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); } if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextWindow("Context Menu")) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Copy Text")) { ImGui::SetClipboardText(this->Log[this->currentChannel][this->selectedId].text.c_str()); this->selectedId = -1; } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if (this->selectedId != -1 && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(1)) { ImGui::OpenPopup("##WndAutocomplete"); } // Renders top bar filters if (ImGui::Button("Clear")) this->Log[this->currentChannel].clear(); if (CVar_GetS32("gSinkEnabled", 0)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(150); if (ImGui::BeginCombo("##channel", this->currentChannel.c_str())) { for (const auto& channel : LogChannels) { const bool is_selected = (channel == std::string(this->currentChannel)); if (ImGui::Selectable(channel.c_str(), is_selected)) this->currentChannel = channel; if (is_selected) ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); } ImGui::EndCombo(); } } else { this->currentChannel = "Console"; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(150); if (this->currentChannel != "Console") { if (ImGui::BeginCombo("##level", spdlog::level::to_string_view(this->levelFilter).data())) { for (const auto& priority_filter : PriorityFilters) { const bool is_selected = priority_filter == this->levelFilter; if (ImGui::Selectable(spdlog::level::to_string_view(priority_filter).data(), is_selected)) { this->levelFilter = priority_filter; if (is_selected) ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui::EndCombo(); } } else { this->levelFilter = spdlog::level::trace; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); if (ImGui::InputTextWithHint("##input", "Filter", this->filterBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE))this->filter = std::string(this->filterBuffer); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); // Renders console history const float footer_height_to_reserve = ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y + ImGui::GetFrameHeightWithSpacing(); ImGui::BeginChild("ScrollingRegion", ImVec2(0, -footer_height_to_reserve), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive, ImVec4(.3f, .3f, .3f, 1.0f)); if (ImGui::BeginTable("History", 1)) { if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_DownArrow))) if (this->selectedId < (int)this->Log.size() - 1)++this->selectedId; if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_UpArrow))) if (this->selectedId > 0)--this->selectedId; const std::vector channel = this->Log[this->currentChannel]; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(channel.size()); i++) { ConsoleLine line = channel[i]; if (!this->filter.empty() && line.text.find(this->filter) == std::string::npos) continue; if (this->levelFilter > line.priority) continue; std::string id = line.text + "##" + std::to_string(i); ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableSetColumnIndex(0); const bool is_selected = (this->selectedId == i) || std::find(this->selectedEntries.begin(), this->selectedEntries.end(), i) != this->selectedEntries.end(); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, this->PriorityColours[line.priority]); if (ImGui::Selectable(id.c_str(), is_selected)) { if (ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl)) && !is_selected) this->selectedEntries.push_back(i); else this->selectedEntries.clear(); this->selectedId = is_selected ? -1 : i; } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); if (is_selected) ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); } ImGui::EndTable(); } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); if (ImGui::GetScrollY() >= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()) ImGui::SetScrollHereY(1.0f); ImGui::EndChild(); if (this->currentChannel == "Console") { // Renders input textfield constexpr ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackEdit | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory; ImGui::PushItemWidth(-53); if (ImGui::InputTextWithHint("##CMDInput", ">", this->inputBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, flags, &Console::CallbackStub, this)) { input_focus = true; if (this->inputBuffer[0] != '\0' && this->inputBuffer[0] != ' ') this->Dispatch(std::string(this->inputBuffer)); memset(this->inputBuffer, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); } if (this->cmdHint != NULLSTR) { if (ImGui::IsItemFocused()) { ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(pos.x, pos.y + size.y)); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 35.0f); ImGui::TextUnformatted(this->cmdHint.c_str()); ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - 50); if (ImGui::Button("Submit") && !input_focus && this->inputBuffer[0] != '\0' && this->inputBuffer[0] != ' ') { this->Dispatch(std::string(this->inputBuffer)); memset(this->inputBuffer, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); } ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); if (input_focus) ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(-1); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } ImGui::End(); } void Console::Dispatch(const std::string& line) { this->cmdHint = NULLSTR; this->History.push_back(line); SendInfoMessage("> " + line); const std::vector cmd_args = StringHelper::Split(line, " "); if (this->Commands.contains(cmd_args[0])) { const CommandEntry entry = this->Commands[cmd_args[0]]; if (!entry.handler(shared_from_this(), cmd_args) && !entry.arguments.empty()) { SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Usage: " + cmd_args[0] + " " + BuildUsage(entry)); } return; } SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Command not found"); } int Console::CallbackStub(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data) { const auto instance = static_cast(data->UserData); const bool empty_history = instance->History.empty(); const int history_index = instance->historyIndex; std::string history; switch (data->EventKey) { case ImGuiKey_Tab: instance->Autocomplete.clear(); for (auto& [cmd, entry] : instance->Commands) if (cmd.find(std::string(data->Buf)) != std::string::npos) instance->Autocomplete.push_back(cmd); instance->openAutocomplete = !instance->Autocomplete.empty(); instance->cmdHint = NULLSTR; break; case ImGuiKey_UpArrow: if (empty_history) break; if (history_index < static_cast(instance->History.size()) - 1) instance->historyIndex += 1; data->DeleteChars(0, data->BufTextLen); data->InsertChars(0, instance->History[instance->historyIndex].c_str()); instance->cmdHint = NULLSTR; break; case ImGuiKey_DownArrow: if (empty_history) break; if (history_index > -1) instance->historyIndex -= 1; data->DeleteChars(0, data->BufTextLen); if (history_index >= 0) data->InsertChars(0, instance->History[history_index].c_str()); instance->cmdHint = NULLSTR; break; case ImGuiKey_Escape: instance->historyIndex = -1; data->DeleteChars(0, data->BufTextLen); instance->openAutocomplete = false; instance->cmdHint = NULLSTR; break; default: instance->openAutocomplete = false; for (auto& [cmd, entry] : instance->Commands) { const std::vector cmd_args = StringHelper::Split(std::string(data->Buf), " "); if (data->BufTextLen > 2 && !cmd_args.empty() && cmd.find(cmd_args[0]) != std::string::npos) { instance->cmdHint = cmd + " " + BuildUsage(entry); break; } instance->cmdHint = NULLSTR; } } return 0; } void Console::Append(const std::string& channel, spdlog::level::level_enum priority, const char* fmt, va_list args) { char buf[2048]; vsnprintf(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), fmt, args); buf[IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf) - 1] = 0; this->Log[channel].push_back({ std::string(buf), priority }); } void Console::Append(const std::string& channel, spdlog::level::level_enum priority, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Append(channel, priority, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void Console::SendInfoMessage(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Append("Console", spdlog::level::info, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void Console::SendErrorMessage(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Append("Console", spdlog::level::err, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void Console::SendInfoMessage(const std::string& str) { Append("Console", spdlog::level::info, str.c_str()); } void Console::SendErrorMessage(const std::string& str) { Append("Console", spdlog::level::err, str.c_str()); } void Console::ClearLogs(std::string channel) { Log[channel].clear(); } void Console::ClearLogs() { for (auto [key, var] : Log) { var.clear(); } } bool Console::HasCommand(const std::string& command) { for (const auto& Command : Commands) { if (Command.first == command) { return true; } } return false; } void Console::AddCommand(const std::string& command, CommandEntry entry) { if (!HasCommand(command)) { Commands[command] = entry; } } }