/* * File: z_boss_mo.c * Overlay: ovl_Boss_Mo * Description: Morpha */ #include "z_boss_mo.h" #include "objects/object_mo/object_mo.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Warp1/z_door_warp1.h" #include "objects/gameplay_keep/gameplay_keep.h" #include "vt.h" #include "soh/frame_interpolation.h" #include #define FLAGS (ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_2 | ACTOR_FLAG_4 | ACTOR_FLAG_5) #define MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) globalCtx->colCtx.colHeader->waterBoxes[0].ySurface #define HAS_LINK(tent) \ ((tent != NULL) && \ ((tent->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_GRAB) || (tent->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_SHAKE))) typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos; /* 0x0C */ Vec3f vel; /* 0x18 */ Vec3f accel; /* 0x24 */ u8 type; /* 0x25 */ u8 timer; /* 0x26 */ u8 stopTimer; /* 0x28 */ s16 unk_28; // unused? /* 0x2A */ s16 alpha; /* 0x2C */ s16 rippleMode; /* 0x2E */ s16 maxAlpha; /* 0x30 */ f32 scale; /* 0x30 */ f32 fwork[2]; /* 0x3C */ Vec3f* targetPos; u32 epoch; } BossMoEffect; // size = 0x40 #define MO_FX_MAX_SIZE 0 #define MO_FX_SHIMMER 0 #define MO_FX_SUCTION 0 #define MO_FX_SPREAD_RATE 1 #define MO_FX_STRETCH 1 #define MO_FX_MAX_SCALE 1 void BossMo_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_UpdateCore(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_UpdateTent(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_DrawCore(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_DrawTent(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_UpdateEffects(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_DrawEffects(BossMoEffect* effect, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_SetupTentacle(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_Tentacle(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void BossMo_Unknown(void); typedef enum { /* 0 */ MO_FX_NONE, /* 1 */ MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE, /* 2 */ MO_FX_BIG_RIPPLE, /* 3 */ MO_FX_DROPLET, /* 4 */ MO_FX_SPLASH, /* 5 */ MO_FX_SPLASH_TRAIL, /* 6 */ MO_FX_WET_SPOT, /* 7 */ MO_FX_BUBBLE } BossMoEffectType; typedef enum { /* 0 */ MO_TENT_READY, /* 1 */ MO_TENT_SWING, /* 2 */ MO_TENT_ATTACK, /* 3 */ MO_TENT_CURL, /* 4 */ MO_TENT_GRAB, /* 5 */ MO_TENT_SHAKE, /* 10 */ MO_TENT_WAIT = 10, /* 11 */ MO_TENT_SPAWN, /* 100 */ MO_TENT_CUT = 100, /* 101 */ MO_TENT_RETREAT, /* 102 */ MO_TENT_DESPAWN, /* 200 */ MO_TENT_DEATH_START = 200, /* 201 */ MO_TENT_DEATH_1, /* 202 */ MO_TENT_DEATH_2, /* 203 */ MO_TENT_DEATH_3, /* 205 */ MO_TENT_DEATH_5 = 205, /* 206 */ MO_TENT_DEATH_6 } BossMoTentState; typedef enum { /* -11 */ MO_CORE_UNUSED = -11, /* 0 */ MO_CORE_MOVE = 0, /* 1 */ MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT, /* 2 */ MO_CORE_UNDERWATER, /* 5 */ MO_CORE_STUNNED = 5, /* 10 */ MO_CORE_ATTACK = 10, /* 11 */ MO_CORE_RETREAT, /* 20 */ MO_CORE_INTRO_WAIT = 20, /* 21 */ MO_CORE_INTRO_REVEAL } BossMoCoreState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ MO_BATTLE, /* 1 */ MO_INTRO_WAIT, /* 2 */ MO_INTRO_START, /* 3 */ MO_INTRO_SWIM, /* 4 */ MO_INTRO_REVEAL, /* 5 */ MO_INTRO_FINISH, /* 100 */ MO_DEATH_START = 100, /* 101 */ MO_DEATH_DRAIN_WATER_1, /* 102 */ MO_DEATH_DRAIN_WATER_2, /* 103 */ MO_DEATH_CEILING, /* 104 */ MO_DEATH_DROPLET, /* 105 */ MO_DEATH_FINISH, /* 150 */ MO_DEATH_MO_CORE_BURST = 150 } BossMoCsState; const ActorInit Boss_Mo_InitVars = { ACTOR_BOSS_MO, ACTORCAT_BOSS, FLAGS, OBJECT_MO, sizeof(BossMo), (ActorFunc)BossMo_Init, (ActorFunc)BossMo_Destroy, (ActorFunc)BossMo_UpdateTent, (ActorFunc)BossMo_DrawTent, NULL, }; static BossMo* sMorphaCore = NULL; static BossMo* sMorphaTent1 = NULL; static BossMo* sMorphaTent2 = NULL; static f32 sFlatWidth[41] = { 15.0f, 12.0f, 9.0f, 6.5f, 4.8f, 4.0f, 3.4f, 3.1f, 3.0f, 3.1f, 3.2f, 3.4f, 3.6f, 3.8f, 4.0f, 4.6f, 5.1f, 5.5f, 6.1f, 6.6f, 7.3f, 7.7f, 8.4f, 8.5f, 8.7f, 8.8f, 8.8f, 8.7f, 8.6f, 8.3f, 8.2f, 8.1f, 7.2f, 6.7f, 5.9f, 4.9f, 2.7f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, }; #include "z_boss_mo_colchk.c" static BossMoEffect sEffects[300]; static s32 sBossGanonSeed1; static s32 sBossGanonSeed2; static s32 sBossGanonSeed3; void BossMo_InitRand(s32 seedInit0, s32 seedInit1, s32 seedInit2) { sBossGanonSeed1 = seedInit0; sBossGanonSeed2 = seedInit1; sBossGanonSeed3 = seedInit2; } f32 BossMo_RandZeroOne(void) { // Wichmann-Hill algorithm f32 randFloat; sBossGanonSeed1 = (sBossGanonSeed1 * 171) % 30269; sBossGanonSeed2 = (sBossGanonSeed2 * 172) % 30307; sBossGanonSeed3 = (sBossGanonSeed3 * 170) % 30323; randFloat = (sBossGanonSeed1 / 30269.0f) + (sBossGanonSeed2 / 30307.0f) + (sBossGanonSeed3 / 30323.0f); while (randFloat >= 1.0f) { randFloat -= 1.0f; } return fabsf(randFloat); } s32 BossMo_NearLand(Vec3f* pos, f32 margin) { if (450.0f - margin <= fabsf(pos->x)) { return true; } if (450.0f - margin <= fabsf(pos->z)) { return true; } if ((fabsf(pos->x - 180.0f) < 90.0f + margin) || (fabsf(pos->x - -180.0f) < 90.0f + margin)) { if (fabsf(pos->z - 180.0f) < 90.0f + margin) { return true; } if (fabsf(pos->z - -180.0f) < 90.0f + margin) { return true; } } return false; } void BossMo_SpawnRipple(BossMoEffect* effect, Vec3f* pos, f32 scale, f32 maxScale, s16 maxAlpha, s16 partLimit, u8 type) { static Vec3f zeroVec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; s16 i; for (i = 0; i < partLimit; i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_NONE) { effect->stopTimer = 0; effect->type = type; effect->pos = *pos; effect->vel = zeroVec; effect->accel = zeroVec; effect->scale = scale * 0.0025f; effect->fwork[MO_FX_MAX_SIZE] = maxScale * 0.0025f; if (scale > 300.0f) { effect->alpha = 0; effect->maxAlpha = maxAlpha; effect->rippleMode = 0; effect->fwork[MO_FX_SPREAD_RATE] = (effect->fwork[MO_FX_MAX_SIZE] - effect->scale) * 0.05f; } else { effect->alpha = maxAlpha; effect->rippleMode = 1; effect->fwork[MO_FX_SPREAD_RATE] = (effect->fwork[MO_FX_MAX_SIZE] - effect->scale) * 0.1f; } effect->epoch++; break; } } } void BossMo_SpawnDroplet(s16 type, BossMoEffect* effect, Vec3f* pos, Vec3f* vel, f32 scale) { s16 i; Vec3f gravity = { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f }; for (i = 0; i < 290; i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_NONE) { effect->type = type; effect->pos = *pos; effect->vel = *vel; effect->accel = gravity; if (type == MO_FX_SPLASH_TRAIL) { effect->accel.y = 0.0f; } effect->scale = scale; effect->fwork[MO_FX_SPREAD_RATE] = 1.0f; effect->stopTimer = 0; effect->epoch++; break; } } } void BossMo_SpawnStillDroplet(BossMoEffect* effect, Vec3f* pos, f32 scale) { s16 i; Vec3f zeroVec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; for (i = 0; i < 290; i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_NONE) { effect->type = MO_FX_DROPLET; effect->stopTimer = 2; effect->pos = *pos; effect->vel = zeroVec; effect->accel = zeroVec; effect->scale = scale; effect->fwork[MO_FX_SPREAD_RATE] = 1.0f; effect->epoch++; break; } } } void BossMo_SpawnBubble(BossMoEffect* effect, Vec3f* pos, Vec3f* vel, Vec3f* accel, f32 scale, Vec3f* targetPos) { s16 i; for (i = 0; i < 280; i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_NONE) { effect->type = MO_FX_BUBBLE; effect->stopTimer = 0; effect->pos = *pos; effect->vel = *vel; effect->accel = *accel; effect->scale = scale; effect->fwork[MO_FX_SUCTION] = 0.0f; effect->targetPos = targetPos; if (targetPos == NULL) { effect->alpha = 255; } else { effect->alpha = 0; } effect->timer = 0; effect->epoch++; break; } } } static s16 sCurlRot[41] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 12, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; static s16 sGrabRot[41] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5, -5, -5, 0, 5, 10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; static s16 sAttackRot[41] = { 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; static InitChainEntry sInitChain[] = { ICHAIN_U8(targetMode, 5, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_S8(naviEnemyId, 0x25, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32_DIV1000(gravity, 0, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(targetArrowOffset, 0, ICHAIN_STOP), }; static Vec3f sAudioZeroVec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; static u8 sTentSpawnIndex[21] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 19, 5, 14, 16, 17, 18, 6, 13, 20, 7, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 }; static Vec2f sTentSpawnPos[21] = { { -360.0f, -360.0f }, { -180.0f, -360.0f }, { 0.0f, -360.0f }, { 180.0f, -360.0f }, { 360.0f, -360.0f }, { -360.0f, -180.0f }, { 0.0f, -180.0f }, { 360.0f, -180.0f }, { -360.0f, 0.0f }, { -180.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 180.0f, 0.0f }, { 360.0f, 0.0f }, { -360.0f, 180.0f }, { 0.0f, 180.0f }, { 360.0f, 180.0f }, { -360.0f, 360.0f }, { -180.0f, 360.0f }, { 0.0f, 360.0f }, { 180.0f, 360.0f }, { 360.0f, 360.0f }, }; static f32 sTentWidth[41] = { 3.56f, 3.25f, 2.96f, 2.69f, 2.44f, 2.21f, 2.0f, 1.81f, 1.64f, 1.49f, 1.36f, 1.25f, 1.16f, 1.09f, 1.04f, 1.01f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.98f, 0.95f, 0.9f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; static f32 sDropletWidth[41] = { 0.0f, 2.95804f, 4.123106f, 4.974937f, 5.656854f, 6.22495f, 6.708204f, 7.123903f, 7.483315f, 7.794229f, 8.062258f, 8.291562f, 8.485281f, 8.645808f, 8.774964f, 8.87412f, 8.944272f, 8.9861f, 9.0f, 8.9861f, 8.944272f, 8.87412f, 8.774964f, 8.645808f, 8.485281f, 8.291562f, 8.062258f, 7.794229f, 7.483315f, 7.123903f, 6.708204f, 6.22495f, 5.656854f, 4.974937f, 4.123106f, 2.95804f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, }; // These are sqrt(9^2 - (i/2 - 9)^2), a sphere of radius 9. void BossMo_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx2) { GlobalContext* globalCtx = globalCtx2; BossMo* this = (BossMo*)thisx; u16 i; Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->actor, sInitChain); ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, NULL, 0.0f); if (this->actor.params != BOSSMO_TENTACLE) { Flags_SetSwitch(globalCtx, 0x14); sMorphaCore = this; MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) = this->waterLevel = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); globalCtx->roomCtx.unk_74[0] = 0xA0; globalCtx->specialEffects = sEffects; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++) { sEffects[i].type = MO_FX_NONE; } this->actor.world.pos.x = 200.0f; this->actor.world.pos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) + 50.0f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 5.0f; this->drawActor = true; this->actor.colChkInfo.health = 20; this->actor.colChkInfo.mass = 0; this->actor.params = 0; Actor_SetScale(&this->actor, 0.01f); Collider_InitCylinder(globalCtx, &this->coreCollider); Collider_SetCylinder(globalCtx, &this->coreCollider, &this->actor, &sCylinderInit); if (Flags_GetClear(globalCtx, globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.num)) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1, 0.0f, -280.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, WARP_DUNGEON_ADULT); Actor_Spawn(&globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, ACTOR_ITEM_B_HEART, -200.0f, -280.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0); globalCtx->roomCtx.unk_74[0] = 0xFF; MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) = -500; return; } if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[7] & 0x10) { Audio_QueueSeqCmd(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | NA_BGM_BOSS); this->tentMaxAngle = 5.0f; this->timers[0] = 50; } else { this->csState = MO_INTRO_WAIT; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_INTRO_WAIT; this->actor.world.pos.x = 1000.0f; this->timers[0] = 60; } sMorphaTent1 = (BossMo*)Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_BOSS_MO, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, BOSSMO_TENTACLE); this->actor.draw = BossMo_DrawCore; this->actor.update = BossMo_UpdateCore; Actor_ChangeCategory(globalCtx, &globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, ACTORCAT_BOSS); } else { Actor_SetScale(&this->actor, 0.01f); BossMo_SetupTentacle(this, globalCtx); this->actor.colChkInfo.mass = 0xFF; MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) = -50; this->waterTexAlpha = 90.0f; this->actor.world.pos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); this->actor.prevPos = this->targetPos = this->actor.world.pos; Collider_InitJntSph(globalCtx, &this->tentCollider); Collider_SetJntSph(globalCtx, &this->tentCollider, &this->actor, &sJntSphInit, this->tentElements); this->tentMaxAngle = 1.0f; } } void BossMo_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; BossMo* this = (BossMo*)thisx; if (this->actor.params >= BOSSMO_TENTACLE) { Collider_DestroyJntSph(globalCtx, &this->tentCollider); } else { Collider_DestroyCylinder(globalCtx, &this->coreCollider); } } void BossMo_SetupTentacle(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { this->actionFunc = BossMo_Tentacle; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_WAIT; this->timers[0] = 50 + (s16)Rand_ZeroFloat(20.0f); } void BossMo_Tentacle(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 tentXrot; s16 sp1B4 = 0; s32 buttons; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); s16 indS0; s16 indS1; Camera* camera1; Camera* camera2; BossMo* otherTent = (BossMo*)this->otherTent; f32 maxSwingRateX; f32 maxSwingLagX; f32 maxSwingSizeX; f32 maxSwingRateZ; f32 maxSwingLagZ; f32 maxSwingSizeZ; f32 swingRateAccel; f32 swingSizeAccel; s16 rippleCount; s16 indT5; Vec3f ripplePos; f32 randAngle; f32 randFloat; f32 tempf1; f32 tempf2; f32 sin; f32 cos; f32 temp; f32 dx; f32 dy; f32 dz; Vec3f sp138; Vec3f sp12C; Vec3f sp120; s32 pad11C; s32 pad118; s32 pad114; s32 pad110; s32 pad10C; s32 pad108; Vec3f spFC; Vec3f spF0; f32 padEC; Vec3f spE0; Vec3f spD4; Vec3f spC8; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] <= MO_TENT_DEATH_3) { this->actor.world.pos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); } if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_READY) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_START) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_RETREAT) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_SWING) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_SHAKE)) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_READY) { if (sMorphaCore->csState != MO_BATTLE) { maxSwingRateX = 2000.0f; maxSwingLagX = 3000.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 1000.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 1500.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 2500.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 1000.0f; swingRateAccel = 10.0f; swingSizeAccel = 10.0f; } else { maxSwingRateX = 2000.0f; maxSwingLagX = 3000.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 1000.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 1500.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 2500.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 1000.0f; swingRateAccel = 20.0f; swingSizeAccel = 30.0f; } } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_SWING) { maxSwingRateX = 2500.0f; maxSwingLagX = -1000.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 3000.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 1500.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 2500.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 0.0; swingRateAccel = 30.0f; swingSizeAccel = 60.0f; if (((this->sfxTimer % 16) == 0) && (this->timers[0] < 30)) { Audio_PlaySoundIncreasinglyTransposed(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_WAVE, gMorphaTransposeTable); } } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_SHAKE) { if (this->timers[0] > 40) { maxSwingRateX = 1300.0f; maxSwingLagX = -3200.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 7000.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 800.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 2500.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 5000.0f; swingRateAccel = 30.0f; swingSizeAccel = 60.0f; if ((this->sfxTimer % 32) == 0) { Audio_PlaySoundIncreasinglyTransposed(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_WAVE, gMorphaTransposeTable); func_800AA000(0, 100, 5, 2); func_8002F7DC(&player->actor, NA_SE_VO_LI_FREEZE + player->ageProperties->unk_92); } } else { maxSwingRateX = 2000.0f; maxSwingLagX = -1000.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 5000.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 1500.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 2500.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 100.0f; swingRateAccel = 70.0f; swingSizeAccel = 70.0f; if ((this->sfxTimer % 16) == 0) { Audio_PlaySoundIncreasinglyTransposed(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_WAVE, gMorphaTransposeTable); func_800AA000(0, 160, 5, 4); func_8002F7DC(&player->actor, NA_SE_VO_LI_FREEZE + player->ageProperties->unk_92); } } } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_RETREAT) { maxSwingRateX = 1300.0f; maxSwingLagX = 3200.