/** * Bruteforcing decoder for converting ADPCM-encoded AIFC into AIFF, in a way * that roundtrips with vadpcm_enc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include typedef signed char s8; typedef short s16; typedef int s32; typedef long long s64; typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned short u16; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef unsigned long long u64; typedef float f32; typedef double f64; #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __builtin_bswap16 _byteswap_ushort #define __builtin_bswap32 _byteswap_ulong #endif #define bswap16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) #define bswap32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) #define BSWAP16(x) x = __builtin_bswap16(x) #define BSWAP32(x) x = __builtin_bswap32(x) #define BSWAP16_MANY(x, n) \ for (s32 _i = 0; _i < n; _i++) \ BSWAP16((x)[_i]) #define NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn)) #define UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) typedef struct { u32 ckID; u32 ckSize; } ChunkHeader; typedef struct { u32 ckID; u32 ckSize; u32 formType; } Chunk; typedef struct { s16 numChannels; u16 numFramesH; u16 numFramesL; s16 sampleSize; s16 sampleRate[5]; // 80-bit float u16 compressionTypeH; u16 compressionTypeL; } CommonChunk; typedef struct { s16 MarkerID; u16 positionH; u16 positionL; } Marker; typedef struct { s16 playMode; s16 beginLoop; s16 endLoop; } Loop; typedef struct { s8 baseNote; s8 detune; s8 lowNote; s8 highNote; s8 lowVelocity; s8 highVelocity; s16 gain; Loop sustainLoop; Loop releaseLoop; } InstrumentChunk; typedef struct { s32 offset; s32 blockSize; } SoundDataChunk; typedef struct { s16 version; s16 order; s16 nEntries; } CodeChunk; typedef struct { u32 start; u32 end; u32 count; s16 state[16]; } ALADPCMloop; static char usage[] = "input.aifc output.aiff"; static const char *progname, *infilename; static int framesize = 9; void fail_parse(const char* fmt, ...) { char* formatted = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); int size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (size >= 0) { size++; formatted = (char*)malloc(size); if (formatted != NULL) { va_start(ap, fmt); size = vsnprintf(formatted, size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (size < 0) { free(formatted); formatted = NULL; } } } if (formatted != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s [%s]\n", progname, formatted, infilename); free(formatted); } exit(1); } s32 myrand() { static u64 state = 1619236481962341ULL; state *= 3123692312237ULL; state += 1; return state >> 33; } s16 qsample(f32 x, s32 scale) { if (x > 0.0f) { return (s16)((x / scale) + 0.4999999); } else { return (s16)((x / scale) - 0.4999999); } } void clamp_to_s16(f32* in, s32* out) { f32 llevel = -0x8000; f32 ulevel = 0x7fff; for (s32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (in[i] > ulevel) in[i] = ulevel; if (in[i] < llevel) in[i] = llevel; if (in[i] > 0.0f) { out[i] = (s32)(in[i] + 0.5); } else { out[i] = (s32)(in[i] - 0.5); } } } s16 clamp_bits(s32 x, s32 bits) { s32 lim = 1 << (bits - 1); if (x < -lim) return -lim; if (x > lim - 1) return lim - 1; return x; } s32 