add_heart_container Usage: add_heart_container <value> Increases Link's health by a number of full hearts equal to the passed value. Will not allow for adding health past 20 hearts. addammo Usage: addammo <type> <amount> Adds ammo for the specified item equal to the specified amount. Works for Deku Sticks, Deku Nuts, Deku Seeds, Bombs, Bombchus, Arrows, and Magic Beans (sticks, nuts, seeds, bombs, bombchus, arrows, beans). Will only accept a positive integer for the amount. bItem bind Usage: bind <key> <command> Binds a key to execute an arbitrary command, such as for healing link's health #We could use an "unbind" command as well. Right now the best you can do is bind the key again and leave the command argument blank. This returns an error in the consol when the key is pressed bind-toggle boots bottle burn Usage: burn sets link on fire clear Usage: clear Clears the console log as if you had hit the "Clear" button. #MORE TESTING NEEDED cosmetics Usage: cosmetics <rest|randomise> [group name] Randomise cosmetic settings, or reset to defaults. cucco_storm Usage: cucco_storm Begins a cucco storm as if you had attacked a cucco several times. damage Usage: damage <value> Damages Link for a number of hearts equal to the passes value. Only accepts positive values, and does not allow for taking fractional damage. To restore health, use the "heal" command. defence_modifier electorcute empty_magic entrance file_select fill_magic freeze fw gen_rando get giant_link give_item give_shield gravity Usage: gravity <value> Adjusts Link's fall speed. The default value is 1. Accepts decimal values, but not negative values. heal Usage: heal <value> Heals Link a number of hearts equal to the passed value. Will not accept negative values, and cannot heal fractional hearts. To drain health, use the "damage" command. help Usage: help Prints a list of console commands invisible item kill Usage: kill Kills link knockback load_state map minish_link no_ui Usage: no_ui (1|0) Toggles the UI off. Passing a 1 turns the UI off, and a 0 will restore it. no_z Usage: no_z (1|0) Disables Z-targeting when passed a 1, and reenables it when passed a 0. ohko pacifist paper_link pos quit Usage: quit Closes the game. rainstorm reload remove_heart_container reset reverse_controls rupee save_state set set_slot sfx spawn speed_modifier takeammo takeshield update_rupees void