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 7000.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 800.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 2500.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 5000.0f; swingRateAccel = 30.0f; swingSizeAccel = 30.0f; } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_START) { maxSwingRateX = -400.0f; maxSwingLagX = -3200.0f; maxSwingSizeX = 0.0f; maxSwingRateZ = 2300.0f; maxSwingLagZ = 3200.0f; maxSwingSizeZ = 1000.0; swingRateAccel = 30.0f; swingSizeAccel = 60.0f; } Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X], maxSwingRateX, 1.0f, swingRateAccel); Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X], maxSwingLagX, 1.0f, 30.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X], maxSwingSizeX, 1.0f, swingSizeAccel); Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z], maxSwingRateZ, 1.0f, swingRateAccel); Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z], maxSwingLagZ, 1.0f, 30.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z], maxSwingSizeZ, 1.0f, swingSizeAccel); this->xSwing += (s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X]; this->zSwing += (s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z]; } switch (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE]) { case MO_TENT_WAIT: this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; if (this == sMorphaTent2) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_SPAWN; this->timers[0] = 70; this->actor.shape.rot.y = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer; } break; case MO_TENT_SPAWN: this->drawActor = true; this->baseBubblesTimer = 20; if (this->timers[0] < 20) { Math_ApproachF(&this->tentRippleSize, 0.15f, 0.5f, 0.01); Math_ApproachF(&this->baseAlpha, 150.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f); if (this->baseAlpha >= 150.0f) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_READY; this->timers[0] = 60; } } if (this->timers[0] > 50) { rippleCount = 1; } else if (this->timers[0] > 40) { rippleCount = 3; } else if (this->timers[0] > 30) { rippleCount = 5; } else if (this->timers[0] > 20) { rippleCount = 8; } else { rippleCount = 3; } for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < rippleCount; indS1++) { randFloat = Rand_ZeroFloat(50.0f); randAngle = Rand_ZeroFloat(0x10000); ripplePos = this->actor.world.pos; ripplePos.x += sinf(randAngle) * randFloat; ripplePos.z += cosf(randAngle) * randFloat; ripplePos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &ripplePos, 40.0f, 110.0f, 80, 290, MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE); } break; case MO_TENT_READY: case MO_TENT_SWING: if (sMorphaCore->csState == MO_BATTLE) { func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_APPEAR - SFX_FLAG); } Math_ApproachF(&this->waterLevelMod, -5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { sin = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] * indS1) + this->xSwing); tempf1 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] * (indS1 * 0.025f * sin); cos = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] * indS1) + this->zSwing); tempf2 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] * (indS1 * 0.025f * cos); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); if (indS1 == 28) { sp1B4 = this->tentRot[indS1].x; } Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, tempf1, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, tempf2, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } this->targetPos = this->actor.world.pos; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 0.75f, 1.0f, 0.04f); if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_SWING) { Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer + this->attackAngleMod, 0xA, 0x1F4); } Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH], 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.04); if (sMorphaCore->csState != MO_BATTLE) { Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.001f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 240.0f, 1.0f, 3.0); } else { Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.002f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 400.0f, 1.0f, 6.0f); } if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_READY) { if ((this->timers[0] == 0) && !HAS_LINK(otherTent)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_SWING; this->timers[0] = 50; Audio_ResetIncreasingTranspose(); this->attackAngleMod = Rand_CenteredFloat(0x1000); } } else { tentXrot = this->tentRot[28].x; if ((this->timers[0] == 0) && (tentXrot >= 0) && (sp1B4 < 0)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_ATTACK; if (this == sMorphaTent1) { this->timers[0] = 175; } else { this->timers[0] = 55; } } } break; case MO_TENT_ATTACK: this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_24; func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_ATTACK - SFX_FLAG); Math_ApproachF(&this->waterLevelMod, -5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * ((((40 - indS1) * 25.0f) / 100.0f) + 5.0f), 0.5f, 0.7f); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, sAttackRot[indS1] * 0x100, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, 0, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } this->targetPos = this->actor.world.pos; Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.01); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 160.0f, 1.0f, 50.0f); if ((this->timers[0] == 0) || (this->linkHitTimer != 0)) { dx = this->tentPos[22].x - player->actor.world.pos.x; dy = this->tentPos[22].y - player->actor.world.pos.y; dz = this->tentPos[22].z - player->actor.world.pos.z; if ((fabsf(dy) < 50.0f) && !HAS_LINK(otherTent) && (sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dy) + SQ(dz)) < 120.0f)) { this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_CURL; this->timers[0] = 40; this->tentSpeed = 0; if ((s16)(this->actor.shape.rot.y - this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer) >= 0) { this->linkToLeft = false; } else { this->linkToLeft = true; } } else { this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_READY; this->tentSpeed = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = 0; this->timers[0] = 30; if ((fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.x - this->actor.world.pos.x) > 300.0f) || (player->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) || HAS_LINK(otherTent) || (fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.z - this->actor.world.pos.z) > 300.0f)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_RETREAT; this->timers[0] = 75; } } } break; case MO_TENT_CURL: case MO_TENT_GRAB: Math_ApproachF(&this->waterLevelMod, -5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); if (this->timers[0] == 125) { this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; this->tentSpeed = 0; } for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { if (this->timers[0] > 25) { if (!this->linkToLeft) { Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, sCurlRot[indS1] * 0x100, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } else { Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, sCurlRot[indS1] * -0x100, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } } else { if (!this->linkToLeft) { Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, sGrabRot[indS1] * 0x100, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } else { Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, sGrabRot[indS1] * -0x100, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } } } Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 960.0f, 1.0f, 30.0f); if (this->timers[0] >= 30) { Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.shape.rot.y, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 5, 0xC8); } if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_CURL) { if ((this->timers[0] >= 5) && (this->linkHitTimer != 0) && (player->actor.parent == NULL)) { if (globalCtx->grabPlayer(globalCtx, player)) { player->actor.parent = &this->actor; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_GRAB; func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CATCH); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_VO_LI_DAMAGE_S, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } else { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_READY; this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; this->tentSpeed = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = 0; this->timers[0] = 30; } } if (this->timers[0] == 4) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_READY; this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; this->tentSpeed = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = 0; this->timers[0] = 30; } } if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_GRAB) { player->unk_850 = 0xA; player->actor.speedXZ = player->actor.velocity.y = 0; Math_ApproachF(&player->actor.world.pos.x, this->grabPosRot.pos.x, 0.5f, 20.0f); Math_ApproachF(&player->actor.world.pos.y, this->grabPosRot.pos.y, 0.5f, 20.0f); Math_ApproachF(&player->actor.world.pos.z, this->grabPosRot.pos.z, 0.5f, 20.0f); Math_ApproachS(&player->actor.shape.rot.x, this->grabPosRot.rot.x, 2, 0x7D0); Math_ApproachS(&player->actor.shape.rot.y, this->grabPosRot.rot.y, 2, 0x7D0); Math_ApproachS(&player->actor.shape.rot.z, this->grabPosRot.rot.z, 2, 0x7D0); if (this->timers[0] == 0) { camera1 = Gameplay_GetCamera(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_SHAKE; this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z] = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = this->tentSpeed = 0; this->timers[0] = 150; this->mashCounter = 0; this->sfxTimer = 30; Audio_ResetIncreasingTranspose(); func_80064520(globalCtx, &globalCtx->csCtx); this->csCamera = Gameplay_CreateSubCamera(globalCtx); Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM, CAM_STAT_WAIT); Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(globalCtx, this->csCamera, CAM_STAT_ACTIVE); this->cameraEye = camera1->eye; this->cameraAt = camera1->at; this->cameraYaw = Math_FAtan2F(this->cameraEye.x - this->actor.world.pos.x, this->cameraEye.z - this->actor.world.pos.z); this->cameraYawRate = 0; goto tent_shake; } } break; tent_shake: case MO_TENT_SHAKE: if (this->timers[0] == 138) { ShrinkWindow_SetVal(0); Interface_ChangeAlpha(0xB); } if ((this->timers[0] % 8) == 0) { globalCtx->damagePlayer(globalCtx, -1); } Math_ApproachF(&this->waterLevelMod, -5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); sp1B4 = this->tentRot[15].x; buttons = globalCtx->state.input[0].press.button; if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(buttons, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(buttons, BTN_B)) { this->mashCounter++; } for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { if (indS1 < 20) { sin = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] * indS1) + this->xSwing); tempf1 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] * (indS1 * 0.025f * sin); cos = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] * indS1) + this->zSwing); tempf2 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] * (indS1 * 0.025f * cos); temp = ((((40 - indS1) * 25.0f) / 100.0f) + 5.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * temp, 0.1f, 0.1f); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, tempf1, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, tempf2, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } } player->unk_850 = 0xA; player->actor.world.pos.x = this->grabPosRot.pos.x; player->actor.world.pos.y = this->grabPosRot.pos.y; player->actor.world.pos.z = this->grabPosRot.pos.z; player->actor.world.rot.x = player->actor.shape.rot.x = this->grabPosRot.rot.x; player->actor.world.rot.y = player->actor.shape.rot.y = this->grabPosRot.rot.y; player->actor.world.rot.z = player->actor.shape.rot.z = this->grabPosRot.rot.z; player->actor.velocity.y = 0; player->actor.speedXZ = 0; Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH], 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.01); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.005f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 480.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentPulse, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.03f); if ((this->mashCounter >= 40) || (this->timers[0] == 0)) { tentXrot = this->tentRot[15].x; if ((tentXrot < 0) && (sp1B4 >= 0)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_RETREAT; this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] = 50; if (&this->actor == player->actor.parent) { player->unk_850 = 0x65; player->actor.parent = NULL; player->csMode = 0; if (this->timers[0] == 0) { func_8002F6D4(globalCtx, &this->actor, 20.0f, this->actor.shape.rot.y + 0x8000, 10.0f, 0); } } this->timers[0] = 75; } } if (this->csCamera != 0) { sp138.x = 0; sp138.y = 100.0f; sp138.z = 200.0f; this->cameraYaw -= this->cameraYawRate; Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYawRate, 0.01, 1.0f, 0.002f); Matrix_RotateY(this->cameraYaw, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp138, &sp12C); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.x, this->actor.world.pos.x + sp12C.x, 0.1f, 10.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.y, this->actor.world.pos.y + sp12C.y, 0.1f, 10.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.z, this->actor.world.pos.z + sp12C.z, 0.1f, 10.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.x, player->actor.world.pos.x, 0.5f, 50.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.y, player->actor.world.pos.y, 0.5f, 50.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.z, player->actor.world.pos.z, 0.5f, 50.0f); Gameplay_CameraSetAtEye(globalCtx, this->csCamera, &this->cameraAt, &this->cameraEye); } break; case MO_TENT_CUT: func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EV_WATER_WALL - SFX_FLAG); if (&this->actor == player->actor.parent) { player->unk_850 = 0x65; player->actor.parent = NULL; player->csMode = 0; } Math_ApproachF(&this->tentRippleSize, 0.15f, 0.5f, 0.01); if (this->meltIndex < 41) { for (indS0 = 0; indS0 < 10; indS0++) { sp120 = this->tentPos[this->meltIndex]; sp120.x += Rand_CenteredFloat(30.0f); sp120.y += Rand_CenteredFloat(30.0f); sp120.z += Rand_CenteredFloat(30.0f); BossMo_SpawnStillDroplet(globalCtx->specialEffects, &sp120, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.1f) + .2f); } this->meltIndex++; } Math_ApproachF(&this->cutScale, 0.0, 1.0f, 0.2f); if ((this->meltIndex >= 41) || (this->timers[0] == 0)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_RETREAT; this->timers[0] = 75; this->tentMaxAngle = 0.005f; this->tentSpeed = 50.0f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 7000.0f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = 5000.0f; } break; case MO_TENT_RETREAT: if (this->csCamera != 0) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.x, player->actor.world.pos.x, 0.5f, 50.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.y, player->actor.world.pos.y, 0.5f, 50.