#include "ZBlob.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Utils/BitConverter.h" #include #include "Utils/Path.h" #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "ZFile.h" REGISTER_ZFILENODE(Blob, ZBlob); ZBlob::ZBlob(ZFile* nParent) : ZResource(nParent) { genOTRDef = true; RegisterRequiredAttribute("Size"); } ZBlob* ZBlob::FromFile(const std::string& filePath) { ZBlob* blob = new ZBlob(nullptr); blob->name = StringHelper::Split(Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath), ".")[0]; blob->blobData = DiskFile::ReadAllBytes(filePath); return blob; } void ZBlob::ParseXML(tinyxml2::XMLElement* reader) { ZResource::ParseXML(reader); blobSize = StringHelper::StrToL(registeredAttributes.at("Size").value, 16); } void ZBlob::ParseRawData() { blobData.assign(parent->GetRawData().begin() + rawDataIndex, parent->GetRawData().begin() + rawDataIndex + blobSize); } Declaration* ZBlob::DeclareVar(const std::string& prefix, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& bodyStr) { std::string auxName = name; std::string auxOutName = outName; if (auxName == "") auxName = GetDefaultName(prefix); if (auxOutName == "") auxOutName = GetDefaultName(prefix); std::string path = Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(auxOutName); std::string assetOutDir = (Globals::Instance->outputPath / Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(GetOutName())).string(); std::string incStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s.%s.inc.c", assetOutDir.c_str(), GetExternalExtension().c_str()); return parent->AddDeclarationIncludeArray(rawDataIndex, incStr, GetRawDataSize(), GetSourceTypeName(), auxName, blobData.size()); } std::string ZBlob::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string sourceOutput; for (size_t i = 0; i < blobData.size(); i += 1) { if (i % 16 == 0) sourceOutput += "\t"; sourceOutput += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%02X, ", blobData[i]); if (i % 16 == 15) sourceOutput += "\n"; } // Ensure there's always a trailing line feed to prevent dumb warnings. // Please don't remove this line, unless you somehow made a way to prevent // that warning when building the OoT repo. sourceOutput += "\n"; return sourceOutput; } void ZBlob::Save(const fs::path& outFolder) { if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) DiskFile::WriteAllBytes((outFolder / (name + ".bin")).string(), blobData); } bool ZBlob::IsExternalResource() const { return true; } std::string ZBlob::GetExternalExtension() const { return "bin"; } std::string ZBlob::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "u8"; } ZResourceType ZBlob::GetResourceType() const { return ZResourceType::Blob; } size_t ZBlob::GetRawDataSize() const { return blobSize; }