readaifccodebook(FILE* fhandle, s32**** table, s16* order, s16* npredictors) { BSWAP16(*order); BSWAP16(*npredictors); *table = (s32***)malloc(*npredictors * sizeof(s32**)); for (s32 i = 0; i < *npredictors; i++) { (*table)[i] = (s32**)malloc(8 * sizeof(s32*)); for (s32 j = 0; j < 8; j++) { (*table)[i][j] = (s32*)malloc((*order + 8) * sizeof(s32)); } } for (s32 i = 0; i < *npredictors; i++) { s32** table_entry = (*table)[i]; for (s32 j = 0; j < *order; j++) { for (s32 k = 0; k < 8; k++) { s16 ts = 0; BSWAP16(ts); table_entry[k][j] = ts; } } for (s32 k = 1; k < 8; k++) { table_entry[k][*order] = table_entry[k - 1][*order - 1]; } table_entry[0][*order] = 1 << 11; for (s32 k = 1; k < 8; k++) { s32 j = 0; for (; j < k; j++) { table_entry[j][k + *order] = 0; } for (; j < 8; j++) { table_entry[j][k + *order] = table_entry[j - k][*order]; } } } return 0; } ALADPCMloop* readlooppoints(FILE* ifile, s16* nloops) { BSWAP16(*nloops); ALADPCMloop* al = (ALADPCMloop*)malloc(*nloops * sizeof(ALADPCMloop)); for (s32 i = 0; i < *nloops; i++) { BSWAP32(al[i].start); BSWAP32(al[i].end); BSWAP32(al[i].count); BSWAP16_MANY(al[i].state, 16); } return al; } s32 inner_product(s32 length, s32* v1, s32* v2) { s32 out = 0; for (s32 i = 0; i < length; i++) { out += v1[i] * v2[i]; } // Compute "out / 2^11", rounded down. s32 dout = out / (1 << 11); s32 fiout = dout * (1 << 11); return dout - (out - fiout < 0); } void my_decodeframe(u8* frame, s32* decompressed, s32* state, s32 order, s32*** coefTable) { s32 ix[16]; u8 header = frame[0]; s32 scale = 1 << (header >> 4); s32 optimalp = header & 0xf; if (framesize == 5) { for (s32 i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) { u8 c = frame[1 + i / 4]; ix[i] = c >> 6; ix[i + 1] = (c >> 4) & 0x3; ix[i + 2] = (c >> 2) & 0x3; ix[i + 3] = c & 0x3; } } else { for (s32 i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) { u8 c = frame[1 + i / 2]; ix[i] = c >> 4; ix[i + 1] = c & 0xf; } } for (s32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (framesize == 5) { if (ix[i] >= 2) ix[i] -= 4; } else { if (ix[i] >= 8) ix[i] -= 16; } decompressed[i] = ix[i]; ix[i] *= scale; } for (s32 j = 0; j < 2; j++) { s32 in_vec[16]; if (j == 0) { for (s32 i = 0; i < order; i++) { in_vec[i] = state[16 - order + i]; } } else { for (s32 i = 0; i < order; i++) { in_vec[i] = state[8 - order + i]; } } for (s32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) { s32 ind = j * 8 + i; in_vec[order + i] = ix[ind]; state[ind] = inner_product(order + i, coefTable[optimalp][i], in_vec) + ix[ind]; } } } void get_bounds(s32* in, s32* decompressed, s32 scale, s32* minVals, s32* maxVals) { s32 minv, maxv; if (framesize == 9) { minv = -8; maxv = 7; } else { minv = -2; maxv = 1; } for (s32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { s32 lo = in[i] - scale / 2; s32 hi = in[i] + scale / 2; lo -= scale; hi += scale; if (decompressed[i] == minv) lo -= scale; else if (decompressed[i] == maxv) hi += scale; minVals[i] = lo; maxVals[i] = hi; } } void write_header(FILE* ofile, const char* id, s32 size) { fwrite(id, 4, 1, ofile); BSWAP32(size); fwrite(&size, sizeof(s32), 1, ofile); } char* OldMain(char* infilename) { s16 order = -1; s16 nloops = 0; ALADPCMloop* aloops = NULL; s16 npredictors = -1; s32*** coefTable = NULL; s32 state[16]; s32 