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.z, player->actor.world.pos.z, 0.5f, 50.0f); Gameplay_CameraSetAtEye(globalCtx, this->csCamera, &this->cameraAt, &this->cameraEye); if (player->actor.world.pos.y <= 42.0f) { camera2 = Gameplay_GetCamera(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); camera2->eye = this->cameraEye; camera2->eyeNext = this->cameraEye; camera2->at = this->cameraAt; func_800C08AC(globalCtx, this->csCamera, 0); this->csCamera = 0; func_80064534(globalCtx, &globalCtx->csCtx); } } for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { sin = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] * indS1) + this->xSwing); tempf1 = (indS1 * 0.025f * sin * this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X]) * this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH]; cos = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] * indS1) + this->zSwing); tempf2 = (indS1 * 0.025f * cos * this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z]) * this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH]; Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.5f, 0.2f); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, tempf1, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, tempf2, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH], 0, 0.5f, 0.02f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.01); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 320.0f, 1.0f, 50.0f); if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; Math_ApproachF(&this->baseAlpha, 0.0, 1.0f, 5.0f); for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 40; indS1++) { if (sMorphaTent2 && sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos) {} indT5 = Rand_ZeroFloat(20.9f); indS0 = sTentSpawnIndex[indT5]; spFC.x = 0; spFC.y = 0; spFC.z = 0; Matrix_RotateY((player->actor.world.rot.y / (f32)0x8000) * M_PI, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&spFC, &spF0); spF0.x = player->actor.world.pos.x + spF0.x; spF0.z = player->actor.world.pos.z + spF0.z; if ((fabsf(spF0.x - sTentSpawnPos[indS0].x) <= 320) && (fabsf(spF0.z - sTentSpawnPos[indS0].y) <= 320) && ((sMorphaTent2 == NULL) || (sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos != indS0))) { this->targetPos.x = sTentSpawnPos[indS0].x; this->targetPos.z = sTentSpawnPos[indS0].y; this->tentSpawnPos = indS0; this->timers[0] = (s16)Rand_ZeroFloat(20.0f) + 30; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DESPAWN; break; } } } if ((this == sMorphaTent1) && (sMorphaCore->hitCount >= 3) && (sMorphaTent2 == NULL)) { sMorphaTent2 = (BossMo*)Actor_Spawn(&globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, ACTOR_BOSS_MO, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, BOSSMO_TENTACLE); sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos = this->tentSpawnPos; if (sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos > 10) { sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos--; } else { sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos++; } sMorphaTent2->targetPos.x = sTentSpawnPos[sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos].x; sMorphaTent2->targetPos.z = sTentSpawnPos[sMorphaTent2->tentSpawnPos].y; sMorphaTent2->timers[0] = 100; sMorphaTent2->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DESPAWN; sMorphaTent2->otherTent = &sMorphaTent1->actor; sMorphaTent1->otherTent = &sMorphaTent2->actor; } break; case MO_TENT_DESPAWN: this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; Math_ApproachF(&this->baseAlpha, 0, 1.0f, 5.0f); if ((this->baseAlpha <= 0.5f) && (this->timers[0] == 0)) { this->meltIndex = 0; this->actor.world.pos.x = this->targetPos.x; this->actor.world.pos.z = this->targetPos.z; this->actor.prevPos = this->actor.world.pos; this->cutScale = 1.0f; this->cutIndex = this->meltIndex; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_WAIT; this->timers[0] = (s16)Rand_ZeroFloat(20.0f) + 10; this->tentSpeed = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 0; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = 0; this->tentMaxAngle = .001f; } break; case MO_TENT_DEATH_START: this->actor.shape.rot.y = 0x4000; break; case MO_TENT_DEATH_3: this->baseBubblesTimer = 20; Math_ApproachF(&sMorphaCore->waterLevel, -300.0f, 0.1f, 0.8f); this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { sin = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] * indS1) + this->xSwing); tempf1 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] * (indS1 * 0.025f * sin); cos = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] * indS1) + this->zSwing); tempf2 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] * (indS1 * 0.025f * cos); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, tempf1, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, tempf2, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0; Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH], 4.3f, 0.5f, 0.04); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentPulse, 1.3f, 0.5f, 0.05f); break; case MO_TENT_DEATH_1: this->baseBubblesTimer = 20; this->actor.shape.rot.y = 0x4000; this->actor.shape.rot.x = -0x8000; this->actor.world.pos.y = sMorphaCore->waterLevel + 650.0f; Math_ApproachF(&sMorphaCore->waterLevel, -300.0f, 0.1f, 1.3f); for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { sin = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] * indS1) + this->xSwing); tempf1 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] * (indS1 * 0.025f * sin); cos = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] * indS1) + this->zSwing); tempf2 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] * (indS1 * 0.025f * cos); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, tempf1, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, tempf2, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0; Math_ApproachF(&this->tentPulse, 1.3f, 0.5f, 0.05f); break; case MO_TENT_DEATH_2: this->baseBubblesTimer = 20; Math_ApproachF(&sMorphaCore->waterLevel, -295.0f, 0.1f, 1.3f); this->actor.world.pos.y = sMorphaCore->waterLevel + 650.0f; for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { sin = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] * indS1) + this->xSwing); tempf1 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] * (indS1 * 0.025f * sin); cos = Math_SinS(((s16)this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] * indS1) + this->zSwing); tempf2 = this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] * (indS1 * 0.025f * cos); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].x, tempf1, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->tentRot[indS1].z, tempf2, 1.0f / this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); } this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0; this->noBubbles--; Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH], 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.03); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentPulse, 0.02f, 0.5f, 0.015f); if ((this->timers[0] > 0) && (this->timers[0] < 40)) { Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.x, 0.035f, 0.05f, this->flattenRate); if (this->timers[0] == 1) { this->flattenRate = 0.0; } } else if (this->timers[0] == 0) { Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.x, .001f, 0.05f, this->flattenRate); } Math_ApproachF(&this->flattenRate, 0.00045f, 0.1f, 0.00001f); break; case MO_TENT_DEATH_5: for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 41; indS1++) { if (this->timers[0] != 0) { Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.05f, this->tentSpeed); } else { Math_ApproachF(&this->tentStretch[indS1].y, this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] * 5.0f, 0.3f, 100.0f); } this->tentRot[indS1].x = this->tentRot[indS1].z = 0; } this->tentPulse = 0.0; if (this->timers[0] != 0) { this->actor.world.pos.y = sMorphaCore->waterLevel + 650.0f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] = 0.5f; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.x, 0.0015f, 0.05f, this->tentMaxAngle); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentMaxAngle, 0.00035f, 1.0f, 0.0000175f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentSpeed, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.005f); this->actor.velocity.y = 0.0; } else { this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] = 0.2f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] += Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0x2000) * 0.05f; padEC = Math_CosS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0x2000) * 0.0005f; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.x, 0.002f + padEC, 0.5f, 0.0005f); this->actor.world.pos.y += this->actor.velocity.y; this->actor.velocity.y -= 1.0f; if (this->actor.world.pos.y < -250.0f) { this->actor.world.pos.y = -250.0f; this->actor.velocity.y = 0.0; this->drawActor = false; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DEATH_6; this->timers[0] = 60; func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_JUMP); for (indS1 = 0; indS1 < 300; indS1++) { spC8.x = 0.0; spC8.y = 0.0; spC8.z = indS1 * 0.03f; Matrix_RotateY(indS1 * 0.23f, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&spC8, &spE0); spE0.y = Rand_ZeroFloat(7.0f) + 4.0f; spD4 = this->actor.world.pos; spD4.x += spE0.x * 3.0f; spD4.y += (spE0.y * 3.0f) - 30.0f; if (spD4.y < -280.0f) { spD4.y = -280.0f; } spD4.z += spE0.z * 3.0f; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &spD4, &spE0, ((300 - indS1) * .0015f) + 0.13f); } Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1, this->actor.world.pos.x, -280.0f, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, WARP_DUNGEON_ADULT); Actor_Spawn(&globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, ACTOR_ITEM_B_HEART, this->actor.world.pos.x + 200.0f, -280.0f, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0); Audio_QueueSeqCmd(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | NA_BGM_BOSS_CLEAR); Flags_SetClear(globalCtx, globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.num); } } break; case MO_TENT_DEATH_6: break; } this->actor.scale.y = this->actor.scale.z = this->actor.scale.x; if (((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_ATTACK) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_DEATH_2) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_CURL) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_GRAB)) && (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.8f) && (this->actor.scale.x > 0.001f)) { Vec3f pos; Vec3f velocity = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; f32 scale; f32 temp; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_2) { indS1 = 38; scale = Rand_ZeroFloat(0.1f) + 0.1f; pos.y = this->tentPos[indS1].y; } else { indS1 = (s16)Rand_ZeroFloat(20.0f) + 18; scale = Rand_ZeroFloat(0.02f) + .05f; pos.y = this->tentPos[indS1].y - 10.0f; } temp = (this->actor.scale.x * 100.0f) * 20.0f; pos.x = this->tentPos[indS1].x + Rand_CenteredFloat(temp); pos.z = this->tentPos[indS1].z + Rand_CenteredFloat(temp); BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, &velocity, scale); } } void BossMo_TentCollisionCheck(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 i1; for (i1 = 0; i1 < ARRAY_COUNT(this->tentElements); i1++) { if (this->tentCollider.elements[i1].info.bumperFlags & BUMP_HIT) { s16 i2; ColliderInfo* hurtbox; for (i2 = 0; i2 < 19; i2++) { this->tentCollider.elements[i2].info.bumperFlags &= ~BUMP_HIT; this->tentCollider.elements[i2].info.toucherFlags &= ~TOUCH_HIT; } hurtbox = this->tentCollider.elements[i1].info.acHitInfo; this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] = 5; if (hurtbox->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x00020000) { func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CUT); this->cutIndex = 15; this->meltIndex = this->cutIndex + 1; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_CUT; this->timers[0] = 40; this->cutScale = 1.0f; } else if (hurtbox->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x0D800600) { this->linkHitTimer = 5; } this->tentRippleSize = 0.2f; for (i2 = 0; i2 < 10; i2++) { Vec3f pos; Vec3f velocity; velocity.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(8.0f); velocity.y = Rand_ZeroFloat(7.0f) + 4.0f; velocity.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(8.0f); pos = this->tentPos[2 * i1]; pos.x += velocity.x * 3.0f; pos.z += velocity.z * 3.0f; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, &velocity, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.08f) + 0.13f); } break; } else if (this->tentCollider.elements[i1].info.toucherFlags & TOUCH_HIT) { this->tentCollider.elements[i1].info.toucherFlags &= ~TOUCH_HIT; this->linkHitTimer = 5; break; } } } void BossMo_IntroCs(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static Vec3f cutsceneTargets[6] = { { -360.0f, -190.0f, 0.0f }, { 250.0f, -190.0f, 0.0f }, { 300.0f, -120.0f, -278.0f }, { 180.0f, -80.0f, -340.0f }, { 180.0f, 0.0f, -340.0f }, { 180.0f, 60.0f, -230.0f }, }; u8 sp9F = 0; f32 dx; f32 dy; f32 dz; f32 tempX; f32 tempY; s32 pad84; f32 sp80; f32 sp7C; f32 sp78; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); Camera* camera = Gameplay_GetCamera(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); Vec3f bubblePos; Vec3f bubblePos2; Camera* camera2; f32 pad50; f32 pad4C; f32 pad48; if (this->csState < MO_INTRO_REVEAL) { this->cameraZoom = 80.0f; } switch (this->csState) { case MO_INTRO_WAIT: if (this->timers[0] == 1) { Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, 0x403F, NULL); } if (((fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.z - 180.0f) < 40.0f) && (fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.x - 180.0f) < 40.0f)) || ((fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.z - -180.0f) < 40.0f) && (fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.x - 180.0f) < 40.0f)) || ((fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.z - 180.0f) < 40.0f) && (fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.x - -180.0f) < 40.0f)) || ((fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.z - -180.0f) < 40.0f) && (fabsf(player->actor.world.pos.x - -180.0f) < 40.0f))) { // checks if Link is on one of the four platforms func_80064520(globalCtx, &globalCtx->csCtx); func_8002DF54(globalCtx, &this->actor, 8); this->csCamera = Gameplay_CreateSubCamera(globalCtx); Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM, CAM_STAT_WAIT); Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(globalCtx, this->csCamera, CAM_STAT_ACTIVE); this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->csState = MO_INTRO_START; this->timers[2] = 50; this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] = this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] = 0; this->actor.world.rot.y = 0x721A; sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_READY; sMorphaTent1->timers[0] = 30000; Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x1 << 28 | SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | 0x3200FF); Message_CloseTextbox(globalCtx); } else { break; } case MO_INTRO_START: player->actor.world.pos.x = 180.0f; player->actor.world.pos.z = -130.0f; player->actor.shape.rot.y = player->actor.world.rot.y = 0; player->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->cameraEye.x = -424.0f; this->cameraEye.y = -190.0f; this->cameraEye.z = 180.0f; this->cameraAt.x = player->actor.world.pos.x; this->cameraAt.y = -330.0f; this->cameraAt.z = 0.0f; if (this->timers[2] == 0) { this->csState = MO_INTRO_SWIM; this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] = 0; } else if (this->timers[2] < 50) { bubblePos.x = (this->cameraEye.x + 20.0f) + 10.0f; bubblePos.y = -250.0f; bubblePos.z = this->cameraEye.z; EffectSsBubble_Spawn(globalCtx, &bubblePos, 0.0f, 10.0f, 50.0f, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.05f) + 0.13f); } if (this->timers[2] == 40) { func_80078914(&sAudioZeroVec, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_BUBLE_DEMO); } break; case MO_INTRO_SWIM: Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYawShake, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.002f); this->targetPos = cutsceneTargets[this->targetIndex]; if (this->targetIndex == 5) { tempY = Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0x500) * 20.0f; } else { tempY = Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0x500) * 5.0f; } dx = this->targetPos.x - this->cameraEye.x; dy = this->targetPos.y - this->cameraEye.y + tempY; dz = this->targetPos.z - this->cameraEye.z; tempY = Math_FAtan2F(dx, dz); tempX = Math_FAtan2F(dy, sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz))); Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.world.rot.y, tempY * (0x8000 / M_PI), 5, this->cameraYawRate); Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.world.rot.x, tempX * (0x8000 / M_PI), 5, this->cameraYawRate); if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] == 150) { this->cameraAtVel.x = fabsf(this->cameraAt.x - player->actor.world.pos.x); this->cameraAtVel.y = fabsf(this->cameraAt.y - player->actor.world.pos.y); this->cameraAtVel.z = fabsf(this->cameraAt.z - player->actor.world.pos.z); } if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] >= 150) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.x, player->actor.world.pos.x, 0.1f, this->cameraAtVel.x * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.y, player->actor.world.pos.y + 50.0f, 0.1f, this->cameraAtVel.y * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.z, player->actor.world.pos.z, 0.1f, this->cameraAtVel.z * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraSpeedMod, 0.02f, 1.0f, 0.001f); } if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] == 190) { func_80078914(&sAudioZeroVec, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_BUBLE_DEMO); } if ((this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 150) && (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] < 180)) { bubblePos2.x = (this->cameraEye.x + 20.0f) + 10.0f; bubblePos2.y = -250.0f; bubblePos2.z = this->cameraEye.z; EffectSsBubble_Spawn(globalCtx, &bubblePos2, 0.0f, 10.0f, 50.0f, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.05f) + 0.13f); } sp7C = (f32)0x1000; sp78 = 0.1f; if ((this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 100) && (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] < 220)) { sp80 = 0.0f; } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 350) { sp80 = 2.0f; sp78 = 0.4f; } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 220) { sp80 = 7.0f; sp78 = 0.3f; sp7C = (f32)0x2000; } else { sp80 = 4.0f; } if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 250) { Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_CORE_INTRO_WATER_ALPHA], 100.