#include "ZResource.h" #include #include #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "WarningHandler.h" #include "ZFile.h" #include #include #include ZResource::ZResource(ZFile* nParent) { // assert(nParent != nullptr); parent = nParent; name = ""; outName = ""; sourceOutput = ""; rawDataIndex = 0; outputDeclaration = true; hash = 0; RegisterRequiredAttribute("Name"); RegisterOptionalAttribute("OutName"); RegisterOptionalAttribute("Offset"); RegisterOptionalAttribute("Custom"); RegisterOptionalAttribute("Static", "Global"); } void ZResource::ExtractFromXML(tinyxml2::XMLElement* reader, offset_t nRawDataIndex) { rawDataIndex = nRawDataIndex; declaredInXml = true; if (reader != nullptr) ParseXML(reader); // Don't parse raw data of external files if (parent->GetMode() != ZFileMode::ExternalFile) { ParseRawData(); CalcHash(); } if (!isInner) { Declaration* decl = DeclareVar(parent->GetName(), ""); if (decl != nullptr) { decl->declaredInXml = true; decl->staticConf = staticConf; } } } void ZResource::ExtractFromFile(offset_t nRawDataIndex) { rawDataIndex = nRawDataIndex; // Don't parse raw data of external files if (parent->GetMode() == ZFileMode::ExternalFile) return; ParseRawData(); CalcHash(); } void ZResource::ParseXML(tinyxml2::XMLElement* reader) { if (reader != nullptr) { // If it is an inner node, then 'Name' isn't required if (isInner) { registeredAttributes.at("Name").isRequired = false; } auto attrs = reader->FirstAttribute(); while (attrs != nullptr) { std::string attrName = attrs->Name(); bool attrDeclared = false; if (registeredAttributes.find(attrName) != registeredAttributes.end()) { registeredAttributes[attrName].value = attrs->Value(); registeredAttributes[attrName].wasSet = true; attrDeclared = true; } if (!attrDeclared) { HANDLE_WARNING_RESOURCE( WarningType::UnknownAttribute, parent, this, rawDataIndex, StringHelper::Sprintf("unexpected '%s' attribute in resource <%s>", attrName.c_str(), reader->Name()), ""); } attrs = attrs->Next(); } if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) { if (!canHaveInner && !reader->NoChildren()) { std::string errorHeader = StringHelper::Sprintf( "resource '%s' with inner element/child detected", reader->Name()); HANDLE_ERROR_PROCESS(WarningType::InvalidXML, errorHeader, ""); } } for (const auto& attr : registeredAttributes) { if (attr.second.isRequired && attr.second.value == "") { std::string headerMsg = StringHelper::Sprintf("missing required attribute '%s' in resource <%s>", attr.first.c_str(), reader->Name()); HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::MissingAttribute, parent, this, rawDataIndex, headerMsg, ""); } } name = registeredAttributes.at("Name").value; // Disable this check for OTR file generation for now since it takes up a considerable amount of CPU time if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) { static std::regex r("[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", std::regex::icase | std::regex::optimize); if (!isInner || (isInner && name != "")) { if (!std::regex_match(name, r)) { HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, parent, this, rawDataIndex, "invalid value found for 'Name' attribute", ""); } } } outName = registeredAttributes.at("OutName").value; if (outName == "") outName = name; isCustomAsset = registeredAttributes["Custom"].wasSet; std::string& staticXml = registeredAttributes["Static"].value; if (staticXml == "Global") { staticConf = StaticConfig::Global; } else if (staticXml == "On") { staticConf = StaticConfig::On; } else if (staticXml == "Off") { staticConf = StaticConfig::Off; } else { HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE( WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, parent, this, rawDataIndex, StringHelper::Sprintf("invalid value '%s' for 'Static' attribute", staticConf), ""); } declaredInXml = true; } } void ZResource::ParseRawData() { } void ZResource::DeclareReferences([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) { } void ZResource::ParseRawDataLate() { } void ZResource::DeclareReferencesLate([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) { } Declaration* ZResource::DeclareVar(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& bodyStr) { std::string auxName = name; if (name == "") auxName = GetDefaultName(prefix); Declaration* decl = parent->AddDeclaration(rawDataIndex, GetDeclarationAlignment(), GetRawDataSize(), GetSourceTypeName(), auxName, bodyStr); decl->staticConf = staticConf; return decl; } void