#include "ZAnimation.h" #include #include "Globals.h" #include "Utils/BitConverter.h" #include "Utils/File.h" #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "WarningHandler.h" #include "ZFile.h" REGISTER_ZFILENODE(Animation, ZNormalAnimation); REGISTER_ZFILENODE(PlayerAnimation, ZLinkAnimation); REGISTER_ZFILENODE(CurveAnimation, ZCurveAnimation); REGISTER_ZFILENODE(LegacyAnimation, ZLegacyAnimation); ZAnimation::ZAnimation(ZFile* nParent) : ZResource(nParent) { frameCount = 0; genOTRDef = true; } void ZAnimation::ParseRawData() { ZResource::ParseRawData(); frameCount = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(parent->GetRawData(), rawDataIndex + 0); } /* std::string ZAnimation::GetSourceOutputHeader(const std::string& prefix) { if (Globals::Instance->otrMode) { std::string str = ""; str += StringHelper::Sprintf("#define %s \"__OTR__%s/%s\"", name.c_str(), parent->GetOutName().c_str(), name.c_str()); return str; } else return ZResource::GetSourceOutputHeader(prefix); } */ ZResourceType ZAnimation::GetResourceType() const { return ZResourceType::Animation; } /* ZNormalAnimation */ ZNormalAnimation::ZNormalAnimation(ZFile* nParent) : ZAnimation(nParent) { } size_t ZNormalAnimation::GetRawDataSize() const { return 16; } std::string ZNormalAnimation::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "AnimationHeader"; } void ZNormalAnimation::ParseRawData() { ZAnimation::ParseRawData(); const uint8_t* data = parent->GetRawData().data(); rotationValuesSeg = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 4); rotationIndicesSeg = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 8); limit = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 12); rotationValuesOffset = Seg2Filespace(rotationValuesSeg, parent->baseAddress); rotationIndicesOffset = Seg2Filespace(rotationIndicesSeg, parent->baseAddress); uint32_t currentPtr = rotationValuesOffset; // Read the Rotation Values for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ((rotationIndicesOffset - rotationValuesOffset) / 2); i++) { rotationValues.push_back(BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, currentPtr)); currentPtr += 2; } currentPtr = rotationIndicesOffset; // Read the Rotation Indices for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ((rawDataIndex - rotationIndicesOffset) / 6); i++) { rotationIndices.push_back(RotationIndex(BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, currentPtr), BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, currentPtr + 2), BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, currentPtr + 4))); currentPtr += 6; } } void ZNormalAnimation::DeclareReferences(const std::string& prefix) { std::string defaultPrefix = prefix.c_str(); if (name != "") defaultPrefix = name; // replace g prefix with s for local variables if (defaultPrefix.at(0) == 'g') defaultPrefix.replace(0, 1, "s"); std::string indicesStr = ""; std::string valuesStr = " "; const uint8_t lineLength = 14; const uint8_t offset = 0; if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rotationValues.size(); i++) { valuesStr += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%04X, ", rotationValues[i]); if ((i - offset + 1) % lineLength == 0) valuesStr += "\n "; } } parent->AddDeclarationArray(rotationValuesOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, rotationValues.size() * 2, "s16", StringHelper::Sprintf("%sFrameData", defaultPrefix.c_str()), rotationValues.size(), valuesStr); if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rotationIndices.size(); i++) { indicesStr += StringHelper::Sprintf(" { 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X },", rotationIndices[i].x, rotationIndices[i].y, rotationIndices[i].z); if (i != (rotationIndices.size() - 1)) indicesStr += "\n"; } } parent->AddDeclarationArray(rotationIndicesOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, rotationIndices.size() * 6, "JointIndex", StringHelper::Sprintf("%sJointIndices", defaultPrefix.c_str()), rotationIndices.size(), indicesStr); } std::string ZNormalAnimation::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string