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } if (this->targetIndex < 5) { if (sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz) + SQ(dy)) < 40.0f) { this->targetIndex++; this->cameraYawRate = 0.0f; } } else { sp80 = 1.5f; sp7C = (f32)0x600; } Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, sp80, 1.0f, sp78); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYawRate, sp7C, 1.0f, 128.0f); if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] == 525) { func_8002DF54(globalCtx, &this->actor, 2); } if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 540) { this->csState = MO_INTRO_REVEAL; func_8002DF54(globalCtx, &this->actor, 1); sMorphaTent1->drawActor = true; player->actor.world.pos.x = 180.0f; player->actor.world.pos.z = -210.0f; player->actor.world.rot.y = -0x8000; player->actor.shape.rot.y = player->actor.world.rot.y; this->cameraYawShake = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->baseAlpha = 150.0; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->timers[2] = 200; this->cameraZoom = 60.0f; this->actor.world.pos = sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_INTRO_REVEAL; this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; sMorphaTent1->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_0; } else { sMorphaTent1->xSwing = 0xCEC; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] = 1000.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 2500.0f; break; } case MO_INTRO_REVEAL: if (this->timers[2] >= 160) { this->cameraEye.x = 150.0f; this->cameraEye.y = 60.0f; this->cameraEye.z = -230.0f; this->cameraAt.x = 170.0f; this->cameraAt.y = 40.0; this->cameraAt.z = -280.0f; sMorphaTent1->xSwing = 0xCEC; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] = 1000.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 2500.0f; if (this->timers[2] == 160) { this->cameraNextAt.y = 65.0f; this->cameraNextAt.z = -280.0f; this->cameraEyeVel.x = fabsf(this->cameraEye.x - 150.0f) * 0.1f; this->cameraEyeVel.y = fabsf(this->cameraEye.y - 60.0f) * 0.1f; this->cameraEyeVel.z = fabsf(this->cameraEye.z - -260.0f) * 0.1f; this->cameraNextEye.x = 150.0f; this->cameraNextEye.y = 60.0f; this->cameraNextEye.z = -260.0f; this->cameraNextAt.x = 155.0f; this->cameraAtMaxVel.x = this->cameraAtMaxVel.y = this->cameraAtMaxVel.z = 0.1f; this->cameraAtVel.x = fabsf(this->cameraAt.x - this->cameraNextAt.x) * 0.1f; this->cameraAtVel.y = fabsf(this->cameraAt.y - this->cameraNextAt.y) * 0.1f; this->cameraAtVel.z = fabsf(this->cameraAt.z - this->cameraNextAt.z) * 0.1f; this->cameraEyeMaxVel.x = this->cameraEyeMaxVel.y = this->cameraEyeMaxVel.z = 0.1f; this->cameraSpeedMod = 0.0f; this->cameraAccel = 0.01f; this->tentMaxAngle = 0.001f; this->tentSpeed = 0.0f; sp9F = 1; } } else { sp9F = 1; } if (this->timers[2] == 50) { this->cameraNextAt.x = 160.0f; this->cameraNextAt.y = 58.0f; this->cameraNextAt.z = -247.0f; this->cameraEyeVel.x = fabsf(this->cameraEye.x - 111.0f) * 0.1f; this->cameraEyeVel.y = fabsf(this->cameraEye.y - 133.0f) * 0.1f; this->cameraEyeVel.z = fabsf(this->cameraEye.z - -191.0f) * 0.1f; this->csState = MO_INTRO_FINISH; this->timers[2] = 110; this->cameraNextEye.x = 111.0f; this->cameraNextEye.y = 133.0f; this->cameraNextEye.z = -191.0f; this->cameraAtVel.x = fabsf(this->cameraAt.x - this->cameraNextAt.x) * 0.1f; this->cameraAtVel.y = fabsf(this->cameraAt.y - this->cameraNextAt.y) * 0.1f; this->cameraAtVel.z = fabsf(this->cameraAt.z - this->cameraNextAt.z) * 0.1f; this->cameraEyeMaxVel.y = 0.03f; this->cameraAtMaxVel.y = 0.03f; this->cameraSpeedMod = 0.0f; this->cameraAccel = 0.01f; } if (this->timers[2] == 150) { Audio_QueueSeqCmd(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | NA_BGM_BOSS); } if (this->timers[2] == 130) { TitleCard_InitBossName(globalCtx, &globalCtx->actorCtx.titleCtx, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gMorphaTitleCardTex), 160, 180, 128, 40, true); gSaveContext.eventChkInf[7] |= 0x10; } break; case MO_INTRO_FINISH: sp9F = 1; this->cameraNextEye.x = 111.0f; this->cameraNextEye.y = 133.0f; this->cameraNextEye.z = -191.0f; this->cameraNextAt.x = 160.0f; this->cameraNextAt.y = 58.0f; this->cameraNextAt.z = -247.0f; if (this->timers[2] == 100) { sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_RETREAT; sMorphaTent1->timers[0] = 50; } if (this->timers[2] == 20) { camera2 = Gameplay_GetCamera(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); camera2->eye = this->cameraEye; camera2->eyeNext = this->cameraEye; camera2->at = this->cameraAt; func_800C08AC(globalCtx, this->csCamera, 0); this->csState = this->csCamera = MO_BATTLE; func_80064534(globalCtx, &globalCtx->csCtx); func_8002DF54(globalCtx, &this->actor, 7); } break; } if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_READY) { sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.x = 180.0f; sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.z = -360.0f; sMorphaTent1->actor.prevPos = sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos; sMorphaTent1->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->actor.shape.rot.y = sMorphaTent1->actor.yawTowardsPlayer; } if (this->csCamera != 0) { if (sp9F) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.x, this->cameraNextEye.x, this->cameraEyeMaxVel.x, this->cameraEyeVel.x * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.y, this->cameraNextEye.y, this->cameraEyeMaxVel.y, this->cameraEyeVel.y * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.z, this->cameraNextEye.z, this->cameraEyeMaxVel.z, this->cameraEyeVel.z * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.x, this->cameraNextAt.x, this->cameraAtMaxVel.x, this->cameraAtVel.x * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.y, this->cameraNextAt.y, this->cameraAtMaxVel.y, this->cameraAtVel.y * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.z, this->cameraNextAt.z, this->cameraAtMaxVel.z, this->cameraAtVel.z * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraSpeedMod, 1.0f, 1.0f, this->cameraAccel); } else if (this->csState < MO_INTRO_REVEAL) { func_8002D908(&this->actor); this->cameraEye.x += this->actor.velocity.x; this->cameraEye.y += this->actor.velocity.y; this->cameraEye.z += this->actor.velocity.z; } this->cameraUp.x = this->cameraUp.z = sinf(this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 0.03f) * this->cameraYawShake * (-2.0f); this->cameraUp.y = 1.0f; Gameplay_CameraSetAtEyeUp(globalCtx, this->csCamera, &this->cameraAt, &this->cameraEye, &this->cameraUp); camera->eye = this->cameraEye; camera->eyeNext = this->cameraEye; camera->at = this->cameraAt; Gameplay_CameraSetFov(globalCtx, this->csCamera, this->cameraZoom); } if ((this->csState > MO_INTRO_START) && (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 540)) { func_80078914(&sMorphaTent1->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_APPEAR - SFX_FLAG); } else if (this->csState >= MO_INTRO_START) { func_80078914(&sAudioZeroVec, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_MOVE_DEMO - SFX_FLAG); } } void BossMo_DeathCs(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 i; s16 one; f32 dx; f32 dz; f32 sp80; f32 sp7C; Vec3f sp70; Vec3f sp64; Camera* camera = Gameplay_GetCamera(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); Vec3f velocity; Vec3f pos; switch (this->csState) { case MO_DEATH_START: func_80064520(globalCtx, &globalCtx->csCtx); func_8002DF54(globalCtx, &this->actor, 8); this->csCamera = Gameplay_CreateSubCamera(globalCtx); Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(globalCtx, MAIN_CAM, CAM_STAT_WAIT); Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(globalCtx, this->csCamera, CAM_STAT_ACTIVE); this->csState = MO_DEATH_MO_CORE_BURST; this->cameraEye = camera->eye; this->timers[0] = 90; dx = this->actor.world.pos.x - this->cameraEye.x; dz = this->actor.world.pos.z - this->cameraEye.z; this->cameraYaw = Math_FAtan2F(dx, dz); this->cameraDist = sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz)); this->cameraYawRate = 0.0f; case MO_DEATH_MO_CORE_BURST: this->baseAlpha = 0.0f; if (this->timers[0] & 4) { sp80 = 0.005f; sp7C = 0.015f; } else { sp80 = 0.015f; sp7C = 0.005f; } Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.x, sp80, 0.5f, 0.002f); this->actor.scale.z = this->actor.scale.x; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.y, sp7C, 0.5f, 0.002f); this->cameraYaw += this->cameraYawRate; if (this->timers[0] >= 30) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYawRate, 0.05f, 1.0f, 0.002f); } else { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYawRate, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.002f); } Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, 150.0f, 0.05f, 5.0f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.y, 100.0f, 0.05f, 2.0f); this->cameraAt = this->cameraNextAt = this->actor.world.pos; if (this->timers[0] > 20) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_DEAD - SFX_FLAG); } if (this->timers[0] == 20) { for (i = 0; i < 300; i++) { velocity.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(10.0f); velocity.y = Rand_CenteredFloat(10.0f); velocity.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(10.0f); pos = this->actor.world.pos; pos.x += 2.0f * velocity.x; pos.y += 2.0f * velocity.y; pos.z += 2.0f * velocity.z; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, &velocity, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.08f) + 0.13f); } this->drawActor = false; this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_JUMP); SoundSource_PlaySfxAtFixedWorldPos(globalCtx, &this->actor.world.pos, 70, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_LASTVOICE); } if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->csState = MO_DEATH_DRAIN_WATER_1; this->cameraDist = 490.0f; this->actor.world.pos.y = -1000.0f; this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = 15.0f; this->cameraYaw = 0.0f; this->cameraEye.x = 490.0f; this->cameraEye.y = 50.0f; this->cameraEye.z = 0.0f; this->cameraAt.x = 0; this->cameraAt.y = -100.0f; this->cameraAt.z = 0.0f; this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] = this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] = 0; this->cameraAtMaxVel.y = 0.05f; this->cameraAtVel.y = 4.0f; this->cameraSpeedMod = 0.0f; this->cameraAccel = 0.02f; this->cameraNextAt.y = 320.0f; this->timers[0] = 100; sMorphaTent1->drawActor = true; sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DEATH_3; sMorphaTent1->actor.shape.rot.x = 0; sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.x = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.y = -50.0f; sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.z = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] = 1.0f; sMorphaTent1->tentPulse = 0.2f; sMorphaCore->waterLevel = -50.0f; sMorphaTent1->flattenRate = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->noBubbles = 0; for (i = 0; i < 41; i++) { sMorphaTent1->tentStretch[i].y = 5.0f; } sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_X] = -400.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_X] = -3200.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X] = .0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_RATE_Z] = 3000.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_LAG_Z] = 2500.0f; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_Z] = 4000.0f; sMorphaTent1->tentMaxAngle = 1.0f; sMorphaTent1->tentSpeed = 20480.0f; sMorphaTent1->baseAlpha = 150.0f; sMorphaTent1->cutIndex = sMorphaTent1->meltIndex = 0; sMorphaTent1->cutScale = 1.0f; Actor_SetScale(&sMorphaTent1->actor, 0.01f); } break; case MO_DEATH_DRAIN_WATER_1: if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->csState = MO_DEATH_DRAIN_WATER_2; this->cameraAt.y = -200.0f; this->cameraNextAt.y = 320.0f; this->cameraAtMaxVel.y = 0.05f; this->cameraAtVel.y = 4.0f; this->cameraSpeedMod = 0.0f; this->cameraAccel = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DEATH_1; this->timers[0] = 125; sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] = 3.7000003f; this->cameraYaw = 0.5f; this->cameraDist = 200.0f; return; } break; case MO_DEATH_DRAIN_WATER_2: if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->cameraAccel = 0.02f; sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DEATH_2; this->csState = MO_DEATH_CEILING; sMorphaTent1->timers[0] = 120; this->timers[0] = 150; } case MO_DEATH_CEILING: Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYaw, 0.0f, 0.05f, 0.0029999996f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraDist, 490.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f); if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->csState = MO_DEATH_DROPLET; this->timers[0] = 140; this->cameraYawRate = 0.0f; this->cameraSpeed = 0.0f; } break; case MO_DEATH_DROPLET: if (this->timers[0] == 30) { sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DEATH_5; sMorphaTent1->timers[0] = 30; sMorphaTent1->tentMaxAngle = 0.0f; sMorphaTent1->tentSpeed = sMorphaTent1->tentMaxAngle; } if (this->timers[0] == 0) { if (-100.0f < this->cameraEye.y) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.y, sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.y - 100.0f, 0.1f, 2000.0f); } else { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.y, -200.0f, 0.1f, 2000.0f); } Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.y, (sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.y - 50.0f) + 30.0f, 0.5f, 2000.0f); this->cameraNextAt.y = this->cameraAt.y; } else { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraEye.y, 300.0f, 0.05f, this->cameraSpeed); } Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYaw, -M_PI / 2.0f, 0.05f, this->cameraYawRate); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraSpeed, 3.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraYawRate, 0.012999999f, 1.0f, 0.0005f); if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_DEATH_6) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraDist, 200.0f, 0.02f, this->cameraSpeed); if (sMorphaTent1->timers[0] == 0) { this->csState = MO_DEATH_FINISH; camera->eye = this->cameraEye; camera->eyeNext = this->cameraEye; camera->at = this->cameraAt; func_800C08AC(globalCtx, this->csCamera, 0); this->csCamera = 0; func_80064534(globalCtx, &globalCtx->csCtx); func_8002DF54(globalCtx, &this->actor, 7); sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.y = -1000.0f; } } else { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraDist, 150.0f, 0.05f, this->cameraSpeed); } break; case MO_DEATH_FINISH: break; } if ((this->csState > MO_DEATH_START) && (this->csState < MO_DEATH_FINISH)) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] < 500) { func_80078914(&sAudioZeroVec, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_APPEAR - SFX_FLAG); } if ((this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] < 490) && (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] > 230)) { func_80078914(&sAudioZeroVec, NA_SE_EV_DROP_FALL - SFX_FLAG); } if (this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] < 220) { func_80078914(&sAudioZeroVec, NA_SE_EV_SCOOPUP_WATER - SFX_FLAG); } } if (sMorphaCore->waterLevel < -200.0f) { globalCtx->roomCtx.unk_74[0]++; if (globalCtx->roomCtx.unk_74[0] >= 0xFF) { globalCtx->roomCtx.unk_74[0] = 0xFF; } } if (sMorphaCore->waterLevel < -250.0f) { Math_ApproachF(&sMorphaTent1->waterTexAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f); } Math_ApproachF(&this->fwork[MO_TENT_SWING_SIZE_X], 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.05f); sp70.x = this->cameraDist; sp70.y = 0.0f; sp70.z = 0.0f; Matrix_RotateY(this->cameraYaw, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp70, &sp64); this->cameraEye.x = sp64.x + this->cameraAt.x; this->cameraEye.z = sp64.z + this->cameraAt.z; one = 1; // Super fake, but it works if (this->csCamera != 0) { if (one) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraAt.y, this->cameraNextAt.y, this->cameraAtMaxVel.y, this->cameraAtVel.y * this->cameraSpeedMod); Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraSpeedMod, 1.0f, 1.0f, this->cameraAccel); } Gameplay_CameraSetAtEye(globalCtx, this->csCamera, &this->cameraAt, &this->cameraEye); } } void BossMo_CoreCollisionCheck(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 i; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW)); osSyncPrintf("Core_Damage_check START\n"); if (this->coreCollider.base.atFlags & AT_HIT) { this->coreCollider.base.atFlags &= ~AT_HIT; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_UNDERWATER) { this->work[MO_CORE_WAIT_IN_WATER] = true; this->timers[0] = 150; } } if (this->coreCollider.base.acFlags & AC_HIT) { ColliderInfo* hurtbox = this->coreCollider.info.acHitInfo; // "hit!!" osSyncPrintf("Core_Damage_check 当り!!\n"); this->coreCollider.base.acFlags &= ~AC_HIT; if ((hurtbox->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x00020000) && (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_ATTACK)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_RETREAT; } // "hit 2 !!" osSyncPrintf("Core_Damage_check 当り 2 !!