ZResource::Save([[maybe_unused]] const fs::path& outFolder) { } const std::string& ZResource::GetName() const { return name; } const std::string& ZResource::GetOutName() const { return outName; } void ZResource::SetOutName(const std::string& nName) { outName = nName; } void ZResource::SetName(const std::string& nName) { name = nName; } bool ZResource::IsExternalResource() const { return false; } bool ZResource::DoesSupportArray() const { return false; } std::string ZResource::GetExternalExtension() const { return ""; } DeclarationAlignment ZResource::GetDeclarationAlignment() const { return DeclarationAlignment::Align4; } bool ZResource::WasDeclaredInXml() const { return declaredInXml; } StaticConfig ZResource::GetStaticConf() const { return staticConf; } offset_t ZResource::GetRawDataIndex() const { return rawDataIndex; } std::string ZResource::GetBodySourceCode() const { return "ERROR"; } std::string ZResource::GetDefaultName(const std::string& prefix) const { return StringHelper::Sprintf("%s%s_%06X", prefix.c_str(), GetSourceTypeName().c_str(), rawDataIndex); } void ZResource::GetSourceOutputCode([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) { std::string bodyStr = GetBodySourceCode(); if (bodyStr != "ERROR") { Declaration* decl = parent->GetDeclaration(rawDataIndex); if (decl == nullptr || decl->isPlaceholder) decl = DeclareVar(prefix, bodyStr); else decl->text = bodyStr; // OTRTODO: This is a hack and we need something more elegant in the future... if (GetResourceType() == ZResourceType::Array) { ZArray* arr = (ZArray*)this; if (arr->resList[0]->GetResourceType() == ZResourceType::Vertex) { for (int i = 0; i < arr->resList.size(); i++) { ZVtx* vtx = (ZVtx*)arr->resList[i]; decl->vertexHack.push_back(vtx); } } } if (decl != nullptr) decl->staticConf = staticConf; } } std::string ZResource::GetSourceOutputHeader([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) { if (Globals::Instance->otrMode && genOTRDef) { std::string str = "";; std::string nameStr = StringHelper::Strip(StringHelper::Strip(name, "\n"), "\r"); std::string outName = parent->GetOutName(); std::string prefix = ""; if (GetResourceType() == ZResourceType::DisplayList || GetResourceType() == ZResourceType::Texture) { //ZDisplayList* dList = (ZDisplayList*)this; if (StringHelper::Contains(outName, "_room_")) { outName = StringHelper::Split(outName, "_room")[0] + "_scene"; } } std::string xmlPath = StringHelper::Replace(parent->GetXmlFilePath().string(), "\\", "/"); if (StringHelper::Contains(outName, "_room_") || StringHelper::Contains(outName, "_scene")) prefix = "scenes"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "objects/")) prefix = "objects"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "textures/")) prefix = "textures"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "overlays/")) prefix = "overlays"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "misc/")) prefix = "misc"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "code/")) prefix = "code"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "text/")) prefix = "text"; if (prefix != "") str += StringHelper::Sprintf("#define %s \"__OTR__%s/%s/%s\"", name.c_str(), prefix.c_str(), outName.c_str(), nameStr.c_str()); else str += StringHelper::Sprintf("#define %s \"__OTR__%s/%s\"", name.c_str(), outName.c_str(), nameStr.c_str()); return str; } else return ""; } ZResourceType ZResource::GetResourceType() const { return ZResourceType::Error; } void ZResource::CalcHash() { hash = 0; } void ZResource::SetInnerNode(bool inner) { isInner = inner; } void ZResource::RegisterRequiredAttribute(const std::string& attr) { ResourceAttribute resAtrr; resAtrr.key = attr; resAtrr.isRequired = true; registeredAttributes[attr] = resAtrr; } void ZResource::RegisterOptionalAttribute(const std::string& attr, const std::string& defaultValue) { ResourceAttribute resAtrr; resAtrr.key = attr; resAtrr.value = defaultValue; registeredAttributes[attr] = resAtrr; } offset_t Seg2Filespace(segptr_t segmentedAddress, uint32_t parentBaseAddress) { offset_t currentPtr = GETSEGOFFSET(segmentedAddress); if (GETSEGNUM(segmentedAddress) == 0x80) // Is defined in code? { uint32_t parentBaseOffset = GETSEGOFFSET(parentBaseAddress); if (parentBaseOffset > currentPtr) { HANDLE_ERROR(WarningType::Always, StringHelper::Sprintf( "resource address 0x%08X is smaller than 'BaseAddress' 0x%08X", segmentedAddress, parentBaseAddress), "Maybe your 'BaseAddress' is wrong?"); } currentPtr -= parentBaseOffset; } return currentPtr; }