frameDataName; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(rotationValuesSeg, parent, "s16", frameDataName, parent->workerID); std::string jointIndicesName; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(rotationIndicesSeg, parent, "JointIndex", jointIndicesName, parent->workerID); std::string headerStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("\n\t{ %i }, %s,\n", frameCount, frameDataName.c_str()); headerStr += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t%s, %i\n", jointIndicesName.c_str(), limit); return headerStr; } /* ZLinkAnimation */ ZLinkAnimation::ZLinkAnimation(ZFile* nParent) : ZAnimation(nParent) { segmentAddress = 0; } size_t ZLinkAnimation::GetRawDataSize() const { return 8; } std::string ZLinkAnimation::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "LinkAnimationHeader"; } void ZLinkAnimation::ParseRawData() { ZAnimation::ParseRawData(); const auto& rawData = parent->GetRawData(); segmentAddress = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 4); } std::string ZLinkAnimation::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string segSymbol; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(segmentAddress, parent, "", segSymbol, parent->workerID); return StringHelper::Sprintf("\n\t{ %i }, %s\n", frameCount, segSymbol.c_str()); } /* ZCurveAnimation */ TransformData::TransformData(ZFile* parent, const std::vector& rawData, uint32_t fileOffset) : parent(parent) { unk_00 = BitConverter::ToUInt16BE(rawData, fileOffset + 0); unk_02 = BitConverter::ToUInt16BE(rawData, fileOffset + 2); unk_04 = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, fileOffset + 4); unk_06 = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, fileOffset + 6); unk_08 = BitConverter::ToFloatBE(rawData, fileOffset + 8); } TransformData::TransformData(ZFile* parent, const std::vector& rawData, uint32_t fileOffset, size_t index) : TransformData(parent, rawData, fileOffset + index * GetRawDataSize()) { } std::string TransformData::GetBody([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) const { return StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%04X, 0x%04X, %i, %i, %ff", unk_00, unk_02, unk_04, unk_06, unk_08); } size_t TransformData::GetRawDataSize() const { return 0x0C; } std::string TransformData::GetSourceTypeName() { return "TransformData"; } ZCurveAnimation::ZCurveAnimation(ZFile* nParent) : ZAnimation(nParent) { RegisterOptionalAttribute("SkelOffset"); } void ZCurveAnimation::ParseXML(tinyxml2::XMLElement* reader) { ZAnimation::ParseXML(reader); std::string skelOffsetXml = registeredAttributes.at("SkelOffset").value; if (skelOffsetXml == "") { HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::MissingAttribute, parent, this, rawDataIndex, "missing 'SkelOffset' attribute in ", "You need to provide the offset of the curve skeleton."); } skelOffset = StringHelper::StrToL(skelOffsetXml, 0); } void ZCurveAnimation::ParseRawData() { ZAnimation::ParseRawData(); const auto& rawData = parent->GetRawData(); refIndex = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0); transformData = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 4); copyValues = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 8); unk_0C = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 12); unk_10 = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 14); uint32_t limbCountAddress = Seg2Filespace(skelOffset, parent->baseAddress) + 4; limbCount = BitConverter::ToUInt8BE(rawData, limbCountAddress); size_t transformDataSize = 0; size_t copyValuesSize = 0; if (refIndex != 0) { uint32_t refIndexOffset = Seg2Filespace(refIndex, parent->baseAddress); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3 * 3 * limbCount; i++) { uint8_t ref = BitConverter::ToUInt8BE(rawData, refIndexOffset + i); if (ref == 0) copyValuesSize++; else transformDataSize += ref; refIndexArr.emplace_back(ref); } } if (transformData != 0) { uint32_t transformDataOffset = Seg2Filespace(transformData, parent->baseAddress); for (size_t i = 0; i < transformDataSize; i++) transformDataArr.emplace_back(parent, rawData, transformDataOffset, i); } if (copyValues != 0) { uint32_t copyValuesOffset = Seg2Filespace(copyValues, parent->baseAddress); for (size_t i = 0; i < copyValuesSize; i++) copyValuesArr.emplace_back(BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, copyValuesOffset + i * 2)); } } void ZCurveAnimation::DeclareReferences(const std::string& prefix) { if (refIndex != 0) { uint32_t refIndexOffset = Seg2Filespace(refIndex, parent->baseAddress); std::string refIndexStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%sCurveAnime_%s_%06X", prefix.c_str(), "Ref", refIndexOffset); std::string entryStr = " "; uint16_t arrayItemCnt = refIndexArr.size(); size_t i = 0; for (auto& child : refIndexArr) { entryStr += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%02X, %s", child, (i++ % 8 == 7) ? "\n " : ""); } Declaration* decl = parent->GetDeclaration(refIndexOffset); if (decl == nullptr) { parent->AddDeclarationArray(refIndexOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, arrayItemCnt * 1, "u8", refIndexStr, arrayItemCnt, entryStr); } else { decl->text = entryStr; } } if (transformData != 0) { uint32_t transformDataOffset = Seg2Filespace(transformData, parent->baseAddress); std::string transformDataStr = StringHelper::Sprintf( "%sCurveAnime_%s_%06X", prefix.c_str(), transformDataArr.at(0).GetSourceTypeName().c_str(), transformDataOffset); std::string entryStr; uint16_t arrayItemCnt = transformDataArr.size(); size_t i = 0; for (auto& child : transformDataArr) { entryStr += StringHelper::Sprintf(" { %s },%s", child.GetBody(prefix).c_str(), (++i < arrayItemCnt) ? "\n" : ""); } Declaration* decl = parent->GetDeclaration(transformDataOffset); if (decl == nullptr) { parent->AddDeclarationArray(transformDataOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, arrayItemCnt * transformDataArr.at(0).GetRawDataSize(), transformDataArr.at(0).GetSourceTypeName(), transformDataStr, arrayItemCnt, entryStr); } else { decl->text = entryStr; } } if (copyValues != 0) { uint32_t copyValuesOffset = Seg2Filespace(copyValues, parent->baseAddress); std::string copyValuesStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%sCurveAnime_%s_%06X", prefix.c_str(), "Copy", copyValuesOffset); std::string entryStr = " "; uint16_t arrayItemCnt = copyValuesArr.size(); size_t i = 0; for (auto& child : copyValuesArr) { entryStr += StringHelper::Sprintf("% 6i, %s", child, (i++ % 8 == 7) ? "\n " : ""); } Declaration* decl = parent->GetDeclaration(copyValuesOffset); if (decl == nullptr) { parent->AddDeclarationArray(copyValuesOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, arrayItemCnt * 2, "s16", copyValuesStr, arrayItemCnt, entryStr); } else { decl->text = entryStr; } } } std::string ZCurveAnimation::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string refIndexStr; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(refIndex, parent, "u8", refIndexStr, parent->workerID); std::string transformDataStr; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(transformData, parent, "TransformData", transformDataStr, parent->workerID); std::string copyValuesStr; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(copyValues, parent, "s16", copyValuesStr, parent->workerID); return StringHelper::Sprintf("\n\t%s,\n\t%s,\n\t%s,\n\t%i, %i\n", refIndexStr.c_str(), transformDataStr.c_str(), copyValuesStr.c_str(), unk_0C, unk_10); } size_t ZCurveAnimation::GetRawDataSize() const { return 0x10; } DeclarationAlignment ZCurveAnimation::GetDeclarationAlignment() const { return DeclarationAlignment::Align4; } std::string ZCurveAnimation::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "TransformUpdateIndex"; } /* ZLegacyAnimation */ ZLegacyAnimation::ZLegacyAnimation(ZFile* nParent) : ZAnimation(nParent) { } void ZLegacyAnimation::ParseRawData() { ZAnimation::ParseRawData(); const auto& rawData = parent->GetRawData(); limbCount = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x02); frameData = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x04); jointKey = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x08); if (GETSEGNUM(frameData) == parent->segment && GETSEGNUM(jointKey) == parent->segment) { uint32_t frameDataOffset = Seg2Filespace(frameData, parent->baseAddress); uint32_t jointKeyOffset = Seg2Filespace(jointKey, parent->baseAddress); uint32_t ptr = frameDataOffset; for (size_t i = 0; i < (jointKeyOffset - frameDataOffset) / 2; i++) { frameDataArray.push_back(BitConverter::ToUInt16BE(rawData, ptr)); ptr += 2; } ptr = jointKeyOffset; for (int32_t i = 0; i < limbCount + 1; i++) { JointKey key(parent); key.ExtractFromFile(ptr); jointKeyArray.push_back(key); ptr += key.GetRawDataSize(); } } } void ZLegacyAnimation::DeclareReferences(const std::string& prefix) { std::string varPrefix = prefix; if (name != "") varPrefix = name; ZAnimation::DeclareReferences(varPrefix); if (!frameDataArray.empty()) { uint32_t frameDataOffset = Seg2Filespace(frameData, parent->baseAddress); if (GETSEGNUM(frameData) == parent->segment && !parent->HasDeclaration(frameDataOffset)) { std::string frameDataBody = "\t"; for (size_t i = 0; i < frameDataArray.size(); i++) { frameDataBody += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%04X, ", frameDataArray[i]); if (i % 8 == 7 && i + 1 < frameDataArray.size()) frameDataBody += "\n\t"; } std::string frameDataName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%sFrameData", varPrefix.c_str()); parent->AddDeclarationArray(frameDataOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, frameDataArray.size() * 2, "s16", frameDataName, frameDataArray.size(), frameDataBody); } } if (!jointKeyArray.empty()) { uint32_t jointKeyOffset = Seg2Filespace(jointKey, parent->baseAddress); if (GETSEGNUM(jointKey) == parent->segment && !parent->HasDeclaration(jointKeyOffset)) { const auto res = jointKeyArray.at(0); std::string jointKeyBody; for (size_t i = 0; i < jointKeyArray.size(); i++) { jointKeyBody += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t{ %s },", jointKeyArray[i].GetBodySourceCode().c_str()); if (i + 1 < jointKeyArray.size()) jointKeyBody += "\n"; } std::string jointKeyName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%sJointKey", varPrefix.c_str()); parent->AddDeclarationArray(jointKeyOffset, DeclarationAlignment::Align4, jointKeyArray.size() * res.GetRawDataSize(), res.GetSourceTypeName(), jointKeyName, jointKeyArray.size(), jointKeyBody); } } } std::string ZLegacyAnimation::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string body = "\n"; std::string frameDataName; std::string jointKeyName; Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(frameData, parent, "s16", frameDataName, parent->workerID); Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(jointKey, parent, "JointKey", jointKeyName, parent->workerID); body += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t%i, %i,\n", frameCount, limbCount); body += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t%s,\n", frameDataName.c_str()); body += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t%s\n", jointKeyName.c_str()); return body; } std::string ZLegacyAnimation::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "LegacyAnimationHeader"; } size_t ZLegacyAnimation::GetRawDataSize() const { return 0x0C; } JointKey::JointKey(ZFile* nParent) : ZResource(nParent) { } void JointKey::ParseRawData() { ZResource::ParseRawData(); const auto& rawData = parent->GetRawData(); xMax = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x00); x = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x02); yMax = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x04); y = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x06); zMax = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x08); z = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0x0A); } std::string JointKey::GetBodySourceCode() const { return StringHelper::Sprintf("%6i, %6i, %6i, %6i, %6i, %6i", xMax, x, yMax, y, zMax, z); } std::string JointKey::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "JointKey"; } ZResourceType JointKey::GetResourceType() const { // TODO return ZResourceType::Error; } size_t JointKey::GetRawDataSize() const { return 0x0C; }