\n"); if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_CORE_UNDERWATER) && (this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] == 0)) { u8 damage = CollisionCheck_GetSwordDamage(hurtbox->toucher.dmgFlags); if ((damage != 0) && (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] < MO_CORE_ATTACK)) { // "sword hit !!" osSyncPrintf("Core_Damage_check 剣 当り!!\n"); this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_STUNNED; this->timers[0] = 25; this->actor.speedXZ = 15.0f; this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer + 0x8000; this->work[MO_CORE_DMG_FLASH_TIMER] = 15; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_DAMAGE); this->actor.colChkInfo.health -= damage; this->hitCount++; if ((s8)this->actor.colChkInfo.health <= 0) { if (((sMorphaTent1->csCamera == 0) && (sMorphaTent2 == NULL)) || ((sMorphaTent1->csCamera == 0) && (sMorphaTent2 != NULL) && (sMorphaTent2->csCamera == 0))) { Enemy_StartFinishingBlow(globalCtx, &this->actor); Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x1 << 28 | SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | 0x100FF); this->csState = MO_DEATH_START; sMorphaTent1->drawActor = false; sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_DEATH_START; sMorphaTent1->baseAlpha = 0.0f; if (sMorphaTent2 != NULL) { sMorphaTent2->tent2KillTimer = 1; } if (player->actor.parent != NULL) { player->unk_850 = 0x65; player->actor.parent = NULL; player->csMode = 0; } } else { this->actor.colChkInfo.health = 1; } } this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] = 10; } else if (!(hurtbox->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x00100000) && (hurtbox->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x80)) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_CORE_ATTACK) { func_80078914(&sMorphaTent1->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CUT); sMorphaTent1->cutIndex = this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]; sMorphaTent1->meltIndex = sMorphaTent1->cutIndex + 1; sMorphaTent1->cutScale = 1.0f; sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_CUT; sMorphaTent1->timers[0] = 40; sMorphaTent1->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; if (player->actor.parent == &sMorphaTent1->actor) { player->unk_850 = 0x65; player->actor.parent = NULL; player->csMode = 0; } } this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_STUNNED; this->timers[0] = 30; this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] = 10; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Vec3f pos; Vec3f velocity; velocity.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(4.0f); velocity.y = Rand_ZeroFloat(2.0f) + 3.0f; velocity.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(4.0f); pos = this->actor.world.pos; pos.x += (velocity.x * 3.0f); pos.z += (velocity.z * 3.0f); BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, &velocity, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.08f) + 0.13f); } } } // "end !!" osSyncPrintf("Core_Damage_check 終わり !!\n"); osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); } void BossMo_Core(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static f32 coreBulge[11] = { 0.1f, 0.15f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.43f, 0.4f, 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.15f, 0.1f, }; u8 nearLand; s16 i; // not on stack Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); // not on stack f32 spDC; f32 spD8; f32 spD4; f32 spD0; f32 spCC; s32 padC8; s32 temp; // not on stack f32 xScaleTarget; // not on stack f32 yScaleTarget; Vec3f effectPos; Vec3f effectVelocity; Vec3f effectAccel; s32 pad94; s32 pad90; s16 j; s16 index; // not on stack f32 sp88; s32 pad84; f32 sp80; f32 sp7C; Vec3f sp70; Vec3f sp64; f32 sp60; f32 sp5C; f32 sp58; this->waterTex1x += -1.0f; this->waterTex1y += -1.0f; this->waterTex2x = this->waterTex2x; this->waterTex2y++; Math_ApproachF(&this->baseAlpha, 255.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f); if ((this->csState != MO_BATTLE) && (this->csState < MO_DEATH_START)) { BossMo_IntroCs(this, globalCtx); if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_INTRO_WAIT) { this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; return; } } else if (this->csState >= MO_DEATH_START) { BossMo_DeathCs(this, globalCtx); return; } if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] < MO_CORE_ATTACK) && (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_CORE_MOVE) && (this->actor.world.pos.y > MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx))) { if (this->actor.velocity.y > 0.0f) { xScaleTarget = 0.005f; yScaleTarget = 0.015f; } else { xScaleTarget = 0.015f; yScaleTarget = 0.005f; } } else { xScaleTarget = yScaleTarget = 0.008f; } Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.x, xScaleTarget, 0.2f, 0.001f); this->actor.scale.z = this->actor.scale.x; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.scale.y, yScaleTarget, 0.2f, 0.001f); this->work[MO_CORE_DRAW_SHADOW] = BossMo_NearLand(&this->actor.world.pos, 15.0f); nearLand = BossMo_NearLand(&this->actor.world.pos, 0.0f); if ((player->actor.world.pos.y < (MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) - 50.0f)) && ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_MOVE) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT))) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_UNDERWATER; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->work[MO_CORE_WAIT_IN_WATER] = 0; } switch (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE]) { case MO_CORE_MOVE: this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_0; if ((this->timers[0] == 0) && ((sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_WAIT) || (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_READY)) && (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx))) { this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT; if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_WAIT) { sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_TENT_SPAWN; sMorphaTent1->timers[0] = 70; sMorphaTent1->actor.shape.rot.y = sMorphaTent1->actor.yawTowardsPlayer; } } break; case MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT: if ((sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_DESPAWN) || (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_WAIT)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_MOVE; this->timers[0] = 70; } if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_CUT) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_ATTACK; this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] = 0; this->timers[0] = 0; } if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_ATTACK) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_ATTACK; this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] = 0; this->timers[0] = 0; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } break; case MO_CORE_UNDERWATER: if (player->actor.world.pos.y >= MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_MOVE; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } break; case MO_CORE_STUNNED: this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_0; if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_MOVE; this->timers[0] = 30; } if (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT; this->timers[0] = 50; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } break; case MO_CORE_UNUSED: break; } if (this->timers[0] == 0) { switch (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE]) { case MO_CORE_ATTACK: this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_0; this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]++; if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_ATTACK) { temp = (s16)(Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0x300) * 10.0f) + 15; if (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] >= temp) { this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] = temp; } } if ((sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_TENT_ATTACK) && (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_TENT_CUT)) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_RETREAT; this->timers[0] = 0; } break; case MO_CORE_RETREAT: this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]--; if (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] <= 0) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT; this->timers[0] = 100; this->tentSpeed = 0.0f; this->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f; } this->timers[0] = 0; break; case MO_CORE_INTRO_REVEAL: this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]++; temp = (s16)(Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0x500) * 10.0f) + 15; if (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] >= temp) { this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] = temp; } if (sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_TENT_READY) { this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] = MO_CORE_RETREAT; this->timers[0] = 0; } break; } } if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_CORE_ATTACK) { if (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] < 0) { this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] = 0; } else if (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] >= 41) { this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] = 40; } index = (300 - (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] * 2) + sMorphaTent1->widthIndex) % 300; sp88 = sMorphaTent1->tentWidth[index] * sTentWidth[this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]]; for (j = -5; j < 6; j++) { index = (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] + j) - 2; if ((0 <= index) && (index < 41)) { Math_ApproachF(&sMorphaTent1->tentScale[index].x, ((coreBulge[j + 5] * 300.0f) / 100.0f) + sp88, 0.75f, 5.0f); } } this->targetPos.x = sMorphaTent1->tentPos[this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]].x; this->targetPos.y = sMorphaTent1->tentPos[this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]].y; this->targetPos.z = sMorphaTent1->tentPos[this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT]].z; if (this->work[MO_CORE_POS_IN_TENT] <= 1) { this->targetPos.y -= 20.0f; } Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.world.pos.x, this->targetPos.x, 0.5f, this->actor.speedXZ); Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.world.pos.y, this->targetPos.y, 0.5f, this->actor.speedXZ); Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.world.pos.z, this->targetPos.z, 0.5f, this->actor.speedXZ); Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 30.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { switch (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE]) { case MO_CORE_MOVE: sp80 = Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 0x800) * 100.0f; sp7C = Math_CosS(this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 0x800) * 100.0f; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.world.pos.x, sMorphaTent1->targetPos.x + sp80, 0.05f, this->actor.speedXZ); Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.world.pos.z, sMorphaTent1->targetPos.z + sp7C, 0.05f, this->actor.speedXZ); Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 10.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); break; case MO_CORE_STUNNED: this->actor.velocity.x = Math_SinS(this->actor.world.rot.y) * this->actor.speedXZ; this->actor.velocity.z = Math_CosS(this->actor.world.rot.y) * this->actor.speedXZ; this->actor.world.pos.x += this->actor.velocity.x; this->actor.world.pos.z += this->actor.velocity.z; break; } if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_MOVE) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_STUNNED)) { this->actor.world.pos.y += this->actor.velocity.y; this->actor.velocity.y -= 1.0f; Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(globalCtx, &this->actor, 50.0f, 20.0f, 100.0f, 1); effectVelocity.x = effectVelocity.y = effectVelocity.z = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { effectPos.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(20.0f) + this->actor.world.pos.x; effectPos.y = Rand_CenteredFloat(20.0f) + this->actor.world.pos.y; effectPos.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(20.0f) + this->actor.world.pos.z; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, &effectVelocity, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.02f) + 0.05f); }; if (nearLand) { if (this->actor.world.pos.y <= 10) { this->actor.world.pos.y = 10; this->actor.velocity.y = -0.01f; if (this->timers[1] != 0) { if (this->timers[1] == 1) { this->actor.velocity.y = 6.0f; } } else { this->timers[1] = 2; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_LAND); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { effectVelocity.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(4.0f); effectVelocity.y = Rand_ZeroFloat(2.0f) + 3.0f; effectVelocity.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(4.0f); effectPos = this->actor.world.pos; effectPos.x += effectVelocity.x; effectPos.z += effectVelocity.z; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, &effectVelocity, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.08f) + 0.13f); } effectVelocity.x = effectVelocity.y = effectVelocity.z = 0.0f; effectPos = this->actor.world.pos; effectPos.y = 0.0f; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_DROPLET, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, &effectVelocity, 0.4f); } } } else if (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { this->actor.velocity.y = BossMo_NearLand(&this->actor.world.pos, 40.0f) ? 15.0f : 6.0f; if ((this->actor.world.pos.y + 15.0f) >= MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_JUMP); } } } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_CORE_MOVE) { if (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_MAKE_TENT) { this->targetPos.x = sMorphaTent1->targetPos.x; this->targetPos.y = sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.y - 40.0f; this->targetPos.z = sMorphaTent1->targetPos.z; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 10.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); } else if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_CORE_UNDERWATER) { switch (this->work[MO_CORE_WAIT_IN_WATER]) { case false: this->targetPos = player->actor.world.pos; this->targetPos.y += 30.0f; sp70.x = 0.0f; sp70.y = 0.0f; sp70.z = 100.0f; Matrix_RotateY((player->actor.world.rot.y / (f32)0x8000) * M_PI, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp70, &sp64); this->targetPos.x = player->actor.world.pos.x + sp64.x; this->targetPos.y = player->actor.world.pos.y + 30.0f; this->targetPos.z = player->actor.world.pos.z + sp64.z; Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 10.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->work[MO_CORE_WAIT_IN_WATER] = true; this->timers[0] = (s16)Rand_ZeroFloat(50.0f) + 50; } break; case true: Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); if (this->timers[0] == 0) { this->work[MO_CORE_WAIT_IN_WATER] = false; this->timers[0] = (s16)Rand_ZeroFloat(20.0f) + 20; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_MOVE_WT); } break; } } this->targetPos.x += Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 3096.0f) * 30.0f; this->targetPos.y += Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 2096.0f) * 30.0f; this->targetPos.z += Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 2796.0f) * 30.0f; this->tentMaxAngle = 5.0f; this->tentSpeed = 4000.0f; spDC = this->targetPos.x - this->actor.world.pos.x; spD8 = this->targetPos.y - this->actor.world.pos.y; spD4 = this->targetPos.z - this->actor.world.pos.z; spCC = (s16)(Math_FAtan2F(spDC, spD4) * (0x8000 / M_PI)); spD0 = (s16)(Math_FAtan2F(spD8, sqrtf(SQ(spDC) + SQ(spD4))) * (0x8000 / M_PI)); Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.world.rot.y, spCC, this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.world.rot.x, spD0, this->tentMaxAngle, this->tentSpeed); func_8002D908(&this->actor); } else { this->actor.world.pos.y += this->actor.velocity.y; this->actor.velocity.y -= 1.0f; } func_8002D7EC(&this->actor); temp = (this->actor.world.pos.y < -200.0f) ? 