decompressed[16]; s32 soundPointer = -1; s32 currPos = 0; s32 nSamples = 0; Chunk FormChunk = Chunk(); ChunkHeader Header = ChunkHeader(); CommonChunk CommChunk = CommonChunk(); InstrumentChunk InstChunk; SoundDataChunk SndDChunk = SoundDataChunk(); FILE* ifile = NULL; FILE* ofile = NULL; if ((ifile = fopen(infilename, "rb")) == NULL) { fail_parse("AIFF-C file could not be opened"); exit(1); } memset(&InstChunk, 0, sizeof(InstChunk)); BSWAP32(FormChunk.ckID); BSWAP32(FormChunk.formType); if ((FormChunk.ckID != 0x464f524d) || (FormChunk.formType != 0x41494643)) { // FORM, AIFC fail_parse("not an AIFF-C file"); } for (;;) { s32 num = fread(&Header, sizeof(Header), 1, ifile); u32 ts = 0; if (num <= 0) break; BSWAP32(Header.ckID); BSWAP32(Header.ckSize); Header.ckSize++; Header.ckSize &= ~1; s32 offset = ftell(ifile); switch (Header.ckID) { case 0x434f4d4d: // COMM { BSWAP16(CommChunk.numChannels); BSWAP16(CommChunk.numFramesH); BSWAP16(CommChunk.numFramesL); BSWAP16(CommChunk.sampleSize); BSWAP16(CommChunk.compressionTypeH); BSWAP16(CommChunk.compressionTypeL); s32 cType = (CommChunk.compressionTypeH << 16) + CommChunk.compressionTypeL; if (cType == 0x56415043 || cType == 0x41445039) { // VAPC or ADP9 framesize = 9; } else if (cType == 0x41445035) { // ADP5 framesize = 5; } else if (cType == 0x4850434d) { // HPCM framesize = 16; } else { char comprType[5] = { CommChunk.compressionTypeH >> 8, CommChunk.compressionTypeH & 0xFF, CommChunk.compressionTypeL >> 8, CommChunk.compressionTypeL & 0xFF, 0}; fail_parse("file is of the wrong compression type [got %s (%08x)]", &comprType, cType); } if (CommChunk.numChannels != 1) { fail_parse("file contains %d channels, only 1 channel supported", CommChunk.numChannels); } if (CommChunk.sampleSize != 16) { fail_parse("file contains %d bit samples, only 16 bit samples supported", CommChunk.sampleSize); } nSamples = (CommChunk.numFramesH << 16) + CommChunk.numFramesL; // Allow broken input lengths if (nSamples % 16) { nSamples -= (nSamples % 16); } if (nSamples % 16 != 0) { fail_parse("number of chunks must be a multiple of 16, found %d with remainder %d", nSamples, nSamples % 16); } } break; case 0x53534e44: // SSND BSWAP32(SndDChunk.offset); BSWAP32(SndDChunk.blockSize); assert(SndDChunk.offset == 0); assert(SndDChunk.blockSize == 0); soundPointer = ftell(ifile); break; case 0x4150504c: // APPL BSWAP32(ts); if (ts == 0x73746f63) { // stoc u8 len = 0; if (len == 11) { char ChunkName[12]; s16 version; ChunkName[11] = '\0'; if (strcmp("VADPCMCODES", ChunkName) == 0) { BSWAP16(version); if (version != 1) { fail_parse("Unknown codebook chunk version"); } readaifccodebook(ifile, &coefTable, &order, &npredictors); } else if (strcmp("VADPCMLOOPS", ChunkName) == 0) { BSWAP16(version); if (version != 1) { fail_parse("Unknown loop chunk version"); } aloops = readlooppoints(ifile, &nloops); if (nloops != 1) { fail_parse("Only a single loop supported"); } } } } break; } fseek(ifile, offset + Header.ckSize, SEEK_SET); } if (coefTable == NULL) { fail_parse("Codebook missing from bitstream"); } for (s32 i = 0; i < order; i++) { state[15 - i] = 0; } u32 outputBytes = nSamples * sizeof(s16); u8* outputBuf = (u8*)malloc(outputBytes); fseek(ifile, soundPointer, SEEK_SET); s32 fails = 