5 : 1; this->actor.world.pos.y -= 20.0f; Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(globalCtx, &this->actor, 50.0f, 20.0f, 100.0f, temp); this->actor.world.pos.y += 20.0f; } } if ((this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) && (MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) <= this->actor.prevPos.y)) { if (this->actor.velocity.y < -5.0f) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_JUMP); } else { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_SMJUMP); } if ((this->timers[3] != 0) || ((sMorphaTent1->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH] > 0.2f) && (fabsf(this->actor.world.pos.x - sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.x) < 30.0f) && (fabsf(this->actor.world.pos.z - sMorphaTent1->actor.world.pos.z) < 30.0f))) { // This space intentionally left blank. } else { this->timers[3] = 8; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sp5C = Rand_ZeroFloat(3.14f); sp60 = Rand_ZeroFloat(0.6f) + 1.6f; effectVelocity.x = Math_SinS(((i * (f32)0x10000) / 10.0f) + sp5C) * sp60; effectVelocity.z = Math_CosS(((i * (f32)0x10000) / 10.0f) + sp5C) * sp60; effectVelocity.y = Rand_ZeroFloat(0.3f) + 3.0f; effectPos = this->actor.world.pos; effectPos.x += effectVelocity.x * 3.0f; effectPos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); effectPos.z += effectVelocity.z * 3.0f; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_SPLASH, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, &effectVelocity, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.075f) + 0.15f); } effectPos = this->actor.world.pos; effectPos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, 100.0f, 800.0f, 100, 290, MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE); BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, 50.0f, 600.0f, 70, 290, MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE); BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, 0, 400.0f, 50, 290, MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE); } } if ((this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_CORE_ATTACK)) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { effectAccel.x = effectAccel.z = 0.0f; effectVelocity.x = effectVelocity.y = effectVelocity.z = 0.0f; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_CORE_ATTACK) { effectAccel.y = 0.0f; sp58 = 10.0f; } else { effectAccel.y = 0.1f; sp58 = 20.0f; } effectPos.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(sp58) + this->actor.world.pos.x; effectPos.y = Rand_CenteredFloat(sp58) + this->actor.world.pos.y; effectPos.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(sp58) + this->actor.world.pos.z; BossMo_SpawnBubble(globalCtx->specialEffects, &effectPos, &effectVelocity, &effectAccel, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.05f) + 0.1f, NULL); } } BossMo_CoreCollisionCheck(this, globalCtx); } void BossMo_UpdateCore(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; BossMo* this = (BossMo*)thisx; s16 i; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); osSyncPrintf("CORE mode = <%d>\n", this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE]); if (sMorphaTent2 == NULL) { MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) = sMorphaTent1->waterLevelMod + (s16)this->waterLevel; } else { MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) = sMorphaTent2->waterLevelMod + ((s16)this->waterLevel + sMorphaTent1->waterLevelMod); } this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_9; this->actor.focus.pos = this->actor.world.pos; this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER]++; if (this->work[MO_CORE_DMG_FLASH_TIMER] != 0) { this->work[MO_CORE_DMG_FLASH_TIMER]--; } if (this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] != 0) { this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER]--; } this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER]++; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(this->timers); i++) { if (this->timers[i] != 0) { this->timers[i]--; } } BossMo_Core(this, globalCtx); Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->coreCollider); CollisionCheck_SetAC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->coreCollider.base); if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_CORE_STUNNED) || (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx))) { CollisionCheck_SetAT(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->coreCollider.base); } else { CollisionCheck_SetOC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->coreCollider.base); } BossMo_UpdateEffects(this, globalCtx); if (player->actor.parent != NULL) { this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; } BossMo_Unknown(); } void BossMo_UpdateTent(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 i; s16 index; s32 pad; BossMo* this = (BossMo*)thisx; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); f32 phi_f0; if ((this == sMorphaTent2) && (this->tent2KillTimer != 0)) { this->tent2KillTimer++; this->actor.draw = NULL; if (this->tent2KillTimer > 20) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); Audio_StopSfxByPos(&this->tentTipPos); sMorphaTent2 = NULL; } return; } SkinMatrix_Vec3fMtxFMultXYZW(&globalCtx->viewProjectionMtxF, &this->tentPos[40], &this->tentTipPos, &this->actor.projectedW); osSyncPrintf("MO : Move mode = <%d>\n", this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE]); Math_ApproachS(&player->actor.shape.rot.x, 0, 5, 0x3E8); Math_ApproachS(&player->actor.shape.rot.z, 0, 5, 0x3E8); this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER]++; this->sfxTimer++; this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER]++; this->widthIndex++; if (this->widthIndex >= 300) { this->widthIndex = 0; } this->pulsePhase -= 3000; index = this->widthIndex; this->tentWidth[index] = (Math_SinS(this->pulsePhase) * this->tentPulse) + (1.0f + this->tentPulse); for (i = 0; i < 41; i++) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_START) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_1) { if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_DEATH_5) { phi_f0 = (this->timers[0] != 0) ? sFlatWidth[i] : sDropletWidth[i]; Math_ApproachF(&this->tentScale[i].x, phi_f0, 0.5f, 100.0f); } else { index = ((this->widthIndex + (i * 2)) + 220) % 300; phi_f0 = this->tentWidth[index] + SQ(sTentWidth[i]); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentScale[i].x, phi_f0, 0.5f, 0.3f); } } else { index = ((this->widthIndex - (i * 2)) + 300) % 300; phi_f0 = this->tentWidth[index] * sTentWidth[i]; this->tentScale[i].x = phi_f0; } } else { index = ((this->widthIndex - (i * 2)) + 300) % 300; phi_f0 = this->tentWidth[index] * sTentWidth[i]; Math_ApproachF(&this->tentScale[i].x, phi_f0, 0.5f, 0.3f); } phi_f0 = Math_SinS((this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 12000.0f) + (i * 20000.0f)); this->tentRipple[i].x = (1.0f * phi_f0) * this->tentRippleSize; this->tentScale[i].y = this->tentScale[i].z = this->tentScale[i].x; this->tentRipple[i].y = this->tentRipple[i].z = this->tentRipple[i].x; } Math_ApproachF(&this->tentRippleSize, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.005f); Math_ApproachF(&this->tentPulse, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.01f); this->actionFunc(this, globalCtx); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(this->timers); i++) { if (this->timers[i] != 0) { this->timers[i]--; } } Math_ApproachS(&this->actor.world.rot.y, this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 0xA, 0xC8); Actor_MoveForward(&this->actor); Math_ApproachF(&this->actor.speedXZ, 0.0, 1.0f, 0.02f); if (BossMo_NearLand(&this->actor.world.pos, 40)) { this->actor.world.pos = this->actor.prevPos; } if ((this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] % 8) == 0) { f32 rippleScale; Vec3f pos = this->actor.world.pos; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] < MO_TENT_DEATH_START) { rippleScale = 400.0f; } else { rippleScale = 0.0; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_1) { pos = this->tentPos[38]; } } BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, rippleScale, rippleScale * 3.0f, this->baseAlpha * 0.6666f, 300, MO_FX_BIG_RIPPLE); } if (this->baseBubblesTimer != 0) { Vec3f sp88; Vec3f sp7C; Vec3f bubblePos; Vec3f zeroVec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; s32 pad; this->baseBubblesTimer--; sp88.x = 0.0; sp88.y = 0.0; sp88.z = 100.0f; Matrix_RotateY(Rand_ZeroFloat(2.0f * M_PI), MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp88, &sp7C); if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] >= MO_TENT_DEATH_1) && (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_TENT_DEATH_3)) { i = 38; } else { i = 0; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] < MO_TENT_CUT) { func_80078914(&this->tentTipPos, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_ROLL - SFX_FLAG); } } bubblePos.x = this->tentPos[i].x + sp7C.x; bubblePos.y = (MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx) - 40.0f) + Rand_ZeroFloat(20.0f); bubblePos.z = this->tentPos[i].z + sp7C.z; BossMo_SpawnBubble(globalCtx->specialEffects, &bubblePos, &zeroVec, &zeroVec, Rand_ZeroFloat(0.05f) + 0.2f, &this->tentPos[i]); } if (this->work[MO_CORE_DMG_FLASH_TIMER] != 0) { this->work[MO_CORE_DMG_FLASH_TIMER]--; } if (this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] != 0) { this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER]--; } if (this->linkHitTimer != 0) { this->linkHitTimer--; } if (this->drawActor) { BossMo_TentCollisionCheck(this, globalCtx); if ((this->work[MO_TENT_INVINC_TIMER] == 0) && (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_TENT_GRAB) && (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] != MO_TENT_SHAKE)) { BossMo* otherTent = (BossMo*)this->otherTent; if (!HAS_LINK(otherTent) && (this->cutIndex == 0)) { CollisionCheck_SetOC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->tentCollider.base); CollisionCheck_SetAT(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->tentCollider.base); } } if (this->cutIndex == 0) { CollisionCheck_SetAC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, &this->tentCollider.base); } } this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX1_X]++; this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX1_Y]++; this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX2_X] -= 3; this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX2_Y]++; Math_ApproachZeroF(&this->waterLevelMod, 0.1f, 0.2f); } void BossMo_UpdateTentColliders(BossMo* this, s32 item, ColliderJntSph* tentCollider, Vec3f* center) { tentCollider->elements[item].dim.worldSphere.center.x = center->x; tentCollider->elements[item].dim.worldSphere.center.y = center->y; tentCollider->elements[item].dim.worldSphere.center.z = center->z; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] <= MO_TENT_SHAKE) { tentCollider->elements[item].dim.worldSphere.radius = tentCollider->elements[item].dim.modelSphere.radius * tentCollider->elements[item].dim.scale; } else { tentCollider->elements[item].dim.worldSphere.radius = 0; } } static Gfx* sTentDLists[41] = { gMorphaTentaclePart0DL, gMorphaTentaclePart1DL, gMorphaTentaclePart2DL, gMorphaTentaclePart3DL, gMorphaTentaclePart4DL, gMorphaTentaclePart5DL, gMorphaTentaclePart6DL, gMorphaTentaclePart7DL, gMorphaTentaclePart8DL, gMorphaTentaclePart9DL, gMorphaTentaclePart10DL, gMorphaTentaclePart11DL, gMorphaTentaclePart12DL, gMorphaTentaclePart13DL, gMorphaTentaclePart14DL, gMorphaTentaclePart15DL, gMorphaTentaclePart16DL, gMorphaTentaclePart17DL, gMorphaTentaclePart18DL, gMorphaTentaclePart19DL, gMorphaTentaclePart20DL, gMorphaTentaclePart21DL, gMorphaTentaclePart22DL, gMorphaTentaclePart23DL, gMorphaTentaclePart24DL, gMorphaTentaclePart25DL, gMorphaTentaclePart26DL, gMorphaTentaclePart27DL, gMorphaTentaclePart28DL, gMorphaTentaclePart29DL, gMorphaTentaclePart30DL, gMorphaTentaclePart31DL, gMorphaTentaclePart32DL, gMorphaTentaclePart33DL, gMorphaTentaclePart34DL, gMorphaTentaclePart35DL, gMorphaTentaclePart36DL, gMorphaTentaclePart37DL, gMorphaTentaclePart38DL, gMorphaTentaclePart39DL, gMorphaTentaclePart40DL, }; void BossMo_DrawTentacle(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static Vec3f zeroVec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; s16 i; s16 notCut; s16 index; Mtx* matrix = Graph_Alloc(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 41 * sizeof(Mtx)); f32 phi_f20; f32 phi_f22; Vec3f sp110; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); sp110.x = globalCtx->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.x; sp110.y = globalCtx->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.y; sp110.z = globalCtx->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.z; Matrix_Push(); gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0C, matrix); Matrix_Translate(this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_RotateY((this->actor.shape.rot.y / (f32)0x8000) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX((this->actor.shape.rot.x / (f32)0x8000) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); BossMo_InitRand(1, 29100, 9786); for (i = 0; i < 41; i++, matrix++) { s32 pad; s32 pad2; if (i < 2) { Matrix_Push(); Matrix_Scale(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); notCut = true; } else { if (i >= 3) { Matrix_Translate(0.0f, this->tentStretch[i - 2].y, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX((this->tentRot[i - 2].x / (f32)0x8000) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ((this->tentRot[i - 2].z / (f32)0x8000) * M_PI, MTXMODE_APPLY); } Matrix_Push(); Matrix_Scale((this->tentScale[i - 2].x + this->tentRipple[i - 2].x) * this->actor.scale.x, (this->tentScale[i - 2].y + this->tentRipple[i - 2].y) * this->actor.scale.y, (this->tentScale[i - 2].z + this->tentRipple[i - 2].z) * this->actor.scale.z, MTXMODE_APPLY); notCut = true; if ((i >= this->cutIndex) && (this->meltIndex >= i)) { Matrix_Scale(this->cutScale, this->cutScale, this->cutScale, MTXMODE_APPLY); notCut = false; } } index = ((this->widthIndex - (i * 2)) + 300) % 300; if (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] < MO_TENT_DEATH_START) { Matrix_RotateY((((this->tentWidth[index] - 1.0f - this->tentPulse) * 1000) / 1000.0f) * this->fwork[MO_TENT_MAX_STRETCH], MTXMODE_APPLY); } Matrix_RotateX(M_PI / 2.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); MATRIX_TOMTX(matrix); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, matrix, G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); if (i == 0) { func_8002EB44(&this->tentPos[i], &globalCtx->view.eye, &sp110, globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } if (i == 0) { gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaTentacleBaseDL); } else { gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, sTentDLists[i]); } Matrix_Pop(); if ((i >= 2) && notCut && (i < (this->noBubbles + 38))) { if ((this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_DEATH_1) || (this->work[MO_TENT_ACTION_STATE] == MO_TENT_DEATH_2)) { phi_f20 = this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] & 3; phi_f20 *= -15.0f; phi_f22 = ((0.18f + BossMo_RandZeroOne() * 0.1f) * this->actor.scale.x) * 100.0f; } else { phi_f20 = 0.0f; phi_f22 = (((BossMo_RandZeroOne() * (0.08f)) + .08f) * this->actor.scale.x) * 100.0f; } Matrix_Push(); Matrix_Translate(((BossMo_RandZeroOne() - 0.5f) * 10.0f) * this->tentScale[i - 2].x, ((BossMo_RandZeroOne() - 0.5f) * 3.0f) + phi_f20, ((BossMo_RandZeroOne() - 0.5f) * 10.0f) * this->tentScale[i - 2].z, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_ReplaceRotation(&globalCtx->billboardMtxF); Matrix_Scale(phi_f22, phi_f22, 1.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, gMorphaBubbleDL); Matrix_Pop(); } Matrix_MultVec3f(&zeroVec, &this->tentPos[i]); if (i == 36) { Matrix_MultVec3f(&zeroVec, &this->actor.focus.pos); } if (i == 24) { MtxF sp98; Vec3f sp8C = { -16.0f, 13.0f, 30.0f }; Vec3s sp84; Matrix_Push(); if (this->linkToLeft) { sp8C.x *= -1.0f; } Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp8C, &this->grabPosRot.pos); Matrix_RotateX(-35 * M_PI / 64, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Get(&sp98); Matrix_MtxFToYXZRotS(&sp98, &sp84, 0); this->grabPosRot.rot.x = sp84.x; this->grabPosRot.rot.y = sp84.y; this->grabPosRot.rot.z = sp84.z; Matrix_Pop(); } if ((i < 38) && ((i & 1) == 1)) { BossMo_UpdateTentColliders(this, i / 2, &this->tentCollider, &this->tentPos[i]); } } Matrix_Pop(); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void BossMo_DrawWater(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); Matrix_Push(); func_80093D84(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); Matrix_Translate(0.0f, MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx), 0.0f, MTXMODE_NEW); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0D, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, (s16)this->waterTex1x, (s16)this->waterTex1y, 32, 32, 1, (s16)this->waterTex2x, (s16)this->waterTex2y, 32, 32)); gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0xFF, 0xFF, 200, 255, 255, (s8)sMorphaTent1->waterTexAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 100, 255, 80); Matrix_Scale(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaWaterDL); Matrix_Pop(); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void BossMo_DrawCore(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; BossMo* this = (BossMo*)thisx; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); if (this->actor.world.pos.y > MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { BossMo_DrawWater(this, globalCtx); } if (this->drawActor) { func_80093D84(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 3, sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 3, 32, 32, 1, sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * -3, sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * -3, 32, 32)); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x09, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 5, 0, 32, 32, 1, 0, sMorphaTent1->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * -10, 32, 32)); Matrix_RotateX(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0.5f, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(this->work[MO_TENT_MOVE_TIMER] * 0.8f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x80, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (s8)this->baseAlpha); func_8002ED80(&this->actor, globalCtx, 0); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gMorphaCoreMembraneDL)); gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 220, 255, 128); if ((this->work[MO_CORE_DMG_FLASH_TIMER] % 2) != 0) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x80, 0x80, 255, 60, 0, 255); } else { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x80, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, 255); } gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gMorphaCoreNucleusDL)); if ((this->work[MO_CORE_DRAW_SHADOW] && (this->actor.world.pos.y >= 0.0f)) || (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx))) { f32 groundLevel; s16 shadowAlpha; if (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { groundLevel = -280.0f; shadowAlpha = 100; } else { groundLevel = 0.0f; shadowAlpha = 160; } func_80094044(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, shadowAlpha); Matrix_Translate(this->actor.world.pos.x, groundLevel, this->actor.world.pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(0.23f, 1.0f, 0.23f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gCircleShadowDL)); } } if (this->actor.world.pos.y < MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { BossMo_DrawWater(this, globalCtx); } if ((this->csCamera != 0) && (this->csState < MO_INTRO_REVEAL)) { f32 sp8C; f32 sp88; f32 sp84; f32 temp; f32 sp7C; f32 sp78; Vec3f sp6C; Vec3f sp60; func_80093D84(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0xFF, 0xFF, 200, 255, 255, (s8)this->fwork[MO_CORE_INTRO_WATER_ALPHA]); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 100, 255, (s8)this->fwork[MO_CORE_INTRO_WATER_ALPHA]); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0D, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, (s16)sMorphaTent1->waterTex1x, (s16)sMorphaTent1->waterTex1y, 32, 32, 1, (s16)sMorphaTent1->waterTex2x, (s16)sMorphaTent1->waterTex2y, 32, 32)); sp8C = this->cameraAt.x - this->cameraEye.x; sp88 = this->cameraAt.y - this->cameraEye.y; sp84 = this->cameraAt.z - this->cameraEye.z; temp = SQ(sp8C) + SQ(sp84); sp7C = Math_FAtan2F(sp8C, sp84); sp78 = -Math_FAtan2F(sp88, sqrtf(temp)); sp6C.x = 0.0f; sp6C.y = 0.0f; sp6C.z = 10.0f; Matrix_RotateY(sp7C, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(sp78, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp6C, &sp60); sp8C = sp60.x + this->cameraEye.x; sp88 = sp60.y + this->cameraEye.y; sp84 = sp60.z + this->cameraEye.z; Matrix_Translate(sp8C, sp88, sp84, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(sp7C, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(sp78, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(-(0.01f * this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER]), MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(0.1f * this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER], MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(0.825f, 1.175f, 0.825f, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(-(this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 0.1f), MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(M_PI / 2.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(0.05f, 1.0f, 0.05f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaWaterDL); } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); BossMo_DrawEffects(globalCtx->specialEffects, globalCtx); } void BossMo_DrawTent(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 pad; BossMo* this = (BossMo*)thisx; u16 scroll; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, (s8)(this->baseAlpha * 1.5f)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 150, 150, 150, 0); func_80093D84(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX1_X], this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX1_Y], 32, 32, 1, this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX2_X], this->work[MO_TENT_BASE_TEX2_Y], 32, 32)); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0xFF, 0xFF, 200, 255, 255, (s8)((this->baseAlpha * 12.0f) / 10.0f)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 100, 255, (s8)this->baseAlpha); scroll = (s16)(Math_SinS(this->work[MO_TENT_VAR_TIMER] * 0xB00) * 30.0f) + 350; gSPTexture(POLY_XLU_DISP++, scroll, scroll, 0, G_TX_RENDERTILE, G_ON); if (this->drawActor) { BossMo_DrawTentacle(this, globalCtx); } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void BossMo_UpdateEffects(BossMo* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { BossMoEffect* effect = globalCtx->specialEffects; s16 i; Vec3f* targetPos; f32 dx; f32 dz; Vec3f bubbleSpeed = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; Vec3f bubbleVel; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++, effect++) { if (effect->type != MO_FX_NONE) { effect->timer++; if (effect->stopTimer == 0) { effect->pos.x += effect->vel.x; effect->pos.y += effect->vel.y; effect->pos.z += effect->vel.z; effect->vel.x += effect->accel.x; effect->vel.y += effect->accel.y; effect->vel.z += effect->accel.z; } else { effect->stopTimer--; } if (effect->type <= MO_FX_BIG_RIPPLE) { if (this->csState >= MO_DEATH_START) { effect->pos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); } Math_ApproachF(&effect->scale, effect->fwork[MO_FX_MAX_SIZE], 0.2f, effect->fwork[MO_FX_SPREAD_RATE]); if (effect->rippleMode == 0) { effect->alpha += 15; if (effect->alpha >= effect->maxAlpha) { effect->alpha = effect->maxAlpha; effect->rippleMode++; } } else { effect->alpha -= 5; if (effect->alpha <= 0) { effect->alpha = 0; effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } } } else if (effect->type == MO_FX_BUBBLE) { if (effect->targetPos == NULL) { if ((effect->accel.y > 0.0f) && (effect->pos.y >= MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx))) { effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } else { if (effect->vel.y > 2.0f) { effect->vel.y = 2.0f; } effect->alpha -= 20; if (effect->alpha <= 0) { effect->alpha = 0; effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } } } else { if ((effect->timer % 4) == 0) { targetPos = effect->targetPos; dx = targetPos->x - effect->pos.x; dz = targetPos->z - effect->pos.z; bubbleSpeed.z = effect->fwork[MO_FX_SUCTION]; Matrix_RotateY(Math_FAtan2F(dx, dz), MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_MultVec3f(&bubbleSpeed, &bubbleVel); effect->vel.x = bubbleVel.x; effect->vel.z = bubbleVel.z; } Math_ApproachF(&effect->fwork[MO_FX_SUCTION], 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); if (effect->timer > 20) { effect->alpha -= 30; effect->accel.y = 1.5f; if ((effect->alpha <= 0) || (effect->pos.y >= MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx))) { effect->alpha = 0; effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } } else { effect->alpha += 30; if (effect->alpha >= 255) { effect->alpha = 255; } } } } else if ((effect->type == MO_FX_DROPLET) || (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH) || (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH_TRAIL) || (effect->type == MO_FX_WET_SPOT)) { f32 shimmer = (effect->timer & 6) ? 80.0f : 200.0f; Math_ApproachF(&effect->fwork[MO_FX_SHIMMER], shimmer, 1.0f, 80.0f); if (effect->type == MO_FX_WET_SPOT) { Math_ApproachF(&effect->scale, effect->fwork[MO_FX_MAX_SCALE], 0.1f, 0.6f); effect->alpha -= 15; if (effect->alpha <= 0) { effect->alpha = 0; effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } } else { effect->alpha = effect->fwork[MO_FX_SHIMMER]; if (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH_TRAIL) { Math_ApproachF(&effect->scale, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.02f); if (effect->scale <= 0.0f) { effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } } else { if (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH) { Vec3f velocity = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; BossMo_SpawnDroplet(MO_FX_SPLASH_TRAIL, (BossMoEffect*)globalCtx->specialEffects, &effect->pos, &velocity, effect->scale); } if (effect->vel.y < -20.0f) { effect->vel.y = -20.0f; effect->accel.y = 0.0f; } if (effect->stopTimer == 0) { if (effect->vel.y < -5.0f) { Math_ApproachF(&effect->fwork[MO_FX_STRETCH], 5.0f, 0.1f, 0.15f); } } else if (effect->stopTimer == 1) { effect->vel.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(3.0f); effect->vel.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(3.0f); effect->accel.y = -1.0f; } if ((effect->pos.y <= -280.0f) || ((1.0f >= effect->pos.y) && (effect->pos.y >= -20.0f) && BossMo_NearLand(&effect->pos, 0.0f))) { effect->accel.y = 0.0f; effect->vel.z = 0.0f; effect->vel.y = 0.0f; effect->vel.x = 0.0f; if (effect->pos.y <= -280.0f) { effect->pos.y = -280.0f; } else { effect->pos.y = 0.0f; } effect->type = MO_FX_WET_SPOT; effect->alpha = 150; effect->fwork[MO_FX_STRETCH] = (effect->scale * 15.0f) * 0.15f; } else if (effect->pos.y <= MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx)) { Vec3f pos = effect->pos; pos.y = MO_WATER_LEVEL(globalCtx); if (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH) { BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, 60.0f, 160.0f, 80, 290, MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE); } else { BossMo_SpawnRipple(globalCtx->specialEffects, &pos, 40.0f, 110.0f, 80, 290, MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE); } effect->type = MO_FX_NONE; } } } } } } } void BossMo_DrawEffects(BossMoEffect* effect, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { u8 flag = 0; s16 i; s32 pad; GraphicsContext* gfxCtx = globalCtx->state.gfxCtx; BossMoEffect* effectHead = effect; OPEN_DISPS(gfxCtx); Matrix_Push(); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_BIG_RIPPLE) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(effect, effect->epoch); if (flag == 0) { func_80094BC4(gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 155, 155, 255, 0); flag++; } gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, effect->alpha); Matrix_Translate(effect->pos.x, effect->pos.y, effect->pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(effect->scale, 1.0f, effect->scale, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gEffWaterRippleDL); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } } effect = effectHead; flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_SMALL_RIPPLE) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(effect, effect->epoch); if (flag == 0) { func_80093D84(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 155, 155, 255, 0); flag++; } gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, effect->alpha); Matrix_Translate(effect->pos.x, effect->pos.y, effect->pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(effect->scale, 1.0f, effect->scale, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gEffShockwaveDL); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } } effect = effectHead; flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++, effect++) { if (((effect->type == MO_FX_DROPLET) || (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH)) || (effect->type == MO_FX_SPLASH_TRAIL)) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(effect, effect->epoch); if (flag == 0) { POLY_XLU_DISP = Gfx_CallSetupDL(POLY_XLU_DISP, 0); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gDust1Tex)); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaDropletMaterialDL); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 250, 250, 255, 0); flag++; } gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, (s16)effect->fwork[MO_FX_SHIMMER], (s16)effect->fwork[MO_FX_SHIMMER], 255, effect->alpha); Matrix_Translate(effect->pos.x, effect->pos.y, effect->pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_ReplaceRotation(&globalCtx->billboardMtxF); Matrix_Scale(effect->scale / effect->fwork[MO_FX_STRETCH], effect->fwork[MO_FX_STRETCH] * effect->scale, 1.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaDropletModelDL); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } } effect = effectHead; flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_WET_SPOT) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(effect, effect->epoch); if (flag == 0) { func_80094044(gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gDust1Tex)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 250, 250, 255, 0); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaDropletMaterialDL); flag++; } gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, (s16)effect->fwork[MO_FX_SHIMMER], (s16)effect->fwork[MO_FX_SHIMMER], 0xFF, effect->alpha); Matrix_Translate(effect->pos.x, effect->pos.y, effect->pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(effect->scale, 1.0f, effect->scale, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gMorphaWetSpotModelDL); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } } effect = effectHead; flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEffects); i++, effect++) { if (effect->type == MO_FX_BUBBLE) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(effect, effect->epoch); if (flag == 0) { func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 150, 150, 150, 0); flag++; } gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, effect->alpha); Matrix_Translate(effect->pos.x, effect->pos.y, effect->pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_ReplaceRotation(&globalCtx->billboardMtxF); Matrix_Scale(effect->scale, effect->scale, 1.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, gMorphaBubbleDL); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } } Matrix_Pop(); CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx); } void BossMo_Unknown(void) { // Appears to be a test function for sound effects. static Vec3f zeroVec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; static u16 unkSfx[] = { NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND, NA_SE_PL_WALK_SAND, NA_SE_PL_WALK_CONCRETE, NA_SE_PL_WALK_DIRT, NA_SE_PL_WALK_WATER0, NA_SE_PL_WALK_WATER1, NA_SE_PL_WALK_WATER2, NA_SE_PL_WALK_MAGMA, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GRASS, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_WALK_LADDER, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_WALK_WALL, NA_SE_PL_WALK_HEAVYBOOTS, NA_SE_PL_WALK_ICE, NA_SE_PL_JUMP, NA_SE_PL_JUMP, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_SAND, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_CONCRETE, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_DIRT, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_WATER0, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_WATER1, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_WATER2, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_MAGMA, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_GRASS, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_LADDER, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_HEAVYBOOTS, NA_SE_PL_JUMP_ICE, NA_SE_PL_LAND, NA_SE_PL_LAND, NA_SE_PL_LAND_SAND, NA_SE_PL_LAND_CONCRETE, NA_SE_PL_LAND_DIRT, NA_SE_PL_LAND_WATER0, NA_SE_PL_LAND_WATER1, NA_SE_PL_LAND_WATER2, NA_SE_PL_LAND_MAGMA, NA_SE_PL_LAND_GRASS, NA_SE_PL_LAND_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_LAND_LADDER, NA_SE_PL_LAND_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_LAND_HEAVYBOOTS, NA_SE_PL_LAND_ICE, NA_SE_PL_SLIPDOWN, NA_SE_PL_CLIMB_CLIFF, NA_SE_PL_CLIMB_CLIFF, NA_SE_PL_SIT_ON_HORSE, NA_SE_PL_GET_OFF_HORSE, NA_SE_PL_TAKE_OUT_SHIELD, NA_SE_PL_TAKE_OUT_SHIELD, NA_SE_PL_TAKE_OUT_SHIELD, NA_SE_PL_TAKE_OUT_SHIELD, NA_SE_PL_TAKE_OUT_SHIELD, NA_SE_PL_TAKE_OUT_SHIELD, NA_SE_PL_CHANGE_ARMS, NA_SE_PL_CHANGE_ARMS, NA_SE_PL_CHANGE_ARMS, NA_SE_PL_CHANGE_ARMS, NA_SE_PL_CHANGE_ARMS, NA_SE_PL_CHANGE_ARMS, NA_SE_PL_CATCH_BOOMERANG, NA_SE_EV_DIVE_INTO_WATER, NA_SE_EV_JUMP_OUT_WATER, NA_SE_PL_SWIM, NA_SE_PL_THROW, NA_SE_PL_BODY_BOUND, NA_SE_PL_ROLL, NA_SE_PL_SKIP, NA_SE_PL_BODY_HIT, NA_SE_PL_DAMAGE, NA_SE_PL_SLIP, NA_SE_PL_SLIP, NA_SE_PL_SLIP, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_SAND, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_CONCRETE, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_DIRT, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_WATER0, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_WATER1, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_WATER2, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_MAGMA, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_GRASS, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_LADDER, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_GLASS, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_HEAVYBOOTS, NA_SE_PL_SLIP_ICE, NA_SE_PL_BOUND, NA_SE_PL_BOUND, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_SAND, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_CONCRETE, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_DIRT, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_WATER0, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_WATER1, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_WATER2, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_MAGMA, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_GRASS, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_WOOD, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_LADDER, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_WOOD, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_HEAVYBOOTS, NA_SE_PL_BOUND_ICE, NA_SE_PL_FACE_UP, NA_SE_PL_DIVE_BUBBLE, NA_SE_PL_MOVE_BUBBLE, NA_SE_PL_METALEFFECT_KID, NA_SE_PL_METALEFFECT_ADULT, NA_SE_PL_SPARK - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_IMPACT, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_SWING, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_PUTAWAY, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_PICKOUT, NA_SE_IT_ARROW_SHOT, NA_SE_IT_BOOMERANG_THROW, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, NA_SE_IT_BOW_DRAW, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_REFLECT_SW, NA_SE_IT_ARROW_STICK_HRAD, NA_SE_IT_HAMMER_HIT, NA_SE_IT_HOOKSHOT_CHAIN - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_REFLECT_MG, NA_SE_IT_BOMB_IGNIT - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_IT_BOMB_EXPLOSION, NA_SE_IT_BOMB_UNEXPLOSION, NA_SE_IT_BOOMERANG_FLY - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_STRIKE, NA_SE_IT_HAMMER_SWING, NA_SE_IT_HOOKSHOT_REFLECT, NA_SE_IT_ARROW_STICK_CRE, NA_SE_IT_ARROW_STICK_CRE, NA_SE_IT_ARROW_STICK_OBJ, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_SWING_HARD, NA_SE_IT_WALL_HIT_HARD, NA_SE_IT_WALL_HIT_SOFT, NA_SE_IT_WALL_HIT_SOFT, NA_SE_IT_STONE_HIT, NA_SE_IT_WOODSTICK_BROKEN, NA_SE_IT_LASH, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_POSTURE, NA_SE_IT_SLING_SHOT, NA_SE_IT_SLING_DRAW, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_CHARGE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_IT_ROLLING_CUT, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_STRIKE_HARD, NA_SE_IT_SLING_REFLECT, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_REMOVE, NA_SE_IT_HOOKSHOT_READY, NA_SE_IT_HOOKSHOT_RECEIVE, NA_SE_IT_HOOKSHOT_STICK_OBJ, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_REFLECT_MG, NA_SE_IT_DEKU, NA_SE_IT_BOW_FLICK, NA_SE_IT_BOW_FLICK, NA_SE_IT_BOW_FLICK, NA_SE_IT_BOMBCHU_MOVE, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_CHARGE_LV1, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_CHARGE_LV2, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_CHARGE_LV3, NA_SE_IT_SLING_FLICK, NA_SE_IT_SWORD_STICK_STN, NA_SE_IT_REFLECTION_WOOD, NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_REFLECT_MG2, NA_SE_IT_MAGIC_ARROW_SHOT, NA_SE_IT_EXPLOSION_FRAME, NA_SE_IT_EXPLOSION_ICE, NA_SE_IT_YOBI19 - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_FISHING_REEL_SLOW2 - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_OC_DOOR_OPEN, NA_SE_EV_DOOR_CLOSE, NA_SE_EV_EXPLOSION, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_WALK, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_RUN, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_NEIGH, NA_SE_EV_RIVER_STREAM - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_WATER_WALL_BIG - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_DIVE_WATER, NA_SE_EV_OUT_OF_WATER, NA_SE_EV_ROCK_SLIDE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_MAGMA_LEVEL - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_MAGMA_LEVEL - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_BRIDGE_OPEN - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_BRIDGE_CLOSE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_BRIDGE_OPEN_STOP, NA_SE_EV_BRIDGE_CLOSE_STOP, NA_SE_EV_WALL_BROKEN, NA_SE_EV_CHICKEN_CRY_N, NA_SE_EV_CHICKEN_CRY_A, NA_SE_EV_CHICKEN_CRY_M, NA_SE_EV_SLIDE_DOOR_OPEN, NA_SE_EV_FOOT_SWITCH, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_GROAN, NA_SE_EV_BOMB_DROP_WATER, NA_SE_EV_BOMB_DROP_WATER, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_JUMP, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_LAND, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_SLIP, NA_SE_EV_FAIRY_DASH, NA_SE_EV_SLIDE_DOOR_CLOSE, NA_SE_EV_STONE_BOUND, NA_SE_EV_STONE_STATUE_OPEN - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_TBOX_UNLOCK, NA_SE_EV_TBOX_OPEN, NA_SE_SY_TIMER - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_FLAME_IGNITION, NA_SE_EV_SPEAR_HIT, NA_SE_EV_ELEVATOR_MOVE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_LINK_WARP, NA_SE_EV_PILLAR_SINK - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_WATER_WALL - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_RIVER_STREAM_S - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_RIVER_STREAM_F - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_LAND2, NA_SE_EV_HORSE_SANDDUST, NA_SE_EV_BOMB_BOUND, NA_SE_EV_BOMB_BOUND, NA_SE_EV_WATERDROP - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_TORCH - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_MAGMA_LEVEL_M - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_FIRE_PILLAR - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_FIRE_PLATE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_BLOCK_BOUND, NA_SE_EV_METALDOOR_SLIDE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_METALDOOR_STOP, NA_SE_EV_BLOCK_SHAKE, NA_SE_EV_BOX_BREAK, NA_SE_EV_HAMMER_SWITCH, NA_SE_EV_MAGMA_LEVEL_L - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_SPEAR_FENCE, NA_SE_EV_GANON_HORSE_NEIGH, NA_SE_EV_GANON_HORSE_GROAN, NA_SE_EV_FANTOM_WARP_S, NA_SE_EV_FANTOM_WARP_L - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_FOUNTAIN - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_KID_HORSE_WALK, NA_SE_EV_KID_HORSE_RUN, NA_SE_EV_KID_HORSE_NEIGH, NA_SE_EV_KID_HORSE_GROAN, NA_SE_EV_WHITE_OUT, NA_SE_EV_LIGHT_GATHER - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EV_TREE_CUT, NA_SE_EV_WATERDROP, NA_SE_EV_TORCH, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_WALK, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_CRY, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_FIRE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_CRY, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_WALK, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_FIRE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_WALK, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_HIGH, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_CLIM, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_CRY1, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_CRY2, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_DAM1, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_DAM2, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_UNARI, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_EGG1, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_EGG2, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_JR_WALK, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_JR_CRY, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_JR_DAM1, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_JR_DAM2, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_JR_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_DEMO_EYE, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_LAST - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_GOMA_UNARI2, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_CRY, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_MOVE, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_UP, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_GND, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_CRY, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_WARAU, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_WALK, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_JUMP, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_ONGND, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_STAL_WARAU, NA_SE_EN_STAL_SAKEBI, NA_SE_EN_STAL_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_STAL_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_STAL_JUMP, NA_SE_EN_STAL_WALK, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_FFLY_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_FFLY_FLY, NA_SE_EN_FFLY_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_AMOS_WALK, NA_SE_EN_AMOS_WAVE, NA_SE_EN_AMOS_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_AMOS_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_AMOS_VOICE, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_COLI, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_COLI2, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_ROLL - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_BREATH - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_DRINK, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_DOWN - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_OTAKEBI, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_END, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_LAST - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_K_LAVA, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_BREATH - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_DODO_J_TAIL, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_MOUTH, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_JR_MOUTH, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_JR_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_DEKU_JR_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_GND, NA_SE_EN_TAIL_FLY - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_TAIL_CRY, NA_SE_EN_STALTU_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_STALTU_UP, NA_SE_EN_STALTU_LAUGH, NA_SE_EN_STALTU_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_STAL_JUMP, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_GND, NA_SE_EN_TEKU_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_TEKU_WALK, NA_SE_EN_PO_KANTERA, NA_SE_EN_PO_FLY - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_PO_AWAY - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_PO_APPEAR, NA_SE_EN_PO_DISAPPEAR, NA_SE_EN_PO_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_PO_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_PO_DEAD2, NA_SE_EN_EXTINCT, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_UP, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_THROW, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_WALK, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_STALTU_ROLL, NA_SE_EN_STALWALL_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_TEKU_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_FALL_AIM, NA_SE_EN_FALL_UP, NA_SE_EN_FALL_CATCH, NA_SE_EN_FALL_LAND, NA_SE_EN_FALL_WALK, NA_SE_EN_FALL_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_BIRI_FLY, NA_SE_EN_BIRI_JUMP, NA_SE_EN_BIRI_SPARK - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_TRANSFORM, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_TRANSFORM, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_THUNDER, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_SPARK, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_FLOAT - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_MASIC1, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_MASIC2, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_FIRE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_HIT_THUNDER, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_STICK, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_EYE, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_LAST, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_THUNDER_GND, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_LAUGH, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_DAMAGE2, NA_SE_EN_FANTOM_VOICE, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_WALK, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_SLIDE, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_VOICE, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_SPEAR_AT, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_SPEAR_NORM, NA_SE_EN_MORIBLIN_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_NUTS_THROW, NA_SE_EN_OCTAROCK_FLOAT, NA_SE_EN_OCTAROCK_JUMP, NA_SE_EN_OCTAROCK_LAND, NA_SE_EN_OCTAROCK_SINK, NA_SE_EN_OCTAROCK_BUBLE, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_SY_WIN_OPEN, NA_SE_SY_WIN_CLOSE, NA_SE_SY_CORRECT_CHIME, NA_SE_SY_GET_RUPY, NA_SE_SY_MESSAGE_WOMAN, NA_SE_SY_MESSAGE_MAN, NA_SE_SY_ERROR, NA_SE_SY_TRE_BOX_APPEAR, NA_SE_SY_TRE_BOX_APPEAR, NA_SE_SY_DECIDE, NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, NA_SE_SY_CANCEL, NA_SE_SY_HP_RECOVER, NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON, NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON, NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON, NA_SE_SY_LOCK_OFF, NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON_HUMAN, NA_SE_SY_CAMERA_ZOOM_UP, NA_SE_SY_CAMERA_ZOOM_DOWN, NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON_OLD, NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_URGENCY, NA_SE_SY_MESSAGE_PASS, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_SY_PIECE_OF_HEART, NA_SE_SY_GET_ITEM, NA_SE_SY_WIN_SCROLL_LEFT, NA_SE_SY_WIN_SCROLL_RIGHT, NA_SE_SY_OCARINA_ERROR, NA_SE_SY_CAMERA_ZOOM_UP_2, NA_SE_SY_CAMERA_ZOOM_DOWN_2, NA_SE_SY_GLASSMODE_ON, NA_SE_SY_GLASSMODE_OFF, NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON, NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_URGENCY, NA_SE_OC_OCARINA, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_LAND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_L, NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_L, NA_SE_VO_LI_MAGIC_ATTACK, NA_SE_VO_LI_LASH, NA_SE_VO_LI_HANG, NA_SE_VO_LI_AUTO_JUMP, NA_SE_VO_LI_CLIMB_END, NA_SE_VO_LI_CLIMB_END, NA_SE_VO_LI_CLIMB_END, NA_SE_VO_LI_CLIMB_END, NA_SE_VO_LI_DAMAGE_S, NA_SE_VO_LI_DAMAGE_S, NA_SE_VO_LI_FALL_L, NA_SE_VO_LI_FALL_S, NA_SE_VO_LI_FALL_L, NA_SE_VO_LI_FALL_L, NA_SE_VO_LI_BREATH_REST, NA_SE_VO_LI_BREATH_REST, NA_SE_VO_LI_DOWN, NA_SE_VO_LI_TAKEN_AWAY, NA_SE_VO_LI_HELD, NA_SE_VO_NAVY_HELLO, NA_SE_VO_NAVY_HEAR, NA_SE_VO_NAVY_ENEMY, NA_SE_VO_NAVY_HELLO, NA_SE_VO_NAVY_HEAR, NA_SE_VO_NAVY_ENEMY, NA_SE_VO_TA_SLEEP, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_APPEAR - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_ROAR, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_MAHI1, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_MAHI2, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_KNOCKOUT, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_DAMAGE1, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_DAMAGE2, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_ROCK, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_LAND, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_BURN - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_FIRE - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_VALVAISA_LAND2, NA_SE_EN_MONBLIN_HAM_LAND, NA_SE_EN_MONBLIN_HAM_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_MONBLIN_HAM_UP, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_CRY, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_AIM, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_RIZA_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_DEAD, NA_SE_EN_REDEAD_ATTACK, NA_SE_EN_PO_LAUGH, NA_SE_EN_PO_CRY, NA_SE_EN_PO_ROLL, NA_SE_EN_PO_LAUGH2, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_APPEAR - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_ATTACK - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_WAVE, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CATCH, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_DAMAGE, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CUT, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_MOVE_DEMO - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_BUBLE_DEMO, NA_SE_EN_MOFER_CORE_JUMP, NA_SE_EN_GOLON_WAKE_UP, NA_SE_EN_GOLON_SIT_DOWN, NA_SE_EN_DODO_M_GND, NA_SE_EN_DEADHAND_BITE, NA_SE_EN_DEADHAND_WALK, NA_SE_EN_DEADHAND_GRIP, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, }; if (BREG(32) != 0) { BREG(32)--; Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x1 << 28 | SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | 0x100FF); func_80078914(&zeroVec, unkSfx[BREG(33)]); } if (BREG(34) != 0) { BREG(34) = 0; Audio_QueueSeqCmd(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | (u16)BREG(35)); } } void BossMo_Reset(void) { sMorphaCore = NULL; sMorphaTent1 = NULL; sMorphaTent2 = NULL; memset(sEffects, 0, sizeof(sEffects)); sBossGanonSeed1 = 0; sBossGanonSeed2 = 0; sBossGanonSeed3 = 0; }