0; while (currPos < nSamples) { u8 input[9]; u8 encoded[9]; s32 lastState[16]; s32 decoded[16]; s16 guess[16]; s16 origGuess[16]; memcpy(lastState, state, sizeof(state)); // Decode for real my_decodeframe(input, decompressed, state, order, coefTable); memcpy(decoded, state, sizeof(state)); // Create a guess from that, by clamping to 16 bits for (s32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { origGuess[i] = clamp_bits(state[i], 16); } memcpy(state, decoded, sizeof(state)); memcpy(outputBuf + currPos * 2, decoded, sizeof(decoded)); currPos += 16; } if (fails) { fprintf(stderr, "%s %d\n", infilename, fails); } // Write an incomplete file header. We'll fill in the size later. fwrite("FORM\0\0\0\0AIFF", 12, 1, ofile); // Subtract 4 from the COMM size to skip the compression field. write_header(ofile, "COMM", sizeof(CommonChunk) - 4); CommChunk.numFramesH = nSamples >> 16; CommChunk.numFramesL = nSamples & 0xffff; BSWAP16(CommChunk.numChannels); BSWAP16(CommChunk.numFramesH); BSWAP16(CommChunk.numFramesL); BSWAP16(CommChunk.sampleSize); fwrite(&CommChunk, sizeof(CommonChunk) - 4, 1, ofile); if (nloops > 0) { s32 startPos = aloops[0].start, endPos = aloops[0].end; const char* markerNames[2] = {"start", "end"}; Marker markers[2] = {{1, startPos >> 16, startPos & 0xffff}, {2, endPos >> 16, endPos & 0xffff}}; write_header(ofile, "MARK", 2 + 2 * sizeof(Marker) + 1 + 5 + 1 + 3); s16 numMarkers = bswap16(2); fwrite(&numMarkers, sizeof(s16), 1, ofile); for (s32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u8 len = (u8)strlen(markerNames[i]); BSWAP16(markers[i].MarkerID); BSWAP16(markers[i].positionH); BSWAP16(markers[i].positionL); fwrite(&markers[i], sizeof(Marker), 1, ofile); fwrite(&len, 1, 1, ofile); fwrite(markerNames[i], len, 1, ofile); } write_header(ofile, "INST", sizeof(InstrumentChunk)); InstChunk.sustainLoop.playMode = bswap16(1); InstChunk.sustainLoop.beginLoop = bswap16(1); InstChunk.sustainLoop.endLoop = bswap16(2); InstChunk.releaseLoop.playMode = 0; InstChunk.releaseLoop.beginLoop = 0; InstChunk.releaseLoop.endLoop = 0; fwrite(&InstChunk, sizeof(InstrumentChunk), 1, ofile); } // Save the coefficient table for use when encoding. Ideally this wouldn't // be needed and "tabledesign -s 1" would generate the right table, but in // practice it's difficult to adjust samples to make that happen. write_header(ofile, "APPL", 4 + 12 + sizeof(CodeChunk) + npredictors * order * 8 * 2); fwrite("stoc", 4, 1, ofile); CodeChunk cChunk; cChunk.version = bswap16(1); cChunk.order = bswap16(order); cChunk.nEntries = bswap16(npredictors); fwrite("\x0bVADPCMCODES", 12, 1, ofile); fwrite(&cChunk, sizeof(CodeChunk), 1, ofile); for (s32 i = 0; i < npredictors; i++) { for (s32 j = 0; j < order; j++) { for (s32 k = 0; k < 8; k++) { s16 ts = bswap16(coefTable[i][k][j]); fwrite(&ts, sizeof(s16), 1, ofile); } } } write_header(ofile, "SSND", outputBytes + 8); SndDChunk.offset = 0; SndDChunk.blockSize = 0; fwrite(&SndDChunk, sizeof(SoundDataChunk), 1, ofile); fwrite(outputBuf, outputBytes, 1, ofile); // Fix the size in the header s32 fileSize = bswap32(ftell(ofile) - 8); fseek(ofile, 4, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&fileSize, 4, 1, ofile); fclose(ifile); fclose